Can we finally admit this console has a good library?

Can we finally admit this console has a good library?

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  1. 4 months ago

    well it has like 98% of big releases from that time period so i guess it's fine library

  2. 4 months ago

    so does a PC.

  3. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Even aside from the fact that many of these games are available on PC, I have zero interest in playing any of them.

      I bought a Series X and the only reason was to play 360 games at 4k. It's the best way to play Ninja Gaiden 2.

    • 4 months ago

      Literally everything here ranges from trash to mediocre at best, or had a better port on PC. So glad I dropped Xbox after the 360

      I actually picked up a ps4 over xbone at first after but my wife got me one for a gift and I ended up playing it much more than ps4. As someone who doesn't play pc, it was better than ps4 to me. Sony first party games are just not it for me. Xbox first partybshit that gen wasn't great but at least they were games and not all goyslop movies

      >at least they were games

    • 4 months ago

      Fell off a cliff after Phil took over

      • 4 months ago

        >Fell off a cliff after Phil took over
        Meh. 2017 - 2020 were definitely poor but it's much better now. Flight Simulator on console as well as Age of Empires. Quake and Goldeneye remasters. Psychonauts 2 turned out better than anyone expected and Double Fine was able to complete the game as they envisioned and could keep the boss fights in the game. Hi-Fi Rush is one of the best games published by Xbox Game Studios.

    • 4 months ago

      *also on PC
      xbottoms have less games than snoys

    • 4 months ago

      >starts badly
      >gets even worse after Don Matrick leaves

    • 4 months ago

      I'm still slightly annoyed that Crimson Dragon, Voodoo Vince and Powerstar Golf never got a physical release. Also for some moronic reason Super Lucky's Tale has a definitive edition on PS4/Switch but it's only available digitally on the Xbone

    • 4 months ago

      Forza Horizon carried Xbox as far as it could.

      • 4 months ago

        The Horizon series wouldn't have had to carry the Xbone so hard if Turn 10 didn't fumble Motorsport 5.

    • 4 months ago

      I've been telling people the Bone was better than the Series, usually just gets me seethed at.

    • 4 months ago

      missing like 10 or more kinect games. Don mattrick had more exclusives in his small time then phil spencer for a whole decade

  4. 4 months ago

    It really does I’ve always noticed that, maybe that’s why it sold better than the Series X

  5. 4 months ago

    I actually picked up a ps4 over xbone at first after but my wife got me one for a gift and I ended up playing it much more than ps4. As someone who doesn't play pc, it was better than ps4 to me. Sony first party games are just not it for me. Xbox first partybshit that gen wasn't great but at least they were games and not all goyslop movies

  6. 4 months ago

    And the best multiplat performance, and the best online, and a built-in browser for when I broke my laptop a couple of times. And it still plays most releases fine today.

  7. 4 months ago

    good games exclusive to shitbox bum:
    >sunset overdrive
    >forza horizon 2

    yeah not worth it, especially with all the FRICKING ADS and shady microshaft being shady.

    microcucks are literally in an abusive relationship and are now having stockholm syndrome about 'shaft leaving the console scene

  8. 4 months ago

    >no Xbox One chan

  9. 4 months ago

    Didn't it get games at 900p for PS4's 1080p? No thanks

  10. 4 months ago

    I miss the 2013/2014 Xbox dashboard. It was so quick to get to your pinned games. The snap feature was awesome. There were still advertisements on the home screen sure, but the Game Pass cancer hadn't taken over until late 2017.

    • 4 months ago

      >but the Game Pass cancer hadn't taken over
      All that Game Pass shit on your home screen can't be taken off. It's always there even if you don't have Game Pass. This current Series X dashboard is a visual mess, so slow, has to load up so much info from the digital store, my pins were kicked down in favor of all this Game Pass junk I'm not even subscribed to, etc.

      • 4 months ago

        >Have 5 groups of pins (Physical Xbone games, Physical 360/Xbox games, Backlog, Beaten games and Digital freebies)
        >Xbone update
        >Now can only have 2 groups MAX each of which can only display the first 40 games
        >All so 90% of the UI can be riddled with Gamepass and Store adds
        I can't believe people unironically defend this shit. Even if I boiled everything down to Backlog/NotBacklog I wouldn't be able to see the majority of my games.

        • 4 months ago

          >Have 5 groups of pins
          I had almost 10 groups.

          >pinned apps (microsoft rewards, youtube, xbox insider, edge)
          >current multiplayer games (Halo MCC, Street Fighter 6, Star Wars Battlefront II)
          >all the Rare Replay games in one group
          >backlog/achievement clean-up
          >favorite Xbox 360 games
          >favorite Xbox One games
          >all my original Xbox games (I still hate how there isn't a filter for your games library that separates 360 and original Xbox games, you can only view 360 and OG together, I want a filter just for my OG Xbox games since I've got about 30 of them)
          >360 Games with Gold
          >Games with full French audio/text/interface to help me improve my French

          Before I could just press right trigger and I could see my pinned apps, now I gotta flick left stick up, press a to to go my games and apps, then scroll down to groups. At least that's still faster than scrolling down past the games recently added to Game Pass

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, I know groups are still available in the my library section but it sucks they're not on the homescreen. Makes everything take longer for no real reason. I also feel like adjusting groups takes longer now. If I remove a game from my backlog because I've finished it, I get booted to the top of the screen and every icon has to be reloaded. Maybe it always did this but I can't remember

    • 4 months ago

      >but the Game Pass cancer hadn't taken over
      All that Game Pass shit on your home screen can't be taken off. It's always there even if you don't have Game Pass. This current Series X dashboard is a visual mess, so slow, has to load up so much info from the digital store, my pins were kicked down in favor of all this Game Pass junk I'm not even subscribed to, etc.

      Bad vibes

      Absolute fricking cancer. This alone is enough justification to have abandoned Xbox after the 360

  11. 4 months ago

    No? The games were all meh. Nothing truly memorable.

  12. 4 months ago

    Best console form factor ever.

    • 4 months ago

      it's a fricking vcr
      i admit you can use it as a handy coffee table or something, but it's not memorable
      it's not aesthetic

  13. 4 months ago

    Good vibes

  14. 4 months ago

    Bad vibes

  15. 4 months ago

    It has Halo 5 and Kinect shit. That's all.

  16. 4 months ago

    Gotta be honest, this might be the worst library I've ever seen:

  17. 4 months ago

    had. Until phil spencer ported everything to pc

  18. 4 months ago

    It's not bad if you want to play third party games. And I don't know why having one exclusive (blood borne) is enough to make ps4 less of a laughingstock.
    Consoles really started to die in that gen.

  19. 4 months ago

    >all xbone games
    >significant amount of 360 and xbox 1 games
    >all improved in some way over the original release

  20. 4 months ago

    Nah. But it has The Division and is the best way to play it. Backward compatability is missing games. It has shit hardware even for the time. And like the PS4 it caused downgrades. Forces high resolution. It's the antichrist, but other options are worse.

    • 4 months ago

      Bullshit. Xbone hardware is the reason games could change from the tightly packed hallway simulators late 7th gen titles all became into more open titles.

      -Doesn't support opengl/vulkan
      -Locks cpu core and ram to it's os, a lot, a few gb.
      -Low spec, amd
      -no windows
      -no wiimote controls
      -forced high res
      -usually forced vsync
      -Paid multiplayer
      -Expensive games from online store
      +Can convert colour depth to 12bit per pixel and display that on any screen.
      +Can play any video format via VLC.
      +Backward compatability when works plays games at higher framerates.
      +Scratched discs can download the rest of the data from the store, juat need to be able to recognise the game.

      >-Doesn't support opengl/vulkan
      What benefit would that have on a custom architecture built around DX11, numbnuts?
      >-Locks cpu core and ram to it's os, a lot, a few gb.
      It's a console.
      >-Low spec, amd
      It's a console.
      >-no windows
      It's a console.
      >-no wiimote controls
      >-forced high res
      >1080p is high res
      >-usually forced vsync
      It's a console where most TVs are 60Hz.
      >-Paid multiplayer
      Only valid complaint (applies to all consoles)
      >-Expensive games from online store
      Prices are on par with all other sellers.

  21. 4 months ago

    I was around when this happened so nothing else really can match it. All the modern consoles feel sparse in terms of titles.

    • 4 months ago

      >fall and holiday
      I see this picture a lot but what was actually available on launch day one?

  22. 4 months ago

    -Doesn't support opengl/vulkan
    -Locks cpu core and ram to it's os, a lot, a few gb.
    -Low spec, amd
    -no windows
    -no wiimote controls
    -forced high res
    -usually forced vsync
    -Paid multiplayer
    -Expensive games from online store
    +Can convert colour depth to 12bit per pixel and display that on any screen.
    +Can play any video format via VLC.
    +Backward compatability when works plays games at higher framerates.
    +Scratched discs can download the rest of the data from the store, juat need to be able to recognise the game.

    • 4 months ago

      -No composite out
      -No custom res eg 1366x768
      -No 2D to 3D conversion
      -Controller introduces 11 milliseconds of input lag
      -Wired connection has the same lag and easily falls out.
      -Doesn't come with rechargeble batteries

  23. 4 months ago

    As much as I loved the One X for being smaller, quieter, cooler and just plain easier on the eyes than the big loud obnoxious ps4 pro the game library was okay. Nothing that would have swayed me if I was on the fence as Gears and Halo were well past their prime for me. The biggest issue for me was their reliance on backwards compatibility, not saying it’s because the option is great but I can’t see myself ever going back and playing og Halo, Gears or Crackdown today.

    They were great at the time when I was a kid but I don’t replay games much especially decades later. I play then move on to the next thing so they needed more, much more at a higher quality than we got.

  24. 4 months ago

    The Xbox one/ps4 generation has the absolute worst libraries every game that came out for them is dogshit. I remember being disappointed for years because of these consoles. Compare to the 360 or the ps3 or the original Xbox and PS2 it’s not even close. Absolute dogshit generation

  25. 4 months ago

    The Xbone is brilliant. It's my favourite console since the PS2. People don't appreciate how massive the library is, especially with the back compatibility. It's my main system now I don't have a modern PC and it's easily my favourite console since the PS2.

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