Blood Magic in D&D?

Looking to create a definitive list of spells in D&D relating to manipulating blood across the editions. Can anyone help me? Only one I can think of is Beltyn's Burning Blood from the 2e Forgotten Realms Player's Guide.

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  1. 8 months ago

    Go crazy.

    • 8 months ago

      I'm looking for official stuff, not fanmade.

      • 8 months ago

        no, you're begging us to look for it for you

      • 8 months ago

        Then look for it.
        You've shown you can type text in a box and click a button to submit that information, so do it find what you're looking for.

    • 8 months ago

      no, you're begging us to look for it for you

      Then look for it.
      You've shown you can type text in a box and click a button to submit that information, so do it find what you're looking for.

      NTOP, but you do realize that getting anything pre-WotC is a complete pain in the ass to search, right? Because it's WotC D&D with the online presence, and few of the PDFs have remotely useful image recognition text to search with.

      • 8 months ago

        Not anyone you linked but you do realize that there are other threads on this board to discuss D&D, and such threads might have at least one or two people with the needed .pdf files, right?
        If it's such a pain in the ass, then maybe OP shouldn't undertake such a project, huh?
        What makes him so special that he gets to be spoonfed whatever he wants, as if this were /r/?

        • 8 months ago

          Given that it's a multi-edition question, it doesn't fit in any ONE of the existing generals. Even with them, there's not a 4e thread and asking about D&D-proper in the OSR thread is quite the gamble.

          • 8 months ago

            >it doesn't fit in any ONE of the existing generals
            Ask for the appropriate edition in each thread, then. OP has demonstrated his ability to make posts, so he should use the catalog for its intended purpose. Rewording "spoonfeed me EVERY edition" is easily changed to "spoonfeed me 3.5e .pdf plz" in the 3.5e thread.
            >there's not a 4e thread
            Not the board's problem.
            >asking about D&D-proper in the OSR thread is quite the gamble
            Not the board's problem.
            So, what makes OP so special that he gets to be spoonfed whatever he wants, as if this were /r/?

            • 8 months ago

              Or you can just not be a passive-aggressive dick about it and hand over the links to the major repositories that exist for 3.x and 5e, then point to /osr/, leaving only 4e to be tackled in this thread? Instead of wasting everyone's time b***hing about the thread being theoretically non-optimal by some absurd contortion in your brain?

              Hell, in the 3.X case you can directly link the search:

              • 8 months ago

                What makes OP so special that he shouldn't have to use the site functions everyone else can use?
                What makes him so special that he shouldn't have to use basic internet functions like everyone else?
                Can you actually answer this? Can you justify his self-entitlement, on this website notorious for shitting on morons, while you're strangely invested in defending his shitty lazy behavior?

              • 8 months ago

                >What makes OP so special that he shouldn't have to use the site functions everyone else can use?
                What makes you so special that you get to say he DOESN'T get to use the site functions here the way numerous other people do on a daily basis?

                >What makes him so special that he shouldn't have to use basic internet functions like everyone else?
                Ever heard of executive dysfunction? Some staggeringly brilliant people cannot come up with the first steps of all sorts of basic shit on their own, and thus ask randos on the Internet. Extend that to EVERY "basic internet function" and you get the cause of large shares of the worthwhile content on quite a number of sites. This one very much included, lot of effortposting has begun with a single off-handed sentence.

                >Can you justify his self-entitlement, on this website notorious for shitting on morons, while you're strangely invested in defending his shitty lazy behavior?
                Can you justify your bizarre complex compelling you to insist on fragmenting anything vaguely D&D related into poorly-suited threads because there happens to be "a general" for "D&D", completely ignoring how often comparison between editions makes a separate thread a much cleaner experience for all involved than hopping between 2-5 separate generals that'll interrupt with edition-specific discussion?

      • 8 months ago

        >you do realize that getting anything pre-WotC is a complete pain in the ass to search, right?
        Yes, exactly. Which is why none of us want to do it. If OP wants it that bad, he can look for it himself or hope serendipitously someone that has already done the work for him comes by.

  2. 8 months ago

    >he doesn't refluff

    • 8 months ago

      >expecting a homosexual who can't do his own research to put any effort into anything beyond begging /tg/ for help

    • 8 months ago

      >just give existing spells a new paint of coat bro
      Because cutting your hand for casting a fireball is totally blood magic

  3. 8 months ago

    >5 hours ago
    >1h ago
    >20m ago
    fricking redditors

    • 8 months ago

      OP is the Reddit.

  4. 8 months ago


    Why don't you use your mod powers to delete my posts?

    • 8 months ago
      it goes in all fields

      Why dont you move the thread to /r/ instead of just bumping the thread to bait your mod daddies to do it

      OP is the Reddit.

      Yes both of you are gays, now kiss. 5 replies in a row over 6 hours just to say the same shit congratulations

  5. 8 months ago

    In AD&D there were a set of books.
    I think Wizards Compendium and Priests Compendium
    They have just about every ad&d spell as well as a lot of optional magic rules, such as the early version of cantrips that would serve as the basis for 3e cantrips.

    They also have full lists of different categories and indices.

  6. 8 months ago

    >he couldn't answer, he had to deflect

  7. 8 months ago

    3.0's Oriental Adventures had two entire classes for forbidden blood magic. Not sure if it was blood spells or just that they spent blood to fuel them, but they were in the back of the book in the setting stuff rather than the character options. Maho-tsukai or something like that.

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