Chinese RPGs

Having lots of fun with this game.
Any other gud Xhina rpgs?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago

    Tale of Wuxia. Translation is kinda ass especially for the second half, but tolerable.
    Fun raising sim and characters, interesting battle system, but you mostly do solo shit 80% of the tiem and thrown in the deep end in the end. You will likely restart a lot.

    Presequel is more focused on tactics battles as an SRPG, but it's linear narrative , again as translation.

    Hotulusho is open world with lots of different ways to do things, but you will frick up a lot without guide and translation is again barely usable MTL.

    Path of Wuxia is like Tales of Wuxia, but a more standard progression and more finetuned battles and raising sim. Years 1 and 2 are great, year 3 is okay. Translation patch follows suit.

    Wandering Sword is a more standard JRPG structire, with soem elements that may remidn you of Octopath (mainly sparring with people to get/learn shit). The free march update added some great content that fixed the second to last chapter. Endgame is still meh. But it's a joy to go through till there. Interesting battle system and progression (more like Live a Live, but you can also go real time).
    Small flaw is some characters you recruit are barely present after a certain point and do not chime as much in quests, but there are some nice quest chains and they gave many of them more to do in the update. You will miss quite a few things without guides (applies to all the games ,really)

    • 1 month ago

      Do they also let you form a harem?

      • 1 month ago

        Yes for Hotulusho, Wandering Sword and Tale of Wuxia. Last one is a big achievement in itself, since it takes so much effort while you also try to get strong enough to beat the game

        >but tolerable
        i did not find it so. chinese games have awful translations. really offputting.

        Mostly true, but Wandering Sword's is ok.

    • 1 month ago

      >but tolerable
      i did not find it so. chinese games have awful translations. really offputting.

      • 1 month ago

        Everyone's been telling you to learn Chinese since fricking forever ago, and it's now easier than ever before since Chinese/Mandarin media is starting to boom.
        Learning Chinese right now would be like knowing Japanese in the 80s through the 2000s. Do it now and you still have a chance to be "early."

        • 1 month ago

          >Learning Chinese right now would be like knowing Japanese in the 80s through the 2000s
          lol, so, pointless?

          i can't stand tone languages. i'm not even going to try to learn that shit. plus, chinese are so derivative in their creative works and comfortable with mediocrity, that it really doesn't pay off. i mean, if they don't care enough to hire anyone competent, i certainly won't miss a thing.

          • 1 month ago

            >i can't stand tone languages
            This is a huge meme and the tones of Mandarin are breddy easy if you actually try to learn them/words/hanzi associated with them instead of fearing them as you've been taught to.
            Angloids will seriously do anything to avoid learning anyone else's language, won't they?

            • 1 month ago

              This is a good thing, that is why the trading language in the world is English. Because barely and English speakers want to learn any other language, yet nearly all other peoples learn English as a second language. So even two different language speakers will both use English to communicate instead of trying to learn each others. It's like English is the "common tongue" referred to in many fantasy stories.

              The perfect future is when every school in the world teaches English to the kids so that everyone in the world can communicate with everyone else. 😀

              • 1 month ago

                You say that as if little more than 100 years ago French hasn't been the go-to language for centuries. Hell, "lingua franca" as a term existing tells you everything.

            • 1 month ago

              lol, dat butthurt. but yeah, i have zero reason to learn another language. i'm not interacting with anyone but english speakers and chinese media isn't interesting enough to warrant it.

        • 1 month ago

          China's gonna implode pretty soon man. You're better off learning Hindi

        • 1 month ago

          Your not allowed on Ganker chang, Imll tell poohbear you're not being a good commie

    • 1 month ago

      I swear to god someone will eventually crack proper localization for these games and make a killing. What we're getting now is barely better than machine translation.

      • 1 month ago

        That's because half of the games mentioned in the OP are an edited MTL.
        Only wandering sword is kinda proper attempt

      • 1 month ago

        sexo, which game is she from?

        • 1 month ago

          Tales of Wuxia, this is a mostly irrelevant NPC, not one of the 12 girls you actually do anything with in English version

    • 1 month ago

      I played through wandering sword on hard. Pretty fun game. Are there more games where you can travel around the world ignoring main quests and just explore the world and find strong enemies you can barely beat to find some skills and equipment that makes you stronger? I love that shit. Its super addictive.

      • 1 month ago

        Tale of Immortal if you've never played it, it's xianxia and not wuxia though

        • 1 month ago

          I dont know what the difference is but thanks anon. Hope its fun. If you can think of anything else let me know.

          • 1 month ago

            Wuxia is more martial arts related while xianxia deals with chinese cultivation, if you know what that is, (levelling up until you reach immortality basically) and more fantasy elements
            There are more cultivation games I could mention but I'd say you should try the one I mentioned first and see how you like it

  2. 1 month ago

    Chinese games are always so poorly translated and unplayable to me unfortunately.

  3. 1 month ago

    If you want a crpg there's also Fate Seeker, I wouldn't recommend playing it without a guide though, unless you don't mind missing most of the content
    The translation is ok

    • 1 month ago

      >The translation is ok

      • 1 month ago

        That's the translation of the steam page that has nothing to do with the fan translation of the game
        But if you're playing chinese games that's the level of english you should expect in the first place

        • 1 month ago

          >if you're playing chinese games that's the level of english you should expect in the first place
          aka, not worth. these translations are all just edited mtl made by people who don't speak chinese or understand the story of the games.

          • 1 month ago

            You're 100% correct in that most of these translations are just edited mtl and some of the meaning gets lost but imo some of these game are still worth playing despite that
            If that's, understandably, a deal breaker for you either learn chinese or don't play them

            • 1 month ago

              >don't play them
              way ahead of you. just wanted to make things clear so you don't sucker someone into thinking they are getting something well made.

              • 1 month ago

                Nobody said any of the translations is well made in this thread or any thread.
                The only one that I would consider passable out of a dozen games is wandering sword and it's still rather stilted

  4. 1 month ago

    What's the best game for having hairbuns kung-fu girls

    • 1 month ago

      What the frick is wrong with her feet, holy shit.
      Is that A.I?

      • 1 month ago

        Uhh we're in the china thread, you really shouldn't be surprised.
        but yes

    • 1 month ago

      Okay but like ignoring the picture, this was a serious question - what's out there that works for that?

  5. 1 month ago

    Gu Long Feng Yun Lu was a bit of a dissapointment since the big boss just kinda dies without explaining anything at the end, 2 of the major party members don't have sides quests and just tag along with you and structured more like the 2nd half of Tale of Wuxia or an improve Pre-sequel and I'm hoping they add it in later down the line as an update as they already announces HTLS 2

    There's also a beta happening that's live now for Where Winds Meet, soulslike genshin-open world gacha but it's a beta so no gacha mechanics to be found yet but I found the UI and daily energy to suggests it's gacha

    Immortal Life kinda dissapointed with them bkt fully committing to a marriage mechanic and having them as 'roommates' instead plus I hate how it ends

    Also if you knew chinese this looks pretty good, most negative reviews are of poor performance and quests having a time limit, it will probably have a positive rating soon

    • 1 month ago

      >Also if you knew chinese
      I did, but not anymore, don't see how that helps.

  6. 1 month ago

    I believe the term is "CRPG"

  7. 1 month ago

    Is there a single one of these with a good localization

    • 1 month ago

      Wandering Sword is like a stilted JRPG translation without the translator making shit up to make it interesting.
      The rest are barely viable at best

      • 1 month ago

        >Wandering Sword is like a stilted JRPG translation without the translator making shit up to make it interesting.
        which is what many want at the end of the day

    • 1 month ago

      Pretty much all of them are varying degrees of shit. Most of them are edited (if at all) MTL by fans, and official ones are sometimes even worse than that.
      Scroll of Taiwu might actually get a decent one since the translators actually interact with the English-speaking community and have shown an admirable level of autism in their ideas (i.e. getting an in-game encyclopedia for explaining all the obscure cultural references a Westerner has absolutely no way of knowing), but given the Taiwu devs' track record we're unlikely to see it in our lifetime.

      • 1 month ago

        I played a lot of SoT before its rework. Waiting for the update I picked up other games like Tale of Immortal, Hero's Adventure, and Volcano Princess and forgot about it. Is it any good nie?

        • 1 month ago

          Overall, I'd say it's the most fun one of the 'big' games like Tale of Immortal or Immortal Way of Life. Challenging enough, a lot of prospect for building autism with combinations of various degrees of brokenness, mastering the systems feels really satisfying when you get to do shit like beating enemies 10 Inner Qi levels above you or such. A bit slow paced, but you have to come in with the expectation that it's actually a generational game. A lot of things to fiddle with for the eugenics enjoyers, too. Gets updates every few months or so, mostly focusing on adding Regional/Sect storylines, but sometimes more general mechanics i.e. Legendary Manuals or the Dragon stuff.
          Can't say how much of an improvement it is to the prework incarnation since I haven't played that one, but people say it's better now, i.e. stamina isn't nearly as annoying as it was back then and pretty much matters only for the kick techniques.
          Still, you'll probably want at least a few QoL mods (the fan translation discord had a nice pack of those, I think) and the game doesn't do a particularly good job of explaining things. My life could've been so much easier had I figured out that you can poison all your equipment, or abuse using other books as reference material mechanic before I reached fricking Inner Qi levl 10...

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