Borderlands 3

Why were Borderlands 1 and 2 so much better than 3? I bought 3 during the Steam sale and refunded it after less than an hour. The game just has this obnoxious, try-hard vibe that repulsed the shit out of me. It looked good and the gunplay was competently done but I just couldn't stomach the dialogue and overall "energy" of the game. Is it just the "mood" of 3 that ruins it or are 1 and 2 just better games?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Bit of both really.
    Bl1 had a better loot system but felt jank at times and had some annoying writing at some moments. Bl2's loot system was slightly worse than bl1's but made up for it by having better overall gameplay, but also had more annoying dialogue.
    Bl3 is just the continuation of the trend seen throughout the series. Dumbing down loot systems. Improving gameplay. And having even worse dialogue.
    I've come to realize that bl3 is a parody of the previous games. A well made, poorly written parody of itself.

  2. 5 months ago

    All of the games were pretty bad. You are just addicted to slot machine chests.
    Go play fun games instead, for example Venturous, Indiana Jones mod for gzDoom.

    • 5 months ago

      Redpill me on the Indiana Jones mod for gzDoom brother.

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          This.......actually looks really sick. Gives me Blood vibes and the gameplay looks really fun. Thank you for the recommendation, anon.

    • 5 months ago


      Actually this.
      threads over.

  3. 5 months ago

    What's the superior of the first two games?

    And which version of Borderlands 1 is better? Game of the Year edition or Game of the Year Enhanced edition?

    • 5 months ago

      BL2. Borderlands 1 is ok, but BL2 refined the gameplay further and feels more "alive" than BL1. That being said, the emptiness of BL1 sort of gives it a unique, desolate feeling. BL2 is where they decided all of the characters needed to have their own personalities and that's where the problem started re: the horrible dialogue and "jokes" the series became known for. BL2 also has better guns and loot and overall better gunplay than BL1. BL2 with all of its DLC is a much better experience.

    • 5 months ago

      They weren't. 1 was better, but maybe 20% actually completed with almost nothing from prerelease left in because they wasted all their budget and dev time changing all the existing textures and shaders to do the homosexual comic book look. 2 was pure shit. Presequel was pure shit. 3 was pure shit but at least had decent combat mechanics.

      GOTY Enhanced. OG has a better UI by far, but Enhanced has better textures and an in-game FOV option.

  4. 5 months ago

    ill take shitty dialogue over slag any day.

    • 5 months ago

      I love a challenge, and I never played BL3, but the slag mechanic that was necessary to go Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode was horrible. I didn't have the autism for it.

  5. 5 months ago

    >Is it just the "mood" of 3 that ruins it or are 1 and 2 just better games?
    The mood. I've played all 3 games extensively, the fundamentals and content of 3 are the best. Shame they're all for nothing because the game has an incredibly obnoxious presentation and feeling. The only thing you can do is use a mod that makes everything related to the main quest completely silent, so the only things that actually have dialogue are sidequests and DLCs. Makes the game much better imo.

  6. 5 months ago

    i thought something was wrong with 2 when i went to it after 1 because gunplay was just not right, and then slag was just the nail in the coffin
    i play 3 now, gunplay is good again, i don't care about the story, just install a dialogue skip mod after the first time

  7. 5 months ago

    1 is great for minimal plot, fun dlc, solid weapons, and weapon proficiencies
    2 is great for the dlc characters, wide selection of class mod/ weapon/ shield/ skill tree combos, badass rank bonuses, and replayability
    On the other hand, 2 was bogged down by tryhard humor, the beginning of woke-ism in the series, boring plot shit, and broken balancing in later meta
    3 is garbage because even worse humor, even more wokeness, insufferable plotshit, and neutered combat that pretty much is only appealing to the hardcore fos community

  8. 5 months ago

    >play borderlands 1
    >environments and missions are monotonous but the actual concept is solid
    >drop it, start playing borderlands 2
    >claptrap is annoying and i don't like that the devs are aware he's annoying with how he's written
    >environments are much better and don't all look the same, missions so-so but have better concepts, gun variety and overall economy is better
    >game opens up on "VAULT.... TWO" which is so lazy as a plot it's almost admirable
    what's with the fricking emphasis on mordecai and zer0's blades, btw? they don't do anything with them, they're not melee classes. both of them open up on them doing sword tricks when their whole thing is sniping. what is gearbox cooking

    • 5 months ago

      i remember there's a very decent zer0 melee only build for groups but it's non viable in singleplayer

    • 5 months ago

      BL1's environments make sense. Pandora is supposed to be some shitty backwater desert planet that only has anyone bothering to go to it because it has rare resources that Dahl megacorp was harvesting using prisoner labor, that later on gets rumors of some mystical treasure being buried somewhere after Dahl sells to Atlas. It's supposed to be similar to Mad Max in more than just having Mad Mel as a boss fight.
      2 hinges on you having gone to a snowy area and killing the tentacle monster somehow causing the entire planet to be terraformed and have comfy, safe, earth-like biomes while also turning every weapon into a meme gimmick and every living person into a redditor.

      Pretty standard affair, really. Mordecai is more of a future cowboy type, only makes sense for him to be skilled with a machete even if long rifles and revolvers are his primary equipment. Zero's supposed to be the stereotypical western media ninja.

      • 5 months ago

        BL's environments make sense thematically but the issue is they're fricking boring in a video game and the video game part is always going to win out over thematic consistency

        • 5 months ago

          Boring if you're an ADHD kid that needs constant stimulation and jingling keys.

          • 5 months ago

            yeah yeah real adult men can appreciate the fine nuance of looking at the same fricking tan rocks for 20 hours, i get it, get it out of your system if you need to. i want to talk about borderlands and you want to talk about chugging down wieners like we're about to run dry

            • 5 months ago

              Real adult men play the game instead of jerking off to diversity of environments and complaining they haven't been anally stimulated in five seconds.

  9. 5 months ago

    3 thought that their story was more important than the gameplay.

    It's not and never is.

  10. 5 months ago

    This thread can be summed up as:

    >Borderlands 1 - Good
    >Borderlands 2 - Gooder
    >Borderlands 3 - Bad
    >Borderlands: The Prequel - Nobody even mentions it.

    • 5 months ago

      I liked Pre-Sequel. It improved upon the horrible class balance that was in 2. I did feel it a waste to introduce such characters in the game when they became utter jobbers in the later game. The only ones that got good ends were Anthena and the Jack clone.

  11. 5 months ago

    Are there any better games that have PS5/PC crossplay? Me and my friend recently played through this and although the combat was fine the writing was godawful. One small upside was that the crossplay worked basically perfectly, no hitches or anything.
    Are there any other games like that?

  12. 5 months ago

    I got it too this sale.
    I've skipped every single cutscene, the gameplay is pretty great, maybe the best in the series, but yeah the story is abysmal.

  13. 5 months ago

    >That one ability that lets you go invisible and auto crits your hits
    >find the 1 Pump Chump in the back quarter of the game or so
    >the rest of the game I'm vaporising enemies into clouds of red mist and shooting to to a dozen shells out of my one shot shotgun before needing to reload
    The game is mega cringe but the gunplay is satisfying as frick

    • 5 months ago

      Also shit like this bl3 literally makes the characters generally all very strong
      >Flak kills everything
      >Mech girl can spam mech for infinite ammo and broken splash damage
      >2 action skill guy can spam abilities and delete everyone
      >Amara literally is Maya and Lilith but also Brick

      • 5 months ago

        That's true, the last couple of levels of the game we did feel a fair bit OP. Not that I minded that, we were trying to get to the end of the game to uninstall it, plus it's a nice dopamine rush to be able to delete a boss before he can finish his opening cringe jokes.

        >they or a modder should really have made a tool to put together your own weapons.
        Could work but might take the fun out of randomly looting a badass weapon. Wouldn't matter as much if you could just build your own.

        True, but I don't really care about that since I'm not going to play the game again at this point.

  14. 5 months ago

    OK but you can tell it's old fight for your life is gay and classes are pretty Basic
    Better somewhat better writing but lots more claptrap main issue is characters not being equal also SLAG kills the endgame frick that shit
    >BL TPS
    BL2 but more refined and the claptrap dlc is the best bl2 doc besides maybe the last dlc they made
    Atrocious writing only fun because endgame and characters are broken also mayhem is gay because of le wacky modifiers

    • 5 months ago

      Also BL1 still has the best loot system I find bl3 is the closet too it and bl tps is 3rd however bl2 literally is gay for farming unless your a tryhard

    • 5 months ago

      >Better somewhat better writing
      "Better" as in it actually exists and wasn't left in unused audio files and cut quests. That's the only possible way BL2's wAcKeY epic reddit meme writing could be better than really anything.

  15. 5 months ago

    I feel like with how Borderlands 3 exposes the effect of each part when you inspect the weapon that they or a modder should really have made a tool to put together your own weapons.

    • 5 months ago

      >they or a modder should really have made a tool to put together your own weapons.
      Could work but might take the fun out of randomly looting a badass weapon. Wouldn't matter as much if you could just build your own.

  16. 5 months ago

    Are there any other ARPG looter-shooters? BL starches a niche itch for me.
    The franchise could have been something really cool if the writing ever took itself seriously. It's the only series that I think could do with a proper reboot.

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