Best RTS of the 2010s

This was the best RTS game released in decades and almost nobody knows about it. I'd also say it's the best economic game in existence and exceptionally balanced.
>complete free market simulation where prices are based on what players are buying, selling, and producing
>can monopolize rare resources to try to cut your competitors out of the market
>difficult decisions as you have to decide whether to build more construction materials to upgrade your base or claim more raw resource tiles that will be valuable late game before your opponents do
>great debt system where you can go into debt for certain resources while producing early game stuff, but if you neglect it for too long it can cause your stock to lower making you easier to buy out
>sneaky (but not excessively rage-inducing) black market system where you can anonymously sabotage other players
>they can defend themselves by placing invisible defenses on valuable tiles to try to catch you in the act and reveal your treachery
I miss this game in its prime. There's really nothing like it and I don't know how long it'll be before we see innovation of this degree in the games industry again.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Nah it's boring.

    • 9 months ago

      It gets boring after the first five games. The game plays out Virtually identically(with slight variance depending on faction). But even then that doesn't do much because certain commodities will always be valued highly by the colony(and the space market).

      I would put it at borderline mobile game tier, this game would have been acceptable if it was still in beta. But as the game is rn, I wouldn't call it even remotely complete unless the devs are willing to admit they made a mediocre game(let's give them the benefit of the doubt).

      clicking very fast isn't gameplay, boomer

    • 9 months ago

      It gets boring after the first five games. The game plays out Virtually identically(with slight variance depending on faction). But even then that doesn't do much because certain commodities will always be valued highly by the colony(and the space market).

      I would put it at borderline mobile game tier, this game would have been acceptable if it was still in beta. But as the game is rn, I wouldn't call it even remotely complete unless the devs are willing to admit they made a mediocre game(let's give them the benefit of the doubt).

      Casual RTS trading game. The novelty wears off pretty quick.

      OP dismantled lol

  2. 9 months ago

    It gets boring after the first five games. The game plays out Virtually identically(with slight variance depending on faction). But even then that doesn't do much because certain commodities will always be valued highly by the colony(and the space market).

    I would put it at borderline mobile game tier, this game would have been acceptable if it was still in beta. But as the game is rn, I wouldn't call it even remotely complete unless the devs are willing to admit they made a mediocre game(let's give them the benefit of the doubt).

    • 9 months ago

      this, it was fun for a while but got repetitive quite fast

    • 9 months ago

      It's a shame really. The game had a lot going for it, and it just stumbles from lack of content and a repetitive gameplay loop.
      Imagine if this game had a better campaign mode. The campaign ends too fast to use any of the improvements you get during it. While at the same time, the campaign drags on with even less options than skirmish since you literally only have access to a few buildings.
      The upgrades you get during the campaign kinda blow, and the ''progression'' is just dropping as many modifiers on the same few buildings since 300% more efficient food farms are insane at cornering the market.

      • 9 months ago

        It gets boring after the first five games. The game plays out Virtually identically(with slight variance depending on faction). But even then that doesn't do much because certain commodities will always be valued highly by the colony(and the space market).

        I would put it at borderline mobile game tier, this game would have been acceptable if it was still in beta. But as the game is rn, I wouldn't call it even remotely complete unless the devs are willing to admit they made a mediocre game(let's give them the benefit of the doubt).

        It's overdesigned. The core gameplay is too tight, so it doesn't leave enough room for interesting variations without breaking the game, this is why the campaign sucks. Multiplayer I'm sure would be fine amongst tryhards, but it was always too niche to attract enough of a community for that to be sustainable.
        This is why every new RTS is going to be a clone of an existing established game forever. Good new ideas die ignominious deaths.

        It's a matter of consistency.
        Also, the map should always have a blend of resource types.

        They tried to handle RNG well, but didn't really succeed. The initial concept was complicated but not complex, you could solve it without too much exposure. So they tried to shake it up with restrictions of one kind or another, but they were all bandaids ultimately.

  3. 9 months ago

    Casual RTS trading game. The novelty wears off pretty quick.

  4. 9 months ago

    It is/was good, but I still feel like its missing something. The early game is fun, the midgame curve into your primary product is fun, but if the game goes late you usually lose because you're just not the right company type, which feels bad. Dunno how to fix it, but it's so close to greatness. The devs went on to make Old World, so I hope they continue.

    • 9 months ago

      >okay game followed by bad game
      yeah they're destined for greatness alright

      • 9 months ago

        Let me guess? civ 5 homosexual?

  5. 9 months ago

    hard pass because it was designed by a literal commie

    • 9 months ago

      Sauce on his political views?

      • 9 months ago

        • 9 months ago

          He's just a liberal. He believes capitalism can be saved with regulations. Call me when he wants to tear it all down.

  6. 9 months ago

    Mogs the hell out of Surviving Mars tbh

    • 9 months ago

      surviving mars is... like someone put in all the right ingredients and then forgot to make a game with them.

  7. 9 months ago

    Mutinies are OP

  8. 9 months ago

    So is this a good game or a bad game?
    Also your thoughts about the Old World? I had it on my wishlist but never played.

    • 9 months ago

      Do you like civ? Do you like CK? You will probably like Old World.

      Offworld is a good game, just extra niche in the niche and I personally do not find it satisfying to play it for more than a game or two per year.

      • 9 months ago

        Is it a good mix of Civ and CK? What it's like? Can you give some more details?

        • 9 months ago

          City sites are limited, most are guarded by barbarian tribes which you can interact with. Tile improvements are excellent, adjacency bonuses, valuable resources. There are rural improvements, like mines and farms, but also urban improvements, like markets, libraries, towns(which grow, like civ 4), barracks and many more. Urban improvements can have a citizen trained to work in them, which generates appropriate resources like culture, military production, science.

          The best part of the game is each civilization has 4 noble families and each city you found you will give to one of the families. They have their own bonuses, so you will usually pick based on where and what is around the city. Each family wants 3 specific luxuries and will spawn their own families of characters who serve as officers or ministers. Events unfold where you need to choose to favor one or the other, they will adopt religions which can cause more conflict or make them like you more.

          The royal family unfolds with children being born if you are married, then when a child reaches age ten you can choose what stats you want them to study(charisma, wisdom, courage, discipline), these all influence characters and yields for characters throughout the game. Between age 10 and 18, children can be tutored which increases their stats and spawns events.

  9. 9 months ago

    You forgot, OP:
    >The ability to choose your faction before the match sta--
    Oh wait.

    • 9 months ago

      Why would you want to pick your colony type before knowing what resources are on the map?

      • 9 months ago

        It's a matter of consistency.
        Also, the map should always have a blend of resource types.

        • 9 months ago

          Starting resource price can vary from game to game, as well as the type of the big colony at the middle of the map whose modules consume different resources. So it'd be unwise to blindly choose a company HQ that can screw over your early game by inflating your upgrade cost.

          • 9 months ago

            Yes, as the game currently is.
            It should not be so.

            • 9 months ago

              One of the biggest complaints in this thread is that the game is too repetitive, so removing randomness would make it worse it in the eyes of many.

              • 9 months ago

                Not that simple, but I'm tired.

  10. 9 months ago

    Did anyone in here actually play the multiplayer?
    It has been desyncing for 10 years now, 50/50 any mp match will just turn unplayable. Once you're done bullying the AI there's nowhere left to go, no wonder it's forgotten

    • 9 months ago

      I played a bit with friends. It was decently fun at first but it got old fast.

  11. 9 months ago

    I like it but the endgame is so meh. Would have been nice if there were other ways to win, they could have added a different game layer, like maybe a endgame unit you can control. Or something to do with the planet politics. anon is right that the gameplay loop is too tight

  12. 9 months ago

    I like it, but only in multiplayer with at least 4 people. To me it rather feels like a real-time boardgame.

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