BG3 is saving DnD

Normgroids are turning against D&D now that they are realizing that, for them, Baldurs Gate 3 is better. They lack the imagination and creativity to engage with the aspects of TTRPGs that make them truly fulfilling. Critical Roll is losing its pull. The D&D movie flopped. Soon Wizards will realize they overextended and the tumult of D&D slop will collapse. Real players will find refuge in other games. The hobby will die and be reborn, and it is all thanks to Baldurs Gate 3.

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  1. 8 months ago

    BG3 is a gateway. More people play video games RPGs than play TTRPGs, by a huge amount, so the ratio of people going from TTRPGs to that video game is going to be a fraction of the people going from that video game to TTRPGs.

    You also have an unhealthy obsession with what other people play, a poor understanding of the industry, a weird chip on your shoulder against D&D, and are generally kind of dumb.

    • 8 months ago

      >You also have an unhealthy obsession with what other people play, a poor understanding of the industry, a weird chip on your shoulder against D&D, and are generally kind of dumb.
      this needs to be broadcast to the entirety of /tg/ somehow

      • 8 months ago

        Nah, just to our most energetic shitposters.

      • 8 months ago

        Maybe make it a banner or something. Put some big-titted D&D girl off to one side so as to draw attention to it.

    • 8 months ago

      They were obviously bullied by D&D players who stole their GFs and mocked them relentlessly
      How weak do you have to be to be bullied by that crowd

    • 8 months ago

      >You also have an unhealthy obsession with what other people play, a poor understanding of the industry, a weird chip on your shoulder against D&D, and are generally kind of dumb.
      this needs to be broadcast to the entirety of /tg/ somehow

      They were obviously bullied by D&D players who stole their GFs and mocked them relentlessly
      How weak do you have to be to be bullied by that crowd

      I don't really care if people enjoy or play DnD, but why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?

      Through Wizard's honestly clever marketing, DnD has become the normie option for RPGs - beyond an option even, it has BECOME RPGs for most people outright.

      /tg/ has been many things over the year, but I would never call it normie - for good or for bad (mostly bad, let's be real).

      But its weird people get so butthurt over DnD not being well liked here, it's strange. Would you be upset if Ganker hated Fortnite? Or if Ganker hated Naruto?

      People play DnD because they heard RPGs are a thing that the cool kids do and DnD is the RPG. People here play RPGs because they have an autistic obsession with either simulating something, or playing out their story and campaign ideas, and need to find the best RPG for that.

      Enjoy DnD if you want to, have fun in your general, but stop getting your panties in a twist that people hate it in one of the most likely places on the internet to hate it. This is overwhelming a community of people in so deep that they moved past DnD.

      • 8 months ago

        >Ganker hated Naruto
        Ganker is run by shounenCHADS now you geezer

        • 8 months ago

          Gear 5 broke the internet

          • 8 months ago

            What the FRICK. This fight was really creatively done in the manga. How did they frick it up this bad?
            Gear 5 gives him FUNNY CARTOON POWERS, why do they feel the need to turn this into yet another schizophrenic sakuga-attempt? All of the cartoon effects last for like a couple frames at most so you can't even see them ffs

            • 8 months ago

              They gave 30-60 blocks of animation to different directors without a lot of guidance, apparently. Other parts of the same episode look way better and some look pretty fricking bad.

      • 8 months ago

        >you see, by seething relentlessly and unprovoked about d&d I am the reasonable one and you are the butthurt one

        • 8 months ago

          I apologize if I came off as mad and made you upset or scared. I really have no horse in this race at all. I'll try to be more gentle for you in the future.

          >Ganker hated Naruto
          Ganker is run by shounenCHADS now you geezer

          Hah, fair enough, I'm not supery weeby or up on whats big on Ganker. What would be the equivalent today?

          Vivek took Soros scholarship, there's a sizeable chance he is also pozzed. I'm for him though.

          Nothing wrong with DnD hate but the game used to be good. D&D B/X is one of the most complete and compelling RPGs of all time. Only Traveller really exceeds it in terms of what it inspires.

          No, I'm not trying to discount DnD's historical importance at all, particularly in earlier iterations.

          • 8 months ago

            >makes schizo thread about how in two more weeks d&d will totally die
            >writes wall of text justifying his irrational hatred
            >well actually I have no horse in this race

        • 8 months ago

          >why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?
          it's not weird we all understand why you hate it, it's because you have no friends so you've turned to contrarianism to fill the void. The people on Ganker who cry about fortnite are the same and slowly being drowned out by the people who actually have friends
          same way all the people who used to shit on naruto have died off and now naruto threads are super active as well as all the other shounen threads on Ganker
          although I admire your dedication to acting smug while not only losing but clearly frothing in rage at your own impotence.

          I just find it funny how day in and day out you whine and b***h about d&d and it never occurs to you that maybe you shouldn't be such a brainless contrarian. If you really "didn't care" you wouldn't have made a thread. You're only coping now because everyone is laughing at you. Idk who you think you're fooling but it's definitely not anyone here. Maybe you're trying to fool yourself?

          >makes schizo thread about how in two more weeks d&d will totally die
          >writes wall of text justifying his irrational hatred
          >well actually I have no horse in this race

      • 8 months ago

        >why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?
        it's not weird we all understand why you hate it, it's because you have no friends so you've turned to contrarianism to fill the void. The people on Ganker who cry about fortnite are the same and slowly being drowned out by the people who actually have friends
        same way all the people who used to shit on naruto have died off and now naruto threads are super active as well as all the other shounen threads on Ganker
        although I admire your dedication to acting smug while not only losing but clearly frothing in rage at your own impotence.

        I just find it funny how day in and day out you whine and b***h about d&d and it never occurs to you that maybe you shouldn't be such a brainless contrarian. If you really "didn't care" you wouldn't have made a thread. You're only coping now because everyone is laughing at you. Idk who you think you're fooling but it's definitely not anyone here. Maybe you're trying to fool yourself?

        • 8 months ago

          Oh get off your dildo throne, nobody WANTS the kinds of friends that would only play Slop&Slop

          • 8 months ago

            now you see, that attitude is why you have no friends

        • 8 months ago

          Ok, maybe I made it a bit too complex. Let me break it down some more.

          It's fine for you to like whatever RPG, anime, videogame, etc. that you like. Lots of people here will tell you otherwise but I disagree with that. Have fun with what you like, that's what I do.

          But it is delusional to assume that on Ganker of all places you're not going to be running into the weirdest, most autistic and more dedicated members of a fanbase. And that the deeper levels of the fanbase aren't going to like a product that is increasingly designed for mass consumption.

          If you really enjoy DnD so much that you're flying off the handle on a Laotian Scrapbooking forum... well, that's cool, but maybe you need to take a break from here for awhile. I didn't even make this thread and I think OP is a moron looking for (Yous) but I'm just here to tell you all to stop getting triggered and crying into your funko pops when it turns out people hate DnD on a place where it is very likely to find people who hate DnD.

          • 8 months ago

            >If you really enjoy DnD so much that you're flying off the handle on a Laotian Scrapbooking forum... well, that's cool, but maybe you need to take a break from here for awhile.
            There's numerous communities a sperg could go to if they only wanted positivity and support for their love of D&D. There's even a general thread where they could cloister themselves.

            Going into every thread here and looking for anyone saying anything negative about D&D and then flying into a psychotic rage, desperately attempting to insult or discredit anyone who dares casually suggest not playing D&D is nothing less than severe, untreated mental illness... But we all know he's already in the thread and he's already begun his little ritual of spastically replying to everyone who tells him to shut up, and this thread will probably hit 200 posts of arguing with a obsessive psycho before the day is over.

            • 8 months ago

              Damn, I was off by 100 posts and I can't tell if the thread is autosaging or if it was manually auto-saged.

              Looks like troll schizo was banned again too.

          • 8 months ago

            >But it is delusional to assume that on Ganker of all places you're not going to be running into the weirdest, most autistic and more dedicated members of a fanbase.

            Exactly. On Ganker, you will encounter trolls. Really, that's it. And, you really shouldn't bother to treat troll opinions as anything other than contrarians lashing out, or attempt to pretend that their professed opinions are expressed for anything other than attention.

            The problem of pretending that contrarian trolls speak for the larger populace, even on Ganker, is that Ganker is not 100% trolling. Not even close. In fact, it's officially discouraged on every board except /b/. Yes, Ganker has a higher percentage of contrarians trolls than most places and they're far more willing to perform actions like samegayging and spamming thanks to the ease in which this is done on an anonymous image board, but we're still talking about people who are defined by their obsession with something they perceive as popular, even here.

            There's a lot of popular things elsewhere that people on Ganker generally dislike, but those are rarely discussed, because there's no back-and-forth. It's simply "Fifa games are pretty dull" and no one bothering to argue against it. Instead, the trolls here target the most popular topics in order to get people to actually engage with them, even if most of that engagement is just being called morons and outed as attention prostitute contrarians.

            Yes, you're more likely to find more anti-D&D trolls here than you are just about anywhere else. But, not only are they still a minority here, they're far from representative of this community and are even defined by being contrarians.

            • 8 months ago

              I can smell your cope so strongly it would put Stinking Bishop to shame.

              D&D is shit. It's slop. It is to RPGs as Love Island is to Shakespeare. The people who profess to be fans of it spend ~90% of their time complaining about all the parts of it they don't like. The normies who come in because it's The Topical Thing always leave again because, even though they don't have the knowledge to articulate how and why, even they know that the experience of actually playing it sucks. You can deflect, you can gaslight, you can malign those who dare to confront you with the reality you try so hard to deny, but in the end you'll always know deep down that we're right: D&D is shit, and you're a homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                NTA but I think you are on crusade against D&D because of one of these, or both
                1) You have to be a contrarian or you have no identity
                2) Wotc got nauseatingly woke so you are on a crusade thinking you are doing something good

                Also mechanically BECMI is not 3.5 is not 4e - we are talking about different games, my obtuse friend.

              • 8 months ago

                Now this is a copium overdose.

              • 8 months ago

                You have no identity beyond what you hate anon.
                It's tragic.

          • 8 months ago

            but anon, we're agreeing here, I understand
            you're a sperg, a loser, a contrarian and you have no friends, I am aware that these are the reasons you hate d&d. I'm not surprised. I'm just informing you that no matter what you say or do you'll slowly be drowned out because you chose to hold the wrong opinion and it's not my job to accommodate your autism. Sorry, but your constant spergouts about d&d will always get you laughed at. I'm sorry if that upsets you but that's what you chose

            • 8 months ago

              Modern D&D sucks, its literally handholding simulator for newbies that can't into critical thinking instead of critical roll.

          • 8 months ago

            you're so mad lmao it's just a game, bro relax

          • 8 months ago

            >throw a tantrum over (insert popular product here)
            >get btfo
            >accuse everyone else of being mad instead

      • 8 months ago

        >. This is overwhelming a community of people in so deep that they moved past DnD.
        Wrong, and demonstrably so. You are entirely divorced from reality.

        Your entire premise is idiotic. You want to push this idea that people move on from D&D as if D&D is a bad game no sane man would play, when the actual truth is that it's a perfectly serviceable game that was designed to be popular and succeeded hand-over-fist in achieving that. It is not just an entry to the TTRPGs, but a game that serves as the functional workhorse for the game genre, appealing to a broad spectrum of players.

        >but why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?
        Because the numbers don't support it. According to every single census taken on this board, D&D is by far the most popular and played system, more than all other RPGs combined and more popular than 40k or MtG or literally any other game. What you, and your fellow trolls are hoping to do, is be a vocal minority by taking your lack of numbers and hoping to substitute your endless obsession and energy towards shitposting in order to try and mislead people, just as you are doing now.

        Everything about you is a lie. You can't seem to accept that it's not just people new to RPGs who play D&D, but literally every single type of player, including 30+ year plus veterans, people who've played hundreds of games, people who've played only a single game, every single kind of player is represented because of just how overwhelmingly popular the game is and how it only did this by successfully being attractive to such a diverse player base.

        What you are is just a basic b***h troll. Like the kind of losers who complain about Nintendo on Ganker or [Movie that just came out] on Ganker. You shitpost about something that's popular for attention, and here you're trying to desperately pretend there's more of you than there are because that's the basic moda operandi of a basic b***h troll.

        • 8 months ago

          >the game is good because the game is popular
          what do you actually like about 5e mechanically?

          • 8 months ago

            Advantage/Disadvantage does a great job of simplifying a lot of stuff from older editions. It's far from perfect, but as a short-hand solution it's easy to implement and has a low chance of ever being game-breaking.

            • 8 months ago

              So it does nothing better than 2d20 systems.

              • 8 months ago

                nta but are 2d20 systems a thing?

              • 8 months ago

                Yes. There's like ten of them, incluiding the star trek rpg.

              • 8 months ago

                The Modiphius systems use 2d20, but it's like a dice pool kind of thing, I think.

            • 8 months ago

              Advantage/disadvantage does a great job of pulling me out of the game because it can't handle basic situations that would work in nearly any other game. It's shit.

          • 8 months ago

            >Classes are fun to play; Most of their central mechanics feel pretty good and are some of the best mechanics in the game, and are accessible at low levels
            >Character creation can be as simple as picking the default options for the class which basically just means your entire decision-making process is "Pick a class", all the way to some of the best multiclassing and feats/options frankensteining in any game, with literal billions of viable potential combinations. It's so easy to work all sorts of weird ideas together, which is probably why there's literally been thousands of pages written about creating characters in 5e.
            >Combat is easy. Not my favorite combat system, but it's at least easy to pick up and easy to use and easy to cheese.
            >skills are unobtrusive and their categories are largely an improvement over previous editions, though there's a few changes I would probably make (like actually bothering to include Constitution based skills).

            I could go on. There's a bunch of stuff that sucks ass in 5e, with one of my chief complaints being Legendary Resistances that I could probably write a whole book about why it's one of the stupidest mechanics in any fricking game ever made, but as a whole it's a decent system and it's no surprise that it's so incredibly popular.

            • 8 months ago

              Who are you quoting?

              • 8 months ago

                Himself dipshit

              • 8 months ago

                That's pretty dumb. He must be a newbie.

      • 8 months ago

        They hated him, for he spoke the truth.

      • 8 months ago

        No one is angry at people here hating d&d, they're angry at
        1) people spamming every thread with d&d hate post, you don't get people spamming how much they hate Naruto on a Gundam thread
        2) every moron assuming every system agnostic problem is somehow a d&d problem

        If you hate d&d in a d&d thread is expected, but if someone ask "how do I make my players do x" and you start rating non stop about d&d it gets old fast.

        • 8 months ago

          90% of the time you see that dnd hate its because a thread is talking about an issue that's exclusively a 5e issue that they've made a new thread about instead of just going to the 5e general.
          Even then the "hate" is usually just one post that attracts a schizo that can't stand 5e slander who derails the thread by getting into an argument with anyone who doesn't like 5e.

          • 8 months ago

            >90% of the time you see that dnd hate its because a thread is talking about an issue that's exclusively a 5e issue
            Wrong. Dead wrong, and only a troll would ever pretend that's the case as an attempt to excuse his own shitposting. Most of the time, the D&D hate is literally any possible excuse to create a shitpost, even when the topic isn't about D&D. More importantly, there are few if any issues that are "exclusive" to 5e, in no small part because of just how influential and simultaneously shamelessly derived the system is.

            There's endless examples of trolls complaining about D&D in threads about problem players, problem GMs, problems with scheduling and problems in themes, and even in threads where no one mentions any problem at all. Really, we have examples of trolls complaining about D&D even just because the OP mentioned D&D, and plenty of examples where the OP didn't even mention D&D at all.

            Basically, you're a transparent little b***h and can't change the narrative because the board has endless examples that contradict you.

            I understand that as a troll you tend to work exclusively with lies and attempts to mislead people, but who the frick do you actually think you can fool, when anyone can just go into the archive and search "DnD' and discover an endless array of the dumbest shitposts, spammed by a handful of trolls?

          • 8 months ago

            The thing I'm talking about just happen the other day on this thread


            and I can't believe how blatant it was. He asked about the best form of tabletop GAMING (as in ttrpgs, wargames, boardgames, cards, etc) and got derail into d&d eternal bickering anyway.

            • 8 months ago

              And wow look who shows up


              like I said, the dnd hate posts dont derail the thread. its the schizo that autistically looks for them and latches onto the thread like a parasite. The initial posts even accurately responds to OP and only has the slight against 5e as a minor jab that's clearly meant to be nothing.

              • 8 months ago

                >initial posts even accurately responds to OP
                No, no it didn't, OP didn't asked what was the worst, but the best, nor he asked about systems.

              • 8 months ago

                >What is the best form of tabletop gaming
                >Playing with friends

              • 8 months ago

                That's not a form of tabletop gaming tho.

              • 8 months ago

                yes it is, you can play tabletop games with strangers and nowadays you can even simulate a tabletop game online. Saying that the best form of playing tabletop games is with friends is a totally valid response since the most commonly agreed sentiment on the board is that its better to play with close friends who you trust not to be moronic instead of randos.

              • 8 months ago

                Looking at the picture, still probably not what OP was asking, but I do give you is vague.

              • 8 months ago

                To prove the original point that its not the anti dnd posts that derail a thread



                Look at how you have a normal interaction that doesn't spiral into a bunch of morons screaming troll at each other when someone doesn't immediately start to sperg out and seethe about how anon is an anti dnd troll if someone says anything ? You can literally just call someone a homosexual or tell them to suck wiener and it will be the end of the discussion, that's because nobody is trying to purposely insitgate an argument over the system like in every other thread where these dumbass arguments occur. There are plenty of threads clearly about 5e without this moronation either that don't fit the narrative of a bunch of anti dnd trolls shitting up every dnd thread.

              • 8 months ago

                >people on Ganker are posting things I don't like!
                Have you tried not using Ganker dot Org?

                Seriously, there's hundreds of shitty threads and thousands of shitty posts made every hour on Ganker. You're not converting anyone to your side because you're seething about having to scroll past posts you don't like.

              • 8 months ago

                Black person I have no clue how that's your take away here. I'm saying that anti dnd posts aren't thread derailing until a schizo with a chip on their shoulder decides to derail it.

              • 8 months ago

                That's a bad faith argument. You might as well argue that the posts complaining about the shitposts don't derail the thread, but the posts complaining about the posts complaining about the shitposts do, and so on.

                At the end of the day, the contrarian troll trying to instigate an argument by complaining about something popular while entirely unprovoked is at fault, especially if they're shitposting and spamming almost nonstop regardless of whether anyone replies to them or not. Trying to point the finger at people being provoked by someone trying to provoke them is silly, when it's clear the one provoking them is at fault.

              • 8 months ago

                How is that a bad faith argument?
                The fact that not every thread that gets a generic hytnpdnd response devolves into moronic shitflinging is a pretty good indicator that the ones that derail a thread are always the militant defenders. The entire point of saying "Have you tried not playing dungeons and dragons" is that it's common for OP to phrase an issue that's exclusive to 5e and its messy design as a general question. How is that in any way a provocation?

              • 8 months ago

                Look, no one is buying it.
                You're trying to defend shitposting, and doing so by arguing that no one should call out shitposting.
                You're even going so far as to try and pretend one of the laziest form of shitposts is in fact genuine advice delivered by innocent and concerned bystanders who just want what's best for their fellows.

                Like, I get it. In your shoes, I would do the same thing. I would lie about how my favorite shitpost ISN'T merely spammed any time D&D is mentioned, and even at times when it isn't mentioned, and solely by annoying trolls who are hoping to pretend this board has far more animosity towards a game than the actual stats would indicate.

                What you're doing is so... basic. It's predictable, with the only surprising part being that it would really take someone entirely shameless to do what you do and to argue what you're arguing, but even that's not all that surprising because you would have to be shameless in order to shitpost as you do in the first place.

              • 8 months ago

                >a paragraph of schizoid ranting that has almost nothing to do with the linked post
                So you're done? no retort?
                Alright then, concesion accepted.

              • 8 months ago

                >gets his ass handed to him in a clear fashion
                >can't address even the clear fact that "Have you tried etc." is spammed by trolls and is nothing more than a passive aggressive non-answer even in the best of circumstances
                >goes into complete denial as a desperate attempt at damage control

                Holy shit. I can even use your own words against you.
                So you're done? no retort?
                Alright then, concesion accepted.

              • 8 months ago

                nothing about your paragraph schizoid posts are clear

              • 8 months ago

                >Look, no one is buying it.
                I love when you say stupid shit like this and think you have anyone who sides with your overwrought bullshit.

                Years and years ago, you might have been able to pass off that lie and not just be immediately called out, but not anymore.

              • 8 months ago

                >At the end of the day, the contrarian troll trying to instigate an argument by complaining about something popular while entirely unprovoked is at fault,
                You are also responsible for your own action, schizoid.

              • 8 months ago

                I can't be responsible for everyone's actions, and I can't be responsible for people reacting to shitposts, or people reacting to reactions to shitposts. As such, I'm going to put most of the blame on the instigator, ie. the shitposter, especially because his intention is getting reactions and he typically won't stop shitposting unless he gets them.

              • 8 months ago

                >he typically won't stop shitposting unless he gets them.
                This is verifiably incorrect

              • 8 months ago

                Saying “Have you tried not playing D&D” does not derail a thread, you making a big deal about it does. Hell I’d go so far as to say you create trolls by complaining.
                Grow a thicker skin.

              • 8 months ago

                Have you tried not being a moron?

              • 8 months ago

                Currently uninvolved anon here.
                I can confirm I didn't start posting shit like 'hytnpdd?' until I saw how absolutely fricking assblasted it made this guy.
                newbies apparently never learn what a lulzcow is or how not to be one.

              • 8 months ago

                He's too moronic to understand, i tried to warn him that this would happen long time ago when he started his autistic crusade. At this point there must be multiple anons purposely shitposting hytnpd&d everywhere just to bait that mongoloid.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm still convinced that he starts it himself. Starts a boring thread, then replies to himself with some stale version of an argument he go into with someone else, and then launches into giant spergy speeches until other people jump in and help him harvest (you)s and when it starts to fizzle, he either jumps to another thread or pretends to be some rational, calm 3rd party... before launching into the same "liars and trolls" song and dance because he can't help himself.

              • 8 months ago

                Yup sounds like a troll. You know what you are supposed do with those right?

              • 8 months ago

                If the average Ganker user were capable of ignoring low quality bait, we wouldn't have dozens of "Tell me about (some bullshit) in your setting" threads that we get every day.

              • 8 months ago

                Just shut up and report the troll.

              • 8 months ago

                anon you don't understand, I HAVE to get into 100+ reply arguments in threads I don't care about if someone posts a slander against my beloved 5th Edition, the most popular roleplaying game of all time.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes, i make you to post it every time even in non d&d threads.

              • 8 months ago

                I think you have me confused with someone else.

              • 8 months ago

                >Saying “Have you tried not playing D&D” does not derail a thread,
                Derailing isn't the sole goal of a troll.* At bare minimum, the troll's intention is to try and pretend there's greater animosity towards the game than there actually is, and in no small part because the anti-D&D troll is a creature of INCREDIBLE loneliness.

                Aside from whatever self-loathing they likely have, loneliness is by far the most pressing weight on our trolls' backs. They are outcasts among outcasts, and would largely be banned just about anywhere else RPGs are discussed if they shitposted in the same fashion that they do here. They gather together here because they have an extreme minority opinion, and need to console themselves by thinking they're not some horrible freaks with terrible opinions, it's the vast larger world that includes far more experienced players that happens to be wrong.

                The troll of /tg/ feels a need to pretend that there's many people here that hate the game, because they think it will make this place more inviting for other people who hate the game. They really, genuinely want this place to be some kind of Mecca for the gross, disgusting loser among losers who actually feels compelled to hate a traditional game about elves and dragons. It's not enough that they have a distorted and biased opinion built out of ignorance and malice, they need to try and create an environment where this opinion isn't that of a minority. That's the major impetus that propels them, the primary goal of our deplorable trolls, and the incredible detachment from reality exhibited by some of these trolls even in this very thread all but confirms this.

                *Just want to call attention to the wonderful rhyming.

              • 8 months ago

                You don’t know what a troll is.

              • 8 months ago

                A troll is
                >a person who posts or makes inflammatory, insincere, digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages online (such as in social media, a newsgroup, a forum, a chat room, an online video game) or in real life, with the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses,[2] or manipulating others' perception, thus acting as a bully or a provocateur.

                In /tg/'s case, we have people posting inflammatory (how else would you describe someone saying "POPULAR THING SUCKS" on a board where that thing is popular), insincere (there really is no limit to how far our trolls are willing to exaggerate how bad or unplayable they believe a game enjoyed by untold thousands must be, even to a point where it's impossible to believe they hate the game as much as they personally profess because they likely would have tried shooting up the WotC headquarters if they actually hated the game as much as they say they do) digressive (like rushing to complain about D&D in a thread where the game hasn't even been mentioned) posts, with the intent to provoke others into displaying emotional responses (like getting told to frick off), or, and here's a key point, MANIPULATING OTHERS" PERCEPTION.

                This guy


                I don't really care if people enjoy or play DnD, but why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?

                Through Wizard's honestly clever marketing, DnD has become the normie option for RPGs - beyond an option even, it has BECOME RPGs for most people outright.

                /tg/ has been many things over the year, but I would never call it normie - for good or for bad (mostly bad, let's be real).

                But its weird people get so butthurt over DnD not being well liked here, it's strange. Would you be upset if Ganker hated Fortnite? Or if Ganker hated Naruto?

                People play DnD because they heard RPGs are a thing that the cool kids do and DnD is the RPG. People here play RPGs because they have an autistic obsession with either simulating something, or playing out their story and campaign ideas, and need to find the best RPG for that.

                Enjoy DnD if you want to, have fun in your general, but stop getting your panties in a twist that people hate it in one of the most likely places on the internet to hate it. This is overwhelming a community of people in so deep that they moved past DnD.

                in particular has gone out of his way in a desperate attempt to manipulate people's perceptions. In an almost embarrassing degree of transparency. It becomes all the more ridiculous when you actually look at just how popular D&D has been and always has been on this board, with endless surveys and censuses making all the efforts of our few minority trolls simultaneously impressive in their energy but thoroughly pathetic in their efficacy, because despite all of our trolls' hard work, D&D's relative popularity has actually increased over the years.

              • 8 months ago

                >in a desperate attempt to manipulate people's perceptions
                Your inability to actually understand reality, paired with your unwavering dedication to your paranoid delusions about other people hatching elaborate schemes to manipulate the minds of the humble and innocent Ganker users is always amusing.

              • 8 months ago

                >elaborate schemes
                Shitpost energetically to pretend an anonymous board agrees with you despite the overwhelming actual evidence it doesn't (D&D is by far the most played and discussed game on this board, to the tune that more people play 5e than all other RPGs combined, according to even our most recent census), all in a desperate effort to try and not feel alone about your minority opinion that is ridiculed everywhere?

                Is that elaborate? I'm betting half our trolls haven't even realized why they're shitposting and imagine it's because they're actually fighting against the evil Hasbro corporation by complaining online in a place where people are far more likely to pirate the books than buy them.

                Our trolls are idiots. They shitpost because they're lonely, and believe if they shitpost hard enough, they'll stop feeling lonely. That's not elaborate so much as it is just really, really fricking sad.

              • 8 months ago

                >One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
                This is the definition of what a troll is you moron.

              • 8 months ago

                >definitions can come from multiple sources

                >One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument
                How would you describe someone who goes into a place where something is popular, and shouts POPULAR THING SUCKS?

              • 8 months ago

                Do you think the person you're replying to is a troll?

              • 8 months ago

                Should I have any reason to extend the benefit of the doubt?
                I'm actually curious. Go on. Give me one good reason.

              • 8 months ago

                If you think the person you're replying to is a troll, then why are you replying to them?

              • 8 months ago

                I’ve asked that same question before. He’s a dumbass.

              • 8 months ago

                Because of the type of troll they are.
                If a troll is doing it purely for attention, ignore them.
                If a troll is spamming in an effort to try and mislead people or otherwise shape public opinion, it's actually somewhat dangerous to leave them alone.

              • 8 months ago

                What cruel mother gave you internet access, man?

              • 8 months ago

                Are you terminally moronic? You are literally declaring yourself an internet warrior. You deserved to be mocked for that alone.

              • 8 months ago

                ...Internet warrior? The frick?
                So, anyone who points out that a troll is moronic and spreading misinformation is an internet warrior now? Golly, that explains why you imagine you're up in arms right now.

              • 8 months ago

                The fact you feel the need to white knight a product made by a billion dollar corporation is pathetic. That’s actual redditor behavior.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm addressing your behavior. I don't really care what your target happens to be, because you being a basic b***h troll, you are simply complaining about whatever happens to be the most popular thing on the board.

                I have enough experience with the game to recognize that it is far from the terrible game our trolls profess it must be in order to warrant the attention they give it, and there's enough evidence to support that the amount of shitposting directed at the game is in stark contrast to its actual popularity on this board according to how many people play it and wish to discuss it.

                It's less "white-knighting" a system and just being tired of people playing a game of internet tribalism at the expense of anything resembling honest discussion and fair evaluations of games.

                If you had a gun against your head and were forced to give an honest opinion, it would probably be reasonable, measured, but boring, and would largely be ignored. That's why you feel a need to troll, and that's why you're being called out as one.

              • 8 months ago

                "I don't like anything about 5E" IS my honest and fair evaluation of the game.

              • 8 months ago

                It's neither unless you're genuinely an idiot.

                It"s an extreme hyperbole even, because it's a game that shares so much DNA with other games and is designed to appeal as broadly as possible that unless you are actually some sort of mentally broken freak who shares no opinions with any other fellow human, there is at least something you would like about the game. Like, I shouldn't even have to explain something so basic to you.

              • 8 months ago

                >and is designed to appeal as broadly as possible
                It's designed to appeal to new players. That is not the same thing as designed to appeal to everyone. There are players that 5E has nothing for. You can't understand that because you are moronic and have no experience with other RPGs.

              • 8 months ago

                It was also designed to appeal to old players, and did a good job according to how many experienced players move to the system.l and stay with it. We're talking about a full majority of surveyed people playing 5e, and it's impossible for all of them to be new.

                Look, you're not even trying to be either honest or fair here, and it shows. Which is why you rush to hyperbole and outright lies.

              • 8 months ago

                It was designed to appeal to SOME old players and made the choice to not appeal to other old players at all.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm betting if I keep pressuring you, you'll eventually be either forced to give an actually reasonable response or just break down and shut everything out in pure denial.

                You've already been pressed from "it was designed for new players" to "it was designed from new players and some old players" and eventually we're going to hit "it was designed to appeal broadly and captured a full majority of players in the process".

                At the end of the day, we're talking about a game that tried to be popular and succeeded, and unless you are the most contrarian of contrarians who has ever lived, let's not even bother with this "5e is absent of anything that could appeal to me" hyperbole.

                At the very least, there's a picture of a double-donkey headed dildo in one of the books I bet you and your mother would love.

              • 8 months ago

                I gave you a reasonable response. You didn't believe it. And I'm telling you, it's not hyperbole.

              • 8 months ago

       gave an insane response that would paint you as completely incompatible with the human race. If you really think you can treat anything as a monolith with absolutely no good features, I don't even know what to say other than you're insane.

                Hell, look at Hitler. You can even point at him and say that at the very least there is one good thing about him, considering that out of all the attempts, he was the man who finally succeeded in killing Hitler.

              • 8 months ago

                > gave an insane response that would paint you as completely incompatible with the human race
                >proceeds to use troll logic to prove his point.

              • 8 months ago

                God, you really are a humorless pissant.

              • 8 months ago

                You don’t know who you are talking to

              • 8 months ago

                A humorless pissant.

              • 8 months ago

                Well I’m certain not humorless. After all I am laughing at you.

              • 8 months ago

                See? That right there is what I'm talking about. Literally not a funny bone in your body.
                Gross-ass jelly armed freak.

              • 8 months ago

                There must something defective in your brain. Possibly some form of narcissism, ugh narcissists suck to deal with.

              • 8 months ago

                Not liking anything about 5E doesn't mean anyone else has to not like anything about 5E. You should know better than that.

              • 8 months ago

                Shove this up your boy hole you gay.

              • 8 months ago

                Nobody wants to borrow your used double-headed dragon dildo.

              • 8 months ago

                >you can't dislike 5e because other games have stuff that is also in 5e
                I love it when you get backed into a corner and start arguing this, like it's some kind of coherent argument.
                >You can't dislike this movie!
                >It shares similarities with the greatest movies ever made!
                >You can't dislike this song!
                >It has some of the same chord progression as the most popular music in the world!
                >You can't hate this shit covered pizza!
                >Everyone loves pizza!

              • 8 months ago

                >you can't dislike 5e because other games have stuff that is also in 5e

                That's not what I said.
                I said there had to be at least one thing they liked about the game, in a response to them insisting they didn't like anything about it.

                Know why I call you a troll? Because trolls gravitate towards lies and attempts to mislead people.

              • 8 months ago

                >I said there had to be at least one thing they liked about the game
                And you're wrong.

              • 8 months ago

                What would a Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green player find in 5e that they would like?

              • 8 months ago

                I am a CoC player, so a bunch.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Can you give an answer with some substance?

              • 8 months ago

                What about 5e is attractive to a Call of Cthulhu player?

              • 8 months ago

                >Because trolls gravitate towards lies and attempts to mislead people.
                I'm not lying to you. I honestly think you're a moronic homosexual.

              • 8 months ago

                The fact that other games 'have turn based combat' or 'use skill rolls' doesn't make those things I like about 5e, that's batshit insane.
                There's nothing about 5e that's specifically to do with 5e that I care for on any level. It doesn't do a single thing in a way I'm interested in. And that's not even criticism of it, it's just carefully designed to appeal to someone who isn't me.

              • 8 months ago

                >There's nothing about 5e that's specifically to do with 5e that I care for on any level.
                Professing ignorance isn't really going to help you here.
                This is less of a case of there being nothing and more of a case of you either being unable or unwilling to discover it, with neither giving credence to the idea that you want to give a fair evaluation of the system.

                Like, we're not discussing dipping your dick in acid. It's a popular roleplaying game with wide appeal, and you're acting like it killed your mother and banged your father.

              • 8 months ago

                That’s fricking stupid and delusional.

              • 8 months ago

                >This is less of a case of there being nothing

              • 8 months ago

                All I said was that I don't like it my guy, that was my first post other than the stupid clinical troll test shitpost. What is actually wrong with you?
                I don't like it. For actually the exactly the same reasons

                There is a poster in the 3.5 general who only likes RPGs as world simulators so he plays games like GURPS, Harnmaster, and a modified 3.5 to resemble AD&D era novels FR. Why the frick would he ever play 5E? What do you gain from pretending 5E has anything for him or that it wasn't intentionally designed against that? Nobody screams at him telling him that he's dishonest when he explains that games like 4E have no appeal to him. Why does 5E get special treatment?

                just said. I'm not the guy he's talking about but I may as well be.
                Please, explain to me what I SHOULD like about 5e. You're not exactly selling it here, just screaming at everyone that it's super popular guys you gotta like it.

              • 8 months ago

                >I don't like it.
                Great. But, insisting there's absolutely nothing about the game you like is hardly going to convince anyone reasonable that you're even attempting to give anything even close to a fair evaluation of the game.

                Do you understand that?

              • 8 months ago

                I don’t like anything about 5E because I can find a game that does what I want better elsewhere.

              • 8 months ago

                You have to have metrics to evaluate something, and you have to like it to evaluate it subjectively in any fair way.
                I don't care about or understand fighting games. Is it a totally unfair evaluation to then say that I don't like street fighter?

                If I evaluate 5e fairly, by the metrics of 'what I want a roleplaying game to do for me to be fun,' I get back no positives. But we have to understand those are the metrics on which it was evaluated. Saying you don't think you'd like to build a house out of cardboard isn't an unfair assessment of fricking cardboard, or an attack on people who use a lot of cardboard boxes for shipping.

                Read the full thing, you dunce.
                Eliminating a pointlessly narrow skill helps the simulator by not requiring a crippling amount of investment of skill points in a niche skill just to do simple tasks involving a common object.

                You trying to be dumb or something?

                Or you could just play a game that doesn't distribute skill points in a moronic way? It being a slight improvement over whatever it was before doesn't behoove me to like it or appraise it highly, that's still nonsensical. "Look man,you have to like the beat up '93 civic, all the tires are actually inflated now!"

              • 8 months ago

                >I get back no positives.
                Largely because you're not giving it a fair evaluation.

                Look. Stop acting like you are trying to convince me that your bullshit is honest. Instead, imagine you're talking to a group of complete strangers, and all you can assume is that they all are familiar with a wide variety of RPGs, including 5e. And, upon being asked to give a fair evaluation of the game, you lead with "If I evaluate 5e fairly, by the metrics of 'what I want a roleplaying game to do for me to be fun,' I get back no positives."

                Do you actually expect anyone to be able to take you seriously? If so, all I can say is there's no wonder you're stuck shitposting on Ganker.

              • 8 months ago

                >Do you actually expect anyone to be able to take you seriously?
                I have literally done this in a non-Ganker venue and was taken seriously. What now?

              • 8 months ago

                ... you want me to believe anyone actually cares about your assbackwards opinion on 5e enough to listen to you b***h about it?
                Whoo lad, I've heard some in my time, but I'm now left wondering how far "politely staring blankly at you" really can be misinterpreted as "taking me seriously". And that's in the best case scenario.

                But, please, tell me how you gave a grand speech and at the end everyone clapped.

              • 8 months ago

                Have you considered that the problem might be that you are an extremely unlikable c**t and that I'm not?

              • 8 months ago

                C'mon now. Go on and regale us about the time you began your "I hate every single thing about 5e" speech and earned a standing ovation.

              • 8 months ago

                How about you tell us what you like about D&D

              • 8 months ago

                Is this a dodge? I'll tell you what I like about it if you admit it's a dodge.

              • 8 months ago

                Different person.

              • 8 months ago

                You don't actually play DnD because nobody can tolerate your mental illness on their table. You've already done your song and dance, you can't name anything someone from a non d20 system might like about dnd because you haven't played non d20 games and you can't name anything you like about dnd 5e because you haven't played that either.

              • 8 months ago

                >you can't name anything someone from a non d20 system might like about dnd

                As someone who plays non d20 games, I don't get what fricking angle you're even trying to attack from.

                Like, frick me, do you think games are like religions? That a person is a D&D person or a Fate person or a GURPS person, and there's no such thing as someone who just plays games and doesn't adhere to your insane tribalism?

                I like the d20 because 5% flat increments are easy to use and calculate and work well with all sorts of modifiers, and the range of values keeps games exciting. I also like 3d6 systems because everyone has 3d6 and it's hard to frick up as long as you understand you can't stray too far with your modifiers like you can with flat distributions, and the more consistent outcomes work better for games that want that sort of thing. I also really like FUDGE dice because they're probably one of the easiest things to teach new players, even if they have a whole slew of limitations.

                Every game has advantages and disadvantages, and we're only talking about dice so far.

              • 8 months ago

                I was in the middle of a conversation about D&D editions when I said I wasn't being ironic when I said I don't like anything about 5E. Then we talked about 3.5 and things we liked about it and things we didn't. It's not hard to do when you're not an intrinsically hostile c**t.

              • 8 months ago

                >it's not hard to imagine
                Yep, which is about as far as it actually happened. I actually have a hard time believing you've emerged from your mother's basement even once in the years that 5e has been out, let alone you actually having a conversation with someone and them not being immediately repulsed by you.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm sorry that your autism makes it impossible for you to comprehend real conversation.

              • 8 months ago

                You're the one trying to convince me you can hold a real conversation, and frankly I can't see it. Like, frick me, you still think you can present your hate for a system as absolute in its entirety despite having been offered multiple chances to backtrack and just admit that maybe you're not insane after all.

              • 8 months ago

                I can, I have, and I will continue doing so, and I will continue being taken seriously.

              • 8 months ago

                Aww, is the widdle twoll sad he's not being taken sewiously? Awww...

              • 8 months ago

                You are the best troll on this board right now.
                Like actually, no shit, gold star. Bump limit every time like clockwork, it's an honor to watch a master at work.

              • 8 months ago

                Someone isn't a troll just because they made you mad, especially when you are troll and are mad about being called out on it.

              • 8 months ago

                You delusional baby. You're an actual fricking baby.
                Do you not understand that some people like things that other people don't?
                >"If I evaluate 5e fairly, by the metrics of 'what I want a roleplaying game to do for me to be fun,' I get back no positives."
                This is a totally rational statement because 5e does not encompass or support all types of play. If someone wanted the specialization and variability available in GURPS, why would they pick a game like 5e that doesn't work well to accommodate that type of play? If someone wanted a roleplay heavy game like City of the Mist, why would they play a game that says outright that it's focus is more on combat than roleplaying and has minimal mechanics for roleplay?

              • 8 months ago

                >it's a popular game with wide appeal
                >You've got to like something about it, it's popular and has a wide appeal!
                >You're lying if you don't like anyrhing about it, it's so popular! It has such a wide appeal!

              • 8 months ago

                His entire argument is a legit fallacy. Specifically the “Appeal to Popularity” fallacy.

              • 8 months ago

                There is a poster in the 3.5 general who only likes RPGs as world simulators so he plays games like GURPS, Harnmaster, and a modified 3.5 to resemble AD&D era novels FR. Why the frick would he ever play 5E? What do you gain from pretending 5E has anything for him or that it wasn't intentionally designed against that? Nobody screams at him telling him that he's dishonest when he explains that games like 4E have no appeal to him. Why does 5E get special treatment?

              • 8 months ago

                Because he wouldn't be completely honest if he insisted that 4e held no appeal, considering just how much it took from previous editions.

                For example, as a world simulator, 4e took the wide skills of 3.5 and condensed several of them and even eliminated some entirely, notably the Use Rope skill. At the very, very fricking minimum, if he is a man of any mental integrity or honesty, we could get him to admit that getting rid of the Use Rope skill in 4e was a good step. Not a giant step by any means, but we're really just looking for a minimal concession and for him to admit that we're not dealing with absolutes here.

                Like, let's be fair. You're biased as frick and we're not going to get anything resembling an honest evaluation of any game out of you. But, I want you to understand what hyperbole is and how quickly and immaturely you employ it, because you insist on trollish absolutes that are so demonstrably flat out wrong that the discussion suddenly careens towards you stubbornly insisting something insane while evidence of your insanity is laid around you.

              • 8 months ago

                >4e is a good world simulator because it has skills
                >Somehow also because the skill list is condensed???
                You literally don't know what you're talking about, holy shit.

              • 8 months ago

                Read the full thing, you dunce.
                Eliminating a pointlessly narrow skill helps the simulator by not requiring a crippling amount of investment of skill points in a niche skill just to do simple tasks involving a common object.

                You trying to be dumb or something?

              • 8 months ago

                No it doesn't. The issue with skills there was the skill point system, not the existence of Use Rope. 4E's skill system is fine TO ME but you're moronic if you expect it to play well with someone who wants a skill list of the kind you'd see in GURPS.

              • 8 months ago

                You don't know what the frick you're talking about.

              • 8 months ago

                Already moving that goalpost.

              • 8 months ago

                He WOULD be completely honest if he said 4E had no appeal to him. That's what you don't get.

              • 8 months ago

                No, he wouldn't be, and that's what your failing as a human being is.

                If he said it in a casual conversation, most people wouldn't insist on any further accuracy from him. But, if someone did go, "Surely, there must be at least one thing you like about 4e" and he adamantly insisted there wasn't, and then when pushed further expressed a deep and loyal love for the Use Rope skill, then he would be lying to himself.

              • 8 months ago

                Yes he would be.

              • 8 months ago

                You are fricking delusional. Your example is something that would never happen in reality.

              • 8 months ago

                That's only because we both know no one would ever profess a love for the Use Rope skill. It's the shittiest fricking skill ever and everyone is well aware of that.

              • 8 months ago

                Use Rope sucks because of other factors in the game, not because it's inherently a junk skill. Knot-Tying exists in GURPS and it is a perfectly fine skill to have there.

              • 8 months ago

                Not just that the entire sentiment is just stupid. You can hate everything about a particular product, just like I can hate everything about Woodrow Wilson.

              • 8 months ago

                Even this efforts to pass the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914?

              • 8 months ago

                EVERYTHING! The guy could do nothing right and the world be a much better place without him.

              • 8 months ago

                Like, yeah, he was 99% a frickhead, but he did take steps to limit corporate power in America and I have a hard time arguing that anyone who'd do that would be 100% a frickhead.

              • 8 months ago

                Teddy Roosevelt did it better.

              • 8 months ago

                That's unfair because that could be said about most people and everything.

              • 8 months ago

                Most people don't need to be directly compared to Teddy Roosevelt, though. Presidents do.

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                Can't you give a guy at least some credit for trying to fix his own mistakes? At bare minimum, he hit the breaks when he saw he was careening off the edge instead of hitting the gas. It's not much, but it's something.

              • 8 months ago

                Why would I ever? The guy fricked everything up and continued fricking up till the day he died.

              • 8 months ago

                Why would someone appreciate an improvement to a system that doesn't appeal to them?

              • 8 months ago

                He's apparently still interested in playing 3.5 in the example.

                There is a poster in the 3.5 general who only likes RPGs as world simulators so he plays games like GURPS, Harnmaster, and a modified 3.5 to resemble AD&D era novels FR. Why the frick would he ever play 5E? What do you gain from pretending 5E has anything for him or that it wasn't intentionally designed against that? Nobody screams at him telling him that he's dishonest when he explains that games like 4E have no appeal to him. Why does 5E get special treatment?

              • 8 months ago

                You are actually mentally damaged, holy shit.
                >I don't really like anything about EVE Online
                >Yeah but they rebalanced carriers, surely you can admit that's a good thing?
                >I don't know what that even means
                >You're just lying to be contrary!
                Why would someone who doesn't like the game give a single frick about your example?

                >I get back no positives.
                Largely because you're not giving it a fair evaluation.

                Look. Stop acting like you are trying to convince me that your bullshit is honest. Instead, imagine you're talking to a group of complete strangers, and all you can assume is that they all are familiar with a wide variety of RPGs, including 5e. And, upon being asked to give a fair evaluation of the game, you lead with "If I evaluate 5e fairly, by the metrics of 'what I want a roleplaying game to do for me to be fun,' I get back no positives."

                Do you actually expect anyone to be able to take you seriously? If so, all I can say is there's no wonder you're stuck shitposting on Ganker.

                >Do you actually expect anyone to be able to take you seriously?
                Yes because normal adult human beings understand the concept of not liking things you spectrum-covering spastic.

              • 8 months ago

                saying you don't like 5e is like being a vegan
                we know veagens exist and every normal person despises you because you're mentally ill and insist on telling EVERYBODY you hate 5e (or meat in the case of a veagan) you constantly try to minimize, shit on and sway people to your thinking, because deep down you know you do not have a real opinion, you chose your position because your REAL hobby isn't playing games
                it's shitposting
                and so, we will treat you accordingly; like an animal who needs to be put down

              • 8 months ago

                >If you don't like the most popular Product™ you should be shot dead
                Levels of bootlicking consumer shill that I honestly didn't know were possible.

              • 8 months ago

                D&D players honestly have more in common with vegans.

              • 8 months ago

                nah, playing d&d is like eating italian food, everyone likes it and it's easy to get

              • 8 months ago

                My italian blood is offended by this blatant slander. D&D is the fast food of Roleplaying in many ways.

              • 8 months ago

                People give fair evaluations of 5e all the time, you just don't want them because it's not favorable to you. If the most popular and most played game isn't the best than clearly whatever conclusion is reached was biased and wrong and if the conclusion was a negative evaluation on 5e than it was a troll, pure and simple.

              • 8 months ago

                But, it's not the best and no one here said it was.

                It's just nowhere near as bad as our trolls pretend it is in order to try and justify their crusade against the game and their desperate pleas for people to stop playing it.

              • 8 months ago

                >I'm addressing your behavior.
                What behavior? You aren’t arguing with one person.

              • 8 months ago

                How do you tell the difference between a troll that's spamming for attention, a troll that's spamming to mislead, and a troll that's copying a troll that's spamming to mislead for attention?

              • 8 months ago

                Abductive reasoning applied to available evidence? We even have a whole bunch of tools to assist us, such as the archive and data such as the various censuses conducted on this board.

                Also, a troll can be all three simultaneously, so why not err on the side of assuming the worst?

              • 8 months ago

                Because of the type of troll they are.
                If a troll is doing it purely for attention, ignore them.
                If a troll is spamming in an effort to try and mislead people or otherwise shape public opinion, it's actually somewhat dangerous to leave them alone.

                Coming across as a schizo in your efforts to 'shape public opinion' is probably a good reason to make a good faith effort.

                But you won't do that, because you either don't actually care, or are too stupid to learn.

              • 8 months ago

                I call it being on Ganker. Especially since “Have you tried not playing D&D” is at least a decade old at this and your complaining about it is more recent.
                Grow a thicker skin. You will be happier if you do.

              • 8 months ago

                People were pointing out the spam was spam within days of the original spammer though. Complaining about the shitpost is older than you probably are.

              • 8 months ago

                Do you understand why people post
                Jack Off Before You Post and Have You Tried Not Playing DnD? Can you explain the reason that these specific phrases have been repeated so much that they can be recognized by their abbreviations?

              • 8 months ago

                The latter is spammed because it's been effectively grandfathered in as a lazy shitpost you can spam that the mods will ignore. It started out as just a passive-aggressive response that was so sufficiently neutered that you could always backtrack and profess "I'm just offering advice! I swear! I swear I'm not shitposting, believe me!", and eventually evolved into just something any lazy troll could spam at any mention of an RPG in order to express a feeling of "Stop playing D&D" without pushing the envelope too far.

              • 8 months ago

                I was born in the early 90s dipshit

              • 8 months ago

                >elaborate schemes
                Shitpost energetically to pretend an anonymous board agrees with you despite the overwhelming actual evidence it doesn't (D&D is by far the most played and discussed game on this board, to the tune that more people play 5e than all other RPGs combined, according to even our most recent census), all in a desperate effort to try and not feel alone about your minority opinion that is ridiculed everywhere?

                Is that elaborate? I'm betting half our trolls haven't even realized why they're shitposting and imagine it's because they're actually fighting against the evil Hasbro corporation by complaining online in a place where people are far more likely to pirate the books than buy them.

                Our trolls are idiots. They shitpost because they're lonely, and believe if they shitpost hard enough, they'll stop feeling lonely. That's not elaborate so much as it is just really, really fricking sad.

                yeah idk who these morons are trying to fool
                >uhhh ackshually everyone secretly hates the most popular thing on the market!
                like even on its face it's just a moronic position to hold

                anon creates a negative feedback loop by making posts so unhinged that nobody in their right mind would take him seriously, which leads to him getting treated like a lolcow and anybody that might hold his position leaving the thread, which reinforces his schizo mindset. It's kind of sad because this is either a literal kid (popular thing good is a mindset I've only seen legitimately argued by children) or an actual schizophrenic.

              • 8 months ago

                You're really struggling to play the "people agree with me and no one agrees with you" card, hoping that a fellow troll will chime in and support you, without really appreciating how worthless that is. At the end of the day, even ten people here agreeing on a topic is just ten people, which is a drop in the grand bucket.

                Hell, you're not even arguing against one person, which kind of deflates your entire argument. More importantly, it does nothing to dissuade my argument that you are fixated on not feeling alone, and that is the primary impetus behind your shitposting here.

              • 8 months ago

                >Autistic fart huffer calls someone else a shitposter

              • 8 months ago

                >anon creates a negative feedback loop by making posts so unhinged that nobody in their right mind would take him seriously
                yes, you have been doing that, you should probably stop because nobody is gonna sit there and think
                >yeah, this super successful franchise is dying...after a huge videogame using the ip ended up a massive success
                like are you insane, stupid or both?

              • 8 months ago

                You seem oddly desperate in your efforts to pretend you're some kind of victim, chased by someone who's unfairly targeting you and your shitposting.

                Perhaps a recommendation? If you actually think a boogeyman is chasing you, quit shitposting. Best outcome for everyone.

              • 8 months ago

                Christ you're embarrassing yourself with this attempt at damage control.
                Someone posts a clear and obvious example of a deliberate anti-D&D troll shitposting in the most blatant and egregious manner imaginable, completely unprovoked, and you're hoping to try and complain about a post that's just pointing out the obvious and to act like the troll is somehow just a virtuous innocent, simply expressing his personal opinion, and is being unfairly maligned.

                It's a bit of a stretch. Can you even see that anymore?

              • 8 months ago

                your major malfunction is that you are one of those spergs that can't view anything negative as something other than trolling and that you're physically incapable of stopping yourself from going on massive rants filled with schizo paragraph posts

              • 8 months ago

                >extend the benefit of the doubt to obvious trolls in a place with obvious trolls

              • 8 months ago

                You're right. We should be more critical and not give people the benefit of the doubt.
                So prove you're not a troll.

            • 8 months ago

              >I can't believe how blatant it was
              You really don't appreciate how bad the trolls on /tg/ have gotten. You can find examples of that level of blatant trolling pretty commonly, often within the first few posts of a thread because their goal is maximum exposure for minimum effort, because they only have so much energy but need to do so much to pretend there's more of them than there are. They're not just casually shitposting, but not only actively dedicating themselves to it, but trying to figure out how to do it as efficiently as possible.

              That's the thing about /tg/'s trolls. It's beyond a routine to them at this point, it's beyond even a compulsive behavior they can't control anymore. It's an active game to them that they're trying to strategize the most efficient methods of shitposting.

              This all should sound silly, but when you find example after example of the most shameless and blatant shitposting, done in the same style, in thread after thread with even just the flimsiest relation to D&D, it starts to paint a picture of a handful of trolls doing their best to shitpost as hard as they can in order to try and convince people of this moron's bullshit


              I don't really care if people enjoy or play DnD, but why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?

              Through Wizard's honestly clever marketing, DnD has become the normie option for RPGs - beyond an option even, it has BECOME RPGs for most people outright.

              /tg/ has been many things over the year, but I would never call it normie - for good or for bad (mostly bad, let's be real).

              But its weird people get so butthurt over DnD not being well liked here, it's strange. Would you be upset if Ganker hated Fortnite? Or if Ganker hated Naruto?

              People play DnD because they heard RPGs are a thing that the cool kids do and DnD is the RPG. People here play RPGs because they have an autistic obsession with either simulating something, or playing out their story and campaign ideas, and need to find the best RPG for that.

              Enjoy DnD if you want to, have fun in your general, but stop getting your panties in a twist that people hate it in one of the most likely places on the internet to hate it. This is overwhelming a community of people in so deep that they moved past DnD.


              • 8 months ago

                Stop trolling.

              • 8 months ago

                no u.

              • 8 months ago

                Deflecting and calling other people trolls when accused? That's exactly what a troll would do.

                How about you provide some proof that you aren't trolling, Mr. Troll?

              • 8 months ago
              • 8 months ago

                Nice try, but that's exactly the sort of trick or worst troll would attempt to pull.
                Truly your actions are indefensible.

              • 8 months ago

                >Deflecting and calling other people trolls when accused? That's exactly what a troll would do.

                Isn't that what you're doing right now, a desperate bid to try and accuse your accuser?
                Fricking hell, man. You're basically giving me the gun and ammunition to shoot you dead and then acting like a smug c**t about it.
                I'm actually kind of amazed by how dumb you are here.

              • 8 months ago

                Where did you accuse me troll? Other than here

                no u.

                with a pathetic "no u"
                Now you're attempting to obfuscate and twist things, exactly the way any troll would when found out. And still your only defense is to try and deflect and blame someone else.

                It would be funny if your trolling wasn't so blatant.

              • 8 months ago

                Man, this troll is just too dumb. It's almost like he's falseflagging just to set up some easy "wins" against him, and that takes away the fun.

                It's like when a bad director intentionally makes a bad movie. It's not funny or even interesting, compared to when a bad director tries to make a good movie and just fails.

                If this troll isn't actively trying to be a bad troll, that would be pretty sad, but at this point it's kind of hard to believe anyone could actually be as dumb as he's pretending to be.

              • 8 months ago

                I agree

                >I can't believe how blatant it was
                You really don't appreciate how bad the trolls on /tg/ have gotten. You can find examples of that level of blatant trolling pretty commonly, often within the first few posts of a thread because their goal is maximum exposure for minimum effort, because they only have so much energy but need to do so much to pretend there's more of them than there are. They're not just casually shitposting, but not only actively dedicating themselves to it, but trying to figure out how to do it as efficiently as possible.

                That's the thing about /tg/'s trolls. It's beyond a routine to them at this point, it's beyond even a compulsive behavior they can't control anymore. It's an active game to them that they're trying to strategize the most efficient methods of shitposting.

                This all should sound silly, but when you find example after example of the most shameless and blatant shitposting, done in the same style, in thread after thread with even just the flimsiest relation to D&D, it starts to paint a picture of a handful of trolls doing their best to shitpost as hard as they can in order to try and convince people of this moron's bullshit [...].

                is a pretty dumb troll. Says the same old cowardly troll defenses to try and pretend he's not trolling, and then attempts to deflect and distract as soon as he's confronted about his trolling ways.
                Truly our board's worst troll.

              • 8 months ago

                You're not even trying. And if you are, it's pathetic.

              • 8 months ago

                Thanks for confirming you're a cowardly troll who can't prove otherwise and tries to hide when confronted

          • 8 months ago

            He's responded to the same few posts a dozen times already. He's begging for yet another argument because his last few attempts to start one didn't go very far. It's all the same schizo babble about "trolls" as usual.

            • 8 months ago

              Nice try but no, that was my first post in this entire thread, and this is the second

              The thing I'm talking about just happen the other day on this thread [...] and I can't believe how blatant it was. He asked about the best form of tabletop GAMING (as in ttrpgs, wargames, boardgames, cards, etc) and got derail into d&d eternal bickering anyway.

              and the issue I'm complaning about

              • 8 months ago

                You the schizoid trollhunter?

              • 8 months ago

                Calling him a trollhunter would imply that he isn't the troll himself. Derailing threads by accusing everyone else of being a troll has garnered him plenty of (you)s.

                If he was actually serious about combating trolls, he'd remember that the first thing you do is you don't feed the troll. Trawling through the board to engage with as many trolls as possible would only encourage that form of lazy (you) farming for all involved.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh, I know. The moniker is ironic, if anything.

        • 8 months ago

          >If you hate d&d in a d&d thread is expected,
          I disagree, for a number of reasons. Chief among them is that the people who "hate" D&D tend to do so either out of ignorance, deliberate ignorance, or even just flat out false pretenses. It's not some child rapist or war criminal, it's a fantasy game who's only major crimes are being overrated and extremely popular, and the people who are driven to hate something like that will generally need to lie and exaggerate in order to pretend their minor grievances are anything more than just petty b***hing. Also, if you don't like a game, that means your experience with that game will generally be limited, as you are not driven to play the game and thus lack the same level of experience as people who do actually want to play it, or oftentimes even completely imaginary as is the case of many of the trolls here. We even have trolls that just recycle complaints from previous editions of D&D that no longer apply, and largely because they really don't care at all about anything even resembling an honest or fair critique of the system. They just want to spam and shitpost.

          Secondly, if you don't like something, the right move is to move on and discuss something you actually enjoy. Pointless negativity isn't good for anyone, and most discussions suffer with a person who just wants to complain about the topic. This is no secret, and we've had plenty of trolls right out admit that they actively want to discourage people from discussing/playing D&D. This board is a game to them, where their goal is to be such shameless shitposters that they actually drive people away.

          It's alright to dislike D&D. It's okay to dislike anything. But, to constantly enter or even create threads just to discuss things you dislike is not healthy or productive, and largely just leads to people becoming so thoroughly obsessed with what they dislike that they grow detached from reality as they grow to actually believe the contrarian shitposts.

      • 8 months ago

        So you are a weak individual that bases his taste not on what he loves, but on hating what the majority likes.

        Shit to be you I guess.

      • 8 months ago

        >I don't really care if people enjoy or play DnD, but why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?
        I don't care if you don't like D&D. I care that not liking D&D is all you talk about.

      • 8 months ago

        >but why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?
        Reddit spacing aside
        It's not really true.

    • 8 months ago

      See this


      I don't really care if people enjoy or play DnD, but why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?

      Through Wizard's honestly clever marketing, DnD has become the normie option for RPGs - beyond an option even, it has BECOME RPGs for most people outright.

      /tg/ has been many things over the year, but I would never call it normie - for good or for bad (mostly bad, let's be real).

      But its weird people get so butthurt over DnD not being well liked here, it's strange. Would you be upset if Ganker hated Fortnite? Or if Ganker hated Naruto?

      People play DnD because they heard RPGs are a thing that the cool kids do and DnD is the RPG. People here play RPGs because they have an autistic obsession with either simulating something, or playing out their story and campaign ideas, and need to find the best RPG for that.

      Enjoy DnD if you want to, have fun in your general, but stop getting your panties in a twist that people hate it in one of the most likely places on the internet to hate it. This is overwhelming a community of people in so deep that they moved past DnD.

      do you think why One of the most prevaling statements here is "Have you not tried to Play DnD" or "Just Play diffrent system" Because For many DND is the most Safe and Midletoast you can get.

      • 8 months ago

        Something spammed by moronic trolls isn't exactly the same as prevailing, especially when it's clear it's done by contrarians going against actual public opinion solely for attention.

        • 8 months ago

          >ctrl+f "troll"
          >109 results
          Oh look, it's this homosexual again.

          You should put on a tripcode so that people don't accidentally waste their time trying to make sense of your deranged ramblings.

          • 8 months ago


            • 8 months ago

              >look mom!
              >I'm winning the internet argument I have at least 3 times a week and always ends in me having a mental breakdown

          • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Fepp Beyp

  2. 8 months ago

    >Muh D&D™ death
    Not going to happen. If anything i can theorise that VTT could possibly merge with VRPG using ChatGTP, Drawing and Voice AI making a new, improved generation of roguelike games and IF (big ass if) it's going to happen at all it won't for the time being.

  3. 8 months ago

    >Soon Wizards will realize they overextended
    Not when Blackrock is funding them

  4. 8 months ago

    >Having any sense of self-reflection on their practices
    What this is telling them is that 6e needs to be MORE videogamey and also they need to actively spite their longtime fanbase more for the streamer crowd and their orbiters

    • 8 months ago

      This. the vtt is gonna end up being baldurs gate 3 with you only being able to play adventure modules with an AI dm or something.

      • 8 months ago

        Will the AI DM smell funny and give out preferential treatment to the female in the group

  5. 8 months ago


    Vivek took Soros scholarship, there's a sizeable chance he is also pozzed. I'm for him though.


    I don't really care if people enjoy or play DnD, but why is it so weird to wrap your heads around the fact that /tg/ hates DnD?

    Through Wizard's honestly clever marketing, DnD has become the normie option for RPGs - beyond an option even, it has BECOME RPGs for most people outright.

    /tg/ has been many things over the year, but I would never call it normie - for good or for bad (mostly bad, let's be real).

    But its weird people get so butthurt over DnD not being well liked here, it's strange. Would you be upset if Ganker hated Fortnite? Or if Ganker hated Naruto?

    People play DnD because they heard RPGs are a thing that the cool kids do and DnD is the RPG. People here play RPGs because they have an autistic obsession with either simulating something, or playing out their story and campaign ideas, and need to find the best RPG for that.

    Enjoy DnD if you want to, have fun in your general, but stop getting your panties in a twist that people hate it in one of the most likely places on the internet to hate it. This is overwhelming a community of people in so deep that they moved past DnD.

    Nothing wrong with DnD hate but the game used to be good. D&D B/X is one of the most complete and compelling RPGs of all time. Only Traveller really exceeds it in terms of what it inspires.

  6. 8 months ago


    Anyone actually trying to fight globohomosexual would meet the same end as JFK, I don't want to talk politics on this board but after reading RFK I felt like it had to be mentioned

  7. 8 months ago

    Am I the only one who Just couldn't "Get Into It"?
    The system was adequate (Even If I dislike 5th Edition and DnD) Writing were solid and SOME jokes Landed. But How it was presented Was what broke the Camels Back. Graphics Looked Like Raid Shadow Legends and a good portion of Jokes and options were cringeworthy.

    • 8 months ago

      Why would you lie on the internet?

      • 8 months ago

        Look at this and tell me it does not look lile some furgays Blender animation. I would prefer Dishonored like stylisation

        • 8 months ago

          you're actually mentally ill

  8. 8 months ago

    >this d&d videogame is super popular
    >this means d&d will die for sure!

  9. 8 months ago

    BG3 will probably do more to harm D&D than WotC could ever do to themselves. People who play it and D&D are going to be acutely aware of just how lacking and shallow D&D has been this whole time. How poorly laid out the rules are. How there just are no rules in the books that cover some of the things BG3 does.

    WotC is going to release their VTT with a mandatory subscription fee and it's going to be a piss poor experience for all the people who have been playing BG3 over and over. There will probably be DLC and updates that add even more to the game, and maybe even mods, by the time WotC gets "One D&D" ready for the market.

    • 8 months ago

      >How there just are no rules in the books that cover some of the things BG3 does.
      What rules for things BG3 addresses do you need in the books? Anything not covered by playing F.A.T.A.L.?

  10. 8 months ago

    And there he goes

  11. 8 months ago

    >>>Ganker is there


    is out there

  12. 8 months ago

    BG3 is the same slop as 5e is, and believing that there is some sort of chance that goyslop will not sell is moronic.

    • 8 months ago

      where did you learn this neologism? is there a synonym for it that people who aren't part of whatever group taught you it might be familiar with?

      • 8 months ago

        i know you're trying to be overly pompous and purposely moronic but he literally uses slop in the sentence before

      • 8 months ago

        goyslopé is what the french say I believe.

      • 8 months ago

        >where did you learn this neologism?
        /pol/, or Ganker which is /misc/ with even browner people if possible.

  13. 8 months ago

    OP's image has nothing to do with his post. Why did he post the image? Is he illiterate? I don't understand.

  14. 8 months ago

    god, I wish.
    Its just going to make it even more popular and directed towards an even lower common denominator.

  15. 8 months ago

    BG3 caused video gamers to notice how bad "Natural 1 on 1d20 always misses in combat" is, while dronies think it's fine because everybody's turn in their games takes 10 minutes.

    • 8 months ago

      >BG3 caused video gamers to notice how bad "Natural 1 on 1d20 always misses in combat" is
      No it didn't

    • 8 months ago

      I've never seen this complaint about 5e at all

  16. 8 months ago

    Normoids can't into phantasia, they have aphantasia which is a medical condition many suffer lack of ability to imagine objects and things inside one's mind.

  17. 8 months ago

    BG 3 is the first time I've ever touched anything related to DnD.
    >t. 40k player

  18. 8 months ago

    BG3 is just a Virtual Tabletop campaign. Problem is it's so good that actually playing the /tg/ version will never compare.

    Wiz will rake in the cash and continue being stupid whilst not really materializing much in the way of actual playerbase. Many such cases (see: mtg crossover sets).

  19. 8 months ago

    >morons gaslighting themselves into thinking D&D isn't popular and will surely die this time
    >because the latest D&D videogame was successful critically and financially?

    • 8 months ago

      I haven’t seen anyone say it isn’t popular but there is a lot of people saying it’s shit. That’s what people are arguing about.

    • 8 months ago

      Classic /tg/ logic.

    • 8 months ago

      Copium from the hipster homosexual nogames that infest this board mad that people don't want to play their boring dogshit indie RPG that requires you to do calculus just to take the movement action

      • 8 months ago

        That sounds like a self-contradictory and delusional statement.

        • 8 months ago

          Yes, and that's why the people itt saying BG3 is killing D&D are moronic. It's their copium, not yours

    • 8 months ago

      yeah I'm uh...I'm not sure the shitposters thought this through

  20. 8 months ago

    No shit. There is no real point to table top games. You are manually doing what an RPG video game does, but you have to do it all yourself because there's no computer involved to make things fast and seamless. It's an archaic thing left over from the age of punch cards and vacuum tubes. Why would I bother trying to learn D&D and dealing with its shit rules when I could just play BG3?

  21. 8 months ago

    >everyone believes me!
    >no one believes you!
    The dozens of threads you've done this in have never ended with anyone siding with you.

    • 8 months ago

      yeah idk who these morons are trying to fool
      >uhhh ackshually everyone secretly hates the most popular thing on the market!
      like even on its face it's just a moronic position to hold

    • 8 months ago

      You're oddly fixated on not feeling alone.

      I understand you want other trolls to lick your wounds, but you need to realize that what I'm talking about is actual statistics. Facts. Supported by data taken from this board on numerous occasions. D&D is incredibly popular and proven incredibly popular every time a census was conducted, even on this board that seems to be the last place on the internet where people like you can gather together to complain how much they hate it. The stats are actually surprising, because they indicate that most of /tg/ loves the game, which indicates that the efforts to pretend it hates it comes from a very small minority.

      While you desperately want to not feel alone, to feel comfort in one or two other people agreeing with you, I can actually just point to that as just more supporting evidence to your incredible obsession.

      • 8 months ago

        >You're oddly fixated on not feeling alone.
        Holy Projection, Batman. Just open a drive-in theater if you're going to pull this shit.

  22. 8 months ago

    >anon creates a "DND IS DYING' thread for the millionth time
    >everyone laughs at him
    >has a breakdown and starts sperging out, accusing everyone else of being stupid or a schizo
    lel don't you get tired of getting btfo every time you try to do this? Hating popular things isn't a personality

  23. 8 months ago

    >d&d is...le dying?
    > just is!
    >ok but how
    >umm...uhhh....TROLL SCHIZO, BOOTLICKER

  24. 8 months ago

    It will be Like TTS to warhammer. It will bring the wors type of no game secondaries who will somehow make discoussion shittier. This is why 5e DnD has been a mistake.

    • 8 months ago

      5e dnd is a mistake because it's...popular?

      • 8 months ago

        Popularity rarely makes something better.

        • 8 months ago

          it's popular because it's good, it didn't just start out popular
          are cars bad because they were more popular than horses?

          • 8 months ago

            it's popular because it had good marketing and a streamlined system normies could gulp down

            • 8 months ago

              right so it's popular because it's good, glad we established that

              • 8 months ago

                If you base the quality of something off of the lowest common denominators opinon then sure thing, enjoy your goyslop

              • 8 months ago

                hmm well the average poster on this board is mentally moronic unlike the average normie so I trust their taste over yours

              • 8 months ago

                Well good thin we have an expert on the mental moronation here.

              • 8 months ago

                are you declaring yourself the biggest moron?
                weird flex but ok

          • 8 months ago

            No the Cars arw bad because they are inconvinient but are stilp promoted because it is easy to sell to the average dumb conumer. Even if the better alternatives exist.

            • 8 months ago

              critical levels of contrarianism lmfao

          • 8 months ago

            Appeal to popularity fallacy. D&D is popular because it’s horribly flawed not because it’s good. Things become popular because they are talked about and good thing often generate less discussion than bad things. However if something is too bad it can’t become popular so I guess the correct answer is “D&D is just bad enough to become popular”

            • 8 months ago

              bad bait but
              >things only become popular if they're bad
              did get a chuckle from me so... 3/10

              • 8 months ago

                Who said it was bait? It’s the truth. You can see phenomenon this on boards like Ganker and Ganker. The anime and games universally considered good rarely get discussed except briefly whereas bad anime and games get shit tons of discussion.
                People are addicted to talking about bad stuff:

              • 8 months ago

                hmm even worse bait, unfunny post too

              • 8 months ago

                You say it’s bait yet you are in this thread with me. You are as addicted to bad things as everyone else.

      • 8 months ago

        More lile what

        My italian blood is offended by this blatant slander. D&D is the fast food of Roleplaying in many ways.

        said it appeals to The Normies the lowest common demanor and it sends a clear message to ther system makes that they should not make anything more uniqie or complocated. Just a Fast Food Slop for The Dumb Grey Mass

  25. 8 months ago

    Baldur’s Gate 3 is full of gays, so is the 5e dnd community, it’s over.

  26. 8 months ago

    >ITT autismos seething (again) over the fact that people who don't have mental problems prefer d&d to whatever schizo slop they play (but don't actually play because they have nobody willing to stomach their shit game which is why they spend all day crying here)

  27. 8 months ago

    >popular thing bad!
    how did this cope start anyway? popular things are usually popular because they're the best things

    • 8 months ago

      sour grapes, where else do ya think? losers who make shit rpgs looking for every cope in the world for why their game isn't successful when real answer is the simplest one, they sell bad and are not played because they suck shit

    • 8 months ago

      That only applies to classics. Ironically old D&D can be considered a classic with the existence of OSR trying to capture its feel while modern D&D is more akin to a fad that will die when a new edition comes around.

    • 8 months ago

      >popular things are usually popular because they're the best things
      Remember CP 2077, Fallout 4, Assasins Creed Unity. They sold good but were they good in terms of writing, mechanics or anything?.

      • 8 months ago

        Graphics. AAA games tend to go far based on their graphics.

      • 8 months ago

        ac unity amd fallout 4 were panned so you're wrong and moronic cp 2077 was released by the company that made Witcher 3 hence hype and is now fixed and a good game. Save your cope.

        • 8 months ago

          >now fixed and a good game.
          A yes.
          >live paths still do shit
          >spongy enemies
          >any melee weapon besides katana is shit
          >gays started forgiving because of passable anime
          Did I mentioned that it took them TWO FRICKING YEARS to do anything and make the game ONE percent closer to what it was advertised?
          Frick you you spineless homosexual because of those like you entertaiment undustry is in shat ut is today.

    • 8 months ago

      It's bad because what is popular is not compatible with what RPGs uses to be which a lot of people liked. People want whacky antics not an actual game. That is the problem. Brennan Lee Mulligan and Critical Roll are gay frickin trash. I don't care if they're popular. No one who was playing in the 00s likes these people.

  28. 8 months ago

    You losers done arguing.

  29. 8 months ago

    >anti d&d schizo makes another moron thread where he gets publicly humiliated
    >flies into a frothing autistic rage
    >gets utterly torn to pieces
    >declares that ackshually everyone else making fun him is made and that he, spending every day screaming about d&d is totally not angry and obsessed
    I almost feel bad, this guy is gonna kill himself soon for sure

    • 8 months ago

      >anti d&d schizo
      You mean the D&D defending schizo?

      • 8 months ago

        >anti d&d schizo makes another moron thread where he gets publicly humiliated
        >flies into a frothing autistic rage
        >gets utterly torn to pieces
        >declares that ackshually everyone else making fun him is made and that he, spending every day screaming about d&d is totally not angry and obsessed
        I almost feel bad, this guy is gonna kill himself soon for sure

        You know that saying? This thread Shows what happens when two of them start arguing

        • 8 months ago

          that's a meme, idiots are incapable of winning arguments, they lose and then flail helplessly like clowns as this thread has so aptly shown.
          Contrarinism is truly pathetic

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