Borderlands 3 writing just why

>Buy Borderlands 3 during FPS Fest sale cos its like 85% off
>Played the first 2 never bothered with 3rd
>Enjoying combat, feeling nostalgia for looting the timeless lockers and containers
>Talk to a Quest giver
>God why won't it fricking stop talking like every modern age caricature rolled into one
>Every fricking quest giver
I know it was pretty borderline in the first 2 but frick me its physically disrupting my enjoyment of the game. The lines are so ridiculously immature without even mentioning the fact that the setting is a mad max type of daily survival, which would make people hard af and not act like spergy 15yr old twitter posters.

Surely I can't be alone in this thought or do people seriously enjoy the dialogue in this game???

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    Like, comment and obey!

  2. 4 weeks ago

    Is anthony burch still writing for them?

    • 4 weeks ago

      No, and that was the problem. He’s been replaced by Larry, Moe, & Curly. It’s a miracle they didn’t accidentally kill themselves while writing this abomination

      still better than this shit

      I mean look at this moronic “how do you do fellow kids” millennial failure of a man. He complains about piecing together a complete story when he fails to tell one even when he SPOON FEEDS IT to his audience. The day he musters up the courage to finally kill himself will be the greatest accomplishment of his miserable life

      • 4 weeks ago

        How could these homies outcringe Antony Burch?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I’m still asking myself the same question. They don’t even have the brief moments of lucidity he had between the three

    • 4 weeks ago

      He left after presequel, joined Riot, wrote Kayn, the stuff about Riot being a college dorm with how gross and sexist it was came out so he quit in solidarity and now just does contract work, sliding around the industry, sucking the blood of anyone who wants to hire his sister. He made Kayn super serious then when he left, Riot decided to lean in to how comically edgy he was and now Kayn is a gag character trying to act dark and cool

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >why does Borderlands have Borderlands writing?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    It's millennial humour

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >like the 'everythings fine' old guy meme

  6. 4 weeks ago

    still better than this shit

    • 4 weeks ago

      Unironically just follow the guide on Steam that shows you how to remove all dialogue.

      Zanzibart is kino. Myrmidon of Loss was a top 5 all time Souls boss

    • 4 weeks ago
      now you can play the game

      ok randy

    • 4 weeks ago

      You sound mad that nobody is making hour long borderlands 3 lore videos. zanzibart won.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Zanzibart isn't embarrassed of what it is

    • 4 weeks ago

      I hate Souls' minimalist storytelling but I'd take it any day over cringey, intrusive, ironic, constant voice quips.

    • 4 weeks ago

      have a nice day moron

    • 4 weeks ago

      >fromdrones still mindbroken by this

      • 4 weeks ago

        they were never mind broken, Borderlands shill.

        They ruthlessly mocked that tweet the moment it came out that the Borderlands writer was trying to talk shit about bad writing for another game

        • 4 weeks ago

          It’s a burnt pot calling a sterling kettle black

          • 4 weeks ago

            Elden Ring doesn't have bad storytelling

            • 4 weeks ago

              yeah, it has none

              • 4 weeks ago

                and yet somehow better than Borderlands

            • 4 weeks ago

              I know, I was defending Miyazaki’s storytelling method. WinkBlack person is the pot (can’t write a coherent story even when it’s all shown upfront) and Miyazaki is the kettle (can write a coherent story and sprinkle it throughout the game nonlinearly)

              • 4 weeks ago

                It helps that From stories are (usually) incredibly simple and straightforward. They've been using the same one since at least Demon Souls
                >Shits fricked
                >Go find out why
                >Either fix it or finally destroy it for good
                >Maybe some weird tertiary options in how you fix/frick everything
                All that Zanzibart shit is just whining about the details

    • 4 weeks ago

      yeah, he's 100% right
      I don't get this base ass need to have the story be so completely unobtrusive that you might not realize there is a cohesive one unless you actually pay attention to flavor text on items which is usually trivial in almost every other game in existence

    • 4 weeks ago

      >story completely out of the way and only there if you intentionally go and search it out
      as it should be

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'd say it's still much worse than From's writing, but From really should try to change it up a little bit.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Heyyyy buddy, great job killing all those mutants and all. You're really good at that! Shooting things, that is. One problemo though, as it turns out a bunch of monsters on the planet are gonna tear our eyes out if we don't get the shield back up. And this is just my opinion, but that's gonna suck. Not having eyes sounds terrible! Like, how am I supposed to read my collection of "Bodacious Space Babes" without any flippin' eyeballs? So here's my brilliant plan that I got written on this here napkin. There's this generator-thing. You following me? And it needs GAS! Who knew? So mayyybe, you can go out and fetch some canisters. And then we can get the generator running, and then the shield will go back up, and we won't get horribly viciously murdered! Doesn't that sound great? I know, right? So, since I did most of the work coming up with the plan, I was thinking you can do the last step and get the cannisters. If you see any monsters, shoot them in the face or something. Oh and one more tip: try not to get killed. That'll put a wrench in this plan- metaphorically that is. Not literally. I hate people who misuse the term "literally", it drives me FIGURATIVELY insane. Anyway I'll just be here, cowering in my bunker while you go do that. Go team badass!

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Borderlands writing has always been bad. Bad writing can be painful to pay attention to.

    • 4 weeks ago

      In terms of writing BL1 is the best because it doesn't try to be too loud. BL2 is bearable, but quickly heading towards the realm of Marvel writing. Everything since then was really not good. The environments and visual design can be great though, especially areas like the Dust in BL2 and pretty much any area in the first game.
      The focus on story is strange anyways, the reason people play the first two games for thousands of hours are the looter-shooter mechanics, challenge runs and the endgame gear grind.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Vaughn is a creation of Telltale for Tales from the Borderlands, every way be acts and talks is copied from that game, blame them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      play borderlands 2 again and tell me its any different

  9. 4 weeks ago

    I'm not seeing how this was unexpected cosidering you played the first two. Even 1 was obnoxious and lays it on real thick with the awkward, self-aware, intentionally cringy "humor."

  10. 4 weeks ago

    You can just delete all voice and cutscene files and game will still work

  11. 4 weeks ago

    Remember at the start of Borderlands 2 Handsome Jack made a really cringy joke about 'Butt Stallion'? And you cringed a bit but then got back to shooting and looting and forgot about it? Borderlands 3 doesn't let you forget. It will make you sit through 10 minutes of that level of terrible joke in between each shooting encounter. For the entire game.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    its a video game dude who cares about the writing Black person

    • 4 weeks ago

      >who cares
      People who actually play video games. Maybe you should try it sometime

    • 4 weeks ago

      I care when I'm cringing. And so do you.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Its bad and in your face constantly.
      Voice lines mute the ingame audio, so even at 0 its ruining your game.
      A bad story is whatever, but the game keeps hitting you in the face with it

    • 4 weeks ago

      Anyone who is
      A. Playing the game
      And oh so crucially B. Not a subhuman homosexual like you
      If the story is bad, then why have one at all? Why not just have an excuse plot? It’s like deciding to kill a man out of the blue and then attempting to beat him to death with a whoopee cushion

    • 4 weeks ago

      Every character is an annoying moron that posts on reddit. It's obnoxious.

  13. 4 weeks ago

    Gameplaywise which is the best Borderlands right now 3? Or the spinoff Tiny Tina's wonderland?

    • 4 weeks ago

      3. guns feel like shit in 2.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yes, 3. The one saving grace of the game is that the developers have expounded on the formula from the previous games and made pretty much every facet of it better. Wonderlands is a glorified DLC however

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I've never played a game that was so insistently bad in its dialogue. They can't just let a joke land, it has to come with a trailer full of anti-humor to drive the point in. I played it with friends and we didn't even bother with the DLC. We just wanted to be done. I got the game free and I still feel robbed.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Does the game not offer a way to completely disable voice-lines (at least from NPC), dialogue, and subtitles? Last game I played with insanely intrusive and game-ruining features like this was Darktide and they simply don't let you disable the constant npc and between-character "banter" and non-stop chatter, it's incredibly bad in nearly every metric, barring audio engineering. I yearn for some atmospheric games but everytime I look at "atmospheric games", it's just walking simulator. But again I read books all of the time--no bullshit in your face and ears 24/7 like so many video games now such as borderlands.

    • 4 weeks ago

      You can, sadly it doesn’t prevent the metaphysical eyesore the story causes

  16. 4 weeks ago
  17. 4 weeks ago

    don't play shitty games please
    borderlands is known for being cringefest for bugmen

  18. 4 weeks ago

    OP here, thanks for those who showed you can remove dialogues. I know its a Borderlands game, But 1 and 2 it was just more tolerable. Its just much worse in 3, I think because for how long it goes for at a time. I've only just started and I can tell that many quest givers go through an utterly cringed paragraph to explain the objective.

    • 4 weeks ago

      M8, w8 til you get to the main story beats. They blow the dialogue out of the water in the worst possible way

  19. 4 weeks ago

    I got Borderlands 3 for free from EGS

    the returning characters ALL got ruined, like every single fricking one of them, I don't know how they managed to do it, but they made everyone unlikable

    the gameplay is the same as it's ever been for better and for worse

    the player characters are boring

    the game decides to completely shit the bed by taking you to another planet where the gimmick is that you are in a hyperion city and need to navigate it's streets, the problem is that this is NOT FUN AT ALL, the streets are cramped as frick, there is constant debris blocking roads forcing you to abandon whatever vehicle you have or requiring that you do a RIDICULOUSLY LONG diversion, and this is all in service to a game that is actively not funny with it's writing and has mediocre shooting

    the city made me completely give up, I got the game for free and still feel like I was ripped off, I can only guess how paid that people who paid for it must feel

  20. 4 weeks ago

    2 was the best. Even with its toilet humor, handsome jack was a much more memorable antagonist than whatever the twins/siblings names were in 3. 2 also felt like like it had more care put into it, whereas 3 just felt churned out.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Indeed, he was a competent threat who had a motivation beyond “I’m an butthole”. Unlike the Calypsos who have to rely on everyone suddenly getting lobotomised to stand a chance and having the same raison d’être as cardboard targets

  21. 4 weeks ago

    I just put it in another language.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Also he was actually entertaining and wasn’t the aural equivalent of being tortured to death by a cheese grater

    • 4 weeks ago

      *with a cheese grater

  23. 4 weeks ago

    >Buy Borderlands
    you already lost me there

  24. 4 weeks ago

    I’m pretty sure there’s a steam review that teaches you how to turn off every cringe NPC dialogue in the game do that instead of suffering the games bullshit. Yeah, it is the worst part about the game, I bought the DND themed side game too, thinking that the setting would make it better but nah they’re just that bad at writing

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Frick off moron

  26. 4 weeks ago

    i got this for free thanks to timmy

    i still havent bothered to play it because everyone tells me the dialogue is cringe and cant be skipped

  27. 4 weeks ago

    It's all genuine shit, but unfortunately some of the best gameplay variety in the series is hidden behind all that fricking shit. It was OK for a single playthrough with friends but then again, what isn't?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Like I said before, the Devs are fantastic, but the writers should be shot

  28. 4 weeks ago

    and whats crazy, is that somehow wonderlands did it even worse

  29. 4 weeks ago

    the buildability and the gunplay is so fricking good but the devs fricked up by making legendaries drop like fricking candy

    i have done NO sidequests
    I have NOT farmed once
    this is fricking ridiculous
    They no doubt boosted the frick out of legendary drops because of the annointment system but its still annoying as SHIT especially since annointments dont really drop until you beat the game anyways, but the legendaries still drop so much before you beat the game

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yeah, I hated how low the drops were in BL2 but BL3 overtuned it 100%

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I have NOT farmed once
      You forget there's level scaling. Of both enemies and their items. So what you have right now will be obsolete once you reach higher levels because it drops appropriate to your current one. I tried doing different locations on different playthrough and had much lower score level drops without doing side quests.
      Its oblivion tier in that regard, or fallout 4 if you will. With exception that enemies don't get much stronger like accidentally overly difficult draugr in skyrim, in that regard its less inbalanced.

      Is anthony burch still writing for them?

      >Is anthony burch still writing for them?
      Too busy crossing dimensions with his sister Ashley.

      • 4 weeks ago

        it definitely will be outscaled at some point, but some of the drops i have got have easilly lasted me 10+ levels. thats roughly a third of the main story. by that point i would have gotten more legendaries.

        This is such a strange borderlands game where you are actively shooting yourself in the foot, hell you are going out of your way in general, if you ever equip a rarity below purple and MAYBE blue

    • 4 weeks ago

      I made billions

    • 4 weeks ago

      >making legendaries drop like fricking candy
      This is fine though? Anything below legendary is vendor trash and if not its because got red text (unique)

      • 4 weeks ago

        its not
        borderlands 1 had the best mix of rarity and it didnt throw legendaries at you. bl2 did it a little too hard to the point where you use greens and blue for the majority of your playthroughs (uniques of course too)
        there is not a single goddamn reason to ever equip anything below purple in bl3. Even purple is reaching it because you get legendaries SO MUCH in 3. its an absolutely broken system. the game had a pretty okay difficulty at launch before the boosted the frick out of the drop rates, now the game is an utter joke because some of the best weapons are available within 10 MINUTES of starting the game. Tk's wave can last you and one shot any mob enemy until the mid 20's and you can get that pretty much as soon as the tutorial segment ends in bl3

        >inb4 buhuhuh you can get le epic dpuh in 2 as well
        i know, thats a major issue of 2 as well, but it is a substantially harder farm than anything in 3. And the farm is easy, its only comparatively harder because 3 just flings legendaries at you constantly

      • 4 weeks ago

        If everything below legendary is vendor trash then why have weapon drops to begin with?
        I just want a glock. I don't want it to have explosive green bullets. I don't want it to burst fire with electric bullets in a forced formation. I don't want it to change between burst fire and semi auto depending on whether your feet are on the ground or not (this one's real). I just want a pistol that I can aim at a head and get a clean, simple kill with.

        The amount of particles and stacking passives in BL3 is genuinely exhausting by about level 15. It just feels like you're playing Diablo from a first person perspective. I just wanted a comfy coop campaign shooter like the previous games.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >I just want a pistol that I can aim at a head and get a clean, simple kill with.
          Remember, if takes more than one bullet, you weren't using a Jakobs.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >finally get to that point where revolvers start spawning
            >even a white jakobs revolver was enough to oneshot most enemies with a headshot
            >the loud snap of the gun
            >the squilchy gibs that often stifled the enemy's death wails
            >the atmospheric bongos and distant guitar riffs
            >only other sounds were the character's candid, satisfied chuckles to themselves, not to anyone else
            god, take me back. the simplicity truly was all a man needed to be happy.
            thank you, jakobs.

            I appreciate that jakobs at least tried to maintain that simplicity in 3, but the atmosphere just isn't the same. You can't savour the shot anymore.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Started playing BL1 again recently, I'm looking forward to finding a decent Unforgiven. Only found one through my 60 hours of gameplay though I haven't done proper farming, just playing

              • 4 weeks ago

                Seriously, the first game isn't perfect by any means like the environments and quests. But the balance between the weapon drops and variety of weapons is the best in the series. Nothing too stupid or too useless as long as fits your style.

              • 4 weeks ago

                It's great. The mechanics are simply fun. I started with BL2 so 1 felt a bit sterile at first, but I've grown really fond of the gameplay and loot system. I feel the bleak environment actually fits the tone of the game

            • 4 weeks ago

              i had a jakob's masher (revolver that shot like a shotgun) and whenever i fought spiderants their corpses would team rocket launch into the air

    • 4 weeks ago

      BL3 is too easy in general. 2's original 3% drop rate was painful, 10% after the update was perfect, in 3 they overcompensated. In BL1 even though they were fairly common you'd still get excited by them, and the big variation between god/shit rolls made it fun

    • 4 weeks ago

      >"legendary" item that's useless once you've levelled 3 or 4 times
      i hate this shit. if you're going to mark it as legendary it shouldn't be getting replaced so often

      • 4 weeks ago

        in bl3, some of the legendaries are so overtuned that they can last you for half the campaign. i got the OPQ system in that screen shot and that lasted me from athenas to the end of eden 6 and it never dropped off, i just stopped using it because it was so fricking strong

        • 4 weeks ago

          I mean it *is* called the OverPowered Q System for a reason (best assault rifle variant in the game + Nemesis Shock /w AoE + retrained Ten Gallon)

          • 4 weeks ago

            im not saying it doesnt make sense, but legendaries like that being thrown to you so easilly and lasting so long is insane balance wise.
            and again bl2 had the same issue too with the dpuh, but with drop rates in 2 you really had to go out of your way to get it and the gun eventually gets out scaled.
            The OPQ lasted me until i chose not to use it, and how i got it is the cartel system that scales with you so you can constantly get on level OPQ systems

            • 4 weeks ago

              Yeah. Purposefully overpowered weapons should be kept to Infinity +1 swords

      • 4 weeks ago

        Disagreed. It's more fun to have to constantly rotate your guns. Maybe a bit longer like 5-7 levels would be optimal

  30. 4 weeks ago

    I am more concerned why did they switch Vaughn for this guy. They have exactly same character persona (loser male who gets his desperate situation redeemed with help of protagonist).

  31. 4 weeks ago

    This game is a fricking paradox.
    Gameplay is godlike, but anything else is simply fricking terrible.

  32. 4 weeks ago

    yeah it's impressively bad, i always tell people that whenever they talk about BL3.
    It's amazing because the gameplay itself is the best in the series but the writing is so gratingly obnoxiious it actively hampers your enjoyment. it's almost like they purposely left out the option to skip dialogue out of spite

  33. 4 weeks ago

    moze is so absolutely fricking fun
    using her with the blue skills (never did it before, its kinda moronic how strong it is) and purple because i like the little iron bear
    its cute

    No clue how to progress through mayhem mode shit. like Im still level 37 i think? I cant imagine going to mayhem 11 being a good idea for the entirety of my grind to max level.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >No clue how to progress through mayhem mode shit.
      It gets easier over time. Fortunately, Moze’s Iron Bear scales with Mayhem, so as long as you build around it Moze can shred Mayhem to bits

  34. 4 weeks ago

    i still cant believe the devs unironically believed that having a mayhem modifer at launch that allowed enemies being able to reflect damage back at you at some random% while you are doing billions of damage was ever a good idea. I genuinely hope they fired that moron

  35. 4 weeks ago

    >Talk to Lilith
    Atleast she's sexy
    Actually one of the least offensive characters in that game
    ...then there's Lorelei...

    • 4 weeks ago

      did you know that lorelei's model was originally how lilith was going to look for bl3?
      i guess they realized how moronic she looked and passed it off to some c**t who is as equally annoying as she (now he, good fricking lord) is ugly

      • 4 weeks ago

        Would've made quit
        Or atleast gone straight from main story into Gaige's dlc as a refuge

  36. 4 weeks ago

    played BL2 with a friend and by the end i was sick of every character's voice and problems to the point where i don't even remember how the story progressed, just that we found jack's big ol boss monster and then killed him

  37. 4 weeks ago

    myrmidon of loss and zanzibart are peak memes from these gays. that should be indication enough the quality of writing you're going to get from them.

  38. 4 weeks ago

    There is only 1 (one) actually well written modern video game and its called Disco Elysium. Rest is garbage. Go retro for more.

  39. 4 weeks ago
  40. 4 weeks ago

    Just turn down voice volume. I play all Borderlands games this way. Gameplay is fine.

  41. 4 weeks ago

    > the game

  42. 4 weeks ago

    >Tales it the only game in the series to have good writing
    >BL3 takes those characters and ruins them with its shitty writing
    I will never not be mad

  43. 4 weeks ago

    Borderlands TPS was the only game I had to shut down and quit playing because of how annoying it was. Started 3, same shit.
    And I consider myself having high tolerance with this kind of shit, I can usually ignore videogame "story" and focus in the gameplay, not with this, it was too much.
    Tiny Tina was tolerable.

  44. 4 weeks ago

    >In Borderlands 2, a likeable character from the previous game gets killed because some b***h didn’t listen not to come to a fight.
    >In Borderlands 3, a likeable character from the previous game gets killed because some b***h didn’t listen not to come to a fight.
    It’s all so tiresome. And the Jubilee little shit has the GALL to blame someone else, who happens to be the first b***h. Ice-T ought to navigate her ass into the fricking airlock. Him and Typhon are the only characters worth listening to.

  45. 4 weeks ago

    I hate BL3. The combat is good but everything else sucks. The playable characters are dry and I can remember few things while I remember much more of BL2, BL1, and BL1.5 vault hunters. The guns sucked in 3, they were to gimmicky and everything sucked. The enemies sucked too, they replaced the bandits with east coasts hipsters, and the farmable bosses are nonexistent. The side quests felt off, and had no feel of a real world. Now the story is were it really goes down hill. BL2 was the best story, even though it was short and typical while 3 copied a lot from 2 but somehow made it worse.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    Literally troony game.

  47. 4 weeks ago

    That's exactly how I felt about 2.
    Never played 3 after.

  48. 4 weeks ago

    There have only been 2 games I've played in my entire life where I had to completely mute voices and they were borderlands 3 and turbo overkill. You really have to try to be this annoying.

  49. 4 weeks ago

    I never managed to finish Borderlands 2 because of the writting. It like the worst of MCU writting cranked up to eleven.
    Never even bothered with the third game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Try the first game instead

      • 4 weeks ago

        The problem with borderlands is the guns start out feeling like shit and they get just as good as the writing gets bad

  50. 4 weeks ago
  51. 4 weeks ago
  52. 4 weeks ago
  53. 4 weeks ago
  54. 4 weeks ago
  55. 4 weeks ago
  56. 4 weeks ago
  57. 4 weeks ago

    It's ironic that the game itself is alright but nearly all of the story and character chatter is aggressively bad. Gearbox should've learned from the first Borderlands and let the region atmosphere do the talking. B3 story was so fricking bad if you really want to play it definitely just pirate the shit and play it LAN with friends.

  58. 4 weeks ago

    Yeah it was pretty disappointing in that regard. The gameplay improved quite a bit, but the story and dialogue just took all the bad parts of the previous two games and dialed it up to 11.

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