>comfy pve. >skill based, fast paced pvp. >good soundtrack. >best sound design in any mmo

>comfy pve
>skill based, fast paced pvp
>good soundtrack
>best sound design in any mmo
>best graphics in any mmo
>best combat in any mmo
>game breaking bugs have been fixed already

why does Ganker hate new world again?

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  1. 12 months ago

    No anime girls

  2. 12 months ago

    If I wanted to aim I'd play a shooter.

  3. 12 months ago

    I recently started playing again and remember why I liked it in the first place. I think it'll take a miracle to bring people back though.

    • 12 months ago

      still has 10k+ daily players, edging on 20k, i dont know other mmos numbers but it's AT LEAST on the top 10 most played mmo right now, it's actually a really good mmo and cheap too

  4. 12 months ago

    I stopped playing because they broke magic weapons every other week and started nerfing weapons before they were even working properly in the first place.

    • 12 months ago

      fs got a buff, it''s one of the striongest weaopons rn

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            Ah that makes sense. I never played fire staff though, I liked ice gauntlet and void gauntlet but I recall entire periods of time when they broke magic so bad that the projectiles would pass through enemies and multi-hit spells would only hit once or not at all.

        • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Spelling mistake.

  5. 12 months ago

    The entire game is braindead LMB spam, even the PvP. Stop lying to people.
    t.1k+ hours

    • 12 months ago

      show opr stats

      • 12 months ago

        i'm not launching New World. I'm playing hearts of Iron while shitposting.

  6. 12 months ago

    It's not actually fun to play

  7. 12 months ago

    >amazon games (literally made in california)
    >no full loot pvp
    >stagger removed
    >conquistador setting wasted
    >theme park trash
    Completely soulless game, fit for the zoomers. Can't wait to see the sequel with the LOTR MMO since they're using the same moronic developers.

    • 12 months ago

      if you're going to avoid playing a game because people stream it or it's made by liberals you might as well look for another hobby. even atlus has taken the leftist pill

      • 12 months ago

        Just pirate them.

    • 12 months ago

      it really is amazing how new world so easily resembles the soulless corporation who made it

    • 12 months ago

      Which game isn't nowadays?
      >amazon games
      Would you rather have Nexon or Tencent?
      >no full loot pvp
      I'm sure you'd be the first to complain on the forums about how you were unfairly ganked, losing 100 hours worth of gear
      >stagger removide
      False, staggers are in abilities now, you have think a bit before wasting them so you can set up combos
      >conquistator setting wasted
      What does this even mean, the game has a bunch of historical factions, not just spaniard looking ones
      >theme park
      What MMO isn't?
      News flash, millennials now make games and they're the most liberal generation, get used to it

      • 12 months ago

        >losing 100 hours worth of gear
        Players would run around in budget sets and only bring out the expensive stuff for important fights. Even the best equipment won't make you invincible. You can also win and take 100 hours of progress away from someone. Be a little more optimistic.

    • 12 months ago

      This image is such horseshit. It 100% is automated. People were mass-reporting in droves to kick out enemy leaders before city raids.

      • 12 months ago

        People would request mass reports to get a free name change since there's no option to change your name within the game. It's absolutely automated.

  8. 12 months ago

    >removed full loot pvp
    not interested lol, just slop

  9. 12 months ago

    I'm shallow and it doesn't look interesting to me. I played FFXI because I saw catgirls and teddy bears dressed like mages and wearing purple armor and thought, "That looks cool." It might be a good game, I would never say it isn't when I don't know, but if it doesn't have a unique art style and setting I probably won't play it.

  10. 12 months ago

    I stopped playing when the wars became lagfests. I was dealing with all the other stupid bullshit this game was throwing at us.
    My faction was solid and my guild owned a town. War day comes and what do you know, no one can do anything. But conveniently the opposing faction could just AoE-Lag Abuse the frick out of the war and we couldn't play against it because it caused everyone to be stationary almost at all times throughout the war.

    Our server economy got decimated by Gold duping and Item duping. homosexuals running around with Voidbent and handing out Voidbent Ingots like candy.

    Devs fixing bugs and then introducing new worse bugs. Outpost Rush is a good example of this.
    These homosexual devs attempted multiple fixes and had it disabled for over 3 weeks. So that was one less thing to do when you hit the lvl requirement. There was a point where they enabled it and peoples characters were getting permanently stuck in the instance.

    Healbagging was a thing. You could drop an AoE heal with the Lifestaff and then spam crouch to heal more.
    Great Axe chads could bug out that buff that gives 30% movespeed if you're looking at an enemy and gain it permanently.
    Hatchet gays were running around stacking a damage buff and one shotting players.

    The game was a fricking joke. But i got some cool experiences out of it.

    Playing my guitar over the prox chat on top of the well with a crowd of people gathering in a circle.
    Playing a sick bard melody just minutes before war starts to pump up morale.
    Chasing dudes around that thought they were hot shit and getting sick EXP gains from them. Honestly the world PVP was very fun.

  11. 12 months ago

    Didn't it fry peoples gpus?

    • 12 months ago

      that was evga's fault

  12. 12 months ago

    Does the phase blade for void gauntlet scale with strength yet?
    >skill says all attacks become melee during the duration
    >strength scalings for MELEE damage do not effect phase blade
    Listen I want to run around with a void gauntlet and Blunderbuss/musket, and the only way to do that is blunderbuss and go pure INT/Con, when i'd like to do STR/Con for this setup to lean into the fact im doing magic MELEE. with medium armor. Just the little things man.

    >no dual wield mechanics
    >no Pistols
    >no Crossbows
    >Hatchets are dumb, greataxe is just absurd, I just want a battleaxe and a shield man
    >removed strength equip load bonus
    >end game (what there is) crafting is totally useless

    Its come along way but I'd like to see more mechanically for gameplay purposes.

  13. 12 months ago

    >bad gameplay
    >0 sex appeal
    this is why KMMOs reign supreme

    • 12 months ago

      >plastic-looking characters
      >friends post their Lost Ark characters all the time
      >hate how Korean shit looks 90% of the time as it has that extremely fake look to it

  14. 12 months ago

    Still trying to shill this failed piece of shit, eh?

    • 12 months ago

      the game is on life support with a battle pass model and presumably some sort of paid expansion at the end of the year, it's their final cope to cash out one last time before they move on

      • 12 months ago

        LotR MMO by Amazon has already been announced. New World will probably be kept alive for another 8 years while they finish that game

        • 12 months ago

          >8 years
          amazon will shit it out sooner than that to line it up with their ring of power slop

  15. 12 months ago

    They need to lean more into the action oriented combat and open up weapon and equipment options. Maybe mix up the gathering locations every week or two so the bots cant chew through everything ASAP. Expand the zones near the mountain that don't have full settlements, island chains, do some boat and seafaring shit. the storm fricks up the world, who's to say its not actually the barrier to the inner earth or something? They keep trying to be conservative with it, when thats not what's selling here. Add some spicy faction warfare stuff where opfors can sabotage town projects or built up infrastructure.

  16. 12 months ago

    The sand-land update was very good in terms of content and questing compared to the base game, thought it's unfortunate it took this long to get there. Other than that the main problem is that there just isn't that much to do in the game aside from farm, which serves no point as there is no purpose to any of the farmed gear except to speed up farming. The PvP modes are boring and mutations aren't particularly fun when you need to juggle 30 different gear sets (you also need to juggle like 15 gear sets to farm mats in the open world lmao)

    it is comfy though, but I'm not sure you can really make an end game centered around being comfy...

  17. 12 months ago

    Too much walking to objectives. Forced to take axe as for increased movement speed because of all the fricking walking. It's just walking between the same npcs over and over.
    Want to return to town quickly? We're putting that shit on cool down because you should be walking instead of killing shit. Frick this game

  18. 12 months ago

    Does the game still have that absolutely moronic 25 mutated expeditions a week limit?

    • 12 months ago

      I've never got past that limit but I can see a dedicated PVE guild doing 25 weekly muts in one day

  19. 12 months ago

    I stopped playing around when they added the new desert zone.
    Played it yesterday and was disappointed to see that they had added P2W exp boosts. I was impressed that it was basically the only non-p2w MMO so it's shame to see they've walked back on that.

  20. 12 months ago

    They're working on a LotR MMO now, New World is over.

  21. 12 months ago

    Rampant duping ruined the economy and they didn’t wipe

    • 12 months ago

      That said playing this on launch was the second greatest MMO experience in the last decade for me, with the first being the first month or two of WoW Classic before it got min maxed

    • 12 months ago

      Long gone issue. But if you truly think the economy is still ruined they opened new servers after all the issues were fixed that can't be transferred to

      • 12 months ago

        I don’t know, I quit after the duping epidemic and never came back

      • 12 months ago

        there was a dupe in december and fresh start was in november, cope.

  22. 12 months ago

    >make full loot PvP MMO similar to Rust but fantasy
    >lol jk we are World of Warcraft now
    >game ships in less than a year guys lol

  23. 12 months ago

    the downside is in spite of all of that it's still an mmo

  24. 12 months ago

    Community is weird, cagey, clout-chasing zoomers from shitholes like rust and gw2. The games scene is in a constant deathspiral because no one wants to communicate or organize outside their miniscule cliques.
    The game itself was flawed but acceptable. But having to cope with turboBlack folk who won't coordinate on their own faction and will just randomly transfer so they can be big fish is fricking shit.

    • 12 months ago

      yeah the streamers playing this game think they're some sort of mlg pros

  25. 12 months ago

    I had fun for the first month or so but once I got to mid levels the game lost its charm

    Musket suddenly became weak as shit even with headshots and melee combat just felt like you were hitting them with pool noodles most of the time

    Did any of this improve?

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah people improved and they can kill stuff

  26. 12 months ago

    >amazon games

    Literally the new PWE

  27. 12 months ago

    I played it for 40 hours on launch and I'll tell what you some problems.
    >Catered to streamers, as soon as they left they left with their audience, the player experience during these early days interacting with streamers and their morons will have forever sullied the experience of a normal player who will never come back to the game
    >Also the catering to streamers ruined the perception of it being a fair mmo, it wouldn't matter how good you got in the game if you're not a streamer or part of a streamer crew you would never be listened to or get instantly rolled and banned if a streamer thinks you are "sniping" them which did happen multiple times.
    >Story was very generic, and barebones gave no real reason for a player to have a stake in the World
    >Relied far too heavily on PVP to fill the gap of lore World building, couple that with your audience leaving after your paid promotional runs out. Empty game, empty lore.

  28. 12 months ago

    >world pvp
    >comfy gathering and crafting skills
    >chopping down trees
    >beautiful world to run around in and explore

    >dungeons suck
    >questing sucks
    >no endgame
    >duping broke the economy
    >moron shit devs cant fix game
    >only make game worse
    >streamer gays and their fomo watchers
    >war mode was lame and gay
    >servers died once one faction took over all the zones
    >moronic fast travel system
    >only like 4 different mobs in the game, all some form of zombie
    >shitty post launch dev team
    >fired all the original devs and replaced them with pajeets
    a damn shame, new world could have been incredible. i had tons of fun in the alpha and beta and the first few days of launch.

    • 12 months ago

      >Dungeons suck
      Everyone I've talked to say the dungeons are the best of any MMO.

      • 12 months ago

        they where just shittier versions of wow dungeons. and there was absolutely zero form of end game. there wasnt even a raid ffs.

        • 12 months ago

          They are better than wow dungeons what the frick are you on about?

        • 12 months ago

          Best MMO dungeons are Lost Ark's, they have the right amount of difficulty. FF14 can get too sweaty for my tastes

      • 12 months ago

        I like the dungeons but the bosses are too easy, I give them a pass because there aren't many full action MMOs out there to use as reference so they're basically in uncharted territory. New World is basically LotR MMO beta.

  29. 12 months ago

    >no controller support

    • 12 months ago

      there is, plug it in and have a go. Just gotta use a mouse for finite work.in menus

    • 12 months ago


  30. 12 months ago

    who cares if the game was made in california when the userbase are mostly /misc/tards

    • 12 months ago

      >caught in 4k
      >uninstall nerd
      >fr lol
      must be sad to be a poltard in a shit game surrounded by bussin zoomers frfr

  31. 12 months ago

    >Annihilate economy with bugs
    >shit up things a billion times
    >frick things up a hundred times
    I still really enjoyed the hours and hours I played but holy shit, getting 80k through legitimate means, playing the market, crafting, etc and then having the duplication shit happen on top of all the other issues crushed my desire to play. And then there was the whole shit with Item slot mastery or whatever, so people who just ran zerg loops for chests to level their gear massively benefited versus people who crafted their own shit... Unforgiveable. Plus all the random crafting recipes/ingredients being unobtainable, etc...

  32. 12 months ago

    >comfy pve
    repetitive trash
    >skill based, fast paced pvp
    unbalance laggy trash
    >good soundtrack
    fricking cringe
    >best graphics in any mmo
    cryengine trash
    >best combat in any mmo
    Muskets and bows use N64 aiming
    >game breaking bugs have been fixed already
    sure buddy i will believe u since i havent touch this trash since a year

    • 12 months ago

      trash poster

      • 12 months ago

        t. triggered troony

  33. 12 months ago

    Can someone be successful by doing "life skills" only?

  34. 12 months ago

    Its a cool mmorpg but I got bored of the weapons FAST.
    Did they really think having just a couple skills for each weapon was a good idea? Each weapon should have an actual big skill tree so we can create unique builds.

    • 12 months ago

      This isn't tab target trash. Try playing an action game with 30 skills

    • 12 months ago

      the game was supposed to have actual fighting mechanics such as staggering which allows you to out play people and a stamina system as well and did have all of this at one point until they completely wrecked the game because asmongold couldn't figure out the combat system. the game was never meant to have you spamming abilities, the abilities were there to spice up the combat and do some mix ups, it wasn't the combat system itself. the management is so incompetent that they just rip out systems without developing new ones to replace it and they say "good enough." every single issue in this game is because the developers haphazardly remove things the lowest common denominator complains about, this is not hyperbole

      • 12 months ago

        the game has staggering, what the frick. you don't play it do you? if anything pvp relies too much on staggers, stuns, roots and knockdowns. any decent player will blow you the frick out as soon as they see you gray out your stamina

        • 12 months ago

          no it doesn't. i played the alpha and beta then refunded in the beta when i saw that they ruined the game and tried turning it into a pve game. staggering or hit stun is when your normal attacks briefly stagger and interrupt someone. the stamina is also completely different and babby mode

          • 12 months ago

            Yes staggers are still in the game just not in light attacks. I also played the alpha and hatchet was the most dominant melee weapon because it was the fastest and you could pretty much stunlock people to death. How is this "outplaying" people? Outplaying someone means knowing when to use your interrupting skills which is what we have now.

            • 12 months ago

              >one weapon is a little strong
              you could still roll out of it btw. it was an issue for n00bs like yourself getting spammed to death which like i said previously is who this game caters to
              >so we just remove the system entirely
              you're qualified to be a developer at new world. your game is dead, it's nothing but bots. we won, you lost

  35. 12 months ago

    I played it a free weekend a while back and it just got super boring after about 5 hours of gameplay and I felt I had pretty much seen most of what it's going to throw

  36. 12 months ago

    based, fast paced pvp
    my sides, the pvp in that game has been garbage since beta when they ruined it

  37. 12 months ago

    Dark souls invader community RUINED the game for innocent weak and pathetic baby seal pve players, which are the majority of Ganker current population

    • 12 months ago

      Ganker are pve babies who pretend to be rust pros that's why they so adamantly complain about lack of full loot pvp but they're secretly glad they removed that feature

      • 12 months ago

        >remove full loot
        >still keep the same loot drop rates that assume people will be losing gear and items
        >economy goes to shit because of it
        more examples of this moronic management just deleting shit without any forethought. this was brought up in beta too and they still fricking released that way

  38. 12 months ago

    its one of the best mmos on the market
    but most morons who play mmos don't actually like games, they just like their 1 game

  39. 12 months ago

    >bought game
    >checked my emails like a month in and realized I had gotten a copy of it for free due to "buying" it and the other 2 games Amazon was working on when they randomly got listed on Amazon for free some 3-5 years earlier because some anon here posted about it
    Gave it to a buddy but I thought that was pretty funny. Some props to them for honoring that despite the people literally paying nothing for it.

  40. 12 months ago

    I think I'm just tired of MMOs in general. None of these games look as good as prime WoW and WoW itself is a sad joke rn.

    It's like quitting an addiction and the only thing holding you back from a relapse is knowing that the shit they make nowadays is only half as good/strong as it used to be.

  41. 12 months ago

    I quite enjoyed my time with the game, even at launch. I don't have the disk space and it makes my computer really loud though.

    • 12 months ago

      Optimization is still pretty bad, it's the only game that makes my PC temps go above 70c sometimes.

  42. 12 months ago

    Major issues of this game is just some of the core elements.

    Its kind of shit and presented in a very boring oldsdchool fashion. "Talk to these stationary NPCs that explain why things matter". Its been really hard to get into. Like I haven't gotten through the newest stroy shit (busy doing other things) but I was confused from day 1. "They stole mah warriors fire". What the frick is a warriors fire.
    People like to fit certain themes. Its why archetypes exist in DnD. Its why you get people who always play paladin, always play rogue, always play warlock in the games they play. New world does a shiet job at representing a vast portion of these archtypes. If you don't like barbarian/warrior/knight, ranger, or a fire mage; you're shit out of luck.
    Gypsum/Umbral/Watermark is one of the worse feeling progressions I've seen. It just sucks the satisfaction out of content in the game. Honestly, transmog may help things feel more rewarding more than gear drops ever did.

    • 12 months ago

      The game was so much better before expertise. You could just slush tax funds into crafting gear and actually kit out a roster in like a week in mid tier but functional gear.
      The wm grind was shit but you could zerg it and it was good openworld content to run your wm group into another group or just pick people off.

      Gypsum just made it another themepark engagement shitheap like world of warcraft that has zero respect for your time.

      Would it amaze you to learn that john fricking smedley was head of ags at the time.

  43. 12 months ago

    Leveling is the worst part of the game but they're trying to fix this at least

  44. 12 months ago

    I hate all MMOs because I'm an unhinged libertarian living in the clown world where saying a word gets your money stolen. I try to search for private/community servers without chat moderation homosexualry and I am yet to succeed, but I'll sooner abandon MMOs altogether and move on to singleplayer games than compromise on this.

  45. 12 months ago

    is the economy still busted due to item dups, or did they manage to fix it somehow

    • 12 months ago

      economy is fine but there will aparently be a gear reset in 4ish months so prices will start dropping hard in july most likely

  46. 12 months ago

    Recently started playing regularly again so I can finish the season challenges in time. The new dungeon is nice, you can tell how much they've improved compared to the early dungeons like Lazarus or Garden of Genesis. Maybe the Lord of the rings MMO won't be as bad after all.


  47. 12 months ago

    First impression is a powerful thing. And New World's 1st impression was one of the most hilariously bad ones, like 'you can crash other people's PCs via chat' bad.

    • 12 months ago

      i still think it was a bit unfair to only blame new world entirely for some gpus shitting themselves. as far as i remember it was just evga 3090 gpus and that specific model didn't have the locks in place to prevent games from going over the recommended voltage or something

      • 12 months ago

        i played on release on my AMD and never had any problems except on end game when we had those huge 100 man fights and the game lagged to shit

  48. 12 months ago

    Possibly the most shallow combat system ever shipped in an MMO, I can't believe I paid actual money for this game

  49. 12 months ago

    I want to play Blue Protocol

  50. 12 months ago

    The endgame is pretty much just PvP which isn't my favourite but it's fine enough - wish the PvE content was more impactful but whatever. The problem is the format of it and the way it breeds artificial community drama.

    My friends and I had one of the biggest companies on our server (CFTN) and it was just constant e-drama and dealing with autists arguing over wars

    • 12 months ago

      War drama is so pathetic I feel embarrased just reading global chat when it happens

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