>buy & download dragon's dogma as it's hyped on?

>buy & download dragon's dogma as it's hyped on Ganker
>get to the first tutorial chimera boss
>cling on it and smash attack
>has HP pool of secret uber boss
>there is no danger, nothing to be engaged with, just keep slashing until it's dead
yeah this game isn't for me

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  1. 11 months ago

    if you can't kill the tutorial chimera in under 45 seconds, I'm afraid you're not gonna make it

  2. 11 months ago

    btw im gay

  3. 11 months ago
  4. 11 months ago

    the real game doesn't even start until you try to go to the witchwood for the first time then arrive at gran soren

    • 11 months ago

      yeah, I'm already 30yo, I drop games if they don't start immediately, or are just bunch of cutscenes after cutscenes (or tutorials)

      • 11 months ago

        I'm there now too, I drop games immefiately if they don't catch me in the first hour, but I played DDDA as a teen and from about 4 hours onwards its an absolutely fantastic game, if you can find it in you to spend that 4 hours you are going to find one of the best gaming experiences of the last 20 years.

        • 11 months ago

          >best gaming experiences of the last 20 years

          imagine believing anybody that unironically makes this statement on Ganker without actually trying to justify and articulate why something is good.

          I have never actually seen somebody able to articulate why Dragons Dogma is good, I've watched tons of videos, seen tons of mentally challenged anons make ironic strawmans of other games to inflate the perception of theirs. But all of it is vague "MAN! it gets so good after a while, it's just so...uh good! yes so fun and...uh good one of the bestesest games everest! I'm totally not a sub 80iq moron that eats slop as long as somebody tells me I'll be different and unique for it"

          just skip the game OP, you can't possibly be missing anything if nobody can actually explain anything about it without trying to make fun of your character or give surface level retorts, you've already played the game, you know how it works, anything else is irrelevant, that can't outline an objective flaw in your interpretation.

          • 11 months ago

            You don't have to play it.

          • 11 months ago

            >Can create your own D&D style parties that function similarly with class synergies in a videogame format
            >9 Classes with 6 completely Unique, deep and interesting playstyles, late game magic is particularly impressive compared to casting in any other game from the time
            >Great over world with fantastic use of lighting and geography
            >Great monsters with varied move sets and interesting designs
            >A lengthy end game offering a great deal of playtime in both the original and expansion version

            • 11 months ago

              >late game magic is particularly impressive compared to casting in any other game

          • 11 months ago

            >I have never actually seen somebody able to articulate why Dragons Dogma is good
            I just finished it yesterday and was blown away, so I can definitely articulate it for you.

            Starting off, the game starts pretty strong in terms of story, but it's pretty slow in terms of character progression.
            There is a lot of focus on what enemies do, rather than what crazy moves your character can do. Countering with logistics is much more important than proper execution, and that made it hard for me to get into it at first. I actually tried it 2 other times and quit, before trying it again this week and finishing the whole thing in a few sittings.
            So if you're used to crazy combos and ARPGs of that sort (like I think most people are) it's going to feel a bit barren.
            However, if you push forward you will find that the game is extremely interactive and extremely responsive to common sense.
            Once you start getting your first interactions with the game where it seems to break the limitations of a game, you will instantly get hooked on that feeling of "Anything can happen".
            For example, around the middle of the game there's a quest to recover a certain extremely powerful artifact, however there's also a shop in a back alley where you can pay cash to have a fully functional replica of any item.
            If you deliver back a replica and keep the original for yourself, when the owner tries to use that artifact to open a magically locked chest to give you a reward, the chest won't open and you will not get the item, because of course you gave him a fake.
            If you decide to comply with evicting a family of obnoxious idiots, they won't be at their home when a catastrophe happens later, and will thus survive.

            This type of common-sense mechanic applies to all of the combat as well.
            ALL of the combat. If you can think it, and it makes sense, it most likely works.
            Completely different atmosphere from any other RPG or ARPG I've ever played just because of this.
            I cannot stress it enough.

            • 11 months ago

              >dmc-Black person plays RPG for the first time

            • 11 months ago

              Giving some criticisms as well:
              some abilities are just not well balanced, and many augments are bugged or do something different than what they say.
              For example, Magic Cannon on mystic knight completely breaks the game. There's only a few bosses where Magic Cannon+AbyssalAnguish won't simply destroy anything in seconds.
              Magic Cannon was the #1 reason I kept quitting the game, because it's so strong and boring to use that it just ruins the game, and I really wanted to play a spellsword.
              You can just not learn it, which is what I did, but it shouldn't be like that.

              Weight and healing are also a big issue.
              Weight exists to limit how many healing items you can bring with you, because you can open the menu and use as many as you like while the game is paused.
              However, weight is also used for everything else, including many materials that take up half or a full unit of your measly 30 (which includes gear btw).
              This makes leveling vocation lv3 on Fighter a must for both you and your pawn, as it gives you extra carry weight. I've also spent the time to get Strider to Lv9 to gain Fleet-Footed, which makes you act as if you were a weight threshold below where you actually are.
              Weight has a massive effect on movement speed, stamina use and recovery.
              I think it works as intended, it limits your healing items and makes you be selective about which loot you're taking with you, but it does force you to go with a full party of 4, or at the very least 3.
              It has positive effects on the gameplay, but it also causes a lot of hassle.
              I don't know if I would change it.

            • 11 months ago

              I love the forgery mechanic. It has a lot of uses and is surprisingly usable in several quests, some you least expect. That absolutely has to return but I imagine it places more burden on writing and quest design.

              • 11 months ago

                >try to do the forgery trick again with another magic item like the ring in 1
                >person you turn it into is an expert and can immediately tell it's bogus
                >gets angry and goes away for a while but you still get the exp
                >later appears as an extra boss fight that's intended to be harder or as an additional element in one
                There's a few things they could do with it.

      • 11 months ago

        You're supposed to get more patient and appreciative with age, but I guess millennials are too fricked up on pornography and social media to ever mature.

        • 11 months ago

          i imagine that's over half of the posterbase here out of the minority of anons who do play games instead of just shitposting
          it's a 5 second tolerance for any game

        • 11 months ago

          you have less time to frick around and waste time with age. unless you're a neet, of course.

          • 11 months ago

            >i will now proceed to consume shit for the rest of my life because I couldn't be bothered to put in a little time in search of something better
            I hate boomers

        • 11 months ago

          its not just that, but the specific older morons that still use this site like they are in their teens is a funny as frick issue for them.
          they are mind fricked and doing it willingly to themselves everyday with how they specifically still use Ganker.
          nothing is better than some older person on Ganker crying like a homosexual from the 90s, but about video games.
          knowing how fricked they are is comedy gold

        • 11 months ago

          >You're supposed to get more patient and appreciative with age
          Lol, he doesn't know

  5. 11 months ago

    Here's your next filter, OP.

    • 11 months ago
  6. 11 months ago

    >Game starts with premade leveled character
    >Immediately starts with combat
    >Let's you fight a mid tier boss at the end of the tutorial

  7. 11 months ago

    >three years ago
    >get a used Ps3 for cheap with a bunch of games (one of which was DD)
    >play it
    >love it
    >after about 15h of playtime decide to try out some other game in the bunch that I got
    >launch Dark Souls
    >absolutely LOVE IT and am completely blown away by it
    >don't play anything else until I finish it
    >decide to get back to DD
    >it feels like absolute shit to play and stop after only a few mins
    >don't touch it again
    >last year, get a used ps4 and play through all the Souls games
    >one day see DD on sale and decide to give it another go, mainly because I would like to experience the pawn system (which I didn't have the chance to do on the ps3)
    >launch it and after 30min have to stop playing because of how disgusted I am by the controls
    >delete it

    I really hope DD2 will take more control/gameplay inspiration from Souls because I think a hybrid of DD and Souls would be a perfect match.

    • 11 months ago

      Souls is incompatible with DD. Just make DD2 closer to Capcom's modern ARPGs.

      I'd bet good money you think AC6 is dark souls too.

      • 11 months ago

        How is it incompatible?
        And you'd be losing your good money. That's just silly.

        What classes did you play in dd

        Strider mainly.

        I'm bi actually (having my first MMF threesome next week), and my blood type is 0-, not Gaylord.

        Based hes incapable of learning something different its a sign of low iq

        While you obviously are smarter than I, it's not about an incapability to learn, but more like driving your first car (say, a Corolla 2001) after having driven the Batmobile (2005).

        Great bait anon, look the seething morons falling for it, lol

        I am and was completely sincere.

        Who could it be now?

        DD is by no means mediocre nor do I think it's boring (again, I loved the game pre-souls), my main issue with it is that it handles like a bistro.

        • 11 months ago


          homosexual with extra steps

        • 11 months ago

          >I'm bi actually (having my first MMF threesome next week)
          >my blood type is 0-
          Pretty sure your blood is positive.

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            Got myself checked last week, got nothing but love pumping through my veins.

            no such thing, you are a homosexual

            My penis disagrees.

            i dont believe this, the moment you frick a homosexual means you are too.

            I have no plans to frick the other guy.
            We're all in the same bouldering club and while we were resting the three of us started talking about sex and she took up the topic of threesomes.
            I hadn't ever before ever thought about having a MMF threesome but admitted that spitroasting a woman is something I find incredibly hot, thus we made plans to try it out.

        • 11 months ago

          no such thing, you are a homosexual

        • 11 months ago

          i dont believe this, the moment you frick a homosexual means you are too.

        • 11 months ago

          Some situations corlla will be better than the batmobile
          you dont know how to appreciate different things

      • 11 months ago

        How is it incompatible?
        And you'd be losing your good money. That's just silly.

        Strider mainly.

        I'm bi actually (having my first MMF threesome next week), and my blood type is 0-, not Gaylord.

        While you obviously are smarter than I, it's not about an incapability to learn, but more like driving your first car (say, a Corolla 2001) after having driven the Batmobile (2005).

        I am and was completely sincere.

        DD is by no means mediocre nor do I think it's boring (again, I loved the game pre-souls), my main issue with it is that it handles like a bistro.

        To begin with, player agency. Souls games make you feel insignificant while DD (and MonHun and DMC) make you feel stronger, even against bosses. Souls games slow you down and makes you play by their rules using weighy attacks with pauses and lags at different points in their animations, and forces you to respect enemies lest you get caught in an animation. FS designs their bosses to trade hits with you but leaves windows here and there for you to exploit so even while playing an insignificant character, you can fell beings of greater power. Capcom, on the other hand, puts power back in your hands by first giving you weighy attacks but allows you to manipulate them to attack and move on a dime, as well as a bigger box of tools. So you end up shaving the fat off your animations as your skill level rises and exploring that tool box you find unexpected syngeries and exploit them to take combat beyond vanilla. Capcom throws a lot of weak enemies at you to bully them around and bosses to pressure you until you can learn them and then exploit both the combat and the boss to bully them around.

        I say all this but it's more like I'm talking about DMC, DD still has fewer inputs, it has more traditional RPG encounters, and the toolbox you get is spread out across different vocations. Then there's the whole grabbing/climbing mechanic that souls games don't have anything to compare with and offers a new dimension to the combat, a dimension I hope is explored fully in DD2 using Capcom's experiences from theirnother games.

        Oh, and I'm bi too.

        • 11 months ago

          Mh combat doesn't make you feel stronger than enemies. gay

          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              ehhh, it kinda does
              you really can just bully any enemy, stuff like LS with the iframe counters and whatever the frick Nu-Horn does makes enemies so weak by comparison that a lot of the enemies they added in Rise as DLC have new moves made specifically to frick you when you attempt them.
              Like Jet Dragon multihitting to catch you after a counter. Just look at the insane shit that Curio monsters do, and they're still a cakewalk.
              It's a lot different from Frontiers, Tri or even World.
              Generations is even worse, you're basically untouchable.

              Play the first game

          • 11 months ago

            ehhh, it kinda does
            you really can just bully any enemy, stuff like LS with the iframe counters and whatever the frick Nu-Horn does makes enemies so weak by comparison that a lot of the enemies they added in Rise as DLC have new moves made specifically to frick you when you attempt them.
            Like Jet Dragon multihitting to catch you after a counter. Just look at the insane shit that Curio monsters do, and they're still a cakewalk.
            It's a lot different from Frontiers, Tri or even World.
            Generations is even worse, you're basically untouchable.

    • 11 months ago

      What classes did you play in dd

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        Based hes incapable of learning something different its a sign of low iq

    • 11 months ago

      >I really hope DD2 will take more control/gameplay inspiration from Souls
      God, I hope not, because the slow, clunky, unresponsive controls of Souls are a cancer killing the vidya industry. I'm so fricking sick of locking on and circlestrafing.

    • 11 months ago

      Great bait anon, look the seething morons falling for it, lol

    • 11 months ago

      Who could it be now?

      • 11 months ago

        So many schizos

      • 11 months ago

        I refuse to believe this is real, no one could possibly be this autistic.

        • 11 months ago

          >no one could possibly be this autistic
          Kiwifarms exists

          • 11 months ago

            Dw you are not missing out much with skipping the game, might want to refund it too. I played it all and it was such a fricking slog with basically nothing to do aside from escort and mmo quests. Most people just like the game for what it could have been and not for what it is in reality.

            Kiwifarms is worlds above discord troon raids. KF autists archive all kinds of dirt on a person. Stuff is funny to shitpost people with on shitter randomly.

            • 11 months ago

              >Kiwifarms is

              • 11 months ago

                pretty sure that site is still available through tor and will be available on clearnet soon enough again. It didnt die after the giant campgain against it, so i doubt it will ever go down for longer than a few weeks/months.

    • 11 months ago

      the exact opposite experience because souls as a formula got old to me and there's nothing they can do to get me to like it again

    • 11 months ago

      >>get a used Ps
      Ah, shit taste. Good on you for letting me know to stop reading.

  8. 11 months ago


  9. 11 months ago

    You got rused by Ganker, many such cases. It's a very bad game. Hispanic posters have been pushing such memes for a while.

  10. 11 months ago

    >literal tutorial didn't challenge me
    >i quit game now

  11. 11 months ago

    Dont act like you have free will. You will buy DD2 anyway if your favourite influencer demands it.

    • 11 months ago

      who, the autistic woman and ???

      • 11 months ago

        The only other one I know is Eastern European man.

      • 11 months ago

        *cracks knuckles* Wait and see~

      • 11 months ago


  12. 11 months ago

    >Why isn't the tutorial harder
    You're given an endgame level character to play with.
    >Why is the healthbar so big?
    LITERALLY a skill issue. It goes down fast if you actually use the attack skills.

    • 11 months ago

      Savan should've learned dragon's maw

  13. 11 months ago

    How do you guys reliably kill daimon? First run is always piss easy but I find it so hard to kill his second form. I don't know how to deal with the move that creates a vortex in the center of the room without losing a shit ton of resources and all my pawns.

    • 11 months ago

      pop a liquid vim and climb on top him. it usually takes a couple of hits to knock him out of the rift vortex
      you can do the same as red vocations, or you can blast arrow his head with flurries from afar
      HFB lmao

  14. 11 months ago

    I love how much Dragons Dogma filters morons, casuals and zoomers alike.

    • 11 months ago

      It's good because it exposes anons who can't let it go when a game doesn't click for them or it isn't for them. It's guaranteed they lose their shit with other games too.

      • 11 months ago

        >can't let it go when a game doesn't click for them or it isn't for them

        Being able to let go of a game that you're not jiving with is preferable to forcing yourself to play something for hours upon hours that you're not enjoying just to be able to say "I played it through".

  15. 11 months ago

    Why are OP's always the biggest fricking homosexuals on this board and why do they feel the need to tell us?

  16. 11 months ago

    It's taken me about 11 hours to get into this thing and I'm starting to enjoy it. The monster-climbing mechanic is cool in theory, but in practice it's slow as shit and rarely worth the trouble. I've just been slashing at the knees of cyclopses and stabbing them in the eye when they fall over, it's far less hassle than climbing onto their heads.

    • 11 months ago

      Not all vocations are climbers.

  17. 11 months ago

    Play on hard mode from level 1 and you'll appreciate more the combat

  18. 11 months ago


    ่ีwhy dont they get rid of clunky slow movements getting stunned animation and moronic running animation

    • 11 months ago

      Meant to

      ehhh, it kinda does
      you really can just bully any enemy, stuff like LS with the iframe counters and whatever the frick Nu-Horn does makes enemies so weak by comparison that a lot of the enemies they added in Rise as DLC have new moves made specifically to frick you when you attempt them.
      Like Jet Dragon multihitting to catch you after a counter. Just look at the insane shit that Curio monsters do, and they're still a cakewalk.
      It's a lot different from Frontiers, Tri or even World.
      Generations is even worse, you're basically untouchable.

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