Card Wargaming

ITT we try to make a wargame using only a standard deck of 54 cards (4 suits + 2 jokers)

I'm thinking that Jokers can be the HQ then the numbered cards can be used for RNG

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  1. 11 months ago

    maybe Jacks can be infantry, queens can be cavalry and aces can be artillery

    • 11 months ago

      what would you use kings for then?

    • 11 months ago

      So 54-14 = 40 remains for the RNG. You could offload the rank-system onto the sheet/system, but not the cards.

      • 11 months ago

        why not have a fully deterministic system?

        • 11 months ago

          I think
          is a nice grouping. 2…10 and 4 rising multipliers, J…A . . .
          >Suit = multiplier list item, a < b < c < d
          >Suit1 < S2 …< S4
          >9*4 = 36
          Or stretch the numerical-scale with the same multiplier set
          for maximum (derived) space, using the same process. A
          >zero-indexing system
          will re-order to dissuade superstition, and can be applied to either or both of the ‘unlucky’ pair.
          >(0…3) x (0…12) == (Suit) x (Facing)
          This produces an absolute ordering, across 52. Sloppy notated, but the notion should be clear enough. That the kinda thing you meant?

          • 11 months ago

            Pretty much, yeah

            • 11 months ago

              To take the notion further regarding your implication, the described system would be the pure sheet-system, and the cards themselves could hold a different set of bounded values
              >Fudge, 54-card coding; Joshua Bearden
              >+4: Jkr B
              >+3: A B
              >+2: Face Trio B
              >+1: 6…10 B
              >+0: 2…5 B/R
              >-1: …
              >-2: …
              >-3: A R
              >-4: Jkr R

              This is mathematically fine, but semantically redundant in a confusing way. So a symbolic transformation of the ranking system would be a good idea. Perhaps go with a color-strip and link it to meter/status? Mixes utility and less confusing naming. From capeshittery:
              >G > Y > R > W
              Therefore, ascending
              >W0, W1, W2, W3…G12,
              >52 ranks, 4 classes
              The classes produce a power distribution ‘on-top’ of the obvious 2…Jk progression. Then again, the set of randomizer classes could be used instead, I’ll line em up, give it a look-see:
              >Jkr > A > Face Trio > 6…10 > 2…5
              >(Jkr) > G4 2…A > … > W1 2…A
              We have reached a point where we must ponder deep philosophical shit. Like how many sizable transitions do you need? Frex the above can be condensed into:
              >(Jkr/Jkr) > GA > G Face Trio > G6…10 > G2…5 > … W2…5;
              18 spots, not including the (Jkr/Jkr), which can be decomposed into 2 more ranks, giving a full set of 20 ranks, derived from 54.

              Still sloppy notation-wise, but this ain’t the Fields. That come across fair enough? It’s a direct extension of discrete-math-related thinking, technically it counts as imagination, but will spawn trivial results beneath a given arbitrary amount. Don’t figure wrangling it’ll hit factorial-time, looks parsimonious and easily recalled from where I’m standing. Dunno really.

              • 11 months ago

                It’s hardly near-complete, of course. Character templates, hand size, drawing frequency, refresh frequency, and the literal deck distribution need be more defined and twined, no less. Structuring narrative shit is non-trivial, unless rated along the same scale.

    • 11 months ago

      each player gets a deck of their number cards plus the kings,

      whenever a unit is attacked, each side draws a card (like in war)

      then each unit as said in could give a bonus against one other type, like rochambeau
      Infantry is strong against artillery,
      cavalry is strong against infantry
      artillery is strong against cavalry

      So 54-14 = 40 remains for the RNG. You could offload the rank-system onto the sheet/system, but not the cards.

      it could definitely use a proper rulebook/stats sheet to give the units health/morale

      • 11 months ago

        The sheet-rank could link to triggered abilities when the rank card is drawn. It gets extra-moronic if 2Hearts is a rank, but there is a useful range until you hit autism. Then again, class-rank ain’t mandatory. Wargames run the gamut, after all.

        Health/morale…deck/hand reduction is common in card games. A class-rank with a designated hand is probably the easiest method.

        TNova has a ‘match suit to succeed’ mechanic. With some brew rules, the set of valid cards could narrow under health/morale penalties. Depends on what sticks to the (wip) core system…

      • 11 months ago

        Then it would be best to use war as a foundation and build from there

        maybe add rules to make it so that some suits are stronger than other suits

  2. 11 months ago

    When I was bored at home during the pandemic I made a quick spinoff 1-player version of War where each suit would be a dynasty
    very basic stuff - bigger eats smaller, equal makes War (two cards face-down and then two more face-up to decide, repeat if equal again), BUT if the two cards were of the same suit, that would become a Revolt against the ruling dynasty.
    To quell it, they'd need to beat the rebels (drawing two cards to fight the two rebel cards), and if they won, that was the end of it. If they lost, another army of two cards, repeat until results.
    The kicker came when the army sent to quell the revolt contained cards from the same suit - they'd defect and join the rebellion, upping the stakes.
    eg. one of the two loyalist cards sent to defeat the Diamond rebels is a diamond 9. That card joins the rebels - now there's 3 rebelling cards. Draw 3 cards to crush them. Uh-oh, two of the cards you drew were diamonds, and now the rebellion is 5 cards; draw 5 cards to crush them. etc
    Dynasty ends if rebels survive and there are no more cards to send against them, or if the king of the ruling suit is killed in battle against them. Reshuffle, start again, but this time the rebels rule.
    There were a few other rules about actually managing the dynasty - getting an heir (jack) after getting married (queen), appointing a general (ace) but I don't exactly recall how those worked.

    • 11 months ago

      I also did a generic strat-battle game where the cards were units and would add their number to the dice roll in combat (2+d10= maximum 12 attack strength), and had something like 5 stages in their health bar - Full health, Blooded, Wavering, Routed(face down), Dead(taken off the board). Don't remember how I marked Blooded and Wavering. Cards could move a distance of twice their length (flip them over twice, nice and easy). There were attack bonuses for flanking and surrounding an enemy card too

    • 11 months ago

      maybe two decks would be better then
      that way you can stat out each of the four suits' face cards as different units
      (Spades are the engineering corps, diamonds are elite, etc

      • 11 months ago

        If you're going for napoleonic units you could have as follows:
        Spades are Heavy Infantry
        Diamonds are Light infantry
        Hearts are Regular Infantry
        Clubs are Cavalry

    • 11 months ago

      How did you play that?

  3. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      not as portable as a simple deck of cards

      • 11 months ago

        Hey dum dum: all you do is use the cards as the pieces. The rules are the same. Grid can be arbitrary and based on card size.

    • 11 months ago

      What's next, you'll come up with Braunstein and Game of Dungeon, and eventually D&D?

  4. 11 months ago

    Look in to yafsiga. It only uses a regular player ingredient card deck for a small skirmish game 4-10 models per side. It uses the. For non random activations and combat resolution.

    • 11 months ago

      That looks pretty much exactly like what I was thinking about, thanks

    • 11 months ago

      sixty dollars tho

      That looks pretty much exactly like what I was thinking about, thanks

      what kind of richgay are you

      • 11 months ago

        I know I know. But the dudes are good dudes and they engage the community and are helpful. It's a really small time outfit so they don't have the printing power of larger shittier companies.

        • 11 months ago

          Then have a digital version that's at a sane price.

          • 11 months ago

            I might be moronic, but where would I find the digital version

            all I can find is the complimentary PDF with the physical book

            • 11 months ago

              That post was asking for one not saying there is one available.

              • 11 months ago

                so dyslexic, not moronic

  5. 11 months ago

    >using only a standard deck of 54 cards
    why not use multiple deck of cards? perhaps 2 would help a lot, a red and blue set

  6. 11 months ago

    The real trick is to design a tabletop wargame that uses cards as the combat mechanic. And no Malifaux doesn't count because it's shit. I'd love nothing more than for my LGS to adopt a homebrew system like this that lets people use whatever models they have as reasonable proxies.

    • 11 months ago

      Then it would be best to use war as a foundation and build from there

    • 11 months ago

      Then it would be best to use war as a foundation and build from there

      /TG/ War

      Each player gets X number of minis to start with and draws 5 cards

      Turns are split into move attack and draw

      All minis can move 3 inches, however you can increase it by playing a card to add as many inches as the number on the card

      Both players play one card from their hand simultaneously

      the player who's turn just ended gets to draw two cards, allowing for logistical strategy

      What does /tg/ think of this?

      • 11 months ago

        You know, a strong sign of autism is when you can't understand that others don't know the things you know. You know, like how to do literally anything in a game comprising of what you just said.

        • 11 months ago

          Must've gotten excited

          Move: Minis move 3 inches and can be increased by the number on the card

          Dave moves his mini three inches and plays a 4 of spades to increase it to 7 inches

          Face cards will need something special, but the details can be hashed out later

          Pretty much identical to war (Bigger card wins against lower card)

          Dave uses his machinegunner to attack brian's rifleman, Brian plays an 8 of clubs, as he doesn't expect brian to have anything bigger than that. However, brian plays the king he's been saving this entire game to finally rid himself of the machinegunner

          Dave draws two cards, exactly the same as the amount he played. If he had played three cards, he would have been down a card for a turn or so.

          It is now brians turn

          • 11 months ago

            You haven't said a thing about health, damage, win conditions, anything. Like what the frick dude lmao, a game of this sort would require a short pdf.

            • 11 months ago

              All cards do 1 damage
              All minis have 1 health

              I'll get to making the pdf

              • 11 months ago
  7. 11 months ago

    I kind made this with a Trojan War theme during lockdown.
    Each player gets a 55 card deck (my decks have black, red, and colored Joker). Trojans start with a wall of 3 stack of 4 rnndom number cards. Number cards are shuffled into the soldier deck, the face cards (and As, 10s, and 7 of hearts) are shuffled into a hero deck.
    At the start of the game each player draws 2 cards from the hero deck and 3 from the soldier deck.
    During your turn you can send any soldier or hero face up to one of the three battlefields, or face down to suppliy or pray.
    As an action you can draw a card from either deck but can never have more than 5 cards in hand. More than 5 are discarded.
    You can also declare a battle as your action. If the Greeks attack and there is no enemy they attack the wall. If their number is higher they destroy that card. But if it's lower one random soldier dies and the card goes to the bottom. If Trojans attack unopposed, the Greek player flips a card from the solider deck to counter and if they win put it at the bottom.
    If an opposed battle is declared both players place soldier cards face down without looking one at a time until they pass, but no more than three. They then reveal themat the same time. All losers die.
    Numbers add their value. A is 1, J 11, Q 12, K 13, Red and Black Jokers are 14. Heroes can only die if there is at least one Hero in the opposing army. Colored Joker always wins, but the Trojan one (Hector) always loses against the Greek (Achilles), who loses against the 7 of Hearths (Paris).
    When you have 3 face down cards reveal them and you get:
    -Supplies: Shuffle those sent to supply and a total value of dead soldiers up to the value sent to supply.
    -Pray: I lost the list of gods, but each granted an at will one shot effect, or until your opponent stole that favor.
    Trojans can repair their wall by placing the top soldier card on a damaged wall without looking.
    Greeks win if the wall is destroyed. Trojans win if all Greek Heroes die.

  8. 11 months ago

    Fields of Fire uses cards for terrain and a separate deck as a way of resolving everything, lots of counters though
    Up Front is another classic thats mostly cards

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