Best mission in any RTS campaign? I'm thinkin it's To Chain the Beast.

Best mission in any RTS campaign? I'm thinkin it's To Chain the Beast.

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  1. 2 years ago

    What is that game?

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I really like the evacuation of Mar Sara.

      No way, StarCraft: Brood War. Really?

      • 2 years ago

        >evacuation of Mar Sara
        I'm gonna assume you mean Mission 3 of the original Terran campaign
        How remembered it playing as a kid
        >Building tension as you fight off incoming attacks, put marines on the roofs and prepare your defenses
        >A massive final tide of zerg units which chew through everything i try to put up
        >Barely survive with last few units and SCVs barely holding out
        How it felt when i decided to play during low hours on the ladder
        >Huh if i properly saturate those mineral patches they can support far more than the starting barracks
        >Damn, those attacks are pathetic, i wonder if i can move out and check the map out
        >Slowly sweep the map until the timer nears 2 minutes and a modest attack dies to my 5 control groups of marines
        Things that make you better at the game, also make you enjoy it less

        • 2 years ago

          Funny thing is, the mission was designed so that defeating the zerg was one way to win the mission. For some reason the trigger for this and the speech explaining this was disabled. So if you tried you just stared at a dead map for ten minutes waiting for the timer to run out.
          >Play as a kid
          >Scrape through the defense
          >Brother has a go at the mission, builds a million depots and almost no units
          >Wins because the zerg can't possibly chew through the million depots before the timer runs out

          • 2 years ago

            >Brother has a go at the mission, builds a million depots and almost no units
            >Wins because the zerg can't possibly chew through the million depots before the timer runs out

            your brother is based and boxerpilled

          • 2 years ago

            Always wondered why they removed that. Perhaps they wanted to really make it seem guaranteed that Mar Sara was lost.

        • 2 years ago

          Is that the last Terran mission of Brood War?

          I literally played this mission like 3 days ago and my experience was similar. As a kid I was barely holding up and the timer ran out as my base was getting overrrun. As an adult I almost cleaned up the map on my first attempt.

          I wonder how I'd fare nowadays in the final mission of base Warcraft 3. Whenever Archimonde showed up I knew the base was lost, I could never hold him off.

          Always wondered why they removed that. Perhaps they wanted to really make it seem guaranteed that Mar Sara was lost.

          Even if you survived the attack, later the Protoss show up and bombard the whole planet anyway, so you had to flee

          • 2 years ago

            >Even if you survived the attack, later the Protoss show up and bombard the whole planet anyway, so you had to flee
            Which is just told to you in text. Theres no cinematic for it and most of the cinematics are just things that are happening while the main story is progressing and then they hit you with the mengsk speech and you wonder why the whole game isn't like that.

          • 2 years ago

            The thing about Mar Sara evacuation is that when we first played we got some new units and structures to examine and see in action. Nowadays some probably remember exact values for everything on every unit.

        • 2 years ago

          Is that the last Terran mission of Brood War?

          I literally played this mission like 3 days ago and my experience was similar. As a kid I was barely holding up and the timer ran out as my base was getting overrrun. As an adult I almost cleaned up the map on my first attempt.

          I wonder how I'd fare nowadays in the final mission of base Warcraft 3. Whenever Archimonde showed up I knew the base was lost, I could never hold him off.

          Even if you survived the attack, later the Protoss show up and bombard the whole planet anyway, so you had to flee

          You have to keep in mind that it's just a third ( or fourth if you count bootcamp) mission in the game and the previous missions are basically a tutorial missions with passive enemies that won't attack on their own. Obvious you can't expect a massive difficulty spike, but it's still challenging if your a completely new to Starcraft (or even rpg games).

      • 2 years ago

        My trick for this mission as a kid was to float my Engineering Bay to the bottom-right corner of the map and wait for the timer to count down.

        Good Advice

        I remember getting freaked out by this mission around age 10. I thought someone might have hacked my computer and changed things so I played as the villains.

      • 2 years ago

        Better defensive mission coming through.

        • 2 years ago

          What, not a bad enough dude to kill the cheating undead before the timer runs out?

        • 2 years ago

          The mission played like shit, but it was interesting ideologically.

    • 2 years ago

      Dawn of War

    • 2 years ago

      >What is that game?
      ur mom II

    • 2 years ago

      Wargh Raft. It’s pretty obscure, surprised to see it posted tbh.

    • 2 years ago

      Zoom zoom

    • 2 years ago

      Starcraft Broodwar

    • 2 years ago

      Warhammer 40'000: Tyranid War

  2. 2 years ago

    That whole campaign has the best missions in the entire game, tbdesu
    Shame that the character interactions in its' second half amount to 'DUDE MIND CONTROL LMAO'

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah I'm thinking Rise of Rome Caesar Vs. Pirates.

      I really like the evacuation of Mar Sara.

      No way, StarCraft: Brood War. Really?

      It hits perfect every time as the quintessential sci fi last stand. The only custom missions I ever made used this same mechanic with a number of unit being made at set time intervals and attack ordering into your base. The fact that this was never really deployed anywhere else is sad. Any other rts just has scattered units meandering towards your base. No waves. No SOVL. Sad!

  3. 2 years ago

    I remember funly the Cid campaign, specially the moment the Cid is dead, but you just have his dead body on a horse to keep troops inspired.
    or something like that.

    • 2 years ago

      i forgot his wife's name...

  4. 2 years ago

    Excellent taste, I think you might be right. I can't think of too many other missions in any RTS that were as well designed or challenging.

    Runner up for me might be True Colors - Zerg 5 from Brood War.

  5. 2 years ago

    Escape from Aiur for me. I used to play it using only Zeratul like it was a Tactical Espionage Action™ game. Memorized every overlord's patrol route, every burrowed zergling or hydralisk etc.

  6. 2 years ago

    The vampire level in Dungeon Keeper 2 was loads of fun.
    I hate that they ruined it by having the monk level directly afterwards.

  7. 2 years ago

    Is there a way to actually beat the Starcraft campaigns without just teching up to the highest available unit for that scenario and making a deathball of them? I remember trying to do combined arms as zerg when you are fighting the protoss and I would run out of minerals without making any ground because they could just rebuild everything so easily.

    • 2 years ago

      The zerg? Unlike the Protoss and and Terrans with their Carriers and Battlecruisers the zerg couldn't just mass Hive units because Guardians and Ultras were pretty mediocre and so the zerg relied mainly on basic units with Defiler support.

      • 2 years ago

        Guardians are great against toss, just need some hydras to babysit them and they rape.

        • 2 years ago

          Not in BW. Maelsorm on hydras, then spam storms on everything. Especially before whatever patch that nerfed storm from 200.

          • 2 years ago

            maybe if you were doing the add-on campaigns. air zerg mopped up Brood War missions for me. i hate that mission where you can't build air units and you need to lose shit tons of ultras and hydra to reaver bombs.

        • 2 years ago

          Nah, the enemy shits out maelstorm and psistorm, also it's a pain in the ass because the toss always mind controls your overlords and rapes your hydras with DTs. Zerglings are the real play against toss in the campaign. On missions where there's no dark archons or not enough templar sure, guardians are pretty good at popping the 'goons the AI sends in one-by-one

    • 2 years ago

      the zerg campaigns are just a bunch of mass muta missions followed by a mass hydra + defiler for dark swarm
      Ultras suck against toss and air sucks against zerg

    • 2 years ago

      I won all zerg missions by either spamming lings, mutas or both, so yes.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, you can just spam the basic cannonfodder unit and make a deathball of them instead.

  8. 2 years ago

    The one in Age of Mythology where you control all the villains

  9. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I hope Nick is going with him

    • 2 years ago

      >rages against some toss player
      >arrested for hate speech
      what is he thinking?

  10. 2 years ago

    Good Advice

    • 2 years ago

      The only mission where you plas as hades main god.
      As a kid i was sad that all gods already researched, and you had aphrodite instead apollo, so no way to heal all these different myth units from the boats.

      • 2 years ago

        I just liked playing as red

      • 2 years ago

        Gastraphetes were so fun to use. I never even trained the other unique units.

    • 2 years ago

      >lightning flashes and all your units turn red

  11. 2 years ago

    Age 1
    1 monk vs 2 civilizations

  12. 2 years ago

    First mission of Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
    man that mission went balls-out early on

  13. 2 years ago

    >There's a coop version of To Chain the Beast with upgraded AI

    You will learn the true meaning of whoop-ass and pepper

  14. 2 years ago

    >killing civilians in the terrans fourth mission

    • 2 years ago

      >units literally named 'civilian"
      >your dudes autoattack them

      • 2 years ago

        They do? I thought you have to specific target them. Maybe I remember wrong.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm pretty sure they belong to the enemy team so your units will attack them on sight. If they're on a neutral team then you have to manually attack command on them.

    • 2 years ago

      they knew what they were getting into when they signed on to research the zerg for the confederacy.

    • 2 years ago

      There are no civilians in the Koprulu sector

    • 2 years ago

      Raynor is constantly worried about saving civilians, so I was surprised to see he had no problem shooting down those scientists. Guess he really hates the confederates.

      They do? I thought you have to specific target them. Maybe I remember wrong.

      Yes, your guys autoattack them. I was surprised too.

  15. 2 years ago

    Command & Conquer: Covert Operations - Blindsided
    I generally loved missions where the objective was the capture enemy tech and use it to defeat them.

    • 2 years ago

      Ohh, nice. The second half when you need to do a takeover of the outpost across the river is really fun and difficult too.

    • 2 years ago

      >that TS Nod level where you mash muties using stolen GDI tech
      Lovely stuff.

    • 2 years ago

      Ohh, nice. The second half when you need to do a takeover of the outpost across the river is really fun and difficult too.

      I just started playing the remastered version. I never got into C&C when I was younger. Got to the 7th mission on hard with nod, it’s nigh impossible. How the frick do I win?
      Anyways, I really liked the nebula missions in homeworld.

      • 2 years ago

        Which one? All three variants of Nod 7 are quite different.

        • 2 years ago

          All of them…hard mode is bullshit. Units move slower, do less damage. How do you win on hard mode?

          • 2 years ago

            Well, B, the one where you get an MCV to start with is probably the easiest regardless of mode. With Nod my basic strategy is using packs of recon bikes to kill lone approaching Medium Tanks quickly and then run away. B as I recall has rather constrained terrain though which is not conducive to bikes, and I would typically go for making the biggest force of light tanks I can to try to steamroll GDI, but if that doesn’t work you could try just running bikes through their base and taking out the village instead of try to kill GDI.

            Second to B I would go for C the Orca Heist mission, because all you need to do is just get an engineer with some luck into the helipad in the lower right corner, and then just blow up the village to the north with the orca. You don’t need to kill GDI to win.

            I’ll try these on hard mode tonight though because I could just be talking out of my ass.

            • 2 years ago

              I figured B was easiest, I found that I couldn’t build up a sizeable force to breach the GDI and destroy them. I tried to sneak along the bottom and use engineers to take out their buildings. The AI air striked my units and sold/instant rebuilt their guard towers when trying to take them out with tanks from out of range. I tried running pass their guard towers only to get crushed by the troops inside, grenadiers are bullshit. I was able to sneak some troops pass the base into the village, but it was my understanding you have to kill the gdi as well as the village???

              • 2 years ago

                So I played B on hard last night and managed to beat it, the main problem is you just aren’t going to have enough Tib to smash GDI like you can in normal mode. What I did was:
                >Start with double refinery and micro/kite with your fast vehicles - recon bikes against vehicles, buggies against infantry.
                >Get an airstrip first, then a hand of nod soon after. Comm center is optional because you won’t be unlocking any additional units with it.
                >If enemy infantry keeps fricking you up get some flamethrower infantry out to deal with them.
                >The enemy base has just two guard towers defending the west entrance of the GDI base, you can run recon bikes through it and north to the village.
                >This is potentially optional and you could maybe just run bikes, but I opted to build 10 or so light tanks and a few buggies to break down the guard towers and kill the responders, then switch to bikes and start running them up to the village to attack the civilian buildings. This seemed to deplete GDI just enough and they only really focused on trying to attack my base after that and didn’t care about the village.
                >Get a third refinery up at some point around your light tank assault because your north field will probably be close to depleted.
                >Run more bikes up to the village as needed. Once there try to focus on killing the village and don’t let them attack the GDI harvester moving through the area.

                Im sure there’s a more optimal strategy than this but it seemed to work okay for me. After your main attack they’ll mostly keep sending like 3 grenadiers and 3 minigunners, and the occasional medium tank to keep harassing you so just make sure you keep some flame guys around and use spare bikes or rocket soldiers to take out the tanks.

              • 2 years ago

                And also, yeah you do not need to kill all of GDI, just every single civilian building, including all actual civilians that pop out and the oil rigs in the northern part of the village.

  16. 2 years ago

    post theme:

    the yuri's revenge mission in LA where there's celebrity parodies walking around

    >tfw no RTS game which contextualises missions in a roguelike format with a creeping difficulty giving massive replayability

    • 2 years ago

      >probably remember exact values for everything on every unit.

    • 2 years ago

      Why the frick did they get rid of the voices?

  17. 2 years ago

    For me, it's Trudging Through the Ashes

    Not because rescuing acolytes was technically fun, but because it was the point where I realised how good Warcraft 3 was.

    >I'll make do without one

    • 2 years ago

      WC and TFT had so many good mission, i cant even point out any really bad ones. The defense of Mount Hyjal was fricking awesome.

  18. 2 years ago


  19. 2 years ago

    My top 5
    >1 - End of the Pig - Stronghold.
    Hard af when I was a child
    >2 - Lord of Outlands - War III
    The most enjoyable for me as a Kael'gay I loved the blood elves plot.
    >3 - Jihad - AoEII
    From rags to riches and use of alex the great bridge.
    >4 - In Utter Darkness - SCII
    I love their survival missions, but this one is not so overwhelming to last a bit more than expected.
    5 - Paris assault (Don't remember the name) - RA 2
    Overcharge the tower with tesla troopers was hilarious, also dynamiting cycling cars

  20. 2 years ago

    * the mission where you kill the overlord in SC and the lab exploration level
    * warcraft 3:
    searching the tomb of sargeras
    freeing illidan
    conquering the elves with arthas
    final orc mission (;_;)
    * the absolute clusterfrick that is attacking the kremlin in RA2
    *killing yuri as soviets in YR
    * mental omega:
    second soviet mission from act II
    soviet act chinese evacuation of europe
    dance of blood
    the final 3 levels from act II yuri and allies
    foehn's final mission
    * defending the tacitus in C&C 2, only because i fricking loved mutants.
    * actually just about any GDI mission because i fricking loved gdi walkers
    * gdi commando mission from C&C 3
    * the final main campaign age of wonders 3 mission
    * the aow3 expansion campaign in it's entirety, DAMN that was good

    i don't remember anything interesting from: aom, RA3, supreme commander, empire earth, dune

    rise of nations and homeworld I & II are GOAT games but as whole experiences, no individual levels really stand out

    • 2 years ago

      >the aow3 expansion campaign in it's entirety, DAMN that was good
      Halfling one or frostling necromancer?

      • 2 years ago

        frontling necro

    • 2 years ago

      >the final 3 levels from act II yuri and allies
      >foehn's final mission
      Holy fricking BASED

  21. 2 years ago

    Into China in AoE2

    >start with half a dozen light cavalry
    >objective: conquer all of China
    >have to capture villagers just to get started
    >have to find a way to overcome or circunvent the Great Wall
    >securing resources (all inconveniently placed) is difficult, enemies WILL happily raid every single mining operation you make
    >one of the enemies will build a Wonder shortly after start, when they complete it, a timer starts, and you lose if you run out of time
    >you have to find a way to destroy the Wonder, and fast, but it's placed on a heavily fortified island, in the opposite side of the map (so that you need a serious siege force, a raiding party won't do it) and the other factions won't just let you prepare your attacking force in peace
    >when you finally do it, you still have to conquer the rest of the map
    Easily 5 hours minimum mission, hope you have plenty of time to spare

  22. 2 years ago

    Starcraft 2 WOL final mission, there nothing better defending you base from 99999999 zergs coming toward your way.

  23. 2 years ago

    From recently the fourth mission of Babur campaign in AoE2 , The Battle of Panipat, comes to my mind. It's your "protect the base" mission, but what cool is that it's split into three phases. In the first one, per-defending one, not only you prepare your base for attack, but also can go outside it to do side-missions to help you in the next phase. Be it destroying the main enemy forward outpost to make him produce less units or destroying or even converting smaller enemy to eliminate threat from them or even get an ally. The second phase is of course the one where you have to defend and then when the timer runs out, it's time to counterattack. I have to say, it's quite sweet getting to destroy the enemy main base after surviving his waves of units.

    • 2 years ago

      It's a shame that levels like that or some of the stuff from Hautevilles or more recently Jadwiga and Devapala won't enter the public consciousness like the 20 year old campaigns.

      • 2 years ago

        *Rajendra, not Devapala

      • 2 years ago

        *Rajendra, not Devapala

        I have played Cumans campaign recently, I'm in the middle and It's pretty good. It's a campaign all about survival rather then the usual conquest. I like how so far every missions has the pressure of Mongolian horde as this unbeatable incoming threat.

      • 2 years ago

        A lot of these new campaigns involve fighting enemies with infinite resources and troops.
        I get the intent, most of the old scenarios could be cheesed by rushing the AI with your starting force. The AI is not programmed to respond well to that and falls apart easily. Conversely, you could just turtle in your base until the AI ran out of gold, then crush their trash units with your superior army.
        With the new system, rushing is no longer possible, while turtling will only make the scenarios last longer, but certainly won't make them easier. Since the AI no longer needs an economy, all the map's resources are for the player's taking. But damn, many times it's a grind, you have to keep pressure on the enemy with constant reinforcements until you overwhelm them.

        • 2 years ago

          like what map(s) exactly? I recently played through the newer campaigns and I don't see the problem

          • 2 years ago

            >First mission
            Tutorial well done, you've got almost any basic mechanic, then end with BOOM
            Like this feeling of progression, as if me liberating (mean killing everyone, since its US) the docks and airforce actually gave me reinforcements needed.
            Its a simple formula - two missions block the final mission, and their briefings imply that their outcome would change locations final mission (they do not) give player feeling of progress without actually blocking content in second play like Tiberium Sun.
            Alexandria misssion was kino - introducing mammoths best way possible - by giving me a big ass base to roll over.
            Fancy electricity shortage mission (havent seen anything like this in other games).
            Temple prime was long mission, but pleasant one. Really felt like it was the ending of campaign - last unit unlocked, finally able to spam superweapon, endless streams of infantry and vehicles coming at base, 3 tiberium fields make it viable to spam mammoths/firehawks. Temple is big as heck (not as big as say, augustgrad) and moving it down required some serious firepower. Pros for making me feel smart when I used snipers from north base to spot for juggernauts.
            I guess it makes sense...? Does it?
            Anyway, germany have good missions, munich was frantic the first time, really chaotic for me. The one with commando (stuttgard?) was fun ralying forces to finally destroy mean aliens, like some kind of insurrection, middle mission, where you start with task force, and later repair the base was rush as frick. Berne was a full out revenge, finally being able to push those mf to the ground and go full out.
            Aside from being emotional, design wise those missions are great step up: Theres a shitton of tiberium, not that many self sustaining fields, but just one time crystals everywhere. Makes rushing viable, which is important, since aliens tend to spawn carriers and destroyers out of nowhere.

            • 2 years ago

              Germany missions have little to no civilian buildings, like almost none spikes, garrisons, and so on. Makes you adapt tactic to more rapid developement, and rush tactics as a GDI, than before, when you could mostly stomp enemies if secured enough resources in early game. All n all its very satysfying to pull off. Its not SC2 Brutal level hard, but challenging nonetheless.
              Finally some RED zone. Fricktons of tiberium, even in starting areas easily sustain massive rushing. You easily go all out, use strongest and heaviest equipment avaible (which is literal superweapon, bombers, and memooth + commando combos) and if managed properly you can then use even more of tiberium fields.
              Final missions are a threeway (i mean you are aganist nod and scrin both times) thats good in my opinion.
              >at least 8/10

              • 2 years ago

                >First mission
                Tutorial well done, you've got almost any basic mechanic, then end with BOOM
                Like this feeling of progression, as if me liberating (mean killing everyone, since its US) the docks and airforce actually gave me reinforcements needed.
                Its a simple formula - two missions block the final mission, and their briefings imply that their outcome would change locations final mission (they do not) give player feeling of progress without actually blocking content in second play like Tiberium Sun.
                Alexandria misssion was kino - introducing mammoths best way possible - by giving me a big ass base to roll over.
                Fancy electricity shortage mission (havent seen anything like this in other games).
                Temple prime was long mission, but pleasant one. Really felt like it was the ending of campaign - last unit unlocked, finally able to spam superweapon, endless streams of infantry and vehicles coming at base, 3 tiberium fields make it viable to spam mammoths/firehawks. Temple is big as heck (not as big as say, augustgrad) and moving it down required some serious firepower. Pros for making me feel smart when I used snipers from north base to spot for juggernauts.
                I guess it makes sense...? Does it?
                Anyway, germany have good missions, munich was frantic the first time, really chaotic for me. The one with commando (stuttgard?) was fun ralying forces to finally destroy mean aliens, like some kind of insurrection, middle mission, where you start with task force, and later repair the base was rush as frick. Berne was a full out revenge, finally being able to push those mf to the ground and go full out.
                Aside from being emotional, design wise those missions are great step up: Theres a shitton of tiberium, not that many self sustaining fields, but just one time crystals everywhere. Makes rushing viable, which is important, since aliens tend to spawn carriers and destroyers out of nowhere.

                uhhhh did you reply to the wrong post

    • 2 years ago

      yep, can confirm this mission is really cool. at the start of his attack, I managed to push it all the way to his gates. then I plop down a bunch of mil buildings and pump out troops. but eventually I was overwhelmed, my army got slaughtered, and got pushed back to defending the base for the rest of the time.
      then it's sweet relief when my trebs finally crack down their castles win the scenario

  24. 2 years ago

    Wargroove's Felheim

    Too bad that
    >no white male charcters in the main cast

  25. 2 years ago

    >They'll remember us for this.

    • 2 years ago

      Lived a coward, died a hero.

    • 2 years ago

      To this day I don't understand why that homosexual general was on this guys case. oh no, he accidentally killed civilians while in the middle of an absurdly dumb far behind the enemy lines operation( with fricking abrams tanks). Like, really homie, you're really going to blame him for misidentifying while in a heated battle?

      • 2 years ago

        It was one bad frickup in a long string of frickups, and it doesn't help that Sawyer was very abrasive as well.
        >wienery & casual when first showing up to the French front, immediately getting on Sawyer's bad side
        >Constantly questions Sawyer's orders, some of which is warranted, other times pointless banter
        >Bannon described as a 'loose cannon' during the French missions
        >Disobeyed orders and took his men out of position in France M2, exposing the French commandant to soviet attack; he's never officially blamed for his death but it's 100% his fault
        >Fires upon surrendering Russian troops & civilians during the deep raid, which makes the US look bad and runs counter to Sawyer's more moral character
        >Badly screws the Typhoon submarine base raid, lets one of the subs go and puts himself in a position where Parker has to plug a hole in the defensive line as he retreats
        Bannon was starting to get better during the invasion missions but he was still a major frickup on the whole.

  26. 2 years ago

    Getting to save as many starting units as possible in Emperor's Fall Ground Zero was my personal fav
    Birds of War is too easy to cheese

  27. 2 years ago

    Why did they make the overmind a good guy?

  28. 2 years ago

    Despite being such conesseours ctrl+F gives not a single Tiberium Wars GDI Campaign results
    >how come?

    • 2 years ago

      excuse me?

      * the mission where you kill the overlord in SC and the lab exploration level
      * warcraft 3:
      searching the tomb of sargeras
      freeing illidan
      conquering the elves with arthas
      final orc mission (;_;)
      * the absolute clusterfrick that is attacking the kremlin in RA2
      *killing yuri as soviets in YR
      * mental omega:
      second soviet mission from act II
      soviet act chinese evacuation of europe
      dance of blood
      the final 3 levels from act II yuri and allies
      foehn's final mission
      * defending the tacitus in C&C 2, only because i fricking loved mutants.
      * actually just about any GDI mission because i fricking loved gdi walkers
      * gdi commando mission from C&C 3
      * the final main campaign age of wonders 3 mission
      * the aow3 expansion campaign in it's entirety, DAMN that was good

      i don't remember anything interesting from: aom, RA3, supreme commander, empire earth, dune

      rise of nations and homeworld I & II are GOAT games but as whole experiences, no individual levels really stand out

  29. 2 years ago

    I don't think Chain the Beast is the best because it forces the player into going for air by discouraging ground army use with the immortal red sunks. I always made BCs as a kid and wrecked anything and everything, there is little the AI can do.

    My favorite mission I think is Omega because it is genuinely difficult. Zerg doesn't have a unit it can make 12 of and win the game with like carriers or BCs which makes the zerg campaign more fun. To Slay the Beast is also pretty kino, though the AI is far weaker because it has to ferry its ground forces which gets shut down easily.

    I think the best terran mission is Ground Zero because although it is also trivialized by BCs, if you go for a ground composition, it can be fairly challenging since Mengsk shits out tanks faster than you can rally your troops in from the other side of the map.

    • 2 years ago

      >SC1+BW zerg campaigns
      >not just spamming lings/hydras/mutas

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, more fun than spamming tanks and gols

      • 2 years ago

        Protoss is even simpler, just spam dragoons. But Terran require micro, since they lack an all-around unit.

      • 2 years ago

        >not just spamming lings/hydras/mutas

        Even early in the Zerg campaign lings/hydras aren't viable, they just get destroyed by tanks

        • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >I think the best terran mission is Ground Zero because although it is also trivialized by BCs, if you go for a ground composition, it can be fairly challenging since Mengsk shits out tanks faster than you can rally your troops in from the other side of the map.
      You can blitz that easily just by planting a few mines around your base

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