Choose wisely

In an attempt to save gaming, you get to remove one from history.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 months ago

    right, and it's not even close

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        This is pants-on-head moronic. Not only has James Bond had several African American singers on the soundtracks, but she's not even the first black woman in a James Bond movie.

        Racist zoomers are a massive fricking threat to society. Probably the exact reason why Ganker was allowed to fall this far.

        • 4 months ago

          It's not the hecking Black personiono it's the fact we have a bond who isn't tall or handsome, can't play poker and can't ride a moped
          Craig is an embarrassment

          • 4 months ago

            >can't play poker

        • 4 months ago

          Someones obsessed with race, weird

        • 4 months ago

          >moron doesn't even see the problem
          zoomers are really brainwashed

        • 4 months ago

          Top is Bond taking charge in a position of power, with a posture of a man on a mission.
          Bottom is Bond taking the back seat (literally) and relinquishing his power, witht he posture of slouched tired man.

          See how I explained the difference without pointing out anything about the other passenger whatsoever other than their position in the vehicle? Their sex and skin color are irrelevant.

        • 4 months ago

          >t. amerimutt

        • 4 months ago

          the criticism the image is displaying has nothing to do with racism
          I mean the 1997 image has an asian woman you absolute moron
          it's about the character being written into an increasingly secondary role in his own movies and being demasculinized
          while there are more fine attributes to him the core of the character of bond is a typical male power fantasy character; he's smart, he's brave, good with the ladies, a natural leader, persistent etc.
          taking him the opposite route of all that is an intentional inflammatory action towards people who like him but more importantly it is unnecessary
          if you want to write a character and tell a story that is the opposite of bond, just make a new character and write a new story
          but they do it to bond because they want to do it to bond
          it's the purposeful sullying of a character
          I'm not a bond fan, but I've had some characters I like turned on their head in the same way and I understand the disgust and the anger
          it's paraded as brave and revolutionary, but it's just stupid and antagonistic no matter which way around it's done whether it's turning masculine men into effeminate dilly-dallyers or turning thoughtful female characters into "strong women" who solve their issues with brute force
          if it's unclear, I have no issue with any character archetypes; I have an issue with characters who are of one being turned into their opposite for no reason other than plain old revisionism, social justice or controversy baiting for engagement

          • 4 months ago

            >turning masculine men into effeminate dilly-dallyers or turning thoughtful female characters into "strong women" who solve
            James Bond is not a male role model. He’s a binge drinking, womanizing, irresponsible jackass. That’s not a role model, that’s a fantasy.
            If they made a female Bond, they’d inevitably try to turn her into some sort of socially progressive role model. Because they’re missing the point. “Jane Blonde” should be:
            >a functioning alcoholic
            >aggressively sexual in a manner that’s borderline predatory
            >completely toxic and dickish to everyone around her
            >can’t check into a hotel without screwing the bell-boy who carries her luggage
            And if you think that character is gross and not very classy, that’s the point. There’s nothing classy about James Bond, or the way he conducts himself.
            The film would also require a few male co-stars. They’d be dressed in ridiculously skimpy and impractical outfits, and constantly swooning over Jane Blonde while she gets inebriated and serves queen and country.
            Bonus points if her main love interest has an absolutely ridiculous name. “Pussy Galore” was a real character. I want to see “Dick McThruster”. Don’t you dare be subtle with that shit.

            • 4 months ago

              That would be amazing, maybe in a decade when our culture pulls itself out of it's bizarre political correctness obsession we'll get kino like that.

            • 4 months ago

              >not a male role model
              Depends if you take him as a whole or separate out the elements of his character. In certain aspects he is, like his active agency holds appeal. But ultimately you're right in the way that he's a fantasy, his actions and outcomes are exaggerated and only a few people that are out of touch with reality for whatever reason (like rich people being insulated from day to day shit) would actually think he's worth emulating.

              • 4 months ago

                And they only look at him like a role model because he gets pussy. Take the women away and I bet you Bond would be a cult classic at best.

              • 4 months ago

                Bond is a modern day version of a knight from a fairy tale
                >save the day
                >kill the dragon
                >frick the princess
                Take any of these elements out then he would be less interesting.

            • 4 months ago

              Nta but I get up with pierce Brosnan James bond and didn't get that vibe from him at all besides the womanizing, also nightfire was a great game

              • 4 months ago

                Grew up*

        • 4 months ago

          Grace Jones is hot, that's the difference.
          Should have spoilered the image, sorry bout that. Third time's a charm?

          • 4 months ago

            >Grace Jones is hot, that's the difference.
            lel good one, gay

            • 4 months ago

              maybe black dudes find her hot, but most people's find her wanting

              I'm sorry about your lack of testosterone.

          • 4 months ago

            maybe black dudes find her hot, but most people's find her wanting

          • 4 months ago

            is that Wesley Snipes after he did To Wong Foo?

          • 4 months ago

            she looks like israel adesanya

            • 4 months ago

              >israel adesanya
              Don't tell Hamas

        • 4 months ago

          I really do enjoy it when Americans take my culture and believe it to be their own.
          They did it with James Bond, they did it with Lord of the Rings and Tolkien, they did it with Harry Potter.
          We're glad for your money but these properties are not your culture so frick off.

          • 4 months ago

            how old are you where harry potter is your culture? and how? you arent a damn wizard

          • 4 months ago

            sorry bong but your son has surpassed you

            if it makes you feel better, a lot of American women really love drama and gossip about your royal family

        • 4 months ago

          Stop defending woke shit

        • 4 months ago

          IT'S AFRAID

        • 4 months ago

          Absolute moron it’s not about race it’s about James Bond look at the picture

      • 4 months ago

        The moment Pierce fixed his tie while driving a tank made me love his portrayal of Bond. Too bad the writing in the other movies sucked.

      • 4 months ago

        didn't die another day have a strong black woman? i remember they were trying to give her her solo spinoff movie

        • 4 months ago

          Jinx was borderline incompetent for most of Die Another Day and kept getting captured/tied up. She also had a cat fight that was pure sleaze. It was like a constant porno, anon.

      • 4 months ago

        I just remembered the 007 plot in No Time to Die and how fricking moronic and pointless it was.

    • 4 months ago

      >dumb israelite prostitute grifter thats a clone of millions of such in USA

      In an attempt to save gaming, you get to remove one from history.

      Twitch of course.
      Not or own3d or other smalelr ones that had some soul.
      Microtransactions and DLC were happening regardless of horse armor.

    • 4 months ago

      Right. If she didn't exist then there wouldn't have been a Trump's America. I've never seen any one figure so handily turn people on each other with extremist ideals and create infighting on the level that she did.
      This isn't an exaggeration and I genuinely believe this.

      • 4 months ago

        I have. her name was hilary clinton

    • 4 months ago

      Nothing she did was particularly special, some other feminist pearl clutcher would taken her place. It's like the whole "kill baby Hitler" thought experiment. Yeah you could kill baby Hitler, but the fact is his adult self was a product of the times he was living in and who's to say someone ten times worse and more competent wouldn't step up in his place if he was gone anyway?

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah if someone was more competent than him we might not be dealing with all of the problems we are today. So you SHOULD kill baby hitler

    • 4 months ago

      She got blacklisted in the industry after she caused the trash fire known as Mirror's Edge 2. This is why nobody talks about her anymore after that.

      • 4 months ago

        How did she ruin Mirror's Edge? I liked Catalyst and I keep hoping for more.

        • 4 months ago

          She was a consultant on how to un-man-ify it and the game then flopped terribly. Ubisoft are gigahuge and don't allow failure so word went out she was the reason the game wasn't received well and she never got consulting work again.
          There was a period where everyone made fun of her because she started begging for work right before feminist frequency went defunct.

          • 4 months ago

            I think you mean EA

            • 4 months ago

              I thought Mirrors Edge was by DICE.
              >how to un-man-ify it
              The game already had a well accepted unsexualized female protagonist, what more did the want?

              I guess yeah. You know what I mean though, the tier of soulless machine company that doesn't allow creativity or risk and she caused the game to be a bad risk.

          • 4 months ago

            I thought Mirrors Edge was by DICE.
            >how to un-man-ify it
            The game already had a well accepted unsexualized female protagonist, what more did the want?

            • 4 months ago

              >what more did the want?

            • 4 months ago

              >what more did the want?
              the big thing that usually gets mentioned with her consulting on Catalyst was that she said the controls in the first game were way too complicated and that to appeal to women they should be simplified, which is why the game's traversal felt more "automatic" like Assassin's Creed or something.

              • 4 months ago

                >This is too difficult for women, dumb it down
                Wow, how feminist of her

              • 4 months ago

                Its so wild to me that she basically said the game was too hard for women.

              • 4 months ago

                i mean, all these left-leaning game journos have b***hed every time a new popular game comes out that is difficult for years now. look how every time a souls game would come out.
                >game announced
                >developer mentions something about making it more accessible
                >souls nerds all piss and moan that it's going to be casualized
                >game releases, is still NES-hard
                >journalists all piss and moan that Dark Souls needs an easy mode
                a feminist games consultant b***hing about a game with involved controls like Mirror's Edge when most other games at the time were "press X to awesome" sounds about accurate.

        • 4 months ago

          EA hired her to be an advisory consultant, and the devs only listened to her about the main character's design, thus the horse face. After that all that DICE could say about her was that she was a terrible consultant, thus was never hired in the industry again.

    • 4 months ago


      Right. If she didn't exist then there wouldn't have been a Trump's America. I've never seen any one figure so handily turn people on each other with extremist ideals and create infighting on the level that she did.
      This isn't an exaggeration and I genuinely believe this.

      Based, she poisoned all the escapism for personal profits before lefty cultists realized the reason for the escapism as being modern women are indeed shit.

    • 4 months ago

      Gaming was doomed regardless, but
      would delay the inevitable the most.

    • 4 months ago

      Anita by a large margin

      removing anita wouldnt do anything
      all her shit was written by her boyfriend
      he would just get some other ugly israelite b***h to talk for him and then we would be in the same situation

    • 4 months ago

      fpbp /thread

      • 4 months ago

        Is Weird West any good?

        I choose to remove everyone who genuinely believes Anita is the best choice. morons who understand literally nothing whatsoever about the industry weighing in to such a degree that they actually influence its course have done more damage to my hobby than anything in OP's image.


        • 4 months ago

          It's a budget title but the soul is there and you can play it in first person

          • 4 months ago

            Thanks Anon. I think I got it for free from PS+, maybe I'll give it a try this weekend, it's too cold to go out.

    • 4 months ago

      She just plagiarized TV Tropes entries and repeated them on screen

  2. 4 months ago

    All of these were inevitable; if you removed them from history something or someone similar would take their place.


    is a brainlet take.

    • 4 months ago

      The idea that things will always just fall into place and that people like Anita are not uniquely awful annoying people is a brainlet take.

      • 4 months ago

        >Anita are not uniquely awful annoying people
        Even in her time there were like 3 nearly identical professional victims. Also, all of her videos were written and produced by a completely different person. You think he couldn't have found another MLM bimbo to be the face of his feminist rantings?

      • 4 months ago

        >people like Anita are not uniquely awful annoying people
        People like Anita aren't at all unique, and the plan to do a feminist cultural revolution/long march in gaming had been in place for at least 2 years before she became popular. The US government and major college game development programs have dedicated billions of dollars to researching and applying political propaganda techniques via video games.

        >You think he couldn't have found another MLM bimbo to be the face of his feminist rantings?
        This. Any woman can become Antia or Zoe with enough coordinated media attention. Greta Thunberg is an example of such a corpo-political mascot for something other than video games. Failed and semi-successful attempts include Emma Sulkowicz, and the completely fabricated UVA fraternity rape victim "Jackie".

        • 4 months ago

          >researching and applying political propaganda techniques via video games.
          Besides turning the Modern Warfare games from anti-interventionist to pro-interventionist, what did they accomplish?

          • 4 months ago

            I think around 20-30% of american zoomers identify as lgbtq+, and surely this has nothing to do with the fact they are glued to their phones and vidya 24/7 where they are constantly bombarded and exposed to it right?

          • 4 months ago

            The capture of mainstream gaming as another vehicle for the promotion of whatever you feel like calling it (neo-liberalism/the message/woke/leftism/cultural marxism/DEI/CRT/etc). Ideological purges of both producers and consumers, creating feedback loops similar to the kind you see in other forms of entertainment.

            • 4 months ago

              I think around 20-30% of american zoomers identify as lgbtq+, and surely this has nothing to do with the fact they are glued to their phones and vidya 24/7 where they are constantly bombarded and exposed to it right?

              How does that help the military-industrial complex behind DARPA?

              • 4 months ago

                It's self-evident how having political/ideological sway over institutions benefits the MIC, especially when/if they can maintain plausible deniability by allowing people to make the "it's a private company!" and "we just came to these [completely kosher] political opinions via the free market" arguments.

                As far as how the promotion of homosexuality in the youth benefits them, the best case study is the "woke" Army recruitment ads from a couple of years ago. Their entire pitch is that the promotion of gay rights specifically is fundamental to the American conceptions of justice and equality. Further, by joining the military you'll help spread and defend values like it.

                This extends into the current conflicts in Ukraine and Israel. One of the main talking points that you'll hear from both parties rationalizing American involvement in both conflicts is the protection of gay rights against institutionally homophobic Russia and Muslims in general.

              • 4 months ago

                >This extends into the current conflicts in Ukraine and Israel. One of the main talking points that you'll hear from both parties rationalizing American involvement in both conflicts is the protection of gay rights against institutionally homophobic Russia and Muslims in general.
                It's really weird how Western conservatives are siding with the pro-gay rights side, while Western leftists are violently supporting the side that summarily executes LGBT people.

              • 4 months ago

                also modern leftists that cry about the evils of capitalism while at the same time defend mega corps like big pharma and disney

              • 4 months ago

                I don't understand it, they're not even controlled opposition any more, they're the very machine that they pretend to hate.
                Don't any of them get cognitive dissonance?

              • 4 months ago

                they don't care

              • 4 months ago

                So they're basically /misc/ on the other side. Horseshoe theory wins again.

          • 4 months ago

            The capture of mainstream gaming as another vehicle for the promotion of whatever you feel like calling it (neo-liberalism/the message/woke/leftism/cultural marxism/DEI/CRT/etc). Ideological purges of both producers and consumers, creating feedback loops similar to the kind you see in other forms of entertainment.

            Forgot my pic

            • 4 months ago

              This literally cannot be real, can it?

              • 4 months ago

                You don't remember? It wasn't that long ago.

              • 4 months ago

                I dont play cowadty.

              • 4 months ago

                It was getting 120 threads an hour on half the boards on this site for a month

              • 4 months ago

                I dont visit 4chin.

        • 4 months ago

          >The US government and major college game development programs have dedicated billions of dollars to researching and applying political propaganda techniques via video games.
          Source? I made it up.

          • 4 months ago

            well, the US military is directly involved with the production pretty much all the big FPS games like COD and Battlefield. it's not even a secret, the devs make videos about it bragging about how that means their games will be super realistic and tactical.

            • 4 months ago

              That's not dedicating billions of dollars for major college research on practical application of propaganda through video games. If you want to make a movie or a video game and you don't portray the US army in a negative light, they will grant you access to their vehicles etc. for authentic footage. That's not propaganda. US army/navy needs new recruits to sustain itself and any guy that joins the service because he wants to work on machines he saw in Top Gun is a win.

          • 4 months ago

            US military is in all entertainment fields so it's not that far fetched. They personally made Richard Dean Anderson an honorary general for just being the main character in MacGyver and SG-1.

            • 4 months ago

              I am not saying it is far fetched but a claim needs something more than just this was revealed to me in a dream.

      • 4 months ago

        The ideology Anita has bought into isn't from Anita you stupid fricking homosexual.

    • 4 months ago

      yeah exactly, if it wasn't horse armor it would've been something else

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah but Anita's popularity was time sensitive, she appeared at exactly the right moment to maximise the damage. Another would take her place but there's no guarantee they have the same impact.

  3. 4 months ago

    Anita by a large margin

    • 4 months ago

      Easily Twitch. It promoted the worst people possible, while also removing gaming content from YouTube. I'm not following some popular streamer to find content that should be in a YouTube video.

      GG took on a precise turn to distract from people successfully removing horrid practices from gaming media. She was just a large distraction. Even the people that were stupid enough to donate were left asking questions, as she failed to change the industry. EA basically fired her, Amy Hennig, and several other females at the exact same time. Yet I'm sure they had some kind of contract preventing them from showing how two faced EA was.

      • 4 months ago

        why would anymore promote youtube in current year? they literally added lag features to slow down computers of people that run adblockers (you can block those with noscript but normies don't even know what noscript is)

        • 4 months ago

          >why would anymore promote youtube in current year?

          It serves the purpose of existing for video search results. If I want to look up a boss from a specific game, I can find it easily on YouTube. Meanwhile some Twitch streamer labels their video with that boss, but it takes them half an hour to face it.

          I literally use U-Block Origin and AdBlock Plus at the same time. That prevents any of that nonsense.

        • 4 months ago

          >they literally added lag features to slow down computers of people that run adblockers (you can block those with noscript but normies don't even know what noscript is)
          is that why my youtube has been super laggy lately? good to know I guess

          • 4 months ago

            It's actually a bug on adblocker, but youtube knew about it but didn't do anything.

  4. 4 months ago

    twitch is a good thing thoughbeit

    • 4 months ago

      t. zoomer homosexual moron

  5. 4 months ago

    horse armor but only if it removes the mentality permanently from the brains of all developers. otherwise it doesn't matter, anita is irrelevant and nobody even knows who she is anymore, and twitch is neutral. I would say discord if my scenario for horse armor is not how it works.

    • 4 months ago

      Isnt she responsible for how gamer gate became this anti corruption and anger against games "journalism" being really baised and shit to muh racism muh sexism

      • 4 months ago

        not really. she's just an annoying woman, so a normal woman basically.

      • 4 months ago

        anita was just the face, without her it would've been another woman

        • 4 months ago

          Jon McIntosh wasn't exactly a deep thinker either.

      • 4 months ago

        not directly, the kind of cozy relationship she had with the gaming press (they're all friends and promote each other's garbage, plus ideologically they're the same) is very widespread. it's how Gone Home got so big, the two people that worked on it are friends with people at IGN, Kotaku and probably other outlets that began astroturfing it and pretending it was a big deal because of the implied lesbian subplot or whatever. in reality it was just a shitty lazy cash grab tech demo these morons made after playing around in Unity for a week and they got their buddies to help promote it.

        i'd take the Anita option if it meant these sort of relationships were actually discouraged and illegal like they're meant to be instead of all of these flabby homosexuals working at competing outlets colluding together to promote their friend's shitty rainbow ideology tech demos

      • 4 months ago

        Zoe Quinn was responsible for Gamer Gate
        If you removed Quinn and the five guys meme, GG wouldn’t have happened. At most, Anita’s videos on women in gaming would have reminded mildly popular, a few gaming companies would’ve probably tried to make their games appeal to her, but that’s it.

        • 4 months ago

          You're wrong. She was used at a catalyst. The ultimate point was usual media splitting of demographics. Gaming has presented itself as one of the largest at that point and that undermines media. That's why despite any actual useful dialogues or evidence of wrongdoing was basically forgotten or couched in so much narrative pushing (aka the sexism angle and the alt right direction brained shit)
          It was so successful it's pretty much shamed people out of thinking for themselves and directed the political emotionalism for the next decade and possibly beyond.
          I don't think you raise how much power and influence the gaming sphere held up until GG. Now with all the demographics so split and everything being draped with this sort of loathing gamers have been relegated from a sub culture back to consumers and easily diminished groups.

  6. 4 months ago

    Only one?

  7. 4 months ago

    I remove Anita from history
    I place her into my bedroom
    I end my turn

    • 4 months ago

      you forgot to place her face down to end your turn, anon.

  8. 4 months ago

    I saw people streaming well before twitch so getting rid of it won't do anything. Horse armor would happen eventually in some other form so I'm only left with the grifter

  9. 4 months ago

    False picture
    Anita Sarkeesian didn’t kill gaming, Zoe Quinn did.
    Removing her wouldn’t stop gamergate from happening.
    I choose Horse Armor since the dlc practices it popularized in the industry did damage to every game in the 7th gen and beyond

    • 4 months ago

      GamerGate was simply the unveiling of the putrid relationship of journos.
      Had GamerGate not happened, people would not notice as clearly the pozzing of media in general.

  10. 4 months ago

    I don't think removing cancer from history would stop it from happening today

  11. 4 months ago

    Removing Anita won’t remove the incentives behind her. So im going with the horse armor

  12. 4 months ago

    All of them were going to happen in one form or another. Removing one won't change anything.

  13. 4 months ago

    I go back in time and shoot this homosexual to not only save the gaming but humanity as a whole.

    • 4 months ago

      steve jobs was literally just the front man for the company and had zero to do with the creation of the ipod which would later evolve into the iphone. it was some random tech engineer that worked for apple that came up with the concept for the ipod, and the iphone is basically just a blackberry and late gen ipod smashed into one device.

      if it wasn't jobs it would be some other idiot in a turtle neck giving the exact same presser shilling the exact same iphone and having the exact same effect on humanity.

      • 4 months ago

        >he doesn't know about steve's previous butthole behavior before apple
        he is the problem. he stole ideas and work from more talented people and sold it as his own, even before he became a CEO.

      • 4 months ago

        Twitch and bad DLC was always going to happen eventually.

        Removing the evil roots from the gaming industry is much better

        Steve Jobs created Apple before leaving and returning since Apple employees don't work as well when he isn't screaming at them

      • 4 months ago

        Jobs was actual genius using his intellect to steal other people's ideas before they realized how great their ideas were. He understood what was revolutionary and what wasn't. I want a phone that is controlled by touchscreen and has a camera and can play music and access the internet with a web browser and GPS do it my team of methed programmers and engineers needs some kind of visionary talent. If you were given his team you would probably achieve nothing. So shooting Jobs to at least delay the development of smart phones is a valid point.

    • 4 months ago

      Criminally underrated post.

    • 4 months ago

      If you're going to fix a problem you go to the source.
      Introducing normalgays to the internet via the iPhone is the single most damaging thing that ever happened in modern times.

    • 4 months ago

      >flash would still be a thing if not for him
      I hate this timeline

  14. 4 months ago

    I'd in general remove Oblivion and it's influence. Ruined open-world games forever.

    Plus the other two haven't had an effect on actual video games. Just content around it.

    • 4 months ago

      >reddit spacing and moronic
      go back

      • 4 months ago

        >Labeling the hundreds of people in the art department as the small team of programmers
        /misc/ invaders in Ganker expose themselves everytime.

  15. 4 months ago


  16. 4 months ago

    twitch. anita and co are less annoying than all you little b***hes who whined about her. twitch is actively changing game design for the worse by making games more about being watched than played.

  17. 4 months ago

    anita is long gone, her (and others like zoe quinn, kotaku, etc) lasting impact on the industry is story based western games took a massive impact in interest and it's almost all live gaming and jap story based games. she was a typical commie of the mid 2010s who pretended to interested in "saving" game when in reality she would be just as happy to kill it than get more woman or whatever in gaymes.

    twitch is fine, it killed a lot of fun of multi player games because everyone is doing HILARIOUS memes now and not aiding one another but whatever, at least it brought us waifus like emiru and sweet anita

  18. 4 months ago

    Not sure if this is what you're asking, but I'd rather have sex with the horse.

  19. 4 months ago

    removing horse armor isn't enough, we need to erase Oblivion from existence, that game directly led to the normification of one of the most autist-dominated genres.

  20. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      This one is pretty funny because it features examples of the lowest points of a franchise where they were on life support compared to entries that sold 5x as much

    • 4 months ago

      what the frick did they do to cortana? god damn that's horrible and I don't even play halo.

      • 4 months ago

        It's not Cortana, it's a fresh AI based off the same brain patterns. She's basically a perky teenager. The OG Cortana is still out there though I believe.

        • 4 months ago

          OG dies supposedly at the end and says her last goodbye.

  21. 4 months ago

    I nuke chinese mainland. That is the real solution.

  22. 4 months ago

    Horse Armor and Twitch were at least organic -- there were market forces with a demand for these, albeit an unfortunate demand.
    Feminist Frequency, by comparison, was an astroturf psyop LITERALLY funded by DARPA.

    • 4 months ago

      >astroturf psyop LITERALLY funded by DARPA
      I keep hearing this but never the details

      • 4 months ago

        The game james that Zoe quinn was doing were funded by DARPA (DiGRA) and when shit got hot she bandied up with Anita pretty quickly.
        If you see a needless 5th column being inserted into something it is always being funded by some group to be inserted like a splinter under your nail. In gaming they try to recruit black hat hackers, they targetted game jams to find young druggie programmers they could groom. Anita's end is to find places to insert them after they've been recruited and groomed by zoe's gamejams.
        Be wary of any programmer that says they used to host gamejams, they glow. It's scouting at best, glowie scouting at worst. And it's always the worst isn't it?

        • 4 months ago

          How does that advance US national security?

          • 4 months ago

            It lets them eventually start coding for things that will be installed on hardware people own, or have their political dialectic inserted in the selfsame.
            There is a reason the US gov't doesn't just own a game studio and produce games when they could and they'd be great with a fricking huge budget and quality control.
            They like to use subterfuge to get their stuff done.
            Smuth-Mundt Act was repealed lad, our reality is not the same as it was when our parents were our age.

            • 4 months ago

              >just own a game studio and produce games when they could
              AA and NASA makes video games

              • 4 months ago

                I mean propaganda games like the topic is pushing. NASA makes edutainment, glowies made sure COD made the Highway of Death a total pro-USA fabrication.
                It's a different modus operandi.

            • 4 months ago

              >There is a reason the US gov't doesn't just own a game studio and produce games when they could and they'd be great with a fricking huge budget and quality control.
              Americas Army was one of the first hardcore tactical FPS games and even Grover Norquist said it was a good use of tax dollars.

          • 4 months ago

            >le StoneToss face: "National security?"

  23. 4 months ago

    I want to say horse armor, but let's be honest there were probably at least 20 other people in the industry scheming that same thing around that time anyways.

  24. 4 months ago


  25. 4 months ago

    get rid of twitch and streamoids would have to get a real job, their paypiggies would have to spend money on things that actually matter, and onlyfans models would have to hire advertisers instead of advertising to a bunch of 13 year olds

    it would single-handedly save the economy

  26. 4 months ago

    I go back and shoot John Lennon myself

  27. 4 months ago

    The insane corporatization of gaming was and now always will strive to milk the most profits for least expense.
    Micro DLC, Season Passes, Lootboxes, etc., were absolutely inevitable.

    Meme, who cares

    Same as Horse.

    What I would remove is the 19th Amendment.

  28. 4 months ago

    Deleting Ganker

  29. 4 months ago

    remove the horse, the industry doesn't make as much money, the j00s stay out of it and everything is good.

  30. 4 months ago

    Horse Armor was not some huge event that kicked off the caner that is predatory monetization of video games.
    This woman never having opened the pandoras box for attention and money would have honestly been one of the best thing to happen to video games in a while.

    • 4 months ago

      Also Twitch is just one of many shitholes where the cancer that is streaming festered and it would have come to dominate and twist the minds of young people to do accept the most moronic shit possible as normal in one for or another without it or not.

    • 4 months ago

      >pandoras box for attention and money
      this predates anita, even before her original 2012 videos

    • 4 months ago

      You're right microtransactions were in online games before Horse Armour, but what Oblivion and Horse Armour did was move mmo like transactions into single player games. It was the damn that broke for single player games becoming infested with online gaming monetisation practises.
      Online and mmo players wouldn't care because they're used to getting shafted having to pay a subscription fee, tokens, cosmetics, item shop.

      • 4 months ago

        This, shortly after horse armor came DLC map packs, something that used to have been free updates. Horse armor was what used to have been traditionally free updated content to regenerate interest in the game without the need of bulking everything up in a later expansion pack. This is why Bethesda is pushing so hard to monetize mods because they want to nickel and dime the entire industry over things that were/are complimentary services.

  31. 4 months ago

    Remove Sarkisean

  32. 4 months ago

    >remove horse armor
    Nothing changes
    >Remove twitch
    Nothing changes
    >Remove Anita
    Nothing changes

  33. 4 months ago

    I wan to frick her

  34. 4 months ago

    I choose to live in reality. You cannot remove the past.

  35. 4 months ago

    >Feminists believe that if a man does not cry it is unhealthy. That by supressing his emotions he will eventually snap.
    >At the same time feminists believe that removing any type of lewdness from fictional art such as video games, anime and manga, a place that single men may use to channel their pent up sexuality, is completely fine and will not carry any societal issues.
    Feminists are fricking pathetic. Shit like this just makes me more misogynist. From now on, everytime cute e-girls and sexy women in anime, manga and video games are censored or banned and we get ugly looking feminist goyslop shit instead, i'll harass women in real life. I already throw eggs at them, shoot them with my airsoft gun and point flashlight at them at night from my balcony. If they continue this stupid shit, i'll start raping them. I live in Finland, so even if i get caught, i most likely only get couple of weeks of jail, discharged or 50€ fines. You have to ask yourself which one is more important: the life of real women or the life of pixels and drawings of hot women and cute e-girls? The choice is yours. Tick tock, the clock is ticking, ladies and gentlemen. And the choice is?
    And yes this is a threat. I will continue to make this post until women and their simps cease their moronic mindset and their hatred towards men.
    >so forever?
    >good luck with that
    Thanks. There's plenty of women in this world. I'm sure i won't be bored. No one can blame for what happens to them either tbh, this the fate they chose for themselves the day when they decided to invade men's spaces and ruin our hobbies.
    Also, frick zoomers too for defending these c**ts and being such sex negative little freaks. Fricking c**ts except me to save the world for them while at the same time taking anything i like and enjoy away from me. I never recycle ever again. I do whatever it takes to make this world more shitty and miserable for you little c**ts. You don't deserve a natural death.

  36. 4 months ago

    I'd only hope taking out one of these means the concept as a whole is also taken out and never ever conceived. if so then yes the b***h. would save gaming and a lot of weak men too. guarantee the effect she had on gaming effected the sissifying of the nerds too all becoming trannies and shit, the more you think about it the more it makes sense. it's just a avalanche.

  37. 4 months ago

    >the israelite b***h
    im ok with normies sticking to twitch morons and the ocational prostitute showing juicy breasts

    im ok with whales financing my ultimate edition with 90% discount after 3 years of release

    im NOT ok with the female characters being deformed mid entitled b***hs and having to download mods just to be hable to play the game, instead of improving after ng+

  38. 4 months ago

    the israelite please.
    remove the israelite

    • 4 months ago

      So the horse armor?

  39. 4 months ago

    Does left include gacha garbage? If so I choose this one

  40. 4 months ago

    sarkeesian single-handedly did more damage to the western gaming industry than any other person
    kind of impressive

    • 4 months ago

      EA won the golden poo award 3 years in a row before Anita

    • 4 months ago

      Sarkeesian gets way too much hate and credit. She is just really good at advertising herself. Like a worse version of Bell Delphine. The woke shit was coming into gaming before her and continued to do so after her.

      • 4 months ago

        She was the first major grifter to truly use the idea that companies wanted to expand audiences buy appealing to woman more.
        Basically starting the whole grift culture that so many buisness now belive in and hite out companies to maker sure they dont offend anyone.
        At the same time she used her platform to call out anyone that wasnt part of her Program whipping her fans into a franzy to shame companies.
        Simply she was the lighting rod for it in the gaming even if it was already being slowly pushed in and for the most part held off.

    • 4 months ago

      She didn't even write her own tweets, let alone make her own videos.

  41. 4 months ago

    Right, because of her we have all this troony bullshit

  42. 4 months ago


  43. 4 months ago

    Twitch unironically.
    Sure Horse Armour and Anita Sarkeesian did undeniable damage. But there's been no damage worse than Twitch babysitters and the communities they've spawned, ruining countless games and online forums.
    Horse armour gave the companies power.
    Anita gave the left power.
    Twitch gave morons power and that's the worse thing for me.

  44. 4 months ago

    Right is the correct choice
    >Top left
    Despite how cancerous it was, microtransactions and anti consumer practices were already starting to take root. Even if it never existed, the fundamental problem of corporate greed would remain and may even have had more success due to having less people rally against it like they did with horse armor
    >Bottom left
    A symptom of the internet becoming algorhythm focused for the purpose of taking up as much free time as possible for the lowest effort possible, as youtube was already attempting to do. What really made it any different is that it went from a vidya streaming platform to a general cancer streaming platform because of right
    She wasn't the first or last one who waged war at vidya for muh moralgayging, but being a SJW, she was far more successful than anyone else at ruining vidya with her shit. By crying in pain as she striked, she managed to demonize an entire hobby while getting pats on the back from moronic normalgays, to the guillible suits in the vidya industry and even from globohomosexual groups like the UN. If it wasn't for her, vidya would still have plenty of time before it got invaded as a hobby by two faced snakes who never have and never will give a shit about actually enjoying the hobby.

  45. 4 months ago

    I would remove anita and put her on my wiener bouncing up and down, we would have a good time playing smash

  46. 4 months ago

    Anita literally ruined the aesthetic of fricking modern video games and made a lot of money. Frick her.

  47. 4 months ago

    This only makes sense if you are speaking broadly.
    >horse armor
    Yes cosmetic DLC is aids
    Yes people whos platform is games are bad are aids
    Yes streaming your entire life is ads. This one has the most impact so it gets my vote.

  48. 4 months ago

    Anita if we remove that b***h we can fix the timeline

  49. 4 months ago

    none. I'm fine with the way things are. there are still plenty of good games. the cattle will always eat shit no matter what, who cares? not my problem.

    • 4 months ago

      >Implying that they won't attempt to just ban all old games due to being hereti- I mean problematic to the modern world

  50. 4 months ago

    Twitch is the only relevant one, so I remove it.

  51. 4 months ago

    The concept as as a whole or just that particular iteration? Because removing just one doesn't really change anything, they're simply early-ish successful iterations.
    But as a concept....Banana Horse, Banana Horse is what makes the other two truly empowered. When vidya becomes a force for nickel and diming its customers, then they have greater incentive to reach wider audiences, to start playing it safer, to sanitize the elements that could be considered toxic and unprofitable. Nobody listens to Anita b***hing about a medium that isn't growing as hard, Vidya streaming remains a niche of nerds just watching other nerds.

  52. 4 months ago

    inevitable, they were gonna come in to being sooner or later.

    same as above. Video game streaming was gonna catch on sooner or later.

    The only real choice is Anita. She did more damage to the hobby, online discussions, and culture in general.

    • 4 months ago

      Anita probably caused the most damage as a singular influence. Western devs still would've fallen for the identity politics progressive ideology sooner than later though, but Anita's direct influence was very pernicious.

      Cancer DLC practices were inevitable because it's profitable.
      Twitch is whatever.

      nobody cared about anita until her grift on kickstarter, if anything kickstarter genuinely did more damage to vidya with con projects, popularizing early access, and giving longevity to has been devs that already lost all of their talent

      • 4 months ago

        Without her, there would have been no autistic online Jihad that destroyed the old internt. Ganker would be able to talk about games without endless political tourists shitting up almost every thread.

        • 4 months ago

          if not her then it would've been somebody else. it was inevitable. that was simply the way that popular media was going, she was just the first one to bring it to video games.

        • 4 months ago

          >there would have been no autistic online Jihad
          did you start browsing the internet in 2013?

  53. 4 months ago

    Anita probably caused the most damage as a singular influence. Western devs still would've fallen for the identity politics progressive ideology sooner than later though, but Anita's direct influence was very pernicious.

    Cancer DLC practices were inevitable because it's profitable.
    Twitch is whatever.

  54. 4 months ago

    can blacks be in that list?

    • 4 months ago

      it's not black people making all these characters, anon.

    • 4 months ago

      Your pic is case in point why removing Anita would have only been a band-aid. The social agenda was always there, she was just its prophet.

  55. 4 months ago

    >choose one of these 3 stupid things that'll change nothing instead of the 1 systemic underling issue in which everything is perpetuated

    • 4 months ago

      what's the systemic issue you wanna erase, anon ?

  56. 4 months ago

    Remove Israel and all three of these also get erased.

    • 4 months ago
  57. 4 months ago
  58. 4 months ago

    If you delete twitch, you will still have streaming and nothing has changed. If you delete Anita, you delete at least one very influential social parasite who caused a huge decrease of video game quality with her grift. This is not even close. I am not even sure if twitch has done anything negative for video games.

    I just noticed there is also DLC. I would press Anita button 10 times in a row just to be sure she is dead.

  59. 4 months ago

    Anita, After effect made western games undesirable. and is strangulating Japanese games.

  60. 4 months ago

    I would kill the antichrist and then myself if I could do anything

  61. 4 months ago


  62. 4 months ago

    >people assuming OP's hypothetical doesn't alter the course of history.

  63. 4 months ago

    Anita because the other two seem like inevitabilities

  64. 4 months ago

    I can deal with israeli DLC schemes
    I've never cared and will care about streaming

    men hating women poisoning the hobby I love is something I can't swallow

  65. 4 months ago

    I choose Horse Armor if it erases all paid DLC/Micro Transactions/Gacha Elements from gaming. Companies don't get a taste of that easy money. Normies fall off and are unable to throw more money at games to get an edge, the 10 billion moms who buy an extra continue on angry birds don't contribute to profit margins. They are forced to actually deliver full & quality products and rely completely on consumer trust and not just investors.

    Letting Anita continue to exist wouldn't do as much harm, as shes completely irrelevant now, and if companies werent as starved for money and pandering to the LGBTQ because of the doors that microtransactions and DLC opened, she'd be treated like Jack Thompson in a wig. All games that pander to her mentality are flopping left and right as the consumer is tired of the ugly world she wanted, we just gotta hold out a little longer for the cultural shift back in our favor.

    Twitch streaming is just 1 moron getting lucky for every 100000 failures, like professional athletes. It's not as bad as Ganker makes it out to be, they only focus on the walmart streamers. Hanging out with someone with no viewers playing a game you like is nice and if the streamer is a fricking butthole you can simply stop watching or find someone else.

  66. 4 months ago

    I choose to remove women.

  67. 4 months ago

    Kinda late to the party but:
    >Horse armor
    Corporate greed is not something we can stop, it would just delay if removed from history.
    I don't really see the problem with this but I don't really watch Twitch. Isn't it ran by prostitutes now?
    Yea, has to be her.

  68. 4 months ago

    DLC and a feminist is inevitable. If you erased them , someone else will do it.

    I'll erase Twitch so I can be the one making the website first and capitalize on it.

  69. 4 months ago

    Making twitch disappear from existence would make youtube great again, but the damage shartessian did to the industry is unmeasurable and will span through at least 20 or 30 more years in case of a cultural course correct happens.

  70. 4 months ago

    Even if you remove them, market and society would have caused something similar to take its place. By the time of horse armor, you already had map packs and similar shit. Dlc and mtx is just the evolution of where it was going. Remove twitch and youtube/facebook/amazon/microsoft would still enter the space and eventually one of them would have a popular platform. Remove Anita and just some other random wanna be feminist would take her place. At least Anita has since proven she is ineffective and is being ignored

    • 4 months ago

      That's not necessarily true. Thing is though, without GG, it was entirely possible gamers as a united front might have had the influence to prevent anti consumer methods from coming about as it stands now we can't even "vote with our wallets" anymore.
      Otherwise this sort of economic belief that "or would have just ended up that way anyway" is just indoctrination that exists solely as emotional justification of greed without any real evidence to support it except greedy dicks exist.

      • 4 months ago

        Mtx ship had already saved by the time gg started. Anita's website, kickstarter, and first few videos were already up before gg. Anita may have had her voice amplified by gg, but gg didn't create her or start her influence.

  71. 4 months ago

    twitch, easily, the other two aren't even close
    shitty monetization schemes are mostly consigned to eastern gacha these days or AAAslop, anita and the libshit invasion was going to happen inevitably
    twitch, ecelebs, and streams have utterly and irreversibly ruined the landscape of gaming forever, and the other two are arguably downstream of them [twitch moderation enforces progressive dogma & early access scam games only ever blow up bc of streamers]

    • 4 months ago

      Yep, the one game anita was hired as a consultant for was never heard from again in gamedev, meanwhile devs in both AAA and indie from the last decade have been pushing 'twitch appealing' video games that are low effort yet highly profitable.

  72. 4 months ago

    i'm gonna assume removing one means it will never occur period so horse armor
    i'll take annoying influencers and shit 'sjw' characters over the hellscape of microtransactions and gambling

  73. 4 months ago

    """Content""" """""creators""""" are easily the worst thing to happen to games, I assume by removing twitch I can remove the entirety of the braindead sensationalist streamer ecosystem
    DLC can be kino and is the driving force behind your favorite games getting expanded
    The woman only makes homosexual spergs who haven't touched grass in 15 years seethe so she's fine and possibly even based

  74. 4 months ago

    >It's been more than a decade and spergs are STILL seething about their gamer apocalypse that no one outside their echo chamber has ever even heard of
    Holy shit just have a nice day

  75. 4 months ago

    I choose to remove everyone who genuinely believes Anita is the best choice. morons who understand literally nothing whatsoever about the industry weighing in to such a degree that they actually influence its course have done more damage to my hobby than anything in OP's image.

  76. 4 months ago

    >horse armor
    lmao this board has dedicated gachaslop threads

    the board is populated with unironic dedicated simps lmao

    >anita sarkeesian
    this is my choice, then maybe there'd be a slim chance that Ganker wouldn't be transmuted into the huge pile of shit it is now

    • 4 months ago

      Was feminism a psyop designed to drive men into the arms of consumer merchandise?

    • 4 months ago

      >Ganker wouldn't be transmuted into the huge pile of shit it is now
      already happened in 2008, made worse with 2010 tumblr raids

  77. 4 months ago

    why do people act like horse armor started it all? Tencent is largely responsible for kicking off microtransactions and pushing it like crazy

  78. 4 months ago

    Assuming horse means all DLC, Anita means all idpol/feminist shit, and twitch means all streamer culture, I'd still have to go with Anita. The consequences of that movement have been downright apocalyptic to AAA, AA, and even some indie development.

  79. 4 months ago

    Twitch. Cancer on gaming and gaming 'culture', e-sports, everyone being sweaty as frick in every game trying to be their favorite streamer, responsible for so many many bad things.

    Nobody gives a shit about feminism anymore and there's way worse 'woke issues'.

  80. 4 months ago

    Would have happened anyway due to inflation
    Existed before, it's called prostitution/porn
    >everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic, and you have to communist struggle session it all out
    Feminism is the only thing you can remove and significantly improve gaming because you can't put women in charge of a male oriented hobby and expect it not to crash, which is already happening.

  81. 4 months ago

    Twitch popularized esports which encouraged the censorship and destruction of arena shooters, fighting games, etc. For example, chatting with random players is a missing feature from current games because the Twitch streamer is afraid the stranger will start cussing out of nowhere

    • 4 months ago

      >For example, chatting with random players is a missing feature from current games because the Twitch streamer is afraid the stranger will start cussing out of nowhere
      can't they just put an option for people to mute it if they want ? it shouldn't be that complicated
      also what more was censored ?

      • 4 months ago

        The goal is to utterly silence anyone disagreement and constrain even those who disagree.
        Plus less work for the devs.
        It's a win-win all around, unless you're a player of course.

  82. 4 months ago

    I remove nintendo

  83. 4 months ago

    Assuming you mean removing the concept entirely then I’d pick the horse armor. Tankies and ecelebs may be annoying but at least they don’t encourage actively making games worse. I’m not buying EA slop just because there’s no homosexuals or ecelebs talking about it

  84. 4 months ago

    i will remove the israelites

  85. 4 months ago

    I want to hatefrick this ugly Armenian b***h. Hit the cervix and all that.

    out of 10!

  86. 4 months ago

    Anita is definitely the least necessary but it wouldn't save anything since she never really had an impact anyway lol

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