catholic clergy in ck2. >every church in your realm belongs to various bishops

catholic clergy in ck2
>every church in your realm belongs to various bishops
>this makes it practically impossible to sway literally every single one of them
>if they like the pope more than you, all their troops and gold goes to him, rather than you
>this ensures that to very broadly raise your opinion with the clergy, and get their allegiance, you have to lead a pious life and closely follow the tenets of Christianity
>you have to be a lot more subservient to the various bishops due to the general need for support among them and since they also share some "church's view" opinions
catholic clergy in ck3
>lmao just sway the 1 (one) bishop in your realm that owns all the churches
how the frick did they drop the ball so fricking hard

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  1. 9 months ago

    fart event simulator, get over it

    the diversity hires worked very hard on those sir bearington references, incel shit like accurate bishops or not walking on water are a needless distraction

    • 9 months ago

      bleak, cant wait for the eventual christianity dlc that will introduce a new confession ui where you can get the 'you farted and burped in the confessional' event for the 7th time

      • 9 months ago

        That'll be 30 dollars.

      • 9 months ago

        >shidded and farted in court
        >+6 million stress
        >blaspheme The Lord in embarrassment
        >go to confession
        >it's a confessional booth, dating to the 16th century
        >"Bless me, father, for I have sinned"
        >All of the sudden, I hear farting and shidding
        >"Are you ok, father?"
        >he keeps shidding
        >try to confess sins
        >we both get +6 million stress
        >denied absolution
        >plead with the priest

        • 9 months ago

          >'kneel' event as a reference to le tv show

        • 9 months ago

          >proceed to anally frick each other for 4 hours
          >courtier catches us in the middle of the act and tells everyone
          >embarrassed modifier: -50 opinion penalty, -5 to all stats
          >the lord of the poopencum Empire throws a banana peel at you, killing you instantly

        • 9 months ago

          >plead with the priest
          >he has sex with you
          >your character is gay now
          >the priest was black all along

      • 9 months ago

        > you farted and burped in the confessional' event for the 7th time
        This made me laugh out loud harder than I have in awhile. It’s so fricked because it’s true and absolutely will happen.

  2. 9 months ago

    every time i play ck2 im genuinely astounded at how it was that they fricked up
    im fine with the exclusion of the CoC cause its whatever and subpar in ck2 anyways but why the hell did the rest of the whole clergy system get stripped down to literal nothingness??
    a huge cornerstone of feudalism, one of the 3 feudal classes, is literally nowhere to be seen and instead entirely represented by a generic "realm priest" like every other religion in the game

  3. 9 months ago

    >this ensures that to very broadly raise your opinion with the clergy, and get their allegiance, you have to lead a pious life and closely follow the tenets of Christianity
    Nah, just make an antipope or vassalize the real one.
    The pope won’t even hate you if you spent a little money on his election to cardinal before.
    Catholicism is obtuse to figure out but easy mode after that.

    • 9 months ago

      yes and you can also just conquer the entire world too
      >wohhahu whaaa??? whaaTttt options???

      • 8 months ago

        Why are you purposefully choosing to play the game badly?

    • 9 months ago

      >Catholicism is obtuse to figure out but easy mode after that.
      Just like real life tbh

  4. 9 months ago

    You can also just make your own prince bishops, which are easier to control

  5. 9 months ago

    ck3 is pretty trash, not as bad as victoria 3, but it did the same exact thing it did, took a good but broken game and made it bad and broken.

    • 9 months ago

      Ck2 was literally not broken in any way doe moron. That game is perfectly complete, The only thing ck2 could have is more historical autism and playable monastic orders. Vic2 however IS a broken piece of shit

      • 9 months ago

        >Ck2 was literally not broken in any way doe moron. That game is perfectly complete
        Pffft. There are lots of things in it that don’t work well.

  6. 9 months ago

    Devil's Advocate: did you ever micromanage your priests? Did you ever appoint successors? Did you ever interact with any of those meaningless 1 barony bishops?
    At least a realm priest is a strong character that you need to address with every character, but they outlive their usefulness the second they have a +1 opinion. It's not a perfect system, but I very rarely considered any time or attention worth swaying or bribing CK2 clerics
    Antipopes and the Cardinal/Papal game missing, I understand, but I don't recall piety ever being relevant in CK2. As long as you didnt have 20 sinful traits, you could get positive opinion from your priests. It's not like they actually joined factions or did anything to oppose you

    • 9 months ago

      the whole entire first half of the post is about how its impossible to micromanage every single priest in your realm resulting in you trying to appease them in more general ways such as being pious

      • 9 months ago

        Most people are functionally illiterate.

    • 9 months ago

      I did: these characters are usually a great target for the "Make a friend" mission since you can then put them as court chaplain and have a loyal voter. additionally: when you're just an assemblage of counties, they count as your direct vassals, and you need to appease them to change your laws.

    • 8 months ago

      Nietzshe advocate:
      Why not both? We could have both the Top realm priest and the Individual priests opinion gradually influence the amount of money and troops from Clergy owned provinces.
      Also you could then have the top dog priest have various forms of influence over the little pirests depending on the religious reforms, and the Gov type/reforms.
      >inb4 min-maxing bloat
      I like min-maxing in games, where it makes sense. Trying to strike most beneficial position between your big priest and your little priests as a medieval ruler seems appropriate.I'm aware that some metas will be unduly stronger than others but that's acceptable.

  7. 9 months ago

    I can't believe Paradox ever made something as mostly functional as CK2

  8. 9 months ago

    I'm going to be honest, I never had the first problem because I exclusively played pagan, reformed into a merchant republic, and used my daughters to produce more sons. Levies? Who cares, my retinue is bigger than the entire population of Italy.

  9. 8 months ago

    every province has Clergy, Nobility, Burgers, and Peasanty
    each with their own power, loyalty, prowess

    • 8 months ago

      isn't this what cities, temples and castles are though

      • 8 months ago

        technically replacement, but very shit at that, they don't do anything

  10. 8 months ago

    Baptized by bishop or pope, went on pilgrimage, 500 piety and then temperate or zealous on top of that is enough for any priest to like you more than the pope. Not that getting a few hundred extra levies and a few extra shekels matter. CK2 isn’t deep just because CK3 exists.

  11. 8 months ago

    ck2 mechanism is way to complex for their target audience
    high-iq autists aren't going to buy $20 content packs

  12. 8 months ago

    I think I will reinstall CK2 lads
    Interested in playing Visby and building up an early Hansa.
    Can Visby do viking raids and have merchant republic at the same time? I have not played since 2017. Are there any new mods that add more to the map?

    • 8 months ago

      Only if you either stay Norse (early start) or convert to it later (historical Visby start). I am not sure if Visby can be formed in the early start, you should check that.
      >Are there any new mods that add more to the map?
      There is HIP, there were one or two map overhauls that add Asia (Tianxia and HIP - Comprehensive Annals of Five Dynasties), Umbra Spherae (Reborn) adds the entire world. Sons of Vinland add North America up to the Boston. No guarantees how good or stable these mods are.

      • 8 months ago

        Thanks for the response m8. I'm more interested in a baltic trade league than I am being a rapethief so I'll go for a later start. I'm also going to check out those mods. Umbra Spherae sounds like it would be unmanagable.

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