Command & Conquer

>all infantry look the same to me
>all vehicles look the same to me
>units walk closely together when they move even though that's a good way to get wiped, you have to press a hotkey to make them disperse
>can't easily select all units of the same type at once as far as I can tell
>resources run out rapidly
>enemies repair/rebuild structures rapidly
How the hell do people play this game? I'm stuck on GDI mission 9 and I've seen people say the NOD campaign is even harder.

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  1. 1 month ago

    My bad, the OP is the remastered version, I'm playing the original version.

  2. 1 month ago

    Try using CFE Patch Redux ( It brings a lot of improvements, but the best one is Attack-Q-Move-Loop.

  3. 1 month ago

    >All units looks the same
    Getting the remaster may help with that.

    >Units walk closely together
    Remember in C&C you can dodge shots unlike many other RTS games; it can often serve you well to micro individual units away from splash damaging weapons like grenades.

    >Can't easily select all units
    Not a thing in the original, but the remaster does.

    >Resources run out rapidly
    Many C&C missions rely on tight resources to derive their challenge. You'll need to heavily prioritize the build you think will work best. For GDI, grenadiers early on will be the most cost effective, and you'll want to then transition to medium tanks (in general). For Nod, a wolf pack of recon bikes is a cheap and necessary means to fend off GDI's armor. Also its often better to spend money on units rather than defensive structures.

    >Enemies rebuild/repair rapidly
    This is because the AI plays by much looser rules when it comes to money. You can technically starve an AI by continually killing their harvesters, but it takes a while. This is why so many people use engineers to find a weak point in the enemy base and capture enemy structures.

    >Stuck on GDI 9
    Are you stuck on the other side of the beach phase, or after you get an MCV? If the latter, focus on getting a solid force of medium tanks first and use guard towers on the southern side of your base to kill flamethrower infantry. You'll want to secure the tib field to the west and that's what your tanks are for. Eventually you can assault the north side of their base from there so that you can avoid the Obelisk. You'll want APCs or Humvees to deal with the infantry popping out of the hand. Try to take out the power plants with the medium tanks' range so that you don't have to face off against the Obelisk directly. If you're having trouble with the enemy rebuilding, try capturing their construction yard with an engineer and APC, then selling it.

    • 1 month ago

      Also, I may be full of shit, but I seem to recall that you get a chinook transport at some point in the level, which you could also use to drop an engineer in their base if you can scout it with the sacrificial humvee first.

    • 1 month ago

      Also, I may be full of shit, but I seem to recall that you get a chinook transport at some point in the level, which you could also use to drop an engineer in their base if you can scout it with the sacrificial humvee first.

      You start with an MCV to the northwest, but I have no problem getting the guys on the far side of the river to destroy the turrets, grab the cash, and cross over. I can't even get an APC into the base, let alone all the way down to the con yard.

      game is much easier when you attack the enemy harvesters asap, even if you just harass them it really slows down the enemy production

      Every time I do this, the enemy sends all their forces after me.

      • 1 month ago

        You start with an mcv to the northeast I meant.

      • 1 month ago

        Same guy here. I replayed that mission last night to refresh my memory - like you said, take care of the lower turrets and grab the cash and use the chinook to fly your guys over. Build up your base with two refineries before attacking the north side beach turrets in the village to the south; the enemy seems to become more active once you trigger the gunboat assault. I found I didn’t even need any of the tib from the west side of the map, so two refineries and harvesters working the fields south of your base should be sufficient. Build a single guard tower on your southwest fringe to eat up Nod infantry attacking from that way. You might place some grenadiers near the bridge to the village to kill stray Noddies that try to harass your harvesters. Focus most of your income on building a powerful force of medium tanks, 9-12, plus a few humvees for anti infantry. Move to the northwest corner and assault the Nod base from there, those turrets can’t stand up against a pack of medium tanks. Keep the humvees back until you break through the turrets and use them to supplement your tanks against the infantry outside the hand of nod. Focus down the con yard directly south, then just take everything apart - hand should be next priority because Nod mostly uses infantry on this mission and they focus on mobile artillery for vehicles, which are useless against your tanks. Hope this all helps.

      • 1 month ago

        Also, if you’re afraid of triggering a reprisal from Nod by attacking their harvester, just steer clear of the central tib field they harvest. You can gradually wipe everything out from the northwest corner; you never have to approach the east side of the base if you don’t want.

  4. 1 month ago

    Just play Tiberian Sun

  5. 1 month ago

    >I'm stuck on GDI mission 9
    Make rocket solders and humvees, use the rocket guys against vehicles and the humvees against infantry. You should get a helicopter full of infantry on the south shore. Have them destroy the turrets on that side, then go west for the money crate.
    Once you have the money crate, pump out medium tanks and a few more humvees, head for the northwest corner of the map, then push south. Only two turrets stand between you and the construction yard. Blast them, then blast the yard and take down the airfield.
    If it looks like you are still outgunned, pull back and make reinforcements. AI won't be able to rebuild, and without the airfield it won't be able to make more vehicles. You should have little problems overwhelming the AI in that state.

  6. 1 month ago

    First, learn control+number. It lets you group units, making micro way more effective.

    Also, while the infantry is understandable enough, if you're having trouble trying to differentiate the fricking VEHICLES, reduce the resolution of the game. The vehicles do not remotely look alike unless you're viewing them from a 768p+ monitor.

    There's also a cheese strat for TD, but use at your own risk of enjoyment. The enemy never attacks walls.

  7. 1 month ago

    game is much easier when you attack the enemy harvesters asap, even if you just harass them it really slows down the enemy production

  8. 1 month ago

    Have you tried getting gud?

  9. 1 month ago

    Great shot
    Return to base immediately xavvx

  10. 1 month ago

    >TFW the 3d version of TD is still stuck in N64

  11. 1 month ago

    someone give me tips for the final nod mission. im getting filtered hard.

    • 1 month ago

      I can only speak for the west-most choice, or A mission, since that's the one I played. If you aren't on the one where you start in the lower left corner of the map, change to that one. You'll be on an island with a GDI base to your east, and one GDI gunboat each roaming the water to your north and to your south. Your goal is to smash the base to your east with the humvees and recon bikes and bring some engineers to steal the helicopters just north of the base. Don't make too many vehicles, you'll wanna stockpile your resources for later. Make silos if needed.
      Then send some infantry by helicopter over to the far west just above the water, along with some more engies, and grab the buildings on the other side of the bridge. Throw down some defensive buildings, make an airstrip, and start building your humvee/recon bike army. Once you have enough forces, go smash a base. If you didn't take too much damage, go smash the other. If you did, bring your units back behind the defensive line and reinforce, then go smash the other one.
      I'm honestly surprised this one is filtering you given I thought it was much easier than some of the previous NOD missions.

      • 1 month ago

        I thinks there’s one in there (B if I remember right?) that is a right bastard of a mission, maybe he’s on that one. Its been a while but if I recall correctly the Nod 13 variants are all significantly different in tactics and difficulty.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    Skill issue

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