Bros... I think I actually like these games. Like, a lot.

Bros... I think I actually like these games. Like, a lot. The Alola region is full of cool environments, the characters are actually interesting, the trials were a breath of fresh air, and the game is packed with interesting side missions. Team Skull/Aether Foundation are the best evil teams we've had in the past decade. The Ultra Beasts are cool and were an interesting twist on the typical legendaries.

There are some flaws of course, like the constant fade in and out every time a character appears on screen is obnoxious, and the tutorial stage on the first island is obscenely long, but ultimately I think SM are the best games of the 3D era. I just wish USUM hadn't gutted the story so much and the Rotom Dex wasn't so annoying, because the extra stuff introduced in those games makes them probably the most content-rich in the series.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Congratulations. You've figured it out. Now let's close the thread before the discorders arrive.

  2. 7 months ago

    respectable opinion

  3. 7 months ago

    Being wrong is a requirement of being here so good job I guess.

  4. 7 months ago

    that's nice. aside from the e-girls and a few pokemon designs, alola games are still my least favorite

  5. 7 months ago

    Never played Gen 7 before
    So I start with moon or can I skip straight to Ultra?

    • 7 months ago

      just play moon and skip ultra

      • 7 months ago

        just play ultra and skip moon

        bros... Which one is right?

        • 7 months ago

          ultra has more content but is a worse game overall. it's like putting cookies on a hotdog; yeah it's more food but it's a worse meal

        • 7 months ago


          just play ultra and skip moon


          ultra has more content but is a worse game overall. it's like putting cookies on a hotdog; yeah it's more food but it's a worse meal

          >food analogy
          Beggin ya

          • 7 months ago

            i'll never understand why food analogies piss people off so much. it could be an anology of anything else and you would not have said this. what does food in particular bother you?

            • 7 months ago

              I don’t get it either, I used one in a genwar thread and had like them stop arguing about Galar to shit on me kek
              Why’s it a sore spot here

    • 7 months ago

      just play ultra and skip moon

    • 7 months ago

      Just play BW2 and skip gen7

    • 7 months ago

      Ultra has better post game but they fricked up the story and made it worse.

    • 7 months ago

      The originals are better for a first playthrough. I reccomend doing a challenge run of some kind to help yourself avoid rushing through and skipping the non-story content.
      If you enjoy that, USUM are good for replays.

  6. 7 months ago

    I wouldn't say they're good, but I definitely have a lot of hours in my copy of moon. Far more than XY or SwSh

  7. 7 months ago

    Ultra is worse than the original. They wanted to change the story, but ended up copypasting tons of cutscenes and dialogue segments that only make sense in the original game, so a lot of the story is just complete nonsense.
    Many of the wholly original parts they add are also implemented into the world very poorly and it's just bizarre to play; as an example you'll frequently be interrupted by blue people in space suits who randomly appear just to monologue at the screen about the new legendary and then leave without elaborating or being acknowledged/mentioned by other characters.
    Normally the story wouldn't be a big deal in a Pokemon game, but literally 60% of your playtime in this generation is just scrolling through cutscenes and dialogue - a very common criticism of the original SM that was only made worse by Ultra. Ignoring the story in this generation is ignoring the majority of the game.

    The bottom screen in Ultra has also got to be some sort of psychological torture method. It will constantly, incessantly, play the same 10 extremely basic tutorials on repeat throughout the majority of the game - you can be at the Elite 4 and it will still be repeating the same line about how fire beats grass or you can heal at the Pokemon center. Not to mention that it'll interrupt you and remind you to heal your Pokemon any time any member of your party has low HP or a status condition. Or that it'll interrupt you and remind you to save the game if you haven't done so in 30 minutes. There's no way to disable this or turn it off, you just simply have to endure it if you want to play Ultra.

    but you get a new legendary form and a new minigame so it's heckin worth it right

    • 7 months ago

      >8 totem mons instead of 7
      >move tutors
      >mantine surf (useful for BP farming)
      >a new battle facility
      >post game episode is a new area where we get a compilation of all the antagonists from the past game instead of just revisiting locations we saw in the main game only to catch legendaries
      >mount lanakila has more rooms and trainers on it now
      >more mons added to the regional dex so i don't have to deal with trade and transfer bullshit to get them
      i'll take Ultra over the originals any day
      >literally 60% of your playtime in this generation is just scrolling through cutscenes and dialogue
      maybe if you're speedrunning and intentionally skipping as many npc trainers, spamming repels, and catching as few pokemon as possible sure

  8. 7 months ago

    Postgame's better, Sparkling Stones and Z-crystals finally got a proper origin, same as the non-Nihilego UBs, who came from outta nowhere in the unfinished beta. Roto Loto helps with leveling Pokemon up, is an alternative to Repel items, gives an Ancient Power/Ominous Wind buff...oh, an let's not forget pic related.

    • 7 months ago

      >Postgame's better
      it's the same
      >Sparkling Stones
      Had an origin in SM
      >same as the non-Nihilego UBs, who came from outta nowhere in the unfinished beta
      they also come from out of nowhere in USUM. fighting them in a single empty room instead of a patch of grass is not any better
      > Roto Loto helps with leveling Pokemon up, is an alternative to Repel items, gives an Ancient Power/Ominous Wind buff.
      the game being even easier is not a good thing

      • 7 months ago

        >it's the same
        Episode RR was in SM?
        >Had an origin in SM
        Which is?
        >they also [headcanon]
        At least they have different worlds - barren as they may be, instead of falling out of the Mystery Zone.
        >the game being even easier is not a good thing
        Ain't like you're forced to use it. Options bad, amirite?

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