Broken Arrow

beta's over, i miss it already bros

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    The game is very asiatic click-ey, with smoke nades even on infantries, extremely fast artillery response times especially the ones like HIMARS. Helicopters popping in and out of forests to frick with shit. Loading and unloading shit and infantry from trucks and helos.
    But then, the game is very lethal and unforgiving as modern warfares should be.
    The maps are huge so I wish they could increase the range for artys and AA while increasing frontline unit availability.
    I had so much fun spawn camping shit with inf and attack copters, raiding shit like patriots and s-300 with specops units to the point people ragequit. Planting a bunch of AA units in front of air spawn make helo and air Black folk seethe. I hope they implemnt some sort of alert system if things get too close.

    • 4 months ago

      It's pretty low apm. You just have a low IQ and can't multitask because of it.

      • 4 months ago

        I was speaking for the average mouth breathers who crawled out of their cesspit which are WGRD, WARNO and War Thunder.
        Had 70% wr solo and the only people I lost against were premade private teams which made extensive use of paradrops and ASFs.
        I seldom saw people being able to counter APS tank rush or attack copter backdoor or ATGM inf spam or even smoke mortars lmao because everyone's just obsessed with expensive pieces of shit like patriot or T-14 while neglecting recons in various corners of the map.

    • 3 months ago

      >I hope they implemnt some sort of alert system if things get too close
      I feel like this belies an overall feeling that the UI is bad and unintuitive. All rts games are going to have the problem of being taken off-guard or not realizing something because you get sucked into a particular engagement, but this game has a large enough scope that it's a serious problem especially given that some of the actual mechanics are not really explained (e.g. some ammo types and customizations require you to use a different button to attack with). This is one of the only games where I felt like I had to really pay attention to the UI to glean information from it, and that's bad design, you should be roughly able to tell what your units are doing or how you attack with your units at a glance. In a game that so brutally punishes mistakes, it really taxes your attention span just to get a feel for what your own units are doing and what they can do.

  2. 4 months ago

    buy an ad zigger

  3. 4 months ago

    I really hope the game will have a 1v1 mode and replays on release. I do have people to play with, but they're all casuals and I want to sweat once in a while.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm an advocate for basic multiplayer and 'competitive' being separate releases. If you try to do both straight from the starting gate then you've constantly got two sides crying in your ear with separate balance issues and never enough time or resources to address them.

      Release a game with a casual, team-mode multiplayer focus. Patch it through 6-8 months to put out the largest fires. Then release a 1v1 competitive experience that's shaped explicitly by the feedback from those 6-8 months and focus on future updates refining that experience as an extension of the other.

  4. 4 months ago

    >cheap Eugene games clone
    I am not playing your product.

  5. 4 months ago

    you can still play today

  6. 4 months ago

    Beta isn't over yet. It closes sometime later today, but the servers are still up rn.
    Also you may not like it, but this is what peak russian performance looks like. There is literally no better tank loadout than this.

    • 3 months ago

      B-but Sprut-SDs driving out of Mi-26s is /kino/

      • 3 months ago

        I like the Sprut-SD aesthetics, as they are pure /k/ino, but I find them utterly useless when up against proper ATGM inf or MBT of any sort due to low HP and armor. Especially MBTs because they get 1 shotted and popping smoke won't save 'em. Hell, even IFVs with machine cannons wreck them due to slow reload.
        They only shine when opponents don't bring proper long range AT solution. Then they can be used as mobile assault (glass) cannons.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah Sprut feels dogshit. It's under-armoured to the point where it loses a straight fight to Autocannons (which basically every worthwhile IFV has) and its cannon isn't strong enough to fight tanks, suppress infantry positions or even threaten IFVs (which are largely cheaper than it anyways)

          I get that its gimmick is being air-droppable but it doesn't really make sense to pay so much for a tank that's weaker than an IFV when you can spend like 50 points more for a T-90 that has real tank armour and a proper tank gun.

          • 3 months ago

            >for a T-90 that has real tank armour and a proper tank gun.
            Are they really that different in game? That's weird since it's literally the same gun.

            • 3 months ago

              it's not about the gun, it's about the ammo. always check that since that tends to be one of differences between various tank versions.

              Just buy patriots and intercept himars.
              S-300 is kinda ass in intercepting though.

              only worthwhile s300 is with the giant missiles since it has 4500 range. though i don't bother anymore and always go buk broken and pantsir.

              Yeah Sprut feels dogshit. It's under-armoured to the point where it loses a straight fight to Autocannons (which basically every worthwhile IFV has) and its cannon isn't strong enough to fight tanks, suppress infantry positions or even threaten IFVs (which are largely cheaper than it anyways)

              I get that its gimmick is being air-droppable but it doesn't really make sense to pay so much for a tank that's weaker than an IFV when you can spend like 50 points more for a T-90 that has real tank armour and a proper tank gun.

              the vdv vehicles are shit (just as irl) since they have paper armor to be air droppable

              • 3 months ago

                I mean being shit is fine but I think things probably need to have their point cost reflect their value. The Sprut's cost is too close to that of Russia's dedicated 'cheap' tank options but is really outclassed by them, especially when the VDV deck has so many other airdroppable vehicles, many of which are genuinely good.

              • 3 months ago

                on release yo'll have the "branches" that you combine so you won't get the tanks if you don't pick the branch that has it, which was the tank branch. seeing that's their whole point, that's why they get "cheap" tanks while vdv gets crap vehicles but instead you get the scouts, planes etc. in the beta they said the main tank factions don't get any planes, you get them from usm and vdv in the beta

              • 3 months ago

                In the "arsenal" tab of the beta's menu you could view what units were attached to what Specializations.
                The "Guard Tank" brigade offers the T-14s and all the fancy IFVs, but the cheap tanks were actually part of the VDV specialization.
                Maybe that was just for the sake of the beta and will change for the full game--I genuinely don't know how close this game is to launch and how representative of the full game the beta was supposed to be. But the full game is also going to have specializations with T-64s and other old soviet junk-tanks that are almost certainly going to be cheap and spammable like the beta's T-84s and T-90s were.

                I will be curious to see how they distribute planes, though. With only 1000 points for it in the beta, air power was crazy oppressive. If the full game lets us combine air specs to have 2000 points for air units I can see it getting extremely cancerous. Air dominance deciding the whole outcome of a war is perhaps one element of realism that doesn't translate well into gameplay.

              • 3 months ago

                the points are based on the branches (just since everyone got the same ones, everyone got the same points). some anon said US might get air force branch, i'm not really sure what else would they give russians besides VDV at this point though seeing they already have pretty much the whole russian air force except like tu22m and tu95 (the latter is functionally same to tu160).

                besides premades i doubt every player will have planes in their deck so it might not get as bad as the beta. of course premades will rek if they go full planes. the biggest problem is that you have no time to set up any sort of AA. or rather, you do but without supply so you shoot all ammo and it's over even without getting bombed on spawn in the first place

              • 3 months ago

                >i'm not really sure what else would they give russians besides
                They are clearly missing a motorized branch (BTRs) and mechanized (BMPs)

  7. 4 months ago

    >my himars do nothing
    >their himars pinpoints me everytime
    >my lasers can't hit anything through trees
    >their lasers get me through trees every time
    what gives

    • 4 months ago

      >use tu with cruise missiles
      >try to queue targets
      >pilot things that means i want to fly into the middle of the map

      what himars are you using?
      and like a single tree blocks the laser so try moving around. it's also possible they are not targeting through trees, the range is 3km. you can also target the ground next to them if they are stationary and you can't get the vehicle itself

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah it's fricky. The big bomber will fly in a straight line while launching cruise missiles.
        I don't think that straight line actually needs to align with its target, I've seen it fly perpendicular. It's just that it enters flying in from your side towards the enemy side so that tends to be its orientation.

        To use it I generally order it to fly around at my own spawn and loiter there, since it has a frickload of fuel and the cruise missiles have so much range (greatly outranging even radar SAMs). Then you can just launch cruise missiles in volleys or 2-4 (because there's a bit of inaccuracy without laser designation, plus they can be intercepted) and queue a move command back to spawn with each volley to make sure it doesn't move too far forward while shooting.

        In my time messing with it I felt like it was janky, but when it worked it was easily the best thing about playing Russia. It's similar to using HIMARs as counterbattery to snipe enemy arty/supply/AA except you have 12 shots in a short period of time, no supply to worry about and your opponent has nothing to shoot at. A single sortie often resulted in wiping out nearly the entire enemy backline, and it loiters for so fricking long. I never had to send it back with missiles unspent.

        Just keep in mind--I had to learn this the hard way-- don't bother wasting missiles on tanks. They need laser designation to actually hit any armoured vehicle close enough to hurt it and even then they aren't top attack so they'll tickle a tank or a bradley. It's just a waste.

        • 3 months ago

          >I don't think that straight line actually needs to align with its target, I've seen it fly perpendicular.
          it doesn't. you can keep it flying sideways, and you should. issue is you have to manually click every missile, then it works fine. when you try to queue them it fires the missiles fast but the pilot goes full moron

          >two "anons" talking about the game oblivious to the environment
          not buying your game

          >free playtest

    • 4 months ago

      All ammunition has an inherent inaccuracy, even cruise missiles. They will ONLY be pinpoint accurate or track moving targets if those targets are laser designated. This can really matter because often explosives will have a scatter radius as large or larger than their AoE, meaning there's a good chance they'll just do frick all to the intended target unless you laser them in. Always lase when targeting enemy vehicles or buildings if you can. Remember that you can call in a stealth jet and use it to lase for your artillery as well (as long as you can see the target). Planes have an easier time lasing over obstructions since they're top-down, while ground-based lasers can struggle due to LoS issues.

      That said, you can't see enemy laser designators so it's just as possible you're eating blindfired shit from someone that's just watching the fog of war and firing at wherever they see shots rise up from. Always move backline units after they shoot since they effectively give themselves away even if your opponent can't actually 'see' their unit card.

    • 3 months ago

      Just buy patriots and intercept himars.
      S-300 is kinda ass in intercepting though.

      • 3 months ago

        that's why you buy the buk instead which is better at everything
        especially at hitting friendlies and itself

  8. 3 months ago

    >two "anons" talking about the game oblivious to the environment
    not buying your game

    • 3 months ago

      I want to talk about a game I'm playing and not /misc/shit but why is it that you russians like this? Every fricking game I play I need to step over the asiatic horde desperately LARPing as white in broken english.

  9. 3 months ago

    >buggy mess
    >no single
    >obvious upcoming pay2win
    >made from asset flips
    >would've looked dated 5 years ago

    • 3 months ago

      >no single
      At least do a single bit of research before you invent things to hate about the game.

      • 3 months ago

        don't care, I am not buying your spyware glowie

  10. 3 months ago

    it's over

    • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      finally we rest from ziggoid shilling

  11. 3 months ago

    Are they going to add Israel?

    • 3 months ago

      From what I've heard it seems like we're locked into 2 factions for launch, but long term they're planning to expand the faction roster and basically every notable modern military is on the table. Since most of them have a lot of roster overlap (ie all the countries using Leopards) it's not clear if they will actually try to make every country distinct factions with their own deck pool, or just turn them into deck specializations that slot into the US/Rus deck pool like Warno's NATO/PACT split or something else entirely.

      Leopards are already in game and visible in one of the trailers, but it's likely that on launch they'll just be singleplayer-only.

      • 3 months ago

        China Chads will win

  12. 3 months ago

    >planes can carry different munitions among which is SEAD
    >radar takes time to turn on, and the AA needs to be stationary.
    >Planes are quite hard to detect without the radars, especially so if they are stealth.
    >AAs have like 1/2~1/6 of their IRL fire/detection range, but maps are huge and wide.
    >IR missiles and gun AAs are quite ineffective against jet planes due to flares and speed.
    I feel like this game heavily favors offensive use of air power.
    At least it isn't dumbass shit in like WGRD and Warno where people just kamikaze planes into expensive shit.

    • 3 months ago

      Consensus from every good player I spoke to was that planes were too good overall but that AA was pretty well balanced.
      I think the most sensible approach would be to increase the cooldown on planes after their sortie. That way you both reduce how much presence they have while also incentivizing larger payloads that actually use all the customization slots instead of minmazing for the cheapest single-slot one-run strikes.

      • 3 months ago

        The highest level problem that affected every aspect of the playtest was the interstellar sized gulf between the best that mid players could do and the worst day for the highest level players. Some people clearly had some deeper technical knowledge that they were putting on display to make units do or not do stuff that nobody else could replicate. Played a game where one dude used some kind of height stepping mechanic for aircraft that made any missile launched against his airplanes instantly fail.
        This game is going to be completely unapproachable after about three months for new players and god help you if you aren't a fast learner with a sweaty inclination to read up on every bug, glitch, or carefully timed pro-strat.

        • 3 months ago

          inb4 "just press V to change high/low flight"
          this wasn't that, it was instant and it never failed

          • 3 months ago

            From my experience afterburner + height changing makes you almost invunerable to aa, that's why planes without afterburner feel so much worse

            All ammunition has an inherent inaccuracy, even cruise missiles. They will ONLY be pinpoint accurate or track moving targets if those targets are laser designated. This can really matter because often explosives will have a scatter radius as large or larger than their AoE, meaning there's a good chance they'll just do frick all to the intended target unless you laser them in. Always lase when targeting enemy vehicles or buildings if you can. Remember that you can call in a stealth jet and use it to lase for your artillery as well (as long as you can see the target). Planes have an easier time lasing over obstructions since they're top-down, while ground-based lasers can struggle due to LoS issues.

            That said, you can't see enemy laser designators so it's just as possible you're eating blindfired shit from someone that's just watching the fog of war and firing at wherever they see shots rise up from. Always move backline units after they shoot since they effectively give themselves away even if your opponent can't actually 'see' their unit card.

            You can't see when your units are laaer designated but you can see enemy bombs/shells homing in( they emit red laser onto the target)

            the points are based on the branches (just since everyone got the same ones, everyone got the same points). some anon said US might get air force branch, i'm not really sure what else would they give russians besides VDV at this point though seeing they already have pretty much the whole russian air force except like tu22m and tu95 (the latter is functionally same to tu160).

            besides premades i doubt every player will have planes in their deck so it might not get as bad as the beta. of course premades will rek if they go full planes. the biggest problem is that you have no time to set up any sort of AA. or rather, you do but without supply so you shoot all ammo and it's over even without getting bombed on spawn in the first place

            US has at least 3 confirmed specializations with access to planes (marines, air force, special forces) so russians will probably have at least 1 other spec with planes. The problem arises when someone combines these specs and gets about 2-2,5 k points in plane tab.

  13. 3 months ago

    I'm not installing your spyware, FSB glowie

  14. 3 months ago

    what are kino bombs for Russia, I just JDAM everything as US

    • 3 months ago


  15. 3 months ago

    how would you rank these from beginner friendly to autism?

    • 3 months ago

      Never played Regiments but the rest is pretty much on the same level.

      • 3 months ago

        >broken arrow
        >the same level as Eugene games
        russian bullshit / 10

        • 3 months ago

          Cool it with the Russophobic remarks.

    • 3 months ago

      Regiments is SP only so it's naturally easier than MP focused titles. Actual autism is stuff like Combat Mission.

      >broken arrow
      >the same level as Eugene games
      russian bullshit / 10

      Learn to read.

      • 3 months ago

        >Learn to read.

        Never played Regiments but the rest is pretty much on the same level.

        >on the same level
        Do you have reading comprehension issues?

        Cool it with the Russophobic remarks.

        LMAO struck a nerve

    • 3 months ago

      Warno and Steel Division are both by the same devs and I assume they're probably both on the same engine. Their UI is really good and effective, which helps them be approachable. SD2 has the sweatiest multiplayer scene of the 4 but on paper it isn't hard to learn, you just have to learn a lot of meta shit with openers, timings and map-specific strategies or you'll get curbstomped.

      Warno is honestly pretty beginner-friendly and the multiplayer scene is pretty casual in team games. Just pick up a meta deck and go. The combat can be kind of fast-paced and punishing with units dying VERY quickly and reinforcements taking a while to get to the front. I personally don't like that the game is very tank-oriented and everything else is kind of secondary. Main downside is that it's early access.

      BA is still far from release but the beta was slightly sweatier than Warno with a UI that wasn't as helpful. It's probably going to have a steeper learning curve but it's hard to say how much will change between beta and release. I personally liked that a lot of IFVs and light vehicles mattered rather than just being tankspam.

      Regiments is an SP-only game and it's essentially "built to win" dadcore. The meat of the game isn't the realtime battles, which are basically just "mass enough units and move at the enemy to win," but rather the menu and spreadsheet management layer played between realtime combat rounds.

      I don't think anything in this genre is truly autistic but like any multiplayer strategy game you'll have to wade through a level of metagaming established by the nerds who play much more than you.

  16. 3 months ago

    why do these threads attract morons from Ganker who want to talk about everything but the game

  17. 3 months ago

    oh my science it's heckin over 🙁
    guy perpetually butthurt about russia get help before you 41% my dude
    t. amerimutt

  18. 3 months ago

    you did get purple raider right?

    • 3 months ago

      No, I'm not a NEET.

  19. 3 months ago

    I struggled so fricking badly to have any success at all during the last week or so that the beta was up. I assume it's because people were getting better at the game and that I'm basically a mid-tier player at best. I kind of hope there's some system to segregate the good players from the shitters like me when the game is launched.

    The technical difficulties also seemed to be getting worse as time went on. Every single match had one or multiple people disconnecting/crashing. My own game crashed and disconnected many times, often not letting me back into the battle I was playing. There was also a crazy desync issue where one player's units became invisible and invulnerable and just drove around the map killing everything with nobody able to stop it.

    • 3 months ago

      there's probably going to be a 1v1 ladder, maybe a 2v2 ladder, but apparently the game is intended to be balanced around 5v5 so if you can't scrape together 4 friends or summon the courage to do some kind of matchmaking it's probably going to feel unplayable.

      • 3 months ago

        I don't think I'm completely doomed because I had moments of lucidity where I know I was playing well and making the right choices and was contributing a lot to my team winning the game. I think (I hope) with more practice in the game I might be more consistent. One of my biggest problems was paying attention to everything that was happening. It can be very complicated sometimes with all the shit going on and having too much to think about

  20. 3 months ago

    >russian slop
    no, frick you and your shit game

    • 3 months ago

      Russia won

      • 3 months ago

        moron of the year award?

  21. 3 months ago

    are the devs actually russian?

    • 3 months ago

      Steel Balalaika is based in the Russian Federation. they claim that the game is being developed with a multinational team and headed by a french director but one of their early trailers also reconstructed russian propaganda footage from the Battle of Kyiv.

      • 3 months ago

        >reconstructed russian propaganda footage from the Battle of Kyiv.
        oh my heckin science not the heckin Battlerino of KIEV Broken Arrow is downdooted and CANCELLED

      • 3 months ago

        >Steel Balalaika is based in the Russian Federation.
        X for doubt. Its probably another case like every other russian game, Warthunder is in Hungary, world of tanks is in cyprus, etc.

    • 3 months ago

      Yes, if you buy or play this game you're supporting the genocide of the proud Ukrainian people. You should be using the time you spent or plan on spending playing this propaganda piece to instead speak with your political representatives to release more aid to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

      • 3 months ago

        why aren't you fighting in Ukraine right now, coward?

        • 3 months ago

          Because it's not my problem.

        • 3 months ago

          it's ukryine chud

        • 3 months ago

          My efforts are better spent boosting morale in Lviv and soliciting online support on social media

      • 3 months ago

        Reminder the creative director is French, and worked for Eugene for 6 years, dunno where the Russian angle comes from.

        • 3 months ago

          Yes, if you buy or play this game you're supporting the genocide of the proud Ukrainian people. You should be using the time you spent or plan on spending playing this propaganda piece to instead speak with your political representatives to release more aid to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

          Slitherine Games is the British publisher who funded the project.
          Steel Balalaika Games is the Russian company in charge of main development.
          Félix Harbert is French ex-eugene exployee who now works for SBG as creative director.
          Apparently he left Eugene networks after a drama along with others to work for SBG.
          It's like a collaboration between Russia Britain and France.

          • 3 months ago

            The axis of evil...

            • 3 months ago

              It's the Entente you dip

          • 3 months ago

            >It's like a collaboration between Russia Britain and France
            Nice tbqh. Do they plan on adding more factions? I know it's early, but still...

            • 3 months ago

              They do, Leopard 2 has been spotted in the files.

              • 3 months ago

                Cool. Maybe down the road we can see even more countries. It was kinda weird having South Africa or Israel in Wargame without any opposing force from their respective regions.
                Btw, any chance of a Total War/simplified Paradox style-campaign map?

  22. 3 months ago

    I'm fiending for my Tu-160 🙁

  23. 3 months ago

    WG:RD had a massive problem with team stacking. The way the lobbies are designed in this encourage it even more.
    I liked the game but it's DOA for this reason.

    • 3 months ago

      why can't players ever be responsible stewards of games instead of ZOMG WE HECKIN PWNED U in open betas?
      Sure this occassionally can demonstrate flaws and issues by doing so some times but "RU 7+ GOLD FRAME ONLY" was really homosexual shit

    • 3 months ago

      It's better than Wargame because you're only choosing your teammates. In WG lobbies you would waste a lot of time because all good players flocked to one side while the opposite was almost empty. In Broken Arrow you don't know who you're going to encounter.

      • 3 months ago

        in the last week of the beta most hosts kicked anyone with the default avatar (unlock new ones with matches won), so elitism was and will continue to be alive and healthy in BA

      • 3 months ago

        I think the concept of forming a team before matchmaking very much implies to people that they should be forming a stack.

  24. 3 months ago

    5v5 is the max lobby size, beta had it for testing purposes. The game is going to include 1v1 ranked at release.

  25. 3 months ago

    NCIS update?

  26. 3 months ago

    holy shit I just looked at beta leaderboards posted in their discord, there are people who played over 200 hours of open beta
    I thought I was spending way too much time playing this game and I clocked 60 hours but those people?

    • 3 months ago

      i spent over 200 hours trying to find a game because the servers never worked

    • 3 months ago

      You'll never be able to compete in playtime with european welfare-state neets. They don't need to work so they just pump adderall and hyperfixate on clicking games.
      Incidentally there are 336 hours in 2 weeks, so anyone with 200+ hours spent at least 2/3 of their time playing the game, with presumably the last 3rd dedicated to sleeping.

      This is legitimately why they added a category for k/d ratio this beta. Last (closed) beta's leaderboard was dominated by folks who just buried everyone else in sheer playtime so they also wanted a category for relative in-game performance instead of just raw win volume.

      • 3 months ago

        >european welfare-state neets
        It's only possible in a few Nordic countries. The rest has to wageslave for shit pay.

  27. 3 months ago

    Anyone has any funny leaks? I heard people managed to datamine it for unit models and shit

    • 3 months ago

      >I heard people managed to datamine it
      Somebody posted a single screenshot in one of the previous threads that showed the US was getting the Comanche stealth attack helicopter. I thought this was kind of a juicy leak but after looking at their Patreon I realize they already revealed it like a year ago so it's not a leak.

      I think there was a datamine but wherever it happened/whoever did it either didn't share much of interest or none of it ever made it here to Ganker, which a shame. As far as I can tell, the open beta test that we got to play had less than half of the total units that are going to be in the final game. It really seems like if the US/RU used or considered using any piece of equipment in the last like 20 or 30 years then it's probably going to be in the game.

      • 3 months ago

        In the beta both USA and Russia had 2 specializations, on release there will be 5 for each country. Not sure how that translates to the number of units, since they share a lot of equipment.

        • 3 months ago

          The specs aren't going to share any units from what I understand. There might units that play similar role or even variants of the same platform belonging to different specs but an entry in the arsenal can belong to only one spec.

          • 3 months ago

            Now that I think, probably Humvees and other trucks are shared but I'm not sure about the rest. However, that seems to be a better decision than multiple divisions with lots of common units, like in Warno, creating unncessary bloat.

    • 3 months ago

      >I heard people managed to datamine it
      Somebody posted a single screenshot in one of the previous threads that showed the US was getting the Comanche stealth attack helicopter. I thought this was kind of a juicy leak but after looking at their Patreon I realize they already revealed it like a year ago so it's not a leak.

      I think there was a datamine but wherever it happened/whoever did it either didn't share much of interest or none of it ever made it here to Ganker, which a shame. As far as I can tell, the open beta test that we got to play had less than half of the total units that are going to be in the final game. It really seems like if the US/RU used or considered using any piece of equipment in the last like 20 or 30 years then it's probably going to be in the game.

      Leopard II is in the files

  28. 3 months ago

    the demo was kinda meh, but made me remember and rewatch picrel. wish they made a game with this feel instead...

  29. 3 months ago

    Small news post from Patreon. The game will "definitely" be released this year. Devs are still adding mechanics and units. They plan to have DLCs later which expand the game with new maps, campaigns, and countries.

    • 3 months ago

      Forest fires have been implemented. Incendiary munitions can light forests on fire which will burn out anything hiding inside and also (I assume) will hurt the concealment of anything trying to hide in it, but they didn't really elaborate on it, they just posted a few screenshots.

      • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Still nothing on the NCIS investigation which s troubling...

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >definitely this year
      So there goes the q1-q2
      I've been telling people that there is no way they are going to release it in a few months even if the super secret months ahead of the beta internal build exists and they called me a doomer

      • 3 months ago

        This seems to be a pretty common thing anymore. MoW2 went through a similar thing; had an imminent release date, launched an open beta that was solid but with some clear issues, then announced a huge delay.

        I wonder if it's done on purpose, ie the decision to delay the release has already been made internally and they put out a beta that shows where the game is at development-wise to prep the information space to receive that news positively.

        • 3 months ago

          If it gets delayed again i'm going to start believing NCIS anon.

          • 3 months ago

            I think it's just smaller eastern european studios being overambitious and struggling in the 11th hour getting their product to market. I'm sure the war and incumbent socioeconomic impacts are a factor but there's just a lot of small studios competing very passionately for a narrow market

  30. 3 months ago

    I can't wait to paradrop on noobs at launch

  31. 3 months ago

    I can't wait to destroy paradropping noobs at launch.

  32. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      There's been no news and we're probably not getting a release until fall (if this year at all)
      There's nothing to keep this thread alive for right now.

      • 3 months ago

        Someone should email the NCIS and see what the hold up is.

        • 2 months ago


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