Chief clones are back for Infinite co op

is there a reason why we can't use our multiplayer spartans?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    who the frick cares about co op its the worst campaign in the entire franchise. even speedrunners cant be bothered

    • 2 years ago

      >worst campaign
      This must be you

      • 2 years ago

        >inherently bad decisions are counted as bold
        Cortana being dead for a total of a single mission is moronic
        Cortana being evil suddenly without explanation (unless you read fricking books) is moronic
        Locke being an ONI spook was a cool idea, shame he wasn't acting like a morally grey to black glowie at all as all he did was want to walk chief home.
        >Status Quo
        what fricking status quo? The "forerunner trilogy/saga/duology" had literally just started.

        god I wish twitter shut down

        • 2 years ago

          These homosexuals never liked Halo 1, 2, and 3, so seeing Infinite go back to that even to the point where it's back to Chief and Cortana saving the day, evil alien conglomerate wants to take over the galaxy using a space ring, ancient AIs want to fry you, and ancient long forgotten being wants to destroy everything while getting rid of the trash Halo 4 and 5 introduced made these shitters go schizo.

          • 2 years ago

            Halo Infinite is nothing like Halo CE at all, not even remotely. The covenant in Halo CE for one didnt say a single word to you except elites in broken english.

            In Halo Infinite they berate you with saturday morning cartoon monologues, every 10 fricking seconds in the form of a hologram

            • 2 years ago

              Who says it's like Halo 1, it's the most Halo game 343 ever made in terms of campaign. These troons came in with Halo 4 and 5 and never liked Bungie's games and actively complain about Bungie's stories.

          • 2 years ago

            >Chief and Cortana saving the day
            >evil alien conglomerate wants to take over the galaxy using a space ring
            >ancient AIs want to fry you
            >ancient long forgotten being wants to destroy everything
            >getting rid of the trash Halo 4 and 5 introduced
            >bringing back the actual Halo soundtrack instead of whatever that trash was in 4 & 5
            >saving a bunch of your fellow space marines and watching them pile into your space SUV to go kill some evil aliens
            Now this is Halo

            • 2 years ago

              This, also
              >if Chief did nothing in this game, the UNSC and humanity would have been wiped out
              >The Banished would have a galaxy killing weapon and all of their leaders
              >The Endless would have already been released and destroyed the entire galaxy
              >Zeta Halo would have been fully repaired
              I don't get the whole nothing happened in Infinite thing or Chief didn't do anything thing. They have Infinite confused with Halo 5.

        • 2 years ago

          >Cortana is going rampant
          >Chief goes rogue and breaks Halsey out of a UNSC prison in order for her to save Cortana
          >Locke sent to track them all down

          What a simple setup that would've been much less convoluted

      • 2 years ago

        >immediately resurrecting dead main character
        >bringing back old characters for fanservice
        >"AI turn evil"
        >not content to simply play it safe or settle into a status quo

        • 2 years ago

          resurrecting dead main character
          back old characters for fanservice
          >>"AI turn evil"
          >>not content to simply play it safe or settle into a status quo
          Halo infinite is all these things too. The weapon is just cortana. Again. It could have been anything, but its just another cortana

          • 2 years ago

            Halo Infinite is proof that they should have just stuck with Bungie's storyline and not try to turn Halo into what it was not.

          • 2 years ago

            >Halo infinite is all these things too.
            and it's story was rightfully shit on as being shit, only praise I've seen of it is chiefs character and his interactions with the pilot.

      • 2 years ago

        He's probably one of those shitters mad that Infinite killed off everything from Halo 4 and 5.

        >infinite is the worst
        >you just like the other shitty ones
        wow what a argument, everything after 3 is noncanon

        • 2 years ago

          Calling Infinite worse is borderline moronic when 4 and 5 exist mixed in with the fact that nothing happens in 5 to the point that it can be skipped because it would happen anyway if Chief wasn't even present in it.

          • 2 years ago

            Infinite is boring and also doesn’t do anything lorewise

            • 2 years ago

              Infinite did

              This, also
              >if Chief did nothing in this game, the UNSC and humanity would have been wiped out
              >The Banished would have a galaxy killing weapon and all of their leaders
              >The Endless would have already been released and destroyed the entire galaxy
              >Zeta Halo would have been fully repaired
              I don't get the whole nothing happened in Infinite thing or Chief didn't do anything thing. They have Infinite confused with Halo 5.

              . The entire universe is about to change because of the events of Infinite that will spread beyond Zeta Halo similar to how the events of CE spread beyond Alpha Halo. You won the battle but the war has only begun. Hell, even the Master Chief and humanity's Reclaimer storyline is important in Infinite compared to Halo 5 in which they, for the first time turned it into a footnote.

              • 2 years ago

                >interesting lore is offscreen
                >Cortana is offscreened killed(?)
                >game is still boring
                Lol, lmao even
                500 million budget went directly into upper management pockets

              • 2 years ago

                >interesting lore is offscreen
                Nothing about what Halo 5's campaign shitted out was interesting, more like series killing.
                >Cortana is offscreened killed(?)
                Good, they already fricked her up in Halo 4, they were just spitting on her corpse in Halo 5. Halo Infinite is them apologizing for ruining Cortana for two games so now they're going to start over and never do that whole dumb rampancy plot ever again. Bungie made the right call to skip that crap back in CE, of course, like the morons they were, 343 were going to try and make it work.

              • 2 years ago

                >the player is not included in anything going on
                >this is okay because Halo 4-5 is bad

              • 2 years ago

                >he wants more Created, Infinity, Spartan-IVs
                >he wants the same crap that ruined Halo 4 and 5
                Yeah, 343 for the first time, made the right call skipping it.

              • 2 years ago

                >skip it
                >but not really, important things happened with them you just didn’t get to see it :^)
                >here’s a empty open world
                I feel like they were supposed to be more ingame but scrapped because they knew no one liked those aspects, it’d explain why there’s frick all going on

              • 2 years ago

                >500 million budget
                That’s bullshit, there’s no way

              • 2 years ago

                You're right, it is complete bullshit and not true.

      • 2 years ago

        Halo 5 unironically has better levels than Infinite. The story sucks but at least its fun to play and has some variety.

        • 2 years ago

          >Halo 5 unironically has better levels than Infinite
          It doesn't, Halo 5 is literally run into some arena and take cover while the game plays like a shitty version of Call of Duty mixed with Gears of War instead of Halo. The AI is borderline moronic, Prometheans sucked, and they completely ruined the Hunters. To make the game worse, because of the terrible art style, it's hard to see the Covenant at a distance. Halo 5's levels may be on par with Halo 4 with how terribly made they are, also no ammo and The Warden Eternal.

          >The story sucks but at least its fun to play and has some variety
          It's not and keeps using the same three settings with some of the most shitty lighting this series has ever had.

      • 2 years ago

        Every time a bad entry in a series is outdone by an even worse entry, the original bad entry gets praised simply for not being as bad. This is why everybody's standards are in the fricking gutter. Everyone has a "as long as it's not X, it's good" mindset

        • 2 years ago

          The good news is that no one likes Halo 4 and 5's campaigns so the shitters out themselves the moment they mention either was good at anything.

        • 2 years ago

          Like how people pretend that shitty Reach game is now a masterpiece because 343 didn't make it.

          • 2 years ago

            bruh, it was great

          • 2 years ago

            Except Reach was always good.

            • 2 years ago

              Not him but I remember it being pretty shit.

              • 2 years ago

                It was better than CE but worse than 2 and 3.

              • 2 years ago

                Reach was better than nothing, that's why it sold like shit.

    • 2 years ago

      I wouldn't go that far.

      • 2 years ago

        He's probably one of those shitters mad that Infinite killed off everything from Halo 4 and 5.

    • 2 years ago

      Even with the pollution of the gameplay with open world ubishit design it's still the best first person Halo under 343.

    • 2 years ago

      >Halo 5 fans still seething

    • 2 years ago

      nah, 5 is waaay worse. But infinite is very unremarkle to be honest. I beat it last month and i barely remember anything about it.

      • 2 years ago

        >nah, 5 is waaay worse
        I haven't played 5 due to being on PC, and while 5 is much worse narratively from what I've heard I like it slightly more than Infinite because at least something happens in 5's plot. As for gameplay, I genuinely cannot understand how Halo 5 could be less interesting or worse than Infinte's campaign, hour 2 of Infinite's open world was the exact same as hour 15 in my experience and that completely uninteresting design too me sounds like it should be outright worse than a bad campaign like Halo 5s is apparently.

        not shutting you down I just don't understand, perhaps I will when Halo 5 comes to pc.

        • 2 years ago

          Infinite is 20 hours of mediocre but serviceable Halo gameplay in a nostalgia bait setting. Halo 3 is 8 hours of the stupidest moments to happen in Halo.

          • 2 years ago

            What a botch. That second part was for Halo 5.

        • 2 years ago

          You're basically right anon. Halo 5's campaign was bad, but it wasnt boring. Halo Infinites gameplay is fine, but its fricking boring and the same thing for 20 hours with zero variation.

          A bad halo is better than a boring halo, at least people hate Halo 5. Infinite isnt even worth hating. It's just a fricking bland game

          • 2 years ago

            Most love Infinite and only shit on the multiplayer, from what I seen, only trannies hate Infinite's campaign but why should anyone listen to some disease spreading shitter that's going to be committing suicide in the future anyway?

        • 2 years ago

          You're basically right anon. Halo 5's campaign was bad, but it wasnt boring. Halo Infinites gameplay is fine, but its fricking boring and the same thing for 20 hours with zero variation.

          A bad halo is better than a boring halo, at least people hate Halo 5. Infinite isnt even worth hating. It's just a fricking bland game

          What exactly happened in Halo 5's plot all I remember is that it set the series backwards with its moronic AI storyline that was even more of a fanfiction than Halo 4 was which was impressive. Meanwhile in Infinite, the Brute homeworld gets destroyed making the Brutes an endangered species, Zeta Halo gets blown up and taken somewhere else, The Banished have taken over the galaxy taking the Covenant's place, the Infinity is destroyed, most of the Spartan-IVs are dead, the UNSC are back to what they were in Halo 1-3, The Endless are coming to wreak havoc on the galaxy, Atriox is alive and well, Offensive Bias is coming, Cortana and the Created are dead, Chief has a new Cortana copy and they're about to do what they used to do before Halo 4 and 5 happened.

          • 2 years ago

            >What exactly happened in Halo 5's
            A Cortana split from the ending of Halo 4 got uploaded to Forerunner internet, but you wouldn't know it was a split unless you read fricking comics, and this crazy piece of Cortana learns a whole bunch of shit such as Guardians and also about The Mantle. She decides The Mantle should be AIs and causes an AI uprising at the end of the game. The actual plot of the game is Cortana luring Chief into a sphere-jail so he can't stop her and so she can keep him safe, that's it. Locke is just there to eventually save Chief from sphere-jail.

            >Offensive Bias is coming
            there might of been a day I would have excited for this, now I'm just scared of how 343 will ruin him.

            • 2 years ago

              So basically, nothing happened in Halo 5?

              >Meanwhile in Infinite, the Brute homeworld gets destroyed making the Brutes an endangered species, Zeta Halo gets blown up and taken somewhere else, The Banished have taken over the galaxy taking the Covenant's place, the Infinity is destroyed, most of the Spartan-IVs are dead, the UNSC are back to what they were in Halo 1-3, The Endless are coming to wreak havoc on the galaxy, Atriox is alive and well, Offensive Bias is coming, Cortana and the Created are dead

              Literally none of this happens in Halo Infinite. It's not part of the game at all. It happened before the game.

              What are you even talking about anon? There's not a single memorable moment in Halo Infinite at all. You could delete Halo 5 and Halo Infinite and the halo universe would stay the same because everything happens either before or after those games.


              Literally, all of that happened in Halo Infinite, troony. You can literally remove everyone from Halo 5 and all of the shit that happened would have happened anyway. What the frick are you even doing in Halo 5?

              • 2 years ago

                >Literally, all of that happened in Halo Infinite

                Confirmed for never playing the game. You're told about it. It happens before the game.

              • 2 years ago

                >Brutes homeworld didn't get vaporized
                >Spartans aren't endangered
                >The Endless aren't about to open a can of whoop-ass on the entire galaxy
                >Old Cortana isn't dead
                >The Created aren't dead
                >The Infinity isn't gone
                I don't think you played the game, troony.

              • 2 years ago

                not him but his point is none of what you said are "in" the game, most of it is before it starts and even future teases.
                >elite homeworld
                before the game
                >spartans aren't endangered
                in the game kinda, but those audio logs were boring and also who cares about IVs
                >The Endless
                future tease and that's it
                >Old Cortana / the created dead
                before the game started and who cares about the created
                >The Infinity is gone
                I've been flippant in my other ones, I can see why people might be annoyed by Created and IVs being thrown out. But honest to god who fricking cares about the UNSC 'Really Big Ship'?

              • 2 years ago

                >before the game
                You see it in the game and it's the reason they want to make Zeta Halo their new home.
                >in the game kinda, but those audio logs were boring and also who cares about IVs
                True, they shouldn't have ever brought the Spartans back and left Chief as the last one.
                >future tease and that's it
                You literally face one, The Harbinger
                >before the game started and who cares about the created
                You still find out about it and it was one of the game's plot points. Also, I agree on the Created as well, that was stupid, Prometheans should have stayed dead after Halo 4.
                >I've been flippant in my other ones, I can see why people might be annoyed by Created and IVs being thrown out. But honest to god who fricking cares about the UNSC 'Really Big Ship'?
                Also agree, I hated everything about the ship since it was first introduced in Halo 4.
                Halo Infinite was mainly about Chief slowing everything down and basically erasing Halo 4 and 5, lol. I have no problem with that.

              • 2 years ago

                chief was never the last spartan anyway.
                even in CE its never mentioned anywhere that Chief is the last spartan in active duty. He's just the only one front and center to the games

              • 2 years ago

                It literally says on the back of the Halo CE box he's the last spartan and in Halo 2 there's a song thats called THE LAST SPARTAN.

              • 2 years ago

                by Halo 2, there were literal books and games with other Spartans.

              • 2 years ago

                >there were literal books
                yes and nobody gives a shit about the books
                >and games
                no there wasnt

              • 2 years ago

                Nobody gives a shit about the books and Marty wrote a song called "The Last Spartan" which is hilariously also played in Halo Infinite's ending, lmao.

              • 2 years ago

                >chief was never the last spartan anyway.
                Yes, he was, books are just supplementary material and was never on an equal standing to the games, stop taking them seriously when they're just author fanfiction Microsoft had shitted out to try with their failed Halo multi-media project.

                >there were literal books
                yes and nobody gives a shit about the books
                >and games
                no there wasnt

                God I hate Bungie/Marty worshippers

              • 2 years ago

                I hate loretroons

              • 2 years ago

                >read a neat book based on my fave game as a teen
                >have some dude sperg out because I prefer it over the back of the box that the game came in

              • 2 years ago

                It's more of you trying to force book lore into the games when even Bungie considered them canon "events".

              • 2 years ago

                I just think the books are neat and don't really get why people would hate that they exist. who/what are you even yelling about

              • 2 years ago

                It's not the books that are the problem, it's the people that read them. Instead of just seeing the books are a unique take on the universe, these rejects keep trying to shove it into the game's universe. That's how we got Halo 4 and 5 due to schizos being mad Bungie didn't follow those books with Reach.

              • 2 years ago

                I think you're misunderstanding why H5 was bad and blaming expanded lore for it rather than shit writing.

                I don't even remember any expanded lore in H4 other than maybe some references to a forerunner book that nobody read. That was a pretty alright self contained story.

              • 2 years ago

                >I think you're misunderstanding why H5 was bad and blaming expanded lore for it rather than shit writing.
                Halo 5 was bad because it wasn't a Halo game. People can point fingers all you want about it but that's the true reason why it's trash.

              • 2 years ago

                IIRC it says on the box in CE that the Chief is the last of a program of supersoldiers, it's never said within any of the games though.

              • 2 years ago

                >chief was never the last spartan anyway.
                Yes, he was, books are just supplementary material and was never on an equal standing to the games, stop taking them seriously when they're just author fanfiction Microsoft had shitted out to try with their failed Halo multi-media project.

              • 2 years ago

                >So basically, nothing happened in Halo 5?
                I double checked a summery just now and yeah honestly that's pretty much all of it. Blue Team is chasing Cortana, and Osiris is chasing Blue Team so chief can't get stolen at the end of the game. Osiris run through the Elite homeworld at one point and say hello to Arby but they're just there to get a ride closer to Blue team.

          • 2 years ago

            >Meanwhile in Infinite, the Brute homeworld gets destroyed making the Brutes an endangered species, Zeta Halo gets blown up and taken somewhere else, The Banished have taken over the galaxy taking the Covenant's place, the Infinity is destroyed, most of the Spartan-IVs are dead, the UNSC are back to what they were in Halo 1-3, The Endless are coming to wreak havoc on the galaxy, Atriox is alive and well, Offensive Bias is coming, Cortana and the Created are dead

            Literally none of this happens in Halo Infinite. It's not part of the game at all. It happened before the game.

            What are you even talking about anon? There's not a single memorable moment in Halo Infinite at all. You could delete Halo 5 and Halo Infinite and the halo universe would stay the same because everything happens either before or after those games.

            Most love Infinite and only shit on the multiplayer, from what I seen, only trannies hate Infinite's campaign but why should anyone listen to some disease spreading shitter that's going to be committing suicide in the future anyway?


            • 2 years ago

              >You could delete Halo 5 and Halo Infinite and the halo universe would stay the same because everything happens either before or after those games

              • 2 years ago

                Wrong, Infinite's pretty important given how the Banished and the Endless are the new big bads taking the Covenant' and Flood's place as their successors which will last for several campaigns and change the face of the universe forever. Halo 4 and 5 really didn't change anything, what did Didact actually do, what happened to Requiem, I still can't figure out how Halo 5 fits into Halo?

              • 2 years ago

                >I still can't figure out how Halo 5 fits into Halo?
                It doesnt. 343 turned tail and ran, not finishing what they started and rebooting the series AGAIN. It's a shame too because if they doubled down we might have seen an interesting plot in what should have been the close to a trilogy. Friendly reminder that the homosexual Brian Reed wrote most of H5 and if once he was fired along with the dipshits who hired and worked with him we might be in a world without Infinite. Instead we have a marvel wannabe game.

              • 2 years ago

                The thing about Halo 5 is that I didn't feel it fitted Halo back when it released in 2015, again, if you remove the Chief and Locke, nothing would change, Halo 5 would have happened anyway offscreen and Infinite would always be a thing. Halo 5 is literally the game where nothing happens. Is the only Halo to does nothing to change the face of the Halo universe forever, no revelations, no nothing.

        • 2 years ago

          Infinite wasn't bad but it certainly wasn't very interesting. Halo 5 was better from an interesting and more things happening kind of stand point. That still doesn't make it good but not bad. I don't understand why they listened to the handful of homosexuals who didn't like Spartan IVs and decide lets fix the problem by writing into the game audio logs that everyone has been killed because lol.

    • 2 years ago

      4 and 5 are far shittier campaigns.

    • 2 years ago

      >its the worst campaign in the entire franchise.
      Not even close.

    • 2 years ago

      You’re completely right.
      >500 million budget
      >still empty open world meme
      >sent the entire audio team on a all expense paid trip and rented them Ferraris to make the new Warthog engine noises
      >had to edit everything they recorded because they didn’t sound like a truck
      I can only wonder how many other ‘all expense paid trips’ they did for no reason either.

    • 2 years ago

      What Infinite's lacking in setpieces in Halo's signature arcadey feel it makes up for by having the best combat by like ten miles.

      • 2 years ago

        the dogshit world drags it down

        • 2 years ago

          Not him but at least it looks like Halo and its simple looks makes it look better than Halo 4 and 5 with the jpg backgrounds, shit screen filters, bad lighting, bad gameplay, and bad everything else.

          • 2 years ago

            yeah but the world is still fricking shit

            • 2 years ago

              And still better than Halo 4 and 5.

      • 2 years ago

        going back to the older halos without the grapple feels so slow now

        • 2 years ago

          This, it's like Metroid Dread to 2D Metroid games, it's hard going back, man.

        • 2 years ago

          There's also a snappiness and speed in the MP that all the other games lack. The really fricking nailed "Halo, but in current year".

          When I play ODST firefight, it's like I'm running through molasses.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't mind that the older Halos have a relaxed combat pace because at least it feels like it has a solid and well-considered pace. A lot of shooters don't even really have that.

          Grapple's cool, though. I wonder if it might make Chief a bit too overpowered but I've long thought that a pinch of movement stuff would make Halo more fun and I was right. The big things that make the game feel really good in comparison to other Halo games are that and the weapon sandbox, which is great now. Before if you wanted to play on heroic or above almost all of the guns were worthless, now everything has some kind of solid purpose though there are still clear winners.

          • 2 years ago

            >The big things that make the game feel really good in comparison to other Halo games are that and the weapon sandbox, which is great now.
            this is probably the one good thing halo infinite did. even in multiplayer almost every game is viable or has good utility purposes, aside from the plasma pistol. every other halo game was always littered with unusable garbage in the sandbox no one ever picked up

            • 2 years ago

              people will passionately tell you that none of the guns in Infinite "feel like halo guns" but I feel like they hit the mark. The only gun in Infinite that feels like shit is the sniper rifle, because it has an ungodly amount of spread unscoped now.

              • 2 years ago

                >because it has an ungodly amount of spread unscoped now.
                doesnt stop controllergays from landing every no scope on me somehow

              • 2 years ago

                Disable mouse acceleration on a system/OS level, sniper becomes much more usable when no scoping. The in-game option doesn't work.

            • 2 years ago

              I remember for the first month people were up in arms about the AR being actually usable. It's probably my top 3 fave guns in Infinite, which I couldn't say for any other Halo.

              People have nostalgia about H3, but some of those gun SFX were pathetic. The AR and pistol sound like airsoft guns.

      • 2 years ago

        best combat / gameplay feel, and personally I think the artstyle is on point, not that weird over-greebled neon shit from 4-5, a proper high res CE. They just need content, personally I could give 2 shits about the chief story, I'd like to play some no-name spartan sent off to investiaget x on zeta halo, or a side story playing a marine during the events leading up to the infinite main story

      • 2 years ago

        >best combat
        >empty open world

        • 2 years ago

          I think Halo open world could work, it'd just need a more focused development and more of a purpose to exploration than "get some upgrades and far cry outposts i guess lol" Swinging around the mountains in the early game with the grapple hook like some kind of space marine mountain man was a genuinely good time.

      • 2 years ago

        This. The only thing that matters for Halo is the improvisational, moment to moment combat. The weapon sandbox and Covenant were the pillars that made 1-3 + Reach so good, and open world was the breath of fresh air that finally expanded it. 4 and 5 lacked it because the fricking Prometheans fricking sucked to fight and their weapons also sucked. Infinite is the best 343 Halo game and the closest to the orginal trilogy.

        People keep saying "set pieces" as if 90% of even the best Halo games rent featureless purple or grey corridors. level design has never been Halo's strongpoint, and each game woudl have one truly memorable fight like hijacking the scarab, but that isn't the foundation of what makes a Halo great.

        Infinite hit all the checkmarks to be a good Halo. The open world just isn't fully realized. It needs some love through update to the sandbox to be truly exceptional however.

        • 2 years ago

          This is a weird take of mine but honestly Halo x Outer Wilds sounds like a massively winning combination. Exploration and combat mixing together, but it's to the end of figuring shit out and unlocking new areas in an open ended sense, with big strong setpieces for certain objectives.

    • 2 years ago

      you stupid frick infinite's campaign is the entire reason everyone is so mad that the mutliplayer isnt as full as the campaign because the campaign is so fricking good yet theres no multiplayer to make use of it like spartan ops, firefight or even COOP campaign at release.

      • 2 years ago

        >incompetent devs are incompetent
        >massive budget
        >plenty of time
        >still release bland open world fps
        >drop half the release promises
        >campaign is hollow and boring
        >multiplayer cosmetics is wallet hungry instead of being FREE like it has been for the last 6 games
        I wish Halo died with 3

        • 2 years ago

          >I wish Halo died with 3
          It did. What you're witnessing is its corpse being puppeteered.

    • 2 years ago

      Nice try 343, I'm not falling for that trick.
      Making your shitty game look better by comparing it to your even more shitty games.

  2. 2 years ago

    Because only homosexuals and trannies don't want to play as the chad Master Chief. Chief doesn't have troons like those shitty Power Ranger Spartan-IVs tagging around with him, now go back, troony.

  3. 2 years ago

    Reminder, Locke and most Spartan-IVs are dead.

    • 2 years ago

      there is DLC planned around this hope you know that, the toys that were suppose to line up with the before 2020 release date came out which featured a spartan locke with his helmet off lol google it not even kidding.

      • 2 years ago

        You mean the MEGABLOKS SPOILERS

        Fricking idiots at 343 holy shit

      • 2 years ago

        Locke is dead, Grunt who is basically the devs confirmed it, Hyperius confirmed that he kills Spartans and take their armor as trophies in the same way Tartarus did an Elite in Halo 2.

        • 2 years ago

          You really think theyre just gonna drop their only well written black character after all that time they put into Halo 5 when you play as Him instead of the Infamous Master Chief then you're clueless and the reason the game industry makes so much money off people like you, People of colour go frickign nuts when their represented in games and Lockes a fricking badass as well i think he adds a fantastic vibe to Halo as a whole it would be truly a loss to not use that character to reach out to more audiences in this current generation at this point those sales numbers matter , Locke's going to get his own DLC you'll see lol

          • 2 years ago

            >You really think theyre just gonna drop their only well written black character after all that time they put into Halo 5
            Yes, they were literally mandated to drop everything from Halo 4 and 5. infinity is gone, its Spartan-IVs are dead, Locke is dead and gone, Prometheans are dead, Guardians are shut down, The Created are dead, the Warden went back to the Domain, Evil Cortana is dead, Halo's is back to Chief going on adventures in space in a war with an alien conglomerate, a war in which humanity is losing.

  4. 2 years ago

    Shut the frick up and pay for more cosmetics.

  5. 2 years ago

    Cope, 5trans

  6. 2 years ago

    >caring about shitfinite
    Go play good games you morons

  7. 2 years ago

    Halo infinite really was it for me when it comes to the Halo series
    I just don't care any more, I'm not even mad I'm just apathetic. It's dead Jim, I still like the old games and play them white a bit but I'm not delusional.
    The series was dealt a horrific wound with 4 and was finished off with 5

  8. 2 years ago

    Nobody fricking cares, least of all 343. Halo is a used condom tossed out a window. The coom already happened. Time to move on.

  9. 2 years ago

    Who cares if you can bring your OC into campaign? Literally one fricking game did it and now it's all people want, as if anybody ever looks at your spartan and goes "wow bro, that black and red paint really compliments your big kukri shoulders and skull helmet".

    Play games to have fun

  10. 2 years ago

    I just complete the story mode in 12 hours. How is this fricking possible?
    The "open world" was pure trash. I just used the grappling hook to skip all the "liberate zone X" and reached the beacons. This game is fricking bland, zero set peaces, no fun allowed, cringe characters. Gunplay was also lucklaster with a good 50% og the guns that are basically useless.
    Why people praised this hot garbage? It's because of the multiplayer?

    • 2 years ago

      The campaign is fun, no one likes the multiplayer and no one praises the game for its multiplayer, if people like the multiplayer, where are the players?

      • 2 years ago

        I play the multiplayer once every week or so with some buddies. It's pretty solid, just can't nolife it. I'm pretty alright with the pace of the seasons since I've got other games to play and shit to do.

        • 2 years ago

          Same, while I'd like them to pick up the pace a bit I'm still playing once or twice a week with my friends and it's still fun

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, I'd like if it had more features obviously (forge, coop, customs, etc) that should have been in at launch. But honestly I don't mind it. Game is fun and we have fun. We actively joke about being excited when the game comes out of beta. Video games aren't that serious

            Seasons being 6 months for now great, I don't have to sweat grinding out battle passes or anything. Refreshing, even if it comes from legit dysfunction on the dev side.

      • 2 years ago

        >The campaign is fun
        It is not. It's boring and the open world makes is just trivial shit they could have just scrapped in favor of different landscapes or actual fricking set pieces.
        It's not bad, is not good, it's fricking bland. The game introduces this fricking open world and never actually uses it, and it ends up braking the game in multiple occasions
        >take banshee
        >kill everything
        The fricking final act is basically Halo 4, wich was not fun.

        • 2 years ago

          The final act is better than Halo 4 because at least it's playable and not Call of Duty.

      • 2 years ago

        >The campaign is fun, no one likes the multiplayer
        The multiplayer has had 20 million players

        I dont even know anyone who's bothered with the dumbass campaign except for me

        • 2 years ago

          >The multiplayer has had 20 million players
          No, it didn't, it had 20 million unique players that logged in and played not all in one day meaning that it happened from November-January and the game was already seeing drops in November and December, kek. Microsoft loves not actually explaining how these things work. Game couldn't even hit a million players on its November launch.

          • 2 years ago

            Cool guesses. Next you'll post steam charts for a game everybody has installed thru Xbox app because of Game Pass letting them play campaign for free.

  11. 2 years ago

    >co-op almost a year later

  12. 2 years ago

    It’s boring

  13. 2 years ago

    Being a Halo fan is fricking suffering. Fricking 343i.

    • 2 years ago

      Halo should’ve been shelved after 3

  14. 2 years ago

    >Coop has been added
    Where is Firefight?

    • 2 years ago

      Other than HW2, hasn't been in a 343 game. Doubt it will be back before 2024, if at all. Forge, Coop, customs, and armor are the clear priorities.

  15. 2 years ago

    Reach was/is good.

  16. 2 years ago

    >Hey people really like coop Halo so lets build around it! Make the arbiter player 2! Random elites for player 3 and 4!
    >let people use their custom spartans in reach!

    >Duuuh elites bad
    >chief clones lul

    • 2 years ago

      Bungie did the whole play as someone other than Chief coop thing once inHalo 3, that's it, Halo CE, you only played Chief, Halo 2 as Chief it was only Chief, Arbiter was only Arbiter, ODST was only Rookie. You actually wanted troony-IVs following Chief? Eat shit and frick off, killing those sissy b***hes is one of the game's high points.

  17. 2 years ago

    Reminder, Halo 5 = Metroid Other M

  18. 2 years ago

    Why people even bother comparing Infinite to CE is beyond me. Hit me up when Infinite has more than one biome. Or a level that isn't just a fricking corridor of garbage 343 forerunner art.
    >Y-you love h4/5!!
    No you fricking ape. No one giving shit to infinite loves those games. 343 has done nothing but frick the franchise up completely.

    • 2 years ago

      >Or a level that isn't just a fricking corridor of garbage 343 forerunner art
      Hey, we can shit on the lack of variety all we want, but the Forerunner architecture actually looks really nice in Infinite.

  19. 2 years ago

    >Development for 3 years
    >Campaign, coop, firefight, theater (in multiplayer AND campaign), forge, lots of customization options and multiplayer maps at launch.
    >Double the multiplayer maps and content within a year of release.

    >Development for 5 years
    >Campaign, multiplayer, theater mode (multiplayer only)
    >Coming up on a year and Forge/Coop are still not in. Only 2 new maps

    • 2 years ago

      >reachs multiplayer maps are just copy pasted from campaign
      >still better than anything 343 has ever crapped out
      why are devs just incapable of designing good maps now? its not even a 343 thing, every shooter released in the last decade always has shit tier maps

      • 2 years ago

        ngl a lot of Infinite's maps are great. They're just all the same three-lane arena.

        • 2 years ago

          that's because infinite maps are built for competitive tards, where as reach maps were ripped from the campaign so you could play on set pieces. Lot cooler, but less balanced (which no one in their right mind gives a shit about anyways)

          Also why are all the BTB maps not designed for BTB??? They're tiny with no vehicles or wide open areas

          • 2 years ago

            >(which no one in their right mind gives a shit about anyways)
            idk i like having fun in my videogames. Gimmick maps can be fun but if a map is just shit and not even in a kusoge "this map sucks so bad that i kind of like it" kind of way it's not gonna be a fun time

            >because it has an ungodly amount of spread unscoped now.
            doesnt stop controllergays from landing every no scope on me somehow

            i've recently developed a strong opinion that currently existing controllers need to be superseded by ones designed around gyro and pads for the good of the fps genre and a good chunk of that development comes from wanting to play infinite without having to worry about maintaining an insane 50-60% accuracy rating against controller players

            • 2 years ago

              Modern controllers need: At least one touchpad for mouse movement, Gyro and Remappable rear buttons.

              Honestly i could lose shoulder buttons entirely and have them replaced by rears. much less annoying than swapping between trigger and shoulder.

              I could almost lose analog sticks entirely but the one benefit they have over touchpads are that they reset to a tactile default neutral position. Trying to get back to neutral camera with touchpads doesnt feel as simple. Might require a few more hundred hours just to have that become ingrained though. Seeing complete noobs or oldies with analog sticks they do the same thing in 3d worlds.

              • 2 years ago

                I like having shoulders and rears. It's just enough buttons to keep all of your options like your abilities or jumping and crouching or whatever without having to take your finger off of aiming.

                When it occurred to me that I could probably come up with a bind to play Ultrakill of all games smoothly it really set in how much better controllers should be

                >have a perfect chance to do a callback to Halo CE by having the first level be a battle onboard the Infinity helping Lasky and the others evacuate
                >make it a cutscene and audio logs

                I think they were going for a Doom 2016 thing with Chief starting the game waking up and going on a rampage. There are weirdly similar vibes.

              • 2 years ago

                >I think they were going for a Doom 2016 thing with Chief starting the game waking up and going on a rampage.
                You watch a cutscene then wake to the pilot diagnosing you, watch another cutscene, explore for a tiny bit and then you get to shoot something. All of that combined takes 10 minutes at least.
                I don't see how it's similar to Doom.

              • 2 years ago

                Doom 2016 is a soft reboot where a legendary shooter protagonist dressed in green power armor wakes up, discovers nothing has changed since he last fought, and picks up where he left off while multiple people prattle in his ear over how he can't possibly succeed because he's just some random guy.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah and 1 minute into the game you start shooting stuff

          • 2 years ago

            If I remember correctly, it was actually the inverse. They tried to put all the MP levels into campaign. I remember one of the making-of DVD's, somebody basically alluded to it being a dumb idea they wouldn't have done again if given the choice.

            Cool idea tho. You can tell the kinda gave up in some places, like the opening to New Alexandria with zero enemies being Boardwalk.

      • 2 years ago

        Because all they think about is esports and what kind of map is "competitively balanced." That's why some infinite maps are just fricking 3 lanes side by side like it's a fricking moba. Nobody makes shooters designed for just fun anymore, they want the esport money.

      • 2 years ago

        >reachs multiplayer maps are just copy pasted from campaign

        My understanding is they started out as multiplayer maps and become campaign maps later. They wanted parity between the campaign and multiplayer for some reason and the Reach devs have admitted it was a mistake in retrospect.

    • 2 years ago

      You forgot they had 200x the budget so Infinite being shit is even more embarrassing

  20. 2 years ago

    What's the lore on why a bunch of the SPARTAN-IIs are back in Halo 5 with John? I have no desire to listen to the 343-produced Desi Water Chanting that explains it.

    What's the lore on why they're not in Infinite? I have no desire to drink of the 343-produced Mongolian Hallucinogenic Story Milk.

    • 2 years ago

      >What's the lore on why a bunch of the SPARTAN-IIs are back in Halo 5 with John? I have no desire to listen to the 343-produced Desi Water Chanting that explains it.
      Who gives a shit, they shouldn't have been in Halo 5.
      >What's the lore on why they're not in Infinite? I have no desire to drink of the 343-produced Mongolian Hallucinogenic Story Milk.
      Again, who gives a shit, I'm glad Halo is back to Chief and his AI fricking shit up again.

      • 2 years ago

        but what is the actual explanation

        • 2 years ago

          Who cares, I was wondering why Spartan-IIs who were stated to all be dead were hanging out with Chief all willy-nilly in Halo 5, just another reason to skip the game for its canon breaks.

          I really only give a shit because I know both explanations are going to be really stupid and it would make me giggle

          Infinite is a soft-reboot, it doesn't need an explanation for why Halo 5 is being ignored. Halo 5 being a shit game is self-explanatory.

          • 2 years ago

            it's pretty funny that cortana is set up as this nearly unstoppable threat that has curbstomped every other threat in the galaxy with her ancient unstoppable superweapons and their explanation for what happened to her is just "oh, the banished beat her."

            • 2 years ago

              What's even more funny is that Cortana is such a sidenote that if her story is removed from Infinite, the story was going to happen anyway since the Banished were already heading to Zeta Halo to take over it and release the Endless regardless, lol. Halo 5 truly was filler.

              • 2 years ago

                omg what the frick are the endless why are they doing this shit where every enemy is just

                >the _____

              • 2 years ago

                it's bungie tradition. Literally everything is "the X." just look at destiny. even marathon

              • 2 years ago

                Because it's easy to remember. Metroid does this too, lol.

            • 2 years ago

              >Bunch of useless dipshit mercenaries take down the strongest current threat no problemo

              This is just Stargate Universe all over again

              • 2 years ago

                frickin big brute bad that I genuinely forget the name of went through his own little halo trilogy entirely off-screen

            • 2 years ago

              it was a retcon after the backlash
              but you're not allowed to actually retcon anything in the current year so you have to work the retcon in to the lore

              • 2 years ago

                We don't say retcon anymore we say "soft reboot"

              • 2 years ago

                Want to go back to a time when people weren't so autistic about the story of games.

              • 2 years ago

                I think it's probably less because of some kind of backlash and more because Halo made 4 and 5 and completely wiping them out would probably be kinda demoralizing

          • 2 years ago

            bruh you need to relax with marketing materials for halo 1 being canon

            • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        I really only give a shit because I know both explanations are going to be really stupid and it would make me giggle

  21. 2 years ago

    Shill thread

  22. 2 years ago

    >he doesn't want the double chief kino
    as if you have anyone to split screen with in the first place

  23. 2 years ago

    343 has this weird fascination with making multiplayer canon for some stupid reason.
    I really like Infinite but I don't understand why on earth they've forced themselves to do this ever since Halo 4.
    Whatever I guess, as long as the game's fun, I just don't like that they force it and at this point it just feels like battlepass justification.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know either, campaign is only good because it has Microsoft's name written all over it, multiplayer still have signs of 343's shit smeared all over it.

      • 2 years ago

        Campaign was apparently saved by Staten.
        If I remember right you couldn't even battle with marines until he stepped in and said "what the frick why not"

  24. 2 years ago

    >343 fricks up for 2 whole games, then do an extremely half-assed job of trying to soft reboot everything in Infinite.
    You homosexuals expect people to praise these morons for this entire mess that they themselves created? 353 will never make a proper Halo game without a complete personnel overhaul and putting Staten back into the driver's seat of the story.

    • 2 years ago

      They also just brought back a level designer that did Halo 1-3's levels meaning the next campaign is probably going to have better level designs.

      • 2 years ago

        So instead of shitty open-world areas, we have large room, hallway, side hallway, large room?

        • 2 years ago

          Just sounds like you don't like Halo.

          • 2 years ago

            I haven't in a long time...

            • 2 years ago

              Clearly, you haven't.

  25. 2 years ago

    >have a perfect chance to do a callback to Halo CE by having the first level be a battle onboard the Infinity helping Lasky and the others evacuate
    >make it a cutscene and audio logs

    • 2 years ago

      No one wanted to see anything from Halo 4 and 5, they knew that which is why they didn't go for it.

      I like having shoulders and rears. It's just enough buttons to keep all of your options like your abilities or jumping and crouching or whatever without having to take your finger off of aiming.

      When it occurred to me that I could probably come up with a bind to play Ultrakill of all games smoothly it really set in how much better controllers should be

      I think they were going for a Doom 2016 thing with Chief starting the game waking up and going on a rampage. There are weirdly similar vibes.

      Chief even smashed controls, lol.

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