Blizzard bans WoWbucks that used addons and chatGP to do their basic rotation


I know the only people playing WoW still are addicts and mid 40's gamerdads but imagine being so genuinely slow of thought you need addons to do your basic rotation in a 2004 hotbar mmo lmao.

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  1. 10 months ago

    brainlet thread

  2. 10 months ago

    The mfrick are you on about?

    • 10 months ago

      OP is a moron but what he means is that there were screenshots from the rotation bot discord of people using ChatGPT to write their ban appeals for them, because they're literally incapable of doing things themselves

      • 10 months ago

        >botters are botting their ban appeals
        that's kinda funny though

        • 10 months ago

          hehe yeah. though sad they try to get back into a blizzard game.

  3. 10 months ago

    read the tweet yourself idiot. chatgpt is being used to write the appeals to Blizzard, not for the game itself

    • 10 months ago

      >chatgpt is being used to write the appeals to Blizzard
      Thats meant to be less pathetic?

      • 10 months ago

        its meant to correct the moronic OP

  4. 10 months ago

    No one cares. This is a Final Fantasy XIV board.

    • 10 months ago

      I can live with that.

      • 10 months ago

        forever it will be remembered the homosexual expansion

        Thats because blizzard employees have connections to the people running some of them. Go look up who owns the wow hardcore addon website who also happens to be selling hardcore guides before the servers launch tomorrow and are part of a failed "play to earn" scam involving blizzard esports employees. It isn't just nepotism behind the scenes in california.

        and you could used to filter group finder by keywords like "carry" but they explicitly blocked addons from doing it in Battle For Azeroth, at that point gold carries were officially blessed by blizzard, no other reason to block that

      • 10 months ago

        It feels good to know we're going to be in Fantasy Mexico with big-tittied Hrothgar chicks fighting Quetzalcoatl and shit while WoWkeks will be struggling with their 3rd mandatory gender transition in Dragonflight

        In before Anduin comes back from his post-Shadowlands depression arc having become a woman

        • 10 months ago

          pretty amazing anduin has survived all the pozzing so far. presumably it's because he's extremely unintimidating.

          • 10 months ago

            You just fricking know that since Turalyon had to come back for the Alliance to start fixing their shit that Blizzard is immediately going to bring back female!Anduin in a skirt to start crying about how actually resisting the Horde is racist and Turalyon will be thrown into raid boss

            Night Elves will stay cucked lore-wise for eternity because Tyrande just isn't feminine enough next to our new stunning and brave Anduin

        • 10 months ago

          i will laugh my ass off when dawnfail will come out pozzed as frick thanks to kate
          remember, she explicitly said they are aware they havent given enough attention to cultural sensitivities and they want to correct that. they also said that "diversity" will be the focus of the expansion
          not that it matters, the game is fricking dead and theres at least 1 year until the diversity slop is shat out with minimum features

    • 10 months ago

      bro I fricking WISH they’d ban the rotation botting cheating homosexuals in ffxiv. the game is completely lawless

  5. 10 months ago

    Good. Let's ban GDKP next. Who's with me?

    • 10 months ago


  6. 10 months ago

    >reddit tir thread title
    >twitter link
    >retail wow thread
    Don't forget your dilate sessions

    • 10 months ago

      literally rent free

    • 10 months ago

      rent free

  7. 10 months ago

    >Blizzard actually enforces their addon restriction rules
    >Square Enix still lets the entire playerbase break their addon restriction rules
    kek. Blizzard can't stop winning.

    • 10 months ago

      >Blizzard actually enforces their addon restriction rules
      Black person there are literally leveling addons for Classic that you need to pay money for and Blizzard refuses to touch them

      • 10 months ago

        >there are literally leveling addons for Classic that you need to pay money for
        why would anyone restexp that when tomtom/wowpro are free?

        • 10 months ago

          Because actually clicking on the questgivers and holding down W is too much effort for the fat, lazy fricks who pay for the addons.

          • 10 months ago

            >Because actually clicking on the questgivers and holding down W
            You still have to do that with RestedXP though.

            Because they're astronomically worse.

            No they aren't.

        • 10 months ago

          Because they're astronomically worse.

        • 10 months ago

          Because they want to level fast, something wowpro ain't doing.
          Plus no ones paying for Restedxp, every paid WoW leveling addon is on elitepvpers for free and always up to date

          • 10 months ago

            >something wowpro ain't doing.

          • 10 months ago

            >there are literally leveling addons for Classic that you need to pay money for
            why would anyone restexp that when tomtom/wowpro are free?

            >Blizzard actually enforces their addon restriction rules
            Black person there are literally leveling addons for Classic that you need to pay money for and Blizzard refuses to touch them

            These morons need an addon to level in classic wow

            • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >I-I don't n-need it!
                >I-It's just more efficient!

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                nah you need it haha

              • 10 months ago

                I leveled my first 6 characters with no addons, so no, I don't need it. I just use it now because it's faster and I've already had my fill of "muh journey".

                >moron grew up without learning how to read
                >expects everyone else to be the same

                I'm embarrassed for you. There's no point in playing a 20 year old game only to get an addon that lets you skip the actual gameplay. Using a quest helper in WoW is like using an aimbot in CS. lmao.

                >without learning to read
                Are you implying that you need to read to do WoW quests? lmao. It's the most mindless grind in gaming history.

              • 10 months ago

                >Are you implying that you need to read to do WoW quests? lmao. It's the most mindless grind in gaming history.
                That's the gameplay of the game you're playing lol. What "good stuff" are you skipping to? Because once you finish questing the game is basically over.

              • 10 months ago

                >That's the gameplay of the game you're playing
                I haven't been subbed in over a year.
                >What "good stuff" are you skipping to?
                Nothing, the questing is completely braindead, and the endgame is even worse. That's why I quit.

              • 10 months ago

                >Nothing, the questing is completely braindead, and the endgame is even worse. That's why I quit.
                Probably has something to do with the fact you used an addon to play the game for you. lol.

              • 10 months ago

                Are you illiterate? We've already been over that.

              • 10 months ago

                Games quickly becoming boring when you cheat. Even children understand this.

              • 10 months ago

                vanilla is always boring though, because its a bad game

            • 10 months ago

              stop pretending you don't at least use questie.

              • 10 months ago

                I don't use questie, retailcuck.

              • 10 months ago

                >telling lies on the internet

              • 10 months ago

                >moron grew up without learning how to read
                >expects everyone else to be the same

                I'm embarrassed for you. There's no point in playing a 20 year old game only to get an addon that lets you skip the actual gameplay. Using a quest helper in WoW is like using an aimbot in CS. lmao.

              • 10 months ago

                >actual gameplay
                pick one

              • 10 months ago

                >he thinks gameplay means action loop

              • 10 months ago

                Gameplay is when you press buttons to a corresponding action on the screen. Taking your hands off the keyboard to read a non-interactive wall of text is less engaging than a visual novel.

              • 10 months ago

                >Gameplay is when you press buttons to a corresponding action on the screen.
                >Taking your hands off the keyboard to read a non-interactive wall of text is less engaging than a visual novel.
                You have ADHD. I can see why Retail, a DDR simulator for tards, appeals to you.

              • 10 months ago

                >You have ADHD
                Sure, but that's irrespective to the fact that reading text isn't playing a game. Visual novels are objectively closer to being video games than WoW quest text is.
                >I can see why Retail, a DDR simulator for tards, appeals to you.
                Classic is the easiest, most braindead game ever created. I don't know what kind of mental backflips you would have to do to convince yourself that playing it "correctly" makes you some kind of enlightened individual.

                Games quickly becoming boring when you cheat. Even children understand this.

                >American reading comprehension

              • 10 months ago

                >Sure, but that's irrespective to the fact that reading text isn't playing a game.
                Of course it is. Reading text is integral to almost all RPGs. It's like saying listening to a character talk isn't part of the gameplay. You think all these things are somehow separate from each other just because you can categorise them. They're all part of the gameplay experience, the thing that immerses you. Like for you, the only "gameplay" in Chess would be the moving of pieces, not the underlying strategy that leads to that. You are brain-broken.

                >Classic is the easiest, most braindead game ever created. I don't know what kind of mental backflips you would have to do to convince yourself that playing it "correctly" makes you some kind of enlightened individual.
                Retail has questie built in, because reading is too hard for the kind of degenerates who still play it.

              • 10 months ago

                >Of course it is.
                No it isn't.
                >Reading text is integral to almost all RPGs.
                Yeah, and the parts where you read text aren't gameplay. Similar to how listening to the music in a game isn't gameplay.
                > It's like saying listening to a character talk isn't part of the gameplay.
                That is correct, yes.
                >Like for you, the only "gameplay" in Chess would be the moving of pieces, not the underlying strategy that leads to that.
                The underlying strategy directly corresponds to the inputs you make. Reading text is just reading text. In WoW the text doesn't even offer anything substantial like in a CRPG, 99% of it is dogshit an intern wrote in 20 minutes to add filler context to collecting 10 boar asses.
                >Retail has questie built in, because reading is too hard for the kind of degenerates who still play it.
                Questie is built into retail because questing in WoW is inherently time wasting horseshit that no one enjoys doing. People who unironically enjoy MMO questing are the dumbest people alive.

              • 10 months ago

                Questie was built in because questing is gay shit that people want done faster so they can do real content

      • 10 months ago

        Thats because blizzard employees have connections to the people running some of them. Go look up who owns the wow hardcore addon website who also happens to be selling hardcore guides before the servers launch tomorrow and are part of a failed "play to earn" scam involving blizzard esports employees. It isn't just nepotism behind the scenes in california.

        • 10 months ago

          This. Kargoz literally nuked his channel when exposed over this shit last week or so, him and all the other big classicgays are in on it and shill for the add on (i believe it stops working at lv 30) which contains paid shit and even encourages you to use glitches or take big risks during Hardcore, thus dying, thus making you consider paying for the full version

      • 10 months ago

        >Black person there are literally leveling addons for Classic that you need to pay money for and Blizzard refuses to touch them
        What are you saying?
        The addons are free you are paying for the guide you stupid clown

        It's like paying a streamer for their elvui settings

    • 10 months ago

      I wish addons were completely removed it's one of many reasons why WoW is a fricking joke today.

      • 10 months ago

        Addons are perfectly fine outside of calculative combat addons like DBM and weakauras. It's an incredible accessibility tool that all games should ideally support.

        • 10 months ago

          The API allows way too much, that's the problem.

          • 10 months ago

            Yes, blizzard allows players to get away with way too much with addons. Only stupid people think addons should be removed completely, though.

        • 10 months ago

          You're a dumbfrick and clearly know why I stated they should be removed yeah I get it some allow lazy morons like you and rottentooth to manage your bags etc but you're too low IQ to normally do it but clearly 99% of addons let players turn the game into a automated joke and those are the main ones that get used.

          • 10 months ago

            post your cutting edge or stop posting shitter

          • 10 months ago

            what addons turn the game into an automated joke?

        • 10 months ago

          Add-ons have gotten out of hand and allowed blizzard to not iterate on their UI for over a decade until this expansion and it's still shit even with the changes. PvP and raiding is terrible now as a result of add-ons because they give you access to information that is not easily identified during gameplay. I went from 2000 to 2400 rating in solo shuffle after installing a dozen add-ons and weak auras. No difference in my gameplay other than it was much easier to react to things happening on my screen by having LESS field of vision and more information filling up my screen. This is bad design and makes the game look like dogshit, which it is.

          The worst part is the developers continue to develop dungeons and combat around the expectation that you use these third party add-ons instead of updating the UI themselves and making coherent gameplay mechanics with good visual cues. It's a lost cause anyway but add-ons are one of the reasons why the game feels so bloated and visually muttled nowadays

  8. 10 months ago

    This bot is literally undetectable, it is a modified firmware for your keyboard that just reads as regular USB inputs and it watches your screen via image capture and processing rather than hooking memory, it would look like nothing more than OBS running and a regular keyboard. Which means Blizzard is just banning people who have abnormally high parses out of the blue, as the only confirmed bans so far are 99 parsers, while straight up admitted botters that are getting <99 (due to talent choices being suboptimal) are reporting they weren't banned.

    Interesting approach and ripe for false positives.

    • 10 months ago

      These Black folk literally did nothing about botting for all of classic wow. Why start now?

  9. 10 months ago

    >banning people for avoiding carpal tunnel

  10. 10 months ago

    >your basic rotation in a 2004 hotbar mmo
    Modern WoW has a higher apm than any of the games you play, btw.

    • 10 months ago

      hahahahahahaha sure thing pickle, whatever you say as you fight the big bad dwagon for "epic lootz!!!1!" like you have for the last two decades while big boys lived a real life.

      • 10 months ago

        Interesting sperg out over being wrong. You have no idea what you're talking about and you have no idea what class APMs are in WoW

      • 10 months ago

        What do you do in your daily life and for fun?

      • 10 months ago

        I accept your concession. Happy to clear things up for you.

    • 10 months ago

      as an AoE2 player I laugh at you

    • 10 months ago

      lmao i still play sc1 with like 400 APM, and DCUO - an MMO where your DPS is only limited by how quick you can animation cancel by switching between weapon attack and power usage.
      Modern WoW is 1 button every 1.5 seconds with occasionally an extra button for an oGCD and is a fricking joke. It's like 100 APM, maybe 150APM at the absolute most.

      • 10 months ago

        as an AoE2 player I laugh at you

        Of course the RTS wiener slurpers need to chime in as one of the only examples of higher APM games than modern WoW as if they're making an interesting point. Maybe the Guitar Hero players will chime in next.

      • 10 months ago

        >Modern WoW is 1 button every 1.5 seconds
        This guy is too stupid to know how haste works lmao.

    • 10 months ago

      the average fps has higher apm dumb wow homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        That video is a meme right? And your post is bait? There's no way you can be this stupid.

        • 10 months ago


          when a game forces you to do dumb shit like this to compete I just dont even bother its literal trash

          you mean like use addons

      • 10 months ago

        when a game forces you to do dumb shit like this to compete I just dont even bother its literal trash

  11. 10 months ago

    Come home white man

    • 10 months ago

      >Shitwars 2

      • 10 months ago

        >the lord of the shit online

    • 10 months ago

      OH NO NO NO NO

    • 10 months ago

      According to Twitch, GW2 won big time

      • 10 months ago

        more like paid big time. Even ffxiv is better than the troonyfest that guild wars is

    • 10 months ago

      Remove Asura, Charr, and Sylvari, and maybe I will.

  12. 10 months ago

    >WoW thread
    >everyone starts shilling their shittier and deader mmo

    • 10 months ago

      FFXIV players have always been stunningly insecure, but I've never seen GW2 nobodies be as screechy as they are lately.

    • 10 months ago

      >everyone starts shilling their shittier and deader mmo
      but enough about warcraft

  13. 10 months ago

    >Uses a computer program to automate playing the game
    >Gets banned
    >Uses a computer program to automate writing a ban appeal
    Future is looking bright.

  14. 10 months ago

    Unholy dks in wotlk classic uses a weakaura for their rotation, mostly for the opener. WoW no matter the version of the game is filled with actual morons

  15. 10 months ago

    I was writing scripts to parses 97 like 10 years ago

  16. 10 months ago

    >chatGP to do their basic rotation
    why not just watch someone else play at this point lmao this way at least you save money and don't give blizzard any

  17. 10 months ago

    whats the addon asking for a friend.

    when this expansion came out i was using gnome sequencer and wow lazy macros while spamming 1 11 11111111111 on my mouse to play the game and all i did was walk around with WSAD, and when i want to attack i just held the mouse button and it would spam 111111 while it auto did my rotation... then id have 1 button for interupt it was actually fun to play this way because it turned it into a brainless arcade where i didn't have to spam rotations i could just play it like an diablo with like 4 buttons

  18. 10 months ago

    how is this news?
    they ban people for this shit since forever...

  19. 10 months ago

    Well the way it works is it reads cast bars the moment the data is sent through the client so for example if you're doing pvp you could set chatgpt to literally instant interrupt a specific healing spell or crowd control spell the moment it reads data aka before the cast bar is even humanly visible on the screen to figure out what spell it is and ONLY those spells nothing else, now you literally instantly kick (interrupt) those spells every single time and you don't even have to press the button yourself or have the most delay to realize it's that specific spell it's just auto instantly interrupted before a normal human can realize it's being cast.

    shit like that is nsane and it was an issue years ago with a specific bot that did the same function.

  20. 10 months ago

    Addons should have never been allowed in the first place, I got world record parses for holy priest back in WoD because of an obscure addon that told you the most efficient targets for circle of healing, addons are literally just cheats that are allowed, same thing with osrs, runelite should have never been allowed, because now people are using undetectable clients that mimic runelite, the industry has 0 fricking integrity

    • 10 months ago

      The only addons worth using are the ones that note when you pick up something pricy. Nothing else in the game needs to be simpler.

      • 10 months ago

        I got a swift spectral tiger basically for free just because auction house addons are OP, there are actually people who bought that shit for like 5k on ebay lol, i don't even play WoW anymore and I have a freaking mount worth as much as my car on my account

  21. 10 months ago

    addon should just be blanket removed,but it would kill the game, the only hope is wow 2, but current devs at blizzard are just maintance mode devs that will never be able to make a new game that is good let alone fix world of warcraft decade long problems, it was a miracle they even got classic working in this decade they probably just copied the code from some private server and made it run on their severs, see guys we made classic again

  22. 10 months ago

    What do you guys think about neverwinter?

  23. 10 months ago

    >people try to tell me that dpsing is akshully super skillful and hard
    >their role is so brain-dead that it can be trivially scripted by any moron with basic knowledge
    tank and healer are the only roles that require any skill. tank requires actual situational awareness and understanding of other roles' fight mechanics to inform proper positioning, healer requires rapid and intelligent decision making as far as prioritization and a good understanding of mechanics so spikes can be anticipated rather than reacted to

    • 10 months ago

      elite dps is the most valuable even if half their "skill" was at the character select screen

    • 10 months ago

      >tank requires actual situational awareness and understanding of other roles' fight mechanics to inform proper positioning
      you've never played wow if you actually believe this. tanking raids is by far the most boring and easy job in the entire game. and if you think for 5 seconds you realize why it has to be this case, since the raid tank wipes everyone as soon as he fricks up badly enough, so they've designed tanks to make it borderline impossible to frick up badly enough. tanking is almost purely about maximizing tiny amounts more damage because there's nothing else to focus on.

      • 10 months ago

        positioning is really the main skill point. basic positioning is easy, but being able to make adjustments in ways that are safe and allow maximum dps uptime requires a lot more knowledge and on the fly thinking.

        • 10 months ago

          when doing fights for the first time with no guides or anything, yes. when doing a fight for the 20th time, or god forbid while following some guide, no.

          at least the dps can start doing stupid min/maxy shit then. even the healers may start doing dumb things like secretly speccing dps talents or even respeccing to dps. but the tank is just there, tanking as he always does. and nobody likes to let the tank do anything other than tank, because then you have to have a new guy tank the fight and who knows what he'll do? might take him a bunch of tries to get the positioning etc., right, as you say, and nobody wants to wipe a bunch of times because of that. so you end up just tanking the same as you always do, forever.

          main tanks in raids that don't also raid lead have to have brain damage or something to not pass out from the boredom. I tanked one tier many expansions ago. Never again.

  24. 10 months ago

    Wowcucks are so pathetic

  25. 10 months ago

    didnt read
    wow won

    • 10 months ago

      How recent is this

      • 10 months ago

        7th of august

    • 10 months ago

      bringing back the israelite feminist boomer hasbeen that ruined wow is sad

      • 10 months ago

        you know you will wet your panties once hes on that stage

    • 10 months ago

      Mike Ybarra is a pedo so who cares what he has to say

  26. 10 months ago

    Nobody plays WoW anymore, why should anyone care

  27. 10 months ago

    So they banned a bunch of morons
    Whats the issue here
    Every game should do this

  28. 10 months ago

    Why can't wowzers learn how to play the game instead of automating everything? Why do they even bother paying for this game if they're no going to play it?
    It's the same with raiding, they just use addons and watch boss essays instead of playing the game and learning by... playing it

  29. 10 months ago

    >entire game is infested with chinks literally flyhacking from light hope's chapel all the way to strat UD
    >nothing gets done for months
    >people botting in battlegrounds, in the open world
    >everyone and their mother buying gold, boosts, gdkps
    >~10k people use a bot to automate their 3 button rotation

  30. 10 months ago

    just go to wowvendor like every other "elite gamer"

  31. 10 months ago

    When will they shut down this awful game and make WoW2?

  32. 10 months ago

    Maybe I'm approaching that age but I have no idea what the frick you're saying or why it matters, and I play WoW.

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