>cats are Tabaxi. >birds are Aakocra. >snakes are Yuan-ti. >lizards are...Lizardfolk

>cats are Tabaxi
>birds are Aakocra
>snakes are Yuan-ti
>lizards are...Lizardfolk

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  1. 3 months ago

    They're called Argonians, duh.

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not going to steal TES lore anon

      • 3 months ago

        Why not? It's better than DnD lore.

  2. 3 months ago

    Right, should be lizardmen

    • 3 months ago

      This. They were dubbed lizardmen by the few bayou bumpkins who bumped into them without getting eaten. They never corrected us because they don't fricking care, and the fact that they don't care about that sort of thing is part of their character.

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, that's about right, they literally don't care lore wise, like I'm pretty sure the books even say they don't even have real names they just go by a descriptive word or two.
        Like one would just be called Axe because he well uses an axe, the rest of the tribe typically uses spears or swords but he uses an axe and that's distinct enough for people to call him that.
        Lizardfolk falls perfectly in line with that. They are Lizards shaped like other folk rather than like with a more lizardy appearance.

        • 3 months ago

          admittedy thats also where human names come from.
          "Strong as a bear" "god fearing" "wolf" "well known guy" "very strong"
          Just average german names.

        • 3 months ago

          admittedy thats also where human names come from.
          "Strong as a bear" "god fearing" "wolf" "well known guy" "very strong"
          Just average german names.

          Right, but we also reuse names to the point where we don't remember what they meant, because our living language changes faster than our naming conventions do. I think the fact that the lizardmen speak (primitive, simplistic) draconic is meant to suggest that they are far less changeful in all things compared to other humanoids.

  3. 3 months ago

    Woosh. Now lizards are Wa'ankra.

  4. 3 months ago

    >"Hey guys! A thing in D&D is moronic!"

    Yes... yes we know. Have you tried not playing DnD?

    • 3 months ago

      >Hey guys! Let's talk about D&D lore!
      >Have you tried not playing DnD?

      • 3 months ago

        >Talk about
        This is a b***hing thread and you know it. You DnDrones have your own general, and yet you clog up the catalogue with a dozen different b***hing threads every single day. It's tiring. Your game is shit, play something else, please, for your own good. That or stay in your fricking general with the endless complaining.

        • 3 months ago

          >This is a b***hing thread
          Only because you're b***hing. You post in every D&D lore thread and all you do is b***h.

          • 3 months ago

            >"We have a general thread because people were sick of our spamming and shitposting, but we don't actually use it. Why are people mad at us?"

            Self Awareness: 0

            • 3 months ago

              It's not "people", it's just you, and you aren't people. /tg/ is mostly about D&D and always has been. Cry harder.

              • 3 months ago

                It's like 50% warhammer bro. Which is even worse than DnD but still.

              • 3 months ago

                It's like 50% warhammer bro. Which is even worse than DnD but still.

                You're both wrong. 90% of tg are nogames.

          • 3 months ago

            No, the OP is pretty objectively b***hing.
            I'm not sure why you're lying.

            • 3 months ago

              You're an idiot. It's a straight-forward question with a lot of valid answers. My answer is

              This. They were dubbed lizardmen by the few bayou bumpkins who bumped into them without getting eaten. They never corrected us because they don't fricking care, and the fact that they don't care about that sort of thing is part of their character.

              , yours might be different, this is the kind of thing that we talk about here on /tg/.

        • 3 months ago

          This. DnD 5e players are the equivalent of someone shoving dog turds into their mouth, complaining the dog turds taste like shit, but then getting angry when you suggest they try real food. Tiring doesn't even begin to describe the average 5e player.

          • 3 months ago

            Sorry baiting DCC player, but this IS what old school roleplaying actually is, not your 3.x shit

        • 3 months ago

          /tg/ was made for D&D. Sorry if the truth hurts.

          • 3 months ago

            /tg/ was made as a containment board for Warhammer, actually. Learn your history.

            Also, during the days of 3e and 4e nobody talked about DnD because Pathfinder was the hot game. Although Pathfinder has almost all of the problems DnD had back then, and nowadays it has even more.

            • 3 months ago

              >newbie alert
              4e came out in 2008 and pathfinder 2009 feel free to enlighten us to how it managed to overcome the mighty 3.0 it was based off of anytime

              • 3 months ago

                >Can't even reply to posts properly

                Is this your first or second day on the job as a WotC social media influencer?

              • 3 months ago

                I would like to know too. I would very much like to be paid for shilling on 4chins. Where do I apply?

              • 3 months ago

                >starts screeching YOU OWE ME A (YOU)
                >can't refute what I looked up in 1m on google
                keep posting misinformation homosexual I'll keep laughing and getting my (you)s

              • 3 months ago

                Not knowing how to use basic board functions that anyone who's been here a week knows how to use is not the sick own you think it is.

              • 3 months ago

                >he's still replying
                I didn't realize they taught you how to send a post from r/classicGanker. I don't see how this is relevant to how in 2008 there existed only D&D 3rd and 4th edition and while Golarion the setting existed, Pathfinder did not.
                Tell me right now Paizo bootlicker how PF posting managed to overcome the behemoth Dee EN Dee, which this board was actually created to contain.

            • 3 months ago

              >this old lie
              Anon, please don't tell me you are actually stupid enough to believe the lies of the 40kgays who have been pushing that bullshit just to make themselves feel special?

              /tg/ was made by moot, and not for 40k gays, hence why it's not called /40k/. Hell, Warhammer Wednesdays were nothing compared to the daily Ganker and Ganker D&D threads, but the reason the D&D crowd doesn't bother spreading a lie about how /tg/ was made just for them is the simple fact that /tg/ was made for-
              >Board games, paper games, war games, card games, etc.

              If you want to argue that moot made /tg/ because of the 40kgays, please, offer something that actually resembles proof, like a statement made by moot. You've made your claim-
              >/tg/ was made as a containment board for Warhammer,

              Now support it with evidence, or you'll just be exposed as one of the 40kgays trying to push his lie just to try and get people to believe that 40k is special for some reason.

              • 3 months ago

                There is unbelievable irony in a DnDrone making this post. 7/10 got me to reply with the sheer audacity.

              • 3 months ago

                Ah, I see, it's just you. I'm sorry I replied.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm sorry half this topic is just (you) playing white-knight for a game originally made this topic to complain about...

              • 3 months ago

                At least the Warhammer players stay in their thread and don't make a dozen separate complain-threads every fricking day. You people do more to harm the reputation of your precious game than the game's own mediocrity does, by basically broadcasting it for everyone to see and driving them off before they even start.

              • 3 months ago

                >At least the Warhammer players stay in their thread and don't make a dozen separate complain-threads every fricking day.

                Is this your first day on /tg/?

              • 3 months ago

                WW was not a particularly large group, and was generally swallowed up by the rolling cesspit that was /b/. We're talking about a few threads, once a week, and the stories of how important it was have only been exaggerated by the 40k fans who feel the need for their game to have some sort of premiere status here.

                It really goes hand in hand with the arrogance the 40k fans have always exhibited. Back in the day, with their Warhammer Wednesday threads, they actually got it into their heads that they had far greater influence than they actually had, and that they should try raiding the furry threads on /b/. Stop for a moment to consider how stupid that is. And, instead of it being some sort of "exterminatus" as they imagined it would be, the 40k fans rapidly realized just how few of them there actually were, and worse still, just how many furries there were in /b/. Really, it takes a very special kind of idiot to undersestimate just how many furries /b/ contains. They had their own WW threads raided, ironically with especially embarrassing pictures of furry 40k fanart.

                Warhammer Wednesdays were far from some glorious past. It was a group of losers in /b/ who wanted to try and pick fights and ended up getting bullied by furries. And, they certainly weren't the reason this board was made.

                What do you get out of lying lke this?

            • 3 months ago

              WW was not a particularly large group, and was generally swallowed up by the rolling cesspit that was /b/. We're talking about a few threads, once a week, and the stories of how important it was have only been exaggerated by the 40k fans who feel the need for their game to have some sort of premiere status here.

              It really goes hand in hand with the arrogance the 40k fans have always exhibited. Back in the day, with their Warhammer Wednesday threads, they actually got it into their heads that they had far greater influence than they actually had, and that they should try raiding the furry threads on /b/. Stop for a moment to consider how stupid that is. And, instead of it being some sort of "exterminatus" as they imagined it would be, the 40k fans rapidly realized just how few of them there actually were, and worse still, just how many furries there were in /b/. Really, it takes a very special kind of idiot to undersestimate just how many furries /b/ contains. They had their own WW threads raided, ironically with especially embarrassing pictures of furry 40k fanart.

              Warhammer Wednesdays were far from some glorious past. It was a group of losers in /b/ who wanted to try and pick fights and ended up getting bullied by furries. And, they certainly weren't the reason this board was made.

            • 3 months ago

              >/tg/ was made as a containment board for Warhammer, actually.
              40k had presence on /b/ and D&D really didn't, that's the most you can say, early /tg/ was full of D&D-related ideas threads. Nobody even mentioned D&D, you would just make a thread about a made-up fantasy scenario and everyone would assume you were talking about D&D.

              >Also, during the days of 3e and 4e nobody talked about DnD because Pathfinder was the hot game.
              This isn't even a good lie, you're a newbie just making shit up, a lying oldgay would be able to tell better lies.

        • 3 months ago

          This. DnD 5e players are the equivalent of someone shoving dog turds into their mouth, complaining the dog turds taste like shit, but then getting angry when you suggest they try real food. Tiring doesn't even begin to describe the average 5e player.

          Good on you for taking a stand against D&Drones. They're cut from the same rotten cloth as 40kiddies. I'm grateful they exist as containment zones for common denominator morons but /tg/ can and should do better. There's nothing special about WOTC's stillborn slop and their arrogant superiority complex is entirely unfounded.

    • 3 months ago

      moron, when a thread is about something you don't like you post elsewhere. When people make threads about things you don't like, then that makes those threads Not For You and you are implicitly unwelcome and uninvited from coming in to shit on it.

  5. 3 months ago

    tabaxi are just catfolk in pathfinder

    there are also ratfolk

    as far as birds, there's kenku and tengu

    • 3 months ago

      >kenku and tengu
      lol, I always thought those were variant spellings of the same thing.

      • 3 months ago

        they are. and they're easier to say than aarowienerra

        • 3 months ago

          I guess kenku is more of a D&D invention than I realized it was, mythological tengu don't seems to have as much of the trickster element and are only partially related to birds.

          • 3 months ago

            Mythological tengu come in different variations but the trickster/bird spirit theme is very strong with the more common variety

    • 3 months ago

      Tabaxi are in MotM

    • 3 months ago

      >tabaxi are just catfolk in pathfinder
      >there are also ratfolk
      >as far as birds, there's kenku and tengu
      only tengu

      and there also lizardfolk that are called iruxi

  6. 3 months ago

    >cats are Tabaxi
    Not in my game.
    >birds are Aakocra
    Not in my game.
    >snakes are Yuan-ti
    Not in my game.
    >lizards are...Lizardfolk
    Not in my game.

    Huh, look at that, I seem to have yet again avoided the inane bullshit that OP is blathering on and on about.

    • 3 months ago
  7. 3 months ago

    >cats are catlizardmen
    >birds are birdlizardmen
    >snakes are longlizardmen
    >humans are apelizardmen


  8. 3 months ago

    Tabaxi, Aarakocra and Kenku, and Yuan-ti belong to the D&D family of games. Lizardmen belong everywhere.
    Play games other than D&D you cuck.

  9. 3 months ago

    Because Lizardmen are a fantasy staple while the others really arent. They’re different in each settings while lizards only really differ in power level (swamp hillbillies vs alien Aztecs)

  10. 3 months ago

    For me it’s the Iksar, the best lizardman race

  11. 3 months ago

    Lizards are too uncreative to come up with an interesting name.
    >What do you call your people?
    >Uh... lizards?

    • 3 months ago

      Shouldn't even be that, should be
      >what do you call your people?
      >Uh huh, and what about other people>
      >"No other people. Only We."

      • 3 months ago

        Lizardfolk probably don't have a name for themselves. They probably use the draconic word for "people" for themselves and "softskin" (or "food") for everyone else.

        Basically, yea, they speak draconic but barely, the fact that people call them lizardmans is a testimate to the lack of communication and exchange between them and us. Many authors imagine a scenario where lizardpeople are more common and intermingle with humans more, and they imagine that they need a more proper name for them in that context, but I disagree. They'd probably just learn the human word "lizardman" and use that when discussing themselves. This gives them personality, it helps distinguish them from

        yuan-ti are so cool
        my favorite reptile people

        and from lizardbolds, and dragonkin.

  12. 3 months ago

    yuan-ti are so cool
    my favorite reptile people

  13. 3 months ago

    Lizardfolk probably don't have a name for themselves. They probably use the draconic word for "people" for themselves and "softskin" (or "food") for everyone else.

    • 3 months ago

      Basically, yea, they speak draconic but barely, the fact that people call them lizardmans is a testimate to the lack of communication and exchange between them and us. Many authors imagine a scenario where lizardpeople are more common and intermingle with humans more, and they imagine that they need a more proper name for them in that context, but I disagree. They'd probably just learn the human word "lizardman" and use that when discussing themselves. This gives them personality, it helps distinguish them from [...] and from lizardbolds, and dragonkin.

      >Oh wow if I play this race I get to be part DrAagONn?!
      lizardmen having dragon blood was always piss poor design.

      • 3 months ago

        I don't think they have dragon blood, I think they just speak draconic, dragons were probably the first speaking creatures that they ever had peaceful relations with.

        • 3 months ago

          Dragons and Lizardpeople even being related is low resolution. The whole point of Dragons is them having a nobler intelligence than their beastly form, and the whole point of Lizardpeople is not having any kind of humanity to them at all. They don't intersect, there's no reason for them to have any connection besides one sort of looking like the other in some depictions.
          It's the same logic as people who refuse to accept dinosaurs share a common ancestor with birds because "they look like lizards tho"

          • 3 months ago

            Are you saying it doesn't make sense for lizardmen to speak draconic? Because that's a very low resolution take.
            Lizardfolk fear and revere black dragon, lizardfolk fear and revere green dragons, lizardfolk have been around for hundreds of thousands of years in a relatively-unchanging state and so have green dragons and black dragons. That's the entire connection.

            At least, that's the connection as far as I'm aware, different settings might do different things. It sounds like you think you're clever for understanding the difference between a lizard and a dragon. Are you actually aware of a setting that depicts lizardfolk having dragon blood or were you just complaining about things you don't understand?

  14. 3 months ago

    My lizardfolk are called Saurians

  15. 3 months ago

    Have you tried not playing DnD?

  16. 3 months ago


  17. 3 months ago

    >>cats are Tabaxi
    Cuz it sounds like Tabby.

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