big and strong ladies in your games

how common are they?
what races do they tend to come from?
what jobs do they do?
how does society view them?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >how common are they
    pretty common once you walk out of the cities
    nobody is spared work
    work makes strong
    >what races do they tend to come from
    the ones with the above work ethic (humans, dwarves, orcs... certainly not elves or halflings)
    >what jobs do they do
    what needs doing? they'll probably leave more specialized labor like construction to the boys but most things are on the table
    >how does society view them
    variations on "why are you asking that's pretty normal" among the peasantry "savages force their wives to work :^(" among the rich

  2. 8 months ago

    >how common are they?
    In my magical realm settings? very common
    >what races do they tend to come from?
    all of them
    >what jobs do they do?
    manual labour and warrior jobs along with being maids
    >how does society view them?
    with approval and lust

    • 8 months ago

      nice orc

    • 8 months ago

      I prefer her when she’s fat. That manga is architect property.

  3. 8 months ago

    well ones hardwood and weighs hundreds of pounds and you have to do lockstepped drills with
    the other is 70 pounds of coniferous softwood

    the difference in wood density is shocking, a sycamore or a mulberry the same size as a poplar will weigh up to 15 times as much, and thats not even the crazy shit like ironwood

    the most common trees i remove ore cottonwoods and ash and poplars, you can shoulder a 6foot lead section on each arm with ease, and that's much heavier than picrel

    hardwoods though?
    i've tried shouldering a mulberry bough once, aside from the hellish bark, my vision went gray from the sheer heft
    anyone reading this could literally carry the one on the right, many of you could do one on each shoulder

    >t. treegay

    • 8 months ago

      Your burgerstani pride got so wounded by a joke that you had to lie did it?

      >the other is 70 pounds of coniferous softwood

      Try closer to 200 lb if you insist upon using your stupid units. That's dry weight but that log looks freshly felled unlike that little log the soldiers are carrying.

      >a sycamore or a mulberry the same size as a poplar will weigh up to 15 times as much

      Sycamore is about 500 kg / m^3 , poplar is about 425 kg / m^3. If they're the same size tree the sycamore is about 20% heavier, not 1400% heavier. If sycamore was even 135% denser than poplar it would sink in fresh water but it doesn't it floats. Even african teak at 130% denser doesn't sink in water.

      • 8 months ago

        Also it’s obvious that babushka has thicker arms than any of those muhreens

        • 8 months ago

          Maybe Putin should have drafted his army full of big burly babushka rather than the confused gaggle of ex-con, limp dick, ziggers that make up his standard recruitment pool.

    • 8 months ago

      >the difference in wood density is shocking
      One local hobby workshop had various bits and pieces of wood leftovers lying around, and there was this deep red, piece of wood that weighed like a rock. I've seen dense wood but never that dense.

  4. 8 months ago

    >how common are they?
    Not UNcommon but not exactly in high volume either.
    >what races do they tend to come from?
    >what jobs do they do?
    Secretarial. Record keeping. Appointment organizing. Message answering. You know that sort of thing.
    >how does society view them?
    Same as anyone else. Everyone is too concerned with their own business to care.

  5. 8 months ago


    Wow two pictures of a Ukrainian tank! Cool

  6. 8 months ago


    Wow two pictures of a Ukrainian tank! Cool

    go back to your containment board(s)

  7. 8 months ago

    >what races
    spiders and mantis

  8. 8 months ago

    >first picture is very clearly upside-down
    So this is the power of Kremlin propaganda...

    • 8 months ago

      second picture upside down too, western propaganda covers up invincible spiderbabushka

  9. 8 months ago
  10. 8 months ago

    Amazons are fairly common in my setting, though not a dominant race like humans.

    Amazons are their own race separate from other humanoid races.

    Amazons mostly work as monster slayers and treasure hunters. They are living as refugees after fleeing from their homeland because of centaur attacks. So they get work where they can find it.

    Because of their reputation as monster slayers and their aloofness from society, amazons are seen with curiousness and some awe. They are treated with some respect and people generally don’t bother them.

    • 8 months ago

      How come their reputation as "monster slayers" holds if the cheap prostitutes have to run from basic-b***h centaurs and minotaurs?
      Something doesn't add up.

  11. 8 months ago
  12. 8 months ago


    >pooled sap at both ends
    You can't even see both ends.
    >dry softwood weighs nearly nothing
    It's not dry, and when it comes to wood that weighs nearly nothing the lighest is a hardwood.
    >What saw should I use on the wood in picrel?
    There is no pic.
    >What size and grade, and is it a blake climb or a prusik to top it?
    There is no pic. Using "it" so the thing you're obviously referring back to is the wood and I wouldn't be climbing wood, climbing wood might be something you're into but I'd be climbing a tree. We also call them hitches, not climbs.
    about americans
    Nah, I was laughing at you or whichever idiot was applying the cope in that post.

    btw, I forgot to say before that she's doing it alone but those soldiers had all their soldier friends and the timber's so weathered you can't say what sort of tree it was.

    • 8 months ago

      it's literally stained and settled on two planes, it was flushcut upright and sat, you can see where

      go outside

      >the densest wood is the lightest
      you are straight up moronic
      holy shit
      everything you say is demonstrably wrong

      • 8 months ago

        >>the densest wood is the lightest
        I didn't say anything like that. I said the lightest wood is a hardwood.

        What wood is used commonly in things like model making and terrain construction because it's so light and soft and easy to carve and shape by small modelling tools? Why, it's balsa.

        Balsa is the least dense timber. Balsa is a hardwood. The lightest wood is a hardwood.

  13. 8 months ago

    Safe horny

  14. 8 months ago

    >OP posts horny bait thread #174billion
    >tree autists go off on coniferous sap-laden wood vs bark density
    Our heroes

  15. 8 months ago

    >how common are they?
    Well, I have two settings. In one, not very. Or at all really. In the other, extremely. So let's focus on the second.
    >what races do they tend to come from?
    Humans and Orcs, though some more warlike Elves as well.
    >what jobs do they do?
    Soldiers, miners, farmers, or honestly whatever menial, small job needs doing.
    >how does society view them?
    Considering it's a setting where women have learned to syphon magic, and thus physical and mental strength, from men, and do so from a young age, it's common. In fact, it's rarer to see strong men.
    To TL;DR a page of backstory of the setting. Gods are powerful but can be killed by mortals. They are also physically there, and you can go visit them. But they'll probably smite you. Well, the goddesses got pissed at the gods for their abuse, created a way to syphon their powers, their magic, and took over. They then thought mortal women the same magic. Within about six months 90% of men were getting syphoned. Within three generations There are still some outlying Kingdoms where the last remaining male gods are holed up. I had players play both on the woman skde and the male side various times, changing Kingdoms, conquering others, expanding territories, even ousting precious leaders and putting themselves in charge.
    And once I had two grouls at the same time. The two parties kept hearing about each other and fricking with each other via proxies and screwing each other's plans, until, at the finale of both campaigns, I introduced the two groups and it was a giant battle royale. It was glorious.

    • 8 months ago

      So did the good guys won?

      • 8 months ago

        The women won because they used the environment. The men players were dumbasses who just charged in. To be fair, that was a thing the groups did before, even if the enemies constantly used the environment. One group learned, the other did not. What can you do? The next campaign though the men group took back the kingdom and did learn. It was good story either way. I haven't run that setting in a while though. Kinda want to go back and do more in that setting. Just need players who aren't culture warriors.
        Captcha: XXX8WV

  16. 8 months ago

    cat people
    armed escorts and escorts
    dangerous, but useful (and pettable) enough to keep around

  17. 8 months ago

    >how common are they?
    Not very. But they're often very significant where they happen to be.

    >what races do they tend to come from?
    Humans. Elves, which may also be humans. It's a result of centuries or millennia of exposure to magic, changing their nature in accordance with their deeds and behaviors. Some grow armour, swords from one hand, branches and vines for horns, teeth that inject venom.

    >what jobs do they do?
    None really. They dwell in the Faewyld, existing and living. Some party with elves, others simply hunt and survive, while others might try and find their way out, back to the human world, only to find out that realm is no longer for them.

    >how does society view them?
    Human society almost entirely doesn't know of them.
    Humans from our world see them with awe and amazement, as they're 9 foot superhumans with funny looking features. Their fellows, rare they are, see them as fellows, and ones of similar tenure. Elves, being creatures of deed and meaning, see them exactly as they see normal humans. They look at the tellings of deed, character, action and experience, and form their opinions on each individual from there.

  18. 8 months ago

    You will never be a real knight.jpg

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