>Bro, I got 100 trillion points on super space game for Atari.

>Bro, I got 100 trillion points on super space game for Atari. I don't have any evidence, but I my friend watched it.
>Cool dude, here's your certificate.

Why were people so fricking gullible back then? Why did nobody ever ask him to perform his impossible scores live?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Why do people give so much credit to a piece of paper?

    • 2 years ago

      stop you'll anger the "students"

  2. 2 years ago

    >I don't have any evidence, but I my friend watched it.
    speedtroony cope. a judge watched it.
    go join Apollo, you have no actual evidence any of the OG kings' records were fake.

    • 2 years ago

      Dragster record this guy set is mathematically impossible

      • 2 years ago

        atari had such shitty hardware I wouldn't be surprised if a glitch allowed him to get an impossibly fast time

        • 2 years ago

          Funny how all these rogue gamma ray bursts trigger electronic malfunctions, that only make the game finish slightly faster, precisely when people are being watched by a "Speedrunning" "Referee" isn't it? Who needs a video anyway? The fact that he's never done it since is just bad luck I guess!

        • 2 years ago

          Defects, rouge gamma rays, and other unreproducable single system glitches are inadmissable in any respectable leaderboard, so even if that wasn't the most bullshit excuse ever it would still be fake.
          And that's not even considering this guy has a long history of claiming scores several times better than what is possible for a game, or the TG judges admitting they let friends and fellow judges post whatever bullshit back in the day without much oversight because they're trustworthy lmao

      • 2 years ago

        lol mathcopelets seethe because they can't start in second gear lmao

  3. 2 years ago

    Guinness World Records was always a joke, they won't even listen to you or "confirm" your world record unless you pay them a few thousand dollars.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Why did nobody ever ask him to perform his impossible scores live?
    Plenty of people did, and he would just make up excuses as to why he couldn't do it live

  5. 2 years ago

    It wasn't just Dragster either, there were dozens of games where he had blatantly fake high scores with no evidence provided, like that flying game on 2600 where his time was so low that even when someone hacked the game to remove all the obstacles and get a perfectly fast time, it was still like 3 or 4 seconds behind his alleged record. Or games where his high score was like 800% higher than the next highest score.

    • 2 years ago

      My favorite is his score in "Fathom" where he claims to have achieved 1110500 points while the second place is 142. The estimated time for his run is 325+ hours. What a beast.

      • 2 years ago

        my favorite ones were the ones where the score ended in a 2 while the score only increases in increments of 5.

    • 2 years ago

      What a legend. An absolute gaming God. We were lucky to be born in time to be graced with his presence!

  6. 2 years ago

    what happened to karl jobst?
    did he get sued yet?

    • 2 years ago

      Still seething in general.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Smaller people at the front, you never take a class photo?

      • 2 years ago

        i still cant find something funnier than Apollo's suicide, dumb scoliosis bed ridden piece piece of shit tried to bring everyone down to his level, and just like everything else in his pathetic life it backfired and people only remember him for the speedrun festival fiasco

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Based cancer auzzie

        • 2 years ago

          Hes kiwi

    • 2 years ago

      He's currently fighting a defamation lawsuit from Billy "Never Played On MAME" Mitchell, but iirc nothing from Todd "The Human Element" Rodgers yet.

  7. 2 years ago

    This guy, the atari guy, is a blatant fake who worked for a pay-per-minute phone hotline whose selling point was that "da best gamers in da world" would help you figure out how to find dungeon 3 in zelda. Once the hotline failed and the WR craze became more popular the business switched to being a gaming WR archive and used him and his claimed records for PR. He has never done any public exhibitions and has never proved his skill in any game.

    The king kong guy has multiple public exhibitions over decades, and while he is now barely a top 10 player due to his age, he had regular public exhibitions in his peak and before the speedtrannies came the only person who ever doubted his achievements was the guy in 2nd place, who conveniently also claims a private VCR-recorded killscreen as his best time and would be 6th if you only counted his public runs.

    • 2 years ago

      King Kong dude is actually good at the game, but he still very obviously cheated. The people who cheat aren't the shitters, it's the people who are decent at the game but want more without making the extra effort.

      • 2 years ago

        Which is more likely to you
        >boomer who records video of runs on VCR buys arcade with MAME board because it has yet-unknown emulation issue that might make runs slightly easier
        >boomer who records video of runs on VCR buys underpriced arcade thinking it is a good deal, doesnt know it has MAME board instead of factory
        Reminder that the only evidence that invalidates any of his runs is that the frames of the opening cutscene render wrong.

  8. 2 years ago

    Twin Galaxies was a gay little club for old men where they all got to lie and play pretend about high scores. They never thought anyone would find out they are liars because they figured there would never be enough interest in their old shitty games.

  9. 2 years ago

    Because they were a bunch of games no one gave a frick about or tried to play competitively so it wasn't hard to get his pedo friends to log the scores for him. It took years for anyone to even look at the ones where he entered scores that the game couldn't register. The only reason anyone found out was because drag racer got him a Guiness record for being held so long. Supposedly he did travel to Activision to perform it for them, but he may have failed and they "verified" it any way because they couldn't imagine anyone giving a frick about it thirty years later.

  10. 2 years ago

    Your uncle's old and doesn't have a lot going for him. Just let him keep believing in his Atari world record.

  11. 2 years ago

    People still do this all the time. The only difference is now you pay Guinness for a certificate. It's just a scam, however, the entire idea of them publishing world records. Guiness isn't an authority on any of it, people just bought their position as the record holder. It's exactly like buying the rights to name a star.

  12. 2 years ago

    Guiness is literally a scam. You have to pay for validation and they have all the power in the agreement. If you pay them $500 to show up to your gerbil dick sucking record attempt and they decide the 20th gerbil didn't get its dick sucked hard enough you don't get the record and you have to pay another $500. They don't care about authenticity or anything, they're a business out to make money.

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much this. It's just a company now for self-promotion.

  13. 2 years ago

    let's kick it in koji kondo's condo

  14. 2 years ago

    In general the wider gaming public in the west took score keeping less seriously and took people at face value. People back then, incredulously, believed that no one would cheat with such low stakes.

    But think about it, how many of your friends cheat at fricking board and card games with 0 stakes? It's just human nature.

  15. 2 years ago

    He built up a huge cult of personality and had hundreds of people defending him online for free.

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