>best game of 2023. >I'm literally the only one shilling it here

>best game of 2023
>I'm literally the only one shilling it here

does Ganker even play video games anymore?

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  1. 6 months ago

    I don't have furry shit

    • 6 months ago

      It is anthro, not furry.
      Calling it furry is like calling ephebos pedos.
      Learn the difference, it could save your life.

      • 6 months ago

        kys furgay

  2. 6 months ago

    >builder shit
    >just rebuild the same shit over and over

    • 6 months ago

      Zoom Zoom checklist

  3. 6 months ago

    Last time I pirated it, this shit didn't even come with a basic tutorial or explanation of anything
    Into the trash it goes

    • 6 months ago

      Genuine moron here
      They literally added all of that and now hold your hand for the first 5 hours of the game
      You're stupid

  4. 6 months ago

    I like it but I wouldn't rate it among my favorites, not even for this year alone
    Getting to the higher tiers of production only to reset a minute later is super frustrating
    The game is pretty comfy tho

    • 6 months ago

      >Getting to the higher tiers of production only to reset a minute later is super frustrating
      Well that's the whole pull of this one game, if you want to keep expanding one city/settlement forever you already got every other city buider.

    • 6 months ago

      >Getting to the higher tiers of production only to reset a minute later is super frustrating
      Well that's the whole pull of this one game, if you want to keep expanding one city/settlement forever you already got every other city buider.

      • 6 months ago

        Are you implying that city builders are not the peak of autism.

  5. 6 months ago

    i hate the world of league of torchfortnite artstyle

  6. 6 months ago

    Looks like a mobile game.

  7. 6 months ago

    Ive put a lot of time into it. Thats kind of the issue though. I played it so much during early access I dont really have much reason to boot it up now. They havent added a whole lot, system wise, since several major patches ago. they mostly just cleaned up a few things.

    Still a really solid game even if I feel screwed by RNG with some settlements.

  8. 6 months ago

    I've played a good bit of it, at least 10-20 hours. I'm by no means a citybuilder pro. I like it enough but it becomes rough keeping track of everything, and having to refer back to user-made guides to understand proper production chains.

  9. 6 months ago

    Anyone got any tips for me? Only played a few hours and never lost yet on the baby difficulty but I often am absolutely lost in what the hell I'm supposed to pick for my blueprints and cornerstones. Currently most of the time I just try to go for resolve on the lizards/humans and get the rest of the points through those missions but this can take ages depending on the missions.

    • 6 months ago

      You may know this but the best beginner tip I got was that you don't have to choose anything right away (buildings/missions/cornerstones).
      At the start you're free to open a glade or two before choosing the best building and easiest mission. If people arrive but the storm is close and is going to suck don't take them in until it's over.

    • 6 months ago

      I like to get my basic building blocks in order. Stone, brick, cloth. Also figuring out cooked food production is pretty important. Getting farms going and flour to make biscuits or pies has worked out well for me when theres fertile soil.

      Once you get trade set up it becomes pretty powerful too. Trade goods make so much amber that I can practically buy out all the perks the trader has whenever they appear.

      • 6 months ago

        >Stone, brick, cloth
        Planks, brick, cloth*

        Also getting perks from cornerstones, traders, or glade events that increase production of a resource you're focusing on is pretty important.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, trade is super strong. I love the cornerstone that gives me provisions with each settler. I can trade the entire mission without having to make a single one and can sell off the excess for even more money.

    • 6 months ago

      Two main things on the game is getting over the early resource bottle-neck. To do that, you have to at least have one of the three main building materials on more efficient production than in crude workstation.

      On the first two/three blueprints offered, pick at least one that produces with max efficiency the building resources, either planks, cloth or bricks. Sawmill, Weaver, Bricklayer are all good picks, pick the resource you will most likely have the hardest time sourcing:Sawmill on maps where you cant chop-alot or without beavers, Weaver in maps where sourcing reeds is hard and Bricklayer(honestly never really pick that one) where stone/clay seems to be lacking, at least in your starting area.
      A second good pick is a kiln to make charcoal, and that building doubles as a slightly more efficient brick-maker than Crude-Station. But this is not necessary to pick on maps where you can mine coal from the ground deposits.
      Third pick is a toss-up. Farming is a crapshoot, depending entirely on how early in the game you can discover and use fertile ground. More efficient resource-gathering wagons is a total lottery, but a gamechanger if you win it. Luxury production buildings(clothier, brewer, smelter) all depend on what you can figure out you have access to at the start. Never pick a building you have some other one already producing at a passable rate.

      TLDR: Get basic building resources(Planks, Cloth, bricks) production set up first: Minimally one, preferably two, three is already luxury you rarely need. rest comes easier.

    • 6 months ago

      Don't open too many glades too quickly. Each one will increase hostility which will make your nibbas not want to stay when the storm comes. Small glades generally dont have too much resources anyways. You should aim to open your first dangerous glade in year 2 right after the storm and try to solve to event as soon as you can that year. You will probably get a trader that will be able to help you.
      Always keep an eye on your hostility. It's super easy to let that get away from you and all of a sudden you have 10 pops leaving in a single storm and your impatience bar doubles.
      Others have already said advice about production chains and stuff. Get planks, cloth, bricks, set up early if you can and dont mass produce them in the workshop unless you absolutely need to. Another thing to keep in mind, tho, is the species you have and what they will need. For example, if you look at the consumption tab and you see that you have beavers, humans, and harpies, which ALL eat pie and biscuits, if i remember correctly, and none of them eat skewers, then when making a choice for blueprints you should absolutely NOT pick skewers and pick the things that make pie and biscuts. Even if you dont have flour or farms set up, you'll learn to futureproof your village just by understanding the end of those production chains.
      When it comes to farm buildings, plantation is king because berries is best and it will ensure no one ever starves
      Farm is good because it gets you wheat for flour for conplex food
      Herb garden is the weakest for food production, but you can easily get packs of provisions to build your trade empire.
      Also, as someone else mentioned, trade is mega OP. Being israeli pays in this game hardcore

      • 6 months ago

        Herbs can be used with floor for biscuits and pies though. Personally I think farm and garden work will together with a bakery. If you get a provisioner then you can also make provisions for trade in the same building as your flour production. So even though rain mill is 3 star production, I still gravitate towards provisioner when i have the choice.

      • 6 months ago

        Excellent description on how to approach glades.

        Also basics on dealing with dangerous events on a shoe-string budget: Have these basic shit ready:
        Charcoal, tools, stone.
        In most dangerous events you can find first, your starting resources are enough to solve them. If you can not put up a proper way to source charcoal, you can forbid its burning on a stopgap-measure early on. That should be enough to handle things.
        Tools you cant source anywhere but trade, so dont send off or open any lootcrate you find until later in the game, exept when it specifically has the shit you need inside to resolve the event.
        Stone is a map-dependant resource, being either the most common shit or rarest thing around depending on the map, so good idea is to pay close attention you are never burning them into bricks if there is no easy replacement to them.

        Also, dont frick around with blood-flowers if you dont have shitloads of free labor availible. If your settlement is below 12 occupants, cancel everything and rush to kill the flowers instantly. You will not survive its first reproduction.

  10. 6 months ago

    I'm playing it silently. I enjoy it. Ganker doesn't talk about games unless theres something they can autistically latch on to in order to shit on it. Theres nothing like that here, it does the progression roguelike niche well enough for my liking.

  11. 6 months ago

    >have to build using random blueprints
    >have to hunt for resources in glades
    >have to gain reputation or fail
    >all of that, while you fight against the time
    it reminds me of timed missions from xcom
    I'm not autistic enough for this
    I'm still going to play it

  12. 6 months ago

    It ain't bad. I got addicted to it for a while and then bored of it the next day as if snapping out of a spell or something.

  13. 6 months ago

    I've been fiending this since 1.0 came out. Super cozy for winter evenings.

    Really good videogame overall, and great artstyle + UI. If you like Settlers, Northgard or any other city builder type games this is a must play

  14. 6 months ago

    Farms and trade routes seem really strong

    Do u people actually use the rainwater thing? Since it seems more hassle than its worth tbh (especially with having to micromanage the rainpump dipshits since they only need to be tehre on specific seasons) unless u have a mission to burn down cysts or something

    • 6 months ago

      cont. They should make it so that rainwater people automatically switch to being builders/haulers during offseasons at least imho

    • 6 months ago

      I typically only use rainwater when I have people to spare and an economy already set up, or if a cornerstone I want to complete has it as an objective. Setting up pumps with robots seems to be the easiest way if I have the pipes. Workers are too valuable to use on rainwater production in the early part of the game i've found.

  15. 6 months ago

    The thing about long early access periods is that most people who would enjoy Against the Storm would have already known of Against the Storm by the time it properly releases, so there's little hype bc we all know what it is already

  16. 6 months ago

    Sorry but i already played for 100 hours and dont want to come back until its finished.
    How far away is the final release?

    • 6 months ago

      1.0 release happened friend.

  17. 6 months ago

    Is Ganker Pro-Storm or Against the Storm?

    • 6 months ago

      Stop being a light-switch brained moron.

  18. 6 months ago

    it's pretty kino, a neat city builder with replayability. getting some good recipes going and churning tons of amber is fun.
    beaver clan best clan

  19. 6 months ago
    Certified Schizo Gamer™

    kingdoms and castles is better
    >but that came out in 2017

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