Capcom wants more money from you

Well Ganker? Would you pay $80+ dollars for video games? MH6/Re5R for $90? apparently 70 isn't enough

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    They stopped getting money from me a long time ago

  2. 8 months ago

    They should charge a % of your wage.

    • 8 months ago

      Buy game for 0 cent, resell it for $100000 to some CEO

      • 8 months ago

        That's the plan. But you will have to pay your next game with a percentage of that money you've just earned.

        • 8 months ago

          >pay for game

          • 8 months ago

            That's the rule. Surely you ain't a Black person who likes to break rules.

    • 8 months ago

      This is a moronic take because why would anyone do anything relatively complex if they could just coast through life doing numpty work and still only pay the same relative cost as people who have to try hard? Even communism is a better idea, because that forces people into the fields and shit.

      • 8 months ago

        >why would anyone do anything relatively complex if they could just coast through life doing numpty work and still only pay the same relative cost as people who have to try hard?
        already happens under capitalism.
        >why would anyone do anything relatively complex
        they enjoy it.

        • 8 months ago

          >they enjoy it.
          Very, very few people truly enjoy their jobs. And those that do are usually paid frick all. Most people do stuff because they are remunerated properly.
          I wouldn't do my job if it was paid the same as a receptionist.

      • 8 months ago

        My student loan interest is currently paid for by the government, healthcare and dental too. Also food covered by snap. There are internet and energy subsidies but I don't pay for those anyway. If I were to make too much money it all goes away, this system kind of wants me to sit back and do nothing.

      • 8 months ago

        >This is a moronic take because why would anyone do anything relatively complex if they could just coast through life doing numpty work and still only pay the same relative cost as people who have to try hard?
        Like landlords?
        Like anyone with a trust fund,
        government bonds,
        an ETF,
        oil land rights money,
        or really any of hundreds of passive income sources?

        When you take away the unlimited stress of having to compete to not die, you know what motivates people?
        Prestige. Legacy. Pride.

        I know you've NEVER lived in a period of time that wasn't one crisis or another, but there was actually a brief period during the Dot Com boom where there was tremendous prosperity.
        There was full employment, everyone was rich, we were all so fricking rich that they made movies like "Twelve Monkeys" and "Fight Club" in order to complain about how fricking rich, and fat, and happy everyone was and what an essential crisis it was that all of us were so wealthy, so happy, so stress free that we were going to engage in EXCESS CONSUMPTION!

        Do you know why millionaire authors, writers, other not-really-visibly-famous-but-productive people keep making creative works despite having millions of dollars?

        Prestige, Legacy, Pride in their work.

        • 8 months ago

          >Prestige, Legacy, Pride in their work
          Yes but there is none of that in cleaning toilets and the issue is, toilets need to be cleaned. In fact toilets need to be cleaned more than books need to be written and websites need to be launched.

          • 8 months ago

            Pay is and always has been completely fricked. The work that needs to be done isn't paid nearly high enough, while work that doesn't need to exist get paid in millions weekly.

        • 8 months ago

          Whatabousim: The Post

      • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      >NEETs get games for free
      NEETbros stay winning

  3. 8 months ago

    I don't care the price, but at some point there should be diminishing returns in terms of player base, and that matters especially in a multi-player like MH

    So long as they can maximize the player base, they can price it whatever. That'd also imply it'd be an amazing game

  4. 8 months ago

    Capcom is the best AAA dev rn. In the last few years they delivered hit after hit.

    If anyone deserves a price increase it's them.

    • 8 months ago

      This should be fpbp, as long as they don't partake in immoral monetizations such as battlepasses, mtx etc. I'd be happy to pay upfront for what they offer; which are completed quality games.

      • 8 months ago

        Look at street fighter 6 lmfao

    • 8 months ago

      Paid by the hour or by the post?

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah but the rest of the shitty industry will follow suit, if devs like CDPR can hire Keanu reeves and still make massive profits they don't need to increase

    • 8 months ago

      >this company is the best so they should be worse
      Frick off shill they literally have 3 good series right now

    • 8 months ago

      And yet the only games of theirs I care about are their AA stuff.
      Though I have been very interested in DD2 since I liked DD1.

    • 8 months ago

      they don't deserve shit after what they did to resident evil 3 remake.

    • 8 months ago

      >Capcom is the best AAA dev rn
      >If anyone deserves a price increase it's them

    • 8 months ago

      bro, tongue my bag. Start from my ass and drag the shit across my gooch. I want to be moved by the experience.

    • 8 months ago

      Yes to the first line
      Frick no to the second. Capcom only makes sequels for successful series anymore so there are no risks when it comes to their new releases anyway. MH6 could be sold for $40 and they would still make $$$. Capcom and every other developer should simply try to make smaller and less tech demanding games which will also lead to games that take a shorter amount of time to develop. Instead of whining about modern dev costs for chasing big worlds and graphics.

    • 8 months ago

      Well Ganker? Would you pay $80+ dollars for video games? MH6/Re5R for $90? apparently 70 isn't enough

      They are very good but I think some of that recent success is because most of their modern releases are still 60 bucks. I don't think they should increase their prices yet.

  5. 8 months ago

    Have they tried making smaller games?

    • 8 months ago

      Capcom president can stfu they already shit money and cheap it with resident evil engine

    • 8 months ago

      Of course not. The reason costs are expanding is that budgets are expanding, and the reason budgets are expanding is that they think that people will pay more so spending more to beat the competition will be worth it.

    • 8 months ago

      have you tried marketing a smaller game that doesn't focus on graphics. it's impossible to sell those to the AAA large crowd they want to appeal to

  6. 8 months ago

    >Ballooning development costs
    Hiring poverty code monkey from India?
    Fallout New Vegas was made in a year with 200 people.
    Lenin was right. Firing squad all buegeiouse fatcats. They will never be satisfied until they rob you blind and sell your corpse for organs on top, there is no end to greed.
    When it's 80 they will claim it should be 100.

    • 8 months ago

      >Fallout New Vegas was made in a year with 200 people.
      And boy does it show. One of the biggest technical messes I can remember until Cyperpunk came along.

    • 8 months ago

      >Fallout New Vegas was made in a year with 200 people.
      It showed. On release NV actually was as buggy as people make in-house Bethesda games out to be.

    • 8 months ago

      If they stopped hiring Indians they wouldn't have to hire people to fix their games and redo all the unusable code.
      Anyone who works in the tech industry can tell you Indians are fricking worthless and you waste more money fixing the shit they give you

      • 8 months ago

        Its ironic how they can make really helpfull youtube tutorials and cant even remake properly a 2003 PS2 game

    • 8 months ago

      >Fallout New Vegas was made in a year with 200 people.
      And it was basically a total conversion for an already existing game.

      • 8 months ago

        >And it was basically a total conversion for an already existing game.
        Just like every triple A shit recently?

      • 8 months ago

        So monster hunter and street fighter?

  7. 8 months ago

    Capcom still doing $60, moron.

    • 8 months ago

      >Looks up RE4
      Hmm your right, maybe he just means charging 70? Ah who am I kidding they didn't move to 70 to garner a bit of goodwill before jumping to 80

      • 8 months ago

        Most idiots are taking Capcom's president out of context.
        He's talking to CESA, the Japanese ESA,
        about raising Japanese game prices across the board. He's not talking specifically about Capcom or western game prices.

    • 8 months ago

      *plus microtransactions

  8. 8 months ago

    I want cheaper games that are shorter and have worse graphics and I'm not even joking.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't want shorter games I want to see depth of world (people and story) more realized, and if we have to sacrifice a million otherwise useless graphics artists and VAs and return to mostly text-line characters so fricking be it.
      Art is now 80% or more of the devtime and cost budget of a high end game. That ratio is why games suck ass and need 14 patches in the first year, why mechanics are practically the same level as 20 years ago, why hardware requirements are at least twice as high as necessary for what you get.

      It does NOT take some 20 year veteran supergenius to make Cyberpunk's npcs function properly, and it does NOT take 40% of an ultra high end CPU to run those scripts if they were proper.
      Shit is a joke.

      • 8 months ago

        Not really viable when most games are tyring to be action games. Art is part of the immersion, particularly with animations, voice acting, model changes, SFX etc. Someone will always attempt to do it, and text simply aren't going to cut it unless you explicitly design it around that format

        Maybe have less action games? Though I seriously doubt you'd want that.

      • 8 months ago

        what is AI

        • 8 months ago

          They fricking suck you might as well just buy some random schmuck

          • 8 months ago

            ada wong's VA in the RE4 remake is worse than AI

      • 8 months ago

        yuuuup. photorealistic graphics are a plague

        • 8 months ago

          W-what are they going to do with the girl??

          • 8 months ago

            trash her

  9. 8 months ago

    Tsujimoto needs to be reminded that the industry is bigger than it has even been, hundreds of times more than it ever was in the eighties and nineties. The development costs have raised, but so have the returns, and thanks to digital fronts the cost of publishing has been reduced a lot.

    And game prices have been raised, nowadays people don’t get a full game by paying the standard price, they are just paying the entrance fee, all the ever increasing number of types of "limited" and "premium" editions contain more slices of the game, and there’s the DLC, the damn Season, Battle Passes and so on.

    The Capcom Bastard is just being disingenuous, he knows gaming generates so much fricking money well above "development costs" it is ridiculous.

    • 8 months ago

      I dunno about development costs and I do know that what you are saying is right, but reached this point, AAA game dev is definitely a fricking mess, games take so long to come, nowadays it's not that uncommon for a sequel to take 4 years or more to come out compared to like ten years ago when sequels would take 2 or 3 years, just look at franchises like Assasin's Creed or Call Of Duty too, those cheapass franchises with the same formula didn't stop being yearly because ubisoft and activision were hit with an epiphany of goodness, their games still don't innovate that much, what happened is that game development is becoming more and more of an ordeal, such a fricking mess, a game that's 3 years in development could be delayed by 1 more year because a few people from a certain department fricked up or suggested changes, etc, etc. Take a look at cases Cyberpunk for instance, the game was delayed 3 times in public, that definitely confirms that internally it must have been delayed like 20 times, game dev with thousands of developers is a logistical nightmare and with lack of efficiency it goes to complete shit, it's part of why crunch culture is so prevalent too, the fear that a 5 year game might turn into a 7 year game... and that would make the investors wait too much, in truth, crunch isnt effective however, because what would make game dev faster and less stressful would be effective and efficient management that isn't forcing game devs to make and remake and cut parts of the game and make them again over and over... to take cyberpunk 2077 again for instance, ever seen the early builds of that game? NOTHING of that is left.

    • 8 months ago

      Capcom needs to do a Squeenix and make a couple big AAA flops so they can be brought down to earth

  10. 8 months ago

    >ballooning development costs
    from what exactly? most games don't look that much better than 10 years ago and complexity of gameplay has certainly dropped
    what is causing the costs to inflate?

    • 8 months ago

      Spending a lot of money on development doesn't guarantee anything and is a huge risk now your average game developer is a mouth breathing moron that sucks at their job, politicked to get rid of crunch, and now want unions

    • 8 months ago

      Hr and diversity hires with free champagne lunches everyday with maybe an hour of work meetings telling each other what a great job they are doing.

    • 8 months ago


      • 8 months ago

        Oh I didn't realize they made video games with real wood.

    • 8 months ago

      Probably advertising.

  11. 8 months ago

    Why don't the CEO's like himself just pay themselves less?

  12. 8 months ago

    i honestly believe it's clear that japs should refuse to talk to any western journalist.

  13. 8 months ago

    Stop making games that cost a morbillion dollars and eleventy billion pajeets/diversity hires.

  14. 8 months ago

    Mh6? Absolutely. Re hell no.

  15. 8 months ago

    Capcom completely and unironically had their chance at my money.

    • 8 months ago

      You'll get legacy collections and a half-hearted OG Mega Man sequel every half decade and you'll fricking like it.

      Inafune shit the bed a lot, but he cared. More than can be said for the rest of Capcom.

      • 8 months ago

        >You'll get legacy collections
        Lmao Megaman Legends is so far down the totem pole of Megaman franchises that Capcom hasn't even bothered making a collection for the two. And they probably never will.

    • 8 months ago

      >Capcom completely and unironically had their chance at my money.
      Megaman Legends sold like shit on the PS1 and N64. Your money (aka a couple hundred diehards) isn't worth the development costs.

  16. 8 months ago

    I bought Monster Hunter GU for 40. I doubt they'll make any more games as good as that.

  17. 8 months ago

    Capcom makes games? I cant even remember the last one i bought/played

  18. 8 months ago

    no. none of their current games are even worth $20, hell I refuse to even pay $70 for dd2. Capcom is once again becoming the scourge of the gaming industry

  19. 8 months ago

    >Ballooning developer costs

    • 8 months ago

      Phil Spencer has been so self aware. He's a really smart guy and he's a great guy to have in charge. I'm not sure there is anything he has ever said that I disagree with.

    • 8 months ago

      ps: phil is an ultra israelite

  20. 8 months ago

    >ballooning development costs

    They wouldn't balloon like that if you just stopped obsessing over graphics you absolute morons. Companies have been going extremely moron with their 3D shit

    • 8 months ago

      sorry capcom already went full moron with gearing their workflow for performance capture, face scanning and photogrammetry, now you the customer need to offset the upfront costs please

    • 8 months ago

      the graphics aren't even that good

  21. 8 months ago

    >Would you pay $80+ dollars for video games? MH6/Re5R for $90?

    Nope, only because I know they're using cheap foreign labor for assets development/testing, reusing engines, using dlc shit to profit and sending out incomplete games that need day one patches.

    If they need to extend out the generation by several years that's fine with me. We don't need a PS6 or shit like that soon.

  22. 8 months ago

    Nope. You want to save money? Stop spending so much on marketing.

  23. 8 months ago

    >actual psychopaths claim this is israeli when fricking snes game used to cost just as much as modern games.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Alright, i'll bite.
      >SNES era
      >Can rent the game for pennies and beat it over the weekend
      >If you shell out the 100 dill you get to keep the game, no online required, just put it in and play
      >Can sell it later to get some money back
      Meanwhile you can't do shit with a digital purchase.

      • 8 months ago

        this, it's the same problem with digital rentals and streaming

        digital distribution should have brought product prices DOWN but the opposite happened

        they try to sell streams of old movies you could rent for 25 cents at a family video for like $5

        tech companies are too enamored with "money for nothing" business models

    • 8 months ago

      homie, a full game nowadays costs over $100 and doesn't have half the content of Super Mario World.

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      And how many people played on the SNES compared to combined install base of every platform we have now?
      They used to sell $60 games to a million people, now there are hundreds of million customers and video games themselves already makes more money than movies

  24. 8 months ago

    yeah that's fine. sometimes i will mail a check to a company as a kind of tip

  25. 8 months ago

    I mean realistically games are VERY cheap compared to how much everything costs nowadays. You can watch like 2 movies or have a couple of meals in 4 hours for the price of one game that you’ll be playing for a week or longer. And you can even sell that game later if it’s a physical copy.

    If more expensive games mean finished products and less predatory practices - I’m all for it.

    • 8 months ago

      >If more expensive games mean finished products and less predatory practices
      We already know it won't.

    • 8 months ago

      I haven't paid for a movie in 6 years and you have to eat it is not an option

    • 8 months ago

      >If more expensive games mean finished products and less predatory practices

      Unironically stop, this won't happen. They will continue this practice regardless of any price hike.

      The joke is they're trying to push for an all digital future while demanding you pay more for it. Just say no to them.

      • 8 months ago

        I mean most publishers will just keep rising prices while also keeping all the micro transactions sure.
        But the higher acceptable baseline price will open the doors for more talented studios to make a profit.

        Let’s say you’re a studio A who wants to make a great game, no nonsense. No stores. Based on your modest 1m sales expectations you’d need to sell your game for 100$ to be successful.
        In modern reality - gamers just eat you alive and at most you’ll get a fraction of that on the next summer steam sale. So you never bother to make that game.

        In a reality where 120$ games are the norm - you will attempt to make the game. Because 100$ is a reasonable price.

    • 8 months ago

      >If more expensive games mean finished products and less predatory practices
      Oh to be this naïve

    • 8 months ago

      >streaming services with hundreds of movies 4.99
      >or go on youtube and watch movies for free
      >cook for yourself for cheap meals for the week, 20 bucks at most
      You're a moron

    • 8 months ago

      >If more expensive games mean finished products and less predatory practices - I’m all for it.
      Yeah fricking right. If anything people paying more for base price with little to no change in sales numbers will embolden the executives into thinking there is still more juice to be squeezed if the piggies are willing to pay another $10 for no actual increased value in the product beyond "dude trust me bro" and push out more horrible practices like paying for 3 days early access.

  26. 8 months ago

    I replayed Re 5 a couple of months ago and it is still fun. I don't see at all why you would remake it unless they want to remove the Nogs in Africa. I have never liked MH and I try every 5 or so Years since the ps2

  27. 8 months ago

    why arent digital games cheaper than physical??
    what do companies say to justify the equal pricing scam?

  28. 8 months ago

    Show me more DD2 and I might pay full game price for something for the first time in the last 8 years. Not pre-ordering still because I'm not THAT moronic.

  29. 8 months ago

    >we need more money games are relatively cheap!!!
    no. you need to spend less on advertising and bullshit in games.

  30. 8 months ago

    >Raise video games price
    >People become even more picky
    >Won't even buy games unless they actually worth it
    It's good. They can finally focus on making good game that worth the price again.
    Of course, there's always the risk that whales are gonna ruin it for all of us again.

  31. 8 months ago

    Only game I bought from them in the past 7 years or so was the Z/ZXA Legacy collection and only one in the future I'll get is DD2 and if it's 70+ bucks it's going to wait until it's on a substantial sale.

    Part of the reason publishers were pushing so hard for digital only releases was due to them wanting to start eventually hiking prices up and destroying used game sales and they almost have their wishes now.

  32. 8 months ago

    I wouldn’t even pay $60-70 for 99% of games. Why the frick would you, it’ll be -25-30% in like 3-4 months and -50-75% in a year. And inb4 multiplayer since 0 good multiplayer games have come out in like 10 years.

  33. 8 months ago

    Even after adding microtransaction help item bs to their single player games they still need to make it more expensive. Cool

  34. 8 months ago

    No, frick itsuno too cause looks like dragon ligma 2 gonna suffer that shit of price

  35. 8 months ago

    I'm already refusing to buy 70 dollar games, if they raise them any higher I will put off buying them until they're chump change, ON A SALE.

  36. 8 months ago


    The sooner third worlders are priced out of the hobby the better.

  37. 8 months ago

    >Would you pay $80+ dollars for video games? MH6/Re5R for $90? apparently 70 isn't enough
    No. The answer is no. I'll buy used or heavily discounted or not at all.

  38. 8 months ago

    Nope. Charge more and I start seeding torrents if your game.

  39. 8 months ago

    I'll pay a higher price if the game is worth that price.

  40. 8 months ago

    Every time some moron brings up inflation, they for some reason never bring up that:
    >games got cheaper to manufacture (discs vs cartridges)
    >most sales are digital (90% in 2022)
    >games now come with mandatory DLC, Season Passes and microtransactions
    >live service games earn more money after the launch period
    >industry keeps growing and every year it breaks records on how much money is being made
    >inflation went up, wages didnt
    But every time MUH INFLATION so that game should not cost 60$ or 70$ anymore goy. Will it stop DLC and shit? Of course not lmao, are you stupid?

    • 8 months ago

      >games got cheaper to manufacture (discs vs cartridges)
      >most sales are digital (90% in 2022)
      Okay but those things were an inconsequential part of the distribution cost to begin with. A $60 on a disc in a box probably had a total of $0.45 worth of actual physical materials and labor tied up in its existence as a real thing. All of the cost was development cost.

      This is actually true of the vast majority of things, if they don’t contain expensive components sourced from a third party (like computer chips). Designing, testing, etc., the thing is expensive. Stamping some metal or molding some plastic to tune of 500,000 units costs fricking nothing. Sure there’s the operational cost of setting up all the machinery to do the machining and whatnot, but the marginal cost of an additional unit produced drops to the materials cost pretty quickly which is usually a few cents.

      Switching to digital really doesn’t save as much production time or cost as people assume. Like some artisan wasn’t sitting there hand-painting every instruction manual, come on.

      • 8 months ago

        if you don't know what distribution costs cost then you shouldn't speak on issues you're oblivious on

  41. 8 months ago

    >yfw video game crash

    • 8 months ago

      man I hope

  42. 8 months ago

    >Has deluxe versions of their games
    >Has preorder content that normal users must buy separately
    >Has in game upgrades as micro transactions
    >Has additional costumes as DLC
    >All the while reusing the same engine and assets to keep costs down
    >”That is still not enough! We need more money!”
    What the frick are they doing with their budgets? Also, release the Dragon’s Dogma 2 demo, you fricks.

  43. 8 months ago

    I'd buy games for 100$ if it meant no microtransactions or dlc bullshit

  44. 8 months ago

    stop makin expensive ass movie games

  45. 8 months ago

    No. I don't pay $70 for videogames

  46. 8 months ago

    lmao, not happening while Capcom is ruled by ESG

  47. 8 months ago

    I don't think I will be buy Capcom games any more.

  48. 8 months ago

    for new games or usual pajeet turd?

  49. 8 months ago

    someone give me email to him, I'll be sure to spam it daily with Black person Black person Black person emails for years
    captcha:Black person

    • 8 months ago

      >someone give me email to him

  50. 8 months ago

    They already charge $70+$10DLC for like 10 hours of gameplay with RE. How much do they fricking want?

    • 8 months ago

      Why do you lie? Capcom's games are all still $60 max

  51. 8 months ago

    I will pay any reasonable increase for DD2.
    I was going to buy SF6 until I found out it had denuvo, now I refuse to buy the game unless it gets removed

    • 8 months ago

      I will play dd2 but only if(when) it's reasonably priced and has no fps crippling drm

      • 8 months ago

        I will buy and play DD2 under nearly any condition, though if the game sucks/has denuvo that means I will hold it against future releases/sequels. The only reason Capcom has earned this is because IMO DD is one of the best games ever made.

  52. 8 months ago

    I would pay up to 300% more to support the struggling industry, which comes out to about 0 (zero) dollars per game

  53. 8 months ago

    Its hilarious how Ganker always complains about bad games while never paying for anything. Obviously why would anyone make something catering to people who were never going to buy it, after all?

    • 8 months ago

      So your argument is that we should buy shit products so they stop making shit products?

      • 8 months ago

        No, the argument is that Ganker should shut the frick up about video games they don't play because their opinions mean shit!

        • 8 months ago

          Sorry I'm going to continue to mock Rockstar for spending millions of dollars on realistic horse testes and there is nothing you can do other than deepthroat that corporate boot

      • 8 months ago

        >we should buy shit products so they stop making shit products?
        Yes, go- I mean guys. You should buy more cra- er, games and support the industry!

  54. 8 months ago

    Games in Canada are already $100 after fricking taxes. I'm already waiting on 50% sales and such on anything modern because publishers are dumbasses and keep deep-discounting their releases after 3 months.

  55. 8 months ago

    Capcom is swimming in money. Their games sell a gorrilion copies, are loaded with microtransactions, and utilize the cheapest voice 'talent' known to man.

    • 8 months ago

      i am still very mad that they reused juri's voice actress for aki. that was just stupid

      • 8 months ago

        holy fricking kek
        are you shitting me?
        crapcum never ceases to surprise me

        • 8 months ago

          >are you shitting me?
          i am not actually. be mad with me

  56. 8 months ago

    Oh frick off with this. If they want to b***h about CONSOLE PLATFORM fees they can do that, which is dragging prices up anyway (ie the $60 > $70 standard version prices are all prompted by this and, as oldgays wil remember there was a time when the PC and at the time the Wii both had cross platform games $10 cheaper than X360/PS3, etc. Of course they put an end to this in the contract because it made the console platforms look bad . However, this means they get to just get extra cash from PC users that isn't going to licensing and other console fees). I will say that Capcom at least is one of the earlier JP companies to start treating PC via Steam as an equal platform, concurrent launches I'm happy to support that if they do the rest of things right and make good games.

    Many games now have Deluxe/Gold/Premium etc..versions that cost from $70-100+ to get the "full game" on launch. They also have lots of post launch monetization strategies in various forms of exploitative bullshit. Now, costs of middleware and engines are a potential issue, but that's for you to fight about with their creators - Unreal, Unity, and the like vs building your own from scratch. In fact, its a frickload cheaper to use an existing engine rather than building a slapdash fricktarded one for a single title. However,t hat doesn't mean that Unity isn't doing t he stupid shit they did recently or Unreal isn't trying to throw tencent bux at publishers to get lock-in and other garbage, before jacking prices up. Of course you could always use Godot or other FOSS engines and invest in their development. All this b***hing about the "increased cost of development' is, outside of certain specifics, bullshit. Any mega publisher crying poor can frickoff and die.

  57. 8 months ago



    • 8 months ago

      Capcom is using the dame engine in all games since 2017

    • 8 months ago

      They have to, shareholders want big number GO UP.

  58. 8 months ago

    No frick japanese chairmen salarymen and hope they masively suicide from theor offices windows

  59. 8 months ago

    What's scary is that jap games are already priced according to expected playtime in Japan, so a game like Monster Hunter with pottentially hundreds of hours of gameplay already commands a premium over a short action game like RE4. If he's saying he wants games like MH to cost more, then it's like he's telling japs to fork over the equivalent of $120 USD before season pass bullshit.

  60. 8 months ago

    >Physical copies of movies cost the same as they did a decade ago
    >Music costs the same as it did a decade ago
    >Games must continue to go up despite the game industry reporting record profits year after year

    • 8 months ago

      The marketing department must grow larger

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, they want to make even more money under the guise that they think they deserve more money. Their narcissistic need for more money only comes from their mismanagement in giving budgets and handling development.

      • 8 months ago

        How do we fix the budget problem?

        • 8 months ago

          Kill shareholders

    • 8 months ago

      On the other hand, nothing goes on sale quite as often as games do.

    • 8 months ago

      the thing is these companies can charge what they want. it doesnt mean people will buy it. they could charge $120 for the normal version of the game, no one is stopping them.

  61. 8 months ago

    Barring imports, I haven't paid $60 for a game yet, much less $70 and above. I live for deep physical game sales.

  62. 8 months ago
  63. 8 months ago

    I am tired of paying premium prices and waiting 5+ years for shit I don't care about. Graphics gays burn in hell

    • 8 months ago

      imagine how many more games and content we would have if not for homosexual ass graphics. frick.

  64. 8 months ago

    tell this moron exoprimal is not even worth 60 without a proper ranked pvp mode.

  65. 8 months ago



    I hope none of you trannies whining about piracy are against this cause that would be hipocrisy.

  66. 8 months ago

    Why would developing costs start "ballooning" all of a sudden, eh?

    You cut the developing costs, not raise the prices on the product!

  67. 8 months ago

    I'll pay more money if they release all additional content from free and actually finish their games for release. Until then I will wait a year or more for their games to be 20 bucks or less.

  68. 8 months ago

    dragon's dogma 2 is the first game in like five years that i'd consider paying more than forty bucks for

  69. 8 months ago

    Bait used to be good.

  70. 8 months ago

    Just release the game for $60 and then have season passes with new monsters

  71. 8 months ago

    Holy bullshit as if reused assets was expensive!

  72. 8 months ago

    I have no problem paying up to $100 if the game is good and I get at least 50 hours of gameplay without boring grind.

  73. 8 months ago

    I don't currently pay anything for Capcoms shit games, so no.

  74. 8 months ago

    maybe if these homies did less of dynamic ballsack fold capture on their models and more of the (MOSTLY) handcrafted approach they did to models like how they used to with Onimusha and RE4-6, use the IPs they still sit on and allow for more lower-scale projects, this wouldnt be a problem. Crazy thing is, I cant even knock the hustle; people dickride Capcom just for the virtue of apparently being better than Western devs, so I dont doubt that Capcom could very much so get away with selling a $80-$100+ game just by way of them not being EA or whoever the villain of the week is.

    • 8 months ago

      Aren't high quality handcrafted models much more expensive in both time effort and money?

      • 8 months ago

        yes, but not if you also scale back the fidelity on them. graphically, re5 and 6 still look good while not going into that weird hit or miss zone with their artstyle, like with RE7 and beyond.

  75. 8 months ago

    If your game costs more than $40 it's a pirate, simple as. They can raise their price howevermuch they want, it won't affect me.

  76. 8 months ago

    Answer is simple - stop buying games at that price, and on day 1. That's all it takes.

  77. 8 months ago

    60 bucks was already pushing it when that change happened with the 7th gen. I'm never buying a $70, $80, or $90 game. There's a lot of good games out there but I can't think of one ever worth that much.

  78. 8 months ago

    When this industry collapses sometime this century I want komm susser tod to be the board theme

  79. 8 months ago

    but they have shifted the cost of testing and QA onto the consumer over the last decade. They're all built using the same engine and recycled mechanics from other games people liked, and AI is now just A. Development cost booms when you hire pajeets incapable of doing the job where everything they touch becomes a long term problem

  80. 8 months ago

    I just checked my Steam purchase history and over the course of 10+ years I have paid $60 for a game one (1) time. I think Harushiro Tsujimoto vastly overestimates what gamers will pay

  81. 8 months ago

    No. Corps sell everything digitally these days and have thus no production costs of physical copies so it evens out.

  82. 8 months ago

    Hey capcom

    have you thought about making good games again instead of caring about muh grafix
    I told you this shit in the 7th gen and you stonewalled me
    are you gonna KEEP stonewalling me and crying about profits? time's up for you to realise that I prefer good games first over pretty games

    worked for other publishers

  83. 8 months ago

    I would pay 80 dollars for MHW2 and I'll be glad to do it.

    • 8 months ago

      This so much. Especially if it’s a PS5 exclusive.

      • 8 months ago

        I would buy a PS5 just for it.

        • 8 months ago

          Same. I already did exactly that with MH3U and 4U. My WiiU and new3DSxl were monster hunter machines

    • 8 months ago

      >show base game + DLC
      >I'll pay 80 for that
      You wish homie, it would cost you 120.

      • 8 months ago

        >ha i gotchu homie
        I'd pay that if I has the same quality as MHW. I don't need 100 games. Just one is enough, if it's the right one.

  84. 8 months ago

    Capcom games are some of the VERY few games I still buy on release for full price. If they increase the price in any way shape or form, all of their games will be getting the steam sale treatment from me.

  85. 8 months ago

    I would pay $500 for a new mechwarrior game if it was going to be made by a competent developer, and it was actually going to be any good
    With the size of the battletech fanbase though that still wouldn't be close to being profitable

    I'm not paying $80 for the piles of shit most companies are ok with dumping on us

  86. 8 months ago

    If they released a complete game with 0 mtx, no technical issues, only minor bugs, I'd pay $120. But even if they put the price up massively, they'll continue with the exact same bullshit they already do.

  87. 8 months ago

    >games look worse and worse despite specs getting better and better
    >Budgets are bigger than ever
    >The word optimization makes modern developers lose their shit
    >This somehow means I should pay more for horrible mess

  88. 8 months ago

    Look, if a game is really good (ie. I like it) then I would be content with paying $100. I don't really care, as long as the game oozes quality.

    Unfortunately (for them) I don't buy vidya often because I find that I am no longer the target audience for most newer games with some minor exceptions. So I just pirate them all if it piques my interest.

  89. 8 months ago

    Capcom should charge 200 dollars for their games tbh. Let the slop-eaters pay

  90. 8 months ago

    I refuse to pay more than equivalent of 150 PLN (around 30€) for any game. If it cost more, I wait until it drops via sales. I don't care about all your inflated costs, marketing and diversity hires, I'm customer and I'm the one to decide if your product is worth the price or not. I can always play something else or play one of older games and let's not even start to talk about backlogs.

    Fat cats needs to be reminded who is feeding them.

  91. 8 months ago

    >Well Ganker? Would you pay $80+ dollars for video games?

    Yes'ish if I could get some kind of guarantee that all that development cost were actually going into things that would make a game worth $80+ dollars like gameplay, hand-made levels, story, post-game content, bug fixes, soundtrack/music, visuals & aesthetic, and not unbelievably stupid fricking shit like CELEBRITY VOICE ACTORS, DAY ONE DLC, PROCEDURALLY GENERATED CONTENT, and IN-GAME STORES. Budgets are increasing, but the quality and technology in games is constantly decreasing. They've become expensive, bloated, stupid, redundant, buggy pieces of shit. There's literally people in their mom's basement making better games.

    If you want 80 dollars because you made a stupid piece of shit game that's 30+ hours long, but it's "good" because all the effort was put into the first 5 hours for reviewers, your business model deserves to fricking fail.
    Studios want all this fricking money and then spend millions pretending they're movie directors hiring homosexuals from hollywood when all the games that defined the industry were voiced by people in the fricking office.
    Half life coded the extradimensional animals in its' game to eat food, sleep when they felt safe, and wake up at difference rates in response to sounds in 1998. I'm pretty sure if I demanded this level of attention in a game today a developer on Twitter would call me racist. These people are fricking hacks.

    • 8 months ago

      >If you want 80 dollars because you made a stupid piece of shit game that's 30+ hours long, but it's "good" because all the effort was put into the first 5 hours for reviewers, your business model deserves to fricking fail.
      That screams diablo flop to me

  92. 8 months ago

    as far as i see besides meme settings graphics havent really wowed me for awhile what is causing development costs to go up?because its surely not being put into testing these buggy half finished messes releasing recently

    • 8 months ago

      Read this

      >Ballooning developer costs

      Marketing costs are huge, renting IPs is huge, the amount of money is so high that you get this sort of money perturbation where they have to spend money on focus groups, and market testing, and you get unlimited Development Hell as people that have no business getting involved with game development try to either pitch or Focus Group game ideas to try and top the previous games.
      Technology is more expensive too, like mocapping (and all the work that has to be done by hand to clean up raw mocap; despite what Ganker believes the reality is mocap looks like shit because 3d models never perfectly conform to the imperfect human actors), scanning of real life assets as photogrammetry becomes the norm, the increase in costs for licenses for the tools used to make games, and so on.

  93. 8 months ago

    >Gee willikers! These PlayStation CDs are so cheap, imagine all the production values we can cram in! This won't backfire at all!

  94. 8 months ago

    I think they should raise videogame prices to meet ballooning shareholder expectations. When gamers, who are slowly waking up to the fact that they are being had over a barrel, refuse to buy the latest mass-marketed industrial-entertainment slop, I want the streets to be filled with the carcasses of videogame executives who did the proper thing and resigned via the highest window. I want the market to crash, I want millions of boxes full of license keys to be buried in the desert, I want this shit to end.

    Maybe then we'll get some good games again.

    • 8 months ago

      You know it won't happen. People still buy even overpriced stuff because ads tells them to, because influencers plays then on streams and normies don't want to miss the trend and be detached from precious crowd. You and me are no longer target audience, the normies are. And they will eat up everything.

      >This game cost 300€? I guess it have to...
      >But mooooom, you don't understand! Every cool kid in school plays Call of Creed, I needed it or they will make fun of me! And better GPU too because that trash from few months ago can't run it in 16k with AssTracing!
      >Yo anon, did you play new Booty Gate 4? I saw so many ads on my AssBook so its hot take, everyone plays it! Huh, I thought you said you play video games, every true gamer plays it! Come on, it's so cheap, only 400€ for such quality or JUST 50€ per month for 69 months (except one time payment of 120€) in new subscription model!

      And so on.

      • 8 months ago

        Yes im impressed idiots buy things with pc because they re scared of spyware when their store and drm are also spyware

  95. 8 months ago

    Fire all women and replace them with 1 man.
    Developing cost is now at an all time low and the quality of your video games at an all time high.
    you can now offer games for $9,99

  96. 8 months ago

    >ballooning development cost
    More like ballooning management and their wages.

  97. 8 months ago

    >MH6/Re5R for $90? apparently 70 isn't enough
    Capcpom is one of the few remaining devs that didn't hike the prices to $70 yet.
    RE8, RE4R and SF6 were all $60 on launch.
    At least do some basic research

    • 8 months ago

      >$60 remake (plus DLC tip)
      >$60 beta (plus six years of DLC tips that cost more for less content)
      Wow! We're practically stealing from Capcom!

  98. 8 months ago

    >Capcom wants more money from you
    yeah, i can tell

  99. 8 months ago

    He also asked fullprice for re3 so he should probably stfu.

  100. 8 months ago
  101. 8 months ago

    so is this why we'll never get a new darkstalkers,and also i dont even want to know what capcom expects out of dragons dogma 2 considering they already weren't too happy that the first one didn't sell too great way back when

    • 8 months ago

      I dunno but i feel itsuno gonna retire after this anyway ( of capcom)

    • 8 months ago

      >so is this why we'll never get a new darkstalkers
      Nah. We don't get a new Darkstalkers because most people simply don't care for Darkstalkers.
      Capcom tried to trick people into buying a Darkstalkers collection by calling it "Capcom Fighting Collection" and people STILL didn't buy it.
      The only worth people get out of the IP is dressing up/fapping to Morrigan. That's why she's such a crossover prostitute.

      • 8 months ago

        i think people would care if it made a come back but everyone is tired of capcom trying goad them into the possibility of making a new one by having to buy yet another collection for the thousandth time, i find it funny though that SNK has brought back samurai shodown and are now making a brand new fatal fury game after like 20 years and capcom will just put out more street fighter games

        • 8 months ago

          >i find it funny though that SNK has brought back samurai shodown and are now making a brand new fatal fury game after like 20 years
          After releasing remasters/collections of said IPs and those games selling well (among other things) to warrant SNK to make new entries.
          That's the major difference you're forgetting. Plus, SNK nearly went bankrupt twice and had to be saved by an oil baron in the middle east.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah but literally no-one cares about SNK and the new Fatal Fury will just be another thing from them that'll sell like ass and few people will play.

      • 8 months ago

        >most people simply don't care for Darkstalkers.
        Bullshit of the highest caliber. The real reason is the spritework would probably bankrupt any company, like KoF bankrupted SNK.
        >"Capcom Fighting Collection"
        shouldn't have gutted and censored the games.

        • 8 months ago

          >The real reason is the spritework would probably bankrupt any company,
          Because Darkstalkers can only be made if it's sprite-based, right?
          Just give it a stylized cel-shaded 3D look since Darkstalkers was always cartoony and exaggerated in nature.
          But it wouldn't matter anyway because people don't care for the IP.

          • 8 months ago

            i think at this point people who like darkstalkers are going to keep playing it on fightcade and not keep buying more collections with capcom expecting a old game to some how sell a shit ton by dangling a sequel over everyone's head people have been tired of this for years now,i think a new one could possibly be decent but capcom is too concerned about only making stuff with mass appeal cause it would guarantee sales, and personally im kind of worried about dragons dogma 2 for the same reason

      • 8 months ago

        >because most people simply don't care for Darkstalkers.
        There's this thing called "advertising" whose entire purpose is to make people care about things.

  102. 8 months ago

    Cut the costs then, loser. Why should customers cover up his incompetence ??

  103. 8 months ago

    People in this thread are actually delusional, games on average have WAY more content and cost less or the same as back in the days.
    Nostalgia is brainrot.

    • 8 months ago

      And now having millions of sales its the standard compared to the 90s were you have to be ff7 for that

      • 8 months ago

        I'm not saying that video games company aren't making money.
        I'm saying that people claiming games nowadays aren't worth the money are delusional.
        You can say that you don't like modern games that fine, but saying that modern games don't have enough content for the money is moron.

        • 8 months ago

          Problem is that its not polished and not worth to preorder at launch day

  104. 8 months ago

    OPs that crop off the date of the post do not have your best interests at heart

  105. 8 months ago

    if only there was somewhere to cut costs

    • 8 months ago

      what do ceos even do? meet with other ceos and negotiate with them and sign papers?

      • 8 months ago

        They get paid millions in exchange for sitting at a meeting and pretending they give a shit

  106. 8 months ago

    maybe they should stop spending so much on marketing, console versions and marginal graphic improvements

  107. 8 months ago

    Depends on how authentic the jigaboo zombies are... I want to hear them chatter all that jogaboo gibberish, like "bix nood" and "ayo", before I exact QTE kills on 'em... I want to see the ghastly, yellow sclera in their melanin soused eyes become bloodshot as a plant the coup de grâce into their hideous, simian faces.

    For that level of epicurean entertainment, I would pay higher asking price.

  108. 8 months ago

    They didn't put bison in sf6 but they did put a bunch of diversity characters. The game looks ugly. Capcom needs to chill

    • 8 months ago

      >They didn't put bison in sf6 but they did put a bunch of diversity characters.
      Bison died in SFV (chronologically takes place before SFIII and VI). If you cared about SF in the first place you'd know this.

  109. 8 months ago

    How about you spend less money on "muh gwafix" and on "ethics departments" and on paid shills and just make a good game you fricking swines

  110. 8 months ago

    $20 is full price.

    • 8 months ago

      Have pic related.

    • 8 months ago

      I don't see how this affects me, I always buy their games a year later for at least -50% on 3rd party key reselling sites

      same minus the 3rd party sites. I got village on steam when it was 66% off

      This is the way to go senpaitachi

  111. 8 months ago

    >games must be 30% more expensive
    ok, but give me a 30% raise first.

  112. 8 months ago

    >Well Ganker? Would you pay $80+ dollars for video games? MH6/Re5R for $90? apparently 70 isn't enough
    Yes. They deserved it

  113. 8 months ago

    But be sure to buy the new expansion for $39.99 and the new season pass every three weeks for just $29.99 plus tip

  114. 8 months ago

    just vote with your wallet guys

  115. 8 months ago

    literally everything on earth right now is a scam.

  116. 8 months ago

    And I want a e-girlbot waifu.

    Checkmate atheists.

  117. 8 months ago

    I'd gladly pay 100$ if they stopped cramming ugly motion/facial capture, shifty voice actors and realism into every game.

  118. 8 months ago

    Don't ruin a good thing, crapcom

  119. 8 months ago

    Nobody is stopping them from charging 100 dollars for their games and seeing how it impacts sales

    • 8 months ago

      >Capcom sets all their games to cost 100$ now
      >Normies still eat up because it's Capcom/Street Fighter/RE/whatever
      >Total sales loss are less than 10%
      >Total income increase by far larger percent


      • 8 months ago

        If its so brilliant why haven't they done it?

  120. 8 months ago

    DD2 will be the first $70 Capcom game on PC so no surprise.

  121. 8 months ago

    I won't even pay $60 in most cases

  122. 8 months ago

    I'm in Canada, I already pay $80 for games.
    Honestly if it got them to drop the microtransactions and greed-demon practices I'd go as high as $100 baseline. It wouldn't get them to stop though, it'd just make them pretend for a few days.

    • 8 months ago

      >I'm in Canada, I already pay $80 for games.

      • 8 months ago

        Born here and never got around to doing something about it. What's worse is I'm in Ontario, so it's like all the negatives with none of the advantages.

        • 8 months ago

          can't you buy steam gifts or some shit like that
          I doubt USA or euro shit would be regionlocked and you would save like 20 bucks

  123. 8 months ago

    I'll just wait for sales, like I already do.

  124. 8 months ago

    Stop making mocapped photorealistic shit plastered with cutscenes and you won't have to sell them more expensive. It's that simple.

    • 8 months ago

      Doesn't the entire photogrammetry tech and mocap make that shit cheap and fast as fricking frick? Most of the problems start when you animate shit

      • 8 months ago

        It would be cheap if they weren't hiring hollywood actors and sag aftra's nepotism cabal

        • 8 months ago

          Are """good graphics""" really why these games costs so much?

          Its kinda clever on a marketing perspective. Play your cards right and you might just attract the normies. Its a classic movie marketing move

          • 8 months ago

            40% of the budget is always marketing

          • 8 months ago

            >Are """good graphics""" really why these games costs so much?
            Assuming he's talking actualy dev costs and not the fact that marketing is always like 50+% of the budget, I think a lot of it is all the tangential bullshit that comes with good graphics like VA and mocap. Cut out those leeches and you'd save a lot.

    • 8 months ago

      Anon, Capcom and Kojipro have been using mocap since the PS2.

  125. 8 months ago

    I enjoyed RE4 Remake and Village

  126. 8 months ago
  127. 8 months ago

    "Ballooning development costs", eh? That bodes well for Monster Hunter 6. We're gonna get like 100 monsters, 13 areas, 2 new weapon classes, full orchestrated soundtrack, and you know what? I'll gladly pay 80$ for it, hell I'd pay 160$ for it.

  128. 8 months ago

    poorgays, how are we coping?

    • 8 months ago

      >poorgays, how are we coping?

      you either pirate, wait for a sale from an unofficial keys reseller or play 1 of the other gorillions game that have come out ihe last 30 years that are probably better than 90% of the games coming out right now

  129. 8 months ago

    I would gladly pay 100 dollars for capcom games

  130. 8 months ago

    I don't see how this affects me, I always buy their games a year later for at least -50% on 3rd party key reselling sites

    • 8 months ago

      same minus the 3rd party sites. I got village on steam when it was 66% off

  131. 8 months ago

    >apparently 70 isn't enough
    They haven't even charged $70 yet though. Capcoms games re better values that Fromsoft, Atlus, and Nintendo games current

    • 8 months ago

      >They haven't even charged $70 yet though
      They charge even more
      most of their games come with microtransactions and day 1 DLC

  132. 8 months ago

    i refuse to pay even 70 let alone 80

    • 8 months ago

      Even 60 was too much for most games because the majority are full of season pass, microtransactions, and DLC trash. Those should be 39.99 max.

  133. 8 months ago

    Explain to me precisely how video game companies not being able to downsize the scope of their projects and adhere to a stricter budget is my fault.

    • 8 months ago

      You and every other gamer demands a higher class of game and it gets more expensive to make every year.

      • 8 months ago

        but games are only going downhill. there hasn't been a gaming innovation in over 20 years, there hasn't been an improvement in graphics in 10+ years.

        vidya is just basically pure slop for 89.99 + tip, gratuity and taxation

        • 8 months ago

          Doomer cope post no wonder nobody likes you

      • 8 months ago

        You sound like some delusional marketing intern that gets all their market research from normalBlack folk on Twitter.
        That isn't even remotely true, one of the most successful video games in the western world is fricking Minecraft. Just a few months ago, 3 yuros in their basement made a shooter with literal Roblox graphics that made them millions with nearly 0 marketing budget that ran circles around a supposed AAA game.

        • 8 months ago

          You sound like you know absolutely nothing and are completely ignorant of the fact that literally everything has raised in price in the last 30 years and continues to do so except vidya prices.

          Stop being a beaindead child anytime.

          • 8 months ago

            But they have increased. Profits from vidya have also increased. The only thing that hasn't increased is regular workers' wages.

          • 8 months ago

            >he fact that literally everything has raised in price in the last 30 years
            That has nothing to do with what I said. You claimed that games are demanding bigger and more ambitions games, I proved you were wrong. Try to keep up, I know being an ESL is hard but that's not excuse to also be moronic.

      • 8 months ago

        >You and every other gamer demands a higher class of game
        No one ever asked for pointless eye-candy, ESL-kun. I don't care how many gorillionsof poligons per second the game displays when PS2/PS3 graphics are more than enough.
        Furthermore, games have regressed immensely in the gameplay department, basically turning into movies.

        • 8 months ago

          Just shut the frick up. PS2 graphics are not acceptable anymore and haven't been for 10 years.

          • 8 months ago

            Then why are those games still so fun to play today? Even if you're a graphicsgay, image quality has been eating shit for a long time and you can actually use modern GPUs to boost SGSSAA into perfection on 2000s-era games. Modern games get TAA slurry and AI generation.

            • 8 months ago

              If its going to be an action game case, its less of a case of "good graffixxx" and more on actually making your animations feel good as well as match your mechanics. Graphics is (arguably) piss easy as turning on some settings on your engine, maybe some models and tweaks here and there as long as you have a coherent vision. The most fun games tend to be those that master critical detail and mechanics. Also don't forget that different genre mean different expectations.

      • 8 months ago

        >You and every other gamer demands a higher class of game
        Black person please, not one of the mouthboreathers buying AAA games ever asked for anything besides more shit to eat. The Hollywood like spending on things like visuals, voice acting ect that dont matter at all is what is bloating the budget along with a shit ton of money being spent on marketing alone.

    • 8 months ago

      You don't get it goy. It works like this: they make the games however they want, and you buy them. Don't like it? Don't buy.

    • 8 months ago

      Because you eat shit, shit that consists of what formulas comapnies think will sell.

  134. 8 months ago

    Nope, piracy is better in every single aspect. Must suck to only like multiplayer ganes

    • 8 months ago

      Some Denuvo games take years to crack. By the time you can finally play them, they've been ruined by "balance fixes" (read:casualization). Life of P was just ruined by an update, it's not even close to being cracked yet.

      • 8 months ago

        Meh, still better than allowing vidta prices to increase, no big deal

  135. 8 months ago

    I will never even pay $70/80€ for one (1) videogame.

  136. 8 months ago

    Most of development costs are going to asset creatiom.

    Stop paying so much for assets you can just reuse and have some interns make upscaled for 50% less of the wage.

    Considerimg how poorly optimized games are, it's clear SWE aren't seeing that money.

  137. 8 months ago

    If a game, any game, is over 40€, I just don't buy it. If I really wanna play it and it's singleplayer, I just go to 1337x dot to and pirate the frick out of it. That way I have a copy in one of my hard drives that the publisher/dev can't revoke any licenses for. Get fricked, gaming industry

  138. 8 months ago

    Cutting separate ways to sell later wasn't enough?

  139. 8 months ago

    what's up with gamers needing to play games day 1?

    I just played re2 remake for the first time because I saw it was 20 bucks bundled with 3. (even that was too expensive)

  140. 8 months ago

    >Capcom good era is over
    >time for a Capcom bad era
    Wake me up when it's over bros

    • 8 months ago

      you'd think they'dve learned from last time but I guess these people never learn

    • 8 months ago

      Capcom's good era ended in 2014 you Black person

  141. 8 months ago

    Very few modern games are worth more than 30€. I simply won't play them if I have to pay more than that. I have plenty to do as it is. For the 1-2 worthwhile games that come out each year, I'll just wait until they're priced appropriately. And if they never go on a proper sale I'll just ignore them.

  142. 8 months ago

    I feel like I never got a real answer on this. But why are digital games the same price as owning it physically? There's no additional production/shipping cost to worry about. PC has been purely digital for a while and yet we have shit that can and has exceeded $80. Who let this israeli shit slide?

    • 8 months ago

      >why are digital games the same price as owning it physically?
      Because, uh... physical games would be more expensive but as good businessmen we take a hit on physical and subsidize it with digital sales, goy

    • 8 months ago

      Because they can get away with it. The market expands and there are enough financially irresponsible dumbasses out there that the standard is set. The same reason we have all these microtransactions and other anti-consumer nonsense. People like you and me can call it out and not participate, but others will make up for it. And then it's "industry standard" and companies can push for the next level of bullshit until the public accepts that as the new standard. And so on.
      At least we can, for now, still enjoy old games.

  143. 8 months ago

    stop bloating the dev cycle then
    no excuses when indie games made by 3 dudes provide better value than 8+ year dev cycle 1000+ employee projects from AAA studios with unnecessary hollywood actors and massive chunks of the budget blown on paid e-celeb shilling streams that have 0 impact on sales (see: immortals of aveum)

    • 8 months ago

      You don't understand I need a team of senior social media experts to post hilarious homosexual memes and engage with the fanbase. How else will the game be fun?

  144. 8 months ago

    If the game is $70 on Steam I will just buy the cd key for $60

  145. 8 months ago

    $70 games or gacha
    you can only pick one

    • 8 months ago

      I pick emulation.

  146. 8 months ago

    >apparently 70 isn't enough
    None of the latest Capcom games were $70. REmakeIV, SFVI, and Exoprimal all retailed for $60.

  147. 8 months ago

    That's entirely their own fault. And it's not reflective of quality either. Jedi Survivor was a disaster, that cost $70 dollars. Meanwhile Baldur's Gate 3 was $60

  148. 8 months ago

    why cant games just have variable prices like the 90s
    Armored Core is a 50 dollar game. Elden Ring is a 70 dollar game. Call of Duty is a 30 dollar game. Why not charge what they are worth instead of making them all the same price?

  149. 8 months ago

    Or just stop motion capturing everything and going for photorealism to please the snoy crowd?
    Just a thought.

  150. 8 months ago
    Menace II Society

    >Wants more money with less doing shit
    Always has been.

  151. 8 months ago

    Of course they do. Capcom has turned into some of the biggest israelites in current vidya. Biggest viral marketing use in vidya right now, games used to come packed with high quality free extra content, now you have to pay for low quality extra content. Plus practically all the games they out out are either bottom of the barrel dogshit or mediocre.

    Shills will have you believe they are in their "redemption" phase (redemption from what? making good games) but they are steadily falling off the fricking cliff.

  152. 8 months ago

    How about they cut down on development costs?

    • 8 months ago
  153. 8 months ago

    im not paying more money to help prop-up their forced ethics departments
    at this point i hope the industry crashes

  154. 8 months ago

    You'll get nothing capcom, and like it.

  155. 8 months ago

    pay $80 for a 40 hour game only 5% of players will complete
    or pay $40 for a 10 hour game with a lot of replayability

  156. 8 months ago

    >muh development costs
    I unironically never asked for this and the contents of my storage space reflects that. I've put double the time in Thief II in the last 8 years than any game released in those 8 years.
    Capcom, I don't need a Resident Evil game with more graphical fidelity than the original RE4 or a DMC game that looks better than DMC3.

  157. 8 months ago

    I'll keep pirating so they can do whatever. Make it 1000 for a game lmao.

  158. 8 months ago

    Yes because constantly making games for a 10 year old console is quite exhausting. Holding gaming back as a medium requires a lot of time and money!

  159. 8 months ago

    after they tried pushing troons into their games and show cases I'm not buying their homosexual games anymore. they can all go die.

  160. 8 months ago

    Hey, it worked for Square!

  161. 8 months ago

    stop hiring "diverse" morons that cost you extra money

  162. 8 months ago

    As long as they're still on sale or in humble bundles a year or two later I don't really care. Games needing constant patching and get tons of dlc makes me wait for the real finished versions anyway. Let the people who want to pay a premium to be early access beta testers have at it.

    • 8 months ago

      Quads of truth

  163. 8 months ago

    Or maybe they spend less money on development?

  164. 8 months ago

    I'd pay 80 bucks for World 2 and another 60 for the Ultimate expansion.

  165. 8 months ago

    >ballooning development costs

  166. 8 months ago

    >games get expensiver
    >wagies get paid the same
    Idk bros... inflation just sounds like a scam

    • 8 months ago

      get paid the same
      Wagies that switch jobs often are the ones who keep up with inflation. If you aren't willing to say "pay me more or I will take one of these dozen jobs that's paying 8-15% higher wages" then you deserve to be poor. Companies no longer reward loyalty so they can't expect loyalty.
      The problem with the video game industry is that all of the developers are either dumb diversity hires that couldn't negotiate their way out of a fricking parking lot or fanboys who would rather die then lose their job at the company that makes their favorite vidya.

  167. 8 months ago

    the fact is game development is cheaper and easier than ever
    but game companies have massive amounts of diversity hires doing nothing useful and to match those diversity hires they need massive HR departments and legal departments
    then you have the execs demanding more and more money
    the actual development of the game gets like 5% of the total cost and they are constantly hindered by the diversity hires demanding that they add more Black folk and pronouns and make the game easier
    that's why you sometimes get small indie dev teams outperforming big AAA companies with thousands of employees

  168. 8 months ago

    Capcom games always get pretty nig discounts in just a few years after release. The games are not going anywhere, just wait a bit to get them.

  169. 8 months ago

    >moving to digital will make games cheaper!
    >game prices go up over the years and they proceed to sell you 50-75% of a game at launch in order to sell you the rest as DLC expansions, despite the fact that they don't spend as much on physical game production as they used to
    The consumer will see no benefits from a price increase or a full movement to digital. The companies will use it to fuel their profits and look more profitable to their shareholders. This is going to continue until the prices increase to $100+ for a base game and several large AAA games fail all at once and initiate a mini industry crash, or they'll push very heavily for Gamepass style subscriptions where you pay them 30 a month for access to a rotating library of games so consumers keep playing their products.

  170. 8 months ago

    remake merchants

  171. 8 months ago

    The only full price game I bought this year was RE4R. And even that I bought on keysite for $40. The only other thing I'll pay that much for this year will be the MGS collection.

  172. 8 months ago

    The Dragon's Dogma 2 leaks prove that it won't be complete on release because THE ROADMAP plans and they want $70???

  173. 8 months ago

    I buy maybe one full price vidya a year at most. I already have hundreds of games, so I just buy shit 3 years later on sale

  174. 8 months ago

    Call me a cuck but if it costs $100 to break out of the game design and technological malaise we've been in for ten fricking years then do it.

    • 8 months ago

      What makes you think anything other than pricing would change?

      • 8 months ago

        >What makes you think anything other than pricing would change?
        In reality absolutely nothing.

    • 8 months ago

      moronic fricking cuck

    • 8 months ago

      >the game design and technological malaise we've been in for ten fricking years
      2013? I'd say at least 17 years. And yes, if there were actual good modern equivalents to FEAR, Hitman: Blood Money, or especially 90s western games, you bet your ass I'd paycuck.

      • 8 months ago

        IMO Nintendo is the only one doing anything interesting technologically, and that appears to be focused on squeezing the most out of the cheapest hardware possible. You don't have to like it or their games, but you have to accept it as the basis for the next point.

        Coincidentally, Nintendo are the biggest corporate fascists in the world, almost never lower prices or offer sales, have gorillions in merchandising and media, etc. They brutally crack down on pirates, modders, and content creators which even attempt to threaten or partake in their IP. They've probably got more cash flow than any gaming house today.

        • 8 months ago

          >IMO Nintendo is the only one doing anything interesting technologically, and that appears to be focused on squeezing the most out of the cheapest hardware possible.
          True on the tech side, but even with BotW as my first Zelda, then going beck through the other 3D games, the soul and style is severely diminished, and I simply value that more than tech.

        • 8 months ago

          They're not, even nintendo is just aping what other devs are doing and gunning after trends at the expense of their identity. But when you have so many people who don't play anything outside that ecosystem, it all feels like a fresh experience to them.

          • 8 months ago

            You don't get it. That's ok.

  175. 8 months ago

    >Be on a roll with good games lately
    >Say some dumb shit that'll make people hate you

    great job

  176. 8 months ago

    I would paypiggie for an actually good Lost Planet sequel, nothing else though

  177. 8 months ago

    increasing the cost of games will simply make people think twice about buying full priced games on release, their quality will be scrutinized even harder, hope they're prepared to deliver quality games

  178. 8 months ago

    I guess the costs of all those pajeet and vatnigs they have toiling all over the internet shilling their garbage are starting to mount up. Nu-Crapcom can get fricked for all i care.

    • 8 months ago

      God I wish I were Ayane.

  179. 8 months ago

    Here's the thing. This is a luxury good, so here's how it works.
    >The consumer needs to pay more to meet our costs
    >the consumer refuses
    Congradulations, your company just died
    >the consumer pays up
    Congradulations, you make money
    CEO's can hem, haw, and demand all they fricking want. If the market won't take it they won't take it, and then it's up to them to adapt or die. Do not try to fricking shame the customer to pay something the market won't bear.

    • 8 months ago

      Problem is the main market of video game consumers would sit on a horse butt plug if they were told to. We are talking about a consumer base that unironically blindly accepted paying a monthly fee for the privilege of connecting their Ethernet cable to a console. That's what the israelites are counting on when they say shit like this.

  180. 8 months ago

    Maybe if companies would stop spending 3x their development budget on marketing,..

  181. 8 months ago

    What if they just stopped spending so much money on developing games? It's not as if dev salaries are increasing or something.

    • 8 months ago

      The shareholders need a fair return on their ivestment

      • 8 months ago

        So ask for less investment.

        • 8 months ago

          sorry, that's illegal.

          • 8 months ago

            What the frick.

            • 8 months ago

              sorry, that's illegal.

              The one thing this site never talks about is the fact that most corporate greed doesn't stem from "muh CEO wants another yacht", but rather it's being driven by a bunch of fricking financial hyenas that only understand green line go up and can't just take their losses on the chin when they make short sighted investment decisions. This is why we had a billion articles screeching that profits for every vidya company started going down in 2022 even though it's fricking obvious that people were going to spend less money on home entertainment once the corona lockdowns ended.

              • 8 months ago

                The only time I saw anyone callout investors was when cdpr shit the bed with cyberdud2077

              • 8 months ago

                CEO benefits are usually tied to company performance aka profits, they didn't set up the system but they are as hell are fervent executors of it

              • 8 months ago

                Yes but by the time the company gets that big, the CEOs are making enough to the point where a single human being couldn't spend all that money unless it was on completely outrageous shit. The point is, they don't make those decisions because they want more money for themselves, but because they are expected to keep making making green line go up or else the best case scenario is that they get burned by the board of directors and replaced with someone else.

              • 8 months ago

                Going public is taking the Devil's money. Every game developer that took their private company to public for a quick payday really did sell their souls and their life's work. Imagine the people who made Warcraft 2 and Diablo 2 seeing what Blizzard has become today.

          • 8 months ago

            Fordlandia makes a lot more sense now.

  182. 8 months ago

    Best I can do is $0 and some reseeding

  183. 8 months ago

    Major publishers absolutely should charge more, it's the only way to stop people from buying AAA garbage.

  184. 8 months ago

    >Release barebones game for $70 and DLC that took 1/20th the effort of the main game for $40
    >Effectively $110 for the whole game
    >Games aren't expensive enough!

  185. 8 months ago

    I wish i could scream about overinflated development budgets loud enough for these homosexuals to hear me

  186. 8 months ago

    Damn, $80? They should cost $120. Why stop there? A game should cost as much as they want to sell it for because in the end I'm just gonna pirate it anyway.

  187. 8 months ago

    Woke pigs must be getting ahead of themselves just because their recent titles are big sellers

  188. 8 months ago

    Based capcom, all those troony characters arent free. Gotta pay the tool.

  189. 8 months ago

    $70 is the MAXIMUM I will pay for a good game, period. If you make slop, I AM NOT PAYING $70. You making bloated games IS NOT MY PROBLEM. What ballooning development costs, pray tell? You people should be reusing assets, we've already had high fidelity asset pipelines for YEARS using Zbrush and other modern techniques. Further, games are starting to use photogrammetry to cheat the modeling process, IT SHOULD BE CHEAPER now. Your bloat is not my problem. You know why games are actually getting more expensive, is because modern workers don't care about making video games, the producers and publishers have no problem throwing out months of work with arbitrary changes, there's no quality control and more and more time is spent gossiping around the water cooler. None of these things ARE MY PROBLEM. Earth to developers, PEOPLE ARE STILL MAKING $10-$15/hr. It's actually outrageous games are starting to come out at $100.

    • 8 months ago

      Anyways this is going to lead to a massive video game industry collapse like we saw in the early 80s. Too much money being spent with very little to show for it. They got away with it when it was $60 all-in but today it's $70, $80, $100 to buy-in and that's for half a game, they still plan on releasing $100 of DLC. That era is ending. It's going to start with a game like Far Cry 7 going for a $100 price tag and flopping hard and Ubisoft losing hundreds of millions. We already saw Saints Row flop shuttering the development studio. Gollum shuttered the development studio. The crash has already begun.

      • 8 months ago

        I hope this happens soon. The industry needs a hard reset.

  190. 8 months ago

    >increase prices to meet development costs


    • 8 months ago

      Consider this, a 200 person development studio paying an average of $100,000 a year is $20,000,000 a year in costs. There's no reason why you can't make a GOOD game in 3 years ($60,000,000) with a 200 person development team. Even considering incidentals, renting an office building, etc, that should be less than $80,000,000. Let's pretend they sold the game for $60 -- there's 30% cut for selling obviously, so the game is $42 a unit. You're telling me they can't sell 2,000,000 units to break even? Even with a ridiculous $80,000,000 marketing budget that's 4,00,000 units to break even. Resident Evil 4 sold over 5 million units.


  191. 8 months ago

    Just make shorter games.
    How many people have even finished BG3 Act 3?
    Industry should start serializing acts already and flesh them out better.

    • 8 months ago

      It's funny because capcom itself already made smaller games like megaman 11 and the GnG game for the switch but then just stopped. They could easily make smaller games in between the big releases and still make a good amount of money, but they are moronic
      Capcom is one of the few big devs left but they are also one of the stupidest ones.

      • 8 months ago

        >few big devs
        *few good big devs

      • 8 months ago

        They didn't sell enough.

        • 8 months ago

          There's no reason why they need more than 20 people on a team to make a pixel shit game. And there's always a chance for a grand slam between break even projects. Further, the goal should be quality, forever games, it should be more of a marketing stunt than strictly making games for profit.

  192. 8 months ago

    I'll pay the price tag for everything that interest me. Luckily there isn't a lot.

  193. 8 months ago

    >when the ESG money goes out the window but you still want to be overpaid for making garbage
    nah frick capcom

  194. 8 months ago

    I'll only pay more if it means they'll finish and polish their games and cut down on DLC. I'm not paying more for the state that most games launch in juat to wait for it to be good a year later, and I'm not paying for DLC that would have juat been unlockable in a previous game.

  195. 8 months ago

    Nobody makes good games anymore. They don't have the intellectual or moral right to charge more. The quality of recent games indicates they should be $40 AT MOST on release.
    It genuinely does not matter if it costs them more to make a game when the product they release is garbage.

    • 8 months ago

      It doesn't cost them more, I'm going to need to see the math. Zbrush + Substance Painter + Photogrammetry means most modeling work flows should be 30% faster than the "good ol' days". They're also mocapping everything, animation also should be cheaper than ever to do. Development might be more expensive, but it's certainly not due to making the game itself.

      • 8 months ago

        I guess shilling campaigns and buying reviews must cost a lot.

        • 8 months ago

          Exactly. It's still considered cost towards the game from a business perspective. And that cost doesn't matter in the end because end users are served trash. Modern games are not worth more or even the same as games were 15 years ago because at the end of the day they suck and totally waste the player's time on purpose to appear deep and meaningful when they're anything but.

  196. 8 months ago

    only indies make decent games now because they are actually made by gamer nerds, not psychopaths in suits

  197. 8 months ago


  198. 8 months ago

    What costs so much in game development other than man hours if they use their own engine for the main meat and potatoes of the game? Genuinely curious. I know that doesn't mean they can't utilize other software, but as some goon who doesn't understand development I just want to not believe all the money goes to some pre-built asset and color scheme packs to plaster on models. Rigging and what not is it's own job sure, but does that make it an 80 dollar game? If they use marketing as an excuse I'd feel like karate chopping someone ass japanese companies are terrible at marketing overseas.

    • 8 months ago

      These major studios are going to have massive libraries of assets they already made. And with high fidelity workflows which have been going on for ages, their library is composed of ultra-detailed million polygon assets that they optimize for the target platform. It should be cheaper than ever per man hour to make a game today. That's not even talking about procedural asset generation that many studios use by using Houdini or house tools or something like that. For example, Far Cry made their island completely procedurally, it's actually trivial for them to spin up a new game on a new island, they literally save 1000s of hours from the start.

  199. 8 months ago

    The should cose 200€. Too bad I have to actually buy DD2 to prostitute my half-dressed pawn to other players.

  200. 8 months ago

    >Well Ganker? Would you pay $80+ dollars for video games?
    Depends, definitely not for a shitty ass weeb capcom game though

  201. 8 months ago

    Hell no. The last capcom game I bought was Dragon's Dogma when Dark Arisen released.

  202. 8 months ago

    >nothing but remakes and sequels

    they know their moronic audience

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