Case of the Golden Idol

I'm about to start case of the golden idol, I finished Obra Dinn a while back and saw this game was pretty similar.
Do you recommend the "Highlights" mode enabled like the devs recommend or going without them? These days I can never be sure if the recommended way is made to handhold literal babies.

Please keep spoilers and shit to a minimum or keep them under black bars

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  1. 1 month ago

    Go with the highlights. Game would've been extremely tedious without

    • 1 month ago

      IIRC you can toggle the option at any time during gameplay but I'd recommend keeping them on.

      I think there's a button to toggle highlights on and off but if not you should just leave them on, knowing what you can and cant interact with is not meant to be a significant part of the puzzles

      I played it with highlights and didn't feel like it was too handholdy. I imagine you could just easily end up frustrated because you're missing some small key piece in a scenario which is holding you back from completing it. The meat of the game is in putting the solution together from the pieces anyway, not in finding the pieces to begin with.

      Thanks anon, I'll go with highlights then. I like the title screen music already. Hope it'll be great

      • 1 month ago

        It's best if you start off with them turned off, and only turn them on if you can't find the last few words.
        It's easy to forget details if you just mechanically clicked on the highlighted parts without discovering them yourself.

        Hope you enjoy it, I know I did. It's not as good as Obda Dinn, but it's really fun in a different way and it's neat seeing how the stuff from the DLC adds context to the main game.

  2. 1 month ago

    IIRC you can toggle the option at any time during gameplay but I'd recommend keeping them on.

  3. 1 month ago

    I think there's a button to toggle highlights on and off but if not you should just leave them on, knowing what you can and cant interact with is not meant to be a significant part of the puzzles

  4. 1 month ago

    I played it with highlights and didn't feel like it was too handholdy. I imagine you could just easily end up frustrated because you're missing some small key piece in a scenario which is holding you back from completing it. The meat of the game is in putting the solution together from the pieces anyway, not in finding the pieces to begin with.

  5. 1 month ago

    golden idol is a rly nice, short fun mystery game, rly excited for the sequel

    • 1 month ago

      Seeing how they shadow-dropped the DLC out of fricking nowhere (or at least I had no idea they were coming) I kind of hope the entire game will be released during the Summer Game Fest, since it was announced at the Game Awards.

      • 4 weeks ago

        not just you.
        they shadow dropped everything, DLC 1, DLC 2 AND a damn sequel.
        knew nothing about it until i revisited the store page.

        the first DLC has some stupid logic jump i didn't really like, the second one did a better job

        • 4 weeks ago

          >AND a damn sequel.
          "Shadow-dropping" refers to releasing a game (or whatever else) right when it's announced, so that's not a shadow-drop. It's just a really, REALLY unexpected announcement.

    • 1 month ago

      this thread is pretty civil for Ganker standards
      it makes me want to try this game

      buy an ad

  6. 1 month ago

    this thread is pretty civil for Ganker standards
    it makes me want to try this game

    • 1 month ago

      It's got a demo, go for it.
      The early cases are very simple, but it gives you an idea of how the game works.

    • 1 month ago

      Puzzle game threads are generally some of the most civil threads on the board since the games tend to have a very high ratio of gameplay to non-gameplay and thus there's very little for shitposters to latch onto

  7. 1 month ago

    Just play with highlights, realistically you have to click things like words in books to add them to your clues. Is it possible, sure, but it's more pixel hunting than it is enjoyable.
    Fun game though and everything is deducible. I wouldn't say it's overly hard or complex. There were a few good 'aha' moments.

  8. 1 month ago

    I had this weird bug in case of the golden idol where every button on my Xbox One controllers worked fine, except for A/R1/L1 which are used to confirm or select things like a left click on the mouse. I like switching between mouse + keyboard or controller depending on how I want to sit in my chair and play games, but I found no solution for this problem and I dropped the game. Worst part is it's difficult to look up for websites or threads discussing these things on the internet because of the spoiler risks

  9. 1 month ago

    Play with highlights off & only turn them on when you get stuck
    with highlights the game turns more into "click shiny thing" and removes the element of exploration

    • 4 weeks ago

      Play with highlights. I hate highlights too, but this is not a point'n'click there is no exploration. Just get the clues.
      This game is great. I'm stoked for the sequel.I gotta warn you, there is a big jump in difficulty between case 2 and 3, this made me quit the game for several weeks, but it is worth going through. It picks up.

      What exploration?

      I highly recommend 'Do not feed the monkeys', plays and feels a bit like Golden Idol, although it has a time mechanic and some resource management elements, but it's very fun and intriguing

      >'Do not feed the monkeys', plays and feels a bit like Golden Idol
      no it doesn't, what the frick are you talking about. the gameplay and feel is completely different. it's basically a management sim with no puzzles.

      not just you.
      they shadow dropped everything, DLC 1, DLC 2 AND a damn sequel.
      knew nothing about it until i revisited the store page.

      the first DLC has some stupid logic jump i didn't really like, the second one did a better job

      >the first DLC has some stupid logic jump i didn't really like
      what was it? i don't recall a single logic jump from the whole game.

      • 4 weeks ago

        My brother in christ it's a game where you read shit and pick out the relevent information, there aren't that many games with this in mind

      • 4 weeks ago

        >what was it? i don't recall a single logic jump from the whole game
        the nature of the secret the priest told the sultan i think miffed me.
        i'd need to recheck but in the puzzle immediately following this scene you're supposed to know what the secret is and fill it in the scroll

        • 4 weeks ago

          >nature of the secret

          it was obvious that the secret was about the idol

          • 4 weeks ago

            inferring stuff like this is not great in a mystery game, especially when every other piece of information has evidence pointing to it

            the first dlc is fine, the 2nd one is massively moronic and is 90% trial and error
            the secret is obvious because it's the only thing anyone ever talks about

            >the 2nd one is massively moronic and is 90% trial and error
            what did you have to trial and error?
            the only thing that was maybe kinda bullshit was how the killer managed to "escape" the murder scene

        • 4 weeks ago

          the first dlc is fine, the 2nd one is massively moronic and is 90% trial and error
          the secret is obvious because it's the only thing anyone ever talks about

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Play with highlights. I hate highlights too, but this is not a point'n'click there is no exploration. Just get the clues.
        The search about what might be relevant is in my opinion a part of the game. If you struggle with that, you are struggling with part of the puzzle. I don't know why you would dumb down the game otherwise
        >b-but I just don't want to click everywhere
        okay and if you're not moronic you won't need to

  10. 4 weeks ago

    hey puzzlechads, I'm looking for more good deduction games
    I've played (and enjoyed):
    >Obra Dinn
    >Golden Idol
    >the Roottrees are Dead
    >Painscreek Killings
    Any recs?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Shadows of Doubt is probably up your alley

    • 4 weeks ago

      Recently played "Her Story" and "Hand with Many Fingers". Both are search engine simulators like Roottrees.

      Her Story is alright just that it doesn't really have gameplay beyond the search engine, not even fill-in-the-blanks stuff. You have to organize all the info and figure out the mystery all in your head. Heard the creator's later FMV games are better? idk.

      Hand with Many Fingers requires you to lookup articles relating to a RL event but in an analog way, physically looking up index cards, pulling documents from boxes then pinning them on your conspiracy board. That's where the novelty ends though. The game is really short partly due how the RL scandal hasn't been resolved. If you plan on playing it I recommend not looking up the real scandal they used.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Very different, but play Chants of Sennaar

      • 4 weeks ago

        This one's pretty good, not as hard but I liked the art a lot, seems Moebius inspired with a lot of saturation

        • 4 weeks ago

          >not as hard
          really? I felt it had the hardest parts between obra dinn, golden idol & itself

      • 4 weeks ago

        I enjoyed it, but that game commits a really annoying sin in my book.
        I think that if your game isn't going to revolve around movement, it shouldn't require you to walk around so much. I understand that it makes the game more atmospheric and it makes you empathize more with the character you're controlling, but so much time in that game was wasted on just trudging around.
        Movement is only ever relevant in the stealth sections, which are easily the worst and most shoehorned-in parts of the entire game.

        Obra Dinn sidestepped this issue by making the environments small and rather easy to traverse, and Case of the Golden Idol is pure delicious point-and-click goodness with everything neatly and elegantly framed in single screens.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I feel like if it went too far away from what it currently is, it would be detrimental
          Sure there were like a couple of times where I felt like there was too much walking around, but the main one was me wanting to see the changes after I interacted with all the terminals. It's not just a game about learning the languages, it's also about exploring & learning about their world and how they live and the differences between the cultures. If you boil it down to just the language learning aspect you lose far too much for the tiny bit you gain.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That's a flawed perspective.
            Riven is considered a masterpiece when it comes to environmental storytelling, and 99% of the game is you looking at the environment trying to figure out solutions to puzzles, or even what the puzzles are even supposed to be.
            However, due to the fact that it's a point and click adventure game with static screens, you can blast all the way across the rather sizable game world at lightning speed in a matter of a couple of seconds just by mashing the left mouse button.
            You can take all the time in the world if you want to, but the game isn't forcing you to "take in the sights". You're going to anyway because otherwise you just won't beat the game, but when you figure out where you need to go and what you need to do the game won't put shackles at your feet.
            Myst III, the sequel, went as far as letting you directly zip across even greater distances, and in Myst IV you can basically teleport around.

            Chants of Sennaar doesn't give you a choice, and personally I felt that constraint. Their intentions might have been pure, but I still don't appreciate it, and it's something I have noticed happening in many games where it shouldn't, even full-fledged point and click adventure games coming from classic series.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Weird that you dodged Outwr Wilds this whole time.
      Don't read the spoilers in the main store description and you will have a better time, I think.
      Its space themed on really small and weird simulated planets, knowledge deprivation/deduction game, with a likely chance that you will find a horror elwment here or there because of common fears people have, so you will have to face your fears to get to the next bit of knowledge from time to time.
      There is a great reveal within a reveal within a reveal thing it has going for itself. The DLC addind another layer to one of these strings of reveals.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Lorelei and the Laser Eyes is great
      Outer Wilds is one of the best games ever made
      That's all I have

    • 4 weeks ago

      I highly recommend 'Do not feed the monkeys', plays and feels a bit like Golden Idol, although it has a time mechanic and some resource management elements, but it's very fun and intriguing

      • 4 weeks ago

        As a matter of fact there's Do Not Feed The Monkeys 2099, a sequel.
        I have yet to play it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          I thought about mentioning it but I guessed that whoever takes interest in it would find out about 2099 anyway
          I played it right after the first one, it plays almost exactly the same except with a few tweaks, it's good but not as much as the first one, the cages are less interesting and require some leaps in logic to solve, and they overplay the sci fi setting with a lot of 'lolrandom intergalactic space amirite?' but it's still worth a play if you're looking for more of the same after enjoying the first one

    • 4 weeks ago

      outer wilds (greatest game of all time, i'm honestly astounded you managed to play all those other games before OW)
      tunic (more of a fez-style 'normal video game with a puzzle metalayer' but the puzzles are really fricking good especially if you like deciphering languages by hand)
      the black watchmen (basically a singleplayer ARG, involves shit like trawling in-universe websites to find hidden clues or googling references to obscure irl occultism to get the key to a cipher)
      hypnospace outlaw (the puzzles are generally pretty easy, this one's more about the story, but it's legitimately one of the best stories in vidya and some of the lategame puzzles are a fun challenge)

  11. 4 weeks ago

    didn't enjoy it

    however I also didn't enjoy obra dinn, so you'll probably like this. it's well made for what it is.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    That's a funny looking cactuar in your pic!

  13. 4 weeks ago

    pretentious slop

  14. 4 weeks ago

    >Obra Dinn
    That shit was so boring. Shitty movie game for redditors who think they're intellectuals. Gameplay was sub par and the "deduction" could be cheesed not even one hour into the game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >the "deduction" could be cheesed not even one hour into the game.

      >so bad at games you have to cheese them
      I would laugh, but honestly it's pretty sad

  15. 4 weeks ago

    Personally I played without highlights since the game doesn't have a time elements and you'll probably read through everything anyway
    Have fun, amazing game

  16. 4 weeks ago

    yeah keep on highlight mode. i actualy like this game more than obra dinn tbh

  17. 4 weeks ago

    any word as to when the sequel is coming out?

  18. 4 weeks ago

    It was too easy

  19. 4 weeks ago

    I was thinking of getting the danganronpa and the zero escape games during the summer sale. I been having a craving for mystery detectives, bought this game and the ace attorney bundle.

    • 4 weeks ago

      zero escape games are what i recommend. danganronpa has good music and the cases are decent but its too long in my opinion

      • 4 weeks ago

        Sounds good to me. I want to play through whole 12 episode season of anime.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Both Danganronpa and Zero Escape are great, but for different reasons. Also be warned but DR is very handholdy, it's similar to Ace Attorney in how there's a story to unfold first and not all pieces of evidence are made available to the player at the beginning of a case, instead they're gradually handed out to you. You can reasonably guess the outline for some cases but others will save key evidence for climatic moments. Zero Escape's mysteries are less meant to be solved and more used for setting up atmosphere, the real thinking on your part will happen when solving puzzles within the escape rooms.

          For Zero Escape, make sure to play 999 (1st game of the series) on a DS/3DS/2DS, or ideally on an emulator with fast-forwarding options. Preferably on a portable device with a touch screen, like a tablet or phone altough it's more for portability and convenience.
          Some puzzles in the game make use of the double screen feature, which are ruined in the remastered versions for PC and home consoles.
          The reason I recommend you to play on an emulator where you can speed things up to let's say 400% is because the game forces you to replay the beginning to explore all endings. The game allows you to skip the dialogue, but it's still slow and tedious. The remastered versions added a flowchart system similar to the sequels allowing you to jump directly to the relevant chapters or branching paths, but this small QoL feature isn't worth sacrificing the unique hardware specific gimmicks of the original console.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm gonna pass on zero escape game after reading about how the remaster ruined the puzzles and read that people had issues with the last game. Do you know anything about the AI: somnium files games.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >remaster ruined the puzzles
              It ruined a TWIST in the first game & added a lot of improvements. Ignoring the twist, it's the better version to play.
              The last game mainly has two issues, a big change in personality of one of the main characters and a wrapup many felt unsatisfying. All three ZE games are still must plays in my opinion IF you like the genre (which you clearly do)
              >Do you know anything about the AI: somnium files games.
              downgrade to the other mentioned games. It's a "play after playing all the other classics and you want more", not a replacement

            • 4 weeks ago

              >AI:The Somnium Files
              Play the first game only. The sequel can be safely ignored due to how moronic and soulless it is.
              The game is also very story-driven, like ZE and DR, it's a bit similar to the investigation segments in AA when you're in the real world where you have to examine stuff to gather info and evidence to review later on. All of these games are different from Obra Dinn or other similar deduction games where you do all of the thinking. The "puzzles" in AI:Somnium Files take place inside the subconscious minds of people connected to the investigation, where you try to make sense of their dreams to collect info on the case(s) at play. It's been a few years since I played those games but IIRC the puzzles there are semi-random and boil down to making the correct choices, due to how unintuitive the options were in most scenarios. However, they made for interesting setpieces and their unique imagery left a strong impresssion on me due to their clever foreshadowing on a replay.
              Great story, music and character interactions, but somewhat weak mystery and rehashed ZE twists from what I remember. Also, the action cutscenes are notoriously bad (but funny when drunk) and may take you away from the story.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    New game was announced. it takes place in modern times. Not sure if the 70s, 80s or present.

  21. 4 weeks ago

    If you have played really old adventure games and are used to pixel hunting you can play without highlights.

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Boring game

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