Biggest Japslop ever

How the frick are you able to create a 10 game long series with every anime trope to ever exist in it.

Just image any trope you've seen in the last 40 years and its in here somewhere. How the hell do these games sell.

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    >10 game long series has a lot of content
    What's the problem?

    • 10 months ago

      >How the hell do these games sell.
      anime titts. Same reason the trails series keeps selling as well. Anime fans aren't very bright, and will eat up anything with japanese cartoon characters on the cover, especially if one of them is a spunky girl with red or blue hair.

      The gameplay. The writing. The art direction. The atrocious localizations that ad 20 times more text than is necessary and make all the characters 10 times more aggressive and obnoxious while censoring out the fun parts.

      have a nice day disgusting subhuman

      That's what they're called. Tropes. Would you prefer if he said cliche? or archetype?

  2. 10 months ago

    >Just image any trope you've seen in the last 40 years and its in here somewhere.
    Anime good.
    Japanese humor good.
    Anime tropes good.

    • 10 months ago


  3. 10 months ago

    My favorite frustrating trope in this series is 'we won, but only because he was holding back'

  4. 10 months ago

    Kiseki was conceived nearly 20 years ago and simply incorporated whatever anime/rpg/LN tropes cropped up over time

    • 10 months ago

      >Kiseki was conceived nearly 20 years ago and simply incorporated whatever anime/rpg/LN tropes cropped up over time.
      Stop being a disingenuous homosexual. He's clearly not talking about the LoH titles before Sky FC, which is basically a different series at this point considering 99% Kiseki gays has never played anything pre-LoH VI(Sky).
      Sky and onward was definitely inspired by trending japanese media at the time, given that Kevin is LITERALLY a walking FSN reference from his S-crafts(Which is literally a reference to Gilgamesh noble phantasm and "Grail Sphere" being a nod to the grails from the franchise) and his design heavily resembling Archer, even when wielding a literal ARCHER BOW. Or how CS was inspired by Persona 3 & 4 in terms of the calender and dating mechanic.
      So please shut the frick up.

      • 10 months ago

        but this series is completely unrelated to Trails games right? from a lore perspective I mean

        • 10 months ago

          It shares some similar items/skill names but that's about it. LOH Trails is completely separate from LOH Dragon Slayer and whatever the second series was called.

      • 10 months ago

        anon I was talking about Sky and Onwards, Sky FC came out in 2004

  5. 10 months ago

    Kiseki is the best RPG series of all time
    They took what FF8 began and ran with it.
    It only gets better as you go deeper into it.

    • 10 months ago

      >They took what FF8 began and ran with it.

      and what exactly did that shit game do?

      • 10 months ago

        The first Kiseki game, Cold Steel, centers around a military school.

  6. 10 months ago

    have a nice day disgusting subhuman

  7. 10 months ago

    >How the hell do these games sell.

    Because Kiseki fills the niche of a long-running series that requires an investment. Kingdom Hearts did that for a long time, but it's essentially dead in the water now and Kiseki's story is not as much of a clusterfrick.

    • 10 months ago

      The newer stories aren’t cluster fricks, there written by out of touch brain dead moron japs, so they’re so simple that they almost trick you into thinking they have depth.

  8. 10 months ago
  9. 10 months ago

    are any of those dudes her bf?

    • 10 months ago


  10. 10 months ago

    Can I get a qrd on this guy?

    • 10 months ago

      He is an Ernst Juenger stand-in.

    • 10 months ago

      Every woman who ever means him instantly tries to jump on his dick.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        >mc burn
        Every fricking time.

      • 10 months ago

        >my real dad
        Fricking exploded my sides

      • 10 months ago

        I wonder how Rean feels about Alfin's rapid development.

      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Is there a video game character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Rean Schwarzer? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Pre Civil-War Rean Schwarzer. I'm not talking about Civil-War Spirit Unified Rean Schwarzer. Hell, I'm not even talking about Post-Civil War Professor Rean "Mad Headpatter" Schwarzer who's built up a large bond with his Divine Knight. I'm also not talking about Rean "Merely Holding Back" Schwarzer. I'm talking about Rean "Ogro Blanco" Schwarzer the fully realized Divine Blade, having mastered the strongest form of the Eight Leaves One Blade school of swordsmanship and the ability to infinitely delay his enemies' turns, having beaten one of the greatest practitioners in the continent to earn the said title of Divine Blade equipped with his sharpened tachi (editor's note: a much better and cooler version of a katana) and all Master Quartz as well as a Gladiator's Headband, having headpatted all females and males across Erebonia constantly being vigilant so that his male party members dare not get together with the female party members in his harem understanding his very close relationship to the uber-chad Osborne, being free of his curse that forced him to hold back having achieved max bonding points with all members of his team having successfully saved his dead terrorist boyfriend and sent him back to school with the power of all the Divine Knights in him, having visited Hamel and paid his respects, being able to fly around Erebonia with his airship for however many times he damn well pleases, respectfully mourning the death of Market Manager Otto at least once per day exercising his ability to not hold back on the daily, and controlling Estelle Tita Tio and Juna as well as others as part of his harem, having beaten his literal future self coming from an alternate timeline who had a total melty and fused with a continential curse, and having just consumed a Zeram Capsule to have his 200 S-Craft at the ready this very instant

    • 10 months ago
  11. 10 months ago

    give me the reandown

    • 10 months ago

      As I said, he is Junger. Celine is also present in the game, as a cat (neko)

      • 10 months ago

        frick you i found it
        >orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
        >final student of a legendary swordsman
        >secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
        >such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men
        >his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s veganas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
        >chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
        >masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
        >wields a tachi and can teleport behind you
        >beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky
        >grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
        >just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
        >uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second
        >is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
        >breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
        >even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
        >kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
        >becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
        >has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
        >now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
        >awakens a new inner power to combat this alternate self, giving him heterochromia in the process
        >tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,
        >made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him
        >is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing

        • 10 months ago

          This has to be exaggerated or be satire because I refuse to believe that a grown man could come up with all that shit and somehow think he's created God's gift to mankind, enough so that he explicitly disparages older characters. But I guess the fact that this fricking piece of work somehow tops the popularity charts says a lot of how moronic the country is.

          • 10 months ago

            Nothing he said is an exaggeration. Every single thing he said is true

          • 10 months ago

            only the cucking part is false
            everything else is unironic and completely true

        • 10 months ago

          It should be taken in tandem, as he is also a Junger stand-in.
          >Everyone just knew, somehow, that he was not going to die in the war

        • 10 months ago

          > has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
          Jesus Christ, it’s worse then I thought.

          • 10 months ago

            >Tita away from Agate
            After all that time she spent reverse grooming the poor man?

          • 10 months ago

            >Tita away from Agate
            please Rean take that grooming prostitute away from my bro

        • 10 months ago

          why are asians like this?
          can't they write something a little bit more grounded

  12. 10 months ago
  13. 10 months ago

    For me, it's Towa.

  14. 10 months ago

    Kevin needs a new game

    • 10 months ago

      who is kevin?

    • 10 months ago

      Kevin is unironically too good for the series now and is probably best left forgotten lest he becomes another Lloyd

    • 10 months ago

      He's too old now he's like 28. They already make fun of Van for being too old to be a JRPG protagonist and he's 24

  15. 10 months ago

    leave Shitsuna to me

    • 10 months ago

      > 12+ game franchise
      > antagonist writing and climax pacing peaked at game 1(one)
      Holy frick what went wrong

      • 10 months ago

        and don't forget, all the people working with him has attempted to distance themselves from them calling him lunatic etc. even though they went along with his plans. it's hilarious.

  16. 10 months ago

    >Biggest Japslop
    stopped reading there
    kys tasteless mutt x monkey breeed.

  17. 10 months ago

    >coolest motherfricker in the game is a typical "I'm holding back" villain
    >every encounter with him is the same "maybe you can get me to become serious this time"
    >has a shitty name
    >despite all of that, I love this character
    How the frick did they do it?

    • 10 months ago

      The mystery of who the frick he is

    • 10 months ago

      its funny because Mcburn is just Rean but turned to 11

    • 10 months ago

      >Makes stupid fricking fire puns for 2.75 games
      >Suddenly drops a massive vague as frick lore bomb on you at the very end of CS4
      >Explains nothing
      >Fricks off
      What a guy.

  18. 10 months ago

    it's up to 12 games now bud

  19. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Holy kek, all that just for her to spin around a little and then slash normally. I get that scrafts are maybe canon and usually aren't but this takes the cake for just being a moronic buildup to a normal attack.

      • 10 months ago

        But anon, her scythe is glowing and shit yo.

    • 10 months ago

      This is what it must feel like to be in paradise.

  20. 10 months ago

    unfortunately nothing happens in them. there are no stakes. nobody's going to die or even suffer an injury. and if they do, it affects them in no serious way. your enemies are also rooting for you, they are just testing your resolve! it's okay, we're all fighting for the same thing. in the end, everyone is friends and even the bad guys are welcome to join in on the fun.
    really, you can jump in whenever. the previous games don't affect the current games at all. at most you'll know what they're talking about when they say "oh yeah, the liberl/crossbell incident(s)."

  21. 10 months ago

    Let's not pretend that Baldur's Gate troonyness/D&D slop is not full of embarrassing cliched tropes.

  22. 10 months ago

    Who's the girl (boy?) in the upper right?

  23. 10 months ago

    What the frick?! I did not expect role-playing in my Japanese role-playing game

    • 10 months ago

      Please tell me Shirley pops in for a visit as a party member if you choose Ouroboros.

      • 10 months ago

        No but you get to chill with Walter and Lucrezia as guest party members

  24. 10 months ago

    >Father "Whomst've" Kevin
    >Lloyd Jobbings
    >Estelle Bright (Annexed by Rean)
    >Rean the Haha-man Schwarzer
    >Some guy I never seen before.
    Who is that lad?

    • 10 months ago

      Nayuta Herschel from nayuta no kiseki

    • 10 months ago

      McBurn from Trails of Cold Steel.

      >tropes bad

      >tropes good because originality bad
      Peak tranime consoomer.

  25. 10 months ago

    >tropes bad

  26. 10 months ago

    >bad guy does something evil
    >kills countless people
    >they go on to kill more

    • 10 months ago

      >bad guy does something evil
      >kills countless people
      >"I don't care"

      Frick Bracercucks
      Frick the Police
      And frick Almata

      • 10 months ago

        if you kill them you are just like them, this is why kuro isnt selling, van its a villain

  27. 10 months ago

    for me
    its elaine and fie

    • 10 months ago


  28. 10 months ago

    >implying tropes are inherently bad
    >implying theres any plot in the story of mankind that doesnt reuse tropes
    and this is how you spot a brainlet

    • 10 months ago

      OP didn't imply either one.
      Also fun fact, doesn't matter if tropes are inherently bad or good or if other stories use tropes, when the entire trails series is basically nothing but a long line of tropes one after the other constantly over and over and over again. You quite literally cannot go more than 30 seconds in any given game during any given cutscene or dialog sequence without some trope being thrown in.

      • 10 months ago

        Literally every single thing in any media can be considered tied to a trope. It's about how it's executed. Like

        >How the frick are you able to create a 10 game long series with every anime trope to ever exist in it.
        This series did it with less games. And it was done way better than Trails. Valkyria Chronicles, Dragon Quest and a bunch of others have done it too.

        It's almost like JRPGs are just anime in game form...

        said, Suikoden is full of tropes. But it usually either played it up, flipped your expectations or put a unique spin on it. Trials just plays the trope straight.

        • 10 months ago

          >It's about how it's executed
          Yes, and the entire Trails series is basically "LOL LOOK AT THIS TROPE LOL LOOK AT THIS TROPE LOL LOOK AT THIS TROPE ooohhhhh look at this badass trope oooooooooo heres another baadass trope lol SUBVERTED HERES A FUNNY TROPE LOL HERES A FUNNY TROPE

          It's as rapid fire and constant as the quips in a fricking Deadpool movie.
          I do not understand how people can legitimately enjoy the writing in this series.
          You tell me you enjoy the series for the gameplay, I'll give you that. It's pretty neat for a turn based JRPG series. But people always claim that the writing is really good and the characters are really well done and the world building is top notch and I just have to sit there and wonder if you morons have ever played any other games in your life or if youve ever read a fricking book.

          • 10 months ago

            You're preaching to the choir. I just said Trails plays the tropes straight. I'm not saying it has amazing writing. But I will say that there's obviously a market for such things. People eat up generic writing all the time. I personally think it can be done more subtly though.

            • 10 months ago

              >But I will say that there's obviously a market for such things
              The rapidly declining sales figures say otherwise, thankfully.

          • 10 months ago

            >LOL LOOK AT THIS TROPE LOL LOOK AT THIS TROPE LOL LOOK AT THIS TROPE ooohhhhh look at this badass trope oooooooooo heres another baadass trope lol SUBVERTED HERES A FUNNY TROPE LOL HERES A FUNNY TROPE

            As much as i want to get into this series, i just dont have the time to play them all. Every one tells me i should play all the previous games before I jump into the later ones.
            I just cant do JRPGs anymore my time has become more and more limited
            maybe i should just watch a video instead of playing....

            >i just dont have the time to play them all
            Everyone who says this is straight up lying and is obsessed with "consuming content" as quickly and efficiently as possible.

  29. 10 months ago

    >How the hell do these games sell.

    They don’t, sales are decreasing with each new entry. Only games that sold okay were Sky FC, SC and Cold Steel I&II. 3rd bombed, Crossbell bombed HARD, Cold Steel III/IV bombed and Reverie didn’t even reach five digits outside Japan.
    It’s literally over.

  30. 10 months ago

    The latest games are selling less than 50k each. The cult is getting smaller.

    • 10 months ago

      It's because they tried to stick to PlayStation exclusivity when PS has plummeted to like 5% of the Japanese market.
      They are trying to get back on track with Switch and will be on Switch 2 from the get go.

      • 10 months ago

        Ok then why did CS sell so well on PSVita, a console deader on release than PS5?

  31. 10 months ago


  32. 10 months ago

    >How the frick are you able to create a 10 game long series with every anime trope to ever exist in it.
    This series did it with less games. And it was done way better than Trails. Valkyria Chronicles, Dragon Quest and a bunch of others have done it too.

    It's almost like JRPGs are just anime in game form...

  33. 10 months ago

    what's the falcom game where you play abdul and bosses kill you in 5 seconds

  34. 10 months ago

    because weebs actually like anime troupes. the only people who dont are the normies and the fake anime fans.

  35. 10 months ago

    I remember reading someone saying that at least one of these games has great world-building?

  36. 10 months ago

    I love how butthurt troons from somethingawful, contrarians from Ganker, and (p)redditors get about trails
    continue seething
    it entertains me 😉

  37. 10 months ago

    Sky 1 was interesting enough, but was mostly just spinning wheels until the end where a bunch of shit happened all the sudden, power of friendship saves the day, and it ends on a cliffhanger going directly into the next game.
    Then I played CS1 and it was interesting enough, but mostly just spinning wheels until the end where a bunch of shit happens all the sudden, power of friendship saves the day, and it ends on a cliffhanger going directly into the next game.
    Then I played Crossbell 1 and it was interesting enough, but mostly just spinning wheels until the end where a bunch of shit happens all the sudden, power of friendship saves the day, and it ends on a cliffhanger going directly into the next game.
    I haven't touched the series since that.

    • 10 months ago

      So you played the first entry of each subseries instead of continuing the story of any of them?

  38. 10 months ago

    As much as i want to get into this series, i just dont have the time to play them all. Every one tells me i should play all the previous games before I jump into the later ones.
    I just cant do JRPGs anymore my time has become more and more limited
    maybe i should just watch a video instead of playing....

    • 10 months ago

      If you're going to play any of them you should play the first three because they're the shortest and also the best by far

  39. 10 months ago

    Trails is just a combination of everything comfy about JRPGs and anime executed with pure soul, if you can't enjoy it you are probably just a bitter troony.

    • 10 months ago

      >everything comfy about JRPGs
      Ah yes, having a entire chapter that's purely filler and offers literally nothing to the main story despite taking place during end of the game is "comfy".
      have a nice day.

      • 10 months ago

        >having a entire chapter that's purely filler and offers literally nothing to the main story despite taking place during end of the game is "comfy".
        >have a nice day.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't give a shit about the main story, I want to learn more lore about my bros and cute girls, relax with them in comfy anime locations and simulate going on an adventure with them, the trails games are all about enjoying going on the journey rather than being about a satisfying overarching plot.

        • 10 months ago

          >the trails games are all about enjoying going on the journey rather than being about a satisfying overarching plot.
          Then keep that shit during the beginning and middle parts of the game than during endgame, especially when it's a race against time to prevent the villain from reaching his goal.

    • 10 months ago

      The funny thing is that the older games were actually pretty comfy. Cold steel, on the other hand is not only a wank fest, but objectively bad on every level. The characters are as far from reality as possible, the politics is shallow, the warfare is infantile, and all of it us just for wish fulfillment. The claims that trailsgays make about how “super le deep” the world building is are wrong, the world building is idiotic, but the feeling of comfyness from the sky games is completely lost in the newer iterations, now everything is pathetic wish fulfillment. The worst part is that the fanbase of drooling c**ts has somehow convinced the writers that they are legitimately talented. I have no doubt the writers actually think they’re genius’.
      I realize that everyone on this board likes to act like disengenuos homosexuals, but I genuinely wish I could be stupid enough to like CS.
      >but that just your opinion
      I believe that fiction can be somewhat objectively judged by what it attempts to do. CS tries to write about real people in a serious war/political situation and is so divorced from reality that anyone who has ever looked out a window could see this.

      • 10 months ago

        It's not "super deep", the deepest thing about it is just the spiritual symbolism that is throughout most real classic JRPGs and allusions to basic realities of war, like use of child soldiers etc., it's mostly just a comfy anime adventure simulator with great aesthetics, especially Trails 3rd and Zero in that department, that uses anime tropes while self aware of them to use them to make you feel nostalgia and create an escapist fantasy world.

        • 10 months ago

          > It's not "super deep"
          It isn’t, but it certainly is meant to be. Just go on into any falcom community and see how many people genuinely think the world is really well written and complex. CS tries to tackle complex subjects like politics and war, but it fails miserably. The characters are there half the time to inflate the self insert protagonist. I could list the garbage in these games till the cows come home, but the bottom line is that falcom’s writers are genuinely inept.
          At the end of the day, if you like them because they’re “comfy” and “escapist”, more power to you, and I generally mean that, I did really truly like the Liberl games for those very reasons. What my point is is that these are objectively badly written games, and the people who insult them are not just “bitter trannies”.

          • 10 months ago

            The funny thing is that the older games were actually pretty comfy. Cold steel, on the other hand is not only a wank fest, but objectively bad on every level. The characters are as far from reality as possible, the politics is shallow, the warfare is infantile, and all of it us just for wish fulfillment. The claims that trailsgays make about how “super le deep” the world building is are wrong, the world building is idiotic, but the feeling of comfyness from the sky games is completely lost in the newer iterations, now everything is pathetic wish fulfillment. The worst part is that the fanbase of drooling c**ts has somehow convinced the writers that they are legitimately talented. I have no doubt the writers actually think they’re genius’.
            I realize that everyone on this board likes to act like disengenuos homosexuals, but I genuinely wish I could be stupid enough to like CS.
            >but that just your opinion
            I believe that fiction can be somewhat objectively judged by what it attempts to do. CS tries to write about real people in a serious war/political situation and is so divorced from reality that anyone who has ever looked out a window could see this.

            >troon pretends to understand war and politics

            • 10 months ago

              >those evil bad guys are doing bad things!!1! We need to beat them and look really cool doing it to show how cool self insert protag is.
              >a village was destroyed and ONE person died! this is terrible!!
              The tactics in either war or politics are conveniently ignored, of course, because that would take an intelligence higher than that of a Neanderthal, and nobody on falcoms team has that.

              • 10 months ago

                I think it's still moronic that there's a 100 day war and yet ONLY ONE person died in it.

              • 10 months ago

                >didn't play any of the games or is illiterate

              • 10 months ago

                Worse: he didn't play the games and only knows them from tired memes regurgitated in Ganker threads.

          • 10 months ago

            I don't know that it touching on these subjects inherently implies they think they are being "super deep", there are realities it does touch on but lightly and through the lens of an anime fantasy world.

            • 10 months ago

              >anime fantasy world
              If this is how you choose to look at it, fair enough. The plot is still objectively infantile, self-contradictory, and one dimensional, but if this series’ wish fulfillment appeals to you, again, all power to you.

              • 10 months ago

                So weird how great games always attract haters

              • 10 months ago

                >The plot is still objectively infantile, self-contradictory, and one dimensional
                Which is all it was ever trying to be. You're the one spending way too much time engaging in something that you clearly recognize wasn't made for you.

                If a game sets out to explore politics, war, character growth, and scientific revolution, but is unable to have a single string of proper logic and therefore fails to actually write anything approaching a proper exploration of these topics, and instead wallows in trying to make the main character look cool for wish fulfillment, it objectively fails to accomplish its goal.

                It's just a backdrop to justify fun sidequests, charming characters, and cool fights. This has never not been the case.

          • 10 months ago

            >these are objectively badly written games
            No they aren't

            • 10 months ago

              If a game sets out to explore politics, war, character growth, and scientific revolution, but is unable to have a single string of proper logic and therefore fails to actually write anything approaching a proper exploration of these topics, and instead wallows in trying to make the main character look cool for wish fulfillment, it objectively fails to accomplish its goal.

              • 10 months ago

                Is fun so is good written

              • 10 months ago

                I actually agree with you here, somewhat. I loved the sky games back in the day. I agree that there is joy to be found in things that might not be quantifiably good. I just wanted to point out that there are legitimate criticisms to be made. If I sound bitter it’s because I am. I loved this series, and I’ve put in hundred of hours into it, but the latest games are unbearable. If it seems like I’m trying to tell you that you can’t like these games because of their flaws, than I’m genuinely sorry, and I hope you have fun.

              • 10 months ago

                Light fun and enjoyment, in balance, is just as important as meaningful spiritual and philosophical depth, once you reach a certain stage of growth you will understand that, if something can bring you joy it is good.

      • 10 months ago

        >CS tries to write about real people in a serious war/political situation

        > It's not "super deep"
        It isn’t, but it certainly is meant to be. Just go on into any falcom community and see how many people genuinely think the world is really well written and complex. CS tries to tackle complex subjects like politics and war, but it fails miserably. The characters are there half the time to inflate the self insert protagonist. I could list the garbage in these games till the cows come home, but the bottom line is that falcom’s writers are genuinely inept.
        At the end of the day, if you like them because they’re “comfy” and “escapist”, more power to you, and I generally mean that, I did really truly like the Liberl games for those very reasons. What my point is is that these are objectively badly written games, and the people who insult them are not just “bitter trannies”.

        >but it certainly is meant to be.
        You projected your own headcanon onto some anime games and got mad it wasn't like GoT or whatever. Seek help.

  40. 10 months ago

    Natura is the only good game in that shitshow of a series.

  41. 10 months ago

    Most sane falcom fan

  42. 10 months ago

    I can't believe Japanese games have Japanese cultural tropes. That's crazy.

  43. 10 months ago

    Japs love familiarity, they treat anime like burgers do burgers, and until they don't burn a trope or setting to the ground they'll widely keep shamelessly using without much thought

    • 10 months ago

      Japs get tired of genres but the tropes remain the same, they always will. In fact I don't think you could point out a single anime made in the last 50 years that doesn't have at least one tsundere female character.

      • 10 months ago

        I don't remember tsunderes in Eden of the east, tatami galaxy, megalo box, inferno cop, and did death note have one? I don't think so, I don't really think there was one in dorohedoro either, or monster. Though I get your point, hard to flip a rock in Japan without finding one

  44. 10 months ago

    Zero > Kuro > 3rd > CS3 > Nayuta > Ao > FC > Reverie > Ao > SC > CS1 > Kuro II > CS4 > Ys vs > Illusion > phone games > FRICK CS2

  45. 10 months ago

    Perhaps get better taste?

  46. 10 months ago
  47. 10 months ago

    how different are the different routes in kuro? might check some out with the tl patch and then wait for official english release just to check it out again and see the differences between the patch and try new routes

    • 10 months ago

      You are forced to switch between them at regular intervals. There is no finishing the game without progressing all three each chapter.

  48. 10 months ago

    Ys > Trails

  49. 10 months ago

    Worst boy eating cement in 0.2 secons

  50. 10 months ago

    >What was that?
    >Instructor Rean! quick, this way!
    >are those... [placeholder]!?
    *Rean pulls sword out of thin air*
    >Class Seven, our duty is to stop [placeholder]
    *kills enemies*
    >wew, they're unconscious for now, lets move!
    >Reans students yell: RIGHT!!!!
    *make it to destination*
    >It's it's [characters name]... No it's [Characters Title]!
    >Well if it isn't Class Seven!
    >What are you doing here!?
    >We're here for a special mission of sorts. Information I can't share with you.
    >Well we'll just beat it out of you!


    *battle Over*
    *Rean kneeling and panting with his students*
    >No... They're too strong... I'm going to have to use... THAT.
    >No Instructor Rean you can't!
    >Wait... is that..! [Old Class Seven name placeholder]!!!!!!
    *is able to drive back the enemy like it was nothing, the same enemy Rean and kids couldn't stop*
    >Well that's enough fun for today
    >Haha... wouldn't you like to know.

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