>bought it because it was on sale. >tfw it's actually good but runs like shit on my machine

>bought it because it was on sale
>tfw it's actually good but runs like shit on my machine
Is all the hate just because poorgays can't play it?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 5 months ago

    wait until you get past the ten hour mark and then come back

    • 5 months ago

      >After 200 hours you'll notice the writing is 9.5/10 instead of 10/10, and you'll start repeating POI's.

      • 5 months ago

        it's more like, after 10 hours you'll notice the game went from 10/10 to -10/10. Cope and SNEED homosexual b***h LOL

      • 5 months ago

        ok you're a shill, frick you

    • 5 months ago

      after 10h is when it gets good

  2. 5 months ago

    It's a fine game. It's got some weaker elements than past Bethesda games, but also some stronger elements as well. Some small woke stuff too, but that's the world we live in now. It has flaws for sure. It's my game of the year and I think it's leagues about Fallout 4. Incidentally, Fallout 76 also wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. The thing is, after Witcher 3 came out, it became very popular to hate on Skyrim and Bethesda. It's just the generation we're in. People have always shat on Bethesda for being buggy and lazy. People have always liked Bethesda games too. The current discourse is 90% people who don't belong to either of those camps.

    • 5 months ago

      >my game of the year
      Stopped reading there. Play some more games and you'll see how shit it is. Try Zelda, baldurs gate, Alan wake, lies of p, armored core, frick there are loads of better games that came out this year. It was a good year for gaming and starfield isn't even in the top 20

      • 5 months ago

        >lies of p, armored core
        These are the only good games you said
        Although even the bad ones you said are better than fricking starfield

      • 5 months ago

        >baldur's gate, Alan Wake
        bg is a turn-based game, why would I play that when I like fps rpg? And alan wake is a boring walking sim pretending not to be

        • 5 months ago

          Sounds like you just want to grind in first person then

        • 5 months ago

          >fps rpg
          Play system shock remake then

          • 5 months ago

            Played it. It was nice but man I really wish they hadn't put that silly crafting mechanic in. I can't resist but break down everything even though I know I'll never use those damn resources.
            Didn't finish it though, it hadn't been long since I played System Shock 1 so it felt like a repeat but I'll get back to it eventually

    • 5 months ago

      chillest dude on Ganker

  3. 5 months ago


    Oh cool the schitzo is still here

    I played it with a 3080 and a top tier nvme. The hate comes from the fact that it's 90% mapping out fast travel on a menu and then 40,000 3 second loading screens and cutscenes of your ship docking. If starfield took place on just 3 planets it could have been good

    • 5 months ago

      Eh the combats fun

      • 5 months ago

        No its not. The Ai is braindead and your only enemy variety is people with guns and aliens that charge you in a straight line

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah it is. AI is a little glitchy, but it's great when it works. Bring on the DLC!

        • 5 months ago

          Not really some of the aliens do hit and run tactics and there are some that do stuff like lunging attacks or shoot projectiles. The humans like to spam grenades if they have them

      • 5 months ago

        you're not a real person

    • 5 months ago

      >If starfield took place on just 3 planets it could have been good
      Why would you call it starfield then

  4. 5 months ago

    Yeah the vast majority of Ganker uses cards weaker than the 1060

    • 5 months ago

      Kek found em

      It runs like shit on everybody machine, frick off

      stop excusing bad optimization for a game that looks worse than what was around 10 years ago

        • 5 months ago

          Forgive me sir, I hadn’t realized you were the king of the paupers

  5. 5 months ago

    if you think that this game is good, you're everything that's wrong with modern gaming

    • 5 months ago

      The reason for all the hate is the same as ever, be it here, on steam, youtube or reddit: The game is popular so you get npcs following a contrarian trend to feel special. Especially now that several e-celebs made video essays about how disappointing the game was.
      It's not cool enough anymore to shit on Cyberpunk 2077 so they needed something newer as a target.

      But yeah, it generally runs like shit and/or it overheats your CPU.

      >if you think that this game is good, you're everything that's wrong with modern gaming
      That's the exact opposite of truth. Most Starfield haters are shitting on it because of the loading screens, segmented maps and NPCs animations. Those are the kind of people that would rather play Ubisoft-style open world games.

      • 5 months ago

        >The game's low score is because it's popular
        Holy cope, if that was the case then re4r, fsr, bg3, pizza tower, Jedi fallen order and Hogwarts legacy, lies of p, and armored core 6 would have low scores as well. The only BIG releases this year that I remember getting shat on are this, D4 and MW3

    • 5 months ago

      When you're right, you're right.

  6. 5 months ago

    >Is all the hate just because poorgays can't play it?
    Well, richgays can't run it either, that's the issue.

  7. 5 months ago

    terrible bait

  8. 5 months ago

    No, the hate is from 2 decades worth of angry morons who each had some problem with some thing Bethesda took away.
    Morrogays angry that Oblivion wasn't the same wikipedia dialogue and that it removed levitation.
    Oblivitards angry that Skyrim removed attributes and spellcrafting.
    Obsididrones upset that Fallout 3 was actually good and not a boring turd-based game like the first 2.
    Fallout 3 babies upset that New Vegas gets boosted by degenerates despite being only slightly better than 3.
    Everybody slightly upset and amazed that Fallout 4 was even more casualized that previously thought possible.
    Everybody sad that the thing we've wanted for a long time, a multiplayer Elder Scrolls/ Fallout experience turned out to be shit both as an MMO and as whatever the frick Fallout 76 was.
    And ofc there's also the fact that it is woke as shit and it's annoying as hell to try to ignore it in the bigger cities.

    The game itself is a bit worse than Skyrim and that's about it. Still perhaps the only game one would ever call "must-play" for this year.

    • 5 months ago

      >your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to tell some colonist on an empty barren wasteland """planet""" that his buddies a mile east would like to have a word with him
      >you have to go to him on foot because in-atmosphere vehicles are lost technology
      >along with radio waves or any other communication tech
      Shitfield might just be the dumbest game ever made. no idea how you're hallucinating it as a "must play" when you simultaneously admit it's like a worse version of Skyrim.

      • 5 months ago

        >it's like a worse version of Skyrim
        yes but Skyrim is one of the best games of all times so being worse than it is not that bad.
        I say it's a must-play because it's one of the few games that tried to be something more than just over-the-shoulder cinematic human drama crap. You actually play the game, there's actual mechanics with decent feedback and stuff to do. And despite your cherry picked example there are plenty of decent humans to listen to, like the guy on Titan (pic related) who tells you the history of the first man made colony. If you don't decide to hate the game you can then focus on the good parts and have a decent experience. Just ignore the obnoxious missions. You'd know this if you'd ever played a Bethesda game before. You're not supposed to do the main quest until you're kinda bored with the game.

        • 5 months ago

          >If you ignore everything bad with this game it's actually a must play
          >Oh, but you need to play it in a certain way because this autistic company somehow expects you to not have any quality standards because they made a decent game more than a decade ago
          What's the name of this mental condition?

          • 5 months ago

            >What's the name of this mental condition?
            childlike wonderlust
            guess you've lost it and I'm afraid it's permanent

            • 5 months ago

              >childlike wonderlust
              The word is "wanderlust", as in the desire to wander and explore. You're mixing it up with the term "childlike wonder". These are different concepts, and Starfiled satisfies neither of them. Its exploration elements are pathetic, literally just clicking through menus to land on a random spot on another drab, boring landscape where the only difference planet to planet is the color scheme and how long you can jump. If you're lucky you'll find one of like 10 preset buildings to walk through. Or encounter some generic creature that looks like it was pulled straight from a Spore random generator. Gets boring very, very quickly.

              And as for "childlike wonder", it's the most boring, generic sci-fi world I personally have ever seen. No sentient aliens or cool technology, no interesting cultures or religions to explore or join, just generic looking towns with different surface level themes and vague hints to some wider world that doesn't actually exist. There's nothing to "wonder" at, nothing interesting or exciting, no sense of unique style or voice. It sucks, basically.

              • 5 months ago

                funny I always tought of it as wonderlust as in you lust for wonders, you wish to be amazed not merely to wander.
                But there's plenty to wonder at in Starfield. It's just more visual/mechanical and less drama/dialogue

              • 5 months ago

                >But there's plenty to wonder at in Starfield. It's just more visual/mechanical and less drama/dialogue
                I just don't agree, the visuals are nothing special. Most internal areas look like slightly upgraded Fallout 4 buildings, the settlements are just "Town but with a cyberpunk/cowboy/sci-fi theme" and the planet surfaces are just flat, drab deserts with different sky boxes. There's nothing actually cool to see on any of the planets, nothing that I could find anyway. Just empty areas with some resources or animals, and maybe a pre-set building with some generic space pirates in it. Lots of walking and boosting around but nothing worth experiencing.

              • 5 months ago

                well mechanically the stealth and shooting was fun. You can modify shotguns to have silencers and slugshots which basically makes them into snipers, except actually good. And with the stealth crits it's like you're back in Skyrim.
                Visually, again you're not supposed to expect every planet to be interesting. It's a weird requirement as seen by many who disagree even in this thread. But there definitely are fun things to witness if you can find the balance between the desire to explore and the knowledge that most things are PRNG generated crap.

              • 5 months ago

                >well mechanically the stealth and shooting was fun
                I've never been a stealth guy, but I've heard multiple reviewers say the stealth doesn't work or is underused. The shooting feels, I guess just normal to me, not interesting or better than most other shooters. I thought the Starborn powers were going to mix things up but they were basically Skyrim shouts with a few new ones mixed in. Zero gravity fights were interesting at least, but there aren't a lot of them and mechanically they're nothing special, made me wish I was playing Hardspace Shipbreaker instead.
                >Visually, again you're not supposed to expect every planet to be interesting. It's a weird requirement as seen by many who disagree even in this thread.
                I wasn't expecting much but it was marketed this way, they used "exploration" as a selling point and the idea that there were so many unique planets to land on was supposed to be exciting. No-one asked them to make so many explorable areas, they chose to do it and then didn't make 99% of them interesting or fun in any way. It'd be like if the Skyrim map was 10x the size, but with the samer amount of towns and dungeons. If the extra stuff is just empty space, why bother putting it in the game? Why provide more space for players to walk around when there's nothing to actually do or experience in that space? Again they chose to do this, "you can't expect them to make 400 interesting planets!" isn't a defence when they're the ones that decided to put 400 planets in the game in the first place.

            • 5 months ago

              >childlike wonderlust
              Go play Outer Wilds then.
              Also it's wanderlust.

        • 5 months ago

          >Skyrim is one of the best games of all times
          Skyrim is dogshit. Its only impressive feat was being kind of large, for 2011. It's ugly, the combat is lazy and boring, the writing is fricking insipid. Nothing about Skyrim is good but the sound track, and there's not nearly enough of it.

        • 5 months ago

          nta but i think what it's really missing from skyrim is that feeling of "going off the beaten path." you can walk somewhere in skyrim and get distracted by 10 different things, but i never found that was in the case in starfield because i mainly walked to whatever my quest destination was. the random PoIs aren't worth checking out because they're all literally the same, and yes I mean literally in the literal sense. you'll see the same cryo lab, the same robot outpost, the same science lab, etc. skyrim's dungeons might be a little samey since they all use a common tileset (though not as bad as oblivion), they at least were unique and sometimes had a quest or interesting lore attached. there's a sense that there's always something interesting to find in skyrim, i'm sure there are dungeons i never went in even 10 years later, but you find everything interesting in starfield in the first 10 hours.

          • 5 months ago

            >the random PoIs aren't worth checking out because they're all literally the same
            but that's the thing. It's different than Skyrim.
            Yes in Skyrim you would occasionally find cool things in caves/dungeones etc and it made it worth it.
            In Starfield you don't. So just ignore them. It's literally a massive universe with hundreds of planets why would you expect to find interesting things on lifeless planets? If you want you can do the scanner thing but that's about it. If you want custome stuff go to the custom locations in each system. The named places where there are actual NPCs with some quests.
            It's just what you have to accept if you want to have fun in this game. This is really my point.

            • 5 months ago

              i guess we wanted different things. i like setting off in random directions in beth games and seeing what i find, but in starfield you're not going to find anything worth seeing unless you stick to the handrails

            • 5 months ago

              >you just have to accept that it's garbage in order to enjoy your time
              anon, you're not even trying anymore, much like Todd and Emil I suppose.

            • 5 months ago

              >just ignore that exploration is boring as shit
              >in an exploration game

              • 5 months ago

                >you just have to accept that it's garbage in order to enjoy your time
                anon, you're not even trying anymore, much like Todd and Emil I suppose.

                >be explorer
                >want to explore the deep oceans
                >go deep
                >it's just sand
                sometimes you have to adjust to the unchanging reality
                I mean, is there another FPS RPG like Starfield that came out this year? I'm playing Blood West, it's ok but it's just an indy game.

              • 5 months ago

                >When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored.
                you're paraphrasing bethesda damage control

              • 5 months ago

                man, if only this were a video game instead of real life and all powerful "developers" could simply CREATE fun things to do in their VIDEO GAME that their customers purchased for ENTERTAINMENT.
                But I understand Bathesda is no longer in the business of creating good video games, much less entertaining media.

              • 5 months ago

                So you expect all 400 something planets in the universe to somehow have hundreds of interesting things on them no matter what direction you go? How exactly would you achieve this?

              • 5 months ago

                yes, and it's not my fricking problem coz I wasn't the one that decided my game needed to ship with 400+ land-able planets and then told customers that they would find unique and cool things to do on all of them during the marketing cycle only to then pretend like it's impossible to add fun things to a VIDEO GAME because most planets are barren in real life.
                Here's a thought, spend 10 years making a video game fun shit to do in it instead of 10 years with 1000 empty shitholes.

              • 5 months ago

                the real question is why have 400 planets with nothing on them? how much development effort was wasted on something most people are complaining about? starfield would've been 1000x better if it was restricted to a few handcrafted systems

              • 5 months ago

                Once you get the proc gen to work it’s just a matter of generating them and sending them off to QA. That’s why they could make so many

              • 5 months ago

                maybe they should have sent it to the fun checker department as well as QA to make sure it's worth a shit to actually play it.

              • 5 months ago

                >Everything needs to be tightly molded into someone’s idea of “fun”
                >In an open world sandbox

              • 5 months ago

                Most "open world sandboxes" add things to make them fun or interesting to explore, that phrase isn't an excuse for the game being boring. Most people find it boring and not fun because it's a poorly designed open world sandbox.

              • 5 months ago

                a cubic meter of sand in an olympic pool is not a sandbox

              • 5 months ago

                >would've been 1000x better if it was restricted to a few handcrafted systems
                maybe, maybe not. Outer Worlds was utter garbage despite being just 1 system.

        • 5 months ago

          >You actually play the game, there's actual mechanics
          This is how low the bethesdrone’s standards are.

          • 5 months ago

            It's sad but it's true
            Look at how many games nowadays borderline play themselves. I don't know why they even call them games, just call them netflix interactibles or someshit, all you do is go through prescribed motions

    • 5 months ago

      fallout 4 was the point of no return for them. they wanted the casual audience and i think they really succeeded with skyrim to provide new and casual gamers with their first "RPG" (i use this term lightly) while also allowing an easy to work with and lore dense base for more invested players to bring more meaningful systems to the game. skyrim was a fine game that is deeply flawed but also extremely charming.

      • 5 months ago

        The previous fallouts were some of the easiest games to play because they leaned on the RPG side of the game though. Saying they were less casual is like saying saying JRPGs are hardcore because there are numbers involved.

    • 5 months ago

      >Graphics on par with Far Cry
      >51 FPS

    • 5 months ago

      >it's like a worse version of Skyrim
      yes but Skyrim is one of the best games of all times so being worse than it is not that bad.
      I say it's a must-play because it's one of the few games that tried to be something more than just over-the-shoulder cinematic human drama crap. You actually play the game, there's actual mechanics with decent feedback and stuff to do. And despite your cherry picked example there are plenty of decent humans to listen to, like the guy on Titan (pic related) who tells you the history of the first man made colony. If you don't decide to hate the game you can then focus on the good parts and have a decent experience. Just ignore the obnoxious missions. You'd know this if you'd ever played a Bethesda game before. You're not supposed to do the main quest until you're kinda bored with the game.

      >What's the name of this mental condition?
      childlike wonderlust
      guess you've lost it and I'm afraid it's permanent

      funny I always tought of it as wonderlust as in you lust for wonders, you wish to be amazed not merely to wander.
      But there's plenty to wonder at in Starfield. It's just more visual/mechanical and less drama/dialogue

      well mechanically the stealth and shooting was fun. You can modify shotguns to have silencers and slugshots which basically makes them into snipers, except actually good. And with the stealth crits it's like you're back in Skyrim.
      Visually, again you're not supposed to expect every planet to be interesting. It's a weird requirement as seen by many who disagree even in this thread. But there definitely are fun things to witness if you can find the balance between the desire to explore and the knowledge that most things are PRNG generated crap.

      jfc this guy is huffing so much copium it's not even funny anymore

    • 5 months ago

      wow yeah it's really cool. that's all you guys show is just moving pictures like you see in chinese restaurants. The gameplay is dog shit and you are a homosexual.

  9. 5 months ago


    >trannies dislike game therefore game good
    the cope people will do to play bethesda slop

  10. 5 months ago
  11. 5 months ago


    it's boring once the initial sheen wears off

    • 5 months ago

      the inconvenient truth is that two thirds of people have a PC thats way too powerful for what they really need and they could have saved $1000 on it without even noticing a difference.

  12. 5 months ago

    Console reviews on the Microsoft store are pretty low as well
    >First 5 stars review I found was some self admitted poorgay amazed that he could even play the game on his Xbox one (apparently unaware of game streaming)
    He hadn't even gotten past character creation, he was just happy he could steam the game. Average score is currently at 3.5 out of 5

  13. 5 months ago

    I could run it easy, but 10$ is far too much for that crap. I've watched plenty about it.

  14. 5 months ago

    It looks arguably the same as Fallout 4, but runs 5x worse on my i5-11600k and 3060Ti.

  15. 5 months ago

    >it's actually good

  16. 5 months ago

    stop excusing bad optimization for a game that looks worse than what was around 10 years ago

  17. 5 months ago

    It runs like shit on everybody machine, frick off

  18. 5 months ago


    I knew Jim Sterling was moronic, but I hoped at least someone whose been around as long as he has would have the wisdom to know that video games, especially RPGs, haven't improved at all in the past two decades, and therefore, calling an RPG "outdated" is a compliment.

  19. 5 months ago

    >Is all the hate just because poorgays can't play it?
    My machine runs Cyberpunk 2077 (the big dick benchmark game of the last 3 years) at an average 90+ FPS @ 1440p with maxed out settings and psycho raytracing.
    I refunded Starfield as soon as it dipped below 60 FPS in New Atlantis, which is an ugly location that is visually on par with the Imperial City in Oblivion.

    I know Ganker is 90% contrarians and trolls but sometimes the internet's collective opinion on something is perfectly accurate. I mean frick just go read the positive Steam reviews - even those sound negative.

    • 5 months ago

      >just go read the positive Steam reviews
      see look, less than 5 minutes of searching for shit and this is what they look like. half the positive reviews are pure cope. what's there to like?

      • 5 months ago

        >even the positive reviews say It's shit
        God damn dude

  20. 5 months ago


    He gave Fallout 4 a good review when it's objectively a worse game than Starfield.

    • 5 months ago

      >objectively a worse game than Starfield
      fallout 4 has open world exploration, the one thing bethesda is known for
      starfield doesn't, starfield is objectively the worse game

    • 5 months ago

      that's a weak-ass bait my homie

  21. 5 months ago

    Why would you buy it it's on gamepass moron

  22. 5 months ago

    My pc is mid-range and runs it liek a charm so I dunno how people are having issues running this game.

  23. 5 months ago

    >Is all the hate just because poorgays can't play it?
    Always was. Rangeban Europe/SA/AUS and Starfield would be universally praised on Ganker

  24. 5 months ago

    >build ships like legos
    >vehicles impossible technology
    >countless other issues no need to regurgitate
    wow loading screens works on my machine, sounds like a skill issue on your end Bethesbuddies heeheeeee

    • 5 months ago

      If this game had just been fine tuned space combat in customizable ships it might have been good.

      • 5 months ago

        Space combat is pretty good if you invest points into it.

  25. 5 months ago

    play it for more 20 hours and come back after the gaming nap

  26. 5 months ago

    its mostly that and exploration gays crying. story and writting is quite enjoyable. there's also the sim morons who go in there expecting lethal levels of autism mechanics. as you can see, screeching from all directions. there was no way bethesda was gonna please everyone.

    • 5 months ago

      >story and writting is quite enjoyable
      Haven't really seen anyone else claiming this, can you provide any examples of good writing or storytelling from the game? You can quote something or summarize a questline maybe, just anything from Starfield you would consider good writing.

      • 5 months ago

        not him, but I like Sam and Sarah's character missions, as well as the Neon artifact mission. The mystery in the first act leading up to the Hunter was interesting too, even if they went for the most boring path with multiverse shit.

  27. 5 months ago

    Poorgays AND snoygays
    >inb4 they are the same

  28. 5 months ago

    It is bombed by sonygays and well received by 10+ million gamers.

  29. 5 months ago

    I can't believe these seething threads are still going. Multiple times per day after 4 months lmao

  30. 5 months ago

    it ran great on my computer, its still mid

  31. 5 months ago

    The hate comes from Snoys and brainless zoomers who follow what people like Asmongold say

  32. 5 months ago

    Played for a few hours, it was too boring. There's nothing to do and the characters aren't compelling or interesting. Who at Bethesda thought it was a good idea to make Fallout 4 but without the charm of the Fallout universe? Even the writing is ass, the moment the Black person gave you his antique ship for literally no reason 10 minutes into the game I just couldn't fathom how bethesdaey it was, its like no one there grasps the concept of earning shit
    you travel to developed locations and they all look the same, no substance and terrible combat

    • 5 months ago

      >without the charm of the Fallout universe
      The frick? What exactly is charming about Preston Garvey, HATE NEWSPAPERS, the terrible Institute, the stupid railroad, I could go on and on. With the exception of a few nice bits like Curie or Liberty Prime, all the charm in Fallout comes from games not made by Bethesda.

      • 5 months ago

        Pretending to be moronic are we? If you even for a moment think that Fallout's or Elder Scroll's settings are on par with shartfield's bland le nasa punk wanna be interstellar trash then you're out of your Black person mind

        • 5 months ago

          average fallout 4 enjoyer

          • 5 months ago

            NTA but read his posts more closely, he said "Fallout", not "Fallout 4". The world and lore of the Fallout universe is what he's comparing Starfield to. It's not Starfield the game vs Fallout 4 or Skyrim, it's the world of Starfield vs the worlds of Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Starfield can't even begin to compare to those worlds, it's just a flat, generic space world, nothing interesting or unique about it.

      • 5 months ago

        Crimson Fleet questline alone got me basedjaking the whole way through. the other factions questlines were pretty solid too, Ruyjin in particular. Also that one mission on earth... where you find out what happened... that was some good stuff right there.

        • 5 months ago

          Ryujin annoyed me with its radiant bullshit at first but in the end it was a pretty good questline. Compare that to whatever Skyrim's "thieves guild" questline was. I'm glad Starfield at least tried to have variety in its quests rather than everything being a dungeon crawl it could've used more dungeons tho

    • 5 months ago

      There's nothing charming about fallout if you aren't into post apocalyptic settings

      • 5 months ago

        Fallout has a distinct fictional world aside from being a post-apocalypse
        >A sci-fi world where the history of technology diverged from real life, with a heavy reliance on nuclear power. They built robots, laser weapons and other advanced technologies, but with the cultural style of the 40's and 50's in terms of fashion, marketing and music. Their version of coca-cola released a version with nuclear isotopes in it that made it glow in the dark!
        >A company capitalized on cold-war era nuclear terror and built a series of huge underground vaults that people could pay to enter their families into. But what the public didn't know was that many of these vaults were secretly elaborate experiments, most of them completely immoral. A population of normal american citizens were subjected to crazy conditions by a company that seems wholesome but is actually deranged.

        Both of these are interesting points that are explored pretty well across multiple games, the fact that the setting is post nuclear war is only one detail, the style and lore of the world is interesting on its own. And then factor in other interesting details that other post-apocalypse settings don't have e.g. there are now new sentient races as a result of nuclear contamination; ghouls that are basically zombies but sentient and immortal (in terms of age) and super mutants that were created to be a new race that could survive the reality of a post nuclear war earth, but have degraded to be unintelligent and hyper aggressive. There are also multiple types of robots, old fashioned 50's style domestic robots, military robots, and androids with human appearances and personalities.

        Even if you're not usually into post-apocalypse media, there's a lot to explore and be entertained by. What's charming about Starfield if you're not into space settings? What does it have to offer that's at all interesting or unique?

      • 5 months ago

        Sure there is. Well depends on whether you look at Bethesda Fallout or not. Bethesda's titles still have charm and are unique but are basically just surface level "Americana mixed with some science fiction and apocalyptic". The classic games/New Vegas combine elements of westerns, traditional sci fi, retrofuturism, biblical retellings, traditional post apocalypse, enlightenment, etc.

  33. 5 months ago

    I don't get the whole "bad performance" thing, my PC is an 8 year old toaster and it ran fine, only problem I had was CPU spikes that freezed my game so I had to use a limiter, but sometimes that failed too and it crashed my game, otherwise it was pretty smooth

  34. 5 months ago

    >have to run for 20+ minutes to scan ocean animals
    missing obvious things like city map, item icons, merchants increasing credits stock as you level up
    >the same 3 cave systems and 5 outposts everywhere

  35. 5 months ago

    I think it's a combination of Bethesda's tainted reputation and the youtube meta. Bethesda didn't change but the world did. It's a pretty good Bethesda game as far as Bethesda games go, but all Bethesda games are kind of shit.

  36. 5 months ago

    no, the hate is cos is just skyrim 0.6 in space

  37. 5 months ago

    The game has a grand total of 20 unique dungeons. These are constantly repeated during exploration and are also used in MAIN STORY QUESTS.

    Skyrim had 10 times this amount and took half the time to develop with barely 100 people. The game is a salvaged mess that they barely got functional in the last 3 years which is also why it has no clear identity at all and was so quickly forgotten.

  38. 5 months ago

    Nope it ran smoothly for me and mostly bug free. It's just boring.

  39. 5 months ago

    Name me one (1) good music piece from Starfield that stuck with you, that elevated the game, the atmosphere, the comfiness, it makes the game magical. Just by thinking of it, you just want to boot the game up just to listen to it again.

    Skyrim would be nothing without such an epic soundtrack

    Oblivion music was so comfy, it just soothes your heart

    Fallout 3 theme, fricking masterpiece

    Well? What does Starfield has to offer?

    • 5 months ago

      It's Souleless, as TES6 will be.

      • 5 months ago

        Jeremy Soule singlehandedly raised Skyrim and Oblivion 2-3 points. It's amazing how good his music is considering a captivating and emotionally resonant OST is usually tied to a compelling narrative. He defined a huge part of TES through his sound. The reality of this will not be evident until you see TES6 with Inon Zur at the helm.

        and for that reason alone i have no hope for TES6. there's no one around to make a good soundtrack for it.

    • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        filler background ambient music, uninspiring, safe and boring, I feel like I've listened to this before on some random tv show.
        I've listened to it a few times and already forgot how it goes.. Absolute definition of forgettable.

        Anything other with a bit more soul and effort?

        • 5 months ago

          You talking about Skyrim's soundtrack or Starfields?

          • 5 months ago

            Skyrim soundtrack is iconic and soulful

            • 5 months ago

              >game I hate is soulless and boring
              >game I like is soulful and iconic
              good discussion lads. let's get ready for the next time on the next starfield hate thread in ten minutes

              • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      It's Souleless, as TES6 will be.

      Jeremy Soule singlehandedly raised Skyrim and Oblivion 2-3 points. It's amazing how good his music is considering a captivating and emotionally resonant OST is usually tied to a compelling narrative. He defined a huge part of TES through his sound. The reality of this will not be evident until you see TES6 with Inon Zur at the helm.

      • 5 months ago

        >TES6 with Inon Zur at the helm.
        Is he their in-house composer now? I was hoping it was just for Starfield.

        • 5 months ago

          Soule was metoo'd so corpo ESG rules dictate his incredible talent can't be used (I'm sure Bethesda themselves probably want to use him badly but it won 't happen), and otherwise Zur has done every thing they've released since Skyrim.

          • 5 months ago

            I know Soule is gone for good, but Zur is such a talentless hack that I can't wrap my head around him getting more work.

  40. 5 months ago

    >It's a fine game

    30% off and more people are realizing the game is absolute dogshit instead of getting to play for less money.

    It's literally over for bethesda lmao

  41. 5 months ago

    I don’t like using the term but Starfield is unironic goyslop.
    >incredibly dated quest design solely done to waste player time
    >doesn’t give the player any meaningful choices. Basically railroads the player into being a goody two shoes.
    >Ai generated worlds that not only suck ass but have no supporting systems that can make exploring those worlds actually interesting.
    >not only quest design but everything is incredibly dated, as if it was shoved out without any care. This includes gunplay and technicals. In an era where games are trying to be incredibly immersive and do away with loading screens we have Starfield to constantly remind us that we are playing a mediocre video game.
    Bethesda thought they could release a shitty bland sandbox and that modders can do the rest, failing to consider that the case where the modders actually don’t like the game and not develop mods for it. It feels like a board by committee game that doesn’t try to do anything interesting with its world.

  42. 5 months ago

    How do you have a space exploration game with no other races except humans? FFS Mass Effect had this.

  43. 5 months ago

    this game is just annoying, that's really all I can say about it

  44. 5 months ago

    I was in minority that liked it from the start. The game horewer does have a big problems and one of them is lack of POI variety. I do not understand that if they were able to generate planets with did they also not made dungeons this way.

    • 5 months ago

      I felt the same way. I know that proc gen is a dirty word on this board, but if I could explore cool roguelike gauntlets or Deep Rock Galactic looking caves on the side I'd be happier with the game. Even basic randomized dungeons like what you can get with modded Daggerfall would have been less repetitive than the twelve (Admittedly quite detailed) dungeons that the game reuses. Other things like procedurally generated towns and outskirts for the main towns would have really helped sell the scale of the setting too. At least mods will be able to add hundred of dungeons to the existing pool.

      • 5 months ago

        I agree except I think the game really needs a randomization system, not just a pool to draw from. And I doubt mods will add procgen, it's too fundamental. Hopefully they do something like that in an expansion at least, to give modders something to work with. Even randomized clutter would help. The game as is feels very unfinished.
        The sad thing is, the dungeon design itself was very good, the best they've done imo.

  45. 5 months ago

    Probably. I actually liked the game with with it running at 100+ fps on my machine. You can go to /tesg/ and see people talk about their GTX 1070 like it's a top of the line card. Like all Bethesda games it needs mods though. I'll really get into it when the creation kit lands.

  46. 5 months ago

    It's very funny that every single criticism about the game also applies to Skyrim and Fallout 4 but morons with nostalgia goggles will say "but that criticism doesnt apply because .... it just doesnt"

    • 5 months ago

      tell me all about the woeful spaceship combat or endless barren planets with only a few dozen different POIs total in Skyrim and Fallout 4

  47. 5 months ago

    It would have been a 10/10 if it was just as big of an overworld as they could have possibly made with a bunch of big dungeons, or something like the underground in elden ring. No space or spaceships or whatever just a customizable speeder bike or robo horse. Also if they had a better in depth melee system.

    Basically skyrim in space down to having mana and the perks and armor and stuff. Woulda been 100x better.

  48. 5 months ago

    >Is all the hate just because
    It's not on Switch which means Ganker is going to seethe about it by default. As for normalgays, it's an extremely easy Acceptable Target(tm) for ecelebs because the devs are white and native english speakers so it's not "problematic" to shit on them. It's very similar to the reasons people tried to claim Hogwarts was a failure.
    Not like it's anywhere close to being without flaw but Black folk will just make up shit to try to claim it's bad (case in point: you will see people claim you can't walk around inside your ship, something you'll see happening constantly if you were to actually watch any gameplay).

    The lack of Jeremy Soule is a big fricking deal though I'll give em that.

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