>buy a book. >it feels no obligation to make sense to me if I'm illiterate

>buy a book
>it feels no obligation to make sense to me if I'm illiterate
>or if I don't have the vocabulary necessary to understand certain parts
>or if I don't have the attention span and intelligence to grasp subtleties and intricacies
>or if I don't have the time or patience to finish it
>failure to do any of these is the readers' fault and they will be mocked for it

>buy a game
>it has to be playable and beatable by the whole IQ span
>any skill gated filters are called bad game design by gamers and reviewers
>any subtle mechanics and puzzles are met with "how was I supposed to know that"
>gets points docked for being too long or requiring a time/thinking investment because "I play games to wind down after work"
>failure to cater to the players is blamed on the dev and the game design

How did we end up here

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  1. 8 months ago

    86% of books sell under 5k copies

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        so if i make a game i should just price it at $50?

        • 8 months ago

          You could but don't think anyone is going to buy your shit

  2. 8 months ago

    Games are supposed to be for kids, if you want a fulfilling hobby you take on a real-life skill like wood-carving, sculpting, painting, playing an instrument or hunting. There's all sort of actually fulfilling activities for all economic levels, so that's not an excuse either.

    Bragging about videogame skills is like bragging about being the best fisher price puzzle solver.
    >b-b-but le e-sports
    Yeah if you're in the 0.2% that gets into paid esports.

    • 8 months ago

      You're the type of moron that would say chess is a toy for kids

      • 8 months ago

        Chess masters are all autistic weirdos, so yeah it's better not to become obsessed with chess.
        Seriously homosexuals this shit is not hard to understand unless you're incels, normal people don't want to route memorize a game because it's a fricking timekiller, you don't get any fricking skill from 1cc'ing Touhou or naked running dark souls.

        • 8 months ago

          Why you bringing up sex into the conversation you two were having?

      • 8 months ago

        Chess is mental masterbation for psuedointellectuals

    • 8 months ago

      Uncreative troll.

    • 8 months ago

      What does "bragging about videogame skills" have to do with OP's take? You've completely missed the point here.

  3. 8 months ago

    Book doesnt close if you are not skilled enough to beat it.
    Also the most popular triple AAA books are just light novels with romantic wank of material for older women.
    Literally made for easy reading by semi literate brainlets.

    • 8 months ago

      How many people do you think kept reading Ulysses all the way to the end even after they realized they have no fricking clue what's going on

  4. 8 months ago

    I don't think anyone other than journalists have ever complained when a game is too hard.

    • 8 months ago

      you must not pay much attention to online discussions then

      • 8 months ago

        Let me rephrase: I don't think anyone other than journalists have ever cared when a game is too hard.

        People complain but play it anyway, good games become popular even if they're hard.

  5. 8 months ago

    books don't cost thousands or millions of dollars to develop. it's some schmuck with a word processor, an editor, and likely a publishing company.

  6. 8 months ago

    >consumes only AAA slop
    >nooo why is it made for morons and normies

  7. 8 months ago

    When you make a book you try to make a good book that only applies to established authors, when you are new you will either accomodate morons and get every new trend into your book exactly the way your editor wants you to (in the way that "sells") or your shit will never get published
    When you work on a game you're making a produkct that's supposed to sell. And still there is a ton of examples of games focused purely on realising it's creators' vision and being enjoyable as a side effect.

  8. 8 months ago

    >buy a pocket book
    >remember reading pocket books is shit
    >buy audio version instead
    >narrator changes between the books in the series, male and female characters dont have unique narrators
    >cringe hard during erotic scenes (i like to read western fantasy slop)
    >give up, and buy film of book instead
    >it has forced diversity and feminism, literal black transbians driving their BMW with optional heated seating into battle along side the european knights
    >moreover the characters are aged up by at least 10 years
    >frick that, buy the video gamr instead
    >video game is absolute garbage, even worse than slop
    there is no hope

  9. 8 months ago

    Pot calling the kettle black but there was a time where we were predjudiced against the illiterate and literally moronic, instead of worshipping them as we do now.

  10. 8 months ago

    one side of her hair is shorter than the other. it's not even a head tilt thing. why'd she get it cut like that?

  11. 8 months ago

    And it came to pass in those days, that there was a woman of an evil spirit, who did put on a garb of many colours, and painted her face with red and white, and made her hair stand on end like the horns of a beast. And she did call herself a clown, and went about the land to make sport of the people. And she had a wicked device in her mind, that she would enter into the houses of the unsuspecting, and take away all their spoons, and leave them with none. And she did this for a great while, and none could catch her, nor stop her from her mischief.

    And the people were sore vexed by the clown, and they cried unto the Lord, saying, O Lord, how long wilt thou suffer this woman to trouble us, and to rob us of our spoons? For we have no more spoons to eat our soup, nor to stir our tea, nor to measure our flour. And we are greatly ashamed, and become a reproach unto our neighbours. O Lord, deliver us from the hand of this evil clown, and restore unto us our spoons.

    And the Lord heard the cry of the people, and he was moved with compassion for them. And he sent an angel unto them, saying, Fear not, for I have seen your affliction, and I will send you a deliverer. And he shall smite the clown with a rod of iron, and he shall break her teeth, and he shall take back all the spoons that she hath stolen, and he shall give them unto you. And ye shall rejoice, and praise the name of the Lord.

    And the people were glad, and waited for the deliverer. And they prayed unto the Lord, saying, O Lord, make haste to help us, and let not the clown escape from thy wrath. For she is a pestilence in the land, and a scourge unto thy people. O Lord, arise, and let thine enemies be scattered.

    • 8 months ago

      And there was much wailing of the women. And one of the men watching said "He's really good! Does he birthday parties?"

    • 8 months ago

      She creeps in the dark, with a painted smile She seeks for the spoons, with a wicked guile She breaks through the doors, with a silent skill She takes what she wants, with a greedy will

      She has no joy, no love, no home She wanders alone, in the night she roams She has no friends, no kin, no name She lives in the shadows, of her own shame

      She hoards all the spoons, in a secret place She counts them each day, with a frantic pace She thinks they are precious, more than gold or gems She clings to them tightly, like her only friends

      But the spoons are cold, and dull, and dead They cannot fill the void, in her heart or head They cannot give her peace, or comfort, or rest They only remind her, of her own unblest

      She is the spoon thief, the clown of sorrow She has no hope, no dream, no tomorrow She is the spoon thief, the clown of woe She has nothing left, but her spoons to show

      • 8 months ago

        There was a woman clown of old
        Who had a passion for the gold
        That shone upon the spoons and forks
        Of wealthy lords and noble dukes.

        She dressed herself in motley clothes
        And painted red her nose and toes
        And with a bag of tricks and jokes
        She roamed the land in search of folks.

        She made them laugh with glee and mirth
        And then she asked to stay the night
        And when they slept, she crept about
        And stole their spoons with all her might.

        She hoarded them in secret caves
        And polished them with rags and braves
        And counted them with joy and pride
        And dreamed of them whene'er she lied.

        But soon the lords and dukes grew wise
        And set a trap for her surprise
        They hired a clown to be her mate
        And lure her to a dreadful fate.

        He wooed her with his wit and charm
        And swore to keep her from all harm
        And then he led her to his home
        Where all his spoons were made of chrome.

        She saw the spoons and gasped with glee
        And thought they were of finest quality
        She grabbed them all and ran away
        But soon she found they were but clay.

        She cursed the clown who fooled her so
        And threw the spoons at him with woe
        But he just laughed and said, "My dear,
        You should have known, they're souvenirs!"

  12. 8 months ago

    Yeah, but if the game is not accesible to others, you wont sell it enough to survive.
    Your point is still correct, but ONE author will survive based on royalties of each poorly sold book he is making every two years. GROUP of writers, devs, coders wont survive based on one game, that they failed to sell properly, because it was not for everyone.

  13. 8 months ago

    they made an entirely new genre just for moronic nu-adults to feel normal reading shit written for 5th graders. it's called New Adult. the average reading level is 5th grade and gets lower if you just look at young people, as low as 3rd grade for many populations.

    literally every form of media has the same issue. everyone wants to be passive consumers, anything that asks for you to think is the enemy.

  14. 8 months ago

    Gamers are entitled and unironically children even if not in the literal sense and games are more products than art to be appreciated.

    There, there is your answer, nothing else needs to be said and nothing more true will be said in this thread. This is the most unbiased and correct opinion you will hear about this. Sure, there's probably some more depth that we can get into, but it has to start from the premise of what I've established here, else it be useless.

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