Canonically, how do fish-like Pokemon battle and live outside of water?

Canonically, how do fish-like Pokemon battle and live outside of water? Do they just magically levitate, or do they flop around on the ground like Magikarp in the anime? This has bothered me forever, and I have never been able to find a consistent answer. What are your headcanons to explain this?

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  1. 7 months ago

    magically levitate and breathe air

  2. 7 months ago

    Part of their Water typing includes an ability to control water vapor in the air around themselves, which they then consolidate so that they can swim through it and filter it through their gills to breathe.

    • 7 months ago

      then why does magikarp just flop around? why do some fish pokemon have the ability levitate if all of them are able to do so?

      they don't, fish pokemon are only used in special arenas and having them float is just a gameplay concession

      probably the most logical explanation, but also a cop out

      has the anime addressed this at all?

      • 7 months ago

        Canonically, how do fish-like Pokemon battle and live outside of water? Do they just magically levitate, or do they flop around on the ground like Magikarp in the anime? This has bothered me forever, and I have never been able to find a consistent answer. What are your headcanons to explain this?

        While water pokemon like squirtle or starmie were fine outside of water, FISH pokemon like goldeen or magikarp would splash around uselessly on land.
        The issue was never that they couldn't breathe, just their own biology preventing their usefulness. Misty's horsea, for example, couldn't move around on its own due to being a fish, but was perfectly fine when it was held by misty.
        Stronger fish pokemon like gyarados or milotic were shown to be perfectly fine on land despite being fish because they were just that strong.

        So maybe strength has something to do with it?

        • 7 months ago

          Less about power and more that they just have problems moving. Gyarados and Milotic are fine with it because they move like snakes, Goldeen can just jump a little bit (some rare times it would hop on land in the anime to move rather than just stay useless on the spot), it just isn't very effective.

        • 7 months ago

          In the games a especially weak fish pokemon know splash at an early level to symbolize this uselessness in battle.
          Other "stronger" fish pokemon like goldeen or finneon can use their horns for peck or throw their body weight with pound. As they grow their ability to materialize water does as well. Yet all variations of their own movesets at this point are just variations of throwing their weight around or spitting up water.

          So even with all this training the best a seaking can hope for is to poke someone's eye out or for a lumineon to knock someone out with a really big hop.
          They fricking suck. Nobody uses these pokemon for a reason and they are meant to suck because fish pokemon suck at battling outside of water.
          But what about inside water? Shouldn't they have something to represent them getting stronger in water?
          Well they do! Both seaking and lumineon have swift swim as normal abilities.
          So there you go. That is why you only see wild fish pokemon in the ocean and why only fishermen who are near coastlines and rivers use fish pokemon

        • 7 months ago

          Gyrados is able to fly, it is flying type

          In the games a especially weak fish pokemon know splash at an early level to symbolize this uselessness in battle.
          Other "stronger" fish pokemon like goldeen or finneon can use their horns for peck or throw their body weight with pound. As they grow their ability to materialize water does as well. Yet all variations of their own movesets at this point are just variations of throwing their weight around or spitting up water.

          So even with all this training the best a seaking can hope for is to poke someone's eye out or for a lumineon to knock someone out with a really big hop.
          They fricking suck. Nobody uses these pokemon for a reason and they are meant to suck because fish pokemon suck at battling outside of water.
          But what about inside water? Shouldn't they have something to represent them getting stronger in water?
          Well they do! Both seaking and lumineon have swift swim as normal abilities.
          So there you go. That is why you only see wild fish pokemon in the ocean and why only fishermen who are near coastlines and rivers use fish pokemon

          what about team aqua? dont you literally fight their leader's sharpedo inside a volcano?

          • 7 months ago

            team aqua LOVES carvanha and sharpedo. i'm pretty sure it's the only water type they use, so it's surely for a reason.
            In their emerald sprites they both dance around on their fins, so they're pretty good on land.
            Plus they're just giant teeth launching themselves at you, and that might all team aqua needs to terrorize ordinary citizens with zigzagoons or magma members with numel. The fact they are edgy dark types is a bonus too

    • 7 months ago

      This. I compare it to the 2011 Christmas special for Doctor Who with the fish that swim through the vapors in the air.

  3. 7 months ago

    they don't, fish pokemon are only used in special arenas and having them float is just a gameplay concession

    • 7 months ago

      they could surely fight and survive for a while even while on the ground

  4. 7 months ago

    "Don't think to hard about it"

  5. 7 months ago

    "Canonically", the video games are just video game approximations of real life and the fish Pokemon probably can't actually battle outside of water.

  6. 7 months ago

    pokeworld has a dense,humid, high oxygen atmosphere.

  7. 7 months ago

    >Canonically, how do fish-like Pokemon battle and live outside of water?
    It is a video game and the player is expected to suspend their disbelief for the sake of enjoyment. That's how. moron.

    • 7 months ago

      they don't, fish pokemon are only used in special arenas and having them float is just a gameplay concession

      Imagine how angry players would be with these games if certain Pokemon were only allowed to be use on Water routes and areas with enough water for them to move around.

      It'd be dumb to have that restriction.

  8. 7 months ago

    I kind of imagine them gliding around on the floor or riding around on water energy

  9. 7 months ago

    I always assumed they just float/swim in the air via Water-type energy, not enough to freely fly around, but enough to swim in place so they're not utterly useless on land. Magikarp is just so lame and weak that it can't do this and just flops around instead.

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