Broke: Class levels and challenge rating exist in-universe. Don't think about it too deeply, it's just an rpg.

Broke: Class levels and challenge rating exist in-universe. Don't think about it too deeply, it's just an rpg.

Woke: Class levels and challenge rating don't exist in-universe. They're an abstract representation of creatures strengths to make the game easier to run.

Bespoke: Class levels and challenge rating exist in-universe. They're a form of industry regulation meant to prevent adventurer's guilds from sending under-leveled parties to their deaths, and to ensure parties are compensated appropriately for quests they undertake. Character levels are also used when assigning adventurers to parties to make sure every group has at least one healer, one tank, and one mage. Party levels are usually kept up to date by enchanted membership cards that monitor the party's missions (as well as watch for any signs of criminal activity that could result in legal repercussions for the guild employing them), though annual assessments are done to ensure these recordings are accurate

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  1. 4 months ago

    Please, consume media other than tweets and anime.

  2. 4 months ago

    Annual assessments is way too often considering the travel times involved.

    • 4 months ago

      Tough luck, if you can't handle a bit of travel maybe you're not cut to be an adventurer.

  3. 4 months ago

    Ancient wisdom: you can translate levels in-world using titles

    • 4 months ago

      >theurgist in Magic User
      >miracle worker in Magic User not Cleric
      I guess my gripe of everyone being illiterate when it comes to what theurgy is goes farther back than I thought.

      • 4 months ago

        I mean, how could that surprise you considering the general grasp gary had about everything he adressed in the game (eg: studded leather and troglodytes)

      • 4 months ago

        The Magic User is someone who can Call to Other Planes to ask questions to angels and gods, I see little issue with calling him a Theurgist other than they give the title to a mere 4th level MU when it should go to a high level one. The Cleric titles are way dumber as they mix job (village priest) and eastern culture (Lama).

        Ancient wisdom: you can translate levels in-world using titles

        is still right though but just make appropriate titles for your world.

  4. 4 months ago

    The basic idea of adventure guilds, in one form or another, doesn't offend me, but using them for over the top regulation does offend me

    • 4 months ago

      Its supposed to. The story that introduced the 'adventurers guild' to japanese media did so to make it an OBSTACLE, not a feature. Guild ranks and shit was something GETTING IN THE WAY of the main characters making the money they needed to continue their journey, because despite being experienced adventurers they had only just reached this new city and were forced to sign up with the guild to get any work legally due to local laws, and as new members they only got the shit tier jobs that paid almost nothing while the 'higher ranked' guild members horded all the good paying jobs despite being more than qualified for the work. The adventurers guild was a local phenomenon and an obstacle that the characters had to overcome to earn the money to pay for the next leg of their voyage.

      • 4 months ago

        >The story that introduced the 'adventurers guild' to japanese media

      • 4 months ago

        Didn't Japan get it from Wizardry like 90% of all their fantasy tropes?

  5. 4 months ago

    Swap woke and bespoke and i'll agree. Diagetic Level systems are overplayed cliches in both implementations

  6. 4 months ago

    Wrong board

  7. 4 months ago

    Baroque: Class levels and challenge ratings don't exist in or out of universe

  8. 4 months ago

    I agree, it's a pretty massive security hole if your police can't tell if a passing mage is at the "enchants vault locks for a living" level or the "summons fire elements that can burn a whole town" level

  9. 4 months ago

    >industry regulation
    >membership cards that monitor the party's missions
    >annual assessments
    It's supposed to be fantasy, though.

  10. 4 months ago

    >Broke: revolving your entire personality around what other people think and do, can't do what you want, even in a hobby revolving around doing what you want.
    >Woke: making the things you want but with concessions and compromises to outside influence; you have made something you can enjoy with others, but it isn't entirely for you.
    >Bespoke: making whatever the frick you want in this hobby about making whatever the frick you want, and not giving a shit what others think about it.

  11. 4 months ago

    >enchanted membership cards
    Naw, party followers who record it by quill.

    • 4 months ago

      >if the XP follower dies on the quest you get no XP
      >intelligent enemies will try to snipe the XP follower to disrupt party's progress

    • 4 months ago

      Say what you want about how stupid the joke is, but the homeric dedication at the end is a great touch.

  12. 4 months ago

    there is nothing less interesting or fun than taking the bureaucracy and corporatization of real life and applying it to a fantasy game
    adventurers guilds are the worst thing ever

    • 4 months ago

      In of themselves?No. I would assume the Local Lord would have some sort of sanctioned adventurers that could go raid dungeons in his lands or in lands to be claimed in his name. And I would assume that said sanctioned adventurers would seek to organize their trade.
      As an overly bureaucratic corporate entity with stock options and an HR department? nah I 'll pass.

    • 4 months ago

      Paranoia was here and it called you a traitor. Please report to clone recycling in 0 to 0.33334 business days or your sector will be firecleansed.

  13. 4 months ago

    I think no one should write about medieval guilds if they first dont read about them in any way
    I dont mean study history, just read a fricking entry level book about italian city states during the middle ages

  14. 4 months ago

    Ultra moron tier: saving a thumbnail

  15. 4 months ago

    >mental gymnastics to defend modern isekai slop so you don't have to admit anime used to be better

  16. 4 months ago

    >forced party composition
    >constant monitoring via membership cards that will snitch on you for being a fricking adventurer
    >mandated assessments
    Call it bespoke when it's actually just boke, what a fricking dogshit fricking guild concept. Guilds are supposed to be unions but you've jumped straight to optimizing the fricking fun out of it, enjoy getting fricked in the ass by gnolls because nobody wants to sign up to be fricking babysat while they play Aragorn.

  17. 4 months ago

    Unironically have wanted to run a setting similar to the bespoke description.

  18. 4 months ago

    Not Fricking moronic:
    Classes and Ranks exist as a evaluation metric standardized between the royal service, cartography guild and greater mercenary alliance to evaluate skill and ability between freelance mercenaries, mages and agents. Accurate and current evaluations generally are only conducted with prominent members in their respective field and are used as a watermark for other persons, who tend to be assigned rankings based on the volume and difficulty of their known and certified achievements-- whether they be tests (The ability to best several men of a lower rank in a single contest or tournament, or the ability to conjure an effective fireball) or feats and jobs (Slaying a dragon or lich; driving off a goblin or orc band, etc). Rankings are generally delayed substantially and fraud is rampant, however for high risk tasks such as monster hunting or relic hunting certified adventurers are still often more reliable than hiring out irregulars from small armies or unvetted assistance.

    In practice, these certifications are used as a general assessment of the capabilities of a 'hero' and leveraged to receive additional support and better compensation.

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