Better than Signalis? Or no? Because I am seriously at my limit with that game.

Better than Signalis? Or no? Because I am seriously at my limit with that game. On my 4th attempt of trying to see whats so good about it, and recently got gaslit in a thread with reddit tier "You don't have to like it!" nonsense. morons should stop assigning "good" or "great" to games and just say "I like garbage" from now on, if they want to pull that "Wow games are different and different people can like different stuff? Did you know this very basic fact that I am surely intelligent for espousing?" Shit like this pisses me off, because it's like the equivalent of a 3rd grader saying you have to count with your fingers and show your work to do math, to somebody that does it in their head. It's a case where somebody is "technically" right only considering a hyper specific context (school) but it also clearly demonstrates how behind they are in general on math where they feel one should count fingers and show their work to solve basic problems.

Do you guys get my analogy. The point is that you can be "right" but not even understand the thing you're right about enough, for that "correctness" to even have any meaning.

Frick. This thread is going to be a fail right? I just had to rant. And now the Signalis morons are going to pathetically and insecurely use this to dismiss every and all criticism by making a "schizo" out of me, like we're in some 20th century dictatorship where the dictator deliberately picks out some dude that represents a rebel cause and then picks at their character instead of engaging with any valid claims they represent.

Alright. Please ignore this thread. I couldn't help but break the garbage arbitrary rules of Ganker and not make the state mandated bait, but instead veer off into honesty and critique. I will remake this thread sometime later.

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  1. 4 months ago


  2. 4 months ago

    Exactly the kind of homosexual reddit essay I'd expect for this homosexual pseud game. Games really are art bros, behold, effeminate blogpost. If you want good games, make them yourself.

  3. 4 months ago

    >Get interested in Signalis because the suit looks kinda Gantz-y
    >Find out it's about lesbians
    Interest immediately waned, hopefully Alisa doesn't have lesbians.

  4. 4 months ago

    So is Alisa better than Signalis or what.

  5. 4 months ago

    Survival Horror is the worst genre, if you can even call it one, ever devised.

    • 4 months ago

      I don't even necessarily disagree, but I keep wanting to give it a chance because I feel like it COULD be cool.

      Anon I have almost no fricking idea what you are trying to say but Alisa is a pretty fun survival horror overall.
      It tries to emulate the 90's era games and does a decent job of it while not taking itself seriously, having purposefully dogshit voice acting and some really goofy shit here and there that got some good laughs out of me when playing.
      Big emphasis on melee weapons, once you git gud at parrying you can use nothing but melee the whole game.

      >Big emphasis on melee weapons, once you git gud at parrying you can use nothing but melee the whole game.

      That actually sounds interesting if it isn't just braindead Silent Hill *bonk*.

      Anyway, so is it better than Signalis or not? I will only play the game, of its better than the current generic survival horror touted as the best thing since REmake by journos, tubers, and redditors, which are all mainstream peeps

      • 4 months ago

        In terms of general presentation and narrative shit, Signalis is absolutely ahead, but that's mainly due to Alisa not giving a frick about those things, it tries to stay true to the time period its harking on, the plot is an excuse for gameplay. Gameplay wise, as a pure survival horror I'll say that Alisa generally does a far better job using what the game has.
        Enemies in Signalis are a fricking joke to juke and there's no real reason to ever deal with them unless they are in your way. Alisa gives you merchant/upgrade currency for killing enemies so it encourages you to kill them and to save resources by engaging in the melee system.
        It has a demo, just download that shit and see if it tickles your fancy.

  6. 4 months ago

    Anon I have almost no fricking idea what you are trying to say but Alisa is a pretty fun survival horror overall.
    It tries to emulate the 90's era games and does a decent job of it while not taking itself seriously, having purposefully dogshit voice acting and some really goofy shit here and there that got some good laughs out of me when playing.
    Big emphasis on melee weapons, once you git gud at parrying you can use nothing but melee the whole game.

  7. 4 months ago

    Signalis is woke gay shit. This is comfy kino. Sword is broke.

  8. 4 months ago

    I enjoyed both. Alisa is great, Signalis was great. OP is just a candy ass roody poo.

  9. 4 months ago

    Is OP the main character for survival horror threads? That wall of schizo text is unmistakable, he keeps popping up from previous threads.

  10. 4 months ago

    Adhd brained schizo troon who keeps making whiny threads with his mental illness verbal diarrhea everyday because he gets filtered by every single game he touches lol, everyday he'll remind you he's leaving v but there he is again

  11. 4 months ago

    I liked Alisa a lot.
    It had it's jank, yeah, but the enemy design and variety is amazing and the outfits and weapons are cool.
    I didn't read OP because it was looking like a copy pasta, but I saw the image and just wanted to post this.

  12. 4 months ago

    not reading all that.

    as a huge fan of og re/se i love this game to shreds, the style deff carries it and the currency system is good too. gameplay is all i ask for in a survival horror, even if the aimign system is kinda wonky, i appreciate the upgrade system though. im in the middle of beating it on pc and even double dipped on PS5 to support the developer. i really wish they would release a physical copy, i would love to own one with sick little manual. i try and reccomend this to any anon asking about good survival horror.

    • 4 months ago

      meant to say sh (silent hill) but whatever im drunk lol

      • 4 months ago

        >but whatever im drunk lol

        and moronic. actually

  13. 4 months ago

    Are you the same autist who kept making Fear & Hunter 2 threads with similar 200 word essay rambling OPs?

    • 4 months ago

      He's been doing this for every game with a cult following because he wants to belong but every time he gets filtered and sperges out like clockwork, has to be the single most mongoloid and obnoxious schizo on the whole board

  14. 4 months ago

    That was a hard to read, Reddit-tier rant. But yeah I'm tired of gay female protags.

  15. 4 months ago

    >Alright. Please ignore this thread
    then why did you make the thread you attention-prostitute autist

    > I will remake this thread sometime later
    don't do that, in fact never post ever again
    if you want to blog do it on reddit

  16. 4 months ago

    I think the fact that not a single person could counter the point and analogy in OP reflects more than enough and is appropriately affirming. Ganker will always be moronic and narrow and one should take that as affirmation more often than the literal meaning probably moronic people will want to express.

    • 4 months ago

      no one reads your schizo babble because you're insufferable and moronic, see a shrink

  17. 4 months ago

    All that wall of text, and you said nothing about the technical or narrative merits of the game. Why do you think is great? Why do you also think it is competing with signalis on anything?

    • 4 months ago

      >Why do you think is great? Why do you also think it is competing with signalis on anything?

      I was never making a case for Alisa. I was deliberately asking if people consider it better than Signalis, and then went off an a honest tangent against Signalis. And Ganker REALLY hates whenever you talk in an honest and not state mandated perma irony or perma bait way. So that explains 90% of the thread, and why I preemptively said to ignore it.

      Based on this thread though, it seems like Alisa is only hyped by a very very select few because it has some neat spins on typical survival horror, but it's overall jank and mediocre. Whatever that means.

      If you're ever getting into a comparison of a game and somebody even bothers to go "The narrative and presentation are better but" when those are such absurdly subjective concepts, and most importantly NON VIDEOGAME aspects of a know that the thing that lacks the narrative and presentation, also lacks strong enough gameplay. Because there isn't a single world where I would ever even bring up story, and presentation when comparing to a good game with good gameplay. UNLESS the story is the gameplay. Aka something like Outer Wilds or Disco Elysium.

  18. 4 months ago

    Why can you stupid homosexuals never praise a game while shitting on another game? Did your last attempt at a thread 404 with 0 replies?

  19. 4 months ago
    Mad Hatter

    Alice with resident evil elements are my type of game!

  20. 4 months ago

    Alisa is fun but short. I dont know about Signalis

  21. 4 months ago

    The game is made by a guy who based his understanding of Survival Horror games from Youtube videos instead of actually playing them, i finished the game for free and its not even worth a single cent, the first release build of the game was so bad that every single puzzle in the game was bugged.

    • 4 months ago

      I can't tell if you're talking about Signalis Or Alisa. But I'm guessing it's the latter because I haven't heard much in the way of bugs for Signalis.

  22. 4 months ago

    >interested in Alisa since I saw some dude playing the demo
    >follow the game
    >wishlist on steam
    >find out the dev hired the troony to voice act
    >dropped like a brick

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