Chances that Ash squeezes out a W?

Chances that Ash squeezes out a W?

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago

    trAsh is fricking dead he cant win anything

  3. 10 months ago

    Yugi's best cards beat the shit out of anything Ash has ever used, there's also the fact Yugi has magic on his side to help him beat any "game" he gets involved in

    • 10 months ago

      Don’t forget he also had the heart of the cards

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah, he always pulls out what he needs, a few games that have him playable straight up gives that ability a name as well "destiny draw"


        Who would win in a fight?
        No weapons, magic or pokemon involved

        Honestly, I'd say its not fully fair to remove magic, because before Yu-Gi-Oh became completely focused on card battles, Atem would use magic and challenging people into games to deal with anyone in his path

        • 10 months ago

          Nah, he just straight-up cheats.

          • 10 months ago

            More like fate itself tries to make sure he wins, but he has lost duels

            Like his final duel with Yugi, where he needed to lose to go to the afterlife, and its pretty clear he was dueling Yugi seriously, since he called out all 3 god cards

            • 10 months ago

              Yugi and Raphael won because they both broke the literal hand of destiny. Any other L Atem had was due to him wishing to lose to some emo threatening Yugi to jump off a building.

              • 10 months ago

                So funny thing, in the manga Kaiba had negate attack in his hand the entire game, and the ruleset they're playing by would actually have allowed him to use it at any point since every card in their hand was treated as being in play.
                Kaiba threatened to kill himself for literally no reason.

              • 10 months ago

                He was panicking, wanted to save his brother, and if he felt he couldn't he might as well die

        • 10 months ago

          Dude, Atem made so many people kill themselves without even having to use magic during season 0, couple that with Ash having zero self-preservation or intelligence and should see where this is going.

          • 10 months ago

            ...who has Atem actually killed? Last I can recall every single one of his victims just suffer horrible hallucinations, with the worst cases going catatonic. And I'm pretty sure every single one of those cases are from Shadow Games, which are magic.

            • 10 months ago

              In the manga people definitely died. One of the first chapters they play air hockey with an ice puck filled with some sort of explosive, which explodes in the face of his opponent. Also in the chapter where the criminal takes Téa hostage he gets lit on fire and is completely engulfed in flames, Joey even comments on it so it was real. There's a guy Atem lets get stung by a scorpion during a game (the chapter with the shoes), and while not killing anybody, Mind Crush in the manga completely breaks someone's mind and spirit putting them into a coma. Joey's also killed somebody, he lit the guy with the chainsaw on fire in the room of tar in during Kaiba's Death T games.

          • 10 months ago

            ...because all those people cheated in a shadow game.
            You think Ash would ever cheat?

  4. 10 months ago


  5. 10 months ago

    Who would win in a fight?
    No weapons, magic or pokemon involved

    • 10 months ago

      Ash is blatantly superhuman. He's strong enough to carry around pokemon that weigh hundreds of pounds like they're nothing, can pick up and throw trees, and can jump hundreds of feet into the air when the need arises.
      Assuming the scenario cucks both sides out of their support options like the old Link vs Cloud match I could see Ash winning a fist fight just by thoroughly outstatting his opponent. Doesn't really matter how lucky you are when you're fighting Captain America as a mostly ordinary human.

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        what the frick?

        • 10 months ago

          Advanced was pretty crazy with just letting human characters do whatever.

    • 10 months ago

      Ash, it's not even a contest.

    • 10 months ago

      Ash is blatantly superhuman. He's strong enough to carry around pokemon that weigh hundreds of pounds like they're nothing, can pick up and throw trees, and can jump hundreds of feet into the air when the need arises.
      Assuming the scenario cucks both sides out of their support options like the old Link vs Cloud match I could see Ash winning a fist fight just by thoroughly outstatting his opponent. Doesn't really matter how lucky you are when you're fighting Captain America as a mostly ordinary human.

      Ash, it's not even a contest.


      Makes me wish when Death Battle did their Pokemon vs Digimon battle they'd have used Ash instead of Red, since their logic was he wouldn't fight back, we really don't know that, the PLA protag is able to get into physical conflict with Pokemon themselves at that, but if they want to play that game, they should have used Ash, as he would have beat the shit out of Tai, once he started throwing hands

      • 10 months ago

        Who would win in a fight?
        No weapons, magic or pokemon involved

        Ash is blatantly superhuman. He's strong enough to carry around pokemon that weigh hundreds of pounds like they're nothing, can pick up and throw trees, and can jump hundreds of feet into the air when the need arises.
        Assuming the scenario cucks both sides out of their support options like the old Link vs Cloud match I could see Ash winning a fist fight just by thoroughly outstatting his opponent. Doesn't really matter how lucky you are when you're fighting Captain America as a mostly ordinary human.


        Yeah, he always pulls out what he needs, a few games that have him playable straight up gives that ability a name as well "destiny draw"


        Honestly, I'd say its not fully fair to remove magic, because before Yu-Gi-Oh became completely focused on card battles, Atem would use magic and challenging people into games to deal with anyone in his path

        Ash, it's not even a contest.

        Ash's strength is based on plot. There's no consistency to it. He'll go from swapping hands with pokémon to getting beaten the shit out of by little girls and other mundane things.

        • 10 months ago

          Anon, Yugi lost to a gang of 8 year old kids with yo-yos.

        • 10 months ago

          ash's strength is actually logical, everyone in the pokemon world is superhuman, that's how mankind was able to overpower pokemon; yugi's world may have magic, but in pokemon you can be blasted miles away, get electrocuted, recieve a fire blast right in the face and still be ok

          • 10 months ago

            >everyone in the pokemon world is superhuman
            So by default it's hack writing? Nobody in the Pokemon world can't win without cheat codes against outsiders.

        • 10 months ago

          The penultimate episode restablished Ash's super strength. A Latias that was turned into iron fell on him, and he just fricking catches it. Pic related. Ash having super strength is intentional especially if they have him do this by the end of the series.

      • 10 months ago

        Red not fighting back is bullshit. He beat Team Rocket only because they were in his way.

        • 10 months ago

          Makes me wish when Death Battle did their Pokemon vs Digimon battle they'd have used Ash instead of Red, since their logic was he wouldn't fight back, we really don't know that, the PLA protag is able to get into physical conflict with Pokemon themselves at that, but if they want to play that game, they should have used Ash, as he would have beat the shit out of Tai, once he started throwing hands

          They wanted Digimon to win but realized they has no concrete feat to make Wargreymon the winner outside of that building kicking feat. Even after Digimon reboot, Red is still on per with Tai with his Legend Burning Blast Burn.

        • 10 months ago

          They wanted Digimon to win but realized they has no concrete feat to make Wargreymon the winner outside of that building kicking feat. Even after Digimon reboot, Red is still on per with Tai with his Legend Burning Blast Burn.

          On the one hand, MetalGreymon's lore states its as powerful as a nuke, and WarGreymon is its evolution, and the Digimon series makes it clear there's a massive gap in power between each evolution, making it extremely unlikely lower evolution levels can beat higher ones

          Pokemon doesn't have those massive gaps in power, and its always been possible for lower evolution stages to defeat higher ones, in this series, just difficult to do

          On the other hand, if they were doing an in general Pokemon (Trainer) vs Digimon (Tamer), a trainer has 6 Pokemon on their person, where commonly besides the JRPG games, where like Pokemon, you build up a team of Digimon, tamers will get a single Digimon, with the rare tamer getting two, Tai however only has Agumon

          Even if you were to believe Red wouldn't fight back if Tai attacked him (which I believe is bullshit as well), he literally has 5 other Pokemon on his person that can defend him, while Charizard is fighting WarGreymon

          I always took this as the reason why antagonists don't try to attack you in the games as well, since they know you have other Pokemon to defend you if they tried anything

          One powerful monster vs a group of many, and the Pokemon series repeatedly has the player character defeat god like Pokemon that should be beyond them

          • 10 months ago

            >MetalGreymon's lore states its as powerful as a nuke,
            Which never been proven while a Dragonair actually nuked a city and its not even fully evolved Pokemon.
            >Digimon series makes it clear there's a massive gap in power
            Only people who says that are those who are still stuck at Gen II while Pokemon completely surpassed Digimon during Gen IV.
            >Tai however only has Agumon
            Which can change to seven different form.
            >Pokemon doesn't have those massive gaps in power, and its always been possible for lower evolution stages to defeat higher ones
            Because Pokemon is about hard work and training to be stronger while Digimon is about being Chosen One and pulling Asspulls.

            • 10 months ago

              >Only people who says that are those who are still stuck at Gen II while Pokemon completely surpassed Digimon during Gen IV
              The gap in power was made very clear in Color/the Digimon reboot in the very episode Tai's MetalGreymon becomes a WarGreymon, as they were in a complete disadvantage fighting a mega level Digimon, till WarGreymon, a mega finally happened

              So there does seem to truth to it

              • 10 months ago

                >The gap in power was made very clear in Color/the Digimon reboot in the very episode Tai's MetalGreymon becomes a WarGreymon, as they were in a complete disadvantage fighting a mega level Digimon, till WarGreymon, a mega finally happened

                In the same series we had Leomon fighting Perfect and Mega level Digimon.

              • 10 months ago

                Leomon is just built different, that and I'm sure they wanted to get away from the meme of Leomon always dying

            • 10 months ago

              >Because Pokemon is about hard work and training to be stronger while Digimon is about being Chosen One and pulling Asspulls.
              In the original V-Pet series and the World games that involve raising up your Digimon, it was about the raising of your Digimon up from a baby, how they evolve and what not is reflective of how you raised them

              The anime uses more of a symbiotic relationship with the Digimon and their Tamers, some form of personal growth happens, and their Digimon gains an evolution, most of the time

              While it can be argued its an asspull, it at least has more meaning to Digimon, then it does to Pokemon

              • 10 months ago

                >While it can be argued its an asspull, it at least has more meaning to Digimon, then it does to Pokemon
                Ya no since Digimon are treated as Digital Slaves who entire purpose is to serve their respective partner unlike Pokemon who shown to have their own will and goal. Ash actually had to earn Pikachu respect while Agumon simply followed Tai because "That's my destiny".

              • 10 months ago

                Mind you, this is only for the original anime, later series like Tamers is more natural, but they wanted the original anime to have special snowflakes for some reason, instead of people that just get cool as frick monsters

              • 10 months ago

                >this is only for the original anime,
                It for every Digimon including Tamer where Growlmon was practically made from Takuto's imagination. Not to mention it also applies to each Digimon villains as well.

              • 10 months ago

                The other tamers in Tamers got their Digimon by chance, Rika had Digimon fighting over who would get to be her Digimon is the closest you get outside of Takuto

              • 10 months ago

                >The other tamers in Tamers got their Digimon by chance
                Yet only three Digimon and Cydramon could fuse with their partner

            • 10 months ago

              >Which never been proven while a Dragonair actually nuked a city and its not even fully evolved Pokemon.
              Actually wrong, Remember that random mishmash of cities in mugendramon's episodes in the dark masters arc? Megadramon and Gigadramon basically mass spammed their attacks and were told to destroy the entire thing. So they definitely could've done it. Since the place they were destroying was a combination of numerous cities I'll put it in the case of a large city. Which means that their spamming attacks which destroyed and besides Hyper beam didn't even destroy the entire city you can see the majority of the buildings still in tact. It just caused a large Crater which is probably similar to what megadramon and Gigadramon were doing... Except both of them were spamming meanwhile dragonair most likely had to use it's strongest attack. And those two are likely weaker weaker than metalgreymon.

              >Only people who says that are those who are still stuck at Gen II while Pokemon completely surpassed Digimon during Gen IV.
              Arceus almost died to a meteor. Meanwhile the royal knight craniamon can support the entire digital world by himself. So can Bancholeomon as well. NEO unlike arceus has an onscreen feat of destroying a universe and remaking it. Better than anything any pokemon has done.

              • 10 months ago

                >So they definitely could've done it.
                That is not a feat, that is just a headcanon. Dragonair on the other actually nuke a city. Remember Atomic bomb did not destroy the entire Hiroshima and many building survived the blast.
                >Meanwhile the royal knight craniamon can support the entire digital world by himself.
                A 14 year old kid was strong enough to punch majority of Digimon and Yggdrasil in the face. Not a single Digmon ever took on an actual Asteroid in any series. Furthermore Craniamon was supporting the weight on Digital World, he was simply support the mass of DigiSoul that preventing the distortion between Human and Digital World from growing. Do you think One pillar can stop one planet from coliding into another considering the Earth is consistently relating.

              • 10 months ago

                >Arceus almost died to a meteor.
                Thee anime also clearly didn't take the idea of Arceus being god very seriously till after the fact, and low balled him hilariously hard

              • 10 months ago

                Not a draco meteor, an actual meteor much smaller than the one mega Fug destroys in ORAS (maybe even smaller than the one in mystery dungeon rescue team).

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah the anime did Arceus dirty, which is funny, with how ridiculously overpowered they made Mewtwo seem to be

              • 10 months ago

                Mewtwo was the strongest Pokemon by such a ridiculous degree so it makes sense they'd showcase it. I do find it interesting how it still gets referred to as 'the strongest' or 'arguably the strongest Pokemon' in other Pokemon media like the Detective Pikachu movie, Journeys anime, and Smash Ultimate.

              • 10 months ago

                Honestly, it's not really that hard to believe, Mega Rayquaza is also portrayed as statistically superior to Arceus in gameplay.
                Just because you can create something doesn't necessarily mean you're strong enough to destroy said thing or that you're even all that strong to begin with. See God in every JRPG ever getting punked by some morons with swords and staffs.

              • 10 months ago

                The Arceus you meet in-game is like a finger puppet controlled by the real Arceus. If it tried shoving its whole arm in then reality would break and it would have to start over.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah the anime did Arceus dirty, which is funny, with how ridiculously overpowered they made Mewtwo seem to be

                First of all, we never seen Digimon take on actual real asteroid and Rayquaza in its base form destroying one proves Movie Arceus was nerfed.
                Second, PLA already confirmed that the Arceus we seen is nothing more than a mere offshot of actual Arceus.

              • 10 months ago

                Arceus might have been able to destroy it if he wasn't an absolute moron that decided to body block the meteor instead of using a move like fug's Hyper Beam or mega fug's Dragon Ascent.

              • 10 months ago

                >Thee anime also clearly didn't take the idea of Arceus being god very seriously till after the fact, and low balled him hilariously hard
                Arceus didn't design its avatars to be the best at killing things, that would be redundant. They exist to observe the world or be where Pokémon eggs come from or something like that.

            • 10 months ago

              >Because Pokemon is about hard work and training to be stronger while Digimon is about being Chosen One and pulling Asspulls.

              Most sane Pokegay

          • 10 months ago

            The problem with that is that wargreymon is simply far too strong for the pokemon team. Even if it was 6 vs 1. Again that anon who posted this earlier

            >Its pretty much the Pokemon vs Digimon situation all over again,
            Except Pokemon has stronger powerscaling than Digimon, the people who think Digimon are stronger simply confuse Digital world as an universe rather than part of Earth's cyberspace. The problem is that the main anime sucks at Powerscaling.

            Also how does Pokemon battle vs Duel work? Yugi has to follow rule, set up card, wait for his turn and the outcome depend on Lifepoint. Screwattack just going ignore all that and treat Duel Monster like Pokemon.

            however what he fails to mention is the fact that the dragonair that lance uses is a highly trained pokemon from one of the strongest characters in the region using one of the strongest attacks in pokemon which requires the pokemon to rest before it can attack again, Meanwhile digimon can casually dish out that much damage even at Perfect level, Again Wargreymon scales far above weregarurumon, Who destroyed a massive rock formation. You can even see it when Weregarurumon couldn't even budge venomvamdemon meanwhile wargreymon pushed him back easily. The Gap is Huge.

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Ash is physically stronger when you take his strongest feats, but Atem can just mindfrick Ash with Egyptian magic.

  6. 10 months ago

    Jokes aside Ash's legit only hope is if you dick suck Pokedex entries and Legendary Pokemon scaling. Other than that Yugi just turns his brain into soup gg

  7. 10 months ago

    How does Atem's deck work?
    Isn't it just holograms? Or are we just letting him summon monsters? Does he have to play by YGO's rules or can he just summon a bunch of monsters?
    Can Ash just send out a fire/water type and ruin his cards or what?

    • 10 months ago

      There's many points in the series where magic was involved and made being attacked by the monsters in the game real

      Atem would have the power to do so, like most of the antagonists that end up doing it

      Also honestly feel like if Ash is just having his Pokemon attacking him, Atem would be allowed to call out whatever monsters he wants, and his strongest duel monsters would easily beat Ash's pocket monsters

      Its pretty much the Pokemon vs Digimon situation all over again, if we are allowing Duel Monsters to be more then holograms

      • 10 months ago

        >Its pretty much the Pokemon vs Digimon situation all over again,
        Except Pokemon has stronger powerscaling than Digimon, the people who think Digimon are stronger simply confuse Digital world as an universe rather than part of Earth's cyberspace. The problem is that the main anime sucks at Powerscaling.

        Also how does Pokemon battle vs Duel work? Yugi has to follow rule, set up card, wait for his turn and the outcome depend on Lifepoint. Screwattack just going ignore all that and treat Duel Monster like Pokemon.

        • 10 months ago

          You people just never watched or read YGO, right?
          The game is just there, Yami Yugi is from ancient Egypt where being a magic use that can summon part of their soul to actually FIGHT was pretty common thing and Atem could not only use his super special spirit monster (Dark Magician) but also had power of literal Gods and brutal destructive being that needed to be sealed in five pieces due to its raw power. Assuming both Ash and Yugi being at full power, he also has all seven Millenium Items, all with their own list of special abilities AND title of "King Of The Games" that allow Yugi to magically control RNG to pull out most stupid shit and serve his opponents magical penalty games in case they lose.

          Yugi is near-god level while having under his control multiple God-level beings. He would eat Ash for breakfast. Even if we assume that they will need to play according to certain rules, being KoG and having power of Millenium Items means that Yugi can cheat his way to victory.

          • 10 months ago

            And Atem still has to follow the rules of the game to fight. This is not Pokemon battle where Atem gonna shout "Slifer the Sky Dragon, use Flamethrower" I mean can Yugioh Monster dough attack?

            • 10 months ago

              Watch the Millennium World arc

            • 10 months ago

              Anon there's no rules in the ancient Shadowgame it's just a fight.

        • 10 months ago

          Bullshit, We've seen digimon in the human world and it's clear that every time they come to the human world they wreck it effortlessly, This happens in literally every season, Yes even frontier. Thus we can use the feats in the digital world because it's literally a parallel universe. IF the digital world was really just a part of earth's cyberspace then the collapse of the boundaries of both worlds wouldn't cause mutual destruction. This is talked about in both Season 1 and Season 2 but also applies to season 5 and probably others. Stop talking about things you know nothing about. Here's some actual feats from digimon

          Weregarurumon destroys Vamdemon's fortress as collateral as in he wasn't even aiming for it and reminder that he's only a perfect level.

          Wargreymon kicks a fuji TV observatory into Venomvamdemon's crotch monster after Metalgarurumon effortlessly throws it to him.

          Not only did this happen in the human world but we even have a weight for the fuji TV observatory. 1350 tons. Meaning effortlessly physically stronger than most pokemon. Considering the kick was casual. And venomvamdemon didn't even fall over because of it. You could probably calc venomvamdemon's weight off of it but I'm not sure how to do that.

          Lot's of things here, Metalgreymon manages to knock venomvamdemon off balance and he falls through a building as collateral not only this Venomvamdemon immediately gets up and is not damaged in the slightest by this attack

          Megaseadramon snaps the rainbow bridge in half Forgive me, because I couldn't find the subs

          Most of these are just raw physical feats and you seriously think pokemon could actually beat digimon? Remember that devimon in the first arc split an island using the black gears and when he absorbed them he should have similar power.

          • 10 months ago

            >We've seen digimon in the human world
            So? That does not make Digital World an universe or even as big as an Universe. It is still part of Earth's cyberspace which is practically confirmed by Izzy where he referred Digital World as Earth's shadow. All the feats you have shown already done by Pokemon and various other anime character way weaker than Digimon.

            • 10 months ago

              1)That happiny was shown to be an outlier
              2)Weregarurumon's feat is still more impressive as rock is far harder to destroy than ice Happiny didn't even destroy the ice and he destroyed a massive rock formation without actively aiming for it.
              3)I've told you for the millionth time, The digital world is a parallel universe, In season 2 Takeru was talking about the total destruction of multiple worlds. He included things like the dark ocean and we later see the world of dreams. We can confirm that the digital world is a universe through multiple and we know that the digital world and human worlds colliding is the total destruction of both worlds. If the digital world was truly a cyber space then the chosen children wouldn't have had to have feared the destruction of the earth. You're purposefully ignoring information.

              None of the pokemon feats you've shown even come close to digimon. The stronger digimon are capable of destroying entire universes and nothing you say will change that.

              Here's imperialdramon forcing a change in location and then saying they can go all out which causes an explosion the size of Mt Fuji which is huge. Notice he changed the location from the city because if a blast like that was in the epicenter it would've destroyed the entire city.

              Belialvamdemon, not only opens a portal from the digital world to the human world but he then proceeds to cover the entire human world in darkness. This is a feat only legendary pokemon could even compete with and Belial did it from a different universe. And Belialvamdemon is considered a JOKE among final boss digimon.

              • 10 months ago

                >1)That happiny was shown to be an outlier
                Calling it outlier and notlier does not defy its feat.

                >Weregarurumon's feat is still more impressive as rock is far harder
                Its a frozen lake who weight should surpass anything Wargreymon has lift in the show. Do you know water and Ice has weight?

                >2 Takeru was talking about the total destruction of multiple worlds
                He meant multiple layer and dimension within Earth Cyberspace, Even Internet is whole different world and Colon has confirm its bigger than Digital world.

                >We can confirm that the digital world is a universe through multiple
                You can't and has failed multiple. You entire point was based on Different version of Digital World in each series even though they are just part of Each human world.

                >t the digital world and human worlds colliding is the total destruction of both worlds

                World aka Earth.
                Human only colonize Earth therefore human world only stand for Earth and not the entire Universe. If Martian was real than Martian world would have Mars.

                >Here's imperialdramon forcing a change in location
                No different than a single Legendary pokemon pulled all by itself. Even Dragonair feat on Pokespe is far greater than this and its not even a legendary or fully evolved Pokemon.

                >Belialvamdemon, not only opens a portal from the digital world to the human world but he then proceeds to cover the entire human world in darkness.
                By using the power of those Children instead of itself which is why he lost when those children stopped being depressed and expressed their dream. Opening portal to different world is not hard for pokemon, there was a Rotom that can freaking timetravel.

              • 10 months ago

                >Calling it outlier and notlier does not defy its feat.
                ? I know this but your image was saying otherwise.

                >Its a frozen lake who weight should surpass anything Wargreymon has lift in the show. Do you know water and Ice has weight?
                I'm not moronic anon, I already said weregarurumon has that feat which is here

                Bullshit, We've seen digimon in the human world and it's clear that every time they come to the human world they wreck it effortlessly, This happens in literally every season, Yes even frontier. Thus we can use the feats in the digital world because it's literally a parallel universe. IF the digital world was really just a part of earth's cyberspace then the collapse of the boundaries of both worlds wouldn't cause mutual destruction. This is talked about in both Season 1 and Season 2 but also applies to season 5 and probably others. Stop talking about things you know nothing about. Here's some actual feats from digimon

                Weregarurumon destroys Vamdemon's fortress as collateral as in he wasn't even aiming for it and reminder that he's only a perfect level.

                Wargreymon kicks a fuji TV observatory into Venomvamdemon's crotch monster after Metalgarurumon effortlessly throws it to him.

                Not only did this happen in the human world but we even have a weight for the fuji TV observatory. 1350 tons. Meaning effortlessly physically stronger than most pokemon. Considering the kick was casual. And venomvamdemon didn't even fall over because of it. You could probably calc venomvamdemon's weight off of it but I'm not sure how to do that.

                Lot's of things here, Metalgreymon manages to knock venomvamdemon off balance and he falls through a building as collateral not only this Venomvamdemon immediately gets up and is not damaged in the slightest by this attack

                Megaseadramon snaps the rainbow bridge in half Forgive me, because I couldn't find the subs

                Most of these are just raw physical feats and you seriously think pokemon could actually beat digimon? Remember that devimon in the first arc split an island using the black gears and when he absorbed them he should have similar power.

                I already provided the link, Wargreymon is physically vastly above weregarurumon and should be capable of superior feats.

                >He meant multiple layer and dimension within Earth Cyberspace, Even Internet is whole different world and Colon has confirm its bigger than Digital world.
                Bullcrap you don't know what you are talking about. Again we saw the earth and the space around it in the belialvamdemon scene I showed you.

                >World aka Earth, Human only colonize Earth therefore human world only stand for Earth and not the entire Universe. If Martian was real than Martian world would have Mars.
                Then why is space shown when Belialvamdemon is covering the earth in darkness, But since I'm so nice, Here's DEXmon affecting numerous planets. Proving the digital world is a universe. And NEO also warped the digital world around him... And called it a universe. The Xro's war manga called the human universe comparable to a single zone. All of these are proof that the digital world is a universe.

                >No different than a single Legendary pokemon pulled all by itself. Even Dragonair feat on Pokespe is far greater than this and its not even a legendary or fully evolved Pokemon.
                Again said Dragonair is an outlier. And even then it's feat isn't more impressive than that. Imperialdramon would speedwise literally blitz most pokemon. This is fact straight from the digimon show. Imperialdramon used it's positron laser to destroy all the dark towers in japan and he did it from one location. Again faster than most pokemon feats.

              • 10 months ago

                >? I know this but your image was saying otherwise.
                You mean a simulation
                >already said weregarurumon has that feat which is here

                Bullshit, We've seen digimon in the human world and it's clear that every time they come to the human world they wreck it effortlessly, This happens in literally every season, Yes even frontier. Thus we can use the feats in the digital world because it's literally a parallel universe. IF the digital world was really just a part of earth's cyberspace then the collapse of the boundaries of both worlds wouldn't cause mutual destruction. This is talked about in both Season 1 and Season 2 but also applies to season 5 and probably others. Stop talking about things you know nothing about. Here's some actual feats from digimon

                Weregarurumon destroys Vamdemon's fortress as collateral as in he wasn't even aiming for it and reminder that he's only a perfect level.

                Wargreymon kicks a fuji TV observatory into Venomvamdemon's crotch monster after Metalgarurumon effortlessly throws it to him.

                Not only did this happen in the human world but we even have a weight for the fuji TV observatory. 1350 tons. Meaning effortlessly physically stronger than most pokemon. Considering the kick was casual. And venomvamdemon didn't even fall over because of it. You could probably calc venomvamdemon's weight off of it but I'm not sure how to do that.

                Lot's of things here, Metalgreymon manages to knock venomvamdemon off balance and he falls through a building as collateral not only this Venomvamdemon immediately gets up and is not damaged in the slightest by this attack

                Megaseadramon snaps the rainbow bridge in half Forgive me, because I couldn't find the subs

                Most of these are just raw physical feats and you seriously think pokemon could actually beat digimon? Remember that devimon in the first arc split an island using the black gears and when he absorbed them he should have similar power.

                I already provided the link, Wargreymon is physically vastly above weregarurumon and should be capable of superior feats.
                Does not means a squat against Happiny, furthermore Different Digimon series has different powerscaling. Savers Perfect digimon could be on per with Adventure's Mega Digimon
                >Again we saw the earth and the space around it in the belialvamdemon scene I showed you.
                We saw Vademon's using the power of children's dark seed to open portal to a different world where dream become reality which was still inside Earth. Basically Earth has multiple dimension stack one after another like a layer on Digimon lore.

                >Then why is space shown when Belialvamdemon is covering the earth in darkness,
                Have you seen the freaking series? Belialvamdemon was just targeting Earth , not the entire Solar System.,

                >Again said Dragonair is an outlier. And even then it's feat isn't more impressive than that. Imperialdramon would speedwise literally blitz most pokemon. This is fact straight from the digimon show. Imperialdramon used it's positron

                So you are called every Pokemon with stronger feats than Digimon an Outlier? That's your excuse? Many Pokemon can travel around globe including Rayquaza and Dragonite. Imperidramon simply big enough to have carry large amount of people.

              • 10 months ago

                >You mean a simulation
                What are you even talking about? I was saying that I knew what an outlier was, As in something that's vastly more powerful than the average or something that is too strong within the context of the setting. Digimon adventure has enough feats from Adult to Ultimate to be consistent. Brock's Happiny specifically has enough strength feats to be consistent.

                >Does not means a squat against Happiny,
                You have no idea what you are talking about, Weregarurumon destroyed a giant rock formation which would weigh more than a frozen lake simply because rock is a heavier material than ice. Not to mention Happiny didn't even destroy the frozen lake Weregarurumon destroy it WITHOUT ACTUALLY AIMING AT IT. It wasn't even the primary target Dokugumon AN ADULT LEVEL DIGIMON was.

                >We saw Vademon's using the power of children's dark seed to open portal to a different world where dream become reality which was still inside Earth. Basically Earth has multiple dimension stack one after another like a layer on Digimon lore.
                No it wasn't, It was an entirely separate dimension we know this because Oikawa/Vamdemon had to use a dimensional portal to access it. Then Vamdemon uses the POWER OF DARKNESS to open a portal and cover the earth up in darkness. You have no idea what you are talking about.

                >Have you seen the freaking series? Belialvamdemon was just targeting Earth , not the entire Solar System.
                If the digital world is simply apart of earth then why is it when Belialvamdemon opened the portal you could see outer space? This confirms that the digital world is bigger than the earth because he was targeting the earth from outer space from the dimensional portal he created.

              • 10 months ago

                >I was saying that I knew what an outlier was, As in something that's vastly more powerful than the average or something that is too strong within the context of the setting.

                That apply to every Digidestined Digimon who are more special than other Digimon of the same species and get juiced by Digivice.

                >Weregarurumon destroyed a giant rock formation which would weigh more than a frozen lake
                You honestly have no idea how much a lake weights, do you? As for destroying it, Dragonair and Blastoise did it fine.

                >It was an entirely separate dimension we know this because Oikawa/Vamdemon had to use a dimensional portal to access it.

                How do you they suppose to go there? Drill a hole? They went inside another dimension with Earth by using a dimensional portal.

                >Then Vamdemon uses the POWER OF DARKNESS to open a portal and cover the earth up in darkness

                Which comes from Children infected with the Dark seed

                >If the digital world is simply apart of earth then why is it when Belialvamdemon opened the portal you could see outer space?
                To cover the whole planet as he was targeting Earth and not anything else in the solar system. It just shows that Digital World is something within Earth since every Digimon villain targeted Earth and not the Solar system.

              • 10 months ago

                >That apply to every Digidestined Digimon who are more special than other Digimon of the same species and get juiced by Digivice.
                Not true, We even see this in the skullgreymon episode where Taichi's Greymon was getting outmuscled by another greymon and only won because it dark digivolved into skullgreymon, We also see blackwargreymon and Taichi's wargreymon fighting on equal terms. This is a straight up lie and proves you haven't watched the show.

                >You honestly have no idea how much a lake weights, do you? As for destroying it, Dragonair and Blastoise did it fine.
                And you clearly don't know how much that massive rock formation weighs either. And the lake was only about 3 times bigger than the trees surronding the area, It'd be an exceptionally small one. Also if you are seriously comparing Blastoise purposefully aiming at some rock with hydro cannon a move that similar to hyper beam requires the user to rest to weregarurumon casually using an attack aimed at killing an adult level digimon not even the rock formation, it's obvious which is superior. Besides that crater isn't even that much bigger than blastoise.

                >To cover the whole planet as he was targeting Earth and not anything else in the solar system. It just shows that Digital World is something within Earth since every Digimon villain targeted Earth and not the Solar system.
                If the digital world is apart of earth then how can belialvamdemon create a dimensional portal to outer space, That proves that the digital world is a separate dimension rather than a part of the earth. because if it was apart of the earth then he wouldn't be able to target the earth from outer space because if the digital was in the Earth's cyber space the darkness would come out of the computers. Yet we see him target the oceans. Thus it's conclusive evidence that the digital world is a separate universe.

              • 10 months ago

                >We even see this in the skullgreymon episode where Taichi's Greymon was getting outmuscled by another greymon and only won because it dark digivolved into skullgreymon
                Because the said Greymon was more savage and it still lost to Digidestined snowfleck power.

                >We also see blackwargreymon and Taichi's wargreymon fighting on equal terms
                You mean the one born from 100 dark tower and wasn't even considered a true Digimon.,

                >And you clearly don't know how much that massive rock formation weighs either.
                Nothing compare to a frozen lake which can reach 385, 000,000 tons.

                >you are seriously comparing Blastoise purposefully aiming at some rock with hydro cannon a move that similar to hyper beam requires the user to rest to weregarurumon casually using an attack aimed at killing an adult level digimon not even the rock formation,
                Yes because the power that Blastoise need to pull it off is far greater than anything Weregarurumon pulled. Not to mention they were battling at old mansion so the rock formation was already weak and simply attack making it crumble.

                >If the digital world is apart of earth then how can belialvamdemon create a dimensional portal to outer space,

                Its a portal , it can be open anywhere which you should know if you ever played Portal. The very fact that every Digimon attack Earth and never go beyond Earth proves Digital World is just something within Earth and not a separate world.

              • 10 months ago

                >Because the said Greymon was more savage and it still lost to Digidestined snowfleck power.
                No it didn't, Greymon digivolving into skullgreymon was a BAD thing. It became a rampaging monster and almost killed it's allies. How is that a snowflake power? To put it bluntly. The Chosen Children actually have to take care of their digimon to get them to actually be on par with regular adult level digimon, We see multiple adult level digimon give the digidestined digimon trouble. Like Unimon, Bakemon and Centarumon. Each of them were fighting multiple digidestined digimon and were doing just fine.

                >Nothing compare to a frozen lake which can reach 385, 000,000 tons.
                Aww that's cute, Let me give you a comparison... A mountain. Why? because it's the closest thing I can think of to the giant rock formation but the weight of the average mountain is 5.98741968e+21 tons. Or 5987419680000000000000 tons, Now obviously the rock formation is going to weigh less than that but it'd still weigh more than 385 million tons by quite a lot.

                >Yes because the power that Blastoise need to pull it off is far greater than anything Weregarurumon pulled. Not to mention they were battling at old mansion so the rock formation was already weak and simply attack making it crumble.
                You have no proof that the rock formation was weak whatsoever, And again you are comparing a casual feat from weregarurumon, compared to a blastoise using it's most powerful attack which it needs to rest after using. Said old mansion was also able to handle numerous Perfect level digimon fighting in it when Vamdemon left for the human world and Tailmon called on the devidramon to fight the chosen children.

              • 10 months ago

                >So you are called every Pokemon with stronger feats than Digimon an Outlier? That's your excuse? Many Pokemon can travel around globe including Rayquaza and Dragonite. Imperidramon simply big enough to have carry large amount of people.
                The pokedex entry claims that dragonite can circle the globe in 16 hours, Imperialdramon was darting around the entire earth in minutes. This is even explicitly stated by Gennai and we have an actual feat from Imperialdramon which it performed in the world tour arc. Similarly, It used positron laser to destroy all the dark towers which were in Japan, Even this is vastly superior to anything dragonite is capable of.

                >That is not a feat, that is just a headcanon. Dragonair on the other actually nuke a city. Remember Atomic bomb did not destroy the entire Hiroshima and many building survived the blast.
                Why would imperialdramon bother relocating the fight then? And besides we still have proof of Ultimate level digimon completely wrecking cities as in Venomvamdemon vs Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon. This is consistent and the size of the explosion more evidence that it would've completely destroyed the city if it detonated within the vicinity denying this is ridiculous.

                >A 14 year old kid was strong enough to punch majority of Digimon and Yggdrasil in the face. Not a single Digmon ever took on an actual Asteroid in any series. Furthermore Craniamon was supporting the weight on Digital World, he was simply support the mass of DigiSoul that preventing the distortion between Human and Digital World from growing. Do you think One pillar can stop one planet from coliding into another considering the Earth is consistently relating.
                Masaru isn't an average 14 year old kid, He has a power called digisoul which let's him hurt digimon, Remember Agumon uses said digisoul to digivolve thus it makes sense that it'd hurt digimon. Remember missiles were unable to hurt belphemon.

              • 10 months ago

                >Imperialdramon was darting around the entire earth in minutes
                No different than what Rayquaza has done and Pokedex feats is never reliable.
                Also destroying bunch of tower from high up is not same as nuking a city, Even human with current technology can do the same thing.
                >And besides we still have proof of Ultimate level digimon completely wrecking cities as in Venomvamdemon vs Wargreymon and Metalgarurumon.
                That isn't any different than a normal Kaiju would have done. Even Pokemon rampaging in the anime have the same effect as them.
                >Masaru isn't an average 14 year old kid, He has a power called digisoul which let's him hurt digimon,
                Every Human in Savers has DigiSoul , not just Marcus. He and his father is simply strong enough to fight Mega Level Digimon with their fist.

              • 10 months ago

                >No different than what Rayquaza has done and Pokedex feats is never reliable.
                Yes one of the strongest pokemon a legendary mind you, Is on par with imperialdramon a digimon who is considered by many to be the biggest jobber ultimate(Ultimate is mega in the Sub fyi) level in the entire franchise. In the form in which he got outsped and one shot by a perfect(Skullsatamon is pretty strong for a perfect mind you but still)

                >That isn't any different than a normal Kaiju would have done. Even Pokemon rampaging in the anime have the same effect as them.
                A rampaging Gyarados in the anime couldn't even fully destroy a tiny ass bridge(You could see cilan on it for sense of scale) with Hyper beam, Meanwhile Megaseadramon destroyed the rainbow bridge using raw physical strength. Pokemon haven't got anywhere near that level of destructive power. The fact they're kept as pets is evidence enough of that.

                >Every Human in Savers has DigiSoul , not just Marcus. He and his father is simply strong enough to fight Mega Level Digimon with their fist.
                Belphemon in it's sleep mode mind you, Was attacked by a group of military planes with missiles and they did absolutely nothing against it. Are you claiming a strong enough Masaru then proceeded to punch Belphemon in it's rage mode(Which is stronger) so human in savers are able to hit harder than missiles?

              • 10 months ago

                >Yes one of the strongest pokemon a legendary mind you,
                Imperidamon status in Digimon is same as a legendary Pokemon. It was the strongest Digimon on Adventure timeline and one of the most strongest Digimon. Rayquaza is far stronger without even Mega Evolving

                >A rampaging Gyarados in the anime couldn't even fully destroy a tiny ass bridge
                It actually did and it never entered the city and simply followed the river, Unlike a gigantic Tentacruel that level an entire city or Mind controlled Haxrous on N saga and Guzzlord on SM series.

                Even 3 Lieperd was enough cause major damage to a city.

                >Belphemon in it's sleep mode mind you,
                You mean another Legendary type Digimon who simply somewhere near the giant Tentacruel.

              • 10 months ago

                >Imperidamon status in Digimon is same as a legendary Pokemon. It was the strongest Digimon on Adventure timeline and one of the most strongest Digimon. Rayquaza is far stronger without even Mega Evolving
                Imperialdramon Jobbed in literally every fight it was in. It
                >Teamed up on blackwargreymon with wargreymon resulting in the massive explosion
                >Got shat on by skullsatamon a perfect level digimon here's the video. So badly he had to digivolve even further

                >Demon was overwhelming him

                And so did belialvamdemon after he left the dream dimension. Like I showed you in the previous clip.

                >Unlike a gigantic Tentacruel that level an entire city
                It was mutated because of team rocket, Furthermore the giant dragonite in the lighthouse episode was hit by some missiles and fled. But this goes nicely into my next point.

                >You mean another Legendary type Digimon who simply somewhere near the giant Tentacruel.
                Indramon A perfect level digimon in tamers was unaffected by missiles meanwhile wargrowlmon completely stomped him. Mihiramon another perfect blew away some planes with just the force of his attack. The deva are literal servants to the soverign in fact a lot of them were defeated by adult levels some without card powerups. It's disingenious to say that it's just because Belphemon is a legendary digimon... And it doesn't disprove my point. Masaru hurt belphemon with a punch thus strong humans in saver >> Missiles. According to your logic anyway.

              • 10 months ago

                >Imperialdramon Jobbed in literally every fight
                Not against Armandamon, Not

                >>Got shat on by skullsatamon a perfect level digimon here's the video
                Aren't you gonna share the part where it vapouritism Skullsatamon?

                >And so did belialvamdemon after he left the dream dimension
                Belialvamdemon got its butt kicked by a Champion like ExVeemon and it needed power from other children dark Seed to get an edge over Digidestined.
                >It was mutated because of team rocket,
                Team Rocket didn't use anything to evolve it as that Kaiju sized Tentacruel never flooded and leveled the city.

                >Furthermore the giant dragonite in the lighthouse episode was hit by some missiles and fled
                Because It felt betrayed after being attacked, not because it was scared.

                >Indramon A perfect level digimon in tamers was unaffected by missiles meanwhile wargrowlmon completely stomped him. Mihiramon another perfect blew away some planes with just the force of his attack.

                Yet none of them nuke a city like a Dragonair

                >It's disingenious to say that it's just because Belphemon is a legendary digimon..
                It is a legendary Digimon that had to be sealed

              • 10 months ago

                >Not against Armandamon, Not
                I'm gonna assume this is Armagemon. and yes Imperialdramon DID job against armagemon. He actually got one shot in both forms. He had to use omegamon's power to beat him.

                >Aren't you gonna share the part where it vapouritism Skullsatamon?
                Imperialdramon digivolved into it's fighter mode, The fact it had to mode change against a perfect albeit a strong one but not ultimate tier unless it's lucemon Falldown mode tier strong an ultimate mode changing to take him down is embarrassing.

                >Belialvamdemon got its butt kicked by a Champion like ExVeemon and it needed power from other children dark Seed to get an edge over Digidestined.
                That was because of the dream dimension, Watch the show before trying to make comments on it. you have no idea what you are talking about.

                >Because It felt betrayed after being attacked, not because it was scared.
                It literally flinched. Indramon was straight up unphazed.

                >Yet none of them nuke a city like a Dragonair
                Dragonair didn't nuke a city, It nuked a city block at best, We see the surrounding buildings. And plus, We know that Gigadramon and megadramon are capable of spamming similar attacks in the mugendramon section of the dark masters arc.

                >It is a legendary Digimon that had to be sealed
                It still doesn't disprove my point anon, Belphemon wasn't hurt by missiles yet Masaru's punch was able to harm it. Thus Masaru is above regular human strength. It's undeniable.

              • 10 months ago

                >yes Imperialdramon DID job against armagemon.
                Imperiadramon was the one who survived and won against Armagemon while Omegamon got oneshot
                >Imperialdramon digivolved into it's fighter mode
                He was still imperidramon
                Furthmore you may not know this but Travel speed & combat speed are different.

                >That was because of the dream dimension
                And Beliavamdemon still jobbed and need children to juice him.
                >It literally flinched
                It got surprise , not flinched
                >Dragonair didn't nuke a city, It nuked a city block at best, We see the surrounding buildings.
                It did nuke a city. You don't know much about nuke, do you? Even the bomb dropped in Hiroshima destroyed nearly everything within ½ mile of the explosion just like Dragonair explosion.

                >Belphemon wasn't hurt by missiles yet Masaru's punch was able to harm it. Thus Masaru is above regular human strength
                Except Masuru punched Kurata within Belphemon.

              • 10 months ago

                >Imperiadramon was the one who survived and won against Armagemon while Omegamon got oneshot
                No omegamon took an attack from armagemon, Proceeded to stab Armagemon's forehead then shot multiple garuru cannons straight into Armagemon's mouth. Then he fired a second one which Omegamon was in direct line of fire and was hit point blank knocking him out, I've watched the movie like 5 times anon I know how it goes.

                >He was still imperidramon
                Fighter mode is Imperialdramon at his most powerful without aid. The fact he needed to mode change when he was already an ultimate against a perfect doesn't leave a good impression.

                >Furthmore you may not know this but Travel speed & combat speed are different.
                This isn't entirely true, You'd need at least some reflexes to be able to travel at such insane speeds. Even then positron laser traversing all across Japan destroying numerous Dark towers would could as a combat feat anyway and it'd still be faster than circling the globe in 16 hours.

                >And Beliavamdemon still jobbed and need children to juice him.
                The Chosen Children digimon were literally juiced to high heaven in that dimension, Sure he Jobbed but the moment he and the chosen children were in the digital world he stomped them.

                >It got surprise , not flinched
                No it didn't it clearly got hurt.

                >It did nuke a city. You don't know much about nuke, do you?
                This belittling of yours is beginning to piss me off, Yes I know what a nuke does, Dragonair didn't destroy the entire city.

                >Except Masuru punched Kurata within Belphemon.
                Alright genius how did Masaru digivolve Agumon in that fight to begin with? I'll tell you HE PUNCHED BELPHEMON. It hurt belphemon. Thus Masaru and humans in digimon savers in general are stronger than Missiles. According to you anyway.

              • 10 months ago

                >was hit point blank knocking him out
                Yes he got oneshoted by Armagemon.

                >Fighter mode is Imperialdramon at his most powerful without aid
                And he was the only one who tanked Armagemon attack and able to fight it.

                >You'd need at least some reflexes to be able to travel at such insane speeds
                You need time to reach top travel speed , this is why Imperidramon never able to blitz anybody in the show like Skullsatamon.

                >Sure he Jobbed but the moment he and the chosen children were in the digital world he stomped them
                Because he was using the other children with dark seeds to juice himself.
                >it clearly got hurt
                It barely took a scratch, he was more hurt mentally after believing Will betrayed him than those missiles.

                >Yes I know what a nuke does, Dragonair didn't destroy the entire city.
                Except it seem that you don't

                >Alright genius how did Masaru digivolve Agumon in that fight to begin with?
                If Marcus could beat him by punching than what was the point of burst mode?

              • 10 months ago

                >Yes he got oneshoted by Armagemon.
                No he took a hit.

                >And he was the only one who tanked Armagemon attack and able to fight it.
                Omegamon blasted his ass straight in the mouth. Imperialdramon only managed to push him back with zero impact other than that. He beat them both anyway.

                >You need time to reach top travel speed
                Imperialdramon did it almost instantly meaning his reflexes are just as good as his top travel speed.

                >Because he was using the other children with dark seeds to juice himself.
                Let me counter your question then, Do you think venomvamdemon in the same situation would've lost?

                >It barely took a scratch, he was more hurt mentally after believing Will betrayed him than those missiles
                You don't recoil at being hit by something unless you were hurt by it. It's still a feat of tanking missiles anyway.

                >Except it seem that you don't
                I do, Need I remind you I could easily point towards the fact that rock pokemon are incredibly light considering they're supposed to be made of rock and I could easily make the argument that the buildings in the adventure manga are made of the same material. And thus the blast is only building level.

                >If Marcus could beat him by punching than what was the point of burst mode?
                The whole point is Masaru never beats the digimon unless it's a child level like Piyomon, He punches the digimon which usually does visual damage but not much else and then he leaves the rest to his digimon, In fact Yoshino even monologues to herself that it's insane a human could even fight on equal terms with a child level to give you a comparison for how strong masaru is. If his punch can hurt belphemon no matter how miniscule the damage was then he hits harder than missiles which couldn't hurt belphemon. This is fact.

              • 10 months ago

                >No he took a hit.
                Got oneshot from a fight and needed Imperidramon to finish it.

                >Omegamon blasted his ass straight in the mouth.
                Which did nothing

                >Imperialdramon did it almost instantly meaning his reflexes are just as good as his top travel speed.
                No, he need to charge up before traveling around the world,.

                >Do you think venomvamdemon in the same situation would've lost?
                Last time I cheeked, three Venommyotismon got knocked out by a 14 year old.

                >You don't recoil at being hit by something unless you were hurt by it
                Except you missed the part where it blasted them away with a tail sweep. Giant Dragonite was hurt at Will "Betraying" his trust, not the missile.

                >I could easily point towards the fact that rock pokemon are incredibly light considering they're supposed to be made of rock and I could easily make the argument that the buildings in the adventure manga are made of the same material. And thus the blast is only building level.
                That practically proves nothing while I am using example of actual nuclear explosion that happen in real world,. If anything building in Pokemon World should be even stronger to protect people from super powered animal.

                >The whole point is Masaru never beats the digimon unless it's a child level like Piyomon,
                Except for a three VenomMyotismon that he knocked out with one punch. Even his father fought a Mega Level Digimon to a draw. Not to mention Marcus had actual fight with Thomus where they also tied meaning Thomus is as strong as Marcus.

              • 10 months ago

                >Got oneshot from a fight and needed Imperidramon to finish it.
                Omegamon got hit by one of armagemon's attack and then rushed in a desperate attempt to kill armagemon he took a gamble and aimed straight for his inwards. Which is a logical thing too do, He was then blasted point blank and was defeated. Imperialdramon was blasted from range and was heavily damaged but not out of commision like omegamon so he was the one that got the power up.

                >No, he need to charge up before traveling around the world,.
                No he didn't, He stopped at China, France, Mexico, Russia the USA and Australia... I think I could be missing one. He practically flashed to each of these locations. Still it's quite a ridiculous feat especially something as big as imperialdramon doing that. It'd generate a ton of energy.

                >Last time I cheeked, three Venommyotismon got knocked out by a 14 year old.
                Hunter's shouldn't even count to be honest, It's why I completely ignore it. We have evidence of digimon basically ignoring human artillery and thus we can use this to show that masaru's punches are stronger than missiles. Masaru didn't use digisoul in his fight with touma and even if he did Touma also has digisoul and technically could be capable of similar feats.

                >That practically proves nothing while I am using example of actual nuclear explosion that happen in real world
                Except it's logical. Since rock pokemon are made of rocks and they are vastly lighter than regular rocks. The buildings in pokemon would be more fragile. Your argument methods are effectively the same as this so I feel obliged to mention it also metalgreymon is stated to have nuclear warhead level power and is backed up by two other perfects effectively nuking an entire city. So too bad for you.

              • 10 months ago

                >Which is a logical thing too do
                No logical thing to do was to attack the legs and cut its body instead to trying to stab it.

                >Imperialdramon was blasted from range and was heavily damaged but not out of commision like omegamon
                Thus proving itself stronger than Omegamon.

                >No he didn't, He stopped at China, France, Mexico, Russia the USA and Australia..
                Except you don't actually have actual timeframe of each place he landed. It could very well be scenes that skipped the travelling part.

                >Hunter's shouldn't even count to be honest
                It is an official series just like Adventure.
                >We have evidence of digimon basically ignoring human artillery
                No different than Pokemon
                >Masaru didn't use digisoul in his fight with touma
                Does not matter because everybody has DigiSoul

                >Since rock pokemon are made of rocks
                Pokemon are made in different alloy, Lycanroc is rock type but its not made of rocks. Furthermore Pokedex entry is not reliable as we seen Pokemon heavier and taller than the dex in both anime, manga and Game.

                Your argument about Rock Pokemon being made of rocks so building in Pokemon world is weak feels like a desperate headcanon after it is proven that a middle staged Pokemon like Dragonair is on per with Mega Level Digimon. Since Rock pokemon has tanked several explosion and does not even affected by Magma as shown in the game.

              • 10 months ago

                >No logical thing to do was to attack the legs and cut its body instead to trying to stab it.
                You didn't even watch the clip I provided. Omegamon Stabbed armagemon's forehead but he also shot garuru cannon into it's mouth which IS AN ATTACK ON THE BODY YOU MORON.

                >No different than Pokemon
                Behold random guy with a stick who killed the mother marowak in pokemon tower. Again Dragonite recoiled at being hit with missiles meanwhile indramon laughed at them, Easy to tell which is superior.

                >Pokemon are made in different alloy, Lycanroc is rock type but its not made of rocks. Furthermore Pokedex entry is not reliable as we seen Pokemon heavier and taller than the dex in both anime, manga and Game.
                Nah Rock pokemon are light. Thus rocks in pokemon world is light meaning they can be destroyed easily, Even explains why raihan can punch through rock, Since it's surprisingly weak for rock. This is the way you argue anon. I'm more than willing to accept pokemon having town level feats but you are the one that argues like this. I was even nice and didn't bring up the more insane adult level digimon feats like meramon vaping a lake which requires far more power than lifting it frozen, Devimon spliting file island. Etemon surviving a black hole.

              • 10 months ago

                Etemon is perfect and it's something I should've differentiated. Point being digimon scale insanely because each evolution is at minimum at x10 increase and it could be much more.

              • 10 months ago

                >You didn't even watch the clip I provided. Omegamon Stabbed armagemon's forehead
                Which was dumb because it would not have done a things against something that big.

                >Behold random guy with a stick who killed the mother marowak in pokemon tower.
                There is nothing that shows how the Marowak died and it was leave it to our imagination. That guy can very well used his own pokemon to kill it. FYI : Kurata practically genocides a large number of Digimon.
                >Rock pokemon are light
                Nope as Professor Oak in the anime mentioned that a Golem is around tons.Also people in Pokemon are even more superhuman than Marcus and can take flamethrower in the face without burning. Your entire point comes from an unreliable source like Pokedex that got debunked multiple time.

              • 10 months ago

                Not gonna read that shitty Redditblog. Nothing from Pokemon comes close to Digimon.

    • 10 months ago

      The duels themselves are a formality to allow the mortals like Joey a fighting chance, sometimes with hilarious results (Marik VS Joey). As for the Pharaoh himself, frick he can summon literal gods just by willing it and then ditch them into whoever he wants. And that’s if Atem doesn’t mind crush Ash outright.

      Zilch, Ash may have some strong Pokemon but Atem can turn someone into a quivering mindbroken mess on a whim. His shadow games are just him toying with you before he either mindrapes or annihilates you.

      Question is, he really only does that to villains, what kind of sadistic game of karmic retribution could he impose on Ash?

      Atem would make Ashe suffer through the only TCG worse than Pokemon… Magic The Gathering.

    • 10 months ago

      The Shadowgame makes the monsters real, the final arc in Yugioh has Atem relive his time in ancient Egypt and summoning real monsters to fight basically Satan.

  8. 10 months ago

    >"Say goodbye to Exodia! Squirtle, use Water Gun!"
    >Atem's deck drenched, cardboard ruined and Duel Disk is throwing up sparks

  9. 10 months ago

    Zilch, Ash may have some strong Pokemon but Atem can turn someone into a quivering mindbroken mess on a whim. His shadow games are just him toying with you before he either mindrapes or annihilates you.

    Question is, he really only does that to villains, what kind of sadistic game of karmic retribution could he impose on Ash?

  10. 10 months ago

    Only if they give Ash his Solgaleo.

  11. 10 months ago

    Can't Yami mindbreak him even without the use of his deck?

  12. 10 months ago

    How do you even compare Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh stats though?

  13. 10 months ago

    What if they give Ash some destiny-altering shit because he saw Ho-oh at the start of his journey
    And maybe he can squeeze out a win by reviving him with Ho-oh's help and taking Yugi/Atem by surprise.

    • 10 months ago

      They can feasibly give him Solgaleo from the SM Anime and bring up shit like the Chosen One or him coming back from death multiple times. Hell, didn't the AU Movie Ash die and come back to life by just forcing himself back into the living world? If they composite him then that could be used.

  14. 10 months ago

    Ash's only win condition is them giving him Nebby and wanking how strong Solgaleo is, or maybe letting him call on all the legendaries he's befriended over the years, like Mewtwo and Lugia.

  15. 10 months ago

    What if Ash joins in in beating up Yugi's monsters? If he could lift up Larvitar he could punch a few Kuribohs without breaking a sweat.

    • 10 months ago

      But the kuribohs can just multiply. He's strong but he has no AoE. They'd swarm him.

      • 10 months ago

        Not infinitely. There's no way they'll allow Duelist Kingdom level bullshit unless they give Ash all legendaries, even Arceus.

        • 10 months ago

          Friendly reminder that the original Yu-Gi-Oh manga came out before the real life card game came out, so all the "bullshit" was just them playing around with a concept they had

    • 10 months ago

      None of the writer handling that episode gave a shit about larvitars canon weight. There is a scene in the anime where a kid literally hugs a magcargo.

  16. 10 months ago


  17. 10 months ago

    This entirely depends on whether it's a physical fight (Ash wins) or if they're using their monsters (Atem wins).

  18. 10 months ago

    Nope. Ash is everyone's favorite b***hboy to shit on so Atem will use his god cards to vaporize him.

  19. 10 months ago

    does Ash have a Pokemon themed YGO deck?
    does Yugi have a YGO themed tcg deck?
    is it a singles 6v6 match?
    is it all of Yugi's mons vs all of Ash's mons?
    how do spell cards come into play?
    do Yugi's monsters get additional stats?
    do Ash's pokemon's stats get reduced to nothing but Atk and Def?
    do they fight how they normally in their respective franchises?
    if yes is it turnbased or real time?

    on surface level they're both teens that control cartoon monsters, but each work so differently it's impossible to just pit one against the other without some ground rules
    TL;DR: Death Battles are moronic

    • 10 months ago

      >on surface level they're both teens that control cartoon monsters

      • 10 months ago

        Dark Magician Girl is still classified as a monster card

  20. 10 months ago

    The most powerful thing that Ash can do is Pikachu’s Z-move, Mega-Lucario’s Max Aura Sphere, or Pikachu’s G-Max Volt Crash.
    Most powerful thing Yugi can do is fuse the Egyptian Gods to create ‘Holoctie the Creator of Life’ which effortlessly destroyed Zorc who beat the 3 gods at once, Exodia, Shadi, and (in the anime)Atem fused with Dragon Master Knight. Ash is completely fricked.

  21. 10 months ago


  22. 10 months ago

    Gator Ex given us the answer, Ash will defeat Atem in monster battle but Atem would beat him in card battle.

  23. 10 months ago

    >charizrd used flamethower
    >all card were burn

    • 10 months ago

      >"Say goodbye to Exodia! Squirtle, use Water Gun!"
      >Atem's deck drenched, cardboard ruined and Duel Disk is throwing up sparks

      During The Dark Side of Dimensions movie, Kaiba created duel disks that allow you to pull cards from your memory, instead of needing the physical cards, so we can just say Atem has this duel disk to avoid this situation

      Honestly, the fact that it allows you to call things from your memory makes it even more bullshit, since Kaiba was able to pull out Obelisk the Tormentor at one point, despite losing the card to Atem in the series but it was the god card most associated with him the most, so I get it

    • 10 months ago

      After yugi beat a guy in a duel he tried to incinerate Yugi with flamethrowers that were set up around him, but the Millenium Puzzle created an invisible barrier protecting him and his cards from the fire. Yugi then killed him with a mind crush.

  24. 10 months ago

    >ass ketchum
    LOOOOOOOOOOOOL Even roy beats him

  25. 10 months ago

    >pokemon vs digimon tism

    • 10 months ago

      I still wonder why he used Mienfoo of all Pokemon, to fight Gatomon, when it seems pretty much accepted Pokemon's equivalent to Angewomon is Gardevoir

      ...That and Gatomon is a champion/adult, so she wouldn't even need to be Angewomon to kick the shit out of Mienfoo

  26. 10 months ago

    Atem is already dead. No, not as like in a threatening way I mean he's been dead for like 5000 years. He's essentially a ghost. If this is a battle to the death he already lost

  27. 10 months ago

    >Battle to the Death
    >One guy that shows up is a ghost
    I think it would be really funny if the battle ends up being a court case deciding if Atem should be DQ'd instead resulting in Ash's win

  28. 10 months ago

    Any Pokemon, Arceus, Rayquaza, etc., is severely outclassed by shit like GraceNovamon, Proximamon, ZeedMillenniummon and Imperialdramon

    Hell, Diaboromon unleashed a damn nuke with very little effort.

    • 10 months ago

      Honestly would have loved if they had a Death Battle between Arceus and ZeedMillenniummon, just to hammer in how much more powerful Digimon are

      And then people can inform Pokemon fans that ZeedMillenniummon isn't even the strongest Digimon (anymore)

  29. 10 months ago

    Pocket Monsters
    Digital Monsters
    Duel Monsters

    It doesn't matter what it is, they are pretty awesome series, and we should be happy about that

  30. 10 months ago

    I have no problem with Wargreymon beating Charizard, that's an obvious outcome, but I really hated how they used the result as an opportunity to shit on Pokemon by saying Pokemon trainers don't care about their team.

    • 10 months ago

      Its a really bad take, and Gen 5 literally discussed this same topic, and made it very clear Pokemon are happy with their trainers

      Then there's the anime that hammers in how happy Pokemon are with their trainers

      Its funny because the Digimon of the original anime were pretty much just yes men to their tamers, so they were barely characters to begin with, and in turn barely "friends"

  31. 10 months ago

    How would this even work? Like Yigi plays a card game while Ash trains monsters.

    • 10 months ago

      >battle starts
      >yugi uses his magic to mind crush Ash and put him in a coma

      • 10 months ago

        Mind Crush is not on demand. The Shadow Games are based on the heart or soul of the individual. The best case for this match is a Shadow Game against Ash using a mix of Pokémon Battles and Duel Monsters or some form of game that used Ash's doubts against him.

        • 10 months ago

          Considering Ash is purehearted so would Mind Crush work on him? All the people that Atem mind crushed was horrible people.

        • 10 months ago

          The items powers work outside shadow games. Bakura and Marik are able to use their items to telekinetically control their victims like Pokemon using psychic. I don't remember Yugi ever doing this with the puzzle though.

          • 10 months ago

            There's honestly no reason he can't, Atem just isn't an butthole

          • 10 months ago

            Yami power is to test the heart of someone. Keep in mind all of his opponents he played a shadow game had evil in their hearts. He used the power of luck manipulation to punish evil doers.

            • 10 months ago

              So his power is useless against Ash?

  32. 10 months ago

    >XY Ash
    He'll job

  33. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Anon, The guy I'm responding too is a bangladeshi who is obsessed with trying to prove pokemon is stronger than digimon. I just find it entertaining to engage with him from time to time.

  34. 10 months ago

    >mfw half of this thread is gaymon being a moronic Ashdrone again
    Yugi and Digimon takes the Win. Christ watching that ESLtard break and doubling down is always soemthing else

    • 10 months ago

      Did ash ever have A TALKING TREE moment?

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not familiar with Digimon or its memes, what is a talking tree moment?

        • 10 months ago

          So basically Yamato the rival of the main kid Taichi get's angsty that his little brother is being able to support himself which Taichi complements him on and thus he starts getting Jealous of Taichi. The talking tree Jyureimon a minion of the dark master pinochimon, Basically walks up to Yamato and somehow convinces him that Taichi is everything wrong with his life and that to restore his brotherly bond with Takeru he must kill Taichi. Gabumon his partner is completely supportive of this... For some reason. What's even more ridiculous is that Yamato's crest didn't active during the episode but when he builds up the motivation to go forward with his braindead plan with Gabumon it enables him to digivolve into metalgarurumon. So basically Yamato is rewarded for wanting to kill the main Character.

          • 10 months ago

            >Gabumon his partner is completely supportive of this... For some reason.
            The Digimon are just yes men, that will follow their humans without a second thought

            • 10 months ago

              that's not true, there has been many occasions where the Digimons and their partners fights, for example Ruki leaving Renamon:

              or in Digimon Survive one dark digievolves and eats their partner:

              • 10 months ago

                I was talking more about the original Adventure anime

              • 10 months ago

                then TK getting angry at Patamon and telling him to shup up for talking about how his parents being divorsed, and Patamon ran aways angry.

            • 10 months ago

              what are you fricking talking about dude? Digimon are actual character

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                pff, yeah sure

    • 10 months ago

      Pokemon are strong, but they get clapped by pretty much all the other popular monster series (Digimon, Yu-Gi0Oh and SMT/Persona), as Pokemon was never about being world ending strong monsters as a norm, and only for special monsters in this series

      Its about building a team that's strong together, not them being strong on their own

  35. 10 months ago

    This is isdra99 shitposting like a moron again. Good lord.

    • 10 months ago


  36. 10 months ago

    Ash has worse farts by virtue of his mom telling him to change his underwear so him

  37. 10 months ago

    >Death battle
    Honestly who fricking knows. Death battle is so fricking retarted when it comes to scailing and wanking characters

  38. 10 months ago
  39. 10 months ago


    Not sure why you included the third reply (me), I completely agree that Digimon are far stronger then Pokemon

  40. 10 months ago
  41. 10 months ago

    In hindsight they really should have used Ash over Red, seeing as whenever normies are talking about Pokemon vs Digimon, they are explicitly talking about the anime for both series

  42. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      digicucks always lying
      You force your digimon to do shit just for it to evolve into the forms you like. Stop coping pretending pokemon is "worse" when you do the same there too.

      • 10 months ago

        Digimon on an instinctive level want to get stronger and evolve

        During the third anime, Digimon heard about how good Rika was, and were fighting over her becoming their tamer, just because of the chance to get stronger

        In the same series Impmon ends up turning on the protags because of his want to be able to digivolve like the others (he ends up having a redemption arc later)

        • 10 months ago

          Because digimon are programmed by humans, which made them that way. Pokemon aren't hand made by humans. Not the same, moronerino chuderino.
          >Make fighting machines

  43. 10 months ago

    Pokemon are real, (most) Yu-gi-oh monsters are holograms.

  44. 10 months ago


    My dude, some Pokémon can be just as strong, if not stronger than some digimon. It goes both ways. My main issue however, is what everything that every digigay is saying.

    You guys are saying that Wargreymon is powerful as a nuke, where is your source? I'm asking mainly because that sounds similar to the pokedex and how overexaggerate when it comes to describing pokemon, ex: Magcargo. How I can truly believe that if that true in anyway?

    • 10 months ago

      Digimon Cyber Sleuth has an index that gives you a bio on each Digimon in the game, and Digimon's website also gives you a bio on them

      Also its MetalGreymon who's as strong as a nuke, WarGreymon, who is MetalGreymon's evolution is even stronger then he is

      This isn't even getting into Omegamon, a fusion of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon, who's even beyond them

      Top is the info from Cyber Sleuth, bottom is the info from the website

      I'm lazy and don't feel like starting up Cyber Sleuth just to screenshot it from there, but a website has all the info written up on it, so this is from that site

      • 10 months ago

        this is Skullgreymon Greymon's dark evolution his is one level lower than Wargreymon

        that's not counting the 2020 were they are more powerfull (and 10 times bigger) were Wargraymon takes down a enemy of the size of a moon.

        >are said to be

        Yeah, sorry no. Just like I said, it's similar to the pokedex. You have some form of encyclopedia talking about how this one creature is just as powerful as said thing or something else and it's rarely ever touch upon. And I also see the anime, which again, shouldn't be taken as value since that also overexaggerate things and make things confusing as you also have the manga which also make things all over the place.

        Be mindful, I'm not trying shit on you guys as some hardcore pokegay, as I will say, digimon at least try to be more consistent with their power level (for the most part). It just that, the universe's encyclopedia ends up being shit. Look Machoke for example. It's said that the belt it wear holds back it's true power and if it was to be remove, no one would be able to stop. See what I mean? I will give you guys some respect as you actually had evidences to back up your claim.

        • 10 months ago

          Digimon runs on multiverse, and everything is canon, as characters have cameo'd in other things Digimon related to push this home

          • 10 months ago

            >Digimon runs on multiverse, and everything is canon,
            Sure pal, and the next thing you're going to tell me that Frieza's brother will appeared in the main DB universe.

            • 10 months ago

              >Sure pal
              Ryo, protagonist of a few wonderswan games is a part of the Adventure universe, making a cameo in the first movie, and a cameo during the second season 02, he would go on to be sent over to the Tamers universe, at some point he also meets the manga version of Tai, most likely before he gets to Tamers

              Digimon World Re:Digitize's 3DS rerelease introduced the character of Rina, and in general the character of Mirei, they both show up in the game Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, its a straight up plot point that you have to find a a way to go to another universe, and that's where you find Rina, you an also optionally help the female protag from the second DS Digimon Story game, who's also from her own universe

              Digimon World Re:Digitize allows you to battle all the anime protags up to that point

              In the PSP retelling of Adventure, Tai can meet all the anime protags up to that point, and team up with them

              In Digimon World Next Order both Mirei, Rina and now the protagonist of Digimon World 1 show up in the game, and World 1's protag makes it pretty clear he's not from this universe

              In World Next Order, Meicoomon from the Adventure Tai movies ends up there for a set of side quests

              The Tai from the reboot anime meets his manga counterpart and teams up with him in a one shot

              During one of the DS Digimon Story games you can meet and battle characters from the fifth anime series, and also the manga that was going on around that time as well

              Digimon goes much harder on the multiverse concept

          • 10 months ago

            >Digimon runs on multiverse,
            So does Pokemon.

            • 10 months ago

              >So does Pokemon.

        • 10 months ago

          Forgive the absolutely awful dub but Etemon here survived a black hole. For context the blast distorted space time sending Taichi and his digimon back to the human world. Etemon not only survived this but came back stronger.

          Alturkabuterimon destroyed a small planetoid as well(By small it was like 4x bigger than alturkabuterimon but that's still quite big in context considering Alturkabuterimon is massive. Perfect level digimon have more than enough feats even in the first season to show they're nuke level in power.

          • 10 months ago

            >Etemon here survived a black hole.
            You mean a portal
            >Alturkabuterimon destroyed a small planetoid as well
            You mean an exclusionary rock inside a mountain on a simulation room.

            • 10 months ago

              >Y-you mean
              Did anon stutter? God, you're talking so much crap it's unreal.

              • 10 months ago

                And you are acting like chuuni who delude himself into believing himself to be special and strong enough to beat the popular guy in a fight. Until the popular guy prove himself to be stronger and better at fighting causing the chunni have a meltdown.

              • 10 months ago

                >"And you are acting like chuuni who delude himself"
                That's your deflection for just twisting words? You're pathetic. Etemon survived a black hole, not a fricking portal like you headcanon it to be to claim "Haha, Pokemon wins!!"

              • 10 months ago

                >Etemon survived a black hole,
                So did Tai, I guess Tai is as strong as Etemon.

              • 10 months ago

                >So did
                Dodging the point when cornered on his bullshit? What a pussy.

              • 10 months ago

                Even Base Lucario can take out Etemon and Metal Etemon with Bullet Punch.

              • 10 months ago

                >E-even Base Lucario
                >Moving the goalpost further away
                >Doesn't even a corresponding picture to his shitpost
                This is just getting sad. Bullet Punch does shit.

              • 10 months ago

                Coming from a guy who ignored the part that a human child tanked "Black Hole" without toon force.

                The funny thing is anon, Even if we go by his headcanon and say it is indeed a portal, You could always just say the portal transported him to a black hole. Which you can't deny because etemon clearly said he survived a black hole. The Dark masters reality warped the digital world which is at least a planetary feat a minimum, A universe feat at it's greatest. I already showed earlier that Belialvamdemon opened a portal to outer space and attempted to cover the earth in darkness so it's obvious digimon can affect more than earth if they bothered. He's completely delusional.

                >Which you can't deny because etemon clearly said he survived a black hole
                Except for the fact Etemon is flamboyant and likes to exaggerate about himself.
                >The Dark masters reality warped the digital world
                Which is a virtual world made of data like the Matrix and Qinglongmon confirmed in Adventure 02 that Dark Master analysis the data of Digital World to warp it like a program.

                >I already showed earlier that Belialvamdemon opened a portal to outer space
                To cover a Planet and not anything else in Solar System therefore proving Digital World is just Earth in another layer even though it was proven during Etemon arc where Izzy compare the digital World network with human world and confirmed that they are still on Earth and not in another universe.

              • 10 months ago

                >Coming from a guy who ignored
                Lol Lmao
                >Except for the fact Etemon is flamboyant and likes to exaggerate about himself.
                Exaggeration is still not denying that he survived it. Stretching out a character doesn't change shit, You illiterate piece of a joke.

              • 10 months ago

                >Exaggeration is still not denying
                Just it is lying to show off

              • 10 months ago

                >Except for the fact Etemon is flamboyant and likes to exaggerate about himself.
                We also see etemon inside the black hole literally getting ripped apart and trying to hold himself together. This is clear, Etemon survived a black hole, Not to mention Black holes isn't even unique in digimon power level terms as other perfects claim to make black holes or have black holes in their bios like Gerbemon and Darksuperstarmon, Thus etemon's feat is completely accurate.

                >Which is a virtual world made of data like the Matrix
                Digimon can exist outside of the digital world and thus this entire argument has no weight behind it.

                All belialvamdemon would have to do is spread the darkness through the computers if the digital world was part of the earth's cyber space. He opened a portal to outer space.

                >Ash's Lucario at his base form is confirmed to be as strong as Wargreymon from the Original Adventure.
                Ah yes please show me official digimon or pokemon sources that state that Ash's Lucario is as strong as wargreymon. Meanwhile I'll show you digimon actually affecting the real world with their attacks. Like venomvamdemon disintegrating buildings with venom infuse an attack that installs viruses to destroy a digimon's data. Yet that didn't stop it from affecting buildings.

              • 10 months ago

                >We also see etemon inside the black hole
                We also seen human child enter the same "Black Hole" and come out unscratched. Etemon is too flameboyant and unreliable narrator to be taken seriously.
                >Not to mention Black holes isn't even unique in digimon power level terms as other perfects claim to make black holes or have black holes in their bios like Gerbemon and Darksuperstarmon,
                Black Holes are more common with Pokemon than Digimon as we seen Dusclops and Gardevoir making Black Hole without dark network.

                >Digimon can exist outside of the digital world
                Does not change Digital World being virtual world made of data that can be reshaped and rebooted like a program.

                >All belialvamdemon would have to do is spread the darkness through the computers if the digital world was part of the earth's cyber space. He opened a portal to outer space.
                Because he felt it to be easier and he probably didn't had the power to access every computer considering he was using the children power instead of his.

                >please show me official digimon or pokemon sources that state that Ash's Lucario is as strong as wargreymon
                We literally had Lucario shoot his own giant Gaia Force to knock down a building sized Pokemon made of Steel.

              • 10 months ago

                >Other kid enters the same black hole like Etemon, proving the anon's point of Etemon's legitimacy by adding a witness
                >NOOOOOO, HE CAN'T BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY!!!!!
                Ashtards are so incredibly stupid. Way to play yourself.

              • 10 months ago

                This. Imagine being so fricking moronic.

                >Devimon is strong enough to straight up murk Pikachu
                Considering what we have seen Pikachu to do, it will pretty much overwhlem Devimon and take it down like an average Ghost type Unless Devimon boost himself with Black Gear and grow gigantic but even than he will be obliterated by 10 million bolt. Actually considering Devimon's weakness to light, Genger can just oneshot it with Dazzling Dream.

                >The moment he gets to etemon is the moment he dies.
                Even Riolu is strong is enough to curbstompped Etemon.

                >Even Riolu
                The absolute state of autism. Why are trAsh self-inserters such moronic homosexuals?

              • 10 months ago

                Oh ya, he should have been taken seriously when he insisted Zudomon's Hammer can't possibly break him except it did and he died like a joke.

              • 10 months ago

                >Oh ya, let me move the goalpost to unrelated shit again.
                He survived a black hole and there is a witness, you fricking homosexual. No amount of pussying out will change that you're a sore Ashtard

              • 10 months ago

                Situation isn't remotely similar, Metaletemon was made of Chrome digizoid the strongest material in the digimon franchise. Zudomon's Hammer was made of the same material hence why it could crack his armor, It's understandable why he'd think that considering chrome digizoid's reputation in the digital world. And even then it required Saberleomon an ultimate(Mega) level digimon to finish him off. Who mind you died in the aftermath of his Dark spirits deluxe attack. Metaletemon talking about surviving a black hole is completely different because he was detailing his own experience in the situation.

              • 10 months ago

                >Metaletemon was made of Chrome digizoid the strongest material in the digimon franchise
                Wrong again as Chrome Digizoid is the strongest virtual metal which is pointed out in the official data which mean its stronger than all the virtual metal like Mithril. It does not apply to organic metal like Steel. Furthermore Strongest, Hardness and Toughness are not same as they represent different property of each metal which is we use different metal for different thing.

              • 10 months ago

                >We also seen human child enter the same "Black Hole" and come out unscratched. Etemon is too flameboyant and unreliable
                Strange? I thought you said it was a portal earlier?

                >Etemon here survived a black hole.
                You mean a portal
                >Alturkabuterimon destroyed a small planetoid as well
                You mean an exclusionary rock inside a mountain on a simulation room.

                So we'll go with your head canon, The portal transported etemon to a black hole which he didn't get out of unscathed he was being ripped apart by it as shown in the video I provided but managed to digivolve and crash back into the digital world. A better feat than any pokemon.

                >Does not change Digital World being virtual world made of data that can be reshaped and rebooted like a program.
                Yes it does, If digimon are virtual creatures then they shouldn't be able to exist outside of virtual space. For crying out loud the season 2 antagonist the digimon emperor's mindset was exactly that. He couldn't fathom that digimon were actually sentient creatures.

                >Because he felt it to be easier and he probably didn't had the power to access every computer considering he was using the children power instead of his.
                Ok let's compare the two methods.
                >Spread darkness via computers mean he can target a wider area, and we know that they can be accessed from random electronics scattered through the digital world meaning it's easy as piss to do this. Especially considering belial Absorbed the darkness of the digital world. The dark spores were used simply to reconstruct a new body.
                >Open a portal to outer space, Which mind you if the digital world is apart of earth is a really stupid idea because it would require a crap ton of energy to accomplish and target the oceans first.
                He's not the first digimon to open a portal either Demon did it and the Chosen Children had to send him to the dark ocean to deal with him.

                >We literally had Lucario shoot his own giant Gaia Force to knock down a building sized Pokemon made of Steel.
                That's not official pokemon or digimon sources.

              • 10 months ago

                >Strange? I thought you said it was a portal earlier?
                Don't you understand Sarcasm? Why do you think I put " " around Black Hole.

                >The portal transported etemon to a black hole
                That's not how its work
                >which he didn't get out of unscathed he was being ripped apart by it as shown in the video I provided
                Which came from an unreliable flamyboyant narrator like Etemon
                >If digimon are virtual creatures then they shouldn't be able to exist outside of virtual space
                Tamers already given us the answer, Digimon uses the Electro Magnetic field on our planet to produce false protein that syntheses their body on Human World.
                >He's not the first digimon to open a portal either Demon did it
                And we had plenty Pokemon to open portal and even time traveled
                >That's not official pokemon
                It literally happen in the show which is much more reliable than Digimon profile entry.

              • 10 months ago

                >"Sarcastic" concession
                Lmao. Ashtards are a broken record.

              • 10 months ago

                >"flamyboyant" for the 3rd time
                >"That's not how its work"
                >Doesn't elaborate
                The other anon is right, clockwork on you Ashschizos.You forgot a picture to that shit "post"

              • 10 months ago

                The funny thing is anon, Even if we go by his headcanon and say it is indeed a portal, You could always just say the portal transported him to a black hole. Which you can't deny because etemon clearly said he survived a black hole. The Dark masters reality warped the digital world which is at least a planetary feat a minimum, A universe feat at it's greatest. I already showed earlier that Belialvamdemon opened a portal to outer space and attempted to cover the earth in darkness so it's obvious digimon can affect more than earth if they bothered. He's completely delusional.

              • 10 months ago

                >You could always just say the portal transported him to a black hole.
                /thread. Digimon wins.
                Fricking kek. gaymon never learns.

              • 10 months ago

                The thread isn't even about digimon which is the dumbest part of it. Either way if Ash was transported to the digital world he makes it to Devimon at best.

              • 10 months ago

                So somewhere among the line, Digimon was dropped, that Ashschizo moved it further down the line there because he can't make somewhat "sense" on other terrain and even then can't make up proper bullshit about it? For fricks sake, that Ashjeet really needs to touch grass

              • 10 months ago

                There's many points in the series where magic was involved and made being attacked by the monsters in the game real

                Atem would have the power to do so, like most of the antagonists that end up doing it

                Also honestly feel like if Ash is just having his Pokemon attacking him, Atem would be allowed to call out whatever monsters he wants, and his strongest duel monsters would easily beat Ash's pocket monsters

                Its pretty much the Pokemon vs Digimon situation all over again, if we are allowing Duel Monsters to be more then holograms

                This post anon, The thread was originally supposed to be about yugi vs ash... Yugi should destroy him as well by the way. Since he has fate manipulation and yugioh get's pretty ridiculous in later seasons as well.

              • 10 months ago

                >Yugi use Mind Crash on Ash
                >It does not affect Ash
                >Yugi : Nani
                Ash is too purehearted for Atem's magic to work.

              • 10 months ago

                >Fate Manipulation = Mind Crash
                The biggest Ash moron in this thread. Can't read posts right lmao.

              • 10 months ago

                >Either way if Ash was transported to the digital world he makes it to Devimon at best.
                Just Thunderbolt is enough unless Ash decides to use one of Z-moves on Giant Devimon. Ash's Lucario at his base form is confirmed to be as strong as Wargreymon from the Original Adventure.

              • 10 months ago

                >Drags his Pokemon to the mix
                Can't win without his cheats? You self-inserts are pathetic.

              • 10 months ago

                Thanks for confirming Tai is a cheater.

              • 10 months ago

                >Talks about Ash
                >Makes it about Tai
                Ashschizos are so bad at playing evasion games it's unreal.

              • 10 months ago

                >Called Ash a cheater for using Pokemon
                >Point out Tai too is a cheater for using Digimon
                >Oh no, you are moving goal post
                Every single time

              • 10 months ago

                >P-point out Tai
                Still moving away from the goalpost. Ash is a loser who can't win without his Pokemon, hiding behind some other gay is just showing off your incompetence to make a valid case. So much denial.

              • 10 months ago

                Thunderbolt wouldn't be enough, Devimon is strong enough to straight up murk Pikachu. Not only because he's got his darkness powers but he also has flight which is a major advantage, Mind control via touch of evil/death claw + black gears, Illusions, Can make himself a Kaiju by absorbing black gears nearly the size of infinity mountain to give you an idea. The Chosen children digimon were all overwhelmed and each of them have feats that are on par with pikachu at it's peak. I do think Ash actually has a chance which might surprise you but that's because of quantity of pokemon he has access too some of which have shown good feats. The moment he gets to etemon is the moment he dies.

              • 10 months ago

                >Devimon is strong enough to straight up murk Pikachu
                Considering what we have seen Pikachu to do, it will pretty much overwhlem Devimon and take it down like an average Ghost type Unless Devimon boost himself with Black Gear and grow gigantic but even than he will be obliterated by 10 million bolt. Actually considering Devimon's weakness to light, Genger can just oneshot it with Dazzling Dream.

                >The moment he gets to etemon is the moment he dies.
                Even Riolu is strong is enough to curbstompped Etemon.

              • 10 months ago

                >Devimon is strong enough to straight up murk Pikachu
                Considering what we have seen Pikachu to do, it will pretty much overwhlem Devimon and take it down like an average Ghost type Unless Devimon boost himself with Black Gear and grow gigantic but even than he will be obliterated by 10 million bolt. Actually considering Devimon's weakness to light, Genger can just oneshot it with Dazzling Dream.

                >The moment he gets to etemon is the moment he dies.
                Even Riolu is strong is enough to curbstompped Etemon.

                This homosexual is trolling for real.

              • 10 months ago

                Ashschizos are moronic when they couldn't even touch a random bad guy in the same episode where his "super strength" came back without a Latios swooping in.

              • 10 months ago

                You know, I stopped posting and went to sleep twice hoping this thread will be archived when I wake up. Turns out Digimon gays keeping this thread alive.

      • 10 months ago

        >Also its MetalGreymon who's as strong as a nuke,
        Never shown, never confirmed unliike Dragonair that nuked a city without being fully evolved.

        this is Skullgreymon Greymon's dark evolution his is one level lower than Wargreymon

        that's not counting the 2020 were they are more powerfull (and 10 times bigger) were Wargraymon takes down a enemy of the size of a moon.

        I don't see any nuke, Skullgreymon just destroyed a black tower. We have seen Bulbasaur with more impressive feats than this

        • 10 months ago

          Kys, autist

    • 10 months ago

      this is Skullgreymon Greymon's dark evolution his is one level lower than Wargreymon

      that's not counting the 2020 were they are more powerfull (and 10 times bigger) were Wargraymon takes down a enemy of the size of a moon.

      • 10 months ago

        >that's not counting the 2020 were they are more powerfull (and 10 times bigger) were Wargraymon takes down a enemy of the size of a moon.
        First, that was WarGreymon acting as a conduit for the will of the Digital World (while also merging its attack with the entire energy output of two legendary kaiju) and doesn't reflect its normal power level

        Second, the Colon version of the Digital World is ridiculously large, meaning that the "enemo of the size of the moon" was actually twice the size of Juptier.

        • 10 months ago

          >First, that was WarGreymon acting as a conduit for the will of the Digital World
          WarGreymon's terra force takes energy from the atmosphere, so it could be that way even without them treating it like a spirit bomb, if given enough time to charge

  45. 10 months ago

    Just to point out, Digimon have 6 stages of evolution, not counting any extra forms (like fusing together, or getting a powered up form)

    English: Fresh > In-Training > Rookie > Champion > Ultimate > Mega

    Japanese: Baby I > Baby II > Child > Adult > Perfect > Ultimate

    At most, if I were to low ball Digimon hard, normal non-legendary Pokemon can fight Champion/Adult level Digimon

    Legendaries might be able to struggle and fight off Ultimate/Perfect level Digimon, but Megas and beyond? Pokemon stand absolutely no chance in a battle with them

    Digimon also start off way weaker then even some of the weakest Pokemon, but they jump in power as they evolve, that it gets ridiculous

    • 10 months ago

      Also this plays into the philosophy of both series

      Pokemon is a series about catching Pokemon, and building a team to get you to the top

      Digimon is a series about raising a weak Digimon up into an extremely powerful being to deal with conflicts

  46. 10 months ago

    >Another spam fest of Famon's autistic fanfictions
    That AshBlack person just can't stop being moronic. Digimon mogs Pokémon, end of the story.

    • 10 months ago

      >mfw he's still going at whiteknight his garbage trAsh
      This shit can't get any more sadder than this.

  47. 10 months ago

    Fricking nada.

  48. 10 months ago

    No chance.

  49. 10 months ago

    Imagine how much better the world would be if all Ash self-inserters just dropped dead tomorrow.
    What a bunch of utter subhumans.

    • 10 months ago

      The anime going beyond the first season was a mistake, and them not replacing Ash after Kanto like the games and manga do with their protags was a bigger one

    • 10 months ago

      It would be absolute heaven.

  50. 10 months ago

    nope because Yugi/Atem legally cheats

    • 10 months ago

      >legally cheats

      • 10 months ago

        Atem has the ability to will himself to win in card games and probably other games as well.

  51. 10 months ago

    >Can't even win against a random who without Latios
    Ash is losing so bad.

  52. 10 months ago

    Who the frick is Atem.
    That's Yugi from Yugioh in the picture

    • 10 months ago

      Atem is the pharaoh’s real name.

    • 10 months ago

      Atem/Yami Yugi is the guy you see Yugi Moto become when he duels people for most of the series

      Everyone just calls him Yugi interchangeably with the real Yugi, but they are different people

  53. 10 months ago

    Haha damn y'all digihomies is wild lol like OP ain't got nothin to do with y'all
    Atem beats Goku and ain't no digimon beating Goku

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Now Digimongays has gotten pathetic. Even Vegeta from Saiyan saga can murder every single Digimon and they think Omegamon would even put a dent on Gogeta. Next they gonna claim Patamon can beat Kirdy. Its truly annoying how Digimongays look down upon every single franchise.

  54. 10 months ago

    Yu-Gi-Oh and Digimon absolutely dabbing on Pokemon, and Pokegays unable to cope

    This thread in a nutshell

    • 10 months ago

      You mean copping due to their inability to prove their point against Pokegays.

      • 10 months ago


        Just to point out, Digimon have 6 stages of evolution, not counting any extra forms (like fusing together, or getting a powered up form)

        English: Fresh > In-Training > Rookie > Champion > Ultimate > Mega

        Japanese: Baby I > Baby II > Child > Adult > Perfect > Ultimate

        At most, if I were to low ball Digimon hard, normal non-legendary Pokemon can fight Champion/Adult level Digimon

        Legendaries might be able to struggle and fight off Ultimate/Perfect level Digimon, but Megas and beyond? Pokemon stand absolutely no chance in a battle with them

        Digimon also start off way weaker then even some of the weakest Pokemon, but they jump in power as they evolve, that it gets ridiculous

        Also this plays into the philosophy of both series

        Pokemon is a series about catching Pokemon, and building a team to get you to the top

        Digimon is a series about raising a weak Digimon up into an extremely powerful being to deal with conflicts

    • 10 months ago

      It's fricking hilarious how this guy keeps on being delusional to continue his "MUH POKEMON" whining

      You mean copping due to their inability to prove their point against Pokegays.

      . Digimon and Yu-Gi-Oh mogged them, and that's /thread.

    • 10 months ago

      >Pokegays unable to cope
      That shit never gets old.

      You mean copping due to their inability to prove their point against Pokegays.

      He's keep denying it lmao. What a assblasted "Poke"chunni

  55. 10 months ago

    Yugi's monsters arnt real so he'd have to rely on his own magic to beat Ash. Ash is physically stonger than Yami, but he's very susceptible to magic. So I think if Yugi just mind crushed Ash he'd win. Ash could also maybe get a win if he uses Greninja can goes for the kill immediately. Greninja is immune to psychic attacks so Yami could just mind crush it. Yami takes it 8/10.

    • 10 months ago

      >Yugi's monsters arnt real
      The millenium items make the monsters real.

  56. 10 months ago

    Yugi's deck seems so far above Ash's strongest mons that I'm not sure how this won't be a stomp.

  57. 10 months ago

    That one time Digimon referenced Pokemon (and Yokai Watch)

    • 10 months ago
  58. 10 months ago

    IIRC the "MetalGreymon is as powerful as a nuke" thing applies to what would happen if it exploded and released all its energy at once.
    But its cyborg components do give it nigh-llimitless stamina, on a base (Greymon) that had excellent strength, speed and skill but was so large that it exhausted quickly while trying to use it. On top of getting new weapons stronger than Greymon's previous attacks.

    Then you have its evolution WarGreymon, which has been shown creating explosions capable of disintegrating massive hordes of stronger-than-MetalGreymon enemies with its basic attacks. Its claws also have dragonslaying properties strong enough to one-shot dragons who tanked said massive explosions.

    And if you go one step further to Omegamon it's portrayed as a multiversal avatar of justice that manifests as a failsafe in order to kill a universe's creator god if it ever becomes evil. And then it has powered-up forms on top of that.

    • 10 months ago

      The sheer power gap between Digimon evolutionary stages is insane
      >A *single* Diablomon bodies WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon at the same time
      >Then after evolving they're winning against literally millions of Diablomon at once while taking no damage from their attacks

      Baby-level Digimon are so weak that they can be defeated by children
      Child-level are about equivalent to Stage 1 Starter Pokémon that have been trained a bit
      Adult-level are either behemoths that tower over most Pokémon, or regularly defeat things of that size.
      Perfects get hax powers and "as strong as a nuke" feats
      Ultimates and Super-Ultimates are either walking apocalypses or walking deus ex machina.

  59. 10 months ago

    All this means if if they ever did a Pokemon and Digimon crossover, they'd have to make up a way to buff Pokemon or nerf Digimon

    Make an original Digimon that's purpose is literally to do just that for crossovers

    • 10 months ago

      >Ash travels to the Digital World but the enemy is too powerful and all seems lost
      >Some weird wish-granting entities show up and acknowledge Ash's strong heart
      >Suddenly Gigantamax Battle Bond Mega Charizard XY using Z-Moves

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        If its a video game, no way in hell they're using Ash

        Make it an OC that could be a trainer or tamer, and have them meet characters from both series

    • 10 months ago

      >Ash travels to the Digital World but the enemy is too powerful and all seems lost
      >Some weird wish-granting entities show up and acknowledge Ash's strong heart
      >Suddenly Gigantamax Battle Bond Mega Charizard XY using Z-Moves

      >Digimon are portrayed as the only ones strong enough to stop the villains
      >But then the Digimon heroes get mortally injured
      >The Pokémon merge with them to save their lives, granting them incredibly powerful new forms that fight using enhanced versions of Pokémon attacks

      Because there'd be riots if Pikachu evolved into a waifu to keep up, but an existing digiwaifu getting a Pikachu cosplay form that can use its attacks is fine.

      • 10 months ago

        >Because there'd be riots if Pikachu evolved
        >Implying after Gen 8
        Pokegays are moronic and don't even know their own franchise lmao.

    • 10 months ago

      Its the other way around where Digimon need to buff to compete with Pokemon.

      >Ash travels to the Digital World but the enemy is too powerful and all seems lost
      >Some weird wish-granting entities show up and acknowledge Ash's strong heart
      >Suddenly Gigantamax Battle Bond Mega Charizard XY using Z-Moves

      More like
      >Digidestined getting curbstommped by new villain's henchmen
      >Suddenly a portal open dropping Ash who instantly defeat the henchmen with his pokemon
      >Turns out he was specifically summoned to Digital World by Homeostasis because he is the only one who has the ability to stop him. based on Homeostasis calculation.

      • 10 months ago

        >Its the other way around where Digimon need to buff to compete with Pokemon
        You're moronic
        a portal open dropping Ash
        And your chunni self-inserting crap is a flop

  60. 10 months ago
  61. 10 months ago

    Fun putting Pokegays in their place whenever these types of threads come up

    • 10 months ago

      >casually solos your verse
      Nothin personnel, digifailure!

      • 10 months ago


  62. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      unfortunately we've had very few new Digimon this year because that lite novel slop is still staggering along

  63. 10 months ago

    I hope Ash gets done the same way Red and Charizard got man handled once Yugi finishes off him hiding behind his Pokemon.


  64. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >Sea angel

    • 10 months ago

      >Sea angel

      They missed the dominatrix grass monster woman both series have

    • 10 months ago

      >Ho-oh / Hououmon
      >Lati@s / Sparrowmon
      >Groudon / Volcanicdramon
      >Reshiram + Zekrom + Original Dragon / Canoweissmon + Regulusmon + Proximamon
      >Type: Null / Chimeramon
      >Zacian + Zamazenta / Durandamon + Bryweludramon
      >Koraidon / Guilmon

  65. 10 months ago

    i know nothing about Digimon
    reading all this confuses me and i think all these Digimon names are moronic
    Im interested enough to get a Digimon game because of this, should i?

    • 10 months ago

      If you want a JRPG like Pokemon, try out Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth complete, if you want a game closer to the V-Pet roots of the series, try out Digimon World Next Order

      There's also Survive, but its more of a visual novel, with some light tactical RPG elements (like Fire Emblem), its main draw its its a more serious take on the Digimon format, with it being possible for characters to die

      After that, you can dive down the rabbithole, but the series is full of hits and misses, nothing crazy, I'd recommend getting into the anime, as that's like the main thing besides the V-Pets they really push with the series

      Also no, they never explain why Digimon have "mon" in their name, a fun fan theory is its their file type, but nothing official

      Also Digimon can't really die, being data, they just get reborn back into eggs, and you have to start their life cycle over, which is important if you try out the V-Pet like games in the series, one of the hardest things people have difficulty dealing with is that your Digimon dies, the games are made in a way that if you were making progress the game gets easier and easier to deal with each time they're reborn, and you make them powerful again

  66. 10 months ago

    *arceus destroys the universe and kills all digimon instantly*
    hehe better luck next time digigays

    • 10 months ago

      There are super overpowered digigods in their universe which defy even hand deletions

    • 10 months ago

      >arceus destroys the universe
      you mean this little b***h? it can not even kill a 14 years old.

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        Ouch. Pokegays in complete shambles

      • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      The thing is that Digimon have canonically destroyed the universe while Arceus hasn't

      • 10 months ago

        A. That's not a Digimon ,he is a lifeform that surpass Digimon
        B. Dialga and Palkia are as strong as Neo who happened to be the 2nd strongest character after Mother Eater which shows how strong Pokemon are compare to Digimon.

        >Literally destroys reality by just existing

        Turns out all of those were made-up rumor from bunch of trolls since Brave Tamer never came out outside of Japan. Actual ZeedMillenniumon barely did anything outside Digital World except for sending his army to various timeline which Pokemon like Celebii ,Solgaleo and Lunala can do as well.

        • 10 months ago

          >That's not a Digimon
          Literally can't even read posts right. Christ, why are Poketards such illiterate sissies?

          You know, I stopped posting and went to sleep twice hoping this thread will be archived when I wake up. Turns out Digimon gays keeping this thread alive.

          >Literally falseflagging
          Yep, This is peak deflection. Grow up, ESLschizo. Digimon wins, no point in making an ass out of yourself.

          • 10 months ago

            Ashschizos having a massive Shill complex isn't exactly news. That ESLBlack person is a lost cause as well as a loser.

          • 10 months ago

            Lots of rants and no argument that debunk my point. NEO is not a Digimon as pointed out by official media and the official script from Brave Tamer confirmed Zeed has no power over multiverse as his entire plan was to travel back in time when Digital World was born and alter it.

            • 10 months ago

              >Lots of rants

              The thing is that Digimon have canonically destroyed the universe while Arceus hasn't

              said "Digimon have canonically destroyed the universe", not a "That Digimon has canonically destroyed the universe".
              Way to show off your illiteracy, stupid Pokeschizo, You're so cringe.

              • 10 months ago

                >Digimon have canonically destroyed the universe"
                >Posted pic of NEO
                >No he didn't meant NEO

              • 10 months ago

                >Makes it about the picture
                >Revisions the context around it.
                Yes, I am serious about your illiteracy. Peak Pokecringe, ESLtard.

  67. 10 months ago

    >Literally destroys reality by just existing

    • 10 months ago

      but can it beat Superman tho

  68. 10 months ago

    I was waiting literally years for this very moment to come and post this. Now even Ash is not a loser anymore, therefore making these parodies less funny.

    • 10 months ago

      Same anon here again. I just checked Death Battle's channel and there's no announcement about this battle, so OPleb threw the bait out and I bit the hook like a moron.
      I really thought they were gonna do this episode. Good one, you caught me this time, but it won't happen again.

      • 10 months ago

        The closest you get is they do podcast related stuff, and they've discussed Ash vs Yugi before

        But its clear since they haven't done any research, that they don't know much about Yu-Gi-Oh

        hey did a similar thing for Ash vs Tai, but its clear they knew Ash has no chance

  69. 10 months ago

    >Some ESL Pokeschizo is still throwing fists despite other franchises literally raping the deities on many levels
    >Can't even read posts right
    Sometimes you can't make such shit up

    • 10 months ago

      >>Some ESL Pokeschizo is still throwing fists despite other franchises literally raping the deities on many levels
      Every single time Digimon went up against Non-Digimon entities, they got curbstommped and needed human to save them such as D-reaper and Eaters.

    • 10 months ago

      Them not knowing when to quit is really amusing to watch. Damn, Pokemon isn't the peak in powerlevel, not sure why it's so hard to swallow that truth

      >>Some ESL Pokeschizo is still throwing fists despite other franchises literally raping the deities on many levels
      Every single time Digimon went up against Non-Digimon entities, they got curbstommped and needed human to save them such as D-reaper and Eaters.

      >Every single time Digimon went up against Non-Digimon entities
      Still making up shit after an Riolu drop of all picks? Lmao, this is sad.

      • 10 months ago

        >Pokemon isn't the peak in powerlevel
        Never even claim that

        • 10 months ago

          >Undermines every Digimon post up-showing Pokemon or Ash
          >Sucks at it too.
          >"N-never even claimed it"
          Sure sure, keep denying that.

          • 10 months ago

            Are you suggesting Pokemon has to be peak powerlevel to take on Digimon? Get over it, even Precure shown higher Powerlevel than Digimon specially during Heartcatch Precure.

            • 10 months ago

              >Are you suggesting
              I am not doing anything of the sorts you're accusing me of, Pokeschizo. Get over yourself, Digimon mogs Pokemon and no amount of fricking around with what anons are saying with your illiteracy won't change that.

              • 10 months ago

                >I am not doing anything of the sorts you're accusing me of
                You claim that I referred Pokemon as peak powerlevel by insisting that Pokemon can take on Digimon.
                >Digimon mogs Pokemon
                Pokemon has been mogging Digimon for over 26 year

              • 10 months ago

                >Pokemon has been mogging Digimon for over 26 year
                Moving the goal away from strength of the monsters to the franchise status? Way to show off your incompentence to make a valid case.
                >You claim
                Again you're putting words where they don't exist. The other anons are right about you, you're posting so much shit like a complete moron.

      • 10 months ago

        >Undermines every Digimon post up-showing Pokemon or Ash
        >Sucks at it too.
        >"N-never even claimed it"
        Sure sure, keep denying that.

        Poketards doubling down is a good time. You're right on these parts.

  70. 10 months ago

    hmmm... who would win? Someone who has control over monsters with superpowers or someone who has a deck of paper cards with pictures of monsters on them?

    • 10 months ago

      >The former lost against some ginger head at the end
      >The latter has no qualms torturing or toying with someone when pushed
      Clear case.
      >XY iteration
      Even easier lmao. Ask for a blast burn.

  71. 10 months ago

    Zero game against Yugi or any of the other bigshots.
    Ash is a loser.

  72. 10 months ago

    Literally 100% since those cards can be ripped like cardboard lol

    • 10 months ago

      >Keeps the cards out of arm reach for the manlet.

    • 10 months ago

      How is Ash going to get remotely close to Yugi without getting fricked by Egyptian magic.

  73. 10 months ago

    Someone make a follow up thread

  74. 10 months ago

    >bro, sneedmillenialmon is so powerful he can like time travel and alter the world and stuff!!!!
    Yeah inside a fricking computer lmao

    • 10 months ago

      cope and seethe

  75. 10 months ago
  76. 10 months ago

    Honestly the only popular monster raising/taming series Pokemon really has anything over is Yokai Watch

    Shin Megami Tensei/Persona

    They would all body Pokemon, and there's nothing wrong with that, different series, with different levels of feats, that's it

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