>Company does something stupid. >Everyone is outraged. >"This is totally it for [Company Name]"

>Company does something stupid
>Everyone is outraged
>"This is totally it for [Company Name]"
>share price drops to point where they have no choice but to undo their action
>Everyone forgets about the whole incident within a week
>Company goes back to being somewhat scummy, but not in a way that outrages anyone.
>It's as if nothing happened to begin with
How do they keep getting away with it?

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  1. 9 months ago

    The rich are unironically untouchable and worth more than anyone of us. they'll never have to suffer the consequences of their actions unless they go full moron and even then they'll never really suffer for them. at best they'll be embarrassed

  2. 9 months ago

    *drops it forever*

  3. 9 months ago

    >every dev is just going to shove off the incident and keep making games on unity in the risk of being axed at any point
    i dont know why i keep responding this moronic GPT, honestly i blame myself not OP

    • 9 months ago

      Right? The trust is gone there is no coming back

      • 9 months ago

        It's not about trust, there was never any trust. It's that this time unity is coming directly for dev's money.

  4. 9 months ago

    >It's as if nothing happened to begin with

    It gave Godot the big break they needed.

    • 9 months ago

      >The entire Community go full autist and develop a cool open source engine
      Would be movie script material

    • 9 months ago

      Unity users are most helpless, whiny and entitled gays in existence, they're better off gone.

    • 9 months ago

      Unity has indie devs by the balls, nothing is gonna happen.

      • 9 months ago

        Who? small itch.io devs don't count, those are basically hobbyist , you can't make any money from them

        The only people would who still use unity now are mobile game devs and big companies, indie devs will go elsewhere, big companies will just start using unreal more often

      • 9 months ago

        Unity Plus subscribers (many if not most of whom are professional indie developers) got burned pretty hard. Soon they'll have to go from paying around $400 per year to paying over $2,000 per year if they want to continue enjoying the features they had with Plus.

  5. 9 months ago

    They're killing off the option for new users to subscribe to Unity Plus subscriptions ($399/yr or $40/mo) and now the cheapest premium plan is Unity Pro ($2,040/yr or $185/mo with a mandatory annual commitment).

    You cannot customize or remove the default Unity splash screen on the free plan, now it's just become a lot more expensive for Unity users to do so.

    Imagine having to pay over $2,000 to change the splash. Unreal Engine and Godot lets you customize it for free.

  6. 9 months ago

    goes back to being somewhat scummy, but not in a way that outrages anyone.
    That's not the case this time, anyone with two brain cells will move away from Unity, they can make you go bankrupt next time they try to pull something.
    Lost of trust is something you can never undo anon, look at CDPR just to name one case and it is not even near the unity frick up.

  7. 9 months ago

    >to point where they have no choice but to undo their action

    Have they shown any sign of backpedaling yet? I don't think they will.

    • 9 months ago

      They did with gamepass and some other minor stuff but the point here is they blatantly admitted that the engine is embedded with spyware, among other shady as frick stuff.
      I don't think the devs want to be responsible for that shit.

  8. 9 months ago

    price drops to point where they have no choice but to undo their action

    Go back to Ganker

  9. 9 months ago

    anyone who participates in Game Jams can see that everyone is moving away from Unity.
    I'm not saying they're finished but it only took an instant for them to be far less reputable than they were.

  10. 9 months ago

    >waiting for unity to back track on their dumb decision
    any day now.
    please. I hate godot.

  11. 9 months ago

    If they don't bring back Unity Plus, they are going to lose a LOT of indie developers.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, indies must be thrilled that the engine they are using can change TOS retroactively, but the problem is unity plus.

  12. 9 months ago

    >anon discovers the overton window
    Thats the whole point anon, you first push a rediculous idea that so far out there that then the idea you actually wanted to push which is just as fricking bullshit, but not nearly as bad as what you are first suggestion seems far more reasonable.

    Its the same thing in politics. "Ok well teaching your elementary age kids about being trans and gay is bad but at least we are no longer teaching them about sucking wiener and anal sex at the age of like 10, AM I RIGHT?!"

  13. 9 months ago

    Unity has been on thin ice for years, this is only the most recent in a string of bad decisions. The software world changes quickly, and it doesn't take much for industry leaders to fall behind. The truth is that this was simply the final straw for lots of developers.

  14. 9 months ago

    if Unity was hurting for money so bad, they should have started developing their own damn games. They have the engineers already sitting on their thumbs barely updating the engine.

    • 9 months ago

      >making money by offering quality goods and services
      >not by shuffling numbers around and exploiting your existing consumer base

      • 9 months ago

        >leaving out whites
        every time. they're one in the same.

        • 9 months ago

          You talking about johnny ravioli? I honestly don't think he's the one behind the more egregious frick ups. There is a pretty marked difference between unity before and after the ironsource merger.

    • 9 months ago

      They tried. They announced that were making a game called Gigaya at GDC 2022.

      ...and then cancelled it about four months after they announced it.


      The cancellation notice came only one day after they announced the $4.4 billion merger with IronSource.


  15. 9 months ago

    Actually these days its
    >Company fricks up and pisses everyone off
    >Stock drops so low they get delisted
    >competition fills their niche in the market
    >Pennystock hunters buy the company try to reform it
    >No one likes it because of the rep/competition made them unable to get a foothold in the market, get sold again.

  16. 9 months ago

    You can only burn your customers over so many times until they've had enough. There's a threshold that can be crossed where people lose their tolerance and it looks like they crossed it.

  17. 9 months ago

    No one is forgetting, the problem is you now have developers trying to figure out their options. Either they eat fee cost, move to a different engine or cancel their project.

    The real fallout will take time but the first sign will be if the number of adopters of unity will drop.

  18. 9 months ago

    Nope, not this time. A lot of developers have already announced their plans to move to engines like Unreal Engine and Godot.

  19. 9 months ago

    Unity is fricking around.
    Soon they will find out; devs don't need them.

  20. 9 months ago

    The application of marketing budget on normies is almost the only thing that matters for commercial success. Having a good product will always be a niche thing reserved for enthusiasts. Goyim are slaves. They'll gobble the slop.

    Break from this are rare. Takes something too egregious. Unity could be it, or maybe not.

    >shady company acquires thing / shady leadership takes charge
    >people freak out
    >morons/shills will try to downplay it, tell nothing bad will happen
    >bad thing happens
    >oh no how could this happen
    >company backpedals a tiny bit
    >morons/shills tell it's okay now, the thing was nothing burger
    >even worse thing happens
    >oh no how could this happen
    Every single time people fall for this inevitable shit. Sometimes it feels good being asstight autist who compromises the least he can. I always try to use the most opensource stuff, or buy the most replaceable/repairable/modular stuff. People say that's too much effort but I think it's skill issue, and I seem to be immune from so much bullshit thanks to this.

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