Comfy Elder Scrolls Thread

Talk about the time when Elder Scrolls had good lore. Mods are welcome! Discussion on classic lore welcome! Games allowed include;

>Elder Scrolls I: Arena
>Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
>Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
>Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
>Elder Scrolls Adventure: Redguard
>Elder Scrolls Travels: Stormhold
>Elder Scrolls Travels: Dawnstar
>Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey

I'll start us off with a simple question, what's your favorite city in the classic games? Any game though I presume most will pick a Morrowind city for obvious reasons.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Favorite city is Ebonheart.

    I want to give Daggerfall another go, but I want to play it on my phone.
    Morrowind, while not the best way to play it feels good always having it with me so I can mess around at any time.
    Can I play the Unity version on Android?

    • 2 years ago

      Mobile morrowind would make me never take a shit under an hour ever again

      • 2 years ago

        Favorite city is Ebonheart.

        I want to give Daggerfall another go, but I want to play it on my phone.
        Morrowind, while not the best way to play it feels good always having it with me so I can mess around at any time.
        Can I play the Unity version on Android?

        Umm… openMW has had an Android port for like 5 years

        • 2 years ago

          Wtf? How haven't I heard of this. I gotta try

          • 2 years ago

            I remember playing it on a shitty budget Samsung 2017 phone back in 2019, it ran surprisingly well.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, I know about Morrowind, i was wondering if there's something similar for Daggerfall.

  2. 2 years ago

    Bit left of field, but I fricking love Dagon Fell, even though Sheogorad has nothing going on it was always where my younger self would make gay little houses in the construction kit. Or go and live with that one dude in the dwemer tower nearby (just roommates no homo) before I figured out how.

    Something about it made me wish there was a way to play the games without adventuring, just settling down in a comfy spot and being one of the rogue wizards or plantation owners you see in the world, maybe even buying and selling and breeding slaves.

    • 2 years ago

      >even though Sheogorad has nothing going on
      Have you considered trying out this mod to give it at least some unique visual identity? It might amp up the atmosphere even more

      >Something about it made me wish there was a way to play the games without adventuring
      Honestly I hope with OpenMW we do see mods like this, though it'll likely take years. I want to see people try and push Morrowind into the fantasy life simulator that Daggerfall tried to be.

      • 2 years ago

        Damn that looks great.

        >Honestly I hope with OpenMW we do see mods like this
        I wouldn't be opposed to trying my hand at something like this, now I've grown into a software developer and not a preteen struggling to figure out how to place npcs on the floor. Being able to buy or earn some piece of land, hiring NPCs to work for you, promoting them, sending them off on little missions and whatnot would be great. It would make sense for cool integrations with existing faction rank and stronghold mechanics. Probably would need to have some sort of system for spawning new NPCs to recruit, too. Like you say, would probably take years, but it might be worth it.
        >get to certain rank with faction
        >buy land on their territory
        >set up shop and try to manage your business, whatever it may be: magical research (licit or otherwise), farming, maybe even things like running taverns
        >syngery between different professions of npc to hire; e.g. alchemy-skilled NPCs might work to boost crop growth for common farmers

  3. 2 years ago

    oblivion not allowed cause it was shitty and TES went downhill from there on?

    • 2 years ago

      Major lore changes (for the worse, the first lore shift was for the better) along with weaker writing, and also Oblivion feels questionably retro due to how obtuse the rules are. It's a 360 / PS3 game.

      • 2 years ago

        what in the lore was changed? i played a lot of oblivion when i was a kid, it was my first TES experience, but i can see how it objectively was a bad game, especially when it was released (bugs, typos, missing talking animations, enemies leveling with the player, overall a feeling of unfinished development etc.)

        • 2 years ago

          For one, Cyrodiil was a jungle, dominated by rivers. Are you familiar with the Colovians and Nibenese? They are the two major cultures of Cyrodiil who each bicker and compete to earn favor in the Empire. I'm fairly sure they are nonexistent in Oblivion, unless they're vaguely mentioned at some point. There are tons of smaller things, but those are two of the biggest aspects.

          Oblivion came out after LotR was insanely popular. Todd decided to take it in that direction, and more traditional fantasy.

          Pocket Guide to the Empire 1st Edition is essentially a lore bible for the first lore reboot of Elder Scrolls, taking the unique and fun stuff Daggerfall had and really going wild with it. Read it if you haven't, it's not too convoluted like other stuff but very interesting.

          • 2 years ago

            >Oblivion came out after LotR was insanely popular. Todd decided to take it in that direction, and more traditional fantasy.

            That makes perfect sense. Much like Skyrim was like it was because everyone wanted dragons in an Elder Scrolls game.

            >Honestly I hope with OpenMW we do see mods like this

            Any mod recommendations to fix the clunky walking animations in MW?

            • 2 years ago

              Oblivion still was rather good, IMO. Despite those minor retcons and other stuff, it tried to continue the story I loved.
              At the very least, it did not blow Morrowind to smithereens. I will never forgive Bethesda for it.

        • 2 years ago

          For one, Cyrodiil was a jungle, dominated by rivers. Are you familiar with the Colovians and Nibenese? They are the two major cultures of Cyrodiil who each bicker and compete to earn favor in the Empire. I'm fairly sure they are nonexistent in Oblivion, unless they're vaguely mentioned at some point. There are tons of smaller things, but those are two of the biggest aspects.

          Oblivion came out after LotR was insanely popular. Todd decided to take it in that direction, and more traditional fantasy.

          Pocket Guide to the Empire 1st Edition is essentially a lore bible for the first lore reboot of Elder Scrolls, taking the unique and fun stuff Daggerfall had and really going wild with it. Read it if you haven't, it's not too convoluted like other stuff but very interesting.

          The lore wasn't really changed. They made good points for the differences. Dragon breaks make the game and lore better, not worse, we're not stuck to the same old shit constantly like many other IPs are.

          • 2 years ago

            Oblivion pretty much has no relation to the universe established in TES Redguard and Morrowind aside from some fan-service tier passing comments from NPCs.

            • 2 years ago

              Doesn't have to, to still be a good game lore wise in the TES universe.

              • 2 years ago

                It fails on that front. I just replayed it, and wow was it made for children with no attention span. Every quest solution is either 5 feet away from the giver or some generic dungeon insta marked on your map and the quest log is constantly handholding you at all times. There's not a single decent quest reward in the whole game too.

              • 2 years ago

                We're talking about lore though. Not gameplay in general.

                I've played it several times too, together with every other TES game. Have a purpose build old shitbox for games like that and played it for a few days on end, couple weeks ago.
                It's one of the weaker games in the series but it holds up fine lore wise and doesn't have to reference older games as much for that.

              • 2 years ago

                What are the best TES games in your opinion than?

              • 2 years ago

                Daggerfall/Morrowind and TESO

              • 2 years ago

                TESO, because of the lore, did I read that right? Not mocking, I know nothing about TESO.

              • 2 years ago

                Not really retro, but...
                No, just a good TES universe game. Anon asked best as I understood, not just good lore.
                Lore wise ESO is all over the place, but it still manages to be fun, interested and atmospheric. I haven't played it in ages anymore but I did for a few years, since launch.

              • 2 years ago

                >8 years since teso launched
                I know it shouldn't but it just keeps surprising me how the years just roll by.

    • 2 years ago

      Oblivion is allowed.

      • 2 years ago

        Op clearly does not mention it. If fricking Travels were included and Oblivion wasn't, take the fricking hint.

        The lore wasn't really changed. They made good points for the differences. Dragon breaks make the game and lore better, not worse, we're not stuck to the same old shit constantly like many other IPs are.

        Dragonbreaks were not introduced in Oblivion, but Oblivion did introduce the concept of abusing them to justify shitty retcons. Even if you ignored that, the writing in Oblivion is notably weaker than Daggerfall and Morrowind.

    • 2 years ago

      that's not why Oblivion isn't allowed (although it would be a good reason!) it's unironically not retro, it's a bad modern game/

      • 2 years ago

        >literally have games from 2007 that are okay and the threads go on for days without problems
        >but game from 2005 is bad and not retro

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          My Mass effect thread got deleted even though it's from 2007

          • 2 years ago


            This was up for days and just 404'd in the end

  4. 2 years ago

    Oblivion was a fun game but also a bad Elder Scrolls title.

    • 2 years ago

      You could say the exact the same about Morrowind. Completely different and lacking compared to Daggerfall.

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind has good writing. Oblivion doesn't.

  5. 2 years ago

    What's the best way to fix water in oblivion? whenever I increase the ugrids too much the water breaks

    • 2 years ago

      Usually it's an issue on modern systems, directx9 (or whatever you use) struggles with certain parts. There's a file called system32, just delete that, it's usually a major cause of these incompatibilities and it's just bloatware, that should fix your issue.

  6. 2 years ago

    Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey
    This looks cool as frick, how can I play it on PC?

    • 2 years ago

      EKA2L1 would be your best bet, I suppose. Never tried it myself so far.

  7. 2 years ago

    Oblivion is the only good Retro TES game

    • 2 years ago

      brutal doom is the way doom should be played. horse armor wasn't actually bad you're just poor. quality of posts on Ganker is the best during summer. hot takes are actually pretty cool.

    • 2 years ago

      brutal doom is the way doom should be played. horse armor wasn't actually bad you're just poor. quality of posts on Ganker is the best during summer. hot takes are actually pretty cool.


      Horse armor was nice, I like that they shared it with a .torrent for easy and fast download.

  8. 2 years ago

    I really liked the idea of Leyawiin being this distant swampy foreboding town. When I got heavily into Oblivion the "Oblivion Graphics Extender" was a popular thing (GPU shaders not really being a thing yet) and I liked using that to create a more "immersive" experience (in whatever clumsy way was possible). Part of a side effect of this was that I ended up with drastically darker nights, to the point everything was pitch black just a few feet outside of torch radius, and I loved it. So when I finally had to go to Leyawiin on some quest I ended up going on a literal dark and stormy night. That feeling of trudging through the dangerous swamp, unable to see in the blinding rain being jumped by a horde of hideous filthy argonians whom I could only see in moments of eye-searing lightning, was one of the most exciting moments in the game for me and really felt like I was lost in this massive fantasy world. I don't even remember getting to the town itself, I just remember the epic journey through the swamp.

    Sadly the more you play these open world games though, the more the magic starts to trickle out when you realize the scope just isn't quite as big as you thought it was. This is kind of a baseline philosophy of mine but I'm really in favor of fog, darkness, lo-fi, and any other techniques that can mask the full extent of a game and leave more to a sense of mystery and danger.

    • 2 years ago

      I love making sure dark environments in TES game are actually dark, so touches make sense.

  9. 2 years ago

    I just beat Morrowind last night, and am going to move on to Tribunal next. I have a lore question:
    Azura tells the Nerevarine at the end that "all sins" are "redeemed", and Vivec says that the tribunal will lose their divinity. He, at least, is openly penitent about breaking his oath and becoming a god. I don't know about the other two (yet), but it made me wonder if Azura would/might reverse her curse on the Dunmer at some point (maybe once Dunmer faith is redirected back unto her and the other Good Daedra), and restore their colors to what they were before the oath breaking. Is this ever addressed or mentioned in any Elder Scrolls material?

    • 2 years ago

      This would all probably be relevant if the people who worked on Morrowind went on to make the later games but as it stands the current devs took a dump all over Morrowind and destroyed most of the province.

      • 2 years ago

        But ESO takes place before Morrowind

        • 2 years ago

          The mainline games all take place after and are the ones relevant to his question.

          • 2 years ago

            The current devs are the ESO devs, that was the point, even working under TES6

      • 2 years ago

        Two more Morrowind questions:
        1) Dagoth Ur says he'll let you strike the first blow, but then attacks immediately after combat. Is this a scripting error, or do you think it was intended? The ash vampires that say the same thing do let you strike first.
        2) One of the prophecies outlines the Seven Curses that will emanate from the Sixth House:
        The Dissident Priests already annotated what they thought some of those were, but I can't figure out what the Ghosts / Seed / Despair curses were. Since they come later than some curses that are still ongoing during the game, I imagine they are happening as well. Is there any suggestion as to what these are?

        That's a bummer. I've heard really mixed things about the newer games, so I'm afraid that I'll dislike Oblivion a lot once I move on to it.

        • 2 years ago

          >1) Dagoth Ur says he'll let you strike the first blow, but then attacks immediately after combat. Is this a scripting error, or do you think it was intended? The ash vampires that say the same thing do let you strike first.
          Almost certainly just rushed and awkward. You can't even talk to the Ash Vampires in vanilla easily iirc. And thematically, I don't see much of a reason why they would lie about offering you the first blow and immediately attack.

          Unfortunately I can't help you much on the second question.

          I just beat Morrowind last night, and am going to move on to Tribunal next. I have a lore question:
          Azura tells the Nerevarine at the end that "all sins" are "redeemed", and Vivec says that the tribunal will lose their divinity. He, at least, is openly penitent about breaking his oath and becoming a god. I don't know about the other two (yet), but it made me wonder if Azura would/might reverse her curse on the Dunmer at some point (maybe once Dunmer faith is redirected back unto her and the other Good Daedra), and restore their colors to what they were before the oath breaking. Is this ever addressed or mentioned in any Elder Scrolls material?

          >openly penitent
          I disagree. Understanding Vivec and his logic requires a degree, as everything about him is contradictory. Vivec loved the Nerevar, but he loved himself more. He loved godhood more. Vivec doesn't feel bad about being a god, though he does feel guilt over the murder of Nerevar. As for Azura lifting the curse, I don't ever see her doing that unfortunately. For a good daedra she can be a bit of a jerk and it's no wonder that Vivec facefricks her in the middle of a court session.

          • 2 years ago

            >in vanilla
            I'm not sure what's changed in my version, but every Ash Vampire I came across was willing to talk. They didn't all have much dialogue, but almost all of them recognized me as "the challenger" and offered me the first blow. My character had very high stats, so maybe my Personality or reputation or something pushed them over the edge into being willing to talk?
            I agree with what you say about understanding him, and while I was eating lunch I realized that he was probably still lying. I'm sure his regrets are sharper because he realizes by the time of the gain that even after sacrificing his honor a number of times, the tribunal didn't even succeed in defeating Ol' Dagsy and getting the Morrowind they wanted. He probably wouldn't feel as guilty if the ends could justify the means, but instead, he has to ask the Nerevarine himself to fix his mistakes.
            You're right that Azura would likely never lift the curse, it just feelsbadman. I suppose the Dunmer are pretty into it at this point, though, from their dialogues in-game.
            >facefricks her
            That trial was an interesting read.

            i just recently tried playing morrowind and just as the map said i reached balmora there was dinosaur kind of creature and they destroyed me,im playing at normal difficulty,the first bandit i saw in a cave also killed me in like 4 or 5 hit.any tips ?

            The very start of the game is actually the hardest part, but it gets easier very quickly. My tips would be:
            1) make sure you don't let your fatigue get too low. If it's low, your chance to hit, dodge, cast spells, everything -- will fall apart.
            2) weapon damage of "1-12" isn't like most games, where an attack does randomly 1 to 12 damage. Rather, clicking the attack button will always do 1 damage, and holding down the attack button until the weapon is fully brought back and charged to strike, and then releasing, does a full 12 damage. So, when you need to hit hard, always try and use full attacks
            3) check out the manual, explains a lot of things you won't realize otherwise
            4) combat skills < 30 aren't reliable, buy training in town to help out. Training kicks ass.
            5) travel long distances at the start of the game using public transit (boats, silt striders, etc)

          • 2 years ago

            >in vanilla
            I'm not sure what's changed in my version, but every Ash Vampire I came across was willing to talk. They didn't all have much dialogue, but almost all of them recognized me as "the challenger" and offered me the first blow. My character had very high stats, so maybe my Personality or reputation or something pushed them over the edge into being willing to talk?
            I agree with what you say about understanding him, and while I was eating lunch I realized that he was probably still lying. I'm sure his regrets are sharper because he realizes by the time of the gain that even after sacrificing his honor a number of times, the tribunal didn't even succeed in defeating Ol' Dagsy and getting the Morrowind they wanted. He probably wouldn't feel as guilty if the ends could justify the means, but instead, he has to ask the Nerevarine himself to fix his mistakes.
            You're right that Azura would likely never lift the curse, it just feelsbadman. I suppose the Dunmer are pretty into it at this point, though, from their dialogues in-game.
            >facefricks her
            That trial was an interesting read.
            The very start of the game is actually the hardest part, but it gets easier very quickly. My tips would be:
            1) make sure you don't let your fatigue get too low. If it's low, your chance to hit, dodge, cast spells, everything -- will fall apart.
            2) weapon damage of "1-12" isn't like most games, where an attack does randomly 1 to 12 damage. Rather, clicking the attack button will always do 1 damage, and holding down the attack button until the weapon is fully brought back and charged to strike, and then releasing, does a full 12 damage. So, when you need to hit hard, always try and use full attacks
            3) check out the manual, explains a lot of things you won't realize otherwise
            4) combat skills < 30 aren't reliable, buy training in town to help out. Training kicks ass.
            5) travel long distances at the start of the game using public transit (boats, silt striders, etc)

            Oh yeah and to add to this

            >the current devs took a dump all over Morrowind and destroyed most of the province
            That's the best thing they've done with Morrowind. Everything that happened with Red Year is exactly how it should've happened.

            Azura is a spiteful b***h. Her whole reasoning behind the curse and prophecy was basically "who do these pest think they are", so no, reverse will not happen.
            >Dagoth Ur says he'll let you strike the first blow, but then attacks immediately after combat. Is this a scripting error, or do you think it was intended? The ash vampires that say the same thing do let you strike first.
            Their behavior changes to "hostile" in the script, that's about it. Just a rush job. Same as he tell you that he's been waiting for you and welcomes you, while standing in the middle of the dark cave like a dufus, no table, no nothing.
            People been wondering that for years.
            My explanation:
            Ash zombies/Slaves and all that are basically husks with Dagoth's magic instead of a soul (a stretch, but it's how I see it), hence the Ghosts.
            Ash will eventually cover the Vvanderfel, you can see that there is frick all vegetation anywhere but the lake already, hence the Seed curse.
            Despair is pretty simple, those close to Tribunal began to notice that their powers are thinning due to not having an access to tools, with time the rumors would spread, this curse is geared towards "heretics" who worship ALMSIVI.
            All in all, the Seven curses are there to show that the age of Tribunal, false godhood and, as Sixth house sees it, evil, is over, everything they've built will turn into ash and through dreams people will turn to new age of prophecy and just. That's how I see it.

            I've seen people say that Ghosts are Ghostfence/ghosts in dungeons, Seed is infertility hence why no children in the game and despair is dunmer being sad for being racists towards and turning to Dagoth for help, all of which is pretty moronic, but I myself just guess.

            Vivec is a dingus who is full of himself when it comes to his godhood, to him it's
            >I am a god called Vivec
            >there was a person called Vivec
            >I suppose I must refer to this other person as me, though this other Vivec was not me, a god
            >That Vivec did some stuff that he regrets, which I suppose I will say that I regret on his behalf
            That being said, Vivec is the only one out of 3 who actually cared for the people on Morrowind in the present with all his heart. As much as people meme him over the year, he is actually trying to do right things for good reasons. Almalexia is a stupid c**t, and Sotha cared for nothing but the distant future.
            My favourite detail kinda ties into question of reverting the curse:
            Almalexia is forever stuck in the past, so she is not ashen, Sotha Sil is in the future, which is why he is completely covered in ash, as it's the future of all dunmer and Vivec is in the present.
            Also frick that court scene, fricking stupid and not cannon, and I will never admit otherwise.

      • 2 years ago

        >the current devs took a dump all over Morrowind and destroyed most of the province
        That's the best thing they've done with Morrowind. Everything that happened with Red Year is exactly how it should've happened.

        I just beat Morrowind last night, and am going to move on to Tribunal next. I have a lore question:
        Azura tells the Nerevarine at the end that "all sins" are "redeemed", and Vivec says that the tribunal will lose their divinity. He, at least, is openly penitent about breaking his oath and becoming a god. I don't know about the other two (yet), but it made me wonder if Azura would/might reverse her curse on the Dunmer at some point (maybe once Dunmer faith is redirected back unto her and the other Good Daedra), and restore their colors to what they were before the oath breaking. Is this ever addressed or mentioned in any Elder Scrolls material?

        Azura is a spiteful b***h. Her whole reasoning behind the curse and prophecy was basically "who do these pest think they are", so no, reverse will not happen.

        Two more Morrowind questions:
        1) Dagoth Ur says he'll let you strike the first blow, but then attacks immediately after combat. Is this a scripting error, or do you think it was intended? The ash vampires that say the same thing do let you strike first.
        2) One of the prophecies outlines the Seven Curses that will emanate from the Sixth House:
        The Dissident Priests already annotated what they thought some of those were, but I can't figure out what the Ghosts / Seed / Despair curses were. Since they come later than some curses that are still ongoing during the game, I imagine they are happening as well. Is there any suggestion as to what these are?

        That's a bummer. I've heard really mixed things about the newer games, so I'm afraid that I'll dislike Oblivion a lot once I move on to it.

        >Dagoth Ur says he'll let you strike the first blow, but then attacks immediately after combat. Is this a scripting error, or do you think it was intended? The ash vampires that say the same thing do let you strike first.
        Their behavior changes to "hostile" in the script, that's about it. Just a rush job. Same as he tell you that he's been waiting for you and welcomes you, while standing in the middle of the dark cave like a dufus, no table, no nothing.
        People been wondering that for years.
        My explanation:
        Ash zombies/Slaves and all that are basically husks with Dagoth's magic instead of a soul (a stretch, but it's how I see it), hence the Ghosts.
        Ash will eventually cover the Vvanderfel, you can see that there is frick all vegetation anywhere but the lake already, hence the Seed curse.
        Despair is pretty simple, those close to Tribunal began to notice that their powers are thinning due to not having an access to tools, with time the rumors would spread, this curse is geared towards "heretics" who worship ALMSIVI.
        All in all, the Seven curses are there to show that the age of Tribunal, false godhood and, as Sixth house sees it, evil, is over, everything they've built will turn into ash and through dreams people will turn to new age of prophecy and just. That's how I see it.

        I've seen people say that Ghosts are Ghostfence/ghosts in dungeons, Seed is infertility hence why no children in the game and despair is dunmer being sad for being racists towards and turning to Dagoth for help, all of which is pretty moronic, but I myself just guess.

        • 2 years ago

          Your explanation of the curses make a lot of sense. They aren't as explicit as the other ones, but I think that's the best we'll get. Those other ideas are pretty moronic, I agree. I wonder if they originally had other main quest content planned, and those curses got culled or scaled way back.

          Your skills need to be higher in order for you to make use of your weapon, or cast spells, effectively. Use a weapon you have high skill in. Same goes for armour.

          Make sure your stamina is high. If you're running everywhere your fatigue will be low. You could carry potions or have a spell to restore fatigue in a pinch, or walk backwards from approaching critters to restore a bit before you start swinging/shooting/throwing/casting. Low stamina makes everything harder, including bartering with merchants, persuasion, and even, I think, lockpicking.

          For casting spells you can see the chance the spell will work next to the cost, or under the icon of the spell you have equipped as a red bar - a full bar means 100% chance of success, empty means 0. This is influenced by fatigue too.

          Don't hesitate to use potions in tough fights, including things like the alcoholic drinks which boost relevant stats.

          You can use divine and almsivi intervention scrolls, spells, and enchantments as a form of fast travel if you feel you need to or should. Divine takes you to the nearest imperial cult temple, almsivi to the nearest tribunal temple. The UESP wiki will even tell you what city the interventions will take you to if you cast them at a location on the location's page.

          Remember to keep track of your equipment durability and take repair kits (if you're confident in your armorer skill) or get them repaired at shops in towns lest you lose a vital piece of gear in the middle of combat.

          Yes, fatigue affects every skill roll in the game. Counterintuitively, it isn't actually "you perform at 100% when your fatigue bar is full". Rather, you get 100% of your skill check when at 50% fatigue, and you get 75% at 0% fatigue, and 125% when you have a full fatigue roll. So your character usually performs a lot better than you expect from looking at the stats, and this happens even faster as your stats improve.
          Encumbrance also plays a role in certain situations, e.g. jumping height/distance is scaled by your inventory weight.

  10. 2 years ago

    i just recently tried playing morrowind and just as the map said i reached balmora there was dinosaur kind of creature and they destroyed me,im playing at normal difficulty,the first bandit i saw in a cave also killed me in like 4 or 5 hit.any tips ?

    • 2 years ago

      Your skills need to be higher in order for you to make use of your weapon, or cast spells, effectively. Use a weapon you have high skill in. Same goes for armour.

      Make sure your stamina is high. If you're running everywhere your fatigue will be low. You could carry potions or have a spell to restore fatigue in a pinch, or walk backwards from approaching critters to restore a bit before you start swinging/shooting/throwing/casting. Low stamina makes everything harder, including bartering with merchants, persuasion, and even, I think, lockpicking.

      For casting spells you can see the chance the spell will work next to the cost, or under the icon of the spell you have equipped as a red bar - a full bar means 100% chance of success, empty means 0. This is influenced by fatigue too.

      Don't hesitate to use potions in tough fights, including things like the alcoholic drinks which boost relevant stats.

      You can use divine and almsivi intervention scrolls, spells, and enchantments as a form of fast travel if you feel you need to or should. Divine takes you to the nearest imperial cult temple, almsivi to the nearest tribunal temple. The UESP wiki will even tell you what city the interventions will take you to if you cast them at a location on the location's page.

      Remember to keep track of your equipment durability and take repair kits (if you're confident in your armorer skill) or get them repaired at shops in towns lest you lose a vital piece of gear in the middle of combat.

  11. 2 years ago

    I'm redownloading Oblivion, haven't played in a decade. It's my favorite TES game. Any mod suggestions?

  12. 2 years ago

    My personal favourite games are Battlespire and Shadowkey. I wish there was a Battlespire rebuild that fulfills the potential of the original, actually being hunted by an intelligent in the Chimera of Desolation would be cool as frick.
    Shadowkey was a really quaint game and adventure, a morrowind mod or something to allow you to explore that tri-border region would be nice.

    • 2 years ago

      This might be of interest to you then

      • 2 years ago

        awesome, thanks for the link

    • 2 years ago

      Did you play Redguard, I feel like that game and Battlespire are the groundwork for most of Morrowind's lore.

  13. 2 years ago

    Playing DU
    I got chased down by guards in daggerfall and surrendered
    They charged me with criminal conspiracy with the punishment of exile if I was plead NOT guilty, less serious punishment if I plead guilty
    I plead guilty and they still banished me
    Is there any way to undo this?

    • 2 years ago

      Your rep is fuarked up. Just leave the region for a while. If you are ok with cheating use the DFU console, use the command clear_negativelegalrep

  14. 2 years ago


    >subject is Comfy Elder Scrolls Thread
    lmao check your mental damage

    • 2 years ago

      Note "comfy". Note OP excludes it. Note it's an Xbox 360 game. Note it's shit.

      • 2 years ago

        Don't care about your mental trauma.
        This is an Elder scrolls thread, I'll talk about Elder scrolls if I want. If that causes you physical pain, you can find another thread.

  15. 2 years ago

    >Talk about the time when Elder Scrolls had good lore.
    Old good new bad

    Skyrim is unironically the best TES game

  16. 2 years ago

    What mods will turn Morrowind into Mount & Blade Openworld?

  17. 2 years ago

    Daggerfall is better than Morrowind.
    There, I said it.

    • 2 years ago

      Kek, here in Russia this opinion was really popular, especially back in the days when Morrowind was just released.
      It's just an opinion though. I think Morrowind is the best part, but I love Oblivion and Daggerfall just as much.
      I do, however, hate Skyrim with all my passion. Yet still, I can see why people like that game. I'd probably liked it as well, if its lore did not outright destroy all the previous entries in the series.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's just an opinion though.
        Yeah of course, everything is a subjective opinion when it comes to liking things. This is really hard to understand for a lot of people though.

    • 2 years ago

      Kek, here in Russia this opinion was really popular, especially back in the days when Morrowind was just released.
      It's just an opinion though. I think Morrowind is the best part, but I love Oblivion and Daggerfall just as much.
      I do, however, hate Skyrim with all my passion. Yet still, I can see why people like that game. I'd probably liked it as well, if its lore did not outright destroy all the previous entries in the series.

      What are the selling points for Daggerfall? I heard it has more/better skills than Morrowind (the only TES game I've played), but I also heard the world and dungeons are extremely repetitive / cookie-cutter. I always figured that if the game has 10 hours of quality spread out across another 100 hours of tedium, I'd be better off reading a plot summary or someone's fan-fic narration of their playthrough or something. But I haven't looked into the game yet at all, so I'm curious as to what you enjoyed about it.

      • 2 years ago

        >dungeons are extremely repetitive / cookie-cutter.
        Dungeons are literally 8 hours long mazes, sometimes with almost impossible enemies. At least the randomly generated ones, there's hand crafted ones too though.

        • 2 years ago

          >Dungeons are literally 8 hours long mazes, sometimes with almost impossible enemies.
          The unity port has a smaller dungeon mod that fixes this. Surprised it wasn't one of the included mods in the GOG cut.

          • 2 years ago

            I actually like the huge dungeons, but probably just me, I don't get tired of exploring

        • 2 years ago

          >I heard it has more/better skills than Morrowind
          It does, the amount of skills that were cut in Morrowind were down right criminal.
          >world and dungeons are extremely repetitive / cookie-cutter.
          This was true for the original DOS release, but the Unity version that was released on GOG recently fixed up the overworld and dungeons a good bit.
          >I'm curious as to what you enjoyed about it.
          I enjoy it because it's the perfect fantasy life simulator. You can truly be anyone you want to be in Daggerfall. It's way more open and free when compared to Morrowind.

          >Dungeons are literally 8 hours long mazes, sometimes with almost impossible enemies.
          The unity port has a smaller dungeon mod that fixes this. Surprised it wasn't one of the included mods in the GOG cut.

          Sounds good about the dungeons, I'm not really keen on dumping 8 hours into a generic dungeon. That's the full playtime of a short video game.
          >almost impossible enemies
          That sounds kind of cool though. I didn't like how from about halfway through Morrowind I could defeat in-game legendary beings with 2-3 hammer blows and no potions or spell preparations at all.
          >down right criminal
          >more open and free
          Interesting. I already thought that Morrowind was one of the top "open and free" experiences I've had in gaming, so I'm definitely interested in seeing what that's all about. Maybe now I'll do Daggerfall before Oblivion, and the Unity port seems the way to do it. Thanks anons.

      • 2 years ago

        >I heard it has more/better skills than Morrowind
        It does, the amount of skills that were cut in Morrowind were down right criminal.
        >world and dungeons are extremely repetitive / cookie-cutter.
        This was true for the original DOS release, but the Unity version that was released on GOG recently fixed up the overworld and dungeons a good bit.
        >I'm curious as to what you enjoyed about it.
        I enjoy it because it's the perfect fantasy life simulator. You can truly be anyone you want to be in Daggerfall. It's way more open and free when compared to Morrowind.

        • 2 years ago

          >grab mode

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, I was grave robbing in that screenshot.
            That's why I was in grab mode.

        • 2 years ago

          >It does, the amount of skills that were cut in Morrowind were down right criminal.
          A staggering amount of skills in vanilla Daggerfall were broken or near useless.

          • 2 years ago

            >A staggering amount of skills in vanilla Daggerfall were broken or near useless.
            Fixed in the unity port.

            • 2 years ago

              Which came out 20 years after Morrowind released.

              • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              Language skills are still worthless, even with the “More Useful Skills” mod.
              Which is too bad because making a character who speaks Daedric or Nymph could be cool if it had better content for it.

              • 2 years ago

                Idk, being able to talk to, and pacify hostile mobs seems really useful from a gameplay and roleplay experience.

              • 2 years ago

                People don't understand roleplay anymore
                It's like trying to play D&D with zoomer groups, they think it's about metagaming and minmaxing

              • 2 years ago

                >Thread talking about useless skills
                >Mention language
                >BUT ROLEPLAY!!
                Follow the thread discussion and contribute something instead of just vomiting your generic template b***hing at zoomers.

              • 2 years ago

                Roleplay is the only reason to ever use it. The pacify is too low %, and walking away and coming back in range does another check to see if they’re hostile, it’s better to just kill them. Be cool if I could trade unique items with them, or get unique tips.

          • 2 years ago

            >A staggering amount of skills in vanilla Daggerfall were broken or near useless.
            Fixed in the unity port.

            Russian nerds fricked a lot of shit in the 90's for the original DOS edition already

        • 2 years ago

          >it's the perfect fantasy life simulator.
          People say this but can you give me an example of a unique and more importantly fun "fantasy life simulator" experience in daggerfall?

          • 2 years ago

            >Life is dull and boring
            >Like daggerfall

          • 2 years ago

            I'm a short twink bosmer freelance stripper that uses two hand swords and sneak and will bring your every sexual desire to life

            • 2 years ago

              >Daggerfall is just D&D5E

          • 2 years ago

            Live life do mundane things

        • 2 years ago

          Would you say Dagger fall is to Morrowind, what Morrowind is to Oblivion and Skyrim?

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, each release was geared more towards the everyman than the hardcore RPG nerd.

          • 2 years ago

            No, Daggerfall has you fast traveling everywhere and nowhere you go matters because the quests are the same randomly generated shit.

          • 2 years ago

            No, Daggerfall is mostly "what if we would make it really really big".
            I'm glad they've scrapped the original Morrowind in favor of what we've got in the end, even if that too was well undercooked.
            That being said, Daggerfall got frick all to do with the rest of the series, so I understand where anon is coming from.

            • 2 years ago

              >Daggerfall got frick all to do with the rest of the series
              mannimarco? underking? shit that is still there and major plot points in newer TES games?

              • 2 years ago

                I mean how the game world is crafted, the flow of the gameplay and your engagement with the NPCs you dingus, Daggerfall is a completely different experience to the rest of the series, Morrowind and Fallout 3 more similar than Morrowind and Daggerfall in that regard, I'm not talking about what's canon and what's not.

      • 2 years ago

        It's the kind of game you play and enjoy it at a surface level, but stop once you start recognizing the patterns in dungeons since they're basically big premade blocks attached at set points.

        • 2 years ago

          Pretty much every TES game, except in Daggerfall majority of dungeons had randomly attached blocks, meanwhile the newer games had Mark from level design drag and drop them together in Creation toolkit.

          • 2 years ago

            The blocks in later games are smaller which allow for far more variety as to what Mark can do wtih them.

            • 2 years ago

              Daggerfall blocks come from just corners to huge pre-made halls, the random generator is just limited in using them with specific algorithms to minimize impossible dungeons.
              In general for the time the tech was good, look at dungeons from other games. Obviously later games did have much niver dungeons in general, it was more than just snapping together corridors or caves.

              • 2 years ago

                I like the look of the dungeons, I just don't like how easy it is to recognize the patterns in the blocks. I'd be curious to find out how Battlespire's levels were made since they don't feel like modular pieces put together.

  18. 2 years ago

    Whats the best way to play Elder Scrolls I: Arena?

    • 2 years ago

      To not play it

    • 2 years ago

      • 2 years ago

        That's a monster!

  19. 2 years ago

    >Talk about the time when Elder Scrolls had good lore.
    TES lore is like DnD lore.

    it's nice that it exists but it's ultimately unimportant & irrelevant in the grand scheme of user created content.

    • 2 years ago

      The best mods are lore compliant though

      • 2 years ago

        Read a book.

        • 2 years ago

          There's lots in Morrowind and Tamriel Rebuilt!

      • 2 years ago

        that's debatable. most of the "lore compliant" mods out there are really compliant to the "idea" of what people think TES lore is which isn't really acknowledged in any meaningful way outside of morrowind. everything else is just random books you'll find in your travels that paint a different picture of what you actually experiences in game. it's like fanfiction that doesn't want to admit it's fanfiction or those shitty star wars & halo novels that fanboys tell themselves are good.

        and even then what IS acknowledged is just "weird & abstract" for the sake of being weird & abstract.

        • 2 years ago

          >most of the "lore compliant" mods out there are really compliant to the "idea" of what people think TES lore is which isn't really acknowledged in any meaningful way outside of morrowind
          That sounds like a lot of words that just amounts to "maybe but no"

          • 2 years ago

            It's lore compliant to TES III and Redguard, and ignores the retcons from later games.

        • 2 years ago

          Never played Elder Scrolls Online? If you claim anything about the lore you better played all the expansions and read all the books there.

          • 2 years ago

            >read all the books there.
            like i said most lore stuff is only really acknowledged in books. outside of morrowind in never feels like what you read is actually relevant in gameplay.

            • 2 years ago

              What book content is relevant to gameplay in Morrowind?

              • 2 years ago

                NTA, but as a small detail, a lot of the skill books mention NPCs by name that happen to be the master-level trainers of the relevant skill.
                Usually, books are never relevant to gameplay, I don't know what that guy is on about. They exist to pad out the setting and lore in ways that can't be done via gameplay, but in an optional and less obtrusive manner than text dump narration. Discoverable audio logs in later games serve the same purpose.

  20. 2 years ago

    Installed Daggerfall GoG cut. mite b cool

  21. 2 years ago

    how is it so comfy bros? why can't bethesda top this?

    • 2 years ago

      looks dull and brown

  22. 2 years ago

    don't die on me bros

  23. 2 years ago

    So with Daggerfall gaining so much attention lately and Unity being a thing, are there any content mods already? Or are they all still just visuals?

    • 2 years ago

      Archeology Guild is the big one, and a bunch of quest mods.

  24. 2 years ago


  25. 2 years ago

    Is daggerfall unity easy to mod? How is the scripting support? I’d like to delve into AI programming, any experiences!

  26. 2 years ago

    Currently playing a stock, off-the-shelf Knight who relocated to Dwynnen to join the Order of the Raven. This was after reading The Fall of the Usurper book in-game. Wish there was more Dwynnen/Ykalon/Phrygias/Kambria lore in-game to flesh out what happened during this time more.

  27. 2 years ago

    I am an argonian in morrowind. Is everyone everywhere I go just going to act like an ass to me?

    • 2 years ago

      All dark elves are like that, N'wah.

    • 2 years ago

      You deserve it.

  28. 2 years ago

    I think playing Nord is the cannon in Morrowind.
    Azura is enough of a b***h to warp her curse around and make Neveravine as the polar opposite side of the initial conflict just out of spite since none of the previous "reincarnations" worked, given Nerevarine is a real thing in a first place.

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