>Civcucks look at this and think "Yeah, this is a good interface"

>Civcucks look at this and think "Yeah, this is a good interface"

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  1. 4 months ago

    >building tall on civ6

    • 4 months ago

      >building wide
      >building tall
      >building S Q U A R E
      You may enter.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm more a triangle guy. 3 cities then I start conquering

        • 3 months ago

          conquest is not viable in civ 6

          • 3 months ago

            Skill issue

      • 4 months ago

        I dont think. I just spam cities. If the AI can be a c**t then so can I.

  2. 4 months ago

    I think not even Civ players like 6
    Fricking mobile game looking ass

    • 3 months ago

      >Old interface good.
      >New interface bad.
      The graphics suck ass though.

      >Functionality? Who needs that from the interface, when you can have graphics instead
      Zoom zoom zoom!

      Out of all things to complain about Civ 6, the ui is the smallest issue. For me it is the game's overall goofy cheery tone and its cartoony graphics

      Yeah, 6 has a terrible tone that veers wildly between overly snarky and overly safe. I don't think 6's Civpedia is as bad as 5's, but it's up there. Which is unfortunate because Nimoy, Bean, and Sheppard all give each of their games incredible gravitas; and in two of those cases it's just fricking ruined.

      Why is Civ 6 such an ugly game? Civ V had a wonderful art deco look, which I'm fairly certain was most of the reason why everyone loved it so much. Why the hell did they decide to go with the cartoony mobile game look? Did they think it was genuinely appealing? What goes on in the minds of the decision makers?

      And why do Civ V and 6 keep doing this "We're a board game! We're a board game! We're a board game lol!" stuff within them? Civs 1-4 took themselves seriously, and as mentioned, V at least had pretty graphics. But Civ 6 feels so very reddit. It's a game made so that people can post "tile yields!!!!" posts on reddit.

      Yes I'm mad at what happened to the Civ games. Ugly.

      • 3 months ago

        Civ 5 terrain looked ugly as shit(the drab and lifeless kind), little art for culture stuff and buildings was nice touch, leaders were mostly okay
        Civ 6 terrain looks much nicer(vibrant and colorful) and will have longer staying more than 5, the exaggerated parody version of leaders is over the top in most cases (as a hilarious side effect chinkazoids had a meltdown over their ugly empress being uglier in game)

        • 3 months ago

          The leader animations in 6 are more fluid than 5, but they're so cartoonishly exagerrated in how they act, and the VA feel very disconnected. You have almost every leader acting on screen like Montezuma did in V. Although i very much liked Terry quote, when he's defeated. Even if all the rest of civ VI were to be forgotten, I will remember that soundbite.

          • 3 months ago

            Goddammit *Teddy, as In Theodore Roosevelt. My finger slipped

        • 3 months ago

          >and will have longer staying more than 5
          It will only be remembered as the globohomosexual of videogames.

      • 3 months ago

        Because it wasn't your first one and Ganker told you to be outraged about the artstyle

  3. 4 months ago

    >Old interface good.
    >New interface bad.
    The graphics suck ass though.

    • 4 months ago

      >Functionality? Who needs that from the interface, when you can have graphics instead
      Zoom zoom zoom!

  4. 4 months ago

    I used to not really think about Civ’s Ui, but then I got my dad to play Civ 5. Now, to be fair, my dad is a 64 year old, blue collar guy, and the last time he’d played a PC game was on a Commodore 64, but particular problems just kept popping up.

    >The next turn button is the most important button but it’s tucked in a corner with nothing leading the eye there
    >the button often brings up a window on the complete other side of the screen, which is completely unnatural
    >camera focusing is bullshit. It should go to the closest unit/city when you click the production/orders button. Instead it’ll drag your screen halfway across the map.
    >unit orders. You end your turn and then units execute planned orders, and if they have movement points, it un-ends your turn. Do what endless space did and have an “execute planned orders” button plz
    >speaking of planned actions, we should be able to add orders to that by now, like “move here and sleep” or “move her and build a farm”. You could drag-and-drop the improvement from the build menu to the tile.
    >unit orders are handled horrible. Again, it’s an important element buried in a corner. And the buttons are friggin tiny. It’s just a tiny stack of buttons in the corner.

    >one good thing was art direction, specifically, The button icons are pretty clear. My dad knew what I was telling him to do based on buttons alone. The art team did a better job with the Ui than the Ui team

    I swear I got him to play DoW next and he’s actually taken to that UI way better. The concept of a minimap still eludes him but all the games functions are very clearly delineated.

    It’s really gotten me rethinking the Ui in some games.

    • 4 months ago

      >it’s tucked in a corner with nothing leading the eye there
      Where else would you look for it but the bottom right corner?

      • 4 months ago

        Top right

    • 4 months ago

      Civ 5's UI is fine. Civ 6's UI is convoluted and disjointed.

      • 4 months ago

        >Civ 5's UI is fine
        >t. Civ 5 baby

        • 4 months ago

          I was playing Civilization when you were shitting your pants son.

    • 4 months ago

      >repeatedly complaining about important buttons "tucked away" and "buried" in the corners
      The corners are exactly the right place for the most important buttons in any UI for a number of reasons I can't be bothered to explain. As a 64 year old guy your dad would be familiar with a now-lost era of good UI choices so this shouldn't even be a problem for him so I suspect you're making shit up..

  5. 4 months ago

    after interacting with genre newbies for a while i came to the conclusion that a "good" interface to them is something that looks like their smartphone
    oversized buttons, minimalistic style, lots of scrolling/tabbing, etc

    it doesn't matter if it is ugly, less functional, less informative, more tedious, if it reminds them of using a smartphone then it is "good", if it does not then it is "bad" or "outdated"

    • 4 months ago

      If you think this is bad with players, consider the following:
      I have to deal with fricking IT department staffed with morons like this. I have to actually explain adutt, grown-up men why the frick it's important to have ability to have a paged list for viewing data rather than just keep scrolling down. 5-8 clicks to get to some basic function? Completely acceptable, after all, it's just bunch of taps, right?
      Zoomers should be gassed. Just like anyone who gives a touch-screen device to a human being below the age of 18.

      • 4 months ago

        >I have to actually explain adutt, grown-up men why the frick it's important to have ability to have a paged list for viewing data rather than just keep scrolling down.
        yes? why is that important?

    • 3 months ago

      I teach animation software to college kids and it’s really bad. They barely understand how file structures work. Some of them don’t know you can hover over buttons to learn how they work. They look at the screen and they just kind of freeze up. And this is on Windows.

      If you think this is bad with players, consider the following:
      I have to deal with fricking IT department staffed with morons like this. I have to actually explain adutt, grown-up men why the frick it's important to have ability to have a paged list for viewing data rather than just keep scrolling down. 5-8 clicks to get to some basic function? Completely acceptable, after all, it's just bunch of taps, right?
      Zoomers should be gassed. Just like anyone who gives a touch-screen device to a human being below the age of 18.

      At least I only have to deal with college students, I can’t imagine having to explain this shit to actual adults.

      >repeatedly complaining about important buttons "tucked away" and "buried" in the corners
      The corners are exactly the right place for the most important buttons in any UI for a number of reasons I can't be bothered to explain. As a 64 year old guy your dad would be familiar with a now-lost era of good UI choices so this shouldn't even be a problem for him so I suspect you're making shit up..

      >my dad should be familiar-

      My dad hasn’t been familiar with a UI since his brother’s last drunk-driving charge you fricking nerd.

    • 3 months ago

      > people prefer UIs that are familiar to them

  6. 4 months ago

    It's not just Civ, it's all those modern UIs (or, as the kids say, UX).
    I don't know when and who started this "colorful buttons and tiny icons everywhere", but I hate it. This is the same shit as with the flat UI in console games.

  7. 4 months ago

    The civ VI interface and graphics rubs me the wrong way, you can just tell how much the mobile look influences it design.

  8. 4 months ago

    Is this better?

    • 4 months ago

      its older therefore yes, thats the only criteria

    • 3 months ago

      Out of all things to complain about Civ 6, the ui is the smallest issue. For me it is the game's overall goofy cheery tone and its cartoony graphics

      • 3 months ago

        Yeah, 6 has a terrible tone that veers wildly between overly snarky and overly safe. I don't think 6's Civpedia is as bad as 5's, but it's up there. Which is unfortunate because Nimoy, Bean, and Sheppard all give each of their games incredible gravitas; and in two of those cases it's just fricking ruined.

    • 3 months ago

      rhyes and fall and fall from heaven 2 are the only reasons I still go back to that game

  9. 4 months ago

    why would you play on anything but the fastest speed do you enjoy skipping turns

  10. 3 months ago

    It actually is, you civgays are eating good, try playing Victoria 3

    • 3 months ago

      No one plays those map painters.

  11. 3 months ago

    I mean, i've seen worse

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