Bleach Brave Souls

>Byakuya rezz still isn't getting Frenzy

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Im getting tired of these homosexual ass dupes from these FRICKING tickets! Stop having every fricking unit from the beginning of time in the fricking pool!

    • 2 years ago

      They should include old ass seasonal units nobody cares for anymore. Like how the frick can I get New Year´s Orihime if the pack is not on sale anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        You would think they fricking would! After a certain period old characters should be added to the pool, but frick no the morons just add random horseshit that most people either pulled for already or just have by playing the game. Why in the goddamn frick is Mashiro a pullable unit? She should be in a pack along with many other fairly recent units. The only fricking 5* I should be pulling from tickets is bullshit that's over 5 yrs old, not fricking 2

    • 2 years ago

      tbh I wouldn't be so mad if it wasn't the same handful of old ass units.

      • 2 years ago

        I dont mind old units since some of them im lacking. Its this fricking premium pool horseshit. Im getting outright fricking tired of drawing 2yr old units that should not be in the fricking pool. Either filler them or sell them but stop bloating the fricking pool! I literally just drew a fricking homosexual ass Tsukishima dupe and Power Nanao, why in the FRICK are they here?

  2. 2 years ago

    Don't know why people had such high hopes for them, at least they're all decent links.

    Anyway, only a few days left now bros

    • 2 years ago

      >Don't know why people had such high hopes for them
      Exactly what I was thinking. When has a character ever gotten ressurected and entered the meta again? Never. TYBW characters should've been the first set to do so, sure, but it's Klab we're talking about here.

  3. 2 years ago

    Which characters will get a res?

  4. 2 years ago

    Grinding israeliteels/crystals is boring
    Grinding levels is boring
    Getting empty pulls and seeing a 3rd rate character on the guaranteed roll is enraging.

    I seriously don't know why I continue to play this game.

    • 2 years ago

      Your account must be new because after a while you don't need to farm crystals/jewels. Grinding levels isn't a thing when you can use large EXP crystals.

    • 2 years ago

      I really hope their own greed kills this game. I really do. Yeah the anime is gonna draw alot of newbies, but most ppl dont like gachas and especially wont stick around past part 1 when a hiatus break happens. Game is already 7yrs old and most mobile games dont make it past 10yrs unless its that beloved which this dogshit hilariously isnt. It'll be funny when they do damage control after massive falling offs due to either boredom or a new bleach game that will probably be made on console. Tick tock klab you homosexuals.

      • 2 years ago

        The thresholds are 1st and ~5th anniversary.

        • 2 years ago

          You're right. From what i hear the game has been shit from 5th anni onward. 6th was lightning in a bottle because of Wizen, but overall ppl have been really disliking the game after 5th. Personally when these homosexual ass whales like Spite and Aaron quit then it'll be a signal that this shit is on its last legs. I should of played Dokkan

          • 2 years ago

            >I should of played Dokkan
            Is that game better? Didn't it have drama about it's rates some time ago.

            Also, Spite is an absolute homosexual. Dude always b***hes and moans about the game, brags about "not playing it anymore" or that he's gonna stop playing, yet clearly spends thousands monthly on the game, still makes videos, still streams BBS. Absolute homosexual.

            • 2 years ago

              >Is that game better? Didn't it have drama about it's rates some time ago.
              I believe so, but overall they treat their players way better and even have a pity system I believe. Something this game needs very badly.

              >Also, Spite is an absolute homosexual.
              Aaron isnt much better. He says all the time on his stream how he easily buys $80 packs and says he just enjoys supporting the game while just taking anything klab does up the ass (mind you he had an absolute meltdown video because some other youtube gamer said the game was shit and aaron was the only one autistic enough to care to jump on it, had he not you wouldn't even know it had a bad review). Its funny though when he gets shafted cause his stream will have him shafted and then he'll instantly have the character on the next video, indicating he dumps a shitload of money off stream and rapid summons until he pulls the character so he can suddenly showcase it for revenue and views.

              • 2 years ago

                Aaron to me just comes off as a total tool, "the game can do no wrong", Klab treats it's players well and there are no problems whatsoever with BBS, it's all fun and rainbows with that guy. I know he got shafted on the new TYBW banner and in the next video he posted had Ichigo 5/5 because of a "friend" lmao

              • 2 years ago

                >and in the next video he posted had Ichigo 5/5 because of a "friend" lmao
                Ever hear of "account sharing"? It's what these guys do for units they don't have

              • 2 years ago

                Ever hear of bullshitting? The worse thing a whale can go through is look like an idiot while spending money so these homosexuals HAVE to show something or they lose their audience. homie I only know 2 people into Bleach, and out of us 3 im the only one who plays BBS. That's how niche it is, but you want me to believe spite or aaron have enough people letting them into their account to merely make videos? Cmon dude. I know discord is a thing and yeah idiots do exist via spite summoning for them, but personally if I had a 5/5 I wouldnt let some youtuber into my account, meaning he either begs people or pulls till he can show it himself. Besides those 2, who else shares accounts for videos? Ill wait. Every other bbs tuber either uses alts or their own, they dont post a video saying how they're on another person's account for a showcase.

              • 2 years ago

                >That's how niche it is, but you want me to believe spite or aaron have enough people letting them into their account to merely make videos?

  5. 2 years ago

    Do transcendence carries over links?

    • 2 years ago


      Is TYBW Chad good for anything? Ichigo is basically the "ultimate all-rounder" but for real this time, Uryu is a gigachad utility unit for droplets and pots, but what about Chad? I know he's designed with pvp in mind but it doesn't seem like he's replacing anyone in the meta anytime soon.

      He's infinitely better than the chad that was in pvp, and he almost always kills that chad, kenny, yhwach, askin, etc.
      even if he's t10 and you just have atk maxxed out, no golden chappy
      I have him 3/5 and 15/15/10, and he kills anyone who isn't invincible

      This is what my account looks like a week after rerolling.

      Based. About to start a reroll alt and mod/macro too. If you're an old player and your account has nothing, you can unironically build a better acount in a month due to all the free good shit out right now.

  6. 2 years ago

    Do I seriously have to run every fricking stage of the Zankaputo Rebellion side story for those beginner missions

  7. 2 years ago

    Bleach Cowboy spent like 800 dollars trying to get Summer Byakuya years ago.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I don't blame him. That fricker still eludes me to this day.

    • 2 years ago

      Atleast he's open about it. He clearly states and shows what he spends and doesn't act like every single thing the game does is a godsend. I think the only time ive seen him cope was on the Roka banner. He seems to legit like the game, whereas aaron and spite do it for clout and attention.

      • 2 years ago

        Aaron didn't even watch Bleach 'till after he got into Brave Souls, that tells you everything you need to know. Notice how in his latest videos he shoehorns random facts about the manga since he finally got around to reading it.

    • 2 years ago

      This level of honesty is almost unheard of in this community. Go on the subreddit and you see someone who pulled the entire banner in one pull.

    • 2 years ago

      To be fair, most gacha pity systems need it to be like 900 dollars. But Brave Souls doesn’t even have a pity system, so I know this could’ve easily been worsee.

    • 2 years ago

      >speding money on a f2p mobileshit
      Lmaoing at him. Most of bbs players are showered by 5 stars while he got cucked.

      • 2 years ago

        That's why I'm quitting. Grindfest is based around playing free, yet also pulling the best units in the game to stay relevant/enter Epic Raids. I started spending money, but am shafted all the same.

        • 2 years ago

          >best units in the game to stay relevant/enter Epic Raids
          All you really need are pot link characters dude

        • 2 years ago

          >yet also pulling the best units in the game to stay relevant/enter Epic Raids.
          Shitter detected. I'm still using my Urahara and OG Chair Aizen just fine.

          >I started spending money, but am shafted all the same.
          Consider not doing it. t. f2p chad with all the units he wanted and more.

  8. 2 years ago

    What's the point of doing the tower of forging if it gives the same amount of orbs and metals as the others while skimping out on the 5 star ticket?

    • 2 years ago

      It gives you 50 more medals at the end and could help since most ppl summon for the aizens.

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe I'm moronic and can't count but all of them give you 200 metals.

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe they revamped and I didnt check. I think the towers that dont give a ticket on the last floor gives extra medals instead right?

          • 2 years ago

            They give you 50 medals, which add up to 200. But other towers with tickets gives the same amount of medals, which is 200.

            • 2 years ago

              Well thats fricked.

  9. 2 years ago

    Are character selection banners worth it if I'm looking for a specific type of that character?

    • 2 years ago

      No, never waste a single orb on that crap. You don't get guaranteed 5 stars.

  10. 2 years ago

    Is TYBW Chad good for anything? Ichigo is basically the "ultimate all-rounder" but for real this time, Uryu is a gigachad utility unit for droplets and pots, but what about Chad? I know he's designed with pvp in mind but it doesn't seem like he's replacing anyone in the meta anytime soon.

    • 2 years ago

      Not really. Ichigo is the everyman, Uryu is the gatherer, and chad is the pvp unit. Honestly im glad i just got ichigo. I have droplets up the ass and I fricking hate pvp.

  11. 2 years ago

    bruh buying foreign gift cards isn't hard.

  12. 2 years ago
  13. 2 years ago
  14. 2 years ago

    I miss the old Guild Quest mode

  15. 2 years ago

    This is what my account looks like a week after rerolling.

  16. 2 years ago

    >they actually followed through
    Nice. Genuinely thought it was a scam.

  17. 2 years ago

    can someone explain why do I almost no damage in co op?
    even with the best SP accessories, lvl 10 sp slot, and t15?
    i do fricking zero damage

    • 2 years ago

      Post your build/don't join 1 bar lobbies.

      • 2 years ago

        New Uryu
        20/15/15 (WD, ik FSD is needed too)
        I think either TB/TLA ichigo (the rez one)
        decent -14 -14's
        fort pill, hunting cap, cape fastener, all +30%
        ik the sa +20% would be better but even still
        im not saying why dont I do the best in the game, but I actually do fricking nothing, it seems like my team mates do all the damage

        • 2 years ago

          What's your connection like?
          Is your bar red? Is the host's bar red?
          Cause if so you're going to be lagging hard core and thus "not do damage". When that happens it takes awhile for the game to register your inputs, so you sitting there whaling on an npc and doing literally no damage is because of that, not you.

          • 2 years ago

            I guess I'll have to pay more attention to that.
            Does it have to be observably laggy for that to happen or something you can miss?

            • 2 years ago

              Kinda hard to miss, the connection is displayed right next to your/their name.

              • 2 years ago

                No I meant gameplay wise, like do NPCs have to be bugging the frick out for you to be lagging or just hitreg/latency issues are enough to F you over

              • 2 years ago

                I don't get ya.
                If you hit a latency spike, things will start randomly dying/you won't be doing damage. There's also a very noticeable delay to change rooms because the server doesn't realize you're there.
                Once your internet clears up the game will behave normally.
                However if you join a room and the host has a bad connection, everyone will have a bad connection. Making the run obnoxious.

    • 2 years ago

      You should run solo and see if you can solo clear it. Then make a carry room, You either join as a pot fodder or carry the whole team "US" is very rare in co-op because of ping.

  18. 2 years ago

    a tip to all homosexuals in this thread:
    if im preparing and you start the quest anyways, ill leave so you get fricked over

    that's all.

    • 2 years ago

      No one cares homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        You'll care once I leave your lobby.

        • 2 years ago

          It kinda doesn't matter.
          If you leave during the loading screen then the game still counts you as present and everyone reaps the reward of your droplet/pot character.
          If you leave after the loading screen then your character is just going to auto.

          • 2 years ago

            Join a co-op room as the first person to join. Instantly click on five tickets used, and select join. The room fills and the owner starts the quest.
            >This room has already been dispatched
            Being a Brave Souls player on PS4 is frustrating.

          • 2 years ago

            YOU WILL CARE ONCE I LEAVE b***h!!!

            Join a co-op room as the first person to join. Instantly click on five tickets used, and select join. The room fills and the owner starts the quest.
            >This room has already been dispatched
            Being a Brave Souls player on PS4 is frustrating.

            lol, PS4 sounds like hell

  19. 2 years ago

    Now do I pull once more on the new tybw banner for the 10th time to try and get any one of the 3 units or do I pull on the swimsuits to try and get only nel because that's the only one im missing

    • 2 years ago

      obviously the new or save for the individuals if you're missing any there

  20. 2 years ago

    5 steps. Got everyone I wanted and a Riruka dupe

  21. 2 years ago

    Surprised by the skills Komamura gained.

  22. 2 years ago

    Wtf has been up with co-op lately? Enemies taking no damage until you suddenly skip the next two rooms, enter the boss room the boss message thing plays then the screen goes black and the room reloads with invincible enemies

    • 2 years ago

      Mod room? I feel like they're a bit unstable after that update.
      Sometimes I just get locked into rooms and have to force close the game.

  23. 2 years ago

    Healerhime is kinda OP, bros. Not even joking. Like SAFWY Una on STEROIDS.
    >50% damage at full health
    >ranged basics
    Why isn't anyone talking about this?

    • 2 years ago

      Share your clear time? I know Yama is considered OP but he clear 5-10 sec slower than auto Unohana and this is accounting the dumb ai won't use Unohana s3.

  24. 2 years ago

    Just started this game and i think im starting to grasp it but im not sure if my account is worth keeping or if there is anything i have fricked up monumentally so far.
    Like are any of these units based or are they all cringe? Are there any 5 stars i should prioritize? I've been pumping up the ichigo with the moon behind him because his moves are OP, and i just got 4 of his transcendence things to level 5.

    • 2 years ago

      That new Ichigo will carry you through almost everything while Uryu is a great farmer since he's a pot/droplet hybrid.
      That old 5 star Ichigo beside Retsu is a great link and once you combine that Izuru he'll make a great PVP link.
      You need to focus on getting OP characters of difference colours now since some quests have requirements that you can't brute force, and when you get to co-op you're going to run into issues since this community is autistic and will want bonus/droplets/pots. You got Uryu for green, now you need to get the rest.

  25. 2 years ago

    Do premium characters get added to the premium pool as soon as their banner drops or do we have to wait?

    • 2 years ago

      >as soon as their banner drops

  26. 2 years ago

    26 steps and no nel, 3 momos though

  27. 2 years ago

    >unohana on step 1
    Thank goodness

    • 2 years ago

      Which one?

      • 2 years ago

        The most recent swimsuit one.

  28. 2 years ago

    Sajin... what can they do to fix him?

    • 2 years ago

      The speed version? Give debuff to his normal attack too.

  29. 2 years ago

    I've pulled at least 20 times on the TYBW banner and I've gotten 4 Uryus and 2 Chads but no Ichigo.

    I really want that Ichigo, should I keep pulling or wait until his individual banner at the end of the month?

    • 2 years ago

      Are you interested in any of the filler on either banner? If not you should just wait and see what else comes. You're already ahead, and the next new bunch of TYBW characters could be just as good if not better.

    • 2 years ago

      Should've just waited for the individual banner

  30. 2 years ago

    Neither Nirgge or Hanataro are good against human mobs.

  31. 2 years ago

    Anyone got a good guild to join?

    • 2 years ago

      Me and a friend are trying to get a Guild going, nothing too strict or hardcore, so far we just have 7 people in total, all of them new to the game, except me. If you're interested, add me and I'll invite you. If you're not new I'll even make you officer I guess if there's any benefit in that.

      This goes for anyone else reading this post too. If you wanna join just reply to this post and give me a heads up.

      ID: 19 951 859

      • 2 years ago

        thanks friend

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, no problem man

          also a reminder to any reading this

          Me and a friend are trying to get a Guild going, nothing too strict or hardcore, so far we just have 7 people in total, all of them new to the game, except me. If you're interested, add me and I'll invite you. If you're not new I'll even make you officer I guess if there's any benefit in that.

          This goes for anyone else reading this post too. If you wanna join just reply to this post and give me a heads up.

          ID: 19 951 859

          turn on guild invites in the options if you wish to join us

          • 2 years ago

            Ok thanks for the clarification I wasnt sure how to get the invite, could you send it again to me? ID 93 908 107

            • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        I'd like to join as well
        98 889 038 is my ID

      • 2 years ago

        Are you still recruiting? If yes, could you add me?
        ID: 72 476 818

        • 2 years ago

          Sent. Looks like you were already on my friend list though? Anyways, welcome aboard!

          Guild name is 滅亡迅雷.net

  32. 2 years ago

    How are you supposed to build Nirgge? Raise his SP the maximum possible? And 3 stacks cool down reduction?

    • 2 years ago

      Depends, are you building him for a Senkaimom floor?

      • 2 years ago

        Co-op, got him to 15/15/15, not sure which skill to choose.

        • 2 years ago

          If you're farming droplets then slap hanataro on him with two strong damage/recharge hybrid links. If you don't have those then you can either choose strong damage or recharge, it doesn't really matter but I prefer the recharge.
          Hit hidden enemies or Last Ditch are always the go to skills for farmers, and if you want you can raise his SP to 10. It doesn't hurt and will make the run faster.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks, will give him last-ditch since he already has hit hidden.

  33. 2 years ago

    Dont wanna flex but...

    • 2 years ago
  34. 2 years ago

    Man I think im gonna stop focusing on collecting tickets for awhile. Did fricking 4hrs of assist farming and every fricking cluster has been shit with the exception of two shitty dupes that I also dont need. They need to remove some of these fricking 5*, its damn near impossible to pull 5+ yr units or even the new premiums when you have homosexual shit like Koga or Edrad you can pull. These brain dead morons make having an older account really unfun to keep playing and im not an autistic moron to make an alt account just to give myself a dopamine rush in seeing NEW on characters ive already pulled. Im starting to see the 1 time i pulled 6th anni aizen as a fricking miracle.

    • 2 years ago

      Wonder if Haribel's fractions will gain remasters.

      I got a old Chad with mine.

  35. 2 years ago

    Is there going to be a Halloween/Spirit Society banner or was that the Fall Festival banner from last month?

    • 2 years ago

      We probably won't get a halloween banner this year with SAFWY and TYBW ongoing at the time. There is still 2 SAFWY banner left for this year and they are usually end of months and the rest would be banner to tie in with the anime release.

    • 2 years ago

      We probably won't get a halloween banner this year with SAFWY and TYBW ongoing at the time. There is still 2 SAFWY banner left for this year and they are usually end of months and the rest would be banner to tie in with the anime release.

      eom is a tybw rerun apparently

  36. 2 years ago

    Damn accessories did get a buff, too bad both ichigo and isane are sp based off of be even more happier with my alt account.

    • 2 years ago

      >accessories did get a buff
      rates were boosted? when?
      i've noticed it too

      • 2 years ago

        Rates were boosted ONLY for the orb pulls, and it happened a few months ago.

    • 2 years ago

      Who gives a frick. There's only a finite amount of usable accessories and you'll probably have them all with even a 6 month account. Its the fricking pull rates on units they need to fix, but as always they focus on moron shit. Frick I cant wait for a console Bleach game to burn this homosexual gacha alive.

      • 2 years ago

        >and you'll probably have them all with even a 6 month account

        • 2 years ago

          >he doesnt know

  37. 2 years ago

    Trying to work on my pvp stuff so I can stay at 3rd seat permanently, I usually fall off right when extreme co-op starts. I just got Ywach (2/5) and Tsukishima (4/5) to 15/15/15, what bonus abilities should I be picking? Everyone seems to use all sorts of shit. And should I stick with that Beyond Bankai Kenpachi (1/5)? I also have Beyond Bankai Yama (2/5) and the new TYBW Chad (1/5) but I'm not sure who to slot

    • 2 years ago

      for yhwach I think pierce barrier is good, as it is always typically for ignore invincibility, since it means now nothing will stop him from dealing dmg to maybe strays your other chars couldnt kill
      dodge is also good
      LD isn't the best since many run a char that prevents it
      imo kenny is more useful since he has captain killer but 2/5 means you can have bb yammy deal much more dmg by maxing out focus, or have him tank much more by maxing out stamina, so I would use him

      • 2 years ago

        >for yhwach I think pierce barrier is good, as it is always typically for ignore invincibility
        NTA, so I made the the right choice.

        • 2 years ago

          you think pierce barrier is bad... seriously?

          • 2 years ago

            I gave it to him, helped a lot against certain enemies.
            Now I am unsure about the second skill.

            • 2 years ago

              like I said, I think dodge is good, or low stamina dmg boost
              LSD better for consistency

              • 2 years ago

                It is me or there is something wrong with Epic Raids & Co-op? Owner connection is always failing.


  38. 2 years ago

    Is damage to slowed enemies on SS momo a bad idea?
    Seems way better than FSD when you'll immediately lose that in IT...

    • 2 years ago

      Not a bad idea; but slow doesn't proc every time and when it does you only have a short period to capitalize on it, meaning you're missing out on a flat 25% increase to your base damage.
      Essentially swapping out continuous higher damage for a big damage spike that happens occasionally.
      >when you'll immediately lose that in IT

      • 2 years ago

        >>when you'll immediately lose that in IT
        i've never played with people that have kept that, and I haven't seen a YT who kept it past maybe the 2nd stage

  39. 2 years ago

    Bro, I was searching for BBS and thought the general had died.

  40. 2 years ago

    I don't think I can keep going. I started like a week or two before the 7th anniversary, so during the lead up stuff. I recently got beyond bankai yoruichi and she's too good. I figured people were being overly dramatic when talking about power creep, but nope. she does better than similar invested characters when they have killer and attribute advantages and she doesn't. I'm sorry bbs, you're a neat gacha, but this is too much for me

    • 2 years ago

      She couldn't even dethrone 6th Anni Aizen

    • 2 years ago

      I think you're just moronic. She's good, but on her own she isnt carrying shit in terms of characters like anniversary, or even the new ichigo.
      >character is too good so i must quit
      Yeah i know you're definitely moronic

  41. 2 years ago

    >TYBW Isshin dupe from the free pull
    Frick, I mean that's cool and all he was only 1/5 but I was hoping for Candace or Askin or Unohana

  42. 2 years ago

    I managed to get beach insane and unohana from 15 steps of the summer banner, really wanted nel but it's not in the cards for me it seems. Is it worth it to pull anymore? I already have the new ichigo with all 5 transcendence slots so I feel like it's kinda mood pulling on concord. I wanna get more chars but it seems like all the banners up rn have garbage units that don't even come up to a fricking B on the PvE tierlist

  43. 2 years ago

    Wait a I don't need to use the point boost characters to get the extra points? I just need to have them?

    • 2 years ago

      Use whoever you want. All that counts is that the characters are in your bag.

    • 2 years ago

      No shit. It says on the stat screen before a quest what your bonus is, indicating that having the characters in general are key, not them on the team.

  44. 2 years ago

    Where can I find people to do coin trials?
    Everytime I host it takes forever, and the homosexual ass discords are worthless for co op

    • 2 years ago

      I can help out, if you want.

      • 2 years ago

        do you have good increase coin drop? i dont mind hosting and waiting

        • 2 years ago

          I got Rose with 3 Green watches and 3 coin links (albeit 3 Star Kisuke links and 4 star Omaeda)

          add me on Discord ericb#1033

          • 2 years ago

            >add me on Discord

          • 2 years ago

            >add me on Discord

          • 2 years ago

            >add me on Discord

          • 2 years ago

            >add me on Discord

          • 2 years ago

            >add me on Discord

          • 2 years ago

            >add me on Discord

    • 2 years ago

      Just enter epic raid and cash in your points on coins if that what you need as long as you have the appropriate character the host will carry.

      • 2 years ago

        you're a fricking moron and I've seen you around
        my 183% coin drop char will always do 10x better than fricking epic raid medals you braindead homosexual

  45. 2 years ago

    So I'm completely locked out of Chronicle Quest?

    • 2 years ago

      no, those are just bonus units
      but, you do need at least one yumichika character
      could even be a 4star, it doesnt matter

  46. 2 years ago

    i don't know which chara is the best, i just use lvl 200 6th anniversary aizen to win everything

  47. 2 years ago

    >Brave Selection.
    >Focus on popular characters.
    >Ulquiorra, Love, Edrad, Ggio and Nirgge.
    Will never stop being funny.

  48. 2 years ago

    Finally got a 5* Kensei, now I have at least one version of every vaizard.

  49. 2 years ago

    I did like 100+ rerolls and finally got ywach from my freebie TYBW pull, just need 2 other Dr units to keep pvp relevant.

  50. 2 years ago

    >waste 5k trying to get Rose (FB Renji is now 5/5)
    >waste 1k trying to get Rose on his individual (only get Hyorinmaru)
    >100BBS tickets gives a single FB Uryu
    >Uryu's extra stat reroll is 3 star defense

  51. 2 years ago

    Got 7 Barragans in a row, which was the one character in that banner I already had. Klab does not want me getting the new Ichigo, that's 5k orbs down the drain.

  52. 2 years ago

    For PvP, always go with Pierce Barrier?

    • 2 years ago

      Even though start barriers are being phased out, yes.

  53. 2 years ago

    Anyone here called "Sussy Bussy" or something like that? Must be one of the anons from this thread because the name of his guild is Sneed F&S

  54. 2 years ago

    New banner revealed in less then 1 hour, my body is ready is for beyond bankai Tousen.

  55. 2 years ago

    >Its a Squad 12 banner
    bruh who asked for that

    • 2 years ago

      I think that Urahara is for the loading screen, expect a new Orihime sooner or later.

  56. 2 years ago

    A premium super link potion unit is nice though

    • 2 years ago

      actually like this banner aside from mayuri, new super pot unit is nice that way newcomers dont have to wait on christmas noel

      • 2 years ago

        also why are heat characters just now getting NaD 30's? all we got right now are 25's and hybrid resurrections

  57. 2 years ago

    Does high Focus reduces status ailments duration?

    • 2 years ago

      no, 1000 focus means you always crit, anything above 1000 focus gives you extra damage, that's it

      • 2 years ago

        How much extra damage?

        • 2 years ago

          1/3 or 1/4 iirc.

  58. 2 years ago

    Got a dupe with my 6* ticket.

  59. 2 years ago

    It is me or blood lock is bugged? There's a weird delay in its hit box.

  60. 2 years ago

    Why is Spirit Society Ichigo considered bad? He's got good ailments, Frenzy +2, Sharpshooter, he seems good to me

  61. 2 years ago

    How many years has it been since they released a sternritter? I’d really like some more any day now.

    • 2 years ago

      Its been 2 Years I think since the last round of sternritters were released so that would be Gremmy. I swear this company is on some moronic frick shit. Everyday I somewhat wish for my account to be deleted so i can be free from this outright homosexualry of a game.

    • 2 years ago

      Wondering who will be is the first batch, base bankai thieves?

      • 2 years ago

        As nodt. Cang du. BG9.
        Probably around this time ritters like bambi,candice,bazz b will get their rez forms so they become viable again.

  62. 2 years ago

    When will Domination Loss-chan (Bambietta), Thunder breasts (Candice) and NaziJesus futuro revelado (Yhawch) rerun? Is there any site who shows wich characters are going to the next exclusive/rate up pool?

  63. 2 years ago

    I swear to frick if I still have issues clearing that one floor going to be pissed.

    • 2 years ago

      Just bring full last ditch survival links.

      • 2 years ago

        I did that, but couldn't do enough damage in time so I'd have to successfully dodge 3-4 soul bombs from Orihime and Chad before I managed to get to the lass boss.
        At least now that he's purple with last ditch/start barrier I shouldn't run into that issue, but it's dumb that I had to resort to this.
        We need more Arrancar human killers.

  64. 2 years ago

    is there a group aside from here and reddit that actually have an active community? most of the shit I see is youtubers and people never update their shit like tier lists and GQ setups

  65. 2 years ago

    My lucky day.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh frick off, I spent way too many orbs on this banner and got nothing but gold showers. I just needed one Aizen ONE FRICKING AIZEN now I'm gonna miss out on summoning for the rest of the year

    • 2 years ago

      homie stop looking for attention. Good pull, but your homosexual ass went to reddit for clout too.

  66. 2 years ago

    if i want to collect a bunch of rukias, should i just buy an account? seems like a lot of her units are seasonal

    • 2 years ago

      Being given pngs is less fulfilling than grinding out orbs/tickets and finally managing to pull them imo.
      It takes longer too so you're more likely to stay around for her next unit which you should be able to roll on since you should be saving up for those seasonal banners.
      Also, flexing your account when it was someone else's is cringe, that's not your RNG.

    • 2 years ago

      I second

      Being given pngs is less fulfilling than grinding out orbs/tickets and finally managing to pull them imo.
      It takes longer too so you're more likely to stay around for her next unit which you should be able to roll on since you should be saving up for those seasonal banners.
      Also, flexing your account when it was someone else's is cringe, that's not your RNG.

      It's in the journey.
      Someday I will get my Halloween SoiFon. And it will be euphoric.

      • 2 years ago

        >Halloween SoiFon
        Based. I still use her for Senkaimon sometimes.

  67. 2 years ago

    why do morons in arena, especially japs not know how to play? like if you kill more normal units than character unit you win.

  68. 2 years ago

    Blood lock is nearly impossible to scape without a maxed out familiar.
    I had to use the mirror blowback to keep my Urahara alive.

  69. 2 years ago

    what's the most blatant example of waifubaiting in this game? is it the swimsuits?

    • 2 years ago

      The white/valentine day ones, swimsuits are coombait.

    • 2 years ago

      Orient Society aka Waifu Society was the sexiest by far

    • 2 years ago

      Swimsuits. That Isane one was shameless.

  70. 2 years ago

    >do the 150 orb pull on Chad's individual even though I already have him just because I'm a Jackiegay
    >get Jackie
    >also upped my bonus for this event from 3/4 to 4/4
    Only Fullbringer I'm missing now is Motherfricker Moe

  71. 2 years ago

    Got lucky with the assist ticket, barely got Kensei and he lost his team spot.

  72. 2 years ago

    Im new at the game, what banner should i roll in ?

    • 2 years ago

      The beginner selection banner is good, you just missed the TYBW and the Swimsuit banner which had units every account kinda has to have. You started at a bad time but at the same time you have time to save orbs for the end of the year banners which are typically really good. Currently there isn't anything worth summoning for so just save your orbs. Farm the point event and get some tickets so you can summon without spending orbs.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the advice annon, then i save them to the end of the year banner

        • 2 years ago

          On the other hand, because you're new don't worry too much about saving either. You have a MASSIVE amount of orbs from story, side stories, etc, you can farm at any given time, and any new 5 star character you pull is also orbs so you can pretty much do 5 pulls on any banner that interests you or has characters you like. Going all in is rarely a good idea for anyone, but going up to the first guaranteed step will probably get you back your orbs.

  73. 2 years ago

    when do new units get released? i want this to be added to the game but am wondering if it'll have to be until the anime catches up to even have a chance of releasing

    • 2 years ago

      She's already in the game. New units get added in the middle of the month and at the end of the month.

    • 2 years ago


      She's already in the game. New units get added in the middle of the month and at the end of the month.

      said that version of rukia has been released, but its a form change unit so you can swap between the captain version and bakai forms

      • 2 years ago

        She's already in the game. New units get added in the middle of the month and at the end of the month.

        ty bros i did some rerolls until i got her 🙂

  74. 2 years ago

    is it too late to get into this? how does rerolling work

    • 2 years ago

      never too late to get into the game since theyve made it very user friendly. in terms of re-rolling be prepared to do it alot. With the free TYBW 5 star unit still up I would suggest re-rolling until you get Red yama(for SP) Purple Ywach (for PVP), Green Aizen (for easy quests clear/PVP/PVE), or Jugram (good for PVP if chad isnt available). you missed TYBW summons for ichigo, uryu and chad but who knows when theyll come back

    • 2 years ago

      Not too late at all
      I’d suggest rerolling for some decent characters and then SAVE YOUR ORBS
      End of November should see the return of Yamamoto, Yhwach and Aizen - all absolute top tier characters - Yamamoto and Yhwach being damn near must haves

      Then in December the poll selection banner will release in which the players vote for 12 characters that will be featured on a banner themselves
      As you would guess this means pretty much the 12 best characters are voted in, sometimes waifus too but whatever

      • 2 years ago

        >Heart Yhwach
        >must have
        Don't mislead new players, please.

        • 2 years ago

          If he cares about brave battles Yhwach is pretty necessary

  75. 2 years ago

    Just started playing are any of the characters from the Beginners Pack *6 star ticket any good?

    • 2 years ago

      It's got some characters that will be useful but no big characters you "gotta have"

      Tech Rukia is a good link
      Tech Swimsuit Orihime is a Chronicle Quest bonus character
      Power Halloween Grimmjow is a good link
      Speed Christmas Nel is a good link
      Heart Kenpachi is a Chronicle Quest bonus character
      Heart Isshin is a Last Ditch Survival link (basically a free revive)

      Personally I don't like 6* tickets because you miss out on the orbs you could be getting from leveling them up from their 5* versions but that's just me. The ticket is only 4 dollars so it's really up to you.

      • 2 years ago


  76. 2 years ago

    sorry for all the stupid questions but as a new player what should i be using my soul tickets on should i just be rushing story to get all the spirit orbs? i was doing the point event but i dont have any of the boosted characters and was only able to get 200k so far

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, really just do the story and side stories. Once you’ve spent orbs getting enough 5*s you can start farming kon’s bonanza and upgrade mats.

  77. 2 years ago

    >haschwalth off step 1

    • 2 years ago

      Based, got Bazz-B from mine. Only missing two Sternritter now, hopefully they're fillers on the Yama/Aizen/Yhwach rerun (or new TYBW batch if we get one this month)

      • 2 years ago

        I hope there’s a new batch, or at least Bambi gets a rerun.

  78. 2 years ago

    Is it me or is the game in a lul right now?

    • 2 years ago

      >3 months of dick suck mid months
      >last 2 EoM's have been moronic shit
      >the last hype banner was in celebration of the anime return fricking 6 weeks ago and even then it was 2 characters that literally were the focus of anniversary that was a month prior
      >characters that everyone keeps expecting like sternritters and SAFWY arent dropping to maintain hype

      Gee I wonder why

      • 2 years ago

        that everyone keeps expecting like sternritters and SAFWY arent dropping to maintain hype
        yeah wtf is this shit why wont they do it

  79. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Nah. I dont need any of that shit. Poll selection is worthless to collection vets.

    • 2 years ago

      Not even gonna bother. If they were going to add more sternritters they would’ve done it already.

    • 2 years ago

      Just by likes, top 6 of this round will be in the banner

      Ichigo (Anni) 4046
      Nel (SS) 3037
      Isane (SS) 2640
      Lisa (Hollowfied) 2235
      Rukia (Lunar) 2041
      Orihime (Christmas) 1952
      Shinji (Hollowfied) 1640
      Toshiro (Christmas) 929

      • 2 years ago

        Trash banner as always, I have no idea why people always hype Poll Selection when it's ALWAYS bad. If you wanted Ichigo you have him already, same with Uryu and the second Poll Selection will probably be even worse.

        • 2 years ago

          Poll selection is for the morons who dropped thousands of orbs and got nothing and this is the last stand of them getting it. Its gonna be the superbowl of shafts cause you already know some frick is saving thousands as we speak, summon on this, and wont get shit. I got 7th anniversary and 5th anniversary ichigo from a ticket once so it'll be funny seeing this.

          • 2 years ago

            >Its gonna be the superbowl of shafts
            Shaftbowl lmao

    • 2 years ago


  80. 2 years ago

    Riruka dev must be in ecstasy now.

    • 2 years ago

      I like how there's a dude there whose older than yamamoto. You know he's on some OP goon shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't care about some rirukagay bait
      I need my boi

    • 2 years ago

      >Get shafted completely at Aizen's new banner
      >Get Kageroza as guaranteed
      And I'm happy.

      >Old gotei seems so cool, Kubo should show more about them
      This look like a Genei Ryodan rip-off lmao. All of these guys are dead. I really see no point beyond some novels or ocassional episodes/flashacks.

      Scarftanned Hitsugaya look Ganker as frick.

    • 2 years ago

      >these are all ruthless killers that even yhwach was terrified of
      >that includes the glasses girl
      I love it.

      • 2 years ago

        Is Hollow Kensei playable?

        Somebody has to be the moral center of thr group and it is the clown

    • 2 years ago

      So brown skinned one and tip top right one, girls or pretty boys?

      • 2 years ago

        Bets on boys, top right in particular gives me Rose vibes.

  81. 2 years ago

    I know poll selection usually has a mix of seasonal and premium during the voting but good god the premiums they’ve chose are such shit it’s almost all arena

    I’m one of the lucky fricks who has 3/5 Ichigo and 5/5 Uryu at least and a ton of super pots saved up so I can skip this banner and splurge on end of year but damn I feel bad for the MFs who are gonna pull 10 Arena Yammys

    • 2 years ago

      That Yammy is actually pretty based though, Poll Selection is still shit as always but he's nice to have regardless

  82. 2 years ago

    damn the second round poll selection is fricking garbage what were they thinking

    • 2 years ago

      Only by likes top 6

      Uryu (Anni) 1684
      Grimmjow (Cacao) 1374
      Ulquiorra (Cacao) 1224
      Momo (SS) 1169
      Toshiro (WD) 851
      Aizen (WD) 792
      Nozomi 556

      • 2 years ago

        So AnniUryu, Cacao Ulq, WD Aizen and 3 pot units.
        Expected outcome.

  83. 2 years ago

    Sorry for the noob questions, but I'm about to download the game for the first time on ps4 (my phone is a brick)
    They have an offer for a free 5 star character and accessory ticket, and 50 basic(?) ones. I don't play many gacha games so my knowledge of these systems is limited as they come...
    Is it just a character from a generic starter pool of 5 stars, the current banner, or any 5 star that's been released in the game's tenure?

    Also are brave battles CPU opponents or actual players I'm confused on that too.

    • 2 years ago

      >On PS4
      Prepare to be treated like a third-world citizen.

      >Is it just a character from a generic starter pool of 5 stars
      It's from a massive pool of largely useless 5 stars, it's supposed to be anyone but, you'll find that the monthly PS Plus card tends to net you dupes.

      >are brave battles CPU opponents or actual players
      Brave Battles 10-8? Are CPU/low effort builds. In tier 7 you'll start to catch on as to why the game is meta chasing bullshit, since everyone ends up with the same PVP teams. Each tier requires more points weekly, until it becomes maximum annoying.

  84. 2 years ago

    How are the PS4 controls?

    • 2 years ago

      Much much easier than on PC. I suck at the whole dragging thing nonstop.

      • 2 years ago

        Just use your keyboard
        Arrow keys move, space bar is NAD, ASD for strong attacks, F for flash step, R for soul bomb, and V for bankai button I think

    • 2 years ago

      alot of people play on that so I guess its ok, I play on steam using xbox controller and it works like a charm

  85. 2 years ago

    Wonder how much this Black Friday pack is, don’t need the characters but if it’s cheap that’s a couple free orbs, even more if I pull 5th ani ichi

  86. 2 years ago

    Is it even possible to realistically clear out the Extreme co-op exchange shop doing the 7th seat version? Seems to take a shit ton of tickets just to get anything from there

  87. 2 years ago

    Do anniversary characters come back?
    I'm new to the game and was spamming the beginner banner that had the 7th anniversary characters in it for Ichigo.
    Landed the Uryu one, and the hollow merged ichigo (twice...), but Ichigo's anniversary skin eluded me, and now the banner is gone...

    • 2 years ago

      Rarely, but they do return. If you're chasing the anniversary characters of this year wait until Poll selection banner drops on december. Keep in mind there's 12 units there.

      But a chad recommendation I could give you it's to just not give a frick about anniversary characters and spend your hard earned orbs on limited banners. Anniversary characters are still premium at the end of the day.

      • 2 years ago

        >But a chad recommendation I could give you it's to just not give a frick about anniversary characters and spend your hard earned orbs on limited banners.
        Appreciate it, but I'm a f2p scrub who only plans on rolling on characters (Harribel) he wants, the meta isn't all that important to me, there'll always be diehard players that are better than you, so why bother.
        And I love that Ichigo design...

        • 2 years ago

          >the meta isn't all that important to me
          Oh this game is going to force you into playing meta

          • 2 years ago

            No, it isn't.

            t. player since 2015

        • 2 years ago

          You get all her units, and then what?
          20/20/20 them? You need pots and droplet characters for that.
          Make them purple? You need chronicle and bonus characters for that.
          But most importantly you need orbs to even roll for her, and once you've plundered your fresh account's supply you gotta play GQ, which you need specific characters for.
          Meta is inevitable.

  88. 2 years ago

    Arena is fun and I’m tired of pretending it’s not

    • 2 years ago

      And who asked you to pretend? Just be true to yourself.

  89. 2 years ago

    >3 useless dupes from 300 BSS tickets
    What horseshit.

    • 2 years ago

      Im trying to stack a fat amount so even if I get dupes, it'll be so many it'll be worth it on some level. Best to distract yourself with another game while mindlessly playing this. Tickets stack up pretty fast when you're not concerned about the number.

  90. 2 years ago

    How many of each spirit mat do you need to completely level a Familiar?
    I got 2000+ of every color except blue and red.

  91. 2 years ago

    This is the last thing I want.

    • 2 years ago

      Will the othe Espada get this treatment? Kaienneiro?

      • 2 years ago

        I fricking hope not, remaking old units is so boring and lazy. I just want to see new shit.

  92. 2 years ago

    >remake of anni ulquiorra
    No thanks, klab. I stay with the og.

  93. 2 years ago

    How much money does the TYBW cost that KLab wouldn’t just make an Opie, As Nodt and uhhh idk the sternritter with the gun banner over remaking anniversary ulquiorra lmao

    • 2 years ago

      >Heart droplet, pot & super pot.

      They will have to make new models, and maybe a few skeletons.

      I fricking hope not, remaking old units is so boring and lazy. I just want to see new shit.

      We don't have a Kaienneiro.

      • 2 years ago

        No one cares about Aaroniero, you WILL get remade Grimmjow/Harribel/Nel units and you WILL like it.

  94. 2 years ago

    Just saw the new Ulquiorra trailer and as an ulqCHAD I’m hyped and ready to drop all my orbs on him

  95. 2 years ago

    >could give us more sternritters
    >could even get started on some of the og gotei 13
    >instead do THREE ulquiorras
    The "reimagined" anni Ulqi's super attack is pretty cool, but jesus klab is dull.

  96. 2 years ago

    Honestly why aren't they just pumping out TYBW banners one after another while the anime is ongoing to capitalize on the hype, plenty of characters to pick from

    • 2 years ago

      Legal rights issue?

  97. 2 years ago

    Maybe the voice actors are too busy voicing the anime to give time for voicing the game. Ulquiorra's vocie actor is free since his character doesn't appear in TYBW

  98. 2 years ago

    Any chance the mommy captain will be added?

    • 2 years ago

      Retsu already has multiple units.

      • 2 years ago

        which is her best?

        • 2 years ago

          Game-play wise? SAFWY
          Utility wise? SS
          Aesthetically? TYBW

      • 2 years ago

        The new mommy, you tardass.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh, Unsai.
          Well if they ever make them part of SAFWY or do another round of TYBW: The Past summons, she and the others have a good shot. But at the current rate of things, that's a good many years before it's even an option on the table. Though that all depends on how many years this game's got left in it.

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry, bro. We have to Reimagine every single CFYOW Espada first.

            • 2 years ago

              Do we actually know if they're doing that or if it's just a remade anniversary unit akin to art-book Ichigo?

              • 2 years ago

                The title implies a recurring type of summons, but there's no reason to assume the others will be the other hogyoku Espada. In fact, since the others are all limited units, I think it's incredibly unlikely they'll start making premium summon variants of them.
                Personally, I'm betting on Ichigo getting the next Reimagined summons. It's the perfect place to toss out a new masked Ichigo so people stop begging for that, and there are plenty of versions to choose from for the other two slots.

            • 2 years ago

              This but unironically, I want a new updated released form Starrk.

  99. 2 years ago

    Ain't no way I'm gonna finish NNN

  100. 2 years ago

    why this shitty board and not vg

    • 2 years ago

      Because /vmg/ is for mobile games moron.

  101. 2 years ago

    newbie here how do I roll Yhwach??

    I got free roll the shitty rape monk but I want Yhwach

  102. 2 years ago

    >Join modded pots only lobby
    >Join with Gin since he's also a bonus character
    >get removed and blacklisted
    Are people really this stupid?

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly with the amount of pots Klab have released recently it's hard to keep track of who has what.
      But if that room had pots as a filtered skill then yeah that's bullshit.

      • 2 years ago

        People can check a character skill.

  103. 2 years ago

    when are they actually going to add more tybw characters? i thought they'd add them as the show airs like dokkan battle did back when super was coming out. i want more sternritters

    • 2 years ago

      You think that's bad? I've been waiting for the Bounts for years.

      • 2 years ago

        Seriously fricking this, I don't even like Bounts but it'd be great for an added set of story chapters so we can get orbs

      • 2 years ago

        >shitty vampire quincy wannabes that were in a filler that EVERYONE forgets about and even the creator himself makes fun of

        Yeah buddy, im sure they're coming any day now.

  104. 2 years ago

    should I try and re-roll for Green TYBW Aizen or Heart Ywhach? I feel like pvp doesnt matter anymore since I missed my opportunity to try for Green Kenpachi

    • 2 years ago

      Strictly for PVP Yhwach is better

      • 2 years ago

        took me 53 tries but I ended up getting aizen, I feel like the banner will pop up again soon anyway. plus im going for an SP team this account

  105. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Based Isa. Needs to bring back spirit society though.

      • 2 years ago

        Isa doesn't like Halloween. It's over. I bet he cancelled Christmas too.

        • 2 years ago

          He'd better at least rerun the Christmas witches, I wasn't playing during the random June rerun.

    • 2 years ago

      >Fujos ruin everything
      no surprise.

    • 2 years ago

      >valentines is removed
      It says cacao society on both of these.
      I don’t even mind giving less popular characters units but it shouldn’t be every single gacha update.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes, Cacao Society has been changed to now be male only. I assume that's the point the image was trying to make. Valentine's Day (aka cacao society) only had males this year which is quite silly for a shonen gacha game. Two white day banners essentially.

        • 2 years ago

          >Cacao Society has been changed to now be male only
          When did this happen?
          The last batch under Oichan was in 2019 which ended in a boys banner.
          Isa's only contribution to it has been Grim and Ulqu so far and I bet the next one with be a girls banner.

          • 2 years ago

            I mean, it is entirely possible that in 2023 Isa will run a bunch of waifu banners. This year could have been a test to see if male seasonals make more money.

    • 2 years ago

      50-50 with this. Oichan had plenty of seasonals and original characters but Isa brought more love to other characters, boys are getting seasonal units and less moronic and shameless "fanservice" with seasonals girls units. That Isane was stupid.

      Was it too hard keeping seasonals around and having more characters having units than just a handful of them and slapping them a moronic boob size?

      • 2 years ago

        Even if you didn't like the fan service, the seasonal designs with Oichan were more fashionable. Steampunk Riruka is unironically one of the coolest designs to come out of BBS. Isa needs to redeem himself in 2023.

        • 2 years ago

          Machine society was shit. Cacao society is the good one, where's my new seasonal Stark?! REEEEEEE

          • 2 years ago

            This, every single Machine Society design is trash-tier.

          • 2 years ago

            This, every single Machine Society design is trash-tier.

            Are you serious? How anyone can look at these designs and think that they are bad is beyond me.

            • 2 years ago

              Because it's ugly. Unless you have that itch for the already tired le steampunk aethestic numales have. Nemu and Yoruichi were the only good design in there.

            • 2 years ago

              I actually thought Izuru was perfectly fine, but the more I look at it now the more it annoys me.
              It'd look so much better without so many unnecessary belts.

            • 2 years ago

              >that moronic eyepatch
              >Super spy
              >Kira of all things

        • 2 years ago

          Dat ass

        • 2 years ago

          I think it's more of a matter of the season events themselves. Both the spirit and cacao society ones under Isa were fine. White/ day/valentines/christmas units in general are always pretty much the same couple of themes regardless(plus some of those white day ones were direct remakes I think).

  106. 2 years ago

    So are there tier lists for this game? Is it just newest characters are best? Which version to play?

    • 2 years ago

      Here's a decent tier list:

      Newer characters are usually pretty good. I'd honestly say 2022 is the best overall year in terms of power creep with new characters. Even some non-anniversary premiums have gotten sorta broken.

  107. 2 years ago

    There a place to go to get the character sprites/models for this game?

    Wanna get my hands on Harribel's cacao society standing model.

  108. 2 years ago

    I thought KLab got over their fear of male nipples back when they released PVP Kenpachi, but I guess not.

  109. 2 years ago

    So numbers wise is the new hogyoku Ulquiorra actually any better than the original?
    Or just a fancy new special, and a different element.

    • 2 years ago

      If you can't tell how much better he is by looking at his abilities and SA types you don't really need to worry about it

  110. 2 years ago

    I just started playing this after watching tybw on netflix.

    Rerolling seems relatibely painless. What should i reroll for? I got a swimsuit Halibel, is that worth keeping?

    • 2 years ago

      You could reroll for the white haired Ulquiorra. He's one of the best characters in the game and just released today. This website is helpful if you want to learn more:

      • 2 years ago

        How do i use that database to see who is powrful?

        Do i sort by Avg? Are stats all that matter and abilities dont?

        • 2 years ago

          Newer units have higher base stat totals as passive powercreep, but old units get base stat boosts via a mechanic of occasionally giving old units new unlockable skills/more stats, so it's not a reliable measure. The skills themselves and the ability kit matters a lot more.

          Here's a decent tier list:

          Newer characters are usually pretty good. I'd honestly say 2022 is the best overall year in terms of power creep with new characters. Even some non-anniversary premiums have gotten sorta broken.

          This tier list is... functional, there's some stuff I disagree with and I think it misrepresents some gaps, but it generally is good for using to keep on the lookout for good units.
          Don't be too strict with it though, you have a LOT of free orbs and you want to get a good varied lineup for certain content + links for your better characters and there are a lot of decent units for new players.
          I'd say as a rule of thumb, any unit that list has in B(and some C even) is perfectly usable and happening to roll them is nice. That said I also wouldn't orb dump for anything that low unless you reaaallly like them/that design and there isn't a better version.

          • 2 years ago

            I saw that original Lisa his tied for the 4th highest SP in the game, so i upgraded abd resurrected her to max level using all the starting materials they give you free.

            I feel that she is just kind of meh though. Did i brick my account? Should i start over?

            • 2 years ago

              You mean you just ressed her to 6 star(red)? Nah, you didn't do anything wrong, you'll be swimming in mats after you've played a bit, just israeliteels/crystals aren't even remotely hard to get.
              >I feel that she is just kind of meh though
              She is, but she makes a good link to put on better characters with both cooldown reduction/damage.
              >Did i brick my account? Should i start over?
              Nah, not because of that. If you're interested in rerolling though, you are coming up on a kinda insane period to do so
              >free beginner TYBW unit that can include the likes of bondage Aizen/new Bankai Yama
              >other free beginner rolls probably that I forget
              >rerun banner for that Aizen/Yama/Yhwach
              >Burn the Witch christmas rerun soon
              >poll selection soon after those end which you won't be able to include with them in the rerolling, but will be great for a new player too

  111. 2 years ago

    How do you guys feel about this years units?

    • 2 years ago

      Swimsuit banner was great as usual.
      TYBW banners were fine.
      Azashiro is cool.
      Anniversary was okay. I liked the music better than the actual units though.
      Glad we finally got a new Tousen unit.
      Everything else was boring.

  112. 2 years ago

    Can somebody explain to me why so many people use kisuke in coop mode?

    Is there a specific kisuke they are using?

    • 2 years ago

      The Fierce Battle one?
      He's a pot character that can auto a majority of content. His age hasn't even shown, he's still going strong.
      He used to be one of the big dogs before the power spike, but that doesn't make him obsolete.

      • 2 years ago

        Oh pot i guess that makes sense

    • 2 years ago

      He's good and it's Urahara. What else do you need?

  113. 2 years ago

    Jesus frick who came up with this broken point steal system in arena??
    I am so fricking tired of the timer reading 00:00 in big flashing red numbers and having all the enemys despawn only for 3 seconds later to have the team points completely shift because of a delay

    Its literally pulling the rug out from under people.

    • 2 years ago

      I think that happens because all servers are pooled into the queue. The game might be over for you, but that guy in the Philippines is still a good 10 seconds behind so the game has to wait until he's finished before it's truly over.

      • 2 years ago

        Jesus frick who came up with this broken point steal system in arena??
        I am so fricking tired of the timer reading 00:00 in big flashing red numbers and having all the enemys despawn only for 3 seconds later to have the team points completely shift because of a delay

        Its literally pulling the rug out from under people.

        you either have good connection or it is so bad it's unplayable
        ive had multiple games where you simply cannot score or complete the missions where you gotta defeat certain enemy types
        or just having the enemies teleporting around the map

    • 2 years ago

      Arena is so unfun/broken most of the time that literally the only way they could lure me in is special move sources, besides the occasional event orders like these.

  114. 2 years ago

    25 steps
    1 Yama(at the end)
    1 Soi Fon
    3 Kirinji
    2 Hikifune
    1 Shutara
    FIVE of the fricking dogshit Aizen
    I hope the homosexuals behind this game rot in hell.

    • 2 years ago

      Aizen is good though

      • 2 years ago

        No, no, if it was THAT Aizen I'd be thrilled.
        I mean the mind Aizen.

        • 2 years ago

          >mind Aizen
          oh yeah you got fricked

  115. 2 years ago

    5 steps

    1 AGL TYBW Yama from 4/5 to 5/5
    1 Kirio (reroll for a 3 STA 6th slot)
    1 Kazeshini (offbanner)(NEW)
    1 2022Yama (NEW)

    I'm going to stop here since I just wanted the new Yama

  116. 2 years ago

    new player here I got

    12 steps

    Genryusai(red one)
    Fat Chick
    Soi Fon

    I know Genryusai is good but what about the other ones I got?

    • 2 years ago

      Yama is one of the absolute best characters possible for PvE. Yhwach is that but for PvP. Hikifune is meh. Soi Fon is showing her age, but pretty good especially for a new player.
      >12 steps
      You might as well just go to 15, you have tons of orbs and you can use basically everything, even dupes of Yama/Yhwach.

      • 2 years ago

        >You might as well just go to 15
        I did and got another Yhwach and Aizen(purple one) was hoping for another Yama but Im happy with what I got also where do I get the items to level up my Link Slots? I only have enough to get them to level 5 right now

        • 2 years ago

          There's some single player quests you can grind for pots(not really efficient without drop increase characters), and co-op quests which is where most people do it. It's called inheritance zone. Raids also give some pots.
          The trick is that a lot of people are going to only want to co-op with groups of the characters who boost the number of pots you get per run, but as a new player, having you in the group gives them points so you can probably get into carry groups in raids that are demanding bonus units, pot characters, OR new players.
          As far as which characters have the potion drop skill, you can filter by skill here:
          For example, the blue units with potion skills are christmas Momo, swimsuit Unohana, white day Grimmjow, christmas Noel, Akon, and Hanataro.
          It's really handy to have one of each color to make it easy to co-op farm pots, but not 100% necessary with the new player tag. The voted lineup banner later this month will probably have at least a few, haven't checked which units won.

          • 2 years ago

            What are pots for and how important is it to have a pot drop unit

            • 2 years ago

              Pot units are for pot farming. They increase the amount of possible potions per run.
              You need potions to level up your link slots, so it's pretty damn important to have one of each colour since people will likely kick you out of rooms if you show up without one.
              Keep in mind that super pots are not the same as pots, but you will need super pots to get your character's link slot level past 10. And to farm super pots you need super pot units.

              Just look at your album and filter the skills increase super/link slot potions to find out who you should be aiming for.

            • 2 years ago

              Pots level up your link slots
              Link slots are three slots each character has where they can pass a skill down from another character
              Usually this is just increased damage, or less cooldown on your strong attacks
              Leveling up the slots gives you not only the skill but a percentage of the linked character’s stats when you match attributes

              Are link slot characters important? Very. But a fair amount of them are premium AKA not limited meaning you’ll get them eventually so don’t waste orbs pulling for them

  117. 2 years ago

    Does anyone want to carry me through some Inheritance Zone CoOp? Host keep closing the room when I join even though they dont have any rules set and have it set to anyone welcome

  118. 2 years ago

    Just started this game, shocked to see that we have no FAQ, is this guide good?:

    • 2 years ago

      Lads I did it, got Ywach from my first free multi and this from the 5th Step, I'm set bros.

      • 2 years ago

        What? Either way, holy shit. That's a good pull. Your account is pretty much set now. Just look out for pot units and you're good.

        • 2 years ago

          Ywach, the leader of the Quincies.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, I meant he's noit really a character you need. PvP is trash

  119. 2 years ago

    Jesus fricking christ... I went fricking 17 steps on the Ulqi banner and didn't get a SINGLE fricking Ulqi.

    Frick me. I actually paid to get that far too. It hurts. Fricking gacha addiction man. I wish I was a fricking alcoholic instead. At least I wouldn't have to rely on luck to get drunk.

    • 2 years ago

      >paying for a premium character
      You deserve it, but seek help

    • 2 years ago

      I did the entire 26 steps of the Aizen/Yama/Ywach banner and didn't get any of them. Oh but you bet your ass I 5/5'd the fat purple haired girl

      • 1 year ago

        Damn, you actually managed to top me. At least I got one fricking Yamamoto by going all the way.
        I think I might just take another hiatus, banners like that are just motivation breaking, I've got a bunch of story/raid/character orbs I could get back, but I don't feel like just getting fricked on BTW or the EoY banner unless maybe they pull out As Nodt or something.

    • 1 year ago

      Same anon here. Went to 21 steps now. Still not a single goddamn Ulqi.

      I'm seriously quitting this game. The shaft is way too much. I am genuinely giving up.

      I did the entire 26 steps of the Aizen/Yama/Ywach banner and didn't get any of them. Oh but you bet your ass I 5/5'd the fat purple haired girl

      I think I have enough Nels to 5/5 but I'm not sure. I just fricking closed the game immediately pulling on step 21 and getting pissed on, R.Kelly style. I'm pretty sure at this point that if I went all the way to step 26 I still wouldn't get a single Ulqi. We both just really are out of fricking luck I guess.

      I also think this is the most golden showers I've ever fricking gotten.

      >paying for a premium character
      You deserve it, but seek help

      Yeah, I should. I guess I need an intervention...

      • 1 year ago

        Jesus fricking christ... I went fricking 17 steps on the Ulqi banner and didn't get a SINGLE fricking Ulqi.

        Frick me. I actually paid to get that far too. It hurts. Fricking gacha addiction man. I wish I was a fricking alcoholic instead. At least I wouldn't have to rely on luck to get drunk.

        >Not waiting for the individual banners
        Why? You homosexuals even had those fricking awful filler characters to deter you from pulling.

      • 1 year ago

        >We both just really are out of fricking luck I guess.
        Decided to buy the Senkaimon packs to get some orbs and keep trying to at least get 1 Yama. Just ONE. Didn't get shit. Definitely fun times to be had when you spend 100 dollars on this game and get nothing but golden showers.

        • 1 year ago

          >Didn't get shit. Definitely fun times to be had when you spend 100 dollars on this game and get nothing but golden showers.
          >spending money in a f2p
          >Fun = having things I paid for in a place controlled by rng

          • 1 year ago

            >>Fun = having things I paid for in a place controlled by rng
            That was sarcasm, anon

        • 1 year ago

          If anything you're stupid for letting the gacha entice you to spend money after a shaft. Use your orbs, but know when to stop moron. I personally never drop below 10k. If i dont get what I want before 10k hits then i just stop. Here's my Yama so it can remind you not to frick up next time.

          • 1 year ago

            >the virgin hoarder

            o fuk

            >the chad pull enthusiast

            • 1 year ago

              o fuk

              If anything you're stupid for letting the gacha entice you to spend money after a shaft. Use your orbs, but know when to stop moron. I personally never drop below 10k. If i dont get what I want before 10k hits then i just stop. Here's my Yama so it can remind you not to frick up next time.

  120. 2 years ago

    So is Brave Battle just nigh unwinnable if your team doesn't have an invincibility character on it once you get on the floors with actual player builds?
    Basically every frickin team has a Zaraki/Aizen/Jugram or some other untouchable butthole tanking everything you can throw at it...

    • 2 years ago

      I used to re-roll until I got an easy target

  121. 2 years ago

    I'm a new player.

    So based on assorted internet and anon advice I basically ended up with Pic related...

    A team consisting of penisface, cuck with hat and emo tween.

    And then I realise something.

    I'm not having any fun.

    I wanted to play with cool and iconic characters like Ichigo and Rukia.

    So frick this "game". There's no point spending any of my time "playing" this game with characters like floppy-dick-for-face purely just so I could do something that I don't enjoy aka "farming"

    • 2 years ago

      >frick this "game". There's no point spending any of my time "playing" this game with characters like floppy-dick-for-face purely just so I could do something that I don't enjoy aka "farming"
      Yeah, that's pretty much the game, pretty much a never ending farm loop, where the character you spent so many orbs to get, so many materials to upgrade, so much time spent farming with, get's made completely irrelevant in a couple of months because of the neer ending power creep. so you begin the loop again with another character and repeat ad naseum. there's no actual content to clear, it's all just farming materials to upgrade characters so you can then spend orbs to get new characters and do it until this game finally gets shut down.

      • 2 years ago

        That's pretty much every game with RPG elements, anon.

      • 2 years ago

        I haven’t farmed for mats in half a year or longer
        The single player super pot quests are plenty
        Farm a point event and you’ll never farm for coins crystals israeliteels again
        But I guess I’m very late end game so

    • 2 years ago

      >cuck with a hat
      He's literally the opossite.

    • 2 years ago

      Why would you summon on a banner that doesn't have the characters you want? The Ulquiorra banner has none of the characters you mentioned so im confused as to why you summoned and then got mad when the characters you wanted arent even there. Its not like every character is avaliable all the time. Also your account is new moron, you have no stakes so you can just re roll it and use the beginner tickets to see if they have Ichigo or Rukia. Also Bleach isnt deep moron, every bleach game has either been a grinding sim or a arena fighter and what do you think the MOBILE game would be? Even the Ps3 game was a glorified grinding sim.

  122. 2 years ago

    Oh mama yes please

    • 2 years ago

      I wish I had your luck, I only got Ninny

  123. 1 year ago

    Just a heads up for anyone that's considering doing the tapjoy stuff. Be careful with the monthly subscriptions, I'm stuck paying 60 dollars a month now because the website of the subscription service is seeing "high traffic" and so subscriptions can't be cancelled currently. I haven't even gotten my orbs yet.

  124. 1 year ago

    I am downloading it in my toastertron 2000 with win 8

    thank god this thing has multiplayer and is so low resource can run on biden's brain

  125. 1 year ago

    o fuk

    • 1 year ago

      >about to be on step 20 to try for aizen
      RIP my orbs, least its a new account and I still have plenty of orb sources

  126. 1 year ago

    What's with this game that has many people showing off their rerolls as them being blessed by RNG?.

    • 1 year ago

      It's just young kids looking for attention, pay them no mind.

      Where are the TYBW banners, klab?

    • 1 year ago

      >he doesn't master the rng

  127. 1 year ago

    just got into the game what should i do?

    • 1 year ago

      Log in, log out until next year’s swimsuit banner.

  128. 1 year ago

    >more Christmas Yourichi and Haribel units
    I'm so tired.

    • 1 year ago

      Literally shittier than the premium characters we've been getting, too. Waifugays ruin everything.

    • 1 year ago

      Literally shittier than the premium characters we've been getting, too. Waifugays ruin everything.

      Found the boy love enthusiasts.
      Haven't you gays moved on to Fujoshi Impact yet?

      • 1 year ago

        My love for men is irrelevant. I don't like characters getting repeat seasonals.

    • 1 year ago


      tired. at least it's not nel, matsumoto or riruka.

      Found the boy love enthusiasts.
      Haven't you gays moved on to Fujoshi Impact yet?

      Christmas Stark, Aizen and Ulquiorra when?

  129. 1 year ago

    So if I understand things right the first of this years user vote banners are starting up tomorrow?

  130. 1 year ago

    >a new C. Harribel
    I’m supposed to be fricking saving, klab. Frick you.

  131. 1 year ago

    Just had the biggest desync in Arena yet, not even mad it was just funny

    >Game clock ticks down to 0 seconds left
    >Match doesn't end
    >Assume oh a little bit of lag, I'll keep playing till it eventually finishes
    >Scores catch up and we get score stolen, timer gets more time
    >Suddenly have 10 seconds left instead of 0, quickly kill some bosses to steal the score back to us
    >We are winning as the clock hits 1 second left
    >Match says Finish even though the clock at the top is blinking 1 second left
    >Can't attack enemies so the match is truly over
    >Enemy suddenly score steals and wins

  132. 1 year ago

    >force quit

  133. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      All my wives.

    • 1 year ago


  134. 1 year ago

    EoY is leaked to be TYBW. You homosexuals have been saving right? We havent gotten a good banner since September so there should be no excuse on your orb counts.

    • 1 year ago

      Show me your leaks, leaker man.

      • 1 year ago

        I am not the leaker man unfortunately, but many sources are datamining a new skill that hints at a major new character dropping and since TYBW cour 1 wraps up on Dec 26, its probably TYBW. Either way keep saving orbs and dont let coomer bait or FOMO entice you.

      • 1 year ago

        I am not the leaker man unfortunately, but many sources are datamining a new skill that hints at a major new character dropping and since TYBW cour 1 wraps up on Dec 26, its probably TYBW. Either way keep saving orbs and dont let coomer bait or FOMO entice you.

        Yep I’ll spoil in case people care one new skill seems to give all your brave battle teammates flurry +1, probably for a Zaraki Kenpachi unit, and another skill I think gives you a heal when you use your gauge or “increases healing rate” so maybe heals more health on your heal SA or health regen who knows, obviously this is bankai retsu

        • 1 year ago

          I really wish they’d spend less TYBW banners on remakes and more on actually rolling out more of the characters that aren’t in the game yet. We’re going to be on cour four of the anime before we ever see another Sternritter if they keep going on at this rate.

    • 1 year ago

      Saving is for gays, I'll just pull the new units within 5 pulls like always. Literally just be lucky.

      • 1 year ago

        Dont come crying to us when you get shafted based moron.

      • 1 year ago

        Absolutely true. I'm still capped at 999 tickets and not done any of the extra events added to replay since day one.

      • 1 year ago

        You and me both, anon.
        I just got the new Harribel off the first multi.

    • 1 year ago

      Yep I’ll spoil in case people care one new skill seems to give all your brave battle teammates flurry +1, probably for a Zaraki Kenpachi unit, and another skill I think gives you a heal when you use your gauge or “increases healing rate” so maybe heals more health on your heal SA or health regen who knows, obviously this is bankai retsu

      Oh come on, I know she deserved a remake especially, but can't they at least add more new characters before they do that?
      I guess I'll roll on her individual, maybe main if the fillers aren't shit.

  135. 1 year ago

    Noob question here.
    Do links work across all character in a mission, or only the single character they're linked too?

    Trying to figure out how to best do this crystal drop thing, I'm swimming in israeliteels and absolutely drowning in droplets, but I'm always out of crystals...

    • 1 year ago

      It only applies to that character but something like crystal and coin drops work as long as that character in on the team you don’t gotta play as them

  136. 1 year ago

    Haven't seen Rukia or Byakuya seasonals in year(s), wonder if they'll get something cute together soon.

  137. 1 year ago

    >Play arena match
    >Entire team is power
    >Enemy is all speed
    >Get slaughtered 3500/20000
    >Results screen
    >I did 3200+
    >Other 2 barely scratched 100
    >Neither were auto/quit
    Frick I hate playing with others...

  138. 1 year ago

    i wanted to look i have 95 should i use them or are they useless?

    • 1 year ago

      The rates are so low that it's borderline useless aside from filling out your 3 star catalog for orbs as a new player. That said, they don't take up room or anything and I usually manage to get a 5 star out of dumping a few built up 100 multis when they build up, even if it's usually trash because of the premium pool being what it is.

    • 1 year ago

      They are good for getting fodder for ascending characters
      I’d say I’ve gotten quite a few 5 stars from them but have been playing for a while and have opened tens of thousands of these so don’t get your hopes up

    • 1 year ago

      Are these tickets affected by the banners that are running at the time?
      Cause I got about 300 of each of those type, and a good 20 or 30 of a variety of the 4-6* ones I've been saving up for Poll Selection

      • 1 year ago

        Yes that’s why some people horde their tickets until anniversary
        I did this and pulled a 7th Anni Ichigo and 2 Uyrus purely from tickets for example
        Obviously RNG so results may vary

        • 1 year ago

          No. Well, not exactly. As soon as a new premium unit is added, it goes into the ticket summoning pool even while its banner is still up. So people sometimes wait for anniversary units to be released to have a shot of getting the latest powercreep like the other anon said, but ultimately the chance of getting one particular unit from them is insanely low, he probably got super lucky and used hundreds and hundreds of tickets. I've never really noticed a correlation personally.

          Alright, well it's only a handful of days away, no point in jumping the gun now just because I'm feeling a little antsy.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, that's a valid option. If you get some of the premiums from the banner before you spend orbs, that's less orbs you hopefully need to spend on the poll selection to get what you want.

          • 1 year ago

            Well that’s assuming end of year will be premium which it most likely won’t be the last premium pool end of year character was Quincy Ichigo

      • 1 year ago

        No. Well, not exactly. As soon as a new premium unit is added, it goes into the ticket summoning pool even while its banner is still up. So people sometimes wait for anniversary units to be released to have a shot of getting the latest powercreep like the other anon said, but ultimately the chance of getting one particular unit from them is insanely low, he probably got super lucky and used hundreds and hundreds of tickets. I've never really noticed a correlation personally.

  139. 1 year ago

    Can someone tell my amateur ass how I'm supposed to get past floor 16 of the special senkaimon gate?
    Even with the right character/affinity/killer trait, and accessories, these dodging shits are just eating away the clock...

    • 1 year ago

      Use someone with read hollow dodges like Don Kanonji.

    • 1 year ago

      Use someone with read hollow dodges like Don Kanonji.

      Or T15 a character and add read hollow dodges

    • 1 year ago

      Dodge is just flat out the worst mechanic in the game, since it's pure rng unless you roll one of the units they make to sell you the solution to the problem they invented.
      If you don't have a read hollow dodges or all affiliation dodges character, your options are either T15 a character purely to give it to them or brute force it with a character strong enough that when they do connect it kills enough enemies. I think I just did that with a 3/5 Shinji, but it was annoying.

  140. 1 year ago

    really could have used that tea cup or chappy in a different color, thanks free pull.

  141. 1 year ago

    is this a good enough team for brave battles? both kenny and ywach have pierce barrier. I just started t15 my characters so im not sure if those are the best abilities

    • 1 year ago

      That is the best team so yes

      • 1 year ago

        Comps fine, watch out for built power Chad.

        Thank you

    • 1 year ago

      Comps fine, watch out for built power Chad.

  142. 1 year ago

    >100 BSS tickets
    >no 5 star
    Well aint that a kick in the dick.

  143. 1 year ago

    My f2p account looks like this now. I should be saving for super link slot uryu and momo? Also need that new heart Ichigo.

    • 1 year ago

      Merge your dupes and wait for the end of the year banner, then anniversary. Pull for whoever you fancy, farming characters are for late game autism.

      • 1 year ago

        When is anniversary?

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      You have anniversary Aizen so you're still pretty good on heart units even without the Ichigo(though he's great to have too obviously). Unless you just like him ofc, that's ultimately the most important thing.
      >I should be saving for super link slot uryu and momo?
      The Uryu will rerun with that Ichigo + Chad again eventually, so you can go for both at once there. I wouldn't chase super pot units that hard as a new player like the other anon said though, especially when Akon and Ulquiorra show that they're going to start using that as bait for premium banners going forward. You'll get one of each color eventually, basic pot characters were in high demand at the start too and then exploded in number.

  144. 1 year ago

    >new Yoruichi on step 2
    Literally just be lucky. 75 orbs left and I'll still pull all the new EOM units, assuming I want them. Hard skip if it's Retsu since she's gross.

  145. 1 year ago

    fricken hate morons who put "ill carry" and then proceed to not carry fricking anything

  146. 1 year ago

    This awakened menos grande on hardest difficulty is god damn insane. Who the hell programmed this shit? You have like half second time to react into some of these attacks. No wonder people cheat in this game.

    • 1 year ago

      damn wtf if you didnt say this i wouldnt have known the awakened epic raid was out, the bottom thing that shows the different missions available still showed normal menos grande raid

    • 1 year ago

      This game has some of the most bullshit artificial difficulty I've ever seen, all awakened raids are like that

    • 1 year ago

      You're supposed to memorise the pattern.

    • 1 year ago

      It's not that bad after you memorize it, sometimes I space out during the alphabet memes though and die because of it. It does have a bit too much hp, haven't really bothered farming pots because of that.

    • 1 year ago

      Hardest part about raids is getting past the wall of "room rules not met" they taunt you with while looking for the lovely BONUS MOD gentlemen.
      Seriously, why would you legit play that monotonous garbage more than once?
      Like most MP shit, unless you got a dedicated group of buddies, you're stuck with randoms and they only want you playing a specific character, I don't see the fun of it, who wants bragging rights over beating an easily telegraphed npc 900 times to get the emblems you need to buy out the store?
      Just get it done and move on who cares how you get to the finish line, if some cheater wants to help randoms skip the grind, let em.

  147. 1 year ago

    >do 150 gem pull on that Ulq individual banner just because that guy whose name sounds like Black person is boosted
    >three butterflies, pull Black person

  148. 1 year ago

    Crazy to me that no new Sternritter have been added to the game in over two years. They're my most hyped characters and I was planning on coming back when we got new ones. Hoping that Bankai Live on the 26th will have some news on that.

    • 1 year ago

      It's gonna be a Retsu remake and possibly Kenpachi

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, but the December Bankai Live usually reveals major plans for the rest of the year. I'm hoping they do a TYBW teaser and tell us straight up who's getting in. Like pic related.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh hell no, they were last year's characters already.

        • 1 year ago

          I know, it's been datamined already though

    • 1 year ago

      It's gonna be a Retsu remake and possibly Kenpachi

      I know they(and a lot of other early TYBW units like Bankai Shunsui) deserve properly updated units, but god they really need to start adding actual new characters while the hype for them lasts.
      I guess it's THEORETICALLY possible that those mined skills are for like, beyond bankai captains instead but it's probably inevitable its Kenpachis yet again.

  149. 1 year ago

    >Healing Rate with a Full Gauge
    >Team Brave Battle Hit Count Up
    >Attribute Move Speed Up
    These are the three datamined skills. Who's getting the new speed mechanic?

    • 1 year ago

      I’ll be honest, everyone is calling Unohana Kenpachi but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say

      Healing - Kirio
      Team Battle Flurry - Ichibei / Oh-Etsu
      Attribute Movement Speed - Tenjiro

      Or possibly Masaki, Issin, Ryuken to go along with Everything but the rain in the anime

      • 1 year ago

        Neither are impossible I guess. RG would be more likely I think.
        Masaki/Isshin/Ryuken are still pretty good, I don't think they really need an update yet(though it's not like KLab necessarily cares), plus if they do another Everything But the Rain banner I really hope they do White this time.

  150. 1 year ago

    Well...Blew 13,000 orbs on poll selection, along with about 500 various tickets, didn't get Nel ONCE, duped every other character in the banner, and frickin maxed out the damn white day Aizen and Toshiro, along with now having every single Momo variant in the game (The only female in the entire series I legit hate) but not a single Nel.

    Luckily I already decided I was walkin away from the game after December so it only hurts a little.
    But the Momo's hurt a lot...

    • 1 year ago

      Shit like this and my assfricking on the Aizen/Yhwach/Yama banner I posted earlier in the thread is by far the worst part of this game's rolls compared to other games imo. The rates themselves are better than a lot of other gacha baseline, but awful when it comes to trying to target one specific character. It's ridiculous that you can beyond the maximum steps of a banner without triggering any kind of hard pity system.

      • 1 year ago

        I mean, I'm not shitting on the gacha, this is just my luck in general when it comes to any form RNG.
        I've only been playing for about a month, and to have amassed that much currency compared to other gacha games is VERY generous, but I've done all the stories, the sub stories were lazy for the most part (was super disappointed with the ones involving the hyogoku espada and beyond bankai being cheap additions to the novel stories), hate anything to do with playing with others, there's just no motivation to keep going.

        But god damn the Momo's are twisting a dagger in an already gaping wound, i would've rather gotten Mizuiro or Yammi's dog 1000 times over than a single one of her...

    • 1 year ago

      I feel the pain. Spending 12k F2P orbs on a single banner and not getting the character I wanted is why I deleted my account and haven't been back in three years. If I do come back, I'm putting an orb limit on every banner. Sure, only spending 1k on every EOM won't guarantee you the character you want, but it should still give you something fun to play with.

      • 1 year ago

        >is why I deleted my account and haven't been back in three years

        why are you here then?

        • 1 year ago

          Because I love Bleach and have been unhealthily thinking about this game waiting for an excuse to come back.

          • 1 year ago

            I dig it bro. No shame.

  151. 1 year ago

    >Anni Ichigo and Momo on the free step
    Yep, that'll do for now until we see the EoY.

  152. 1 year ago

    Should I buy her transendence? I feel like there are way better options.

    • 1 year ago

      I mean she's not Aizen or Ichigo level, but she's a pretty good heart unit and great for farming. You got her that far, so it's at least worth it to get SOMETHING in there, imo. Whether or not you should keep rerolling for a better result is another matter, depends on how many points you have/what other projects you have at 5/5 or close that you would want to reroll it on, ect.

    • 1 year ago

      No one will ever kick you out of rooms. Go ahead.

  153. 1 year ago

    Is there anyway to view room rules without trying to join it?
    Orihime keeps getting swapped to my Grimmjow setup because she doesn't meet the requirements or some shit and I don't know why.

  154. 1 year ago

    Is there a reason Renji never got any seasonal/event 5* designs?
    With Uryu now having the 7th anniversary, Renji is the only one of Ichigo's main crew that never got any spirit/cacoa/machine society attention or special 5* designs, which is odd cuz from Kubo's own mouth he has only ever viewed Renji and Ichigo's true rival, it's even why he shares the cover with him on Bleach JET

    • 1 year ago

      He's boring and ugly.

  155. 1 year ago

    Safwy tousen, hitsu, and koma for eoy. Get ready gayits

    • 1 year ago

      ngl it'd be pretty ballsy of Klab to release 4 Toshiro units in just over a year while Byakuya's has had nothing but premiums since 2019.

    • 1 year ago

      I like Tosen, he has the best visuals.
      I wanted human form Komamura as Beyond Bankai but oh well, still looks great.

    • 1 year ago

      Really surprising.

      Not sure why, but Komamura looks weird

      • 1 year ago

        Why? He's literally wearing his bankai armor and the fire element is from his zanpaktou spirit. Not much you can do with his form other than slap armor pieces on him.

        • 1 year ago

          His face and shading.

    • 1 year ago

      >still no Gin
      Koma is cool and Tousen too in a moronic way.

    • 1 year ago

      I wanted Gin next, but I'll take this. Wish Komamura wasn't a PvP unit, but will skip the poll to roll on this.
      >people angry
      I mean, we knew the mined skills already. If it was a TYBW banner, it pointed to Kenpachi/Unohana remakes which isn't exactly fresh material either. I guess MAYBE the heal skill could have been Giselle and the flurry Meninas, and the move speed for some rando other Sternritter like Robert, but I set my expectations low so this banner is fine imo(plus I like Koma and Tosen in general).
      I do agree that them wasting the TYBW hype is stupid though and they need to get on adding Sternritters before they start dropping like flies in the story.

  156. 1 year ago

    BBS continues to be the most unhype shit
    >No Sternritters
    >Not even trying to capitilize on the anime returning
    >Repeating the same characters over and over again
    Just shut this fricking game down at this point

    • 1 year ago

      I like Tousen and his new BB state is pretty cool, but good god this is annoying. Maybe when the 2nd cour starts up we’ll get the sternritters but somehow I think Klab won’t even bother jumping on that.

      • 1 year ago

        If klab didnt release sternritters during the first invasion what makes you think they were now? They had a perfect chance for 2 months but dicked around with premiums so i had absolutely no hope in mind for EoY and im not sad because i never got my hopes up. Also its very clear that klab is waiting on the 2nd invasion where the sternritters do more rather than release a base version now and a vollstandig form later. Its very easy to see that they're waiting on as nodt's fight with rukia before they make him a unit.

        • 1 year ago

          >what makes you think they were now?
          Because klab could be doing anything to capitalize on the hype and they haven’t outside of the Ichigo/Uryu/Chad banner. Even a Quilge release would’ve been more than this.

    • 1 year ago

      They should have saved the new wave of TYBW units for right now and made this banner of the 2nd round of Anniversary

  157. 1 year ago

    Won't lie, I like the Hitsugaya design, it's edgy but I like the contract of the red and the ice, but jesus frickin balls nailed to a wall Christ, those Tosen and Sajin designs are so awful I'm not even gonna risk rolling on it...

  158. 1 year ago

    I've done five 7/'7 pulls on the Poll banner and I've gotten 4 off banner 5*s and no featured 5*s. I thought the off banner characters were supposed to be 2%?

    • 1 year ago

      You're supposed to stop pulling at 6/7

  159. 1 year ago

    Well, there goes another year. I personally think the lack of seasonals and TYBW has been severely disappointing.

    • 1 year ago

      >july was the only hype month

      Frick me what a shit year.

    • 1 year ago

      Same, I think they usually do a decent to great job on seasonal stuff. The original forms are usually deviantart tier though

    • 1 year ago

      >summer, anni and christmas were the only banners worth squat in the end

    • 1 year ago

      is that three separate fricking ulquiorras in november

      • 1 year ago

        Expect all of the anniversary characters to get that treatment soon.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah that was some real scumbag shit cause now this opens the door to revamped beyond ressurection units ontop of all the other revamped shit klab is pushing out. I honestly think their original concepts are dying because they're straight up copying poses from the manga and selling them as the new revamped unit or taking an old original concept unit and making a new one when they could of just rez'd the first one to save time. I actually feel stupid for trying to pull on this now now that I'm actually seeing the entire year's roadmap. Ugh this new bb banner needs to drop so I can forget about these shit banners for awhile.

        • 1 year ago

          I'd unironically like a revamped CFYOW Starrk or at least a new released ranged gun Starrk that's updated for current powercreep. But I also feel that might not happen for any other Espada purely because beyond ress Ulquiorra is premium while the others aren't.
          Honestly if they just said frick it there's lots of original concepts they could bullshit.
          >Espada/Fullbringers/Quincy as Shinigami captains AU
          >Captains as Arrancar or Quincy AU
          >Fashion show limited series of characters in outfits Kubo's drawn them in on spreads or random drawings for the new anime
          >original Gotei with Kubo supervision
          >Espada in their Vasto Lorde hollow forms

      • 1 year ago

        Yup yup. Hope you like it because they’re going to be making shit like that take up banner slots every month now.

    • 1 year ago

      Who are your favorites? Mine have to be safwy Soi Fon and...that's kinda it. Damn.

      • 1 year ago

        Safwy yoru-soi and July were the hypest months only. We got a little bump of hype from the TYBW units, but it wasnt on the level of anniversary anticipation.

      • 1 year ago

        Soi Fon/Yoruichi and the new Komamura/Tosen. I'd say the new TYBW Aizen but I still don't fricking have him. The Ichigo/Uryu/Chad banner wasn't a big hype deal or anything, but I do like them too.

  160. 1 year ago

    I don't care about tosen, toshiro or sajin I just want heart Ichigo and power Sado.

    • 1 year ago

      >another Ichigo

  161. 1 year ago

    >Can't get small scrolls because I don't have the 1 specific character with read dodge and all my NAD characters are the wrong type

    • 1 year ago

      Welcome to Bleach Brave Souls!

    • 1 year ago

      If only they added something that could let us pick Read Dodge as a skill...

      • 1 year ago

        Is there? I'm actually new to the game so if there is I haven't found it yet and it wasn't in the guides

        • 1 year ago

          Getting a unit's link slots to 15/15/15(and maxing them out at 20) lets you add a bonus skill to them, read dodge abilities are on the list. Of course, that still means that thanks to them locking the scroll trials by attribute you'd need to do that for at least 5 units anyway, so...
          Honestly, idk what your unit pool looks like but for those trials I usually just brute force it without even using read dodge, so just rolling more characters to use/use as links and powering them to +10 slots alone might help.

  162. 1 year ago

    >pulled for nel
    >got grim and momo
    I mean shit your close game but I just want nel

  163. 1 year ago

    When are they gonna rerun old ass raids.
    I want the catboy and ayon already.

    • 1 year ago

      Never, that's why in the future we'll be able to buy the really old pets like Renji or Grand Fisher.

      • 1 year ago

        I can see that unironically happening.

        • 1 year ago

          No this is confirmed

          • 1 year ago

            Oh I completely glazed over that.
            Thank god, I just hope they're charging in-game currency and not real moolah.

            • 1 year ago

              What kind of literal moron would spend money on this game?

              • 1 year ago

                If you play the game every day I feel the Kon’s Bonanza Pass is worthy of its price

  164. 1 year ago

    Stats and Skills are out

    Idk these characters just seem okay

    Toshiro might not even be better than Artwork Ichigo for GQ because no weakening on his Soul Bomb but he’s still clearly very strong damage wise

    Kaname will be great for farming point events and pots and I guess he might be usable in GQ as a side if you transcend him

    Sajin is great for BB but still balanced enough due to his killers and affiliation, will still probably be a good idea to get a couple copies of him, he should last long can only really be power crept by another Kuruyashiki like character

  165. 1 year ago

    At this rate our new Burn The Witch units will be Balgo and Billy Banx Jr. lmao, no girls allowed in BBS

  166. 1 year ago

    I cant wait for my luck to have me pull 3 sajin and no other banner units. game loves giving me brave battle characters even though i rarely if even remember to do it.

  167. 1 year ago

    Based Tosen saving me from having to wait for another BTW Christmas rerun or Cien who doesn't have the normal pot skill for some reason.
    >Soi Fon/Yoruichi beyond Bankai who I wanted
    >Zombie Arrancar, most of who are orbs at least
    >Bankai Hisagi who I'm fine with more of
    >Grimmjow CFYOW who I don't have and is decent for some senkaimon stages
    Pretty solid banner, for me at least. Unless I end up getting a bunch of Hikone and Luppi.

  168. 1 year ago

    so does this game just not work on steam i cant make it past the intro

  169. 1 year ago

    Only fujo banners allowed, midmonth January will be Party Time Byakuya / Ulq / Kenpachi

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds good. Too many waifushit units already, need some use of the big cast.

  170. 1 year ago

    My current brave battle team is 7th anni Ichigo, Yhwach and TYBW Tech Aizen. I feel like pulling the new Komamura might help on the long run but this banner feels like a trap.

  171. 1 year ago

    Nice, I got everyone BUT the banner characters in 4k orbs. Thanks Klab.

    • 1 year ago

      Doesn't it make more sense to just wait until the solo banners after you do the initial steps on a banner like this that doesn't have repeated 5 step guarantees?

      • 1 year ago

        Alot of ppl think they can tempt luck by trying to keep summoning. The best method is to go to step 7 and then singles or wait till the individual. If you have enough orbs you can probably get a few extra steps, but realistically you should stop by step 10 if you havent gotten what you wanted yet if you are burning extra orbs. I had 13k so I was able to do an extra step, but 4k is about 21 steps so that's too deep if you're not seeing anything.

        • 1 year ago

          6 steps, managed to get zero new characters besides Dordonni. Did the 7th one because frick it and got Komamura. Happy with that until individuals.

          Yeah, the heightened rates are tempting but without any kind of guaranteed pity it just feels like a trap to me. I'm usually good at not going into gambler tunnel vision and cutting my losses thankfully.

  172. 1 year ago

    Bankai Toshiro 2x and Kaname within 8 steps. Happy as hell cause that's all I wanted.

  173. 1 year ago

    Got TYBW Sajin from the choose your ticket
    got Dordoni, Cirucci, SAFWY Sajin, SAFWY Toshiro and this Hikone from 6 multis, all new
    I am happy for once. Thank frick I didn't get shafted with 0 units like I did on the TYBW Aizen and TYBW Ichigo banners

  174. 1 year ago

    Spent about 3000 orbs
    Very grateful

    • 1 year ago


  175. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      What he meant to say.

  176. 1 year ago

    Don't forget the 30 gold tickets in the epic raid shop bros

    • 1 year ago

      Those gold tickets suck dick. Ive more 5* outta brave tickets.

  177. 1 year ago

    >Luppi and dupe Hisagi at free step
    >couple of shafts
    >fakeout to Charlotte
    >Fakeout to Luppi
    >Yoruichi guaranteed and Koma
    Not bad tbqh.

  178. 1 year ago

    I've always had new years luck, step 2

  179. 1 year ago

    >another pick your character
    >still didn't get Halloween Soifon
    Another year, still cursed, still Halloween Soifonless.
    I will get her one day. Just not today. Someday.

    • 1 year ago

      I was going to say good luck in the daily multi, but I guess she isn't even in it anymore?
      Good luck Soibro, I'd give you one of mine's slots if I could that I got back when she used to be filler for TYBW and such. Man, it's easy to forget how fricked the state of old seasonals is. Least they could do is put them into the premium pool.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks anon, I appreciate it. Good luck to you on the SAFWY/Free banner if you're summoning on it.
        Heh, a few months back another anon also said he'd throw me a bone give me one of his spare Soifons. Or maybe it was also you then.

        >If I had a nickel for every time an anon promised me a spare Halloween Soifon, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.

  180. 1 year ago

    So whats the best familiar to spend these excess medal on?
    Maxed Toshiro out already, and bought all the potion/tickets and still got 16,000 medals...

    I have Yhwach and the Menos from last month, wanted Kon or cat Yoruichi strictly for aesthetic reasons but neither is an option.

    • 1 year ago

      The ones that counter gimmicks are the priority

      Destructible objects are when some mines that create instakill areas in the map appear and you have to destroy them before they explode. The familiars make it way easier for you to destroy hem.

      Shield is when at the first and/or last phase a shield that you can barely damage with normal attacks appears. If you destroy the shield the piece of the boss HP bar that is connected to that phase is automatically substracted when you destroy the shield. You can barely destroy the shield without the familiar if all are using multtihit attacks but is much easier if all players have the correct familiar equipped instead.

      Menos Grande V1 (no mouth) Increased Destructible object damage
      Renji - Increased Shield Damage
      Byakuya - See traps
      Spirit Rukia - Increased Destructible object damage
      Yoruichi . Increased Shield Damage
      Menos Grande V2 (mouth) - Increased Destructible object damage
      Szayelaporro . Increased Destructible object damage

      • 1 year ago

        This except don't bother with familiars at all since you'll just be joining modchad rooms anyway

    • 1 year ago

      Kenpachi for an additional berserker familiar
      Then buy another Toshiro once he’s rerun for 3 berserker familiars

  181. 1 year ago

    what's the easiest way to buy the bonanza pass on steam
    no I dont have a phone and I dont want to install a bloatware emulator

    can I hack the pc client somehow to make it believe Im on android

  182. 1 year ago

    how does this webm make you feel

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        >stirring up trouble with a post

    • 1 year ago

      That you got 225 orbs? ok?

    • 1 year ago


      >Have lots of 5 stars and 6 stars units to resurrect
      >Only done side stories on normal

      • 1 year ago

        side stories have hard mode?

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Massively triggered just because someone is running Kon's Bonanza

  183. 1 year ago

    It's crazy how I was 4/12 on that SAFWY banner yet after dropping 6k orbs I kept getting the same two characters again and again.

  184. 1 year ago

    Being a late game account who is strong in brave battles, is part of a consistent s rank guild, and can clear all senkaimon towers is both good and bad

    It’s good cause I just gotta do dailies

    But it’s bad because all there is to do is dailies and sometimes senkaimon and ER
    Haven’t even summoned since Yamamoto in the summer because there isn’t anything new about GQ or BB but I guess I’ll finally summon for Sajin? And maybe Tosen to farm PE

    My point being, I like not having to farm for shit but wish there was more useless side content to do, like even arena is fun for a monthly ticket, 250 orbs, and you get to use characters you don’t normally use

  185. 1 year ago

    Finally a new unit from the free multis, and a good one, too!

  186. 1 year ago

    Reminder, buy a second Toshiro familiar and level the Kenpachi one in the new shop for 60% berserker

    • 1 year ago

      >bothering with familiars
      nah man.

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