City of Heroes

It's been three years since the secret got out. The dust has settled, can we please have a civil thread?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I've been enjoying this duplicator hero concept.

  2. 2 years ago

    Do you play on thunderspy?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, why?

      • 2 years ago

        How's the server? I used to play a ton on it but haven't in like a year or so.

        • 2 years ago

          It's alright, doing a 3rd anniversary double xp thing for the weekend. Population's getting better, backend stuff is getting closer to done, devs are working on more improvements.

          Basically, things are on the upswing.

  3. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        I've been enjoying this duplicator hero concept.

        It's been three years since the secret got out. The dust has settled, can we please have a civil thread?

        i have a twin/clone fetish

        • 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago
  5. 2 years ago

    is the game fun? is it a total drama house of war between private servers?

    • 2 years ago

      It's fun, for sure. And thankfully, it seems the drama-stirrers are absent from this thread. The threads were usually a lot more fiery, and the people responsible usually didn't even play the game.

    • 2 years ago

      Not so much anymore. The major source of the inter-server drama has been so quiet and hasnt done anything remotely newsworthy in so long at this point there's really nothing to say on that end. Everyone's pretty much just focusing on doing their own thing now.

  6. 2 years ago

    Has it really been 3 years since the private servers??

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, they started in 2019. What a wild ride it's been.

  7. 2 years ago

    Bumping with a nice little introduction document I came across. It's thunderspy-focused, but a lot of what it covers applies to all the servers. It's mainly a general synopsis of how to play for someone who doesn't know City of Heroes.

    • 2 years ago

      It would help if i actually remembered to post it.


  8. 2 years ago

    My FPS is completely scuffed on anything higher than Recommended, and even then there are drops around the starting area of Mercy Island
    I could handle it but I don't think I could recommend it to my friends unfortunately, and I want to play with those guys

    • 2 years ago

      I dunno how that's possible on a game from the early 2000s, though it's likely because the very highest graphics setting is notoriously unstable, and only recommended for screenshots.

      • 2 years ago

        And I'm not exactly running on a card from the early 2000s either, I'm running a 1080 or so.
        I think it's something to do with draw distances and rendering objects, since the performance seems to depend on what direction I'm looking at, but I can't see anything to do with those in the graphical options. I don't suppose you have any ideas?

        • 2 years ago

          Ah, thanks to some tech support I managed to fix it.
          I thought the "detail" settings were more about texture quality but they're exactly what I was looking for instead.

          • 2 years ago

            Glad to hear you got it worked out.

            • 2 years ago

              Turns out I only fixed it on Mercy Island, playing a Hero at Atlas Park is even worse.

  9. 2 years ago

    Give typical server pops

  10. 2 years ago

    >can we please have a civil thread?
    NO U!

  11. 2 years ago

    Absolutely fricking not.
    >Thunderspergs don't want to be like Homecoming
    >Adopts HC's fricking Veteran Levels concept

    >Bans a guy and his guild because all he wanted to do was speedrun and minmax a dead mmo
    >Bans their advertiser for not being nazi enough
    >Bans anyone who doxxes Leo and Cipher even though all they do is whine about Leo and Cipher when they themselves get DDOSed
    >The original server founder left and the replacement staff doesn't even have a backup plan for the server so it's stagnant
    >Can't even get people join the server because it's so politically far right
    >Zones are so fricking dead because there's no population
    >The autistic couple that does CoP runs every night can never get enough people

    • 2 years ago

      People like you are the reason these threads are always shitshows.

      • 2 years ago

        You sure? You sure it has nothing to do with the shitposters in the dicksword being able to vent their problems anonymously like what I'm doing right now because all critique is fallen on deaf ears? Funny thing is, I haven't played on the server in a month yet I'll still cause drama here and you'll never figure out who I am in the server.

        • 2 years ago

          >all critique is fallen on deaf ears?
          Yet you have to tell half-truths or otherwise just make shit up about literally everything you ever mention. Imagine being this booty blistered about a server for a dead MMO that you dont even play.

          • 2 years ago

            >Imagine being this booty blistered about a dead server for a dead MMO that you dont even play.


      • 2 years ago

        It's deserved with how spergy the fanbase has been since 2012.

    • 2 years ago

      >Bans a guy and his guild because all he wanted to do was speedrun and minmax a dead mmo
      illuminate me on this

      • 2 years ago

        They were actually trying to get a member of staff to kill themself.

      • 2 years ago

        They were actually trying to get a member of staff to kill themself.

        In addition, they were trying to influence devs into making changes that would lead to faster speedrun times, and have literally no benefit to anyone else but their guild of speedrunners. Which is weird because their guild is the only City of Heroes speedrunners, so faster times is kind of superfluous when you're unopposed.

        Not to mention when called out on their behavior, they ramped up their shittiness to eleven, and demanded not only an apology, but for the server owner's apology to "have feeling behind it". Not to mention the meme of referring to the entire playerbase as "customers"

        Long story short, they were shitters and will not be missed.

        • 2 years ago

          that does seem pretty moronic. know anything in particular they wanted to be changed?

          • 2 years ago

            I honestly don't remember precisely what they wanted to change, but they were also big proponents to implementing base raiding, which as they themselves proved in the few tests that were done, was really only fun or useful for them, as they had grinded and trained for literal months to be absurdly good at them, ths were literally unbeatable.

          • 2 years ago

            I honestly don't remember precisely what they wanted to change, but they were also big proponents to implementing base raiding, which as they themselves proved in the few tests that were done, was really only fun or useful for them, as they had grinded and trained for literal months to be absurdly good at them, ths were literally unbeatable.

            He wanted team-wide super inspirations to be available from a vendor, since everyone bulking up on shitloads of inspirations was their key strat for speedrunning. When they declined he threw a super-meltie and got his SG of like 8-12 people to try to bully one particular dev that was the most vocal in their flippant dismissal of his bullshit. When he got called out ON THAT he just straight up threatened the server owner with nonspecific bad things and how consequences would ever be the same, etc.
            He also had some kind of business degree and thus constantly did jargon heavy shit like pic related for attention. in total, he was a sperg with a massively overinflated sense of self-importance.

            • 2 years ago

              I should mention that the above image wasn't responding to anyone or even really related to the topic of conversation.

            • 2 years ago

              lmao, seems like a bunch of spergs. did they end up leaving for another server?

              • 2 years ago

                The ringleader was outright banned, one of like maybe four people ever banned on the server, and his toadies drifted off to wherever he went. I've heard that he tried the same shit elsewhere with similar results, but I have no proof of that, and really dont give enough of a frick about the guy to verify.
                I also heard he got in trouble for sexual harassment of on HC, but see prior "no proof also I dont care" comment.

              • 2 years ago

                he runs his own private server now
                but from what i've heard it's pretty slow/dead on it's development.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you deride pleasure from posting blatantly incorrect details purely to stir shit? Veteran Levels are purely cosmetic. Purely. Tort was the only one banned and because of incessant harassment and being an obnoxious twat and ban evading (his initial ban was temporary). MDC is about as much the founder as an electrician is the owner of your home. Brain is still there, unless for some bizarre reason you think Innoc was, and even he is still around. The rest of what you said is literally moronic dumbshit. But hey, QQ my guy.

    • 2 years ago

      >that period of time where every single balance change basically amounted to the TSpy devs looking at whatever Veracity was doing and haphazardly trying to slap patches on it regardless of whether or not it was a serious issue

      • 2 years ago

        > Makes wild accusation, offers no proof.

        • 2 years ago

          >Veracity makes liberal use of Super Packs to gear characters quickly
          >This results in multiple nerfs to Super Packs and even an attempt to remove them outright which only got walked back when people pointed out that was a little extreme
          >Veracity wants a better way to stock up on shit like Team Inspirations and requests a vendor for them for shit like Astrals or Reward merits (as mentioned earlier in the thread)
          >On literally the same night Veracity asks for this, the TSpy dev team removes them from Super Packs and plops them into rewards from trials, except they didn't even test it to see if it actually worked so the implementation was just flat broken when it was pushed to live
          This on top of other bizarre behaviors, like the TSpy devs who at the time were ostensibly concerned with balance at a relatively low SO enhancement power level randomly trying to nerf top-end Bio Armor performance, or even after Veracity fricked off with that patch that silently tried to push a hard nerf to defense. Tort may have went on a big moronic ego trip trying to push for shit on the server, but it's not like TSpy was only ever looking to play nice with Veracity either.

          • 2 years ago

            Not quite clear on what proof is are ya?

            • 2 years ago

              What better proof is there than actual changes made to the game, especially when your counterargument is "and no, i don't want 4, give me a real answer"?

              • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            >dev openly says multiple times they don't like super packs and want to slowly remove then
            > removed p2w consumable items and placed it elsewhere on good faith to a group of players
            You can just ask people about what happened

            • 2 years ago

              I don't have to ask what happened, because I was there. While discussions on what to do may have been ongoing, the actual moving and implementation of it all was often very spur-of-the-moment without much testing (I.E. the broken implementation of team inspirations dropping from trials). And throughout a lot of the discussion, there was a very obvious slant against Veracity and the way they chose to play the game.

          • 2 years ago

            >This results in multiple nerfs to Super Packs and even an attempt to remove them outright which only got walked back when people pointed out that was a little extreme

            It was never walked back. I just haven't taken the time to change them. If you were on any of the meetings, I literally stated that I wanted to build a conversion system into those shops to avoid touching every source of reward merits.

            >Veracity wants a better way to stock up on shit like Team Inspirations and requests a vendor for them for shit like Astrals or Reward merits

            The Team Inspirations did have to do with them, because they constantly asked for a vendor. Meka, Bannable and I said, "No" and Tort constantly DM'd Brain asking for it. We decided "No, go do content," and I built the change at 2am the night before it was released.

            >except they didn't even test it to see if it actually worked so the implementation was just flat broken when it was pushed to live

            The fact it was pushed out early was entirely because it was a branch sitting, and Senpai merged it with other changes because I didn't mark it WIP or indicate that it wasn't ready. We operate differently now for that reason.

            >concerned with balance at a relatively low SO enhancement power level randomly trying to nerf top-end Bio Armor performance,

            I'm not sure what you're even talking about. The only Bio change was Gor's dogshit armorset, that Meka encouraged him to make instead of change base Bio because it did exactly what I told Gor it would do and push people to using the stupid amounts of Recharge he gave it.

            The defense nerf had nothing to do with Veracity. Meka and I talk constantly about making changes to defense again, albeit publicly announcing them this time. I think the game is bad to have 45% as the soft cap that IOs can reach and only Defense sets should have that luxury. Part of that would be through mobs having new buffers, part of that would be adjusting base ToHit.

            • 2 years ago

              >We decided "No, go do content," and I built the change at 2am the night before it was released.

              And to be clear, the "No, go do content" was in direct response to Tort constantly saying to Brain and I that by being able to have Super Inspirations, they would do more content with everyone. This being despite having an Astral Merit stock pile allowing them to focus on the content they wanted to do which would largely be with a static group.

              I made the executive decision that if someone wants to claim they'll do more content, then we'll attempt to beef up reasons to do content that wasn't done very often and try to tie it with the fact we were making Eden co-op. Tort didn't like that, because "We'll have to spend hours farming that thing." It only proved I was right - they wanted to use their Astral Merit stockpile and avoid engaging everyone else.

              The Shadow Shard was and is getting similar treatment due to being mostly co-op, but that requires me fixing a bug in my revamp of Quaterfield. I redesigned it to make it shorter and have secrets hidden it in, as well as use a new map that I built. But the new map I built had a vistray issue making a room in it not render if you're outside the door.

            • 2 years ago

              >We decided "No, go do content," and I built the change at 2am the night before it was released.

              And to be clear, the "No, go do content" was in direct response to Tort constantly saying to Brain and I that by being able to have Super Inspirations, they would do more content with everyone. This being despite having an Astral Merit stock pile allowing them to focus on the content they wanted to do which would largely be with a static group.

              I made the executive decision that if someone wants to claim they'll do more content, then we'll attempt to beef up reasons to do content that wasn't done very often and try to tie it with the fact we were making Eden co-op. Tort didn't like that, because "We'll have to spend hours farming that thing." It only proved I was right - they wanted to use their Astral Merit stockpile and avoid engaging everyone else.

              The Shadow Shard was and is getting similar treatment due to being mostly co-op, but that requires me fixing a bug in my revamp of Quaterfield. I redesigned it to make it shorter and have secrets hidden it in, as well as use a new map that I built. But the new map I built had a vistray issue making a room in it not render if you're outside the door.

              >It was never walked back. I just haven't taken the time to change them. If you were on any of the meetings, I literally stated that I wanted to build a conversion system into those shops to avoid touching every source of reward merits.
              Fair enough, I'll give you that. My memory is somewhat shaky on the details of what was planned for things like the Merit economy.

              >The Team Inspirations did have to do with them, because they constantly asked for a vendor. Meka, Bannable and I said, "No" and Tort constantly DM'd Brain asking for it. We decided "No, go do content," and I built the change at 2am the night before it was released.
              >The fact it was pushed out early was entirely because it was a branch sitting, and Senpai merged it with other changes because I didn't mark it WIP or indicate that it wasn't ready. We operate differently now for that reason.
              Also fair enough, the timing of the change made it seem suspect, but if it really was just an honest mistake, it'd be stupid for me to harp on it.

              I>'m not sure what you're even talking about. The only Bio change was Gor's dogshit armorset, that Meka encouraged him to make instead of change base Bio because it did exactly what I told Gor it would do and push people to using the stupid amounts of Recharge he gave it.
              I'm not talking about the Organic Armor situation with this, but rather comments Bannable made in the Discord about taking Bio down from the position of best armor set and policies regarding testing earlier on in the server's lifetime. Granted, it seems like that never came to pass, but it was a rather bizarre intention for a server that, at the time, was requesting most testing be done around an SO level of power with the difficulty settings kept fairly innocuous, with solo testing oriented around +1x2 enemies.

              • 2 years ago

                >The defense nerf had nothing to do with Veracity. Meka and I talk constantly about making changes to defense again, albeit publicly announcing them this time. I think the game is bad to have 45% as the soft cap that IOs can reach and only Defense sets should have that luxury. Part of that would be through mobs having new buffers, part of that would be adjusting base ToHit.
                There's not really much to say about this, since at least there's a willingness to let people see the direction you want to take the game in. Trying to push a random, massive stealth nerf like that however, even if it was just for testing purposes, was still really stupid.

                >And to be clear, the "No, go do content" was in direct response to Tort constantly saying to Brain and I that by being able to have Super Inspirations, they would do more content with everyone. This being despite having an Astral Merit stock pile allowing them to focus on the content they wanted to do which would largely be with a static group.
                This is where I feel you start getting unfair towards Veracity. When previous groups, like the roleplayers and streamers came and went, it largely didn't affect things on the server at large because they almost always kept to their cliques and mostly avoided interacting with other people. Veracity, on the other hand, fairly regularly were running events and interacting with the community. They certainly did ITrials a lot, yes, but it wasn't uncommon for them to run things like task forces, and they even hosted TSpy's first successful Hamidon.Sure, as an already established group they were probably going to do things among themselves as well, but it'd be weird to have a Super Group that avoids interacting with itself, wouldn't it?

              • 2 years ago

                >I made the executive decision that if someone wants to claim they'll do more content, then we'll attempt to beef up reasons to do content that wasn't done very often and try to tie it with the fact we were making Eden co-op. Tort didn't like that, because "We'll have to spend hours farming that thing." It only proved I was right - they wanted to use their Astral Merit stockpile and avoid engaging everyone else.
                I feel like this comes down closer to a difference in opinion on the subject of grinding and what content should be made central to it, but ultimately I can't argue the intent of a person that I'm not, and it's largely irrelevant to my grievances anyways.

                >The Shadow Shard was and is getting similar treatment due to being mostly co-op, but that requires me fixing a bug in my revamp of Quaterfield. I redesigned it to make it shorter and have secrets hidden it in, as well as use a new map that I built. But the new map I built had a vistray issue making a room in it not render if you're outside the door.
                I am happy to hear about this, though. the Shadow Shard is a criminally underutilized zone that just never got the love it needed from the devs back on live. Hopefully the issues aren't too big of a pain to work around and it can get implemented in a timely and stable fashion.

              • 2 years ago

                >but it was a rather bizarre intention for a server that, at the time, was requesting most testing be done around an SO level of power with the difficulty settings kept fairly innocuous, with solo testing oriented around +1x2 enemies.

                That was largely Bannable's policy. Meka and I argued that point quite a bit despite what Meka had previously stated on it.

                As an example, I had modified a Scrapper DPS sheet based on HC numbers to use ours to make a point on what Bannable was doing was wrong for overall DPS. Bannable wanted me to put it in terms of SOs. I did and modified the rotations to still prove their changes were either not fixing problems or causing new ones.

                >I feel like this comes down closer to a difference in opinion on the subject of grinding and what content should be made central to it

                We also just didn't want Super or Team Inspirations to exist, but felt the bridge was crossed like several things. We've never discussed just removing them or limiting them further, but this was also an example of us trying to further limit where they came from.

  12. 2 years ago

    Like I was saying, the people who stir up drama aren't representative of the playerbase, as most of them barely play the game.

  13. 2 years ago

    What're some good non-minion having powersets for a solo player?

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly? Any of the melee archetypes are great for soloing. Stalker, for instance, was specifically MADE for soloing. Keep in mind, Stalkers aren't very useful in teams because of this.

  14. 2 years ago

    im literally a socialist basedcuck and i get my friends to play with me on tspy because while it has a bunch of polish issues its feature set is the best

  15. 2 years ago

    Is this the thunderspy thread?
    I love thunderspy!

    • 2 years ago

      >this guy again
      >who constantly advertises Thunderspy in the most annoying way possible to get people to dislike Thunderspy.

      Well it was a good thread lads, but the trolls found us.

  16. 2 years ago

    I'm awake, anyone still here?

  17. 2 years ago

    is the game good now or is it all troonys?

    • 2 years ago

      thunderspy is about 99.5% troony-free now (the one troonydev threw a meltie over nothing and fricked off, surprising no one), cant speak towards the other servers. HC is moribund and their dev team is 100% opaque and ivory-towered, so you they may be fully pozzed, they may not be, but you'll never know because they never say or do anything except ask for like 10 times more money than any server could possibly need regardless of population.

      • 2 years ago

        >Immediately goes on a rant about Homecoming and their "money laundering" theory when the topic had nothing to do with it

        lmao'ing at you

        is the game good now or is it all troonys?

        No the game was never good. If you're playing TS you're getting nothing but dead leveling zones, especially redside. If you want to experience the game as it was at the end with groups of people doing content and doing paper/radio runs with large groups farming Freakshow missions, you'll go to Homecoming.

        • 2 years ago

          >No the game was never good.
          this but applied to every server
          once you were past character creation there was nothing redeeming about it

        • 2 years ago

          >If you want to experience the game as it was
          >runs with large groups farming Freakshow missions
          Lmao even
          But hey cool costume. Glad you have fun though.

          When are we getting free-form like Chadpions Online and Homecoming's internal test server?

          Literally We Have Cake, my guy.

    • 2 years ago

      You have become the troony if you immediately think about them. I'm sorry but it's terminal.

  18. 2 years ago

    Homocoomer here: I recently played a citadel and holy frick, I keep forgetting what a piece of shit that TF (topped only by the Synapse). So, Thunderspy, Rebirth, or anyone else done anything to improve those two TFs or made any changes to them? Or how would you change them if you were asked?

    • 2 years ago

      Ideally, I'd use the revamped Citadel TF map, adjust one of the fights, cut 3 of the 4 defeat all, and remove the 40 kill.

      • 2 years ago

        Wait, one of the servers has a unique Citadel TF map?

        For my part, along with some of the stuff you suggested I'd probably change the story a bit to focus on the Council experimenting and even improving on Praetorian robotics shit, maybe even reviving Siege and Nightstar. Also scatter in some additional enemy groups to break up the monotony of endless Council, I'm thinking Freakshow (who are volunteeting as test subjects for experimental Warwork based cybernetic augments) Warworks/PraetClockwork (of course), and maybe Arachnos or even a lower level Crey coming in to steal Council Research.

        • 2 years ago

          The OG devs were working on one. The files are available in the i25 alpha data, along with Sirocco's Personal Story, a Synapse revamp using new assets and a mission involving fighting the real Clockwork King and inside his mind, the Devoured and HAC ATs, and parts of the actual Kallisti Wharf (which was split in half to be separate maps for Heroes and Villains, unlike the SCoRE version.)

          Part of the Lua scripting test that was displayed, I believe by Dr. Aeon, is a clone of Citadel in the arc that is built by Archon Burkholder. It duplicates itself and if one died, the entire group died using the Lua script connection.

          The Clockwork King fight in the revamped Synapse makes use of it by making players get teleported back and forth between the Clockwork King and the Psychic Clockwork King.

          Also, I'd never do a change to it involving the Praetorians as I already hate that the timeline following the 1-50 ordering is fricked up by the New Praetorian arcs and such.

  19. 2 years ago

    Have you guys tried out Thunderspy? New powersets, custom MM pets, and Cathedral of Pain raids daily!

    Don't be afraid to join our discord too for any questions you might have!

  20. 2 years ago

    Post good stalker power combos pls

    • 2 years ago

      I hear street justice and kinetic melee are actually pretty good on stalkers because their shitty (ymmv if street justice is shitty on non-stalkers) aspects are ditched for normal buildups and their tier nines grant like two or even three charges of Assassin’s focus which let you rollout hurt. Electric melee is also a good choice for stalkers since it loses none of its AoE ability allowing you to deal with groups.

      For secondaries I admit I’m strongly partial to anything defense focused, so energy aura, sr, and ninjutsu.

  21. 2 years ago

    Did they add in the Luchadore power set yet? I want to grapple my enemies.

    • 2 years ago

      As a homecoming player I can say ‘no’. Not one hundred percent sure about the others. That said, while animationwise it would be wonky, I could see a grappler set working out, the issue would be avoiding it being too powerful or underpowered since grappling fighting is basically a melee control set.

      When are we getting free-form like Chadpions Online and Homecoming's internal test server?

      I can say with certainty homecoming does not have free form ATs. I think cake has them though.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry but grappling doesn't really work with the CoH engine or gameplay style. Allow me to explain what I mean..

      The engine problem is the size range of the characters. Even IF animations could be added where do you put the hands without knowing the size of the enemy so it doesn't look bad? The size range on basic CoH is 4 foot to 8 foot just to agree on a standard. And some mobs aren't even 4 foot tall like Clockwork or Rikti Monkeys.

      So it WON'T work with the engine, what's this about gameplay then?

      Early on in CoH design it was stated the 3 minions equals 1 Hero. Grappling's basic focus is 1v1 and is in trouble against multiple opponents.

      There are many other games with grappling built in. If you have to have a grappling fix then those are what you should try.

  22. 2 years ago

    When are we getting free-form like Chadpions Online and Homecoming's internal test server?

  23. 2 years ago

    there was a thread earlier on Ganker that said the server was held hostage for years by a someone. Is there actual any proof of this or was it some shitpost?

    • 2 years ago

      Kind of sort of? Okay, I'm going to speak as someone who comes from Homecoming but the gist of the story I've heard is:

      >Around the time the game was closed down, a member of the forums named Leandro was approached anonymously (who, even he isn't sure) and given the source code and told to do with it what he will, with the implicit suggestion to distribute it.
      >He starts a secret private server and whether egotism, paranoia, something else, or a combination there of, he keeps the code secret. As I understand, he claims fear since NCsoft had previously established a history of coming down on private servers of their shutdown games hard.
      >Years pass and this secret server, well, remains secret until a former member who had been kicked from the server named Stroyer logs in on a friend's account and streams the thing and tells everyone it exists
      >Blood is called for since Leandro had remained an active member in the communities of post-mortem City and many called him out as a hypocrite, an egotist trying to be a dictator, etc.
      >Leo finally caves after some guys from one of the few sites far more degenerate than us actually post pictures of his house and them pointing a gun at it.
      >Code is released, though homecoming, which has ties to Leandro is able to set up first and early because of existing infrastructure.
      >Tspy and Cake also didn't want a lot of the changes and additions Leandro had made to the game in the years since the shutdown so they could start anew from their own foundations.
      >And the rest is history pretty much.

      As I understand, Tspy and Cake went with the i24 beta client which was the very last update the game had before sunset. I think Rebirth went further by going back and using only the issue 23 game client (not sure on this though), while Homecoming as informally dubbed itself as being on issue 27 at this point.

      • 2 years ago

        Only clarifying the last point because OP asked for a civil thread.

        All the servers work with the same i24 code base as that's what was leaked and the only source available. Issue 24 was still in beta when the shutdown was announced and had not been fully balanced so the newest sets are a little OP.

        Rebirth, for a long while, did not add anything preferring to keep it as live was. They did start adding things and are doing good work too. But their base gameplay is I believe still unchanged from live.

        • 2 years ago

          Ah, thank you for the correction. I actually wasn't too sure about Rebirth's situation. I have seen on reddit some of the new costume pieces they've added and I'll admit I'm kind of envious. Hell, all the servers have plenty to be proud of if you ask me.

          That aside, one thing that will never not make me scratch my head is why homecoming has yet to add Wind Control. I understand there's an unspoken rule at least between homecoming and non-homecoming servers that neither one likes to be perceived as imitating the other, but Wind Control was something that had been in the works way back on live and as a control set, it shouldn't need any new character animations, just some effects and proper coding. Anyone here have any info on what Tspy and Cake might have gone through to get Wind Control working?

          • 2 years ago

            My info is it's just like you said. Wind and Water Control were mostly finished in the code source and just needed some final polish. No idea why Resurgence/HC never went for this low-hanging fruit. HC could finish it and put it out at any point and I'm pretty sure no one would care now.

      • 2 years ago

        >anonymously (who, even he isn't sure)
        It's known who it was, but for privacy reasons and the dev's sake, their name isn't brought up.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah. It's apparently no great feat to deduce who it was if you have the source code to look at, but publicizing it will get them blackballed from an industry that still employs them. Not a good way to thank someone that did us a real solid.

    • 2 years ago

      Documentation can be found on the archives section of the Thunderspy discord if interested.

  24. 2 years ago

    quick note about the history of the whole thing, pic related
    1) Leo is a fricking sociopath about keeping his little secret cult a secret, and kept spies in facebook groups/leddit to rat on people if they mentioned anything
    2) dude was taking donations for what would eventually become SCORE (which is still active and being used as the beta server for HC) two fricking months after the game was closed. he had that shit back up and running IMMEDIATELY.

  25. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      >Renowned TF2 cosmetic maker wants to make stuff for a dead game server
      >Some troony furry dev refuses for "reasons"

      So explain to me why they can't make things for the server.

      • 2 years ago

        I have zero pull or weight on the server or its management, but I can state that Yikes is a pee-pee-pants baby moron who is 100% incapable of receiving criticism or feedback on his work. He DOES make TF2 items but that art style just straight up doesnt work with COX and he is either unable or unwilling to try to adapt his sculpting to fit the game he's trying to sculpt for. What modeling he's done outside of tf2 is all ghoulish hypergential futa brown women and is literally, dictionary definition repulsive.
        His items dont fit in the game and he doesn't listen to feedback when people tell him so, so he just does whatever he wants and expects people to just take what he gives whether or not people want it. He would make a bad team member probably anywhere, there included.

        • 2 years ago

          But didn't he add in clothing and scarves and military straps and shit?

          • 2 years ago

            yes he did, and they fit the style perfectly fine. idk what this schizo is going off about

      • 2 years ago

        OBH is none of those things. Keep it up, moron.

    • 2 years ago

      You were in the server watching it happen almost real time. All to post it here. Get a life outside of city of heroes.

    • 2 years ago

      >Literally using the screencap Yikes made

      >Renowned TF2 cosmetic maker wants to make stuff for a dead game server
      >Some troony furry dev refuses for "reasons"

      So explain to me why they can't make things for the server.

      >Jerks off Yikes

      Wow, same gayging in 2022, the year of our lord.

  26. 2 years ago

    I might jerk off right now

    • 2 years ago

      To what? Or rather who? I mean a lot of it is because personality is a huge factor for me but there’s not that many hot chicks in this games.

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly I've been in a Sucy mood lately

  27. 2 years ago

    Great MMO that got split due to troony drama (coxg is still the best server)

    • 2 years ago

      >dysfunctional moronic dev team that works at a snails pace and has no quality control and regularly breaks their own shit for lack of testing
      >their main "artist" doesn't even texture his costume pieces
      >pretends they care about quality assurance
      yeah, no.

      • 2 years ago

        Why'd you bring up Rebirth?

      • 2 years ago

        >A bunch of gay furry morons managed to stapled together the most content rich city of heroes server while understaffed and lacking players.
        really makes you jog.

        • 2 years ago

          CoH is piss-easy to mod, so it's not hard to flood a server with unfinished and unpolished and poorly balanced content

          • 2 years ago

            So every server minus coxg? How come every server is still a mess if it's so easy?

            • 2 years ago

              I honestly wouldn't call Rebirth a mess, they keep things balanced and polished.
              HC polishes things so much people forget what they're working on.

            • 2 years ago

              >minus coxg
              they literally pushed one developer's mommydom fetish as an entire powerset

              • 2 years ago

                Which was a huge mistake and is getting addressed sometime soon.

  28. 2 years ago

    im giving birth rn

  29. 2 years ago

    This wouldn't be happening if you didn't ban Malv.

    • 2 years ago

      Malv was not banned he left of his own accord. Go outside you useless Black person.

      • 2 years ago

        Then why do people on the server talk about him being banned?

        • 2 years ago

          Literally no one talks about him being banned, because anyone who isn't a shitstirring lurker (you) witnessed his sperg out.

          • 2 years ago

            >literally too poor to make costumes for the server
            >what time he does have he's sworn to replacing costume pieces people already like out of spite
            the absolute state of thunderspy's developers

            • 2 years ago

              Noone can make money on hosting a COH server dumbass. NCSOFT would slap the frick outta whoever did it(unless you run Homocumming). Use your head before you post like a moron.

              >suddenly people are struggling with finances during a financial crisis with food shortaged etc

              Utterly shocked. have a nice day slowly.

              • 2 years ago

                who said anything about making money off coh? reading comprehension, moron.

          • 2 years ago

            >Nothing gets done
            >TS continues to fellatio Homecoming by adding in similar Veteran Levels because they ran out of ideas.
            >Won't let an artist work on the server because some furry doesn't like getting shown up by a better artist

            Sounds about right.

            • 2 years ago

              No, you got that backwards, OBH aint a furry and Yikes just acts conceded over his rather trashy art.
              Attached is Yike's art

              • 2 years ago

       that all he's getting riled up about? Fricking seriously? What's wrong with that?

              • 2 years ago

                Yikes got told to go work for Rebirth and got banned from the Tspy discord for being an annoying c**t and trying to go around every dev. So now he's here being an annoying c**t.

              • 2 years ago

                Banned for what? Modeling Floyd lips and big boobs? Also I thought this was the no-moderation server so if he gets annoying then just mute him.

              • 2 years ago

                I think the main thing is that he was going around any devs that tell him no by going to another dev and going "PLEESE"
                Also it was so he'd dev for the server he's actually a dev for.

              • 2 years ago

                Wasn't TS and Rebirth and Cake and Sanctuary all supposed to be some open source collaborative group to spite HC?

                So again, why the frick couldn't he make models for the server? Besides the butthurt power monger furry who had his territory stepped on.

              • 2 years ago

                Not really, we share stuff (and we told yikes if he gets stuff made on Rebirth that we would think about adding it) but we are each our own server.
                Also once again, OBH isn't a furry, and refuses to add furry pieces. And to answer why not, well about half the items he's made and tried to add didn't fit with the art style.

              • 2 years ago

                >didn't fit with the art style
                they fit just fine, spend your precious time making new costume pieces instead

              • 2 years ago

                OBH and DrBrain are not furries. Not sure if you meant the costume parts guy or the Owner. Either way I have my issues regarding things but Brain and a few of the staff are genuinely decent to the players since day one. I do miss the monthly voice chat meetings though they hosted. Id like tspy to do that again with Brain. Seemed more productive at times or genuinely fun.

              • 2 years ago

                Largely stopped them due to the primary QA being worked on, which left Queue as the only one able to really work and test things.

                It's also a bit spoiled by the fact patch notes are properly written and posted to for QA, which previous people didn't do. So other than things that need to remain unannounced, it's usually just restating those pending changes. Granted, more than a few times people are surprised by things posted publicly in those patch notes.

              • 2 years ago

                That poster was just being polite and not showing the more egregious shit. Frick, neither did I. Just google "yikes r34" and you can see why no sane person would want to work with this guy.

              • 2 years ago

                tspy has literally shipped one of their developer's fetish as a powerset

              • 2 years ago

                And meka is being a c**t and reworking it, fricking hell I like my domination of my zombies

              • 2 years ago

                >meka reworking shit that doesn't need to be touched because it's easier than actually making new content episode #[we lost count]
                meka wont rest until literally everything in the game functions exactly the game and has fricked up power icons and mismatching fx

              • 2 years ago

                And meka is being a c**t and reworking it, fricking hell I like my domination of my zombies

                what set? Obedience?
                Also did they put in that mech pilot set in?

              • 2 years ago

                and no, he lost steam on Dynamic duo after the pet costumes. The whole duo takedowns would be hell to program and balance

              • 2 years ago

                And that person was actually trans.

            • 2 years ago

              The Vet Level system was literally because I felt like it while working on something I could do in 5 minutes that had a net benefit. Being autistic over "Don't do something because someone else did" will just lead to other servers having better systems, and no one on the Thunderspy staff is stupid enough to fall into that trap.

              Thunderspergs is such a hot mess that even we on Rebirth are distancing ourselves from them. How can a band of mentally ill white supremacists be left alone to run a server. No wonder no one plays on their dead server.

              By all means, get as far away as possible.

              I'm tired of being asked for our code changes for costume parts I could steal in 2 minutes. I'm sure a new "no reliance on third parties" policy will do great, especially since the new power tray change came from Senpai who gave it to Neptune. Rebirth is setup for success with only one programmer, since ERPMario was voted off the island for his homophobia.

              Even if they managed actual code changes that were worth stealing, I'm the only reverse engineer on any server team - and I can just take those too. Especially if official policy is they want nothing to do with us. Why would I care?

              Though all of those we can just build ourselves from reading the patch notes since we actually know the codebase. I've been doing that with Homecoming changes just fine.

              • 2 years ago

                Did the furhomosexual piss himself because this post reeks of wet fur. Just because you were some reverse engineer for SCORE doesn't make you special. And if you could have done it in 5 Minutes then why didn't you do I sooner? You keep on saying your not HC, but you keep on harping on their shit.

              • 2 years ago

                I didn't work for SCoRE, moron. I worked on SEGS and multiple other projects unrelated to CoH. I was even contributing to Ouro in an effort to help every community.

                HC has copied my ideas, such as dynamic geometry collision. Rebirth's "future changes" is stuff we already did, and again - they keep asking for our work. So maybe if you'd quit being a homosexual sideliner with your dick hard over everything we do, you'd notice that too.

                I'm more than willing to admit other people had good ideas to springboard. I don't mind them doing the same, because anyone with actual skill sets can respect others in their field. Maybe try paying attention to everyone else for once and you might pick up on this yourself instead of the autistic "Everything everyone else does bad."

                The only reason I'm not stealing artistic works is because I've done my best to maintain a level of professional courtesy and because frankly I don't give a shit about costumes. I'd make my character a stick figure if the game played the same. That's why I even removed Naomi's custom base details when setting up base details for the Apartment system.

          • 2 years ago

            Why do you guys care about him so much? He killed himself soon after this sperging.

            • 2 years ago

              I only pointed out that he left and why, because he wasn't banned. Not sure I'd conflate that with caring.

              Pretty sure Malv didn't kill himself. People were saying he was dead when he was still in the Discord and talking, since all the lesbians apparently care more about discussing furries than themselves. The guy just has a stressful job and got tired of people in the discord who can't separate shitposting from CoH.

      • 2 years ago

        Proof? That's not what I hear.

        • 2 years ago

          The audit log is literally visible on the discord. You can search bans and see he wasn't. He left on his own.

          You lesbians gossip more than any women and somehow manage to be wrong every time.

  30. 2 years ago

    Oh cool, another of these threads.

  31. 2 years ago

    why do people who left the discord still b***h about the discord?

    • 2 years ago

      Ask Tort and LadyRayne and Tempie. All they want to do is shit on us because we're the evil 4chin server.

  32. 2 years ago

    >gays b***hing about tspy when the owner is the nicest guy around
    >nobody goes to the owner and justs ask him about shit
    >memes of the owner exist because hes so unaware of shit like this because morons dont tell him about there issues
    >shocked when spergs choose to stir drama instead of handling with the staff

    New @ 11.

    Check out muh hero

  33. 2 years ago

    >Just want to grow the community to play games with fun people and see their fun characters and silly ideas
    >Weirdo schizos with no life make up stupid bullshit for no reason because they can't interact like normal people on a server with minimum social skills and standards
    >Can't even stick to their dead development server with a "large population" that's several major features behind a server ran by gay autistic furries to act as play pen for other autists.
    For your own sake. Get a life outside of CoH. You're not actually affecting anyone but yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      Calm down

  34. 2 years ago

    I enjoyed many of these parts.

  35. 2 years ago
  36. 2 years ago

    I would also like to continue enjoying this thread in the drama free spirit that OP requested. Can we do that please?

    • 2 years ago

      frick off HappilyMarried. You're such a christian goodie goodie passive woman who's oblivious to what is going on. You're annoyingly too polite and normalgay.

      • 2 years ago

        That wasn't Happ.

      • 2 years ago

        Kys bro. Seriously.

  37. 2 years ago

    Thunderspergs is such a hot mess that even we on Rebirth are distancing ourselves from them. How can a band of mentally ill white supremacists be left alone to run a server. No wonder no one plays on their dead server.

  38. 2 years ago

    Post the canon npc or mob you hate the most.

    >"Wah Wah! I signed my life away to the army and then joined black ops which expressly is about discretion and I got mad when they didn't help me after I fricked up! Now I'm going to use my amazing cybernetics and super advanced military training to shoot two nerf blasters ineffectively!"

    • 2 years ago

      You're talking a lot of shit for someone who won't stand in teleport kick range.

      • 2 years ago

        Good. I'm Titan Weapons/Willpower anyway.

        do people still put zero effort into their background and costumes? i lost my images of most of my heros for this game. but i still have the bios:

        Nuka-Girl Dual pistol/radiation emission corruptor
        Without refreshing beverages to quench their thirst, Paragon City heroes risk becoming dangerously parched! Luckily, Nuka-Girl is here to support heroes with refreshing Ice Cold Colas, and zap baddies with her dual thirst zappers! Nuka-Girl’s wide selection of Nuka-Cola flavors and rare secret recipes give her amazing beverage powers! Nuka-Cola Citrus™ can heal injured allies, Nuka-Cola Quantum™ gives bursts of speed, Nuka-Cola Cherry™ irradiates enemies, and Nuka-Cola Victory™ explodes whole groups of evildoers! Villains beware! Nuka-Girl is on patrol, restoring hope and refreshment to Paragon City!

        Lately I've been trying to keep things a bit more simple simple with my descriptions. Well, simple yet abstract. A DP/MC blaster I have on Redside basically has the description:

        >William Blake is one of the dime a dozen test subjects for the endless stream of super soldier programs which come and go, even if he had been a volunteer. But when the program developing his program went bankrupt and was shut down, he found himself with incredible power, no superiors, no orders, no nation to fight for, nor politicians to impress. A more idealistic person would use their powers to become a hero, but William was a lifelong soldier and soldiers don't get paid in peace times.

  39. 2 years ago

    if i try thunderspy out will i have to deal with the same levels of schizoprenia and hysteria i see in literally every single one of these CoX threads

    • 2 years ago

      Nah. Folks in the game are there to actually play the game. Discord silliness rarely intrudes.

  40. 2 years ago

    Have you guys removed that KKK NPC you put outside under the Atlas statue that does nothing but shout "Black person" over and over again?

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      There was never an NPC that did that, but now you're giving me ideas on how to ward away homosexuals like you.

      What's your name, so I can be sure to put it up in your honor?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Sorry, I won't put myself in the game outside of events, as much as I want to have an NPC version of me calling you a Black person.

      • 2 years ago

        DJ Blu

    • 2 years ago

      I've been on the server since it launched and never saw that. I wish that were actually real, Homocummies shill. Because that'd be hilarious.

      do people still put zero effort into their background and costumes? i lost my images of most of my heros for this game. but i still have the bios:

      Nuka-Girl Dual pistol/radiation emission corruptor
      Without refreshing beverages to quench their thirst, Paragon City heroes risk becoming dangerously parched! Luckily, Nuka-Girl is here to support heroes with refreshing Ice Cold Colas, and zap baddies with her dual thirst zappers! Nuka-Girl’s wide selection of Nuka-Cola flavors and rare secret recipes give her amazing beverage powers! Nuka-Cola Citrus™ can heal injured allies, Nuka-Cola Quantum™ gives bursts of speed, Nuka-Cola Cherry™ irradiates enemies, and Nuka-Cola Victory™ explodes whole groups of evildoers! Villains beware! Nuka-Girl is on patrol, restoring hope and refreshment to Paragon City!

      Define lack of effort, I put a lot of autistic thought into my character designs and background including costume and power change macros. But my autism only let's me make Toku/Sentai toons.

      Give them a break! Over on homecoming we've spent several updates where it's a lot of under-the-hood improvements, and with a game as old as this, making these fine adjustments is important for performance and such. I know it's not exciting or boasting new TFs, powers, and ATs, but tweaking the numbers and system calculations are pretty important.

      Why does your server still run like shit then? Leo's shitty code he added has fricked you over. And you'll never admit that's why you can't add new content.

      Server went to shit when Normal Guy left. You just had to dox him.

      I talked with him a couple of days ago, he's still cool.

      shut the frick up thundergays


      Thunderspy has some absolute mongoloids and troony morons including me, but I like all the different costume pieces that even Rebirth doesn't have. And when they all get together for a game night it's fun. Unlike HC which still renames and changes your toons without your permission because they're afraid of "copyright infringement" on their private server that infringes on NCsoft's copy right.

      Two more weeks on the "talks with Ncsoft." right?

  41. 2 years ago

    do people still put zero effort into their background and costumes? i lost my images of most of my heros for this game. but i still have the bios:

    Nuka-Girl Dual pistol/radiation emission corruptor
    Without refreshing beverages to quench their thirst, Paragon City heroes risk becoming dangerously parched! Luckily, Nuka-Girl is here to support heroes with refreshing Ice Cold Colas, and zap baddies with her dual thirst zappers! Nuka-Girl’s wide selection of Nuka-Cola flavors and rare secret recipes give her amazing beverage powers! Nuka-Cola Citrus™ can heal injured allies, Nuka-Cola Quantum™ gives bursts of speed, Nuka-Cola Cherry™ irradiates enemies, and Nuka-Cola Victory™ explodes whole groups of evildoers! Villains beware! Nuka-Girl is on patrol, restoring hope and refreshment to Paragon City!

    • 2 years ago

      I played with you as Nuka girl, the call-outs were adorable.

    • 2 years ago

      I played with you as Nuka girl, the call-outs were adorable.

      I still have the pictures saved from the first Ganker threads. I make it my mission to tease anyone who doesn't have a bio at least once in their character's lifecycle because I see such great designs with no story. I love reading people's backgrounds and wish more people did it, even if it's short and simple.

      • 2 years ago

        Well here is my bio then lmao

        Bee Girl, iconoclast of the Hive of Justice, pollinator for the posies of the people, there is no bumble in the precise, bright actions of this bee. Firing upon villainy with her Patent Pending Bee-m Rifle, this Avatar of Insectoid Justice sends her fans abuzz and her enemies a quiver.

        Beatrice Ellauhel, daughter of a humble beekeeper never questioned her simple way of life, until 23 May 2002, the first Rikti war had arrived, was then she found out about her father Zoemji Ellauhel legacy, before becoming a humble beekeeper, he was a silver age hero, by the name of Bee Boy, after a long battle in defense of their farm, Beatrice swore to protect the world from villains seeking to do harm.
        Remember evildoers, this bumble is ready to rumble.

  42. 2 years ago

    Found Thunderspy HQ

    • 2 years ago

      Oh dearie dear that IS a problem!
      I am SO sorry this happened! It's simply unacceptable! Please rest assured we will correct this as SOON as possible!

      After all June is Pride month, so we will put out the rainbow swastikas instead, except in our Saudi offices. (You can meet me there if you wanna argue that point.)

  43. 2 years ago
  44. 2 years ago

    Why do buildgays care about resistance so much when mobs are braindead easy to kill?

  45. 2 years ago

    When are you re-adding Statesman?

    • 2 years ago


  46. 2 years ago

    does homecoming/torchbearer still have an 'unofficial roleplay server'? i miss my elec/rad brute but i'd imagine the server populations are pretty low at this point

    • 2 years ago

      >Having low population

      Bro, come on. Really?

      • 2 years ago

        yeah? haven't played in like 2 years so i'm asking if the servers are still active
        not a part of your thread-destroying server vs server shitflinging, if that's what you're paranoid about

    • 2 years ago

      Everlasting is the usual homecoming RP center.

      Well when it comes to population HCs worries are only going to increase. Realistically they do no advertising (unless you count trying to hijack threads) nor anything else to attract new players. So over time their population is only shrinking.

      Went on Torch one night a couple of months ago and found they had fewer online than Tspy that night. Now this is still rather uncommon for now I'm betting. But it can only increase in frequency over time.

      And when it becomes the rule rather than the exception, folks will openly talk about merging HCs servers. This is pretty much a death knell as HC has to figure out who gets to keep their character's names. They literally won't be able to satisfy everyone which causes more players to leave and reduce their server count further.

      Then once HCs server merge has happened the paypiggies will expect smaller "donation targets". Good luck with that one! And that's more HC players gone.

      And the only thing the smaller servers need to do during this is make HC players aware they have options. The CoH community will live and thrive on free of HCs restrictions.

      It is brought up as a concern, but to my knowledge the team behind Homecoming kind of shrug and seem to leave it to players to recruit.

    • 2 years ago

      Homecoming is not Torchbearer. If they've a server named that, then I spit on them. That name goes to the test server, and frick it being called Bree by that sneaky cuck Yuvi that was working in league with Leo from the start. To answer your question, HC's unofficial RP server I think is Everlasting. Rebirth does RP events and there's a roleplay text channel for people who do it on Thunderspy. Anyone who says, "I'd do X but the population is too low" deserves to have their kneecaps broken because everyone who says that is an active reason why it's low population to begin with.

      • 2 years ago

        It's a shame we don't have an RP community, I'd bother to pay attention to their plot lines and possibly drop events for them.

        • 2 years ago

          I hope you looked at Arde's King Midas thread, then.

          • 2 years ago

            I have

            • 2 years ago

              Now look at me.

      • 2 years ago

        >Anyone who says, "I'd do X but the population is too low" deserves to have their kneecaps broken because everyone who says that is an active reason why it's low population to begin with.

        No it's because you guys are fricking immature cringe nazi larpers and no one wants to be around you. How fricking hard is it for you to understand that.

        • 2 years ago

          Ok malv

          • 2 years ago

            I'm actually offended that you think I'm him.

        • 2 years ago

          >you guys are fricking immature cringe

  47. 2 years ago

    Well when it comes to population HCs worries are only going to increase. Realistically they do no advertising (unless you count trying to hijack threads) nor anything else to attract new players. So over time their population is only shrinking.

    Went on Torch one night a couple of months ago and found they had fewer online than Tspy that night. Now this is still rather uncommon for now I'm betting. But it can only increase in frequency over time.

    And when it becomes the rule rather than the exception, folks will openly talk about merging HCs servers. This is pretty much a death knell as HC has to figure out who gets to keep their character's names. They literally won't be able to satisfy everyone which causes more players to leave and reduce their server count further.

    Then once HCs server merge has happened the paypiggies will expect smaller "donation targets". Good luck with that one! And that's more HC players gone.

    And the only thing the smaller servers need to do during this is make HC players aware they have options. The CoH community will live and thrive on free of HCs restrictions.

    • 2 years ago

      The thing to remember to is that when you look at HC player numbers, you should actually look at the map instances. They're running static maps always, so anything above around 50 is the actual map count.

      So like right now, Torchbearer has 61 Heroes, 12 Villains and 89 map instances. That means nearly 39 maps are actual players and everyone else is in zones (AFK in AP likely), so you are looking at what is likely mostly AFKs and people multiboxing 1 or more characters for AE farming.

      Thunderspy and Rebirth have had complaints about people not being constantly AFK in AP to inflate player numbers, but that's because people only log in on to actual do shit.

  48. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      do people even realize leo was the guy who held the game hostage for 13 years

      • 2 years ago

        You expect too much from Black personcattle with the memory span of a goldfish.

  49. 2 years ago

    what is the beaner server

  50. 2 years ago

    Huge patch on Thunderspy yesterday. Several powersets reworked. Patch notes on the discord.

    • 2 years ago

      How about you post them here on the general like a person with a fricking brain. Why even have this thread if you're going to lock everything noteworthy behind some cancerous troony and furry discord page?

      • 2 years ago

        >discord they ban you from for not sucking the dev team's dicks enough
        yeah no thanks. post the patch notes here or frick off troony

        THAT's how you ask someone for a favor?

        • 2 years ago

          Huge patch on Thunderspy yesterday. Several powersets reworked. Patch notes on the discord.

          post the patchnotes here or i'll call you something mildly upsetting

    • 2 years ago

      >discord they ban you from for not sucking the dev team's dicks enough
      yeah no thanks. post the patch notes here or frick off troony

      • 2 years ago

        How about you post them here on the general like a person with a fricking brain. Why even have this thread if you're going to lock everything noteworthy behind some cancerous troony and furry discord page?

        Spoon feeding time! Tspy patch notes despite the "requests"

        # Client
        ## Improvements
        * NVCPL has been removed and replaced with the latest NVAPI
        - NVAPI is now used to get the number of monitors and the GPU dedicated memory available for determining system specs (and ultimately what your computer supports). If NVAPI fails, the game will determine the available memory the same way it does for AMD
        * Removed nvDXT from Game includes, since it hasn't been in use for a while
        * Removed old AlienSDK include references in a few spots, since it has been removed from our codebase for a while
        * Added new Preview system to perform specific animations for previews in Power Customization
        ## Occlusion
        * Adjustments to a lot of small geometry to mark it as not needing to be occluded
        ## Bug Fixes
        * Fix an out-of-bounds read in the Power Customization menu
        * Fix crash in the old Tutorials caused by clicking "More" after the enhancement tutorial
        * Fix crash from viewing Info on powers missing Description text
        ## UI:
        * Removed Archetype stat bars in the character creation, since they were both bugged and not very accurate outside of that
        * Removed the double % on Power Info displays
        * Fixed Power Info Average Damage calculation to properly account for the formula of: floor(duration/period) + 1 for ticking damage
        * Add new menu message when customization fails to tell players they need to rename the pet

        # Server:
        ## Improvements
        * Adjustment to pathfinding improving calculation speeds, fixed memory leak, and possibly addressed issue with flying NPCs becoming stuck
        ## Bug Fixes
        * Fixed MARTY trigger bug caused by XP normalization
        * Adjustment to code behind /respec - Was incorrectly flagging that you had a respec available when that was not the case, if you had used a Trial respec before

        # Backend:
        ## Improvements
        * Adjustment to collision code to reduce some unnecessary slowdowns and an optimization for some of the math
        ## Bug Fixes:
        * getPhysicalMemory now returns actual RAM size values
        [5:25 PM]
        # Enhancements
        * Can now be slotted at +3 again
        * Fix Natural/Magic and Technology/Natural DOs not having the updated values

        # Costumes
        ## Backweapons
        * Fix Male and Huge using Female FX for Mecha Broadsword and Titan Weapons
        * Fix Legacy Broadsword missing
        * Fix Fire Broadsword missing
        * Fix Ice Broadsword missing
        * Fix Fire and Ice - Elemental Broadsword and Titan Weapon missing

        ## Female
        * Tights (Muscled) has been added using the Longbow Male bumpmap, the existing Longbow has been edited to use the proper bumpmap
        - This will allow for custom masks to be applied instead of just the Longbow

        # Scripted Events
        ## Paladin
        * Fixed event in Kings Row to properly resets
        ## Dilemma Diabolique
        * Fixed Spines Badge Challenge to properly fail if the spines are not all destroyed within the timer

        I missed the thread patch notes posts. Thanks.

  51. 2 years ago

    I bet they didn't even update the website with the patch notes.

  52. 2 years ago

    >They removed Tank Aggro
    >Let you choose what Tier of MM Pet you want at level 1 instead of starting at T1

    Who the frick designed this mess?

    • 2 years ago


  53. 2 years ago

    So what's the server of choice?

  54. 2 years ago

    Spoon feeding time! Tspy patch notes despite the "requests"

    # Client
    ## Improvements
    * NVCPL has been removed and replaced with the latest NVAPI
    - NVAPI is now used to get the number of monitors and the GPU dedicated memory available for determining system specs (and ultimately what your computer supports). If NVAPI fails, the game will determine the available memory the same way it does for AMD
    * Removed nvDXT from Game includes, since it hasn't been in use for a while
    * Removed old AlienSDK include references in a few spots, since it has been removed from our codebase for a while
    * Added new Preview system to perform specific animations for previews in Power Customization
    ## Occlusion
    * Adjustments to a lot of small geometry to mark it as not needing to be occluded
    ## Bug Fixes
    * Fix an out-of-bounds read in the Power Customization menu
    * Fix crash in the old Tutorials caused by clicking "More" after the enhancement tutorial
    * Fix crash from viewing Info on powers missing Description text
    ## UI:
    * Removed Archetype stat bars in the character creation, since they were both bugged and not very accurate outside of that
    * Removed the double % on Power Info displays
    * Fixed Power Info Average Damage calculation to properly account for the formula of: floor(duration/period) + 1 for ticking damage
    * Add new menu message when customization fails to tell players they need to rename the pet

    # Server:
    ## Improvements
    * Adjustment to pathfinding improving calculation speeds, fixed memory leak, and possibly addressed issue with flying NPCs becoming stuck
    ## Bug Fixes
    * Fixed MARTY trigger bug caused by XP normalization
    * Adjustment to code behind /respec - Was incorrectly flagging that you had a respec available when that was not the case, if you had used a Trial respec before

    • 2 years ago

      # Backend:
      ## Improvements
      * Adjustment to collision code to reduce some unnecessary slowdowns and an optimization for some of the math
      ## Bug Fixes:
      * getPhysicalMemory now returns actual RAM size values
      [5:25 PM]
      # Enhancements
      * Can now be slotted at +3 again
      * Fix Natural/Magic and Technology/Natural DOs not having the updated values

      # Costumes
      ## Backweapons
      * Fix Male and Huge using Female FX for Mecha Broadsword and Titan Weapons
      * Fix Legacy Broadsword missing
      * Fix Fire Broadsword missing
      * Fix Ice Broadsword missing
      * Fix Fire and Ice - Elemental Broadsword and Titan Weapon missing

      ## Female
      * Tights (Muscled) has been added using the Longbow Male bumpmap, the existing Longbow has been edited to use the proper bumpmap
      - This will allow for custom masks to be applied instead of just the Longbow

      # Scripted Events
      ## Paladin
      * Fixed event in Kings Row to properly resets
      ## Dilemma Diabolique
      * Fixed Spines Badge Challenge to properly fail if the spines are not all destroyed within the timer

      # Powers
      ## New KB System
      * Replaced Singularity's Repel with a Pull towards itself
      * Replaced Riptide's awful ForceMove with a rotating Pull. As a result, radius is reduced to better match graphic (40ft -> 25ft) and damage is increased from 0.15/tick -> 0.23/tick

      ## Defender
      * Ice Melee powers now accept Defender IOs

      ## Primalist
      * Changed Nature's Boon to no longer remove your Primal Energy
      * For Prowler Form, Nature's Boon now gives an additional non-hide scale Bleed on Feral Blow, Vicious Strike, and Savage Blow. These powers no longer have Stun as a result.

      ## Peacebringer
      * Energy Flight
      - Reduced end cost from 0.5 -> 0.182
      - Increased Fly speed scale to 1.25

      ## Pool
      * Removed account server check on Utility Belt and Sorcery
      * Super Jump
      - Increase leap height and speed from scale 1 -> 1.25 in PVE.
      - Reduced endurance cost to 0.228 -> 0.182
      * Super Speed
      - Increase run speed from scale 1 to 1.25 in PVE.
      - Reduced endurance cost to 0.2275 -> 0.182
      * Speed of Sound
      - No longer provides Stealth
      * Fly
      - Reduced endurance cost from 0.2275 -> 0.182
      - Fly Speed scale increased from 1 -> 1.25 in PVE
      * Afterburner
      - Reduced endurance cost from 0.325 -> 0.2275

      ## Dark Blast
      * Tenebrous Tentacles
      - Fixed Radius to be 60 and match the range
      - Reduced Damage to properly account for the Radius and Arc from 0.118/tick Smashing to 0.07235/tick. Negative is the same.
      * Torrent
      - Readded Smashing damage at 0.2 scale, added 0.03 to negative
      - Increased endurance cost from 12 to 14.352
      * Blackstar
      - Increased Smashing damage from 1 -> 1.23
      - Increased Negative damage from 3 -> 3.73

      ## Wind Control
      * Removed the debug floating text of "I Drain Pressure!" from the powers.

      ## Psychokinetic Assault
      * Sword Pets now use a silent sequencer for movement, death, etc..

      ## Sprint Customization
      * Changes to make the Glide FX customizable

      Meka "It's not fair!" — 06/09/2022
      ## Super Reflexes

      * Removed PvP specific Psionic defense
      * Evasion's effects have been merged into Focused Senses
      * Agile and lucky's effects have been merged into Dodge, which is now the t3 power in the set.

      * Focused Fighting
      - Defense scale increased from 1.85 to 2.0
      - Defense debuff resistance increased from 0.4 to 0.6
      - Added tohit debuff resistance

      * Focused Senses
      - Defense scale increased from 1.85 to 2.0,
      - Defense debuff resistance increased from 0.4 to 0.6

      * Agile (Renamed to Dodge)
      - Now has Melee, Ranged, and AoE defense
      - Defense debuff value increased from 0.2 to 0.6
      - Scaling resistance value increased from 0.2 to 0.6

      Wow, was that so fricking hard? Also it's absolutely fricking nothing. Where's that New Content you always rave about?

      • 2 years ago


        So this "big update" is just a bunch of moved decimals for powers that no one uses? Especially PvP? PvP that no one fricking does? Do you guys even have priorities? How is this supposed to make me want to play there?

        Give them a break! Over on homecoming we've spent several updates where it's a lot of under-the-hood improvements, and with a game as old as this, making these fine adjustments is important for performance and such. I know it's not exciting or boasting new TFs, powers, and ATs, but tweaking the numbers and system calculations are pretty important.

        • 2 years ago

          post discarded. This is a Thunderspy thread.

          • 2 years ago

            Then stop shitting on your own server.

        • 2 years ago

          These guys are just trolls here to stir shit. Nothing will "please" them and they aren't interested in acting civilized. Ignoring them is a good step to making a happier thread.

        • 2 years ago

          >we've spent all updates where it's a lot of under-the-hood improvements and pretty much nothing else

      • 2 years ago

        B-but, muh costume parts and power tweaks!
        That's content, isn't it?!

    • 2 years ago

      # Backend:
      ## Improvements
      * Adjustment to collision code to reduce some unnecessary slowdowns and an optimization for some of the math
      ## Bug Fixes:
      * getPhysicalMemory now returns actual RAM size values
      [5:25 PM]
      # Enhancements
      * Can now be slotted at +3 again
      * Fix Natural/Magic and Technology/Natural DOs not having the updated values

      # Costumes
      ## Backweapons
      * Fix Male and Huge using Female FX for Mecha Broadsword and Titan Weapons
      * Fix Legacy Broadsword missing
      * Fix Fire Broadsword missing
      * Fix Ice Broadsword missing
      * Fix Fire and Ice - Elemental Broadsword and Titan Weapon missing

      ## Female
      * Tights (Muscled) has been added using the Longbow Male bumpmap, the existing Longbow has been edited to use the proper bumpmap
      - This will allow for custom masks to be applied instead of just the Longbow

      # Scripted Events
      ## Paladin
      * Fixed event in Kings Row to properly resets
      ## Dilemma Diabolique
      * Fixed Spines Badge Challenge to properly fail if the spines are not all destroyed within the timer

      # Powers
      ## New KB System
      * Replaced Singularity's Repel with a Pull towards itself
      * Replaced Riptide's awful ForceMove with a rotating Pull. As a result, radius is reduced to better match graphic (40ft -> 25ft) and damage is increased from 0.15/tick -> 0.23/tick

      ## Defender
      * Ice Melee powers now accept Defender IOs

      ## Primalist
      * Changed Nature's Boon to no longer remove your Primal Energy
      * For Prowler Form, Nature's Boon now gives an additional non-hide scale Bleed on Feral Blow, Vicious Strike, and Savage Blow. These powers no longer have Stun as a result.

      ## Peacebringer
      * Energy Flight
      - Reduced end cost from 0.5 -> 0.182
      - Increased Fly speed scale to 1.25

      ## Pool
      * Removed account server check on Utility Belt and Sorcery
      * Super Jump
      - Increase leap height and speed from scale 1 -> 1.25 in PVE.
      - Reduced endurance cost to 0.228 -> 0.182
      * Super Speed
      - Increase run speed from scale 1 to 1.25 in PVE.
      - Reduced endurance cost to 0.2275 -> 0.182
      * Speed of Sound
      - No longer provides Stealth
      * Fly
      - Reduced endurance cost from 0.2275 -> 0.182
      - Fly Speed scale increased from 1 -> 1.25 in PVE
      * Afterburner
      - Reduced endurance cost from 0.325 -> 0.2275

      ## Dark Blast
      * Tenebrous Tentacles
      - Fixed Radius to be 60 and match the range
      - Reduced Damage to properly account for the Radius and Arc from 0.118/tick Smashing to 0.07235/tick. Negative is the same.
      * Torrent
      - Readded Smashing damage at 0.2 scale, added 0.03 to negative
      - Increased endurance cost from 12 to 14.352
      * Blackstar
      - Increased Smashing damage from 1 -> 1.23
      - Increased Negative damage from 3 -> 3.73

      ## Wind Control
      * Removed the debug floating text of "I Drain Pressure!" from the powers.

      ## Psychokinetic Assault
      * Sword Pets now use a silent sequencer for movement, death, etc..

      ## Sprint Customization
      * Changes to make the Glide FX customizable

      Meka "It's not fair!" — 06/09/2022
      ## Super Reflexes

      * Removed PvP specific Psionic defense
      * Evasion's effects have been merged into Focused Senses
      * Agile and lucky's effects have been merged into Dodge, which is now the t3 power in the set.

      * Focused Fighting
      - Defense scale increased from 1.85 to 2.0
      - Defense debuff resistance increased from 0.4 to 0.6
      - Added tohit debuff resistance

      * Focused Senses
      - Defense scale increased from 1.85 to 2.0,
      - Defense debuff resistance increased from 0.4 to 0.6

      * Agile (Renamed to Dodge)
      - Now has Melee, Ranged, and AoE defense
      - Defense debuff value increased from 0.2 to 0.6
      - Scaling resistance value increased from 0.2 to 0.6

      So this "big update" is just a bunch of moved decimals for powers that no one uses? Especially PvP? PvP that no one fricking does? Do you guys even have priorities? How is this supposed to make me want to play there?

  55. 2 years ago

    # Backend:
    ## Improvements
    * Adjustment to collision code to reduce some unnecessary slowdowns and an optimization for some of the math
    ## Bug Fixes:
    * getPhysicalMemory now returns actual RAM size values
    [5:25 PM]
    # Enhancements
    * Can now be slotted at +3 again
    * Fix Natural/Magic and Technology/Natural DOs not having the updated values

    # Costumes
    ## Backweapons
    * Fix Male and Huge using Female FX for Mecha Broadsword and Titan Weapons
    * Fix Legacy Broadsword missing
    * Fix Fire Broadsword missing
    * Fix Ice Broadsword missing
    * Fix Fire and Ice - Elemental Broadsword and Titan Weapon missing

    ## Female
    * Tights (Muscled) has been added using the Longbow Male bumpmap, the existing Longbow has been edited to use the proper bumpmap
    - This will allow for custom masks to be applied instead of just the Longbow

    # Scripted Events
    ## Paladin
    * Fixed event in Kings Row to properly resets
    ## Dilemma Diabolique
    * Fixed Spines Badge Challenge to properly fail if the spines are not all destroyed within the timer

  56. 2 years ago

    # Powers
    ## New KB System
    * Replaced Singularity's Repel with a Pull towards itself
    * Replaced Riptide's awful ForceMove with a rotating Pull. As a result, radius is reduced to better match graphic (40ft -> 25ft) and damage is increased from 0.15/tick -> 0.23/tick

    ## Defender
    * Ice Melee powers now accept Defender IOs

    ## Primalist
    * Changed Nature's Boon to no longer remove your Primal Energy
    * For Prowler Form, Nature's Boon now gives an additional non-hide scale Bleed on Feral Blow, Vicious Strike, and Savage Blow. These powers no longer have Stun as a result.

    ## Peacebringer
    * Energy Flight
    - Reduced end cost from 0.5 -> 0.182
    - Increased Fly speed scale to 1.25

    ## Pool
    * Removed account server check on Utility Belt and Sorcery
    * Super Jump
    - Increase leap height and speed from scale 1 -> 1.25 in PVE.
    - Reduced endurance cost to 0.228 -> 0.182
    * Super Speed
    - Increase run speed from scale 1 to 1.25 in PVE.
    - Reduced endurance cost to 0.2275 -> 0.182
    * Speed of Sound
    - No longer provides Stealth
    * Fly
    - Reduced endurance cost from 0.2275 -> 0.182
    - Fly Speed scale increased from 1 -> 1.25 in PVE
    * Afterburner
    - Reduced endurance cost from 0.325 -> 0.2275

  57. 2 years ago

    ## Dark Blast
    * Tenebrous Tentacles
    - Fixed Radius to be 60 and match the range
    - Reduced Damage to properly account for the Radius and Arc from 0.118/tick Smashing to 0.07235/tick. Negative is the same.
    * Torrent
    - Readded Smashing damage at 0.2 scale, added 0.03 to negative
    - Increased endurance cost from 12 to 14.352
    * Blackstar
    - Increased Smashing damage from 1 -> 1.23
    - Increased Negative damage from 3 -> 3.73

    ## Wind Control
    * Removed the debug floating text of "I Drain Pressure!" from the powers.

    ## Psychokinetic Assault
    * Sword Pets now use a silent sequencer for movement, death, etc..

    ## Sprint Customization
    * Changes to make the Glide FX customizable

    Meka "It's not fair!" — 06/09/2022
    ## Super Reflexes

    * Removed PvP specific Psionic defense
    * Evasion's effects have been merged into Focused Senses
    * Agile and lucky's effects have been merged into Dodge, which is now the t3 power in the set.

    * Focused Fighting
    - Defense scale increased from 1.85 to 2.0
    - Defense debuff resistance increased from 0.4 to 0.6
    - Added tohit debuff resistance

    * Focused Senses
    - Defense scale increased from 1.85 to 2.0,
    - Defense debuff resistance increased from 0.4 to 0.6

    * Agile (Renamed to Dodge)
    - Now has Melee, Ranged, and AoE defense
    - Defense debuff value increased from 0.2 to 0.6
    - Scaling resistance value increased from 0.2 to 0.6

  58. 2 years ago

    Have to put this in so Ganker doesn't think this is spam.
    It's not letting me put this section in right now. Gonna give it some time...

    • 2 years ago

      Ok this basket weaving board won't let me post anymore of the patch notes so here's a link.

  59. 2 years ago

    Absolute dogshit of a server.

  60. 2 years ago

    Server went to shit when Normal Guy left. You just had to dox him.

    • 2 years ago

      Who doxed him?
      Also NG is fren and actually active RN, you wouldn't know that though would you Yikes?

  61. 2 years ago

    >Haven't played in years
    >Homocumming still exists
    >Tspy is exploding
    Is Rebirth at least populated?

    • 2 years ago

      Exploding? Tspy is a ghost town that never even reached half of Rebirth's population

      • 2 years ago

        Exploding as in less than less.

  62. 2 years ago

    does anyone have the original pictures of thunderspy and his "i want to play" posts during the whole leak fiasco

    • 2 years ago

      no but i remember when he was literally trying to pay people to stop sharing them kek

  63. 2 years ago

    >thundercucks just keep changing every single powerset for no reason
    Do your 'devs' have nothing else to do with their lives besides change everything back and forth constantly for their fanfic roleplays?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm legit curious: are you annoyed that it's changing so often or just that they changed it at all?

      • 2 years ago

        To be fair a lot of stuff WAS changed for absolutely no reason, including things that only needed minor buffs if any at all.

        The recent efforts have been about undoing that stuff.

        shut the frick up thundergays

      • 2 years ago

        Not that guy but I'm fricking furious that this server was paraded as the "game as it was at shutdown" and there's all this tempered with shit, that and they removed the Regen revamp that I was actually okay with.

        • 2 years ago

          Meka is turning thunderspy into his personal playground.
          >I don't like this set so I'm changing it

          • 2 years ago

            yet he's too "depressed" to work on that Mecha powerset

            • 2 years ago

              >Can't make anything new and has to resort to just shuffling things around to feel useful
              This is sadder than when that Absent Black person was bumping these threads by pretending to be other people.

              • 2 years ago

                When was this? lmao
                Is he the one making those claims that the furnig wasn't banned because he was a good boy who dindu nothing?

              • 2 years ago

                He's the one who dumps random out of context screenshots and pictures of characters from the discord with creepy over-positive comments.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah it seems very bot-ish and shilly. Aren't they some hyper Christian soccer mom or some shit?

              • 2 years ago

                A fat middle aged guy.

              • 2 years ago

                >being this moronic

                Malv wasn't banned. He literally left on his own. The messages are in this thread.

        • 2 years ago

          Not wanting to use SCORE'S bullshit hypercasualization nonsense and going from i24 isnt the same as parading a server as "the game as it was shutdown," and I dont think that was ever a stated goal since people had been fricking with stuff from day one.
          Shit, even rebirth, who were the ones who DID actively state that they wanted the game as close to vanilla as possible have changed shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >and I dont think that was ever a stated goal since people had been fricking with stuff from day one.

            Thunderspy was never "game as it was at shutdown" , that was rebirth.

            Bull fricking shit.
            The whole idea of Thunderspy was to not play "Leo's Fanfic" with all the changes he had back then HC was ALL we had.

            Christ you guys are so fricking new.

            • 2 years ago

              >Christ you guys are so fricking new.

              Im Meka and we never once claimed to want to be the game as it was at shutdown.

              we severely disagreed with a lot of the casualization of systems (in the wrong ways, like how veteran levels make it so you never need to do Incarnate trials) and leaving in busted systems (like the inf economy which encourages you to spend all your time in an AE map farming)

              • 2 years ago

                >spend all your time in an AE map farming

                You're not Meka. If you actually played on the server you would know that AE is broken and they turned off XP and Inf gains. newbie.

              • 2 years ago

                >You're not Meka

              • 2 years ago

                >You're not Meka

              • 2 years ago

                >You're not Meka
                Oh please someone screencap this!

              • 2 years ago

                >You're not Meka
                Oh my fricking sides!

              • 2 years ago

                >You're not Meka

              • 2 years ago

                >You're not Meka

              • 2 years ago

                >You're not Meka

              • 2 years ago

                Wow, the HCgays showed up today... also

                >Your not meka

              • 2 years ago

                >You're not Meka

            • 2 years ago

              If you want to play on a server with literally no changes, host your own, Black person.

        • 2 years ago

          Okay goat

        • 2 years ago

          Thunderspy was never "game as it was at shutdown" , that was rebirth.

    • 2 years ago

      To be fair a lot of stuff WAS changed for absolutely no reason, including things that only needed minor buffs if any at all.

      The recent efforts have been about undoing that stuff.

  64. 2 years ago

    Well if you fricks aren't happy with any current server then START YOUR OWN.

    Of course you would have to do some actual work and that would be harder than flinging more shit than a diarrhea volcano like you are now.

    You would also have to talk in good faith which isn't something we've yet seen from you but it's a good deal harder than this tumblr-tier trash talk you vomit forth without any intent at integrity.

    • 2 years ago

      >people are making fun of me for being a lazy hack woe is me!
      Grow up, you're an adult throwing a tantrum because not everyone wants to treat the game like your personal project.
      Didn't brain say multiple times that the devs should work as a team for the benefit of the community?
      "It's your game" does not literally mean it belongs solely to two powertripping devs.

    • 2 years ago

      At least we won't be the "Ganker server"

    • 2 years ago

      >start your own
      Not the people complaining, but god I wish I could. I mean even if I was some good-tier 3D artist and animator and programmer, I could see my own server still ending up a janky mess of insanity and half-finished thoughts.

      >My WWII nerd commands me to turn all of the 5th column’s gear into historically accurate Axis equipment with some small twists to make it look like it’s been improved.
      >Cimeroran mobs are now named with better accuracy and not having Centurions every five guys.
      >Assault Rifle is now an actual assault rifle, frankengun is no more.
      >Rikti made into scary badass enemies again who can challenge even incarnates like Statesman and Recluse. They do not talk, you only fight actual Rikti as bosses and stronger with conscripts and such being kind controlled thrills brought up from The Lost and other promising candidates along with swarms of drones.
      >Katana would come with a scabbard and now use Iaijutsu techniques for some powers. Also build up would add energy damage and turn Flashing Steel and soaring dragon into ranged attacks.
      >lots and lots more bullshit
      >including removing the mesh floors from Arachnos based (why the frick would you do that then give all female personnel stiletto heels and arachnobots/tarantula armors needle point legs?)

      • 2 years ago

        You literally can, though. There's a step-by-step guide on OuroDev with everything you need. You could probably have a small group of friends connect through Hamachi, even. You just need to have a modern computer.

        • 2 years ago

          Thing is, I got ZERO programming and art/animation skills, dude. I especially not anything that would let me give the Fifth Column Laser MP40s and the like.

  65. 2 years ago

    Champion was here
    Freedumb is a loser

  66. 2 years ago

    I've always wanted to frick QA Chan The idea of my wiener diving into her tight robotic robussy is my only motivation for day to day activities. Living even. The sheer possibility of it makes me lust endlessly to the point of which whenever I see any kind of machinery, I get hard and must immediately frick it or jerk off. I've painted QA Chan in my walls,I have to paint a new coat every month or so- to get rid of the stains produced by my endless stream of cum that eventually turn my walls a creamy white. My pillows have little QA chans drawn on them, I frick them every night, putting a robotic fleshlight in between them while I search up QA chan hentai. The scent of rotten cum fills the air in my room, fills my nose while I sleep. I don't care. It turns me on, and then I cum more. How would I frick QA Chan you ask? Firstly, I would come up behind it in the night, When I sneak up on her, I will quickly "plug" all of her holes: my wiener in her robotic ass, my fingers in her mouth, and the other hand on her massive breasts. I would frick that little glitched piece of shit so hard while squeeze those fricking breasts. Pure ecstasy

  67. 2 years ago

    She is so hot. Never in the history of gaming has there been a hotter character. She is more than QA Chan to me. She is a person. She is a little tease and she is basically my wife. The @Dafto know what he did with that damn robot. The aesthetic paired with her demeanor makes her such an attractive character. Nothing gets me going better than a robot waifu. Every inch of her is so hot. Her thighs up to her midriff and her eyes. Every inch of her is perfection incarnate. I would open the game and jerk off to her costume file just to feel the intimacy between us. I crave more than lustful fantasies with her. I seek deep romantic involvement. The craftmanship of her character surpasses everything i expected from this game. Her tone of voice and language choice formats her character. The choice of clothes, with her skirt reveal her amazing thighs, which compliment her cute personality even more. She is my wife, and nothing will dissuade me from this fact.

  68. 2 years ago

    >No proof that it is Meka, we're just going to accept some anon's word.


    Absent Friend being an Absent Father as usual.

    • 2 years ago

      It's sad they have to resort to spamming the thread.

      • 2 years ago

        That and it's sad that Absent Parent has to run crying to the troony discord "l-l-look what they saying about us! Spam replies to him and give him (you)'s"

        Just as planned. You could say I'm about as conniving as Nemesis.

    • 2 years ago

      >No proof that it is Meka, we're just going to accept some anon's word.

      • 2 years ago

        I can do that too on QA

        • 2 years ago

          I mean if you're really gonna go our of your way to copy my character, the super group, the global channel, and the way i do my UI layout to QA be my guest

      • 2 years ago

        Nice. Now quit fricking up the game you pathetic failure of a male. You AND that fricking homosexual furhomosexual.

        • 2 years ago

          No u

      • 2 years ago
        Real Meka

        Shut up, I'm the real Meka.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh no my alters are getting loose!

      • 2 years ago

        You're characters make my dangalang happy.

  69. 2 years ago

    Meka be like

  70. 2 years ago

    At least Brain did shit. You just sit on your ass all day and cry about how hard shit is and hope your hug box comforts you.

  71. 2 years ago

    It's funny. I can 100% guarantee that all this thread shitposting is actually a psyop by the discord to make Meka look important.

    • 2 years ago

      Its true, we coordinate everything that happens in this thread in the hall of doom

  72. 2 years ago

    Hey, check out my new costume guys!

  73. 2 years ago

    C'mon, join the discord. It's 100% better now that the furBlack person had his sperg out.

  74. 2 years ago

    Thunderspy supports the Chinese communist party!


  75. 2 years ago

    >biting the bait

  76. 2 years ago

    For people who say that he's some literal who sperg furry, you sure like to ride on his wiener even after his alleged banning. What did he even do that you care about so much?

    • 2 years ago

      Considering he went radio silent after his spergout, he's probably dead. Thunderspergs worshipping some dead guy? I guess those Sunday Sermons really means TS is full of Christcucks.

      • 2 years ago

        He went radio silent because he left the Discord. Are you stalking him to see where are posts? Are you expecting him to come back and send you his OCs? Like god damn you're moronic.

        Multiple people have him on Steam and he's playing other games.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I want to know where he's at. I'm not done with him.

  77. 2 years ago

    I'll never understand going into a thread and just spreading lies about a server you have nothing to do with anymore all the time. It just seems like a mental illness.

    And as much as my 2 cents is irrelevant, as a long time lurker, I don't get the "it's the fanfiction of two devs" narrative. They're just trying changes they think seem good for the health of the game. I'd rather have devs who do any changes than play on a server with literally nothing changed at all from when CoH shutdown, like some time capsule altar to a game that died 10 years ago.

    And I think the community is nice, wouldn't really call them Nazis. Autistic? 100%. But they're decent folks.

    Sorry for long post, you can continue your shit flinging.

    • 2 years ago

      >decent folks
      I couldn't get out of Mercy without Nikruti telling me I'm a homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds like you're a homosexual if you care about it enough to remember it.

      • 2 years ago

        OwO This is the PPD, we awe fowwowing up on a sewies of weports of that youw huge bolgy wolgy has been distuwbing the peace in the neighbowhood, so we will be taking you and youw bolgy wolgy OwO into ouw custody, and it is pawt of the pwoceduwe fow us to nuzzle and wuzzle youw necky wecky ~ murr~ hehe UwU

        • 2 years ago

          shut the frick up malv

      • 2 years ago

        And? Oh no, someone said a booboo word. I prefer people who say dumb shit over people who sanitize everything they say, and this is coming from someone who everyone in my life considers very liberal and left leaning. They're just words. Put someone on Ignore if they hurt your feelings.

      • 2 years ago

        homosexual is a term on endearment on Ganker, newbie. Nirukti also always goes out of his way to run leveling groups.

        • 2 years ago

          New as it may be, this is a different time and that word has to stop. You either adapt to this changing world or get phased out.

          • 2 years ago

            >He thinks the term "newbie" is new
            This bait is weak. WEAK. But I will reply because it made me laugh.

          • 2 years ago

            Aight gay, I'm gonna lay it out simply, if you get offended from being called gay, you should stop sucking so much dick.

            • 2 years ago

              >J-J-Just block him!

              How about you learn some restraint and manners. I came to play City of Heroes, not City of Incels

              • 2 years ago

                Sounds like you're a homosexual to me.

              • 2 years ago

                >mad about being called a homosexual
                >posts in /vm/
                >posts in /vm/ for a dead game
                >posts in /vm/ for a dead game on Ganker
                >posts in /vm/ for a dead game on Ganker over any of the other board. many much more
                popular and mainstream
                >posts in /vm/ for a dead game on Ganker over any of the other boards. many much more
                popular and mainstream. For a dead population server to complain about one guy
                you ever consider that maybe you're actually a huge homosexual?

          • 2 years ago

            Are you a Black personhomosexual?

  78. 2 years ago

    If y'all did as much role-playing in game as you do in this thread y'all have an actual RP community.

  79. 2 years ago

    Why yes, I do play on Thunderspy
    Why yes, I do stage images to make the server look bad
    Why yes, I post them online to deter people joining the server
    Why yes, I false flag and cause strife in the /vm/ thread
    Why yes, I won't allow myself to join the Discord
    Why yes, I make the furBlack folk and trannoids seethe and sperg out

    Why yes, I'm giga based.

  80. 2 years ago

    This thread is squirtin.

    • 2 years ago

      If you want me to ban Mystery you can just tell me.

      • 2 years ago

        it'll be funny do it

      • 2 years ago

        Stop impersonating me.

  81. 2 years ago
    dr brain

    children make me

  82. 2 years ago

    I'm going to Permaban the next person who is named in this thread from the discord.

    • 2 years ago
      it is a mystery

      Omg me

      • 2 years ago


  83. 2 years ago

    Thunderspy is full of child predators I'm not fricking joking.

    • 2 years ago
      dr brain


  84. 2 years ago

    Anyone have pictures of cute e-girl or shota characters wearing cute socks?

  85. 2 years ago

    Are we doing this now? I can't believe I lived long enough to need a tripcode.

    • 2 years ago

      fake screenshot and fake trip

      • 2 years ago

        The pixels are just an aura i swear

        • 2 years ago

          Are we doing this now? I can't believe I lived long enough to need a tripcode.

          Meka be like *FARTS UNCONTROLLABLY*

  86. 2 years ago

    I love cuty of hers
    it my favrute

  87. 2 years ago

    City of heroes is a cool game i enjoy it a lot

  88. 2 years ago

    What kind of fricking mess did I walk into?

    • 2 years ago

      good question.

    • 2 years ago

      My game

    • 2 years ago

      the bringing up of dumb drama happened, people posted posing as mods as a joke, one mod got actually annoyed, now this thread is in the shitter again

  89. 2 years ago

    Also post your Sentai toons.

  90. 2 years ago

    wtf happened to this thread

    • 2 years ago

    • 2 years ago

      Homcoming is run by gigantic homosexuals with a cult and Thunderspy is insecure about it's player count. That is how you get this thread.

      • 2 years ago

        our customer count is fine

  91. 2 years ago

    >play city of heroes when it released in 2004
    >see this thread about private servers existing for it
    >oh neat, I liked that game, I'll check this thread out
    >it's just a group of morons competing for popularity on Ganker
    nevermind then

    • 2 years ago

      Just run your own. You have enough friends to play with on your own server, right? RIGHT ANON?

    • 2 years ago

      You could just play and ignore the drama here

  92. 2 years ago

    more like shitty of heroes when are they gonna add better feet models and let me paint my toenails (as a male) like champions online

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        who are you in the discord

        • 2 years ago

          Toeny Soprantoe

          • 2 years ago

            oh its skeleton

  93. 2 years ago

    i was raped

  94. 2 years ago

    I'm trans, btw.

  95. 2 years ago

    Mods, delete this thread. It's for an ILLEGAL private server for a game.

    • 2 years ago

      I want to frick honey until she's leaking honey

  96. 2 years ago

    Real Cryptic fans moved onto Champions and STO

    • 2 years ago

      imagine being a fan of a development company like it's some kind of sports team

      • 2 years ago

        imagine being a fan of a CoH private server like it's some kind of sports team.

        • 2 years ago

          yeah, HCgays are pretty disgusting, arent they?

          • 2 years ago

            You say that when you hired a guy to do server advertising who's whole personality is "I frick cartoon dogs"

            • 2 years ago

              who, psi?

              • 2 years ago


                The shitty furBlack person with the autism lisp. Worse than SPJimmy

              • 2 years ago

                2 parts of that you dumb frick
                1: Chaos isn't a furry
                2: Chaos isn't hired to shill, he just likes Tspy.

                Now, Go sit on an egg

              • 2 years ago

                can you shit out an egg?

              • 2 years ago

                >isn't hired to shill
                doubtful. This thread has been nothing but him shilling.

              • 2 years ago

                Is that you vegan?

              • 2 years ago

                Vegan is sane. that aint him.

              • 2 years ago

                Chaos hasn't even posted here. You're confusing him and Platinum - and Platinum hasn't posted here either.

                Take your meds, schizo.

            • 2 years ago


  97. 2 years ago

    Tomorrow is the Pride parade on HC. Wish them well and tell them you heard about it on Ganker.

    • 2 years ago

      >Join pride parade
      >Make Captain America but with rainbow colored armor
      >Call him American Pride
      >Get ban from the server.

      • 2 years ago

        Gonna be honest, as a HCer myself, I actually think that's pretty clever and perfectly acceptable. But back on live I wanted to make an invul tank that was literally Hard Gay with the idea being that his gay had made him so hard, he had become bulletproof.

        • 2 years ago

          >Perfectly acceptable
          >When wienerroach Goku isn't

          Maybe..Maybe HC are the true tyrants...

  98. 2 years ago

    reading through this thread, i have no idea why tspy has such a hard time with its population still

    • 2 years ago

      I fricking wonder why

      • 2 years ago

        oh no
        Black folk

      • 2 years ago

        >Ice still a redname with his anniversary pic
        >Picture that doesn't even exist on our server anymore

        Holy frick, anon. You screenshotted this and have been seething over this for how long?

        • 2 years ago

          >iT wAs A lOnG tImE AgO
          You don't think that shit doesn't matter anymore? You think we would have forgotten? You seem to have forgotten your motto, Ganker. We don't forget.

          • 2 years ago

            I forgot how to poop
            can you teach me

          • 2 years ago

            >Seething this hard

            Holy frick, take this sign back to Homecoming with you.

          • 2 years ago

            This is why everyone calls you a homosexual on instinct alone. You give off homosexual vibes like this

          • 2 years ago

            oh no! nonononononoooo! it's the hacker known as for chan anonymous!
            please sir dont blow up my van it's all I have left after I traded all of my CPcoin to fund the legal fees for homecoming's TALKS with ncsoft nooooooooo

          • 2 years ago
            Leandro Moglia

            Shut the hell up Black person lover

      • 2 years ago
        Real icerman


  99. 2 years ago

    can someone give me free stuff

    • 2 years ago

      Sent 😉

  100. 2 years ago


    nice buzzwords, oni-chan! But they're better used to describe your server, not me.

    • 2 years ago

      God you are worse than powers when it comes to this type of shit, absolute cringe inducing

      • 2 years ago

        What the frick does that even mean? "worse than powers" Is this some ESL shit? Worse than the powers in the game? What? Make sense if you want to insult me.

        • 2 years ago

          Me, powers division, the cringiest but one of the saner people on thunderspy.

          God you are worse than powers when it comes to this type of shit, absolute cringe inducing

          Suck my dick and my ass.

        • 2 years ago

          Step away from the computer. You have a year old screenshot you're mad about, and you're trying to pick a fight on an imageboard.

          Everyone here calling you a Black person wants you to get psychiatric help.

  101. 2 years ago

    Post backstories you made up in your head but never actually put down on paper because you know you had cool stories in your head and you know you never put them down cause you think they’re cringe. I had a villain named strike phoenix who was a disgraced combat pilot. Also what server is the best for general gameplay these days?

  102. 2 years ago

    >Discord Drama
    Post your toons.

    • 2 years ago

      Also post your Sentai toons.

      Can you guess which Super Sentai I took inspiration from? Wondering if there's anything I should add, what're your thoughts?

      • 2 years ago

        gdi here's the pic that was supposed to go with this

        • 2 years ago

          I just remembered my computer isn't a toaster so here's a better version of her

  103. 2 years ago

    I don't need help. I tried it once. I didn't like it.
    I just want my game without the furshit discord troony in it. I was told this server was the game the game at game end. You understand right? Too many changes. Too many troony. No server is right for me now. I don't like it.

    • 2 years ago

      Get help or just get off your computer. There aren't even trannies around. You are the drama surrounding trying to talk about the game.

      • 2 years ago

        >No trannies
        >Who are: Meka, Programming Socks, Yikes, Malv, Innoc, Dafto

        C'mon now. Worst part is all of them are on dev team.

        • 2 years ago

          Senpai/Programing socks is a femboy, not a troony
          Yikes is banned
          Malv left and was never a dev
          Dafto is an Australian, not a troony

          • 2 years ago

            >Senpai/Programing socks is a femboy

            • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                >Senpai/Programing socks is a femboy

                Femboy, troony...
                Same shit of a male trying to be an cartoon

              • 2 years ago

                Femboy is like a tomboy, a style for a gender that makes them look something like the other gender.
                You are just moronic.

                He's also married sooo frick off.

              • 2 years ago


                Frick off with the twitter speak.

              • 2 years ago

                b***h your ignorance is not worth my time, and thus I bid you GOOD DAY.

              • 2 years ago

                >not worth your time
                >still replies
                >with a plebbit meme to boot too

              • 2 years ago

                AND he waited 3 days to do it.
                Could have just said bump.

              • 2 years ago

                AND he waited 3 days to do it.
                Could have just said bump.

                That was because I just came back.
                also you're both homosexuals who probably think newbies should all be banned and the site should only involve people from OG4chin

        • 2 years ago

          Senpai/Programing socks is a femboy, not a troony
          Yikes is banned
          Malv left and was never a dev
          Dafto is an Australian, not a troony

          Oh yeah, also Innoc isn't a dev.
          Meka goes onto vr chat and dances with people from Ganker

        • 2 years ago

          >Lists 4 people that aren't devs
          >Lists the 2 straight male devs, one of which is married to a woman

          Anon, please, step away from the keyboard. Otherwise the Feds will raid your house to put you in a helmet.

        • 2 years ago

          dude got banned off f-list from his sheer hatred of trannies what are you talking about

    • 2 years ago

      Literally who? You're actually so schizophrenic, you've made up a person that doesn't exist.

      Seek. Help.

  104. 2 years ago

    okay so which fricking private server do I join if I want as little petty drama as possible

    • 2 years ago

      play hc and ignore discord and global chat. unironically the best closest to og experience if you want to get back into it

      • 2 years ago

        I'll try HC then for a pure playthrough, even if the henchman customization in Thunderspy is so very tempting to play with.

    • 2 years ago

      Honestly, probably Rebirth for least drama.
      Tspy for pet costomization (and a few new powersets)
      HC if you're a cuck who doesn't want to RP as an Arachnos soldier or something (Legit, that can get you generic'd)

      • 2 years ago

        Arachnos are cool, so I would wanna RP with a soldier, though I'll be honest, as a newcomer, I'm not all that interested in the big evil organization not-so-subtly treating all villains as pawns, even if it's kind of necessary for a player, without their own agency, to have a reason to have quests in the first place. Ironically, playing an Arachnos Villain character might make me like them more since there's no pretense that you had a choice otherwise. This is just my first impression though, and I wouldn't be surprised being a Rogue instead is the answer to my complaint

        • 2 years ago

          You can always keep a kinda diary or something to track your character's thoughts on things, Did that once.

          • 2 years ago

            That sounds like a good idea!

  105. 2 years ago

    I invented multiversal travel. Now I hold mario party styled tournaments for my other selves on holiday weekends.

  106. 2 years ago

    Did you guys know of the mission where you kick puppies?
    Its red side only and its for Philips.
    You steal a bag of puppies from some kid in paragon, haul them to the rogue isles, and kick them while longbow raids the factory.

    You only unlock it after killing 3000 civilians and 100 signature heroes

  107. 2 years ago

    >be OP
    >start a thread 2 months ago hoping things have calmed down
    >stop paying attention
    >come back 2 months later
    >they're still shitflinging

    Why are people this autistic?

    • 2 years ago

      have a nice day arde

  108. 2 years ago

    Huh, I was doing a random blueside mission, and it is very reminiscent of Tay AI

  109. 2 years ago

    they will never stop me from fingering my own ass, they may try and try again but as long as i have a heartbeat and a will to exist within this cold uncaring world my ass will be fingered, even if my fingers are gone i will find a goddamn way to finger my ass, fingers of the mind, fingers of the soul, whatever it may be i will continue now and forever to finger my ass

  110. 2 years ago

    Consider: Blood Widow shortstack goblin.

    • 2 years ago

      I will not.

      • 2 years ago


  111. 2 years ago

    >Let's go ahead and nerf abilities because of PvP
    >No one fricking PvPs.
    >Nerf Card Pack rewards because speed runner demands
    >Ban them and never revert it back.

    moron decision.

    • 2 years ago

      TS has a lot of impulsive kneejerk changes based entirely on personal opinions, the Devs will never acknowledge that though.

    • 2 years ago

      Name one power nerfed because of PvP that wasn't a PvP specific change.

      TS has a lot of impulsive kneejerk changes based entirely on personal opinions, the Devs will never acknowledge that though.

      Literally acknowledged in this very thread, Black person.

      • 2 years ago

        Ok Meka.

        • 2 years ago

          Quit acting like you're some new player, Powers.

          Regeneration primary

          Not Meka or Powers, spergs. Keep trying.

          Regen also wasn't nerfed due to PvP - we literally have the ability to flag powers for PVP zones only. It was nerfed because a basic understanding of math failed certain people originally on the team.

          • 2 years ago

            You changed it because you didn't like "fun".

            Why do you gayoots take this server so seriously. You say you "aren't the game as it was at sunset" yet you try to be as "official" as Homecoming.

            Like seriously! What the frick was the point of nerfing Energy Aura into the fricking ground? My Titan Weapons/Energy brute was the funnest shit. I had a fricking anyerism when I saw the change.

            • 2 years ago

              >yet you try to be as "official" as Homecoming

              No, we just don't want it to be a server where you one shot everything, can't be hurt, and playing with anyone else is more of a chore than playing by yourself.

              If you wanna play on a funserver where you're OP, just play Cake.

              >nerfed into the ground

              It was reset to vanilla values and then buffed, and it worked just fine in vanilla.

              • 2 years ago

                >assuming everyone wants to be an OP god if they disagree with your changes

              • 2 years ago

                Who the frick said I was complaining about it being OP. I said it was FUN. Are YOU one of those scumbag devs that nerfed an okay powerset because you got nothing better to do, Meka?

                If you unironically think Energy Aura was nerfed into the ground for being put back to vanilla values, you're conceding it was OP.

                That's not me saying you disagree with our changes, that's me saying you disagreed with the values it had for years in the Live game despite it functioning as well as any other set.

              • 2 years ago

                >assuming everyone wants to be an OP god if they disagree with your changes

                Who the frick said I was complaining about it being OP. I said it was FUN. Are YOU one of those scumbag devs that nerfed an okay powerset because you got nothing better to do, Meka?

                Also, I'm still not Meka.

              • 2 years ago

                Who the frick said I was complaining about it being OP. I said it was FUN. Are YOU one of those scumbag devs that nerfed an okay powerset because you got nothing better to do, Meka?

            • 2 years ago

              If that Energy Aura change nerfed you to the ground you need to work on your build.

  112. 2 years ago

    I want to rape dr brains kids in front of him.

    • 2 years ago

      okay mystery

  113. 2 years ago

    I must rape.

  114. 2 years ago


  115. 2 years ago
    Dr Brain


  116. 2 years ago

    Having fun so far. Not being able to fast travel easily is annoying, but the pretty skylines make up for it when you have to fly around them so often.

    • 2 years ago

      Quit acting like you're some new player, Powers.

      Name one power nerfed because of PvP that wasn't a PvP specific change.


      Literally acknowledged in this very thread, Black person.

      Regeneration primary

      • 2 years ago

        Regeneration is still really strong and still nearly unkillable in pvp solo.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know who that is, I'm not even on your discord to be starting any shitty drama.

  117. 2 years ago

    this thread is a great look into the mind of insanity

  118. 2 years ago

    >don't do commerce for a while
    >rank still goes up anyway
    people are already calling it quits huh?

    • 2 years ago

      whoops this isn't the right thread at all sorry

  119. 2 years ago

    Hope you Thunderspergs enjoy my gift.
    Want to know what it is? You'll find out soon enough.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh no, a random ominous threat.

  120. 2 years ago

    FurBlack person server.

  121. 2 years ago

    How is it that every other place can not consolewar about fricking private servers of all things, including other /vm/ threads, but you guys can't?

    • 2 years ago

      not like you have a cancerous infestation of trannies, furgays and weebs that you've been failing to purge out or anything. Then again your cringe Miami retrowave Ryan Gosling Drive aesthetic screams lonely basement dweller who couldn't get a woman's touch.

      • 2 years ago

        I was only asking why every CoH thread on here is console wars bickering

        • 2 years ago

          It doesn't even rise to the level of console wars, because there everyone has a position.

          Instead here we have a couple of trolls just hell bent on shitting up the thread and keeping ANYone from making a good impression.

  122. 2 years ago

    Ask Goat why he can't let things go.

  123. 2 years ago

    >Have to systematically shitpost in the game, discord and thread

    • 2 years ago

      who are you quoting?

      • 2 years ago

        you, you schizophrenic

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not the schizophrenic you are. this is my playground.

  124. 2 years ago

    40 posts to go. Make the most of it!

  125. 2 years ago

    I used to play the official game back in the day and I was pointed this way to get some info on the private servers. Could I get a rundown on what's out there?

    • 2 years ago

      Sure! You can download the Sweet Tea launcher at . That will give you access to the game on several different servers which you can research while the game downloads. An account must be created on any server you want to play on.

      I play on Thunderspy myself, but Rebirth is cool too. Unity is small but plays during European hours. All have, and continue to, make updated content for the game.

      • 2 years ago

        what are the main differences between Thunderspy and Rebirth?

        • 2 years ago

          With the understanding that this is subjective, I can shed light on a few basic facts.

          Rebirth for about the first 2 years or so kept the game as it was on live (To the extent code allowed as i24 was in the middle of beta when news of the shutdown happened.). Then for about the last year they've been working on and releasing quarterly updates. If you wanted to, you could ignore their improvements and play the game as you did on live.

          Thunderspy has been continuously making improvements to the game with an eye on the situation we now find ourselves in. No server has the population of live and in areas like ingame economy that has a huge effect. So Thunderspy set out to make the game economy much more player-friendly early on. Later on we simplified crafting too. Both servers have added multiple powersets and an exclusive AT, but I want to say Thunderspy is ahead on new powerset offerings if only because we started much earlier.

          Then there's the character creator. Let me start here by saying both servers have exclusive costume parts so there is room to have a preferred opinion based on that. But on a technical level Thunderspy is superior with under 64.000 colors available, and expanded height range from 6 inches to 12 feet, and expanded sliders for arms, legs, facial settings, and female chests (From "flat is justice" to "3 heads are better than 1".)

          Rebirth's xp rate is that of live while Thunderspy is at 1.5x live. Thunderspy has shut down xp from AE except for dev choice missions. With the changes to the economy, there really isn't a *need* to farm on Thunderspy. You can if you want, just not in AE.

          That's an overview of notable differences from a slanted viewpoint. Further questions on that topic should probably more specific if I didn't give the answer sought.

    • 2 years ago

      Sure! You can download the Sweet Tea launcher at . That will give you access to the game on several different servers which you can research while the game downloads. An account must be created on any server you want to play on.

      I play on Thunderspy myself, but Rebirth is cool too. Unity is small but plays during European hours. All have, and continue to, make updated content for the game.

      what are the main differences between Thunderspy and Rebirth?

      With the understanding that this is subjective, I can shed light on a few basic facts.

      Rebirth for about the first 2 years or so kept the game as it was on live (To the extent code allowed as i24 was in the middle of beta when news of the shutdown happened.). Then for about the last year they've been working on and releasing quarterly updates. If you wanted to, you could ignore their improvements and play the game as you did on live.

      Thunderspy has been continuously making improvements to the game with an eye on the situation we now find ourselves in. No server has the population of live and in areas like ingame economy that has a huge effect. So Thunderspy set out to make the game economy much more player-friendly early on. Later on we simplified crafting too. Both servers have added multiple powersets and an exclusive AT, but I want to say Thunderspy is ahead on new powerset offerings if only because we started much earlier.

      Then there's the character creator. Let me start here by saying both servers have exclusive costume parts so there is room to have a preferred opinion based on that. But on a technical level Thunderspy is superior with under 64.000 colors available, and expanded height range from 6 inches to 12 feet, and expanded sliders for arms, legs, facial settings, and female chests (From "flat is justice" to "3 heads are better than 1".)

      Rebirth's xp rate is that of live while Thunderspy is at 1.5x live. Thunderspy has shut down xp from AE except for dev choice missions. With the changes to the economy, there really isn't a *need* to farm on Thunderspy. You can if you want, just not in AE.

      That's an overview of notable differences from a slanted viewpoint. Further questions on that topic should probably more specific if I didn't give the answer sought.

      Sure seems like astroturf. No one fricking talks like this. Holy shit Happily Married, fricking quit.

      • 2 years ago

        2nd time going after Happ for some reason.
        2nd time being wrong.

        • 2 years ago

          Okay, Absent Father.

      • 2 years ago

        Okay, Absent Father.

        I knew if I led you by the nose enough you'd get it.

        My only question is are you going to kill this thread tonight?
        (Hint: YOU'RE question should be "Why haven't *I* killed it?)

        • 2 years ago

          >HURR DURR I WAS ONLY BEING moronic
          I haven't killed it because I like to see you crawl out of your tiny holes and trying to make "genuine" conversation about the server when all of it is regurgitated trash coming from a soccer mom who sounds like a fricking TV advertisement that's trying to entice the viewer to the most bland product in the world. You have no fricking self awareness that it amuses me that I can only imagine that you have some sort of autism.

  126. 2 years ago

    >I don't need to powertrip
    This entire rant makes you look like a narcissistic powertripper, too full of yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      >Loser continues to skulk around and read whole conversations he doesn't participate in just to find out of context screenshot to post on here.
      This is actually sad now. Consider help. You could just ping him and tell him that to his face if that's what you took from it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Screenshotting Brain, the certified lolcow that no one listens to
      >A reply to Innoc, the dumbest man from /misc/

      No one cares. Lurk harder, homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm sorry, but the timelines don't seem to add up. At the very least I suspect some photoshop has been applied. Additionally, why would anyone post something like that HERE if it was honest? In a thread where trolls have been sperging left and right without any concern for the truth? Seems there are better places than the last /vm/ thread. This is among the last places to post if you want to be taken seriously.

      >You're not Meka

      • 2 years ago

        Its literally in the public Thunderspy discord, just need shitposter role to see it.

    • 2 years ago

      >founded the server
      >Does absolutely nothing in it, ever.
      >Let's the troony Meka run the show
      >Who honestly does absolutely nothing, ever
      >Queue and OBH having to fricking work double time to make new content so they don't get outpaced by HC

      Honestly why is this server still around?

  127. 2 years ago


    You're still going to make another thread. Does it fricking matter? Why are you counting? Are you that autistic? You just want me to reply to you because "haha got you" ? Got me what? All it's doing is making you look moronic.

  128. 2 years ago


    Ooohh noooooo I can't troll the thread ooooh how bad for meeeee!
    I have so many discords i lurk in and threads on boards I troll that I have enough entertainment to last forever. Then when you get your panties out of your axe wounds and make a new thread I'll be back again.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not even trolling, I'm just amused at your ability to constantly reply for attention.

  129. 2 years ago


    Honest with what? I have been nothing but honest.

    • 2 years ago

      you got some 4d chess going on if you think you're baiting me along 🙂

      • 2 years ago

        You think you're hot shit and think and think you're better than me?

  130. 2 years ago

    9 More 😉

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      at least I'm not a looser who tries to protect xir troony discord and tries to be the cringe mediator by being passive about everything? What are you doing? Just waiting for Jamal to stop ass raping your boyfriend?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Seriously. Take your meds because we're worried about you.

        • 2 years ago

          Absent, plz. Stop it. You're worrying us.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not Absent you dorkass.

            • 2 years ago

              Yes you are! Meds! Please!

              • 2 years ago

                One post leeeeft and I'll kill myself 🙂

  131. 2 years ago

    Oh no the thread will autosage. Not like it's going to stay around for another month because this board is too slow.

    Of course you wouldn't have understood that you fricking moron.

  132. 2 years ago

    -1 posts left 😉

  133. 2 years ago

    Is this what you wanted, Meka? To not have a thread? To not have that free advertisement for your server? This is why you shouldn't have banned me and my Veracity.

    • 2 years ago

      If anything this should be a lesson for you. If someone offers you help you should take it. I could have saved Thunderspy.


      Even veracity wasn't as pathetic as this. It's time to stop

    • 2 years ago

      Who said there are no advertisements for the server going?
      What I *said* was I wanted your attention (here).
      I've had no less than 3 advertising efforts on Ganker alone going during the duration of this thread. 2 of them are still going. All it takes to do that is a little creativity and willingness to put oneself out there.

      Even veracity wasn't as pathetic as this. It's time to stop

      Yeah I can't see any reason to pick on Veracity. No benefit either.

  134. 2 years ago

    If anything this should be a lesson for you. If someone offers you help you should take it. I could have saved Thunderspy.

  135. 2 years ago


  136. 2 years ago

    I wish both sides would just die so someone could combine both into one server with new features and a population.

  137. 2 years ago

    Cheers lads.

    • 2 years ago

      i jerk off to futa robots only

  138. 2 years ago

    Let's finish with some class.

    City of Heroes is back on FREE private servers!
    City of Heroes (CoH) is an MMO about Super Heroes and Super Villains in a modern city setting. To play it you will want the Sweet Tea launcher from to start. (Now if you're concerned about unknown software, you can submit this to any malware registry and it will come back clean. Security certificate is paid for but taking time. Also the game will NOT finish loading if you have an instance of CoH already running. ) And while that's getting set up you can watch a video that makes ALL gamers look good!

  139. 2 years ago

    The next step is choosing a server(s) and making an account(s) there. Sweet Tea comes pre-loaded with many of these. These servers all get along with and help each other.
    Cake New Dawn.

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