Borderlands franchise

The original, 2, TPS, 3 and Wonderlands.

For me, this is the franchise I had the most fun throughout my life playing coop, the gameplay loop is extremely fun and overall the games are pretty content rich. Usually the "co-op makes it better" is used as a cop out, but drowning the sometimes grading dialogue really does wonders for it.

What are your thoughts overall? Do you have fond memories of playing these games? Ever joined random pubs in any of them? Share your experiences and maybe even organize some playthroughs together here.

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  1. 6 months ago

    couldn't stand wonderlands, the annoying top down shit reminded me of baldurs gate and i fricking hate baldurs gate

  2. 6 months ago

    1 and 2 are good, never played the others. borderlands 2 might be the best shooter rpg ever made, really wish someone continued the general concept with a heavier rpg-lean, like full on character creation, dialogue options, etc.

    • 6 months ago

      i mean that's fallout kinda

      but yea i know what you mean , bl2 but with more side quest content

      • 6 months ago

        >i mean that's fallout kinda
        actually you're right, i do enjoy fallout 4 with realistic weapon damage mods, ig the game altogether wasn't too impressive for me to register it as what i was describing lol

  3. 6 months ago

    They're pretty alright, although BL3 and Wonderlands are way too easy. It's a shame, because introducing the whole client-side scaling thing was a great idea, but I wonder if they undertuned enemy difficulty because of it.

  4. 6 months ago

    borderlands 3 killed borderlands. Worse actually, it killed gearbox. Not an instant death, but a very slow and drawn out death over the next 5-6 years.

    • 6 months ago

      The problem with gearbox is almost all the original devs have retired or moved on now, and were replaced with women and zoomers.

      Same applies to most video game companies actually.

  5. 6 months ago

    Played so many hours of 2 on the PS3 with my cousins, some of the most fun I had ever. Tales of the Borderlands is also one of the best story driven games ever. Preordered 3 when it came out, and I was a bit disappointed, also it ran like shit on my old computer so it killed the hype for me. Borderlands 2 is still one of the staples of my childhood!

  6. 6 months ago

    just started playing through with some friends.

    Wouldn't mind a few more to fill in the gaps when people can't make it due to obligations/timezones.

    • 6 months ago

      Meant to say im playing through borderlands 2/dlc with other 4chads.

    • 6 months ago

      Meant to say im playing through borderlands 2/dlc with other 4chads.

      how far are you into the story? also, normal mode?

      • 6 months ago

        I'm at lvl 15 or so but I am willing to catch anyone up. normal mode yeah maybe after hardmode.

        • 6 months ago

          are you na or eu? because if you're na we won't be able to link up lol

  7. 6 months ago

    Borderlands 1/2 are classics. kinda cringe but whatever. builds get absurd even more than a lot of more typical loot games like diablo, the items are simple but effective. no need for 50 modifiers but theres very clearly a difference between 2 shields in bl2. bl1 is pretty easily repayable while the 2nd has an extensive amount of endgame content.
    some designs are just really cool like i adore every design of the vault hunters besides maybe brick in 1. he always looked off. even bl3 has some really nicely made characters and art like fl4k and the gunner. even some of the actual character personalities in quotes is nicely done, it was usually the npcs that made you want to die. there was some genuinely nice world building done in the first two games that i remember Ganker discussions about story shit pre3 when it shat on all of that like the sirens and its easily the best future business tyranny shit in gaming. outerworlds doesn't come close.
    felt incredibly fresh compared to everyother 7th gen game.
    love them even if i can't really get into them like i did at point in my life, the only thing i still do bl related is replay the zombie island dlc every Halloween, it's a ritual of sorts.

    I prefer bl1/2 to diablo 2. it's just more fun

  8. 6 months ago

    I played the soldier class in 1 2 and 3 and I cannot fricking believe how much better to play Axton was than Moze. Been ages since I played but didn't Axton basically let you turn his turret into a nuke and you could teleport it

    • 6 months ago

      yeah moze has a lot more goofy ass skills when combined it turns insane but axton just has a bunch of really solid skills that just work tm.

  9. 6 months ago

    Can't say much for the others because I mostly only played 2, but I had a mostly enjoyable time with it. Only issues were the insanely long grind which sucks for people that have already had the normal experience and just want to test builds, and how build creativity is stifled pretty hard once you get into the endgame stuff. Saw a lot of copypaste builds from other players, and all my attempts to make something unique were met with a respawn. Other than that, pretty goated game, easily the best in the series and one of the best games of all time.
    Writing is dogshit though.

  10. 6 months ago

    I just wish the uncapped players mod still worked for BL2. I don't care if it's unbalanced as shit to have 32 players running around, it's fun. Plus I always end up having 5-6 people that want to play.

  11. 6 months ago

    I wish this series was more gear focused, and I don't mean add a Black personillion more guns into random gun generator but by adding more gear options and enhancements which will allow you to turn your character into an uber-monstrocity with enough time and grinding
    >Manufacturers make more than 3-4 gun types
    >Said manufacturers now have their own unique gun type
    >Melee weapons and armor pieces
    >Eridian artifacts act now like Diablo 2's runes instead of being an equipable item
    >"Brand loyalty" and item sets for more synergies

    • 6 months ago

      I disagree. Some of that's already in the games (Manufacturers with unique gun types, melee weapons) and some could stand to be expanded to what you're talking about (Anointments changed into Diablo 2 runes), but then wanting armor pieces when class mods already exist to basically do the same thing in one package would just bog down the loot pool for little extra benefit to creating your loadout. I'd say the legendary rings and amulets in Wonderlands already do enough to add a bit of extra buildcrafting. They did enough in tiny amounts to encourage you to play different ways, which is way more interesting than just more numbers autism.

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