>Borderlands 3 killed interest in the series

>Borderlands 3 killed interest in the series
>Wonderlands brought players back but they all left after devs revealed there's no other DLC besides boss shit
>New Tales from the Borderlands was so bad it flopped extremely hard and we'll never see another Tales from the Borderlands again
>There's apparently a Borderlands movie coming
Why won't 2K remove Randy Pitchford and fire most of the devs at GearBox?

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    Never played it because apparently it melts Xbox one x consoles. I really wanted to try it.

    • 12 months ago

      How does it melt

      • 12 months ago

        It overheats it and damages it permanently for whatever reason. It only happens to the one x

  2. 12 months ago

    BL3 was fine if you ignore the base games shit story

    • 12 months ago

      there's a mod some anons recommended that completely removes all the dialogue from the main quest
      i played with it and had a good enough time

      • 12 months ago

        at that point you should just play another game

        • 12 months ago

          no, it's entirely on the devs
          the fact that the community saw a need for dialogue skip/removal speaks volumes about how fricking awful it was

        • 12 months ago

          nah man, the writing in 3 is really garbage
          the *game* itself (shooting shit with cool guns) is absolutely okay

      • 12 months ago

        no need for mods
        you could remove like 15 pak files in one of the folders and game would auto skip through everything


        >Borderlands 3 killed interest in the series
        >Wonderlands brought players back but they all left after devs revealed there's no other DLC besides boss shit
        >New Tales from the Borderlands was so bad it flopped extremely hard and we'll never see another Tales from the Borderlands again
        >There's apparently a Borderlands movie coming
        Why won't 2K remove Randy Pitchford and fire most of the devs at GearBox?

        bl3 was great, a sunk around 300 hours into it

      • 12 months ago

        an anon from a previous thread saved me, I shall do my part and save another

    • 12 months ago

      >Can easily find players to play with on every other BL game
      >Cannot find a single player in 3 despite the fact 3 has crossplay
      What the frick?

      • 12 months ago

        3 sucks.
        Absolutely no difficulty so there’s nothing to work towards. Even if there was something to work towards farming is miserable since the general pool is absolutely massive and cosmetics continue to waste drops after unlocking them. None of the characters are as fun to play as 2/tps characters, all the fun builds were nerfed to make amara playable. Snipers and rockets are both abysmally bad outside of a busted legendary or two.
        3 sucks.

    • 12 months ago

      the dlc was all dogshit too

      • 12 months ago

        You just have awful taste

        • 12 months ago

          >awful taste
          >the hammerlock dlc was the only good one

    • 12 months ago

      it was fine so long as you ignored the story
      and the balancing.
      and the linearity of the entire game.
      and all the supplementary dialogue.
      and the fact that you don't unlock basic game function until 3/4 of the way through so you can't engage with side content like DLC without unlocking artifacts.
      and the piss poor performance.
      and the lackluster variety in loot quality
      and the endgame which is just killing the same bosses over and over because all the loot is gained by the same methods

      Really so long as you ignore most of the game it's not that bad. That only leaves the uh
      the uhmm
      what is good about this game again? I forgot.

      • 12 months ago

        The fortnite dungeon and the song that plays in villa ultraviolet

      • 12 months ago

        Lets not go here because i'm sure the balancing of the other games was just perfect (Salvador)
        >and the linearity of the entire game
        Which BL main quest wasn't like this?
        >and the fact that you don't unlock basic game function until 3/4 of the way through so you can't engage with side content like DLC without unlocking artifacts.
        Fair enough
        >and the piss poor performance
        Worked on my machine with no issues
        >and the lackluster variety in loot quality
        I can bring up BL2 having shit all for loot quality because every build just boiled down to either abusing the bee, the DPUH or the Grog
        >and the endgame which is just killing the same bosses over and over because all the loot is gained by the same methods
        With the DLCs this just isn't really true for any of the games outside of maybe TPS

        • 12 months ago

          god I hate Salvador
          not that I didn't use him sometimes but like 95% of BL2 videos use him

          • 12 months ago

            I never used him cause he wasn't an art hoe in a leotard

          • 12 months ago

            >game built around absurdly powerful guns
            >character that can use two of said absurdly powerful guns at the same time is busted as frick
            It’s so surprising.

            • 12 months ago

              Salvador and Maya are the braindead characters to play since their builds are pretty locked into one or two.
              Meanwhile Axtongay-

              • 12 months ago

                actually, anarchy gaige is the most braindead character.

              • 12 months ago

                Gaige is boring as shit. Stacking for 5 hours just to shoot at the ground for kills. You might as well play literally anyone else.

        • 12 months ago

          >BL2 having shit all for loot quality because every build just boiled down to either abusing the bee, the DPUH or the Grog
          this isn't actually the fault of the items, it's all a result of the abortion of game design that is UVHM.
          NVHM and TVHM have very nice variety when it comes to viable weapons and playstyles, but UVHM throws all that out the window in favor of everything being a fat damage sponge that requires superweapons to kill in a reasonable time frame.
          if enemies didn't have ten billion HP people wouldn't have to use DPUH for everything, and if enemies didn't one-shot your shield/health bar people would consider things other than the bee or grog abuse.

        • 12 months ago

          >Which BL main quest wasn't like this?
          Note how the original post was about the linearity of the whole game, not just the main quest.
          But exclusively talking about the main quest anyway, the main quest in BL2 at the Dam would be extended and you would have to do some more stuff at the Friendship Gulag if you failed to rescue Roland.
          BL2 had a variety of locations, big and small, that were entirely optional and could be gone to at any time. Lynchwood and the Caustic Caverns are never mentioned in the main story but they're fully fledged zones with some of the best content in the game.

          In BL3 the only optional zone in the entire game is Lecta City with Killavolt and it's well known that it was cut content as if evident by the behind the scenes stuff added in the director's cut.
          Proving grounds are locked until you either reach Nekrotefayo or finish the story, I can't remember which. Regardless, everyone is in 'wrap this shit up already' mode by that point.
          The circles of slaughter are even worse. The creature slaughter is the first and isn't unlocked until after you finish Eden-6 but the circle is hidden way back in a sewer on Promethea. The bandit slaughter isn't available until midway through the penultimate story quest on Pandora (which is about half an hour before the game finishes) and the Maliwan slaughter isn't available until the home stretch on Nekrotefayo. All the side content is practically at the end of the game.
          That plus the fact that the story quests follow the most rigid structure of any game in the series (you MUST interact with the smallest orb then the largest during the space quest, you CANNOT interact with the one closest to you first) absolutely makes it the most linear game in the series. ESPECIALLY with the amount of times "Talk to Lilith" shows up in the quest log and you have to abandon what you're doing and be locked in a room watching a heavily scripted sequence at the front of the ship.

          To act like 3 is not linear is foolish.

      • 12 months ago

        You don't ask questions. You kill enemies to get loot and get excited for next loot.
        >and the balancing.
        This is the biggest issue with borderlands especially 3. Every character has access to healing in their skill trees making them all invincible.

      • 12 months ago

        >Take the character classes from BL2&3
        >Put them in BL1
        Jesus it cant be that hard.

    • 12 months ago

      Mayhem Mode is SHIT

      OP levels were much better. And anyone who says "waaaah OP levels too hard" needs to fricking git good and I'm tired of pretending that the game is too hard at OP10.

      • 12 months ago

        Now replay OP 10 without the grog nozzle and tell me how easy it is

        • 12 months ago

          Grog Nozzle is really good yeah, but you can really use just about any Moxxi weapon for the same exact heal value because of how crazy the scaling gets with OP levels, even then a lot of characters have different ways of staying alive, notably Zer0 and Krieg

      • 12 months ago

        >can skip mayhem levels
        >endgame is extremely disconnected as a result even if it seemed like a decent QOL change from OP levels
        still not going to play borderlands 2 OP levels without the unofficial community patch though as it widens the build variety

    • 12 months ago

      Mayhem Mode is SHIT

      OP levels were much better. And anyone who says "waaaah OP levels too hard" needs to fricking git good and I'm tired of pretending that the game is too hard at OP10.

      is right. adopting modern diablo's WORST qualities was a colossal mistake. especially doubling down each update.
      ...the soundtrack was a killer though.

      • 12 months ago

        I fricking despise Zane and his smug Irish wienersucker quips, its a shame he's the only fun character in the game.
        Why don't any of the PCs in BL3 ever SHUT THE FRICK UP?

        • 12 months ago

          people liked pre sequel, i guess. that's the one where everyone got chatty.

          • 12 months ago

            From what I remember people hated TPS, especially Borderlands fans.

            • 12 months ago

              as a borderlands fan who played TPS, i have absolutely zero memory of the game let alone an opinion of it.

              • 12 months ago

                literally the only thing that survived is the memelands 2 cuckrage image.

              • 12 months ago

                literally the only thing that survived is the memelands 2 cuckrage image.

                How could you forget Janey Springs, the loveable lesbian aussie sheila that hangs around at the billabongs, barbies, maccas, and cashies who hates homophobia and americans, mate? Streuth am i right fellow bruces and dagos???

              • 12 months ago

                you're imitating that dialogue a little too well.

  3. 12 months ago

    I thought this series was absolutely dead until you reminded me that the movie is still in development. But alas, after that movie comes out, this series WILL 100% die, especially with how New Tales came out to be.

  4. 12 months ago

    Since Siren's all inherit each other's powers or something, who wound up getting that one ability from the book where you can just make someone cum buckets until they die?

  5. 12 months ago

    randy b***hford is no longer CEO of gearbox

  6. 12 months ago

    I wish there was a good borderlands game that isn't borderlands.

    • 12 months ago

      You'd think "diablo loot structure but FPS instead of isometric RPG" wouldn't be a hard nut to crack but here we are. Gunfire Reborn isn't terrible and people swear roboquest is less ass than it was at the beginning of early access, but both of those are roguelikes

      • 12 months ago

        Isn't that what the Destiny games are?

        • 12 months ago

          Sort of, but the problem is they have abysmal loot scaling where the level of potential drops is heavily banded by the average level of your current gear. Not only does this make farming incredibly annoying and incremental, it also makes it asymptotically harder and harder to get better gear at all. They're a complete slog to play.

        • 12 months ago

          Destiny players deserve the game they have.

        • 12 months ago

          Destiny is WoW-tier along with the battered wife of a fanbase it has.

        • 12 months ago

          I wish there was a good Borderlands game that isn't borderlands or destiny

          • 12 months ago

            The Division is peak aesthetic but everything is mediocre or just terrible.

            • 12 months ago

              Division 1 is kino, frick you
              >horde mode
              >roguelike mode
              >survival mode
              >dark zone
              Snowy New York is fricking comfie

            • 12 months ago

              It's wild to me that they abandoned the peak Christmas in NYC aesthetic in the sequel. That alone was enough to dissuade me from buying the second game.

          • 12 months ago

            you're me
            i genuinely don't want to believe the looter shooter genre is inherently bad and it just got squatted on by awful devs for years but if you told me it was i would believe you

            • 12 months ago

              I'd say 1 alone proves the concept has merit but its not something that your average dev can pull off.

          • 12 months ago

            fallout 76

      • 12 months ago

        As much as Borderlands' dialogue and story gets (deservedly) shit on, the writing is an essential component for keeping the game from feeling samey. Under all the eccentricity and world building the game is just:
        >go to place
        >kill things
        >pull the lever
        >leave place
        Add to that the cost of enemy and level variety and you can see why indie budgets are forced to go roguelike: minimal story and only 6ish different environments, some of which share the same enemy designs.

  7. 12 months ago

    >New Tales from the Borderlands was so bad it flopped extremely hard and we'll never see another Tales from the Borderlands again
    There was a second one?

  8. 12 months ago

    >Why won't 2K remove Randy Pitchford and fire most of the devs at GearBox?

    Probably because very TECHINCALLY, they made money.

    That's all that matters.

    • 12 months ago

      It’s because Pitchford owns the fricking company, there’s no one to fire him.

  9. 12 months ago

    Borderlands peaked at the first game
    it has all been downhill since

    • 12 months ago

      No, it peaked with Handsome Jack.

      • 12 months ago

        reddit character, reddit humor.

      • 12 months ago

        Its all fricking cringe

    • 12 months ago

      BL1 was a shit game

      • 12 months ago

        Yes, and it was still the peak of the series

    • 12 months ago

      Borderlands 1 is the only game I felt the desire to replay tbh.

  10. 12 months ago

    3 is the most fun i had with any of these games, sucks because none of my friends really cared for it either and we do a damn near yearly playthrough of 2 and we stop half way through because of how frickin boring it is but my buddy swears up and down that it's the best one.

  11. 12 months ago

    I genuinely forgot about New Tales from Borderlands so I'm out of the loop, what went wrong?

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        jesus christ these character designs are awful

    • 12 months ago

      Imagine watching a nine hour marathon of the Big Bang Theory. That's not an exaggeration. The lead writer said he wanted the game to be modeled after a sitcom.

  12. 12 months ago

    I enjoyed Borderlands 3

  13. 12 months ago

    I absolutely couldn't stand wonderlands. It was all humor focused and I hated the humor. Even if the gameplay functions the same, I didn't like that the guns were replaced with crossbows.

  14. 12 months ago

    So everyone on Elpis is fricking dead right?

    • 12 months ago

      This game series tries too hard to make you care about planets that are canonically full of murderers, deadly fauna and monsters that maul anything within 2 feet. Is there really a 'we need to protect the people here' when maybe 5% of that population is worth protecting?

      Making Vault Hunters be viewed as heroes was a fricking mistake.

      • 12 months ago

        Its funny because there's a quest in TPS to literally kill a surrendering enemy and they all have a good time laughing about it

      • 12 months ago

        Christ you're right. Had Jack won psycho's wouldn't have gone and muderfricked the universe.

        • 12 months ago

          The New Tales of the Borderlands shows that Psychos are now occupying other planets cause Promethea has some band of them with that character Stapleface. Basically a problem that was limited to one planet is now spread across every single frickin planet.

          How wasn't Jack right now?

          I'm really confused about the vibe of Borderlands cause one second they want us to be sad about the threat of death on characters but everyone is so murder-happy that death really is losing it's meaning.

          • 12 months ago

            Don't forget the fact that some corpo's are just good guys now based purely on like, how gay they are or something.

            • 12 months ago

              Are there any remaining corpos with leaders that arent known good guys?

          • 12 months ago

            Once you go off-planet so much of the tone is lost because the whole appeal of the Mad Max aesthetic is there is no "elsewhere". Things aren't better over the horizon. You're trapped here in hell and have to either fight to make it better or revel in making it worse, but you can't leave and you can't hunker down forever. The plot of most of the games is 'the loot we get better make it worth coming to fricking Pandora, this place is a shithole and we need to leave' so starting one game with everyone up and leaving robs every prior scene of helplessness and desperation of what little pathos the series tried to inject.

            • 12 months ago

              getting off the planet with the VH's shoulda been the end of an entire ass game arc, not fricking act1.

              • 12 months ago

                Hell, even if you just shift things around a bit so Maya dies trying to buy everyone else time to get offplanet it feels more like a cohesive event rather than just an excuse to change settings. I also feel like the story makes a thousand times more sense if Troy accidentally turns Tyreen into a juicebox, because him going on a codependent spiral that's desperate for more siren energy but also desperate for family to love him is infinitely more compelling than Tyreen just becoming a shitty rehash of Handsome Jack.

            • 12 months ago

              I keep saying this but I really hope in the next game they introduce VHs who don't give a frick about the Crimson Raiders and just want to get loot/paid. I want to see them introduce more VHs who are their own characters that are only interested in their own goals and wants.

              If they do something where it's some selfish VHs who are willing to throw guns at both the Corps AND the Crimson Raiders to get a Vault, I'd fricking love that. Make them their own group who wanna do their own shit without some dumb siren in their head.

              • 12 months ago

                >selfish VHs
                But that would take away from the #girlboss energy vibes of Lilith and her infallible pussy brigade!

  15. 12 months ago

    The only thing good to come out of the franchise was Borderlands 1 and the soundtracks from the other games

  16. 12 months ago

    BL2 writers (outside of Randy) and the original Tales team have long since moved onto other projects in different companies. Randy and Tiny Tina's VA (I forget her name) took this opportunity to head the writing department themselves. Also Marvel movies kinda existed in 2012 but now since there's so bloody many of them, Randy got a little too "inspired" by their quirks.

  17. 12 months ago

    On paper planet hopping seems like a good idea but in practice it complete borks the progression of BL3.
    Going through BL2 you progress through bandit shanties to abandoned Dahl facilities to areas where Hyperion is starting to expand that mirrors the developing conflict against Jack himself. There is a interconnectedness to BL2 that isn't even remotely replicated in BL3 too, like the Highlands connecting to the Wildlife Preservation Reserve and the Dust which also connects to the Eridium Blight, Three Horns, Lynchwood, and that Hyperion gulag, it adds a believability to the world and helps it feel lived in. Jumping between planets lets Gearbox go buck wild with art design but every planet boils down to a hallway because they clearly focused more on the aesthetics than the level design, case in point fricking Athenas. The sidequests being handed out in a way that makes sure the player can finish them while on their way to the main quest's objective drives home the shit level design and makes it feel a lot more gamey than any of the other games.

  18. 12 months ago

    3 killed interest in the series
    the game was a success?
    brought players back but they all left after devs revealed there's no other DLC besides boss shit
    they fricked it so hard
    like make more dlcs and focus on the melee combat and you have the best borderlands game ever

  19. 12 months ago

    >people shit on 3's story
    >proclaim wonderlands is amazing
    what in the god damn

  20. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      No, they would just turn them into homosexualry guns.
      Like holy shit, how could you make Jakob, Hyperion and Torgue guns into gimmick shit?

      • 12 months ago

        They already had a perfect gimmick though

        • 12 months ago

          Jakobs, Hyperion and Torgue guns are perfectly fine
          the sbreastst thing are Maliwan guns in 3

          • 12 months ago

            >all the element interactions BL3 offers (maliwan gets the cake while eating it too)
            >unique spray patterns
            >has the most unique selection of legendary weapons in the game
            maliwan hit a home run, CoV and Hyperion are the only manufacturers in BL3 that are major groaners

      • 12 months ago

        Jakobs got a really cool mechanic, torgue got a straight upgrade, but HYPERION got the shit gimmick

        *eludes you forever*

        >ogre drop
        I kneel, RNGsama

        • 12 months ago

          >but HYPERION got the shit gimmick
          it's a "developers forget the game they're working on" moment
          defensive options are always valued less than melting rooms, and it's not like the hyperion gun shields in 3 are good even if defense was more valuable

          • 12 months ago

            >was thinking about how I never really got a good super shredifier on my moze because grinding slaughter shaft was kind of boring
            >first actual gun discussion in borderlands in a long time

            >the entire 180 degrees behind your peripheral vision that isn't protected by the shield
            >literally doesn't even protect your legs
            >every good hyperion weapon ignores the mechanic entirely
            it's how you just know

  21. 12 months ago

    >Why won't 2K remove Randy Pitchford and fire most of the devs at GearBox?
    Because 2K no longer owns Gearbox. Gearbox has become the lead studio for Embracer Group.

    • 12 months ago

      >embracer group
      arent they fricked on money or something?

      • 12 months ago

        Money, no. They have literal billionaires funding them. Their problem is all of the funding goes to acquiring studios and IPs. Most of the employees walk since contracts are never a focus. This leaves teams of very young and inexperienced developers, with very veteran quotas and expectations.

  22. 12 months ago

    >Borderlands 3 killed interest in the series
    ??????? is this the new Ganker cope?
    it sold more than all the past games combined

  23. 12 months ago

    I liked BL3 enough to play it through twice, but the story and characters were all laughably bad and the writing was constantly annoying.
    Everything was "turd" this and "turd" that.

  24. 12 months ago

    >implying there's a fence on this fence

    • 12 months ago

      There is no me, there is no you! There is only the never ending spit and bile of combat! The twenty-four hour murder spree of shining metal! I drink the blood and eat the loot and breathe the numbers, because I! AM! A MONSTER! NOW AND FOREVER!

    • 12 months ago

      They did my boy so dirty and I don't have the heart to reinstall 3 just to see if his DLC is worth it

      • 12 months ago

        they didn't do him dirty. but no, the dlc is not worth it.

        • 12 months ago

          In the base game he was completely ignored outside of a handful of out-of-character audio logs, there was no payoff to his prophetic ranting from BL2, and they killed off Maya in a way that shuttered the entire arc between them that was teased in the character videos where she was helping him regain control of himself. I'd consider that pretty dirty.

          Pity the DLC isn't worth going back to, I really wanted to enjoy 3 and wouldn't necessarily mind an excuse to give it another shake, but boy did I dislike it the entire time I played.

          • 12 months ago

            oh jesus i kinda forgot what they did to maya. well, they basically added battle passes. did you know that? "vault cards" if anyond here is feeling fence-y.

          • 12 months ago

            The director's cut pisses me off because it shows a lot of what could have been before it got cut for whatever shitty reason and made Ava even WORSE of a character as a consequence.
            As well as fricking up that Troy was going to be the final boss as well.

    • 12 months ago

      >Pidgeonholed into melee until around level 30 and even then still play with a handicap until you have proper equipment, which goes double for the most fun build in the game (Hellfire Krieg)
      >By the time you have a real build going there is literally nothing left to do aside from grind raid bosses and run Digistruct Peak
      I love Krieg so much but I also despise him.

      • 12 months ago

        I prefer bloodsplosion krieg because a melee character who has to aim with the minimap fricking rules

      • 12 months ago

        The real play with Krieg grab Release the Beast at 31, then stomp TVHM, then farm your shit at the tail end to use the rest of his kit in UVHM

    • 12 months ago

      Take me home…

  25. 12 months ago

    Wonderlands WAS DLC. It was just the last DLC from BL2 rescaled and resold with a shitty level cap.

    • 12 months ago

      bruh. thats not the one being talked about.

    • 12 months ago

      You are thinking of this DLC https://store.steampowered.com/app/218550/Borderlands_2_Tiny_Tinas_Assault_on_Dragon_Keep/ which became this https://store.steampowered.com/app/1712840/Tiny_Tinas_Assault_on_Dragon_Keep_A_Wonderlands_Oneshot_Adventure/ standalone abomination.

      We're talking about the actual game that doesn't have any BL2 characters at all - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1286680/Tiny_Tinas_Wonderlands/

      • 12 months ago

        What in the world were they thinking with that standalone? Anyone can get BL2 GOTY at the same price too.

        • 12 months ago

          I can only fathom that they figured it was the most lauded content in BL2 and they wanted a way to reuse it as a ramp-up to the full Tiny Tina game without people needing to make characters and level up in BL2 in order to experience it.

  26. 12 months ago

    Still my favorite western mech design.

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        not even the sexiest robot in that game

        • 12 months ago

          Pic not rel

      • 12 months ago

        not even the sexiest robot in that game

        what could have been

    • 12 months ago

      For me it's the loader that's just Amuro's Zeta.

  27. 12 months ago

    Did Wonderlands really bring people back? I tried it and got bored by the second pirate area, it just felt like BL3 but with even worse skill trees

  28. 12 months ago

    >3 has LE BAD STORY
    >face mc shooty from 2 was totally fine!!!So was bonerfarts, spoon, blow up the ocean!
    It doesnt matter if you jump the shark 1 time, 5 times, 20 times. You can never unjump it

    • 12 months ago

      What the frick do you actually think you're saying here?

      • 12 months ago

        2 had equally if not worse dialogue than 3.
        You wont admit it because nostalgia

        • 12 months ago

          Are you seriously so moronic you can't understand the difference between that and the cluster frick that is 3s story?

          • 12 months ago

            Ok my bad but people shit on the dialogue all the same

  29. 12 months ago

    what's your BL1 gun-fu? taking the easy one off the table.

    • 12 months ago

      It was years ago but I clearly remember s&s being my go to for pretty much everything. Especially the support machine guns and the repeater pistols.

      • 12 months ago

        Imagine having to reload

        • 12 months ago

          u r lik littl babby
          watch this

          • 12 months ago

            Oh yeah that was a dlc gun right?

            • 12 months ago

              yeah, the knoxx dlc had a resurrected sledge named motorhead that dropped it

          • 12 months ago

            Ironically the whole point of this gun was to make you reload dispite the high ammo count iirc.

        • 12 months ago

          It was years ago but I clearly remember s&s being my go to for pretty much everything. Especially the support machine guns and the repeater pistols.

          BRING BACK S&S GEARBOX YOU homosexualS

          >they took this from you
          1 had major problems but Holy shit did things go off the rails. 3 and the new tales are abominations.

    • 12 months ago

      You posted it. I still remember the way the armored goons would scream when I shot them with it.

    • 12 months ago

      >that DOT
      >that reload speed
      This gun FRICKS

    • 12 months ago

      this along with draco I mean GLORIOUS MASSACRE
      undertaker and redemption were pretty cool too but defiler had the ultimate 1shot potential against lance

    • 12 months ago

      Atlas Ogre was my raifu.
      For whatever reason it was rare as frick though, I only recall finding like 3 or 4 of them after an obscene number of Crawmerax kills, and this one was by far the best.

  30. 12 months ago

    Sure is great. Posting here. I LOVE IT!

  31. 12 months ago

    I still remember the time i spend with my 2 friends on bl2, no game can get us so much fun now

  32. 12 months ago

    They're all bad but BL3 was the least bad. The classes were more interesting, the writing was slightly less obnoxious, I enjoyed the return of the TftBL characters and the improvements to mobility were appreciated. Not sure why so many people are willing to die on the hill that Anthony Burch's game was the best

    • 12 months ago

      >the writing was slightly less obnoxious
      No dude, the writing was horrible
      >Not sure why so many people are willing to die on the hill that Anthony Burch's game was the best
      because somehow a game without him was even worse in that regard

    • 12 months ago

      >Not sure why so many people are willing to die on the hill that Anthony Burch's game was the best
      nobody said that
      people were saying that writing couldn't possibly get any worse since we went from gritty, nihilistic and dry humor to LOL SORANDUMB BAZINGA RAINBOWS RAWR CUPCAKEZ SHAWTYYYY AAAAAAAA SCREAMING FUNNY, and yet, 5 minutes into 3 I was looking for a "skip dialogue" keybind

  33. 12 months ago

    So many cool aesthetic game has shit gameplay, division, recon wildlands,anthem

  34. 12 months ago

    can't wait to see that fat Scooter's sister is the most powerful siren in the galaxy in BL4

  35. 12 months ago

    I dunno mate I like it. 2 was better sure but 3 is still good, my 2 big complaints are that they give legendaries like candy and there aren't any goofy dlc characters. 4 skill trees per is nice for build variety, currently trying iron cub fire build and it's fun.
    I don't think anything will ever top anarchy build Gage though

  36. 12 months ago

    >switch art styles because you saw a shitty student video once
    >cut or cancel 90% of the planned content and release a barebones game
    >it gets popular
    >shift to "humor" with the DLCs and stick with that theme
    And everything suffers for it. From the original vault hunters being blank slates with no character because their stories were cut to them being some super good guy hero guys all of a sudden to the environment going from "Dahl used prison slave labor as well as normal civilians to run some mines then decided to leave mysteriously and sell it to Atlas" to every corporation becoming some ridiculous cartoon stereotype one-note joke, characters' deaths supposedly meaning something despite the new-u stations being 100% canon and real in-universe and anyone who signed up and wasn't taken out being able to respawn after death, it's all a mess.

  37. 12 months ago

    *eludes you forever*

    • 12 months ago

      >ajax ogre finally drops
      I came.

  38. 12 months ago

    >can hold two guns at the same time temporarily
    >this makes him the most busted character out of every game
    How can one hispanic manlet roidmonkey have all this power?

    • 12 months ago


  39. 12 months ago
  40. 12 months ago

    Is Borderlands 3 the only game to have such a shit story that it actively ruins everything else?

    • 12 months ago

      they knew it too; all the dlc's automatically let you skip to them. someone realized we'd rather be anything other than the protagonist in the "kill twitch" story.

      • 12 months ago

        That's a nice headcanon and all, but BL1 also let you teleport straight to DLC locations, even in playthrough 1.

        • 12 months ago

          Yes but you see that was just an elaborate form of CBT inflicted on unsuspecting players.

        • 12 months ago

          headcanon? if you have borderlands 3 installed, you can do it right now. i know the calypso story still happens, but being able to literally start into a dlc is a bl3 exclusive thing, i think. even in 1 & 2 you have to redo the tutorial.

          • 12 months ago

            The headcanon is you >implying this change was made for 3 when prior games let you jump right into the DLCs. BL1 having you select a character and follow craptrap for a couple minutes doesn't make any difference.

          • 12 months ago

            >2 you have to redo the tutorial.
            Untrue, you can create a level 30 character in 2 for the sole purpose of doing the DLCs in NVHM immediately

            • 12 months ago

              my bad, i only played through the game as two classes. i never hit max.

        • 12 months ago

          >launch borderlands 1
          >gain a few levels
          >immediately do zombie island even if I'm slightly underlevel
          I did it almost every time.

          • 12 months ago

            same, the zombie DLC was pretty cool

    • 12 months ago

      ME3? Fallout 4 is definitely a contender.

  41. 12 months ago

    Didn't 3 have some random dwarf with dead family that you're expected to take seriously and care about?

  42. 12 months ago


  43. 12 months ago

    Borderlands 2 and its DLC are such a huge scam
    >you have to beat the game a few times to really beat it
    >nothing really matters until you're on the highest ng+ cycle, especially because you can't reach the highest level before that
    >millions of weapon combinations mean slight differences in their stats, all weapons lower than purple (unless unique) are just trash
    >enemies get spongier every time up to the point of face tanking your entire ammo reserve and staying alive
    >at the same time their damage goes way too high, making each bullet oneshot you
    >at one point only your skill deals any meaningful damage
    >finally reach raid bosses you can't do shit against unless you use some cheese like suck-in grenades and explosions on kills
    >get their best loot after weeks of grinding
    >it doesn't matter because it only slightly augments your damage and there's no content left
    But if you ignore that grindfest and play the base game plus DLC, you get just an absolutely horrendous story with reddit humour, shoot-till-it-dies enemies and bosses, and awful open maps.

    • 12 months ago

      90% of BL2's problem is UVHM+Slag

    • 12 months ago

      >you have to beat the game a few times to really beat it
      Just stop at NVHM
      >nothing really matters until you're on the highest ng+ cycle, especially because you can't reach the highest level before that
      It's for balance, if you wanna see why play NVHM with a UVHM or even a TVHM character
      >millions of weapon combinations mean slight differences in their stats, all weapons lower than purple (unless unique) are just trash
      Why would you want the weapons you find in huge amounts to be just as good as your awesome new legendary gun?
      >enemies get spongier every time up to the point of face tanking your entire ammo reserve and staying alive
      I'm guessing this is about UVHM and slag? If you have somewhat leveled guns, a good build, and they're slagged they still melt quickly
      >at the same time their damage goes way too high, making each bullet oneshot you
      You can't really get oneshot because of healthgate, it gives you enough time to heal
      >at one point only your skill deals any meaningful damage
      I guess you mean killskills and stuff? The only characters with a slow start because of the reliance on killskills are already really tanky, and once they get going they are practically unkillable. Also your weapons still matter a lot unless you're melee Krieg
      >finally reach raid bosses you can't do shit against unless you use some cheese like suck-in grenades and explosions on kills
      It's meant for 4 people, you can solo if you have a focused build or you're Sal
      >get their best loot after weeks of grinding
      It shouldn't take weeks for good drops, every legendary has a 10% to drop from it's source for example
      >it doesn't matter because it only slightly augments your damage and there's no content left
      If you're on the last bit of content and you've only just now got all your build together, you've played wrong, you don't have to farm your entire loadout every levelup

  44. 12 months ago

    Honestly I thought all the games post BL1 were bad. I enjoyed 1 it was a good adventure, but it sucked you end up getting nothing from the vault, the DLCs were good too and the humor wasn't too wacky either and the level scaling not ridiculous. 2 was a slog, you had to do every single side mission to keep up with the aggressive scaling and find new weapons every 3 levels + the story was obnoxious and the DLCs were kinda lame. I never played 3 or the others after.

  45. 12 months ago

    Borderlands 1 is boring in literally every aspect but at least it isn't egregiously bad. 2's biggest issue is the gameplay is really fricking spongey with the slag and playing borderlands 3 really does fix the issues of 2 gameplay wise. But I hated how 3 just hands legendaries out like they're candy, I hate mayhem levels, and of course the story and characters are a complete joke. I think the franchise has potential to put out one more really good game as long as they don't ruin the story further.

    • 12 months ago

      >But I hated how 3 just hands legendaries out like they're candy,
      Why? Grinding for legendaries wasn't hard in 1 or 2 and didn't really justify the time required to grind them since they're mostly outclassed by mission reward guns.

  46. 12 months ago

    Borderlands 3 has the best gameplay and music ergo it's the best game in the series. No one but cretins play Borderlands for """the story and writing""".

  47. 12 months ago

    I will never understand how this franchise lasted beyond the 00s, it's like the zenith of lolrandumb ecksdee bonerpee humor and it's fricking incessant with it, the story is boilerplate, the characters are all annoying and unlikable, and the gameplay is perfectly average and mediocre with some of the least satisfying cardboard feeling guns in shooters. How the frick do people still enjoy these games past the age of like 20?

    • 12 months ago

      >Also Mayhem is annoying as frick and made me stop playing.
      just reroll until you don't get buddy system
      the fact that these shits can spawn inside level geometry is moronic

    • 12 months ago

      I just like to mindlessly shoot shit with my friend when I'm drunk. I am currently on my 9th playthrough of Borderlands 2

  48. 12 months ago

    BL1 is the least cringey and a good first game
    BL2 has the best story with the best character in Perfect Ce- I mean, Jack, but relies a lot on Slag spam and suffers from some characters/builds being useless while others are completely broken
    BLTPS has the best major dlc in the series (Claptrap) and some fun moon stuff, but is really just a standalone DLC of 2
    BL3 has the best gameplay in the series but completely blows ass in story compared to the other games. Also Mayhem is annoying as frick and made me stop playing.
    TTW I never played but it seemed okay for a single playthrough.

  49. 12 months ago

    I was pleasantly surprised by the DLC in 3. Even hammerlocks homosexual wedding was pretty good, if anything the continuous moxxiwank in the casino irritated me more because she's a fricking horrible person and the game pretends she isn't.

    • 12 months ago

      I hated how Moxxi was supposedly an engineering expert in TPS

  50. 12 months ago

    Who the frick plays borderlands for a story?
    Frick off redditors

  51. 12 months ago

    What if, just what if they decided to scrap everything. Not reboot, but just narratively fling everything into a completely random direction.
    >BL1 humor with a slight darker tone so at least the charm is still here
    >4 vault hunter randos (no playable siren because frick how convoluted that shit has become)
    >4 planet star system contested between vladof and dahl (I don't remember who are the "good/bad" guy manufactures and don't care)
    >you kill troopers from both so you can get the vault (ONLY ONE FRICKING VAULT IN THIS GAME FRICK OFF), kill wildlife, and kill those BL3 brand eridians
    >leave the guns alone except give hyperion a good mechanic
    I honestly don't know what would make for good endgame for the series at this point but seriously do not care about any established characters anymore. The setting itself is great but wasted for the most awful, bland characterization in a video game.

  52. 12 months ago

    If you guys want too play some of the best kino borderlands gameplay but don't know where too pick back up I suggest Tiny Tina's assault on dragon keep. It's just the D&D theme DLC with fast XP compared too BL2 and a few other changes like magic grenades. Fun for a quick playthrough I guarantee (if you liked BL2).

    • 12 months ago

      This was free on EGS before the new Tiny tina game released too so you should have it if you've been collecting the free games on there.

  53. 12 months ago

    >Borderlands 3 killed interest in the series
    >fastest selling 2k game of all time
    >still has twice as many players as bl2 last I checked

    • 12 months ago

      it doesn't matter if it sold 13 trillion copies, no one plays the game or is interested in the franchise anymore

  54. 12 months ago

    I want a new Douk Kick'em game.

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