Why did it fail? Would it have been better if it had kept the different A/B routes from B2? Or if it had been co-op like B5?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Shitty Final Fantasy x Parasite Eve -tier fanfic story, that retroactively ruins RE1 and thus the series.
    Shitty world design and terrible pacing.
    Meh enemy design taken totally out of context and timing in the lore.
    Silly RE2 wienertease moments, like visiting the labs' front gates for no reason.

    • 7 months ago

      >Final Fantasy x Parasite Eve -tier fanfic story
      Kino. James Marcus was way too based for plebs. He was also the perfect rival for Billy. Both have top-tier mullets.

      >Shitty world design
      The train and the mansion were beautiful.

      >enemy design taken totally out of context and timing

      >RE2 wienertease moments, like visiting the labs' front gates for no reason.
      Kino. I wish we could have explored more of the lab. I'm not sure if it is the same lab, though. It may have been a different lab under a different factory. They have a similar design but they look older and more rusty. And there's an extra warehouse cabin in Zero that isn't present in 2 or Outbreak.

      • 7 months ago

        Kazillion Tyrants, giant bugs, and the fricking parasite leech cluster thing? Miles away from the Spencer mansion? Yeah, frick that.

        >I'm not sure if it is the same lab, though.
        Oh, WE are.
        It's literally THE same marshalling yard, same train elevator, same security room entrance. b***h just turns around and goes "nah, nothing to see here I suppose...".
        Lazy, and idiotic.

        • 7 months ago

          >Kazillion Tyrants, giant bugs, and the fricking parasite leech cluster thing?
          Same shit as any of the other games, moron.

          >Miles away from the Spencer mansion?
          Like all the labs in Raccoon City? Like that abandoned hospital from Outbreak? How is one more facility going to make a difference? Again, it's just the same formula as the rest of the games.

          >Oh, WE are.
          Who's we? Take your meds, schizo. Or stop larping as venom if you are just an underage sperg.

          >It's literally THE same
          Maybe. Or maybe not. It wouldn't be the first time a big corp recreates the same design for one of their branches.

          >"nah, nothing to see here I suppose...".
          Yeah, because it was a fricking easter egg. They do adress her reluctance to search the lab by making Enrico come out of the elevator as a way of showing STARS already searched that place. Remember that Rebecca is first and foremost a STARS member. And they trust each other. Remember that Rebecca is first and foremost a STARS member and her priority is to solve the Arklay case.

          • 7 months ago

            don't know, don't care, it's supposed to be the same factory from RE2 I thought? It's just 3 places, the factory, mansion, and the *other* mansion

            • 7 months ago

              >same factory from RE2
              Compare picrel with the ones from this pic

              Kazillion Tyrants, giant bugs, and the fricking parasite leech cluster thing? Miles away from the Spencer mansion? Yeah, frick that.

              >I'm not sure if it is the same lab, though.
              Oh, WE are.
              It's literally THE same marshalling yard, same train elevator, same security room entrance. b***h just turns around and goes "nah, nothing to see here I suppose...".
              Lazy, and idiotic.

              There is an extra warehouse in Zero. In 2 and Outbreak that warehouse is missing.

              • 7 months ago

                You already said this same shit homie. And it still means notihng.
                It's just simple game dev tools and methods improving from 1998 to 2003. Silly retcons are already a hallmark of the franchise.

          • 7 months ago

            >Same shit as any of the other games, moron.
            Incorrect. The whole point of RE1 was that this was the first catastrophic failure and outbreak within Umbrella, and that T-001 was the first ""successful"" humanoid weapon produced.

            The OG established that the Arklay mountains were swarming of zombies and shit solely because they escaped the mansion perimeters. Now we got a literal slug-ghost of a dead Einstein infecting bases and trains totally unrelated to the place, and Rebecca conveniently just waltzing into the Spencer mansion after all that.

            • 7 months ago

              >this was the first catastrophic failure and outbreak within Umbrella
              It's never stated that it is the first. But the one from 1 and Zero are pretty much the same outbreak: the Arklay oubtreak. The spencer mansion had a leak and the training facility had a leak. Maybe the leak from the training facility caused the leak in the spencer mansion. Maybe they are just different incidents that happened at the same time. But who cares at this point? Umbrella always had shitty safety measures. The abandoned hospital from Outbreak file 2 was its own outbreak since the early 90s. That was an ongoing arklay outbreak years before Marcus returned. My point is that we don't know how many outbreaks there were in Arklay county at the time. Also the Biohazard Zero mangas have Rebecca's parents turn into zombies when she was just a child during a vacation in the Arklay mountains, which is why she decided to join STARS. To find out exactly what happened to them and get revenge.

              >that T-001 was the first ""successful"" humanoid weapon produced
              Yes. The Tyrant from Zero is a failed experiment. And that's the only Tyrant that appears in the game.

              >solely because they escaped the mansion perimeters
              That is never officialy established. In 1 they just go to the forest and find the mansion. But that's it. The game never denies the existence of other outbreaks.

              >infecting bases and trains totally unrelated to the place
              1) They are a few miles apart.
              2) The train serves to take Umbrella staff to the training facility and the factory. The training facility serves to train (hence the name "training") scientists to go work at the spencer mansion. Or at least used to before it was closed until it is reopened at the start of Zero.
              As you can see, you don't need to be a genius in order to be able to realize how all those places are pretty much related.

              • 7 months ago

                >muh manga
                Yeah, really scraping the bottom of the barrel now.

              • 7 months ago

                Not an argument.

              • 7 months ago

                Oh, the Chinese Resident Evil Manhwa? Yeah, that's a reliable source for the RE canon. Why doesn't Leon talk more about the time he saw a T-rex fight a giant licker, BTW?

              • 7 months ago

                I mentioned it only as an example of how vast the BH universe can be with multiple canons that intertwine with each other producing multiple timelines. Sure, maybe the first game only shows one outbreak source. But that is only the lore of the first game.

                >Why doesn't Leon talk more about the time he saw a T-rex fight a giant licker, BTW?
                Maybe he will in the upcoming Dino Crisis crossover.

              • 7 months ago

                >Chinese RE has zombie dinosaurs fighting lickers
                This shit blows current Capcom out of the water

            • 7 months ago

              Unrelated? The train was used by Umbrella to transport employees from Racoon City to the Management Training Facility.

              There were roughly 10 zombies attacking people on the outskirts of the woods.

  2. 7 months ago

    >Grappling Hook
    It would be better if they thought "Hey this might be really annoying, let's not do this" for half the crap they put in the game.

  3. 7 months ago

    I miss when RE games used to look like they were actually made by Jap devs. Now they're balls deep into the cinematic facescan meme.

    • 7 months ago

      RE was always gunning for realism as a style. It's just that technology wasn't at a point where that was possible at the time. If current day tech existed in the 00s then Capcom would've did the same

  4. 7 months ago

    no item box

  5. 7 months ago

    > weird gameplay
    > alien characters to the original plot
    > too many anime nonsense shit
    > ruins the series timeline, makes the first game incoherent and Rebeca character since she is no longer a defenseless girl but pretends she is in the RE1 plot

    • 7 months ago

      >> weird gameplay
      I agree

      >> alien characters to the original plot
      You mean Billy? He ends up being Nemesis.

      > too many anime nonsense shit
      Like what?

      >she is no longer a defenseless girl but pretends she is in the RE1 plot
      You have to be genuinely on the autistic spectrum to actually care about that shit. You can easily blame it on lack of sleep or something like that. Nobody cares.

      • 7 months ago

        >Anime nonsense shit
        Gay opera leech man

  6. 7 months ago

    I personally like it for what it is but it could have been improved in a few ways: better enemy variety, more weapons, more puzzles, less uses for the hook, a more meaningful backstory for umbrella. the main reason it failed was because people were tired of the og formula by then, it didn't matter how food/bad 0 was by then

  7. 7 months ago

    it goes downhill after the train section very fast

    the leech zombies, eliminators, and awful inventory management including the backtracking for the hookshot. singing leech man is lame too

  8. 7 months ago

    The fundamentals were bad. The level design is awful. Too much backtracking, too much dead time, puzzles that involve the item lifts take way too long because of slow cinematics and confirming every action with a prompt. Took some of the worst aspects of REmake and just made it even worse.
    Strangely, the zombies in 0 are too easy, and ironically that is a bad thing.

  9. 7 months ago

    Why are you calling it Biohazard, weeb?

    • 7 months ago

      Because it's the real name, moron

    • 7 months ago

      It's localized name sounds more ESL and weeby than biohazard.

      • 7 months ago

        Not him, but Resident Evil is simply an iconic name.

  10. 7 months ago

    >oh boy I love backtracking for an item
    Said nobody ever.

  11. 7 months ago

    Listen here, Bucko, I'll explain it to you right now so maybe you'll fricking get it.
    >Rebecca Chambers is fricking SEXY!
    >I want to have SEX with Rebecca Chambers.
    >When I play with Rebecca, it's like I'm entering into her via osmosis!
    >RE 0 is a good game because it let's me have theoretical intercourse with Rebecca Chambers.
    Do you get it now? You dense morons?!

  12. 7 months ago

    >Why did it fail?
    it was on the gamecube

  13. 7 months ago

    it's the ds2 of re games

  14. 7 months ago

    you're never and never will be japanese; you can call them resident evil, it's fine

    • 7 months ago

      japs call it resident evil, too

  15. 7 months ago

    It would be way more enjoyable in coop. Massive wasted opportunity not adding that as an option in the HD remaster.

  16. 7 months ago

    Sex with Rebecca!

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