Cheating in Multiplayer Games

>research cheats after experiencing blatant cheaters 80% of my games
>find out how easy it is to cheat nowadays
>it's not even jank like they used to be
>literally top production teams with their own unironic business
>making cheats is literally their paid job
>cheats made never get caught and intentionally designed to be undetectable
>game companies don't care or can't chase them all down
>some stream themselves MONTHS blatantly hacking and nothing happens
>most anticheat like VAC, EAC and others are practically useless
>if you play any competitive game it's basically hacks vs hacks

I am blackpilled so hard rn. There's literally no reason to play a multiplayer FPS nowadays if you are a legit player. You probably have a cheater each game and that's not even an exaggeration. Not only are these undetectable most companies don't even care anymore if people are hacking (more players are guess). Nuclear blackpill is that even aimbots nowadays are natural looking. They are literally AI trained and you can scale the skill up and down. The only time I can detect an aimbot is if some dumbo has it on max and keeps killing me 1-2 shots every time. But if this was a soft aimbot I wouldn't even know.

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  1. 8 months ago

    CSGO/CS2 is one of the most cheated FPS out there and it will get worse,and the problem is that not only they cheat but they rig the matches has well, its a complete waste of time, FPS are dead and AI aim training sealed the deal and will never recover from that because the Black folk behind CS also profit from this "black market" of cheating software, dont bother

  2. 8 months ago

    Good shill. Tell me more. If you deny you're a shill I wont buy.

    • 8 months ago

      I am not a shill. You can't even buy the one I posted in OP because it's free (botnet probably idc).

      I'm just tired of hacking.

      • 8 months ago

        Ok chill you convinced me, where do I go to buy your Russian keylogger hacks?

        I'm also tired of hacking and require them to even the playing field of my video game enjoyment.

  3. 8 months ago

    >it's basically hacks vs hacks
    Isn't that every big sport now? You either use the same cheese or lose. And if you get caught using doping it's because you were too cheap to pay your bribes.
    The thing that's different with online gaming is that you have randos larping as pros: using cutting-edge gamer hardware, getting their Dis*ord fivestacks, and do tryhard training just to pwn some regular folks in random matches. Of course cheats are on the table too so that not a single loss can break their winning streaks.
    I don't know what you can do. Either play casual games or get frenpilled.

    • 7 months ago

      Reminder that "Pro" as in Professional just means you do it as a job.
      It doesn't confer that you are "good" at it in the slightest.
      And a further reminder that there are no "Professional Gamers", they first and foremost are marketers for various products.
      Whether that be gaming sundries, or cheat software.

      • 7 months ago


  4. 8 months ago

    I tried CS:GO ranked in 2020, got SEM rank after 16 matches. Prime matchmaking, old steam account, 2012 purchase but I barely touched it, 60 hours playtime total. Didn't like the game, solo queue is awful, especially with Eastern Euros.

    Some time afterwards, I checked my matches with a VAC-ban checker extension. 17 VAC bans + 5 game bans, and that's only what was detected. So basically every single game had at least 1 confirmed hacker, and I still remember a couple of players who were very suspicious, but still have a clean account. It's a joke.

    • 8 months ago

      cheater's paradise

  5. 8 months ago

    Same here dude and mutiplayer fps are my favorites I don’t know what to play anymore :/

    • 8 months ago

      try an arena shooter

    • 7 months ago

      It's the reason I decided not to build another gaming PC.

      The MASSIVE influx of third worlders and normies into multipayer FPS in recent years has absolutely destroyed them. They are unplayable. And there is a profit motive for cheating now, because of streaming.

      10 years ago you could play any F2P shooter and enjoy a fair game half the time at least. The average person was playing to have fun.
      The situation has drastically changed. And it's not worth trying to have fun if 80% of your games are pozzed.

    • 7 months ago

      It's the reason I decided not to build another gaming PC.

      The MASSIVE influx of third worlders and normies into multipayer FPS in recent years has absolutely destroyed them. They are unplayable. And there is a profit motive for cheating now, because of streaming.

      10 years ago you could play any F2P shooter and enjoy a fair game half the time at least. The average person was playing to have fun.
      The situation has drastically changed. And it's not worth trying to have fun if 80% of your games are pozzed.

      I play heavily modded Arma at 144 FPS on $3k pc and I'm having the time of my life right now. I'm probably also one of the younger players there at 33 years old

  6. 8 months ago

    Why is CS2 so bad?

    >sprays absolutely broken
    >enemy teleporting like they're in low frame spiderverse
    >hackers are already around
    >movement feels wonky
    >hit reg feels wonky
    >performance is so bad and inconsistent

    • 8 months ago

      the lightning is fricking horrible too

      • 8 months ago

        nuke looks great but all the other maps look really weird imo

        hopefully cache and cbble end up good

  7. 8 months ago

    >play with friends only
    >never have to worry about cheaters
    Its actually funny to me that zoomers will never get to experience this.

  8. 8 months ago

    i've played cs2 for like 10 matches at most and one of them im pretty sure the other team had hackers on it and then on my team some russian guy starts ragehacking in response (he seemed to be trying to pretend he wasnt hacking though even though he was clearly aimbotting)

    dont remember the last time i played with/against a blatant hacker in csgo, even though i found many many players very suspicious

  9. 8 months ago

    Serves you all right for taking the fun out of these games so you can play duck hunt. Any cat & mouse play, team strategy and coordination, silly weapons or powerups, need for situational awareness, and even large scale teamplay more or less vanished in the past decade, everything from de_docks and quad damage to biplanes and 50v50, gone because muh skill ceiling = move reticule fast + don't wiggle your hand.

    • 7 months ago

      Duck hunt on halo forge is fun though. Compslop is cringe and full of dishonest people, just play casual fps games with wacky minigames.

  10. 8 months ago

    The only shooter I really played was Metroid Prime Hunters. The cheats for that game allowed different modes online and different stages. Mario Kart DS cheats unlocked stages to vote for that normally weren't available. Not sure if there are any sort of cheats like that in today's games that are fun for everybody.

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