Can we post the best games in series by consensus?

It's helpful for people who want to try a series. Ofc there's rarely real consensus, but it's close enough with some series or maybe you have some very good arguments.

Example => Devil May Cry 3

Please refrain from
>console warring
>very controversial picks like, for example, best Castlevania, GTA, MGS, RE or Sonic game and
>rather samey series that clearly didn't peak in retro, think sports or racing games
Lesser known series very welcome!

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 6 months ago

    With focus on platforming:
    Goemon's Great Adventure (N64) and Goemon 2 (SNES)

    • 6 months ago

      Double Dragon Advance is basically an expanded port of the original arcade game and plays much better. On the topic of beat em ups, most people think Street of Rage 2 is the best.

      Yeah it's between these two though you could make an argument for the 4th Super Famicom game.

  2. 6 months ago

    why does that girl look like my ex so much? u_u

    • 6 months ago

      did your ex also have a spider for a hand

      • 6 months ago

        AI is satanic

  3. 6 months ago

    Overlord 1. But I guess the rest aren't retro anyway

  4. 6 months ago

    i'd argue that DMC didn't START until DMC3 as 3, 4, 5 and even the reboot are better than the first 2 DMCs.

    • 6 months ago

      1 shows its roots as a proto-RE, but I still like it the most due to the atmosphere and music, and it's still great if you go in knowing what it is.
      2 is just irredeemable.

    • 6 months ago

      I played 1 and 3 multiple times each and prefer 1 overall.

      3 has a lot of really terrible enemy designs that drag down the overall enjoyment.

  5. 6 months ago

    Streets of Rage 2

  6. 6 months ago

    >Resident evil
    5 or 3
    Zero mission
    Neverwinter nights

    • 6 months ago

      >5 or 3
      Nowhere close to consensus. Stop being insecure about your taste

      • 6 months ago

        >This is the opinion police, come out with your hands up!

        • 6 months ago

          Well, you aren't dumb and know what you posted isn't even close to consensus

          • 6 months ago

            >every post is mind reading
            >doesn't realize I'm not even the same anon
            Maybe anon was wrong about the consensus, but it's very strange to insist that he does it intentionally because he is insecure. How is his relationship with his mother, psychic-anon?

            • 6 months ago

              >very strange to insist that he does it intentionally
              What kind of a moron actually thinks that Neverwinter nights is the most popular Bioware game? Of course he's being contrarian on purpose, and so are you right now
              t. nta

      • 6 months ago

        RE5 is basically a co-op version of RE4 at the end of the day and practically rehashes almost all of RE4's beats.

    • 6 months ago

      Zero Mission sucks. 2 is my favorite but I can't deny that Super is what the rest of the world chooses instead.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm usually one of the first people to defend RE5, but lets be realistic here. The only good parts about RE5 were Mercs and the Desperate Escape DLC campaign.
      Main campaign is clearly balanced around the easiest difficulty setting and expects you to have a stockpile of ammo and healing on Normal or higher. On top of which, anything that can't 1-shot you stops being a threat entirely about halfway through the game since you have more than enough weaponry to lay waste to anything and everything. After finishing once, it's just a matter of smashing through on higher difficulties with your armor and fully upgraded weapons just to unlock stuff.
      Lost in Nightmares is massively disappointing. You get to wander around the RE1 mansion in RE4/5's engine, but then you get shit like the enforced stealth section(in a game that really doesn't support stealth), and yet another fricking shitty Wesker fight where your partner seems dead set on trying to get shot to death by Wesker.
      RE5's Mercs co-op No Mercy is probably some of the most fun I've ever had with any RE game, and Desperate Escape does a good job of removing the stockpile issue to keep things challenging, but 3, 4, and CV are all better packages overall.

  7. 6 months ago

    Crysis 1

  8. 6 months ago

    Is Civ 4 better than 5 and 6?

    • 6 months ago

      yes, light-years ahead

  9. 6 months ago

    Ace Combat Zero (but I prefer 5)
    MGS3 (but I prefer 1)
    Ys Oath in Felghana (but I prefer books 1 & 2)
    Resident Evil 1 remake
    Super Metroid
    King of Fighters 98
    Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (but I prefer Alpha 3)
    Tekken 3
    Kirby Super Star
    Deus Ex 1
    Postal 2
    Spyro 1
    X-COM 1
    Age of Empires 2
    Burnout 3
    Star Ocean 2
    Jak and Daxter

    • 6 months ago

      >MGS3 (but I prefer 1)
      2 is the best and just an improved 1

      • 6 months ago

        1 had better boss fights and characters. Raiden and Solidus are great but the other new characters are pretty forgettable.

    • 6 months ago

      Tekken 3 is probably most popular for the general playstation nostalgia audience, but most fighting game players consider Tekken 5 dark resurrection to be the best. It has a huge diverse cast, top tier stages and music, compelling enough story, and it's the culmination of the old series' mechanics. 6 onwards started to experiment with silly gimmicks and went very rapidly downhill.

      • 6 months ago

        7 is objectively the best. New isn't always bad

        • 6 months ago

          New is not always bad and 7 is definitely better than 6, but you can keep your rage, insane tracking on everything and broken 2Ds.

        • 6 months ago

          New is not always bad and 7 is definitely better than 6, but you can keep your rage, insane tracking on everything and broken 2Ds.

  10. 6 months ago

    AI trash

  11. 6 months ago

    dynasty warriors 5/xl/empires
    considered the best dynasty warrior game by most from what i've seen

  12. 6 months ago

    Marathon 2: Durandal

    • 6 months ago

      Fans recently say Infinity is the best. After playing the trilogy, I can safely say Infinity is the weakest Marathon. The level design is worse than the first game. Its attempt at an avant garde narrative is admirable though. Marathon 2 is the best of the three.

  13. 6 months ago

    Metal Gear Solid 3
    (People who insist it's 2 are a sizable minority but still a minority)

    • 6 months ago

      Nah, it's MGS1. It's the most beloved one and it's the reason people care about the MGS series in the first place. The opinion is way more divided when it comes to any of the sequels.

    • 6 months ago

      3 is a piece of shit, though

      >all those le survival systems that waste your time with intricacy
      >be it pausing the game for the backpack nonsense or to cure your wounds (can't fail that), using the right camouflage (game tells you which), or hunting and looting animals (almost false advertisement)
      >a lot of stupid gameplay decisions and changes literally just because of the story and 60s setting
      >even more focus on CQC, which is clunky garbage
      >making the radar worse and less Pac-Man-like, which just furthermore muddies the core gameplay and Metal Gear's top-down roots
      >messy MGS3 maps feel like shit to navigate since the MGS engine and core gameplay were designed around sterile, blocky environments
      >accidentally lean against trees and waste time looking for guards in the brown-in-brown jungle
      >tighter maps in combination with faster guards and scarce healing supplies on higher difficulty makes MGS2 healing not only less interruptive but also more immersive and dangerous (leaving a trail of blood)
      >radio convos with friends are just lazy jpgs and villains ugly freaks with no dramatic agency or weight
      >the entire cast is less memorable than in 1 and 2
      >main villain is a generic evil Russian and a joke character who randomly grabs guys' penises...which is just fricking weird and stupid to watch
      >muh stronk wyman
      >the alert system is more unpolished than ever before, which becomes especially apparent in the weapons lab where guards are positioned in a way it's almost always more time-efficient to just let them kill you or reload your game instead of waiting it out, kinda similar to shitty game design in games like The Evil Within, where you can lose 99% of your health to a trap right after a checkpoint
      >segments intentionally designed to just waste your time, be it long walks and waiting for shit to happen or that cringy ladder scene
      A million other things

      You not understanding consensus is more proof that 3 is peak midwit

      • 6 months ago

        Look everyone, the resident contrarian homosexual has arrived to shit up the thread
        >all those le survival systems that waste your time
        Exploring those is some of the most fun you can have in any game, 3 is one of the only games that did the "play your way" design philosophy while having all the ways to play the game be interesting.
        >making the radar worse
        There is no radar, those left bar items don't count.
        >Metal Gear's top down roots
        Yeah since metal gear was top-down initially it now means it can't ever branch out or do anything different and it has to be pac man with a gun forever. Unironically kys
        >radio convos with friends are just lazy jpgs
        OMG they're not 3d models that move their mouths and emote maybe once every 3 hours? might as well throw the game in the trash
        >entire cast less memorable than in 1 and 2
        This isn't true unless you have dimentia, even the villains stick out way harder than most of the villains in 1 or 2.
        >grabbing guys penises... which is just fricking weird
        Yeah it was meant to be weird. Congrats on learning how to feel emotions.
        >muh stronk wyman
        aka the only reason you actually disliked 3, further revealing yourself to just be some /misc/ Black person
        >the alert system is unpolished
        It isn't, caution is fricking long because it's encouraging you to act instead of just sit on your ass like you might have done in the other games
        >segments intentionally designed to just waste your time
        There isn't one other than the ladder scene which is done as an interlude so you can collect your thoughts. There are maybe 2 bad segments of the game but neither of them are really time wasters.
        >not understanding consensus
        I'm aware what consensus means, I passed 7th Grade Social Studies. OP didn't understand consensus meant since consensus is impossible to reach in a fanbase so I just stated the most popular one.
        >guys I used the midwit word and the cringe word do I fit in yet
        tl,dr: you're a gay and your whining does not stop MGS3 from being good.

        • 6 months ago

          >to shit up the thread
          That would be you ignoring the rules like a degenerate and insisting there is anything close to consensus about MGS
          >Exploring those is some of the most fun you can have in any game
          >opening the menu and clicking every wound without any source of error until you're healed is the most fun thing you can do in a game!
          >There is no radar, those left bar items don't count.
          That's not making it better. It curbs the usually fast and arcadey progression
          >OMG they're not 3d models that move their mouths and emote maybe once every 3 hours? might as well throw the game in the trash
          Nice strawman. The point is a jpg is lazier and less relatable than a moving face
          >This isn't true unless you have dimentia
          Yeah, who wouldn't prefer "Dr. Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov" over Octagon, kek. Most of the bad guys are goofy Naruto villains you feel nothing for afterwards. "Kaz", the Colonel, Gray Fox, Meryl, Sniper Wolf, Vamp, Olga, Liquid, Solidus, Ocatgon, Psychomantis and deaths like his shit all over them. One of the best 3 characters is a twink version of Ocelot, and the game turns him into a joke as well
          >Yeah it was meant to be weird
          Weird just for the sake of being weird isn't a good thing, moron, especially when it's offputting gay shit and we're talking about the main villain
          >aka the only reason you actually disliked 3, further revealing yourself to just be some /misc/ Black person
          Stop projecting, politics-obsessed Discord gay. A story that wants to be taken seriously acting like a woman can compete with a man and constantly rubbing it in your face is silly. Got nothing to do with politics. Also maybe stop saying the n-word if you aren't racist. Makes you look a bit hypocritical
          >It isn't
          It is, for reasons stated
          >the ladder scene which is done as an interlude so you can collect your thoughts
          And there is literally a boss that just wants you to walk for five minutes


          • 6 months ago

            >A story that wants to be taken seriously acting like a woman can compete with a man
            They're both military-trained professionals. Not average jerkoffs walking the streets. A woman in MMA for example could absolutely compete with a man close to her weight class, and it's not like Snake has a hundred pounds of muscle on The Boss.

        • 6 months ago

          >/misc/ Black person
          You have zero concept of irony I assume.

          • 6 months ago

            Most liberals obsessed with politics are hypocritical pieces of shit like that, go figure

            >A story that wants to be taken seriously acting like a woman can compete with a man
            They're both military-trained professionals. Not average jerkoffs walking the streets. A woman in MMA for example could absolutely compete with a man close to her weight class, and it's not like Snake has a hundred pounds of muscle on The Boss.

            >A woman in MMA for example could absolutely compete with a man close to her weight class
            Snake isn't some random guy. And she isn't just supposed to be stronger than Snake but literally the best soldier to ever fight. I usually don't care about that stuff and just threw it in there, but it's dumb and kinda the opposite of the bluntness I like MGS and Snake for

            • 6 months ago

              You watch way too much Joe Rogan.

              • 6 months ago

                Joe Rogan hates whites

              • 6 months ago

                I agree. He should be watching superior podcasts like It’s Erik Negal.

      • 6 months ago


      • 6 months ago

        >to shit up the thread
        That would be you ignoring the rules like a degenerate and insisting there is anything close to consensus about MGS
        >Exploring those is some of the most fun you can have in any game
        >opening the menu and clicking every wound without any source of error until you're healed is the most fun thing you can do in a game!
        >There is no radar, those left bar items don't count.
        That's not making it better. It curbs the usually fast and arcadey progression
        >OMG they're not 3d models that move their mouths and emote maybe once every 3 hours? might as well throw the game in the trash
        Nice strawman. The point is a jpg is lazier and less relatable than a moving face
        >This isn't true unless you have dimentia
        Yeah, who wouldn't prefer "Dr. Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov" over Octagon, kek. Most of the bad guys are goofy Naruto villains you feel nothing for afterwards. "Kaz", the Colonel, Gray Fox, Meryl, Sniper Wolf, Vamp, Olga, Liquid, Solidus, Ocatgon, Psychomantis and deaths like his shit all over them. One of the best 3 characters is a twink version of Ocelot, and the game turns him into a joke as well
        >Yeah it was meant to be weird
        Weird just for the sake of being weird isn't a good thing, moron, especially when it's offputting gay shit and we're talking about the main villain
        >aka the only reason you actually disliked 3, further revealing yourself to just be some /misc/ Black person
        Stop projecting, politics-obsessed Discord gay. A story that wants to be taken seriously acting like a woman can compete with a man and constantly rubbing it in your face is silly. Got nothing to do with politics. Also maybe stop saying the n-word if you aren't racist. Makes you look a bit hypocritical
        >It isn't
        It is, for reasons stated
        >the ladder scene which is done as an interlude so you can collect your thoughts
        And there is literally a boss that just wants you to walk for five minutes


        >MGS2gay gets upset that people don't like pretentious ramblings only he "gets"
        you will never be smart

        Most liberals obsessed with politics are hypocritical pieces of shit like that, go figure
        >A woman in MMA for example could absolutely compete with a man close to her weight class
        Snake isn't some random guy. And she isn't just supposed to be stronger than Snake but literally the best soldier to ever fight. I usually don't care about that stuff and just threw it in there, but it's dumb and kinda the opposite of the bluntness I like MGS and Snake for

        you will never be white

    • 6 months ago

      IDK if its definitive. I see equal love for 1-3.

      Am I the only one who hates DMC 3’s generic fight music so much I only played the game once? It’s just screaming and loud donk donk synth drums and it’s so bad. I don’t understand how all the music is good except the track you hear the most.

      Nah I agree. I like 1's battle music the most.

  14. 6 months ago

    >Please refrain from
    Every thread that says this turns into a shitshow in a flash

  15. 6 months ago

    Am I the only one who hates DMC 3’s generic fight music so much I only played the game once? It’s just screaming and loud donk donk synth drums and it’s so bad. I don’t understand how all the music is good except the track you hear the most.

  16. 6 months ago

    Duke Nukem 3D

  17. 6 months ago

    >AI vomit
    Shit thread from the start.

  18. 6 months ago

    it's hard to find a consensus with Crash Bandicoot - I've equally seen large amount of people rate 1, 2, 3 and CTR as the best. Would it be controversial to say there's a consensus that CTR is the best kart racer?

  19. 6 months ago

    Did some quick research and consensus is that the franchise peaked with this level

    • 6 months ago

      Accurate. I played the MGS2 demo that came with Zone of the Enders (and only had the first part of the tanker chapter) more than I played the full game or any other MGS.

  20. 6 months ago
  21. 6 months ago

    Bomberman 64. If you don't like it especially if you have a buddy, then Bomberman isn't for you

  22. 6 months ago

    No, I don't like hivemind threads.
    There are a few anons with valid opinions here but your premise is frankly stupid.
    A lot of people still think that ffx is the best jrpg ever.
    The same could be applied to other series like sonic, people just say 1 and 2.
    Now 2 could be a decent candidate for best in the series, but I always preferred 3&k. And then there is the contrarian that never liked sonic in the first place and will say cd.
    I used sonic as an example just to show you why this thread is wrong.

    • 6 months ago

      to further prove your point i think sonic 2 & mania are the only good (or at the very least best) "classic" sonics while i think CD had the best music but i personally prefer that 90s pop music that CD and the saturn era of sonic had.

    • 6 months ago

      >A lot of people still think that ffx is the best jrpg ever.

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