Best Samurai/Japanese style RPGs?

If you wanted to play in Medieval Nippon, or a fantasy world inspired by Japanese lore, which RPG is your choice?
I know of Legend of the Five Rings, but don’t know much about it beyond being Weeaboo dialed to 11.
There are also two free games I know of. Both are rules lite by their nature, amateur in quality, but seem fine as games go. Being free helps.

Whitebox Eastern Adventures. This is not a Whitebox FMAG expansion book, but a stand-alone game. It is very much an old school, 0-edition D&D game. For example all weapons are 1D6-1, 1D6, or 1D6+1 damage. Only four classes with some minor customization options, and optional four races of human, Japanese “Dwarves”, Tengu, and Kitsune.

Shinobi and Samurai is another free game, B/X style D&D rules, and the shortest page count of the games I just listed. But, it’s free, and hosted on the writers own site. That means no barrier to download the PDF. It’s also nice as it has 10 classes. But, it’s still B/X, so not a lot of customization, and only humans.

Sengoku Revised seems like a great source for lore, culture, and history, but a 3D6 Fuzion rules system is not my thing. Also, this is a game you pay for. It’s somewhat worth it for the lore.
I’m not sure there are more games than this, but naturally you can convert most fantasy RPGs by just re-naming classes and places. But, I prefer to not need to do that.
Any other suggestions?

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  1. 3 months ago

    >weaboo dialed to 11
    Yea you dont know much about it. I have a feeling anime gays would get very bored very quickly with the extremely rigid and lethal setting l5r has. Anyways thats your answer. Or if you want to play dnd you can play the 3.5 l5r, or the new 5e l5r. I made my own bx samurai homebrew built on whitebox fmag, but just playing l5r would have been better.

    • 3 months ago

      I would honestly say that L5R is so weaboo it overflows the buffer and circles back to not being weaboo.
      It's anime inspirations are few and far between, instead being based on samurai drama films with a sprinkling of 'adapted for wester audience / adventuring genre' stuff.
      It would be expected for your characters to be chumps in terms of combat and social standing, be relegated to being pawns in someone else's political motivations and constantly in conflict with themselves over constant gaps between:
      >personal needs and duty to their lords
      >duty to their family/clan and their post within Empire as a whole
      >between PCs in multi-clan parties, all pursuing said goals
      Like, 'Yeah, you're all Emerald Magistrates (essentially medieval Feds) but your clan leaders also pressure you for completely different results and reports, and you have to placate them while keeping your own heads attached to your bodies because your Chief Magistrate or Emerald Champion doesn't give a shit about what your daimyos want. Also, Lion has a massive beef with Crane because of Toshi Ranbo, Phoenix is assmad about Unicorn's approach to magic, Crab pisses on everyone because they neglect the thread of the Shadowlands, and nobody in their sane mind would trust the Scorpion, even though they all need each other to make a rounded party'.

      • 3 months ago

        I imagine there's probably one from japan that fits the bill.

        l5r is weeaboo before weeaboo was a word

      • 3 months ago

        I imagine there's probably one from japan that fits the bill.

        l5r is weeaboo before weeaboo was a word

        L5R research was 30% discussions with the head teacher at a local strip mall dojo, and 70% binge-watching the 1980 Shogun miniseries over and over again.

        • 3 months ago

          While the story line and characterisations are typically western, considering that Clavell for the most part was accurate and covered a wide range of Japanese culture and that a lot of that made it into the tv series, they could have done worse.

          • 3 months ago

            Saying they watched 80s Shogun more than once is giving them too much credit. Also you forgot “half remembering a Kurosawa movie they watched once.”

            Yeah, it occurs to me that I have to revise that put-down, especially considering that Rokugan will have laws and customs and such from Gempei-era, Sengoku-era, and Edo-era all at the same time, and doesn't even seem to realize that they make absolutely no sense together.
            It's like watching Robin Hood, Zorro, the Three Musketeers, and Les Miserables, and assuming that these all happened at the same time and represent the same setting.
            Oh, wait...AEG did that too...

            • 3 months ago

              It was all good for a laugh showing my japanese friend that stuff though

            • 3 months ago

              That's kind of par for the course in fantasy though, even your average generic D&D non-setting has knights in gothic plate alongside half-naked unga bunga barbarians and early medieval chain shirt vikings, khopeshes and estocs being made at the same time, printing presses and absolute monarchs ruling fiefs from the safety of a fort, polytheistic popes, and all sorts of other mish-mashes of different times and cultures.

        • 3 months ago

          While the story line and characterisations are typically western, considering that Clavell for the most part was accurate and covered a wide range of Japanese culture and that a lot of that made it into the tv series, they could have done worse.

          Saying they watched 80s Shogun more than once is giving them too much credit. Also you forgot “half remembering a Kurosawa movie they watched once.”

        • 3 months ago

          l5r comes across as extremely cringe because of this. I don't mean this in a politically correct sense, but it's basically a white people's caricature of what they thought japan was like. you can compare it to those funny pictures of america as imagined by japanese people where everyone wears cowboy hats and texas has a border with california, except instead of laughing at how silly it is players take it completely seriously.

        • 2 months ago

          And $30 worth of Greek myth.

    • 2 months ago

      I'd point you to Qin or Legends of the Wulin, but it's not quite what you're after. Even though I think LotW should be.

      John Wick also made Blood & Honor (some unfortunate associations with the phrase if you go looking for it), which is even more lethal though might not be as rigid. World of Dew has a different creator, better reception, and takes the system in the direction of yakuza, ronin, and other samurai-adjacent lowlifes.

      • 2 months ago

        If you wanted to play in Medieval Nippon, or a fantasy world inspired by Japanese lore, which RPG is your choice?
        I know of Legend of the Five Rings, but don’t know much about it beyond being Weeaboo dialed to 11.
        There are also two free games I know of. Both are rules lite by their nature, amateur in quality, but seem fine as games go. Being free helps.

        Whitebox Eastern Adventures. This is not a Whitebox FMAG expansion book, but a stand-alone game. It is very much an old school, 0-edition D&D game. For example all weapons are 1D6-1, 1D6, or 1D6+1 damage. Only four classes with some minor customization options, and optional four races of human, Japanese “Dwarves”, Tengu, and Kitsune.

        Shinobi and Samurai is another free game, B/X style D&D rules, and the shortest page count of the games I just listed. But, it’s free, and hosted on the writers own site. That means no barrier to download the PDF. It’s also nice as it has 10 classes. But, it’s still B/X, so not a lot of customization, and only humans.

        Sengoku Revised seems like a great source for lore, culture, and history, but a 3D6 Fuzion rules system is not my thing. Also, this is a game you pay for. It’s somewhat worth it for the lore.
        I’m not sure there are more games than this, but naturally you can convert most fantasy RPGs by just re-naming classes and places. But, I prefer to not need to do that.
        Any other suggestions?

        Seconding Blood & Honor. Rules lite, but not too lite, and allows good amount of freedom for experienced players. I like managing domains, which is another plus for me.

        • 2 months ago

          >Blood & Honor
          If you can't blind them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.

  2. 3 months ago

    Bushido by FGU.

    Bringing up this blast from the past often leads either to criticism by chuds or I'm going to be called someone's homie because there is some Bushido love on /tg/.

    It's a bit crunchy and the rules aren't expressed in the most user friendly way and even if they were it's still heavy, which is probably why some people have a problem with it. Assuming they actually want to make an argument and don't just say it's bad.

    But if you want medieval fantasy Nippon much as real world Nipponese folklore imagined it, a world where people do have to worry about meeting a kappa by a stream, where yakuza will have gang fights on the street manipulated by a devious priest whose sect has been infiltrated by a ninja to gain easy access for his assassination of the local lord's mistress who is herself a fox, not only hot but the kind the common folk believe wants to eat your liver, and everyone's using their ki power to boost armour class or for distance dim mak or to turn invisible or boost their luck,

    but all of this is grounded in a setting where Nippon is the four main islands, off the coast of China/Korea, Buddhism and Shinto are separate religions not some weird synthetic concretion, most weapons will be left at the door, normal everyday clothing, not armour, is everyday wear, trade is limited due to isolation both geographic and cultural, commoners only have one name (as far as the nobles are concerned), large battles are part of the core rules (either daimyo vs daimyo or, if your setting warrants it, shogun vs rebel daimyo)

    then you could do worse than Bushido. It was designed as chambara with fantasy so you get both "Medieval Nippon" and "fantasy world inspired by Japanese lore" at the same time.

    It's not rules lite. It's much better suited for campaign rather than casual play, murderhobos are discouraged, and there's room for intrigue rather than just straight up action.

    pic not related

  3. 3 months ago

    >If you wanted to play in Medieval Nippon
    What part of medieval Japan? The medieval period is usually considered a millennia long and a country can go through a lot of cultural phases during that time.

    • 3 months ago

      Late Jomon seems like it'd be pretty kino plus you'd get Nippon cartaphracts

  4. 3 months ago

    >Weeaboo dialed to 11.
    Probably something with playing card deck resolving mechanics plus additional escalating gambling mechanics.

  5. 3 months ago

    I haven't tried it, but I found this RPG about playing ronin on here before, so I thought I'd post it.

  6. 3 months ago

    L5R is fun and great for this, there's the new system that's in print by ffg /edge(more narrative like ffg's star wars game) with funny dice that I've played and enjoyed, and the old system that I haven't played but is more on the crunchy Traditional side of things that also has a fairly unique dice system.

    If L5R is not your style there is a pdf converting Burning wheel to feudal Japan as well called blossoms are falling.

    • 2 months ago

      If anything, I feel like one of the earlier editions would be preferable, as the later ones lost the spark that made the game what it was.

      • 2 months ago

        I'd call 1e & 4e the best of the AEG editions. 1e for being the original vision of the game. 4e for being the final iteration - not perfect, but better in many ways. 3e for anyone who wants fistfuls of free raises and more options.

        • 2 months ago

          Never could get into 3e, the gulf of time that 2e was in circulation made converting the group to anything more modern at the time fertile.
          FFG hasn't published anything worth reading since Blue Planet.

  7. 3 months ago

    >Almost a decade ago, Japanese artist and game designer Junichi Inoue sat down to create what was, in his own words, a uniquely and unmistakably "Hyper Asian" Japanese world: a world of magic and technology, of samurai and Taoist sorcery, of powerful mecha and cultured geisha. The world was named Tenra, and the game was named Tenra Bansho, or "Everything in Heaven and Earth."
    Probably not what you were looking for given the existence of cyborgs and mecha suits though.

    • 3 months ago

      It probably isn't but I still think it's the best explicitly Japanese setting and game

      • 3 months ago

        >explicitly Japanese
        It's gone so over the top in things that it stops being Japan and becomes parody of Japan. You also have to ask when do things from one culture become part of another culture. For example as onmyoji and kanji were from China. Kanji are now Japanese but even with a Japanese named are Daoist magical practises explicitly Japanese?

        The translator also writes that he added a lot of material. At least in English it loses the Japanese by Japanese angle.

    • 2 months ago

      It probably isn't but I still think it's the best explicitly Japanese setting and game

      >explicitly Japanese
      It's gone so over the top in things that it stops being Japan and becomes parody of Japan. You also have to ask when do things from one culture become part of another culture. For example as onmyoji and kanji were from China. Kanji are now Japanese but even with a Japanese named are Daoist magical practises explicitly Japanese?

      The translator also writes that he added a lot of material. At least in English it loses the Japanese by Japanese angle.

      There's two things that stop me getting back into TBZ. One, there's some kind of official/pseudo-official supplement called Tenra War that brings Western civilisation into the mix. Two, there's a homebrew that upends the weird position of oni into being magical lords of the realm rather than some weird native people thing where their and hearts are super useful to harvest as engines for machinery.

      • 2 months ago

        There might be two things that are stopping you but those aren't them. The supplements aren't stopping you at all. The supplements aren't picking up your dice and throwing them away or crying and demanding to be fed during a session so you can't hear the other players or jealously complaining you spend to much time playing games and not enough time with them. If you don't like a supplement, ignore it. Especially blaming a home brew is on the level of the babies who say Lucas ruined their childhoods.

        • 2 months ago

          You misunderstood. I do like them, and getting either would be difficult.

    • 2 months ago

      But is the game actually good?

  8. 3 months ago

    How hardwood it be to mould BESM for running a samurai style game?

    • 3 months ago

      Not hard at all. But you got to establish the ground rules from the get-go. Are you going for realistic and gritty or nutzoid shonen action? because that will limit what Attributes you may allow and up to what level.

      • 2 months ago

        >Not hard at all
        BESM Anon, not BBSW

  9. 3 months ago

    Oriental Adventures gets no love, but I've also heard it is unbalanced to the point of being unplayable, monks are broken, and players cannot mentally process the concept of ninjas having to operate in secret.

    • 3 months ago

      Oriental Adventures gets love if you mean the 1985 version before it was retconned to be part of FR and not the trash that was released in 3e as Rokugan for DND.

      It was totally playable. Some of my most fun playing and early DMing was in a mashup of 2e core with 1e OA.

      I never played as a ninja but there was one in the party during my campaign and during few short campaigns. From a DM perspective, I don't think the guy had much fun because he and I could both process the concept of ninja having to operate in secret. We were all friends and didn't have any of the "but my PC notices <ninja> disappearing and he's going to be suspicious" trouble leading to a ninja who can't do ninja stuff because a PC samurai is always sniffing around and party disharmony, or a discovered and so honourless ninja, and party disharmony.

      Nowadays we might argue over what discovering true identity meant. We'd expect a yakuza to be lying about his past so discovering that that the ninja was the yakuza PC wouldn't necessarily be enough if the yakuza was lying about his true identity, but back then it was a bit of trouble having a ninja around because it was an automatic split the party situation and those can be a pita. Ninja only got 1d2 hp per level which seemed light. That lead to a yakuza-ninja gaining hp at the same rate as a wu-jen/magic-user despite being a much more combat oriented class.

      DMed for a monk in OA just one campaign I think. I have no strong feelings on the matter but I wouldn't encourage a player to be a monk. I don't think I liked monks generally in AD&D but they fitted in OA. The worst bit for me was the monk player, who was my friend at the time, was a bit of a thatguy and an amateur minmaxer. Maybe if he had been better at numbers and exploits I would be prejudiced against monks since all the guy wanted to do was hit things. I don't recall it as much worse than a samurai: d10 hit dice, damage bonus, katana specialization with damage and to hit bonus.

  10. 3 months ago

    Aren't there two games based on Usagi Yojimbo?

    • 3 months ago

      Depends upon what you call a game.

      Nearly 30 years ago there was a stand alone book published called Usagi Yojimbo using the Fuzion system. Is that book its own game based on UY or just a UY setting for an existing game?

      20 years ago Sanguine published a standalone UY book using the same system as in Ironclaw and some other Sanguine publications. Same question.

      5 years ago Sanguine released a 2nd edition UY, also standalone using a 2d6 system that afaik is not used in other Sanguine books.

      Maybe there is one game and two settings for other games; or two games, one using a house system, and one campaign setting; or three games, one using a house system and one using someone else's multi-genre system.

  11. 3 months ago

    I'm still sad TETSUBO never came out. Daniel Fox the eternal homosexual kinda shit all over that, though.

    • 3 months ago

      Tetsubo is getting another release by Earl of Fife Games using their Heroes & Hardship d10 system but no news since they announced that so maybe it just collapsed and failed again
      it really is a cursed game

      • 3 months ago

        At this point I'd be tempted to just make my own WFRP 4e shit brew, I'd just need a list of careers to create and be good to go.

      • 3 months ago

        It's not cursed, the main guy/duo (i can't recall if one of them buggered off or not) is just a lazy homosexual. At this point it's been in "development" for like thirty years, was in stasis for most of that time, andd has been through four different rulesets or some shit

        • 3 months ago

          >the main guy/duo (i can't recall if one of them buggered off or not) is just a lazy homosexual
          The guy that made Zweihander officially shitcanned the project because it wasn't made by asians. I don't believe he'd cover for their laziness by shitting on their whiteness, when he's that much of a prog homosexual.

          • 3 months ago

            Tetsubo is just a side project/hobby for the two of them since GW rejected it for being "too historical and not Warhammery enough" I don't know what happened to that Earl of Fife version of the game though, I guess the Kickstarter just didn't work out

            • 3 months ago

              >GW rejected it for being "too historical and not Warhammery enough"
              Yes, and then after that they were going to make it for Zweihander but Dumbass Fox rejected it for being made by two white guys. That’s not even an exaggeration.
              That’s when they moved on to Heroes & Hardships and it’s probably now sitting in development hell.

  12. 3 months ago

    Green Ronin’s Sword Chronicle with some refluffing would make a fantastic samurai RPG. It’s their Song of Ice and Fire RPG system with all the game of thrones shit stripped out of it. The PCs are assumed to all be characters from a noble house, and the game has mechanics for generating and growing said noble house, a social combat system, and mass battle/warfare.

  13. 3 months ago

    There was a Samurai Shodown splatbook for Thrash.

  14. 3 months ago

    I, too, have been watching Shogun

    • 3 months ago

      so did a lot of people in fact

  15. 3 months ago

    Unless I've forgotten something there's nothing actually jap themed on the mythras books but you should use it anyway because the combat system fits samurai perfectly

    • 3 months ago

      Not OP but I’m looking for some non-D&D/PF alternatives for a not!Japan setting as well. What’s Mythras like and how do the combat mechanics fit samurai in your opinion?

      • 3 months ago

        Chartmaster with Training Wheels

  16. 3 months ago

    If one is worldbuilding for their own fantasy Japan setting, is there anything that they need to consider or remember for how the magic works compared to Western views on the subject? Because besides the paper seal concept, I know very little that isn’t pulled straight from anime.

    • 3 months ago

      the gods are everywhere
      the gods are in everything
      irresistible grace is granted through belief in the gods

    • 3 months ago

      Check out the book “The Dark Side of Japan: Ancient Black Magic, Folklore, and Ritual” by Antony Cummins. It’s pop history but I swear this Cummins dude wrote it specifically for the RPG market.

    • 3 months ago

      I think the biggest difference between fantasy japan made by japan and fantasy japan made by westerners is not understanding that japan has multiple belief systems. western created settings are like

      the gods are everywhere
      the gods are in everything
      irresistible grace is granted through belief in the gods

      and go way too hard on the shinto aspect and completely overlook the other aspects or awkwardly combine them all into the same system.

      basically you have shinto which is the native religion, buddhism which was imported from china, and onmyodo which was is basically imported chinese concepts that developed independently in japan. they are all distinct, but also influenced each other and a single person would do things from all 3. there's also taoism which is different but could show up as a foreign character.

      basically just have 3 or 4 different classes that all have different funny hats, except for one that's bald.

      • 3 months ago

        >I think the biggest difference between fantasy japan made by japan and fantasy japan made by westerners is not understanding that japan has multiple belief systems. western created settings are like
        I think the biggest difference between fantasy japan made by japan and fantasy japan made by westerners is westerners are way too overly concerned with offending some third generation Chinese diaspora from Canada than they are with doing fun and cool shit.

        • 3 months ago

          does this really happen? rokugan is old and even kamigawa is almost 20. plus asians are the one minority that white people don't care about being racist to.

          • 3 months ago

            It happens. I saw this thread in reddit about "can I do something oriental? how can i do it without offending you, oh chinks?" at least 700 hundred times

            Depends upon what you call a game.

            Nearly 30 years ago there was a stand alone book published called Usagi Yojimbo using the Fuzion system. Is that book its own game based on UY or just a UY setting for an existing game?

            20 years ago Sanguine published a standalone UY book using the same system as in Ironclaw and some other Sanguine publications. Same question.

            5 years ago Sanguine released a 2nd edition UY, also standalone using a 2d6 system that afaik is not used in other Sanguine books.

            Maybe there is one game and two settings for other games; or two games, one using a house system, and one campaign setting; or three games, one using a house system and one using someone else's multi-genre system.

            Depends upon what you call a game.

            Nearly 30 years ago there was a stand alone book published called Usagi Yojimbo using the Fuzion system. Is that book its own game based on UY or just a UY setting for an existing game?

            20 years ago Sanguine published a standalone UY book using the same system as in Ironclaw and some other Sanguine publications. Same question.

            5 years ago Sanguine released a 2nd edition UY, also standalone using a 2d6 system that afaik is not used in other Sanguine books.

            Maybe there is one game and two settings for other games; or two games, one using a house system, and one campaign setting; or three games, one using a house system and one using someone else's multi-genre system.

            >5 years ago Sanguine released a 2nd edition UY, also standalone using a 2d6 system that afaik is not used in other Sanguine books

            Old Sanguine UY was my first RPG. It was so cool though a little clunky. I went to check so fast and filled with hype the new version, 2d6 being the chad bell curve, very elegant and fitting to the game in my mind

            >Its powered by the cuckalypse


            • 3 months ago

              Ha, did not know it was pbta based, and looking it up other games by Sanguine have used it. As a non-pbta player, I don't understand the pbta hate.

              What's the problem? Mechanically most games I know of come down to roll vs target number. It might be d20 or 3d6 or skill based dice pool, some have many skills, abilities, some few, some are simulationist or complex, other simple. Lots of games don't attract the hate that pbta does no matter where they are on those axes.

              The only thing I see that makes pbta stand out is that it's also called narrative or shared story telling where players set up story too, not just dm. Is that it?

              • 3 months ago

                are there any tolerable versions of pbta or pbta based derivatives?

          • 3 months ago

            Edge is completely changing Rokugan specifically for that reason.

        • 3 months ago

          It happens. Primarily when they want to avoid being seen as offensive rather than if they actually care of it's offensive. It's like how they're changing up Rokugan for their new printing of Oriental Adventures to include less Japanese terms but just shove in a bunch of Chinese shit instead with zero regard for how it sounds as artificial as the weeaboo shit that it's replacing. Like, I get why they're doing it, but it's not necessarily any less offensive, it's just a slightly different flavor of it. And Rokugan was so derpy to begin with that it's easy to laugh at or completely dismiss as too stupid to be worth one's time, like how there's a clan of Not-Mongols with a family that's called the Otaku (renamed to Utaku cause lol).

          • 3 months ago

            > include less Japanese terms but just shove in a bunch of Chinese shit instead with zero regard for how it sounds as artificial as the weeaboo shit that it's replacing. Like, I get why they're doing it, but it's not necessarily any less offensive
            It’s because they’re unknowingly and unwittingly participating in Chinese racism against the Japanese. Chinese both native and diaspora have made it a habit to co-opt Asian inclusivity movements to basically be racist against other asians. Just look at the CCP trying to use the Stop Asian Hate movement to silence criticism of their regime, or, in this very case, Asians Represent and a Chinese “culture consultant” trying to erase as much japan from L5R as possible.
            They’re weaponizing white guilt. It’s disgusting.

            • 3 months ago

              wonder if it has impacted the success of the FFG L5R relaunch since the main audience for a "Culture game" like L5R are people who want to play in a setting that heavenly leans in the trapping and aesthetics of it no matter how superficially it is originally was.

      • 3 months ago

        Shinto is an 18th c invention by the Meiji oligarchs
        Japan was a buddhist country since the 5th c or thereabouts syncretized with local folk beliefs and mythology the same as it did with local beliefs in Tibet, China and SEA respectively
        Since Buddhism came over the old native priesthoods lost all political power and relevance in like a century, and while the common shitkicker might still believe all kinds of superstitions and fear the boogeyman and perform sacrifices and charms to ward off evil and misfortune and whatever, that same shit went on in Christian Europe and still persists to this day, it wasn't a "religion", it was Amida the people prayed to for salvation, it was buddhist morality that guided people, it was buddhist sects that were so rich and powerful they employed private armies and waged private wars, it was buddhist monks like Tenkai that advised the shoguns, it was buddhist monastic vows that emperors and shoguns and daimyo took when they abdicated their power or retired

        • 3 months ago

          that's only state shinto. as you admit there was already native beliefs before buddhism arrived.

          • 3 months ago

            Calm your breasts, this is a conversation, not a debate.

  17. 3 months ago

    L5R is hardly weeaboo in the usual sense of the term

    • 3 months ago

      good ol' AEG 4th ed.
      the 5E FFG version literally has ThunderBolt fantasy as a source.
      (among other full-on Crunchyroll newb listings)

      I love me some TBF...I really do!
      but TBF is not's Exalted.

      • 3 months ago

        Don't fret anon, your are right.
        TBF takes heaps out of the wuxia genre. Literally chi blasting lesser martial artists by the dozen.
        L5R is the poor western imitation of seven samurais and the like.

      • 2 months ago

        I do recall it being quite the obsession for a long while. Like everything should be run using Exalted.

        And then at some point everyone started hating the system.

  18. 3 months ago

    If Samurais are the Fighters and Ninjas are the Rouges, then what is the equivalent role for the Mage class?

    • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago


        Pic rel is the Mages? They look more like Monks to me.

        • 3 months ago

          That's cause they ARE monks, but not the DND kung-fu kind nor the western kind. They're priests that practice something called Shugendō, which is basically the weird combination religion of shintoism, buddhism and local folklore. Most fantasy games have them as traveling spiritualists that perform rituals for the local peasantry and lords, and occasionally summons nature spirits to do their bidding if someone or something nasty threatens them bodily harm.

          • 3 months ago

            Kinda weird to use Shugenja when japan itself prefers Omnyouji as get-to-go Mages in their supernatural stories.

            • 3 months ago

              That's cause onmyoji are a completely different form of mystic with very deep historical ties to the development of Japan as a nation, meaning if you frick up your research you might have offended a fair number of people. Obviously if you've got the know-how onmyoji are a lot more interesting a subject to include as your game's mystic of choice, but shugenja probably seem safer to use since they can be seen as a catch-all backup for westerners who don't get how confusing eastern mythos and religions get.

              • 3 months ago

                >That's cause onmyoji are a completely different form of mystic with very deep historical ties to the development of Japan as a nation, meaning if you frick up your research you might have offended a fair number of people.
                Japan does not care about that stuff unless it involves real-life imperial royalties. Look at the manga Tokyo Ravens and Twin Star Exorcists, they just portray Omnyouji as mages in shonen battle.

              • 3 months ago

                Of course Japan doesn't care, it's their thing. Overcautious western marketers are an entirely different demographic though, and they're the ones calling the shots.

              • 3 months ago

                Is that animu basically Kamigakari?

              • 2 months ago

                >Tokyo Ravens
                Eh, Tokyo Ravens does actually dive fairly deep into Onmyoudo mysticism, it just got neutered in the adaptations. Also on that topic, it'd be rad for a system to embrace the elemental wheel as hard as TR had, letting you take advantage of elementally-generating relationships to combo spells into each other for stacking power.


              • 2 months ago

                if you want something closer to authentic the way it was handeled in gatekeepers would port over better to a roleplaying game.

              • 2 months ago

                NTA, but how was it handled there, as I’ve never heard of it before?

      • 3 months ago


        That's cause they ARE monks, but not the DND kung-fu kind nor the western kind. They're priests that practice something called Shugendō, which is basically the weird combination religion of shintoism, buddhism and local folklore. Most fantasy games have them as traveling spiritualists that perform rituals for the local peasantry and lords, and occasionally summons nature spirits to do their bidding if someone or something nasty threatens them bodily harm.

        this is stupidity caused by a misunderstanding by the people who created the l5r setting. shugenja were mountain hermits, not any kind of wizard. it should be something like kannushi = priest, onmyoji = diviner, buddhist monk = monk, taoist mystic = wizard.

        • 3 months ago

          so they should be anologs Druids if anything?

          • 3 months ago

            if they were anologs theyd be dryads not druids tbh

            • 3 months ago

              what would be the analogue for Druids in a Japanese setting then?

              • 3 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          dnd. used derogatorily
          play more games

        • 2 months ago

          Samurai = Warrior/Fighter
          Ninja = Rouge/Thief
          What else?

          • 2 months ago

            Banjin are your one HD monsters
            ____mono are your two-twelve HD monsters

    • 3 months ago


  19. 3 months ago

    Only real ones know.

    • 3 months ago

      If you had told me that walking simulators would find the are way into roleplay games I would have laughs.

      • 3 months ago

        I mean, he did a lot of walking when he wasn't merking samurai and yakuza.

    • 3 months ago

      Oh, we knew, we just saw the thread title was "Best" and dragging in one John Wick system was enough for this thread

      • 3 months ago

        Did someone say “John Wick”?

        • 3 months ago

          How many more times will it have to be explained Wick didn’t write that and had nothing to do with 4e?

        • 3 months ago

          what a terrible example of consequence since the player had no idea why his character was suddenly merc and the GM refused to tell him why.

          • 3 months ago

            >terrible example
            Which is why anon related it to the style of john wick. He didn't say wick wrote it so

            How many more times will it have to be explained Wick didn’t write that and had nothing to do with 4e?

            is asking a fruitless question.

        • 3 months ago

          how the frick would the player not know what happened to his character? what a moronic ass gm.

          • 2 months ago

            The game ended with their fate a mystery. It's not something to pull on people who won't take it well, but if you're going to leave someone on the question of "What the frick was that?" ... it's a bit funny.

            • 2 months ago

              but how can the player not know what happened to his own character? like if the gm said "you got bonked on the head and never woke up again" that's one thing, but how can you not even know if your character is dead or alive?

              • 2 months ago

                How can you know what happened after the GM stops GMing?

              • 2 months ago

                You guys don't shoot the shit after the game?
                Must be a zoomer/zillenial thing.

              • 2 months ago

                If the game continues after you stop the game, you didn't stop the game.

              • 2 months ago

                What the frick kind of autism is this?

              • 2 months ago

                It's not Autism, it's a Hat-trick, and it's as straight as /asp/

              • 2 months ago

                the point is that the gm stopped doing his job just to be a dick. a player should know everything that his character knows.

              • 2 months ago

                The whole point of the unreliable narrator is that it has its origins going back to the early days of the hobby.

              • 2 months ago

                unless you are playing a game with a sanity meter unreliable narrator shouldn't come into the picture. the player can't play his character if he isn't aware of everything that his character would know. imagine if you are going through a dungeon and your character falls into a pitfall even though you passed the spot check. you ask the dm if you failed, and he says "oh no your character saw the trap but I didn't feel like telling you."

              • 2 months ago

                >unreliable narrator shouldn't come into the picture

              • 2 months ago

                why are you black?

              • 2 months ago

                why are you calling me an untrustworthy storyteller?

              • 2 months ago

                because you are too busy shucking and jiving to tell me what my character can perceive

              • 2 months ago

                As far as I can tell there is a lot of "love the setting, hate the system" going on.

              • 2 months ago

                The point of what they were doing was to make the world reflect the actions of the players. That they did it badly is beside the point. Muddies it, even. There was no next session after the kidnapping. Everyone knows everything that happened, but nothing happened after the campaign ended.

              • 2 months ago

                People die when they are killed.

              • 2 months ago

                My characters wouldn't die, even if you killed them.

              • 2 months ago

                this is just semantics. look at what the gm said:
                >"You don't know."
                who is you? the player or the character? in the context of a rpg a player might have meta knowledge that his character does not, but a character should never have information that's unknown to the player. withholding information as a weapon against the player to prove some kind of point is pompous homosexual behavior.

              • 2 months ago

                If Knowing wasn't Half the Battle, what would Fighting be For?

              • 2 months ago

                I accept your concession

              • 2 months ago

                Reread the earlier post

              • 2 months ago

                >read my sophistry
                unless you are playing some kind of lovecraft game there is never an acceptable time where a player does not have access to all of the information available to his character.

              • 2 months ago

                >as the story threads were coming to a close
                The character may or may not have had more story, but the game itself ended there. It's weird that you can't think of any equivalent to this in any other media.

              • 2 months ago

                from the sound of it that wasn't the last thing that happened in the game, and even if it was you should be able to have a simple understanding of the status of your character like "am I dead?" or "was I kidnapped?"

              • 2 months ago

                The simple understanding was "Ask next session."

              • 2 months ago

                if the other players are still going then that means the game isn't over yet which means you are entitled to be as informed about your character as any other player. even if that was literally the last thing that happens in the campaign it still isn't acceptable. imagine if the last thing that happens is the players defeating the final boss and then asking the gm what happens to their characters after that and he just says "I'm not telling."

              • 2 months ago

                >if the other players are still going
                I don't think they were, I don't think the guy who wrote the thing did it right, and there's nothing new to add.

              • 2 months ago

                When did the session end? When did the player ask? You don't know.

              • 2 months ago

                how the frick would the player not know what happened to his character? what a moronic ass gm.

                what a terrible example of consequence since the player had no idea why his character was suddenly merc and the GM refused to tell him why.

                Your posts say you're not the sort of people I'd like playing with. I'm not saying that you're bad people or that I don't like you or that you're stupid, just saying that I don't think I'd enjoy playing with you because we approach things in different ways and even if my approach didn't annoy you, yours would annoy me.

                DM says one thing, player's free to say screw you guys, I'm going home.

                DM can live in his little fantasy world, player can live in his, why should player even care what DM says in a situation like this. You're acting like the DM is some magical sky wizard who controls the universe and everything in it, the real world, not just the game. Even if the player stops playing after a fallout and next session DM says "that guy who just left, his character is anally raped by tentacle monsters" doesn't mean it happened, because it didn't, it's make believe. Even if DM and player were good buds and no fallout, a DM trying on that crap can anticipate a "no it doesn't response" from sensible people.

                That the DM in this make believe story didn't give a resolution to any of the players about this single PC just means DM was metagaming in a pointless fashion. He might like to think he was the moral high ground teaching the player a lesson--at the end of a campaign, without any association with the previous act that DM says incited the lesson--but he's an idiot. Such an approach is completely contrary to the Pavlovian behaviour modification that the DM in his over inflated ego probably things he's enacting.

                You're all acting like it means something important to the player or the PC when all it means is that DM was stupid. Maybe in DM's little head it happened, but for player, nuh uh.

                Who's the arbiter of my PC's fate? Me. I agree to play within the rules of the game, I understand death by combat or trap or jumping off a cliff but I don't abide stupidity like that DM pulled, or claims he pulled in some edgelord fantasy.

        • 2 months ago

          The world slowly reflecting the actions of the PCs back to them could work in the hands of a GM who isn't a prick.

  20. 2 months ago
  21. 2 months ago

    I'd just play an actual RPG designed in Japan first and worry about the rules shit later, the setting is the easiest part anyway.

    • 2 months ago

      if ye can find translations for it.
      Tenka Ryoukan RPG.

      • 2 months ago

        er, Tenka Ryouran, I mean.
        Supposedly, it's a very japanese fantasy TRPG... just has yet to be translated.

  22. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      For You're Consideration

      • 2 months ago
        • 2 months ago

          what was the Eku used for?

          • 2 months ago

            It's an oar. And it also functions as a weapon according to Miyamoto Musashi.

            • 2 months ago

              >leaping fart rocket overhand style

          • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      >sometimes it's tachi, sometimes it's dachi
      make up your mind moron

      • 2 months ago

        if there are letters in front of it then it's dachi, otherwise tachi

        same for katana and gatana

    • 2 months ago

      >Kodachi is shorter than wakizashi
      It should be longer.

      • 2 months ago

        >Kodachi is shorter than wakizashi
        >It should be longer.
        Ko is Japanese for Kid

        • 2 months ago

          Unless I'm wrong, Kodachi is supposed to be the companion weapon of Tachi and the predecessor of Wakizashi. So the evolution should be like this:
          Tachi -> Uchigatana
          Kodachi -> Wakizashi
          Oodachi -> Nagamaki

  23. 2 months ago

    >If you wanted to play in Medieval Nippon, or a fantasy world inspired by Japanese lore, which RPG is your choice?
    Thanks anon, but I lived through the turn of the millenium and all the fricked-up shit that came on the wave of L5R 1e, so the last thing I want is playing this theme. We can negotiate on anime spoof, that could work, but any other convention - nope, frick that shit. Been there, seen that, still revolted 20-odd years later

    • 2 months ago

      >all the fricked-up shit that came on the wave of L5R 1e

      • 2 months ago

        Ok, imagine a combination of:
        - edgelords, the mid-to-late 90s kind
        - weeaboos, the early internet ones
        - 90s trends in gaming and roleplaying
        - specific brand of realismhomosexualry (the well, akshually one)
        - the general cluelessness of the era
        Blend together, season with Kurosawa movies and edgy early 90s anime. It was such monumental shiftest, I just had a fricking flashback of a angry argument people had at the table when I was a fricking teen and playing L5R back then.

        • 2 months ago

          Ah. Most people grow out of the 'shitty person' parts of that, and I don't think we're going to seriously attempt to recapture the 90s at least until the 2030s. Hard to do the same mix of ignorance and 'frick it we are replacing our ignorance with unrelated mythology' today.

          • 2 months ago

            ... it only got worse since then in this particular niche of the hobby, you dumb c**t

  24. 2 months ago

    what weeb game will let me play a tengu samurai

    • 2 months ago

      Your job as a tengu is to stare at the river stream, create a scene in the woods, throw stones at travelers, and flick some flames.

      • 2 months ago

        But I want to fight people with swords. I'll be a good buddhist or whatever just let me be a samurai pleaaaase

    • 2 months ago

      L5R, though not 1e or 2e. Maybe 5e. Definitely AIR, but then you're playing D&D 5e.

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