Best games with space exploration?

Best games with space exploration?

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  1. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Starfield (unironically)

      i would rather play 200mb game like Starsector over poofield

      • 5 months ago

        Right I'm sure it's not because your 2013 shitbox can barely run an OS without overheating.

    • 5 months ago

      Starfield (unironically)

      Starfield. Regardless of the constant Ganker and YouTube hate, it's the best space game out there, especially if you're into space things in general, and it's a good game

      >load screen simulator

  2. 5 months ago

    Fricking starbound with fracking + lovers lab mods

  3. 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago

    Starfield (unironically)

  5. 5 months ago

    Star Control 2 (actual answer)
    Starfield (indian answer)

  6. 5 months ago

    Starfield[there's literally nothing in space]

  7. 5 months ago
  8. 5 months ago


  9. 5 months ago

    Starfield. Regardless of the constant Ganker and YouTube hate, it's the best space game out there, especially if you're into space things in general, and it's a good game

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Seethe harder b***h

    • 5 months ago

      66% and dropping, moron. NOBODY believes this, not even (You). it's an absolute trash game and if it didn't have Bethesda's marketing budget and historical hype to benefit from it would already be forgotten, after flopping hard.

      • 5 months ago


  10. 5 months ago

    Outer Wilds. Although it's more fantasy-space than realistic-space.

  11. 5 months ago

    Ixion is fricking great and you're all a bunch of losers who are shit at video games for not liking it. It is almost exactly like Frostpunk in terms of resource drain, and you fricking idiots all love that shit to death. I honestly pity you mouthbreathing morons for being such smoothbrained mongoloids that you think repairing the hull is an actual problem. The game throws so much iron at you that the only way to not have enough is to literally be fricking blind or to make laughably stupid decisions like the sub 90 IQ drooling frickwits you are.

    The game isn't remotely hard, even on the challenge mode where everything is fricking exploding constantly. Each time I beat the game I make sure to end it with a frickhuge stockpile of alloys just to shit on people like you. I genuinely have so much iron and alloys that I have to do the shuttlebay cargohold upgrades just to hold it all before I can process the shit. While you're barely capable of feeding your 400 or so people mashed-up bugs because its all you have, I'm feeding all 5000 of mine individually customized fresh vegetables. And after a healthy, totally fullfilling breakfast they all go to church to worship the hull, and after that they attend the robot fighting arena, which I have right next to my gigantic hospital which handles all conceivable injuries and illnesses my people could possibly have. End your lives you miserable shits.

    • 5 months ago

      Ixion is fun for one playthrough but once you figure out the optimal build there's no reason to not follow it step by step anymore and once you experienced the first ending, it doesnt really give you any reason to replace to see the others.

      • 5 months ago

        I've played through it five times, twice on the challenge mode. I like finding the best ways to perfectly optimize everything, and the exploration stuff makes it really fun to replay to see what you missed. Some of the endings aren't great but it's nice to have options, including letting the ashtangites get wiped out. You probably don't even know what the silver spheres really are, do you.

  12. 5 months ago

    No Man's Sky

  13. 5 months ago

    Starfield captures the feeling of space exploration and the isolation of space really well. Pretty much the only game in recent memory that really feels like I was exploring space that wasnt embarrassed by it's setting.

  14. 5 months ago

    Looking to get into space flight sims and these are the games that have caught my eye
    >Freespace 2
    >Independence War 2
    >Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
    >Elite Dangerous
    >X4: Foundations
    Are these good? And do you guys have any recs? I'm interested in both combat and trading

    • 5 months ago

      Freespace 2 was a great game and a lot of fun. It's primarily just flying through scenarios, shooting the enemy fighters and capital ships and playing through the campaign. Independence War 2 was decent and had its moments.

    • 5 months ago

      I recently replayed Freelancer and I felt it was okay. I like the "arcadey" feel of the game compared to more autistic space trucking sims like Elite where space is much more empty because that's just how space actually is.
      But I felt it was shallow. Limited ship and equipment options, factions are largely inconsequential, trading is simplistic but it's just... there, it doesn't affect the economy at all and is mostly useful to bump your level to meet certain breakpoints for the campaign.
      Maybe try the freelancer MMO (Freelancer Discovery), I don't know if that fleshed out the world better.

      Take a look at Darkstar One as well. It's basically offbrand Freelancer by a german company. Same arcade style combat gameplay. The devs also made the Sacred arpg titles.
      Take note I haven't actually played it in 15 years so maybe it actually sucks.

  15. 5 months ago

    Everspace could have been good, but finding stuff so you can continue is a miserable experience. Combat is awful. All you really want to do is see something new, talk to people and navigate debris fast. It doesn't let you.

    Wouldn't take much for a good space game. Travel long distances, wake up when near a threat, opportunity/habitable planet, signal etc. One of many scouts picking a direction/star path to move humanity to. Land using limited rockets, look around. Get overtaken and meet humanity in the future. Find warnings, heed them or attempt rescue, investigate etc. Humanity may become the bad guys, people breaking free don't want to share spoils, have planets spoiled. A people used to exploring can't settle.
    More innovation than problems. Just be a backup to systems and mankind. Have some people in reserve, replacements or company for you. Less careless when seeing them move. More considerations when you're not in charge. When an evidently bad decision will get you killed. Outside of a map, without a plan, going out purely on hope. Using self destruct weapons as propellant. Worse case scenarios made your problem. Settle for bad scenarios instead of possible worse ones. And anything is possible.

    Pick a bad/undesrable spot and may never get met, not worth stripping the system to move you on eventually.

    Try to break free for a diifferent life. Damned to always miss out. Or have to excell to be chosen again to find somewhere else, or exist at all. Ethics change. Don't get the same people forever, unless you prefer eachother. Betrayed and promised people at the end of a journey. Backtrack or move on in search of your love, maybe it runs out. Maybe it's not allowed to, to give you reason. Or kept as a reward for going as far as you can, failing, requiring rescue. Being broken by encounters.
    Or just the illusion you're not alone while reality catches up, the last man untill theres hope for the rest. Then return to them. Lying would wipe them out.

  16. 5 months ago

    Elite if you like to cruise around in an empty galaxy then proceed to die by overheating because you did not turn on auto-deceleration when you drop out of warp
    No man sky if you like procedurally generated content

  17. 5 months ago

    not exactly a game but space engine

    • 5 months ago

      Its on sale right now is worth jumping into?

  18. 5 months ago

    Craft sim:

    Leave craft far enough away for it to escape if what you're sent out to fight, free or fix doesn't go well.
    Find out about possible aides to craft. Talk to other people. They may be desperate, greedy, degenerate. They may not even be people. Though students/cops etc don't count anyway, and they form when cowardice unites and without anything to offer, tries to control through limiting, experimentating, imitating etc.
    Whatever the case your life on the line. Giving up a position in which you can return should sound an alarm in you. No disarment. Restraints. No doors you can't open.
    Temptation a sure sign of corruption.
    Should you save threats? Maybe you were a threat once. Some aren't forgivable eg shrinks, scientists aka anything attended university. Shoot them without a second thought or leave them to reduce eachother. Others infected try to uncover something in them to grow. What they are outside of pressures. Part of what they produce.

    Can send back people by pushing away from them. Maybe the worst should come with you, though they'd sell everything they could to improve their position in any case let alone terrible ones.
    Make choices on children. Are they their parents. How much of something wrong remains. Maybe best to deserve better than arrange it. Try to nurture a spark, let it burn out the rot, or return it to life that gives. Feeding the flame with oxygen.
    Turn bad situations around.
    Do some flying in simulation and a small craft ahead another, making minor adjustments to sensor made maps. Sometimes they're wrong, not fast enough, things change, memory sparse from long journeys.
    Take undesirable routes to avoid pursuit while enemies are picked off. Make them come close range. Weapons less effective. Recoverable. Find out how much their life is worth to them. Or how much what their from means to them, or has arranged to motivate them. Meetings may even require danger to take you seriously. Show that you're not a lesser form of life. Shaped hard

  19. 5 months ago

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