Bizarre ideologies worldbuilding

>Thoughts are as bad as actions if not worse because they influence the astral plane, which is inseparably linked to the material world. more violence in media means more violence in real life.
>A government following this idea tried laboriously censoring all media and persecuting artists who portrayed such subject matter.
>they also punished people for being victims of crime because the emotional harm that came from being a victim could cause said victim to commit another crime, so it was best to punish them before they ever got the chance to commit one.
>once they realized they could not do anything about it they settled on creating a genetically modified human subspecies known as Innocents.
>these microcephalic abhumans are binobo brained hedonists that inhabit self sufficient domes and have no moral constraints or self control. They have no evil intentions, they just do evil things. Nothing they do is wrong because they cannot help it.
(pic related)

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  1. 2 years ago

    So are you trying to start some kind of drama thread or what? Clearly you're baiting but this bait is so fricking incoherent I can't tell to what end.

    • 2 years ago

      I think they just genuinely want to talk about worldbuilding based on bizarre ideologies but aren't really being coherent about how the thread in the picture means anything.

      As far the as the topic goes, personally I liked the wood elves in elder scrolls effectively being reverse vegans because they really don't want to harm plants.
      I'm thinking of incorporating this idea into my current campaign with regards to the really hardcore druidic types in the super special forest area.
      I think it'll be a great "what the frick" moment for players when the serene elf druid guy just tears into some meat like he's a fricking werewolf.

  2. 2 years ago

    You could have just said
    >What if we created a world based on the NPC meme?

  3. 2 years ago

    I'm not surprised anymore.

  4. 2 years ago

    Movement to eradicate the working class.
    Movement for the voluntary eradication of the working class.
    "Dark Forest Camouflage": paranoic survivalists that mostly focus on impossible or fantastical "X-threats", as controlled opposition to the rest of the list. Wants humanity united against the most hypothetical of all enemies.
    Doninionist voter bloc following the "Multiversity Church", an egoistic world religion focused on developing a personal gnosis of deified cartoons.
    Lobby for the development of biological weapons targeted at naturally occurring staples of the human diet, to be replaced with infertile proprietary breeds.
    Fictional character rights movement, they want authors to stop hurting and killing imaginary people.
    A server bank of legally human algorithms that vote for the highest bidder, prioritizing the loopholes behind this trick.
    Neo-Modernist academic movement describing records and models as the truth of all reality, similar to others above them in this list. With progress at its end in the present and future, they turn to modernizing the past, erasing accounts and evidence of historical suffering to retroactively end those misfortunes.
    A lobby to measure the neurotransmitter levels of all sewage, expecting to adjust policies for scientifically proof of maximized happiness.

    • 2 years ago

      >With progress at its end in the present and future, they turn to modernizing the past, erasing accounts and evidence of historical suffering to retroactively end those misfortunes.
      Been proposed.

      • 2 years ago

        Wow, anprims were alredy cringe in the 30's

    • 2 years ago

      Theocracy deifying Roko's Basilisk.

      Butlerian Jihadis

      • 2 years ago

        Those are unironically right though

        • 2 years ago

          >he posts on a computer

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >All of these have been seriously advocated at one time or another by various sub-factions of Tumblr.

      And they say *Ganker* rots your brain.

      • 2 years ago

        Got a link to the Dark Forest advocates?

    • 2 years ago

      >Doninionist voter bloc following the "Multiversity Church", an egoistic world religion focused on developing a personal gnosis of deified cartoons.

      • 2 years ago

        Already a thing.

  5. 2 years ago

    This is a bumpgay thread, I can smell his child-molesting fingers at work

    • 2 years ago

      How do you know what a child molester's fingers smell like?

  6. 2 years ago

    Campaign for the eradication of history. Time is a flat circle and historical events keep playing out again and again in the same ways, so we don't really learn anything from it. All it's good for is stoking the flames of conflict, so it may as well be gotten rid of.

    • 2 years ago

      This is actually common sense.

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      A stupid outlook.

  7. 2 years ago

    The first part is just the plot of Psycho Pass

  8. 2 years ago

    Theocracy deifying Roko's Basilisk.

  9. 2 years ago

    The constant terror they feel at the threat of boring their god and spontaneously causing reality to cease to exist is what the god actually finds entertaining.

  10. 2 years ago

    >Society that forsees a horrible disaster coming to the world in the near-ish future
    >Gear up for a fanatic holy war with literally everyone in order to get them prepared for said disaster, making them all unite for a common goal
    >They will never stop fighting until they are destroyed, this event comes to pass, or they are the only ones left

    • 2 years ago
  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    The best real life example that comes to mind are the Sambia people.

    >The Simbari people believe in the necessity of gender roles within their culture. Relationships between men and women of all ages, within the tribe, are complex, with many rules and restrictions. For example, boys are removed from their mothers at age seven, to strip them of contact with their mothers. They even perform a bloodletting ritual on the boys following isolation from their mothers to rid them of their mother's blood from within them, which is viewed as contaminated. This separation is due to their tribe's fear of the women, as men are taught at a young age about the women's ability to emasculate and manipulate men. The women possess what the Simbari call a tingu, through which they use their manipulation skills. To combat the women's sorcery, the men go through rites of passage, in which they learn to safely have intercourse with women without becoming metaphorically trapped. The women are also separated from the men when they go through their menstrual cycle. During this time they stay in the "menarche hut" because of the belief that the women's powers are strengthened during this time.

    >Pre-pubescent boys are required to perform fellatio on older males and swallow the semen because it is believed that "without this 'male milk' they will fail to mature properly." Upon reaching adulthood, men marry and engage in heterosexual behavior, initially requiring their brides to fellate them and later perform penis-in-vegana sexual intercourse. Homosexual behavior past this point is rare.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Any examples that left the stone age?

      • 2 years ago

        >An article "Hitler's Forgotten Library" by Timothy Ryback, published in The Atlantic (May 2003),[21] mentions a book from Hitler's private library authored by Ernst Schertel. Schertel, whose interests were flagellation, dance, occultism, nudism and BDSM, had also been active as an activist for sexual liberation before 1933. He had been imprisoned in Nazi Germany for seven months and his doctoral degree was revoked. He is supposed to have sent a dedicated copy of his 1923 book Magic: History, Theory and Practice to Hitler some time in the mid-1920s. Hitler is said to have marked extensive passages, including one which reads "He who does not have the demonic seed within himself will never give birth to a magical world".

        Nazi occultism is a huge rabbit hole, enough material to study for a lifetime.

  13. 2 years ago
  14. 2 years ago

    An absolutist monarchy, but a couple generations ago, there was a King who practiced droit du seigneur a lot then died without an official heir recognized, so now it's a democracy where voting rights require being identified with ancestral DNA testing as, however slightly, descended from the rightful royal family.

  15. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      A culture which is trying to get rid of corruption by abolishing parenthood. All newborns are randomly swapped, so any individual can't benefit their own progeny through nepotism but only by increasing the wellbeing of society as a whole.

  16. 2 years ago

    A culture which is trying to get rid of corruption by abolishing parenthood. All newborns are randomly swapped, so any individual can't benefit their own progeny through nepotism but only by increasing the wellbeing of society as a whole.

  17. 2 years ago

    After the collapse of the global economy, the sinking of Florida under rising seas, mass chaos and starvation across the globe...everyone wanted something to turn to. And multiple nations turned to a new movement; an offshoot of the post-modernist nihilistic branches of the modern international left. These radical militant post-modernists posited that even all forms of norms whatsoever were fundamentally tyrannical. logic was merely the invention of old white male greeks of ancient Greece. "Sanity" was merely an arbitrary form of control through arbitrary norms by patriarchal tyrants. The new post-modernist utopia would need the most revolutionary of society to enforce the abolition of all such tyrannical norms to achieve a new and better world.

    Every such radical militant Post-Modernist polities turned towards uprooting the standards and bedrock people used to ground their lives. Quotas were such for hiring to ensure all neurodivergent would be properly represented in all possible jobs and positions. those "Wrongfully imprisoned" in insane Asylum by the rulers of the old "normative-hierarchies" were turned loose. All religions that preached old norms of morality and beliefs were also targeted as agents of "normative-tyranny."

    All historians were targeted for their supposed past role in wrongfully and forcibly categorizing the past in structured normative narratives biased to the old normative hierarchies. Artifacts of the past should after all simply be left to be observed, unexplained, and uncategorized.

    • 2 years ago

      Soon even language itself was a target of the radical militant post-modernists. Language after all was built on the endless evolution from past normative tyrannies, language structuring thoughts and helping to reinforce the normative bigoted hierarchies and arbitrary moral and social norms. True post-modern utopianists would simply invent new rules of communication and interaction anew with every single interaction, each interaction completely reinvented purely for that specific circumstance!

      Within a few decades, each of these "utopianist" post-Modern polities soon crumbled into total barbarity. These Regimes had abolished all things by which a society may use to make sense of the world and to glue itself together. They stripped away systematically virtually everything that lets a society self-perpetuate, and they enforced it only through a surveillance state backed by mass deployment of automated drone weapons. Soon every such society becomes an abattoir, with a tiny percentage of the population, those ruling ideologues, looking through observation screens at the now utterly insane masses being massacred by drone fire.

    • 2 years ago

      Soon even language itself was a target of the radical militant post-modernists. Language after all was built on the endless evolution from past normative tyrannies, language structuring thoughts and helping to reinforce the normative bigoted hierarchies and arbitrary moral and social norms. True post-modern utopianists would simply invent new rules of communication and interaction anew with every single interaction, each interaction completely reinvented purely for that specific circumstance!

      Within a few decades, each of these "utopianist" post-Modern polities soon crumbled into total barbarity. These Regimes had abolished all things by which a society may use to make sense of the world and to glue itself together. They stripped away systematically virtually everything that lets a society self-perpetuate, and they enforced it only through a surveillance state backed by mass deployment of automated drone weapons. Soon every such society becomes an abattoir, with a tiny percentage of the population, those ruling ideologues, looking through observation screens at the now utterly insane masses being massacred by drone fire.

      When things go bad that catastrophically people tend to reject the ruling ideology rather than doubling down on it. Not very immersive tbqh.

  18. 2 years ago

    Start with the whole 'service guarantees citizenship' Starship Troopers system. The novel version, specifically. The whole point of the system is to filter out people willing to suffer discomfort and possibly death for the sake of their convictions, under the assumption that only they can be trusted with political enfranchisement. Thing is, this makes the entire military regime an unnecessary expenditure of resources, the same effect could be achieved by having potential citizens play a round of russian roulette. Possibly also weigh the risk and voting rights together, have it so survivor-citizens who played with two rounds have their votes count for more, etc, with anyone with enough conviction to use all six rounds and die for their beliefs having an absolutely massive boost to their vote (which they'd write down beforehand, obviously).

    • 2 years ago

      Giving suicidal ideation a direct political sway would certainly be... an interesting system. It's basically School Shooter: the Government.

      • 2 years ago

        >giving suicidal ideation a direct political sway
        That's basically what Heinlein proposed, you only get to vote if you obviously care enough about it to risk your life for it. I just cut out the expensive middleman of needing a war with gigantic homicidal space termites to achieve it.

        • 2 years ago

          It's not though. You've just latched onto the 'risk your life' bit and discarded literally every other aspect of the system. There's a world of difference in intentions and long-term discipline between soldiers, firefighters, rescue relief, etc, who accept the personal risks to perform altruistic deeds, and the nutjobs who just want a blaze of glory and a quick and publicised death. Your Russian roulette system favour the latter. It selects for the exact type of people who shouldn't be in any position to influence the system because the single thing it selects for is people willing to kill themselves.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm pretty sure military wasn't the only form of service.

          • 2 years ago

            There was also being a labrat for medical experimentation.

        • 2 years ago

          Wasn't the gubmint blowing up its own citizens in false flag operations to continue the war effort?

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe in the movie?

            • 2 years ago

              Definitely in the movie. I am asking about the book, which I heard is very different.

  19. 2 years ago

    >"Thoughts are as bad as actions if not worse because they influence"

  20. 2 years ago

    Government by university. Imagine you're the leader of an ancapistan utopia/cyberpunk dystopia megacorporation. What product can you sell that is both cheap for you to make and essential for everyone else to buy? The answer, a diploma mill. Everyone needs to pay you to watch recorded lectures and fill out automated tests on the internet, in exchange for a fancy piece of power, without which, they're unemployable.

    Technically, the world is still officially ancap, but everyone understands the university has effectively bought out everything, then started acting like a combination of diploma trolls and mafia. For example, they'll give anyone who'll refuse to employ or sell to anyone who doesn't have a University Diploma a discount on their own Education/the Educations of their family, Expel or revoke the Diplomas of people who break such deals or don't pay their protection money perfectly voluntary donations™ to the university*, etc.

    * While trying to keep such to a minimum, since they're smart enough to understand the society-destabilizing negative side effects of a large group of people permanently locked out of any hope of success within the system

  21. 2 years ago

    The Victorians
    Just, all of them. Entirely and completely composed of contrasts between their views and actions and views again. That and top hats are quite flash if I do say so myself.

  22. 2 years ago

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