Can we finally admit this console was a piece of trash?

>waggle gimmicks were awful, were forced into games that had no business using them, and failed to catch on in the long-term
>started the trend of casualization, dumbing-down games and making them too easy
>re-selling gamecube hardware in 2006 as if it was "new" was a disgrace
>selling a new console in 2006 without HD TV support was fricking inexcusable
>most of its games were shovelware and/or are now forgotten. the few that are remembered are the ones which didn't need waggle (galaxy, brawl, the 2 zelda games, donkey kong)
>pandering to the soccer mom audience actually turned out to be a terrible and short-sighted business move because they all moved on to mobile gaming by the 2010s

The Wii was terrible and I'm tired of Nintendo fans pretending it wasn't. They would have been better off simply making a GameCube 2.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Yeah but that moronic ass bowling game sold like 100 million consoles.

    • 5 months ago

      And the vast majority of people who bought it proceeded to never buy another game for the console again. Most Wiis were sitting gathering dust in people's closets by 2009.

  2. 5 months ago

    Games are fun on it.

  3. 5 months ago

    >Sold extremely well
    >Cultural landmark for 2000's gaming
    >So good it forced Playstation and xbox to make the abortions that were kinect and psmotion
    It was the worst mogging other consoles had since the NES.

    • 5 months ago

      The Wii was based. Everyone had one. I remember playing Wii Sports and Mario Kart at parties back then. It also had Mario Galaxy, Skyward Sword, and Xenoblade Chronicles which were great.

      The Wii is better than the 360/PS3 but that isn't saying much.

      >it good because it le sold to normalgays!

      >most of its games were shovelware and/or are now forgotten.
      Thst's true of every single game console ever made

      The Wii is a unique case because unlike the NES, PS1, or PS2 (where the good games equaled or at least stood out from the shovelware), Wii's shovelware stuck out because of the drought in substantial games that weren't waggle shit.

      • 5 months ago

        Being better than PS3/360 doesn't necessarily mean it's good.

      • 5 months ago

        Didn't read the rest

  4. 5 months ago

    The Wii was based. Everyone had one. I remember playing Wii Sports and Mario Kart at parties back then. It also had Mario Galaxy, Skyward Sword, and Xenoblade Chronicles which were great.

    • 5 months ago

      >It also had Mario Galaxy, Skyward Sword, and Xenoblade Chronicles which were great.
      Notice how all these good games are the ones which didn't benefit from waggleshit and thus would have been better off as games for a normal console with a normal controller.

      Imagine if Nintendo made a normal console with HD graphics to compete with 360 and PS3, and then Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2, Skyward Sword and Xenoblade could have all been true next-gen experiences with stunning graphics played on an actual controller. You can't tell me that timeline wouldn't be better than what we actually got.

      • 5 months ago

        >Imagine if Nintendo made a normal console with HD graphics to compete with 360 and PS3, and then Super Mario Galaxy 1 + 2, Skyward Sword and Xenoblade could have all been true next-gen experiences with stunning graphics played on an actual controller.
        They tried that with the GameCube and it didn't work.

        • 5 months ago

          I can give you the main 4 reasons why it "didn't work" for the GameCube:
          >Mini-disc format meant several multiplats couldn't physically be released on the console
          >No GTA. Literally the biggest multiplat of its generation and Nintendo didn't have it
          >Online functionality was pretty much non-existent
          >They fricked up by releasing kiddy-ass Wind Waker right at the moment when the market was ripe for a gritty, realistic Zelda

          The normal response to the GameCube's failures would have been to sit down and say
          >ok, our next console needs to use proper HD-DVDs or blu-rays
          >we need to negotiate with rockstar to get GTA 4 to release on it same day as 360 and PS3
          >we need a proper online network like xbox live, and integrate it with all our excellent multiplayer titles (mario kart, smash bros, mario party, etc)
          >let's delay twilight princess and make it an HD next-gen game specifically targeted at the teen/mature audiences to tell the world "nintendo is back"

          Instead, moronu Shitwata went insane and decided the answer to the GameCube's problems was to double-down on making their next console a kiddy's toy and destroy Nintendo's reputation with hardcore gamers. Then he tried to triple-down with the Wii U and nearly killed the entire company in the process. Nintendo should be thankful he died when he did or else he'd probably be coming up with some new gay idea for a cheap "gimmick" console to succeed the Switch, rather than just doing the obviously correct thing (Switch 2).

          • 5 months ago

            Iwata was instrumental in the development of the NX thoughbeit

            • 5 months ago

              A broken clock is right two times a day. The DS was a decent handheld as well. With the 3DS he gambled on 3D screens which obviously turned out to be pointless, but at least it wasn't so disruptive a gimmick as to ruin the console. With the Switch he got things generally right, but if he were still alive and president of Nintendo he'd be functionally incapable of just saying "let's make a Switch 2", it would need to have some completely new and dumb gimmick to set it apart from the Switch.

          • 5 months ago

            >a kiddy's toy and destroy Nintendo's reputation with hardcore gamers
            Which turned out fine without "hardcore gamers".

            • 5 months ago

              No it didn't. None of the casuals who bought a Wii bought a Wii U, and neither did the real gamers, which was why it sold so pathetically and nearly bankrupted the company.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah, the wii. not the wii u.

              • 5 months ago

                The Wii U's epic failure proves the Wii's success was not sustainable. Nintendo chased an audience that was never going to be interested in console gaming long-term, and in the process, they lost their core audience. That left only the Nintendo diehard fanboys who formed the paltry 13 million of Wii U owners.

                Even the 3DS only sold half of what the DS did, which is pretty bad by comparison.

              • 5 months ago

                >Even the 3DS only sold half of what the DS did, which is pretty bad by comparison.
                To be fair, smartphones exploded in popularity right around the time the 3DS launched

              • 5 months ago

                >Nintendo chased an audience that was never going to be interested in console gaming long-term
                So why does the switch have motion controls then? it's obvious they still care about the wii if they have to keep that around.

                >Even the 3DS only sold half of what the DS did, which is pretty bad by comparison.

  5. 5 months ago

    Literally everyone knows this.

    • 5 months ago

      The guy above you clearly doesn't.

      • 5 months ago

        Literally everyone knows this.

        Nta but you're coping if you think Mario Kart alone doesn't obliterate the entire souls franchise and everything you think is "popular"

        • 5 months ago

          Mario Kart is excellent but MK Wii is clearly the worst one. It was only kinda cool at the time because it was the first time you could play console Mario Kart online. If Nintendo made a real 7th gen console rather than the Pii, then we could have had a Mario Kart 8 style game a full generation earlier.

  6. 5 months ago

    I got a Wii instead of a 360 or PS3(kinda regret this now tbh, though I at least got a PS3 many years later), but I liked it as a kid
    Nowadays I use it for emulation and native GameCube games, it's pretty cool

  7. 5 months ago

    The Wii is better than the 360/PS3 but that isn't saying much.

  8. 5 months ago

    I think IR aiming had a lot of potential but was hamstrung by the lack of a second analog stick for more reliable camera control and nintendo's general apathy for it aside from prime 3. there's still nothing like aiming with IR in re4(aside from vr), gyro is probably more practical but it's just not as intuitive or fun as directly aiming with a pointer.

    • 5 months ago

      IR aiming is still way more precise than gyro, I'll never forgive Nintendo for striking gold and then getting rid of it

  9. 5 months ago

    I remember when tendies got mad at Chris Hecker for saying it was 2 Gamecubes duct taped together. And then it turned out to not even be that powerful.

  10. 5 months ago

    >most of its games were shovelware and/or are now forgotten.
    Thst's true of every single game console ever made

    • 5 months ago

      The Wii had the worst shovelware to real game since the Atari 2600.

  11. 5 months ago

    with how console shooters had completely absorbed the industry I think a control input approximating mouse was a decent idea and paved the way for what we have now with gyro. playing shooters solely with a right analog stick is fricking dismal outside of twinstick robotron type games.

    • 5 months ago

      >with how console shooters had completely absorbed the industry I think a control input approximating mouse was a decent idea
      Maybe, but the Wii having PS2-level graphics prevented it from taking full advantage of that. None of the big 3rd party FPSes of the time could be ported to it (apart from massively downgraded versions of the CoD games).

  12. 5 months ago

    far superior to the BLOOM GRAY SEPIA MOTION BLUR bullshit the 360 and PS3 had on every single fricking game.

  13. 5 months ago

    Why didn't they ever make use of head tracking?

  14. 5 months ago

    I waited on getting one and finally did for Skyward Sword. Was immensely disappointing. Got Mario Galaxy 2 and Red Steel 2 and couldn't get into them. Got Godzilla: Unleashed which I had been looking forward to but it was meh. Got rid of it shortly after and didn't even bother with the WiiU.

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