Can you guys recommend me colorful action-adventure games? I love Zelda, Mega Man Legends and Tomba games.

Can you guys recommend me colorful action-adventure games? I love Zelda, Mega Man Legends and Tomba games. Preferably something from gen 5 and gen 6. And most importantly, no ARPGs allowed!

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  1. 2 years ago

    depending on your definition of ARPG:
    >steambot chronicles

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, know that game, even though it's more of an RPG it looks too good not to try. Thanks

      That's literally my favorite type of game but I'm sorry to tell you OP, there's barely any that are as good as MML and Tomba

      To me they're some of the best games ever, but they were both financial failures so almost no one bothered copying them or making more games in that subgenre

      It's my favorite type of game too, I honestly think it's the ultimate video game experience
      >are as good
      I think there are barely any games like this period

      But MML is an action RPG.

      It sort of isn't, there are some RPG elements, yeah, but it still isn't an RPG. I mean, it's way less of an RPG than Kingdom Hearts, for example

      • 2 years ago

        >I honestly think it's the ultimate video game experience
        Literally same, crazy how what I consider the all-encompassing true vidya format, basically an interactive anime which is what I always wanted as a kid, is entirely confined to a couple of relatively obscure games for the PS1, half of which bankrupted the studio and the other half which just flopped.

        Zelda is the exception but to me the wonder wore off after my third game in the series, they're just playing it too safe, but I would love it if any retro JRPGs had the series' gameplay.

        >I think there are barely any games like this period
        I think there's bound to be a couple but the fact no one ever talks about them is damning, there's stuff like Dark Cloud but that's more Zelda-like and brown/gloomy, Brave Fencer Musashi looks similar but I haven't played it yet so I don't know about the format, Jak & Daxter and Klonoa if you're willing to stretch the definition, there's plenty of untranslated Japanese PS1 games no one ever talks about and there might be something there, DoubleShake is Tomba inspired but still in development etc but barely any of them hit the same spot for me though.

        I was making my own game in the same vein a couple years back because I couldn't find anything else like it, but the 3D game dev process is ridiculously time consuming and I couldn't justify the time investment given that I needed to find something to do for money to live on first, and I couldn't garner enough interest in the game to dedicate myself to it full time, seems like people really just don't care about this type of game and that's why they didn't sell in the first place. If I ever get financially stable I intend to finish it 100% though.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh shit good luck with your game anon. Games like these are really hard to make and require tons of effort. Also if we are going to stretch the definition, Ico and SoTC are also action-adventure games that I love a lot. Not colorful, but really stylised regardless

  2. 2 years ago

    That's literally my favorite type of game but I'm sorry to tell you OP, there's barely any that are as good as MML and Tomba

    To me they're some of the best games ever, but they were both financial failures so almost no one bothered copying them or making more games in that subgenre

    • 2 years ago

      yea i was thinking for a while what i could possibly recommend. But there just simply aren't any alternatives to MML. Sucks but what can you do

      Can you guys recommend me colorful action-adventure games? I love Zelda, Mega Man Legends and Tomba games. Preferably something from gen 5 and gen 6. And most importantly, no ARPGs allowed!

      The closest i could recommend that go in a comfy gen 5 direction are:
      >Team Buddies
      >Tiny Tank
      I have some more like Silent Bomber but that one is semi-colorful.
      Rising Zan is a fun one but that's really stretching the definition.
      If you didn't play them already then now is a great time to check out the Spyro Trilogy. You don't get more colors than that and they are different enough to pass as an action adventure in my book.

      I'm on a discovery trip myself lately. Some of these games are just absolute top tier but they also have ZERO alternatives. That's simply because back during the 5th gen there was no popular formula to copy. If you boot up a game there you could almost always guarantee yourself an entirely different concept. And that's the beauty of that gen. Nothing is like the other. Games were just simply games.

      • 2 years ago

        >Team Buddies
        >Tiny Tank
        Thanks for the recs man but that's not really what I'm looking for. These are more like Misadventures of Tron Bonne and not mainline MML games, you know? They don't have a hubworld/overworld and it looks like the progression is strictly level-based
        >Rising Zan
        Reminds me of that Captain Harlock game for PS1
        Again, sorry for being a sperg but Spyro is also not what I'm looking for. Used to like the games a lot as a kid though

        I mean if you like MML try Tail Concerto

        Nice! It's on my to-play list

        • 2 years ago

          and while it's not retro, you should check out its "sequel" on DS Solatorobo

  3. 2 years ago

    But MML is an action RPG.

  4. 2 years ago

    I mean if you like MML try Tail Concerto

  5. 2 years ago

    >no ARPG allowed
    >zelda, mml
    Don't Shitpost with my wife ever again

    • 2 years ago

      >mega man legends

      >no ARPGs allowed!

      Most if not all the types of games OP is asking for will have at least SOME Zelda-ish elements to them, anon.

      The frick's going on? Did I miss something? What do you mean 'Zelda-ish elements'? Is Zelda officially considered an RPG now?

      • 2 years ago

        >Zelda is not an ARPG its [special snowflake term coined for tendie cultists]!
        Nah frick off with that

        • 2 years ago

          What RPG elements does Zelda have?

          • 2 years ago

            id call zelda the quintessential action-adventure game but it wouldnt be a stretch to call it an RPG either
            >play as a named character who grows more powerful and develops new acquaintences/relationships over the course of the game
            >classic epic journey plot + optional sidequests (usually given by characters, accompanoed by dialogue) that reward the player with treasures
            >"stats" in the form of weapons/items that can either be upgraded or improved upon in some way. a few zeldas even go as far as to assign numerical damage values to weapons (e.g. oracle of seasons)
            >medieval / high fantasy theme (not that this is a requirement for a game to be an RPG but they usually go hand in hand)
            >consumable resources for healing and attacks (potions, arrows, etc.)
            >key items used to access to new areas

            • 2 years ago

              >Zelda is not an ARPG its [special snowflake term coined for tendie cultists]!
              Nah frick off with that

              RPG refers to the genre created by dungeons and dragons. Games have to have dungeons and dragons mechanics to be an RPG. The term "role playing" doesn't mean any fricking game where you have a named character, its a point of distinction from the table top war games that preceded D&D (where you were an army instead of 1 guy).

              Fricking zoom zoom plebs. Jesus christ.

        • 2 years ago

          What special term? Zelda's always been action-adventure

          • 2 years ago

            They used that on Prime too.
            "Action-Adventure" is a copout term

            • 2 years ago

              Prime is an action-adventure series, yes. Resident Evil is too. It's just a broad term

            • 2 years ago

              It was used for Zelda first, so it's wrong for the titles that aren't Zelda like

  6. 2 years ago

    Dr. Slump PS1 - gameplay wise it's not as good as any of those, but it hits a very similar mood aesthetically to MML
    Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - might veer into platformer territory, but the colourful adventure elements are good

    • 2 years ago

      I liked that Dr. Slump game because I'm a fan of the manga but sadly the gameplay isn't really good. But yeah, similar mood.
      I really need to try Goemon, yes, also on my to-play list

      >no ARPG allowed
      >zelda, mml
      Don't Shitpost with my wife ever again

      They are not action RPGs. Kingdom Hearts and Nier are ARPGs

      • 2 years ago

        >They are not action RPGs. Kingdom Hearts and Nier are ARPGs
        Next you will tell me Ganondorf isn't a clone anymore

  7. 2 years ago

    Gameplay-wise it's nowhere near an action-adventure, but when it comes to the vibe, Wonder Project has that same feel, you can look at the art and gameplay and imagine how great an action-adventure game in that setting would be, which is what I do.

  8. 2 years ago

    castlevania legacy of darkness

  9. 2 years ago

    DoubleShake is coming eventually probably maybe.

  10. 2 years ago

    Seconding Mystical Ninja starring Goemon. The best for me.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Taz: Wanted is an action-adventure video game released in 2002 by Blitz Games. The game features the Looney Tunes character the Tasmanian Devil.

    • 2 years ago

      Slowly collecting your recommendations bros

      OP here, you posted one of my favorite childhood games. I think it's one of the best looking games ever actually. On par with MML, Wind Waker and Jet Set Radio

    • 2 years ago

      In that same vein, there were many Looney Tunes games on the PS1 which fit OP's request. Sheep Raider's good if you're into puzzles, and both Lost in Time and Time Busters are solid platformers. The same developers behind the latter two also made a game called Jersey Devil which is pretty cartoony and colorful.

  12. 2 years ago

    Sixth gen has some good ones. Try pic related.

  13. 2 years ago

    it's not as colorful as those games but the metroid prime games are similar gameplay wise at least

  14. 2 years ago

    >mega man legends

    >no ARPGs allowed!

    • 2 years ago

      Most if not all the types of games OP is asking for will have at least SOME Zelda-ish elements to them, anon.

    • 2 years ago

      Those are action adventure games, not rpgs you fricking idiot.

  15. 2 years ago

    Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 are the absolute peak of the genre, but here's a few you should check out if you want some more games like it.

    Napple Tale Arsia in Daydream for the Sega Dreamcast,
    A girl named Porche is mistakenly taken to the afterlife in place of a cat who's time had come. This is a Dreamcast exclusive by an all-female lead team, the game play itself is fine but can be inventive. It's focused on platforming but does have the usual adventure elements in it. The highlight has to be the music which is by Yoko Kanno and is one of her best soundtracks. The game is Japan only however has been translated a few years ago. It's one of those genres that felt sorely missing on the Dreamcast and does a good job of rounding out its library. Give some of the music a listen:

    And if you're curious to learn more, Jimmy Hapa did a review on it a few years ago:

    I have the most to say about Napple Tale for now, but some other games you might enjoy are Wonder Trek on the PlayStation. Okage has a very fun world with a good sense of humor, you'll find yourself smiling at lots of the interactions and choices you're given. Threads of Fate is a personal favorite of mine, a fun story with lots of great characters, simple game play, excellent music and a ton of humor. Lastly there's Tail Concerto by CyberConnect 2, this one is most similar to Mega Man Legends and is a really pleasant time although the game is a little easy. The platforming can be really good, I especially love that early section in the floating islands with the rocket pack, the movement is super refined there.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm gonna play Napple Tale but even if I don't end up liking it, I'm already enamored with the soundtrack.

      Thanks for the recommendation, anon!

  16. 2 years ago

    pretending zelda is anything except an arpg better be you shitters trying to be funny

  17. 2 years ago

    Give Skygunner a try. It is mostly action, but the world just takes you to another place like a real adventure. The visuals, setting, music has that feel I think you're looking for.

    • 2 years ago

      Damn that game looks great, will definitely play it.
      Also nice collection, didn't know that you collect anime too. Have you watched Future Boy Conan?

      • 2 years ago

        I think there was a fan-made doujin game that also had the same mechanics as Skygunner, but the title escapes me at this time. I don't collect either, I just happen to have kept the things I love/enjoy from back then. My taste in games and animation is different from most, so typical options are not available to me. For example, Ranma is really one of the worst series made by the author and I recognize that but yet it is still my favorite series she made ignore the games there, those are really awful.

        This game looks really good in screenshots and promo material, but I really did not dig it when I actually got around to playing it. Its plot is kiiiiiinda like a single bonne heist, but the way you're just dropped into the middle of a whole slew of characters and never get an opportunity to familiarize yourself with them really turned me off, and the actual missions are all, like... designed in a really weird way where the designers seem to expect you to know what to do ahead of time?

        Pulling from my kinda halfbaked notes here but I played it a year ago and kinda want to caution people away from investing time, myself:

        'Played through Femme's scenario and dropped it right quick; I almost gave up on the asinine final boss, in fact.

        Less 'Anime Ace Combat' and more 'Victorian Star Fox' in design, except it's not a rail shooter so design isn't as tight. Everything's structured around comboing with smart bomb-esque special weapons and quickly dispatching shit, and it's never exactly clear what/where you're supposed to be aiming at. There's mission variety, but every objective enters a fail state before you're even given an opportunity to get a visual on it; from an automoton that'll have destroyed half a town by the time you've got a handle on how to fight it, to a merchant ship defense mission where the whole lot'll be fricked within a minute if you try to fight the swarms attacking them, every stage fails in its own manner to provide any sort of transparency regarding pivotal goals and mechanics its obfuscated; I eventually figured out, for example, that the game's mob fighters just infinitely spawn as a means of restocking special weapons/building combo, and so shouldn't be targeted - but by then I was near at the end of the game.

        I hear this does get more intuitive and fun on like 5+ playthroughs, but... again, I was gettin' angry at shit. Sad stuff; was really looking forwards to this. The aesthetic is top-notch, but scope entirely too narrow.'

        A very fair assessment. I do agree, but I guess I like the comboing mechanics and alongside with Starfox/Panzer Dragoon/Sin & Punishment/Omega Boost/Rez/etc. it is a rail shooter that I enjoy. I just felt it has the atmosphere that OP was looking for.

    • 2 years ago

      This game looks really good in screenshots and promo material, but I really did not dig it when I actually got around to playing it. Its plot is kiiiiiinda like a single bonne heist, but the way you're just dropped into the middle of a whole slew of characters and never get an opportunity to familiarize yourself with them really turned me off, and the actual missions are all, like... designed in a really weird way where the designers seem to expect you to know what to do ahead of time?

      Pulling from my kinda halfbaked notes here but I played it a year ago and kinda want to caution people away from investing time, myself:

      'Played through Femme's scenario and dropped it right quick; I almost gave up on the asinine final boss, in fact.

      Less 'Anime Ace Combat' and more 'Victorian Star Fox' in design, except it's not a rail shooter so design isn't as tight. Everything's structured around comboing with smart bomb-esque special weapons and quickly dispatching shit, and it's never exactly clear what/where you're supposed to be aiming at. There's mission variety, but every objective enters a fail state before you're even given an opportunity to get a visual on it; from an automoton that'll have destroyed half a town by the time you've got a handle on how to fight it, to a merchant ship defense mission where the whole lot'll be fricked within a minute if you try to fight the swarms attacking them, every stage fails in its own manner to provide any sort of transparency regarding pivotal goals and mechanics its obfuscated; I eventually figured out, for example, that the game's mob fighters just infinitely spawn as a means of restocking special weapons/building combo, and so shouldn't be targeted - but by then I was near at the end of the game.

      I hear this does get more intuitive and fun on like 5+ playthroughs, but... again, I was gettin' angry at shit. Sad stuff; was really looking forwards to this. The aesthetic is top-notch, but scope entirely too narrow.'

      • 2 years ago

        Do you have any notes for other games? I enjoy reading people's casually written thoughts about games.

        • 2 years ago

          Sure; been meaning to transfer these from myvideogamelist to excel for a while now, decent time to start compiling. https*colonslashslash**slash*8xvuo

          Only recently-ish started doing partial text reviews, but here's 2022, excepting some I didn't bother with (mostly during a Vita indie stint with the unfinished swan, titan souls, ect). Mostly been fricking with PSX / OG Xbox piracy, some Vita/3DS thrown in. If you've got any niche recs on those throw 'em my way, been mired in lots of 6/10 to 7/10 mediocrity lately.

          Can you guys recommend me colorful action-adventure games? I love Zelda, Mega Man Legends and Tomba games. Preferably something from gen 5 and gen 6. And most importantly, no ARPGs allowed!

          I was thinkin' real hard about actual thread stuff too, and honestly... kids PC games from the 2000s was the closest vibe I could think of. Harry Potter 1-3 especially, re: kinda janky-tanky but soulful and vibrant platformers.

          • 2 years ago

            holy SHIT dude
            you just brought back some memories

            so THAT'S the thing that terrified me as a child

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah honestly it sucks. I hate when I get tricked into playing these shitty games by some weeb

      • 2 years ago

        You should give the game more time, you're meant to reserve your bombs for specific enemy types and target tail ends of formations to ignite chains with machine gun fire. This generates the highest profit per target, creates combos and rewards you. By the end of Femme's story which is the tutorial story, you should have a grasp on this. The game is all about targeting formations, everything that comes at you is arranged in a formation. It's an excellent game and a short one, but will take a little time to grasp. Don't do your first playthrough expecting to come out on top every mission but instead seeing yourself improve bit by bit, as your first runs will be huge cash sinks, later ones you should start to see yourself coming out in the positives on.

  18. 2 years ago

    Alundra, Monkey hero, Kingsley

  19. 2 years ago

    I'm a simple man: if a game is japanese and made in a distincly anime style, I will force myself through it and shill it to everyone as a forgotten gem

    • 2 years ago

      Any recs?

      • 2 years ago

        Threads of Fate. Literally the only appeal is the art style.

    • 2 years ago

      These games are proof that charming graphics and soundtrack can carry shitty gameplay sometimes

    • 2 years ago


  20. 2 years ago

    Dr Slump looks like MML and has a fan translation
    Kingdom Hearts series but don't feel obligated to keep playing it is a long series. Everyone should try 1 though.

    • 2 years ago

      Already played Dr. Slump and all of the Kingdom Hearts games. And I agree that the first one is a must play, one of my favorites

  21. 2 years ago
  22. 2 years ago

    Napple Tale

  23. 2 years ago

    Rayman 2 and 3
    Graffiti Kingdom

  24. 2 years ago

    Alundra 2 fits the bill. not peak quality, but not terrible either

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