Conan Exiles

How goes your Age of War? Still playing or just waiting for the (hopefully) sexy Purge update?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    I like the bases in the game but I really wish they'd update the lighting to properly work.

    • 11 months ago

      and the wind

  2. 11 months ago

    >see big nord lady
    >try to make her my friend but cannot
    >surely there must be mods to fix this heinous oversight
    >one mod messes up her stats when converted
    >other mod shrinks her to regular size when converted
    >in game customization doesnt let me fix either
    >thats ok im sure i can just edit the values with the dev kit myself let me just download that
    It shouldn't have to be this hard
    My age of war is going BAD

    • 11 months ago

      mod shrinks her to regular size when converted
      >>in game customization doesnt let me fix either
      IQoL mod let's you define the slider limits when using it to edit NPCs. Set max height to xbox and then use IQoL to edit her appearance.

      • 11 months ago

        Thank you anon, you truly are my greatest ally
        At first I thought it didn't work because I changed the height max and it made her big again, but as soon as I exited the editor she went back to small. Thinking it failed I took all her items off to dismiss her and once she was naked it updated back to full height.
        Any changes to her other sliders also got lost on relogging unless they were made when she was fully naked. Must be some issue caused by the spaghetti code npcs keep in their pockets spilling out.

  3. 11 months ago

    Reminder that in 3 days challenges are getting a boost as part of the apology for the nemedian foundation shitshow. Boosting the daily reset to 20 means you can pretty much guarantee that you can use all your challenges on the 1,500 xp challenges. I don't know if "boosted by x5" means +5 boosts a day (for 10 total) or if they're actually boosting the mult from 10x to 50x, for a ridiculous 7,500 xp per legendary challenge. Either way, the BP is going to be a cinch.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm already 56. It's not very hard. Almost time to uninstall again.

  4. 11 months ago

    I'm enjoying pve a lot more than I used too, can't wait for the future reworks too!

    • 11 months ago

      >Play Conan Exiles

      • 11 months ago

        What isn't there to love about the game? Especially modded? Collecting gold and other items for your coffer's is great, making big frick off castles or vast, desert palaces. Sprint feels good when fighting bosses, collecting weapons from chests are a blast, and having a legion of thralls to protect your home is great, especially if you come up with a specific uniform for all of them.

        • 11 months ago

          Was just making a Skyrim joke. Looks great though.

          • 11 months ago

            Thanks c:

            • 11 months ago

              What isn't there to love about the game? Especially modded? Collecting gold and other items for your coffer's is great, making big frick off castles or vast, desert palaces. Sprint feels good when fighting bosses, collecting weapons from chests are a blast, and having a legion of thralls to protect your home is great, especially if you come up with a specific uniform for all of them.

              looks nice. I can't into large bases, I just make comfy cramped ones and start pulling my hair when I need to find room for one more crafting table.

        • 11 months ago

          What are those arches

          • 11 months ago

            Turanian Vaulted Ceilings, they were from the bazaar last season but they'll probably show up again.

            • 11 months ago

              Thanks, they look nice

        • 11 months ago

          A perfect opportunity to dump my schizo takes because I keep running into the same conflict. I only played for a couple of hours before age of war became available for testing and found the fighting part of fighting to survive and conquer incredibly dull. Thankfully that's a lot better now and I was spared the 5 years it took them to get here.
          So I drop in and the journeys provide a stellar tutorial and give me direction on how to not fricking die. I run around and find a good spot for a base with access to the resources I need. I keep following the journeys and upgrading tools and weapons and armor until I'm around level 50 and equipped with the penultimate tier of gear.
          At this point I have not had any reason to move out of the area encircled by rivers that the summoning place is in. The next step on my journey directs me to get black ice for the highest tier of craftable gear, black ice that the journey states appears on the other side of the map(and as I find out on the very edge of the other side of the map). What this tells me is that everything I run into while crossing the entire game world is useless to me because it's either already available at my base in the desert or not needed at all.
          I have no thralls because reaching the next tier of equipment is easier and more rewarding than capturing people and dragging them all the way back to base. I have not explored any dungeons or caves because there's always been easier ways to get materials. I have not found any of the lore bits or main quest items and locations because there was no need to or even a hint at what they were. There are hints to guide you, but they're in places you'd never visit while progressing and I only saw them once I was done with items and went out to explore for fun.
          There's an entire game world full of stuff to fight and discover, but the base building and crafting are directly opposed to you going out and seeing it. cont.

          • 11 months ago

            If I wanted to keep raiding enemies for materials and upgrade my weapons and armor that way while I follow the story and collect doohickeys for the plot I can't unless I keep rebuilding my crafting stations everywhere. Enemy camps have some of those present, but you're not allowed to use them because they're just scenery.
            I can't trade for items and materials I need, I can't make a party of fighter thralls and a bearer bring me things from my base, I can't make an outpost where I dump new things and have it brought to my main base saving me the trip back.
            All the mechanics and survival busywork that the game is built around are actively fighting the parts that are enjoyable to seek out and experience. Then when you're done with the busywork and head out you find all this worldbuilding and mystery out of order because there was a very obvious sequence of plot elements and you're stumbling into it at random points depending on what direction you chose to walk in.
            Not to be just a complainer I think I've tracked down the issue - it's the knowledge menu. Or more specifically its tie to the level system. Right now as long as you keep killing the same monsters you can keep advancing without exploring. Instead knowledge points/specific knowledges should be tied to discovering locations and defeating bosses which forces you to go out into the world.
            This conflict between systems, the ui that wastes so much space to present so little information and how recently age of war combat(developments still to come) came out makes me think of conan exiles as an early access game where the main goal is collecting pretty women. Which is admittedly fun, but it's so close to being much more.

            • 11 months ago

              this game started development when survival crafting genre peaked, the selling point being the "AAA production values". I bought this game because of the Conan universe and have been playing since the first day of Early Access.
              There has never been unique ideas or good game design in this game, nor any greater vision and it shows like you described. There is potential, but it can't be achieved without someone manning the helm who knows how to and dares to do a good game. This is the second Conan game by Funcom that I've played and they have the same exact problem - lack of vision. Age of Conan being the other game, turned out to be just a WoW clone after the beta having totally different direction.
              Still - I'm glad they keep the game in development even if they add the latest corporate bullshit like battlepass, if it means we can get some new content and UIX improvements. I'm so glad Valheim happened and showed that good sp pve experience can sell too. Here's hoping Conan Exiles devs look into Valheim for game design to steal since they obviously can't think of anything for themselves.

              • 11 months ago

                Is valheim worth getting? It seemd boring to play solo.

        • 11 months ago

          Oh, I loved it just fine solo with some mods, but live service aspect ruins things for me.

    • 6 months ago

      what mods?

  5. 11 months ago

    how do you actually progress in this game? all ive done is make some steel and enslaved a handful of dudes
    are there quests? i heard about dungeons but i cant find any of them

    • 11 months ago

      theres a journey system if you press J that can help you out.
      The Spoiler free answer is you just have to explore and try things

      • 11 months ago

        The predominate form of progression is advancing through the materials, which you unlock by leveling up. Stone to Iron, Iron to Steel, Steel to Hardened Steel, etc. This material upgrade covers tools, weapons, and armors. Then at high level you move into epics, and can start searching out legendarily.

        >are there quests?
        No, just the main quest (figure out how to remove your cursed bracelet) and the Journeys which serve as tutorial/quest.

        >i heard about dungeons but i cant find any of them
        You can start with the Dregs in D4. That also unlocks the "dungeons" Journey which gives you guidance towards the other dungeons.

        much appreciated. Thank you for the responses.
        I've stuck with the game so far, slowly building my town.
        Not done a single dungeon yet, how are they? judging from some of the posts here they don't seem that good, but that seems to be in regard to the loot, I'm more about exploration than anything loot related.

        • 11 months ago

          >how are they?
          Nothing groundbreaking, but they're fun as something else to do. Some of them have incredible aesthetics that make them worth doing just to experience it. The "loot" in them is actually the better part of motivation to run them; every dungeon teaches you new recipes of some kind. A lot of the leveling ones offer really unique unlocks, while the end-game ones offer powerful equipment (particularly armors). The original four dungeons were all also related to the main quest with the bracelet, but now there's a bunch more that are focused on just the exploration and unique rewards offered by them.

    • 11 months ago

      The predominate form of progression is advancing through the materials, which you unlock by leveling up. Stone to Iron, Iron to Steel, Steel to Hardened Steel, etc. This material upgrade covers tools, weapons, and armors. Then at high level you move into epics, and can start searching out legendarily.

      >are there quests?
      No, just the main quest (figure out how to remove your cursed bracelet) and the Journeys which serve as tutorial/quest.

      >i heard about dungeons but i cant find any of them
      You can start with the Dregs in D4. That also unlocks the "dungeons" Journey which gives you guidance towards the other dungeons.

  6. 11 months ago

    Done, not a terrible pass. Tent is probably the best part. And the treasures and stuff will be really nice if I ever get back into conan.
    Please just add a new modern map though, I'm so sick of exiled lands and siptah is a bit too gimmicky with too much taken up by the storm.

    • 11 months ago

      >not a terrible pass. Tent is probably the best part.
      It's no BP3, but it has some nice things.

      >3 armor sets
      >wall murals for each of the BP's backgrounds
      >finished off the blood crystal weapon set
      >armors, wall sprays, weapons, and warpaints stuck to a theme (also the age's theme): vanir and stygian conflict

      Then on the down side
      >more clan emblems in BP than there are in base game
      >new weapon emote system currently exclusive to BP

  7. 11 months ago

    I hope the devs understand one pf this games core strengths is the freedom of exploration and dungeoneering.
    (please remove night light aura)

  8. 11 months ago

    when and where is it Funcom?

    • 11 months ago

      That set does look pretty good. 2000 crom coins please for part one.

  9. 11 months ago

    Is this game good for co-op with a few friends? We liked 7 Days to Die.

    • 11 months ago

      Definitely. It's the best way to play, especially if you can get some kind of private server going on so that you don't need to worry about the official server's strict rules about land claim (it's fun to just build anywhere and expand out as far you want, without worrying if one day an admin will just nuke everything with no warning because you accidentally blocked a world recipe, a certain spawn, etc.). The combat balance is targeted for solo play, so with two players things are twice as easy, three is three times, etc., but co-op let's you push more difficult areas at lower levels/less gear due to standing a better chance earlier than intended. Bosses also tend to have some aoe mechanics so it's not like you just roll over them by one guy holding up a shield and everyone else wailing on them from behind, but again, it's still going to be far easier than when you do them solo. When you guys get together, each with your own follower (and some with two followers), it's going to be like an unstoppable mob.

      I played the game for ~800 hours before getting to try co-op with three real life friends. Those were my best experiences with this game. Preparing to go on adventures together, the chaos of trying to pick out npcs to thrall when we raided camps, the division between those who wanted to roam out alone and explore everywhere solo and return with tons of resources versus those who wanted to stay at base and use up those resources to keep building cooler and cooler scenic areas in our base, the ever expanding collection of trophies we hung up from our conquests - it was a lot of fun.

      • 11 months ago

        Another shot of our first clusterfrick base together. This was on an official server back in AoS Ch1. We made sure to never block the world boss's spawn, but we were always worried about coming back to see it all gone due to how expansive we made it. The rules are even more uptight now, so I doubt we'd ever do something like this again on official.

        • 11 months ago

          >The rules are even more uptight now,
          They originally said they wouldn't add more decorations because it was taxing the server too much.

          • 11 months ago

            Since the last big round of optimizations (and especially the torch fix), server load hasn't been an issue unless someone really, deliberately wants to go crazy. Enforcement falls mostly on the land claim rules these days - spreading too far, blocking POI, etc. Even making convenience constructions like bridges/stairs are against TOS now, claiming land you don't need which blocks other players. But the real problem these days isn't the rules themselves but the players. On PVP it's become a big thing for clans to mass report opponent clans to get their whole bases insta-nuked. Every base in the game can be argued in some way that it is blocking some thing, and people are more and more willing to exploit that. Even outside of PVP, players are increasingly willing to report (and successfully get bases deleted) for a variety of reasons, including wanting that spot for themselves, petty vengence for a dispute, etc.

            Increased enforcement is being matched by increased reports in a positive feedback loop that is anything but positive to someone playing the game. I don't even want to bother with official anymore.

  10. 11 months ago

    I only just started playing this game last week. I'm having a blast. I now know that Valheim ripped off absolutely everything from this game. I didn't realize. I played Valheim last year.

    • 11 months ago

      I prefer conan on account of having pvp. The valheim world just felt copy and pasted and empty. It has a slightly nicer building system though.

  11. 11 months ago

    130 hrs clocked since it went on sale
    all i have is a shack and a few t2 crafting station
    i cant settle on a base design, i just destroy

    • 11 months ago

      Build this

      • 11 months ago

        >build on nemedian foundations in AoW Ch1

        Ah shit lad. Where'd the time go? Pvp? Free building? Modded content? Modding? Grotesque ERP deemed illegal in 13 states but legal in canada?

        • 11 months ago

          I've been found out

      • 9 months ago

        bump with my aoe2-inspired castle

        • 9 months ago

          Does living in something like this give any pvp benefit? A long time ago the group I was with actually did make a base that had interior areas to defend from. It was surprisingly helpful to defend when we could use a high ground area to shoot arrows from and hide ourselves in.

          • 9 months ago

            If he wants to secure it for PVP he needs to line the walls with fences to stop people climbing it. Even then someone could probably fall in through the top in some way or another. It's purely aesthetics the way it is now.

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        Damn, homie

      • 9 months ago

        what the hell?

  12. 11 months ago

    I just want to say I hate israeliteelry, I hate collars and bracelets and shoulder padding and chains and belts and frills and all that bullshit. Why cant we have simple, revealing bawdwear with lots of cleavage and no accessories? No golden snakes or straps or winglike shoulders? Not even in dlc can I find something I like.
    I got the wardancer legendary and for a moment I thought - Finally, booba!
    But then I see the obnoxious solid gold neck brace. Why? Who likes this?
    Is it normies?
    Is it women?
    Is it the chinese? They seem to think every piece of clothing is improved by adding gold x99.

    • 11 months ago

      i use that top for a piratey look, all i can say is learn blender or whatever and how to delete parts.
      Theres some mods that remove certain parts.
      For me i hate the mods that tactically try to cover female tops

      • 11 months ago

        Opps i meant outfits that tactically cover women

    • 9 months ago

      Gaudy israeliteelery is just part of the conan universe.

      • 9 months ago

        i think that anon is just autistic but i sympathise where he is coming from.
        Although people in ancient neolithic bronze age cultures did wear a lot of israeliteellery

  13. 11 months ago

    ill be going on an adventure now if thats awright with you de lads
    cheers xx

  14. 11 months ago

    Is this game active or is everyone on their own private server?
    I yearn for the days of active Wurm servers and I think this is the only survival crafting game that didn't turn out to be a scam in the last 10 years

    • 11 months ago

      This game, 7d2d, zomboid, avorion, factorio and empyrion are my favorite survival and craftTism games. This game needs a VM server with some decent mods and it would be a blast

    • 11 months ago

      This game, 7d2d, zomboid, avorion, factorio and empyrion are my favorite survival and craftTism games. This game needs a VM server with some decent mods and it would be a blast

      I've offered my server up for some /vm/ shenanigans in an earlier thread, but I just don't think there's enough OCE players here to really fill out the slots
      These are good? I've been playing Starmade recently and am having a lot of fun with it, but it's unfinished and has pretty much 0 chance of ever being done. I'm pretty sure the devs shut down

      • 11 months ago

        Think X3 on a local voxel scale. It's fun, but it's ship building is EXTREMELY in depth. Note that you'll be playing as a small tiny ass ship at first and be a nobody. Eventually you'll strap automated turrets and your ship and be a Corvette with dakka shooting off in every direction. The boss fights are fun, the multiplayer is a blast. I enjoyed the shit out of it.
        It's a space survival game, the pve encounters can be complete bullshit, but if you get on a decent server and play with people it's fun. You can make hovercraft, light flight craft and carriers out of shapes and blocks and do all kinds of stuff. It's fun, if you have the survival itch. I haven't played starmade, so I can't compare, but empyrion was tons of fun. Me and my friends go on a singular autistic craft game rotation from time to time.

      • 11 months ago

        >OCE server
        Haven't played in a couple of years but I'm game.

      • 9 months ago

        here, I still have an OCE server that I'm willing to put up for /vm/, just haven't played the game in a while so this is the first I've remembered to actually bring it up in the thread. If anyone is still interested, let me know what mods you'd like me to add to the thread
        Really only interested in PvE by the way, so whatever modlist we agree on it's probably going to be a PvE ruleset

        i managed to complete my battlepass last night. I didn't even know you could run out of multipliers.
        The next pass looks amazing, i couldn't miss out

        Glad you got it even without the x50 or whatever it was in apology for fricking with the Nemedian foundations

  15. 11 months ago

    What mods do you guys reccomend for a single player playthrough? I have been searching in workshop, but it seems most of the mods are not updated for new version yet, and I don't know witch ones are safe to use.

    • 11 months ago

      In my experience, most mods are fine between version changes regardless. The ones that aren't are usually the more intrusive ones, like the sex mod which touches on all things related to the models and emote system, or something that gives a bunch of behaviors to followers, etc.

      >What mods do you guys reccomend for a single player playthrough?
      For just a playthrough (from start to escaping the Exiled Lands), you don't need anything. I mostly just grab mods related to QoL and aesthetics, most of which I wouldn't recommend for someone's first playthrough (things like old, outdated armor mods are still using the old armor system, which still works fine but goes against the intended experience for a new player).

      Pic related is my current run for AoW Ch1. Top left is mods and order, top right is my server settings, bottom is the in-game instructions to configure the mods upon starting a new game.

      • 11 months ago

        Thanks for the advise, I'll be sure to check some of these mods out when I'll get bored with base game.

      • 11 months ago

        I installed and checked out your loadout(exept for weather mods and PvE ambush) and shit looks and works good, but for some reason Exposed Armor mod deletes player and NPC sounds when moving around(stepping sounds and breathing) while combat voicelines, screams and everything else stays just fine. I wonder what the frick could cause this, did you ever run into the same issue?

        • 11 months ago

          I never noticed, but yes it does. Huh.
          >I wonder what the frick could cause this
          The footstep audio is tied to your current foot armor (I think light, medium, and heavy have different step sounds). It's an old mod, so it probably uses old data tables that have been revised in later updates, thus overwriting them. I'd guess footsteps were at some point changed from elsewhere to being attached to the boots, but since the old tables without the audio is overwriting the new one with it, the audio is being replaced. That's my guess. It sounds like a dirty edit though, since the mod should only be adding new tables instead of replacing old. It must be interacting with something more essential to the armor system in whole, not just the individual pieces.

          • 11 months ago

            Well, I'll just play without it then, but it's a real shame, this mod has a lot of good shit.

      • 11 months ago

        I installed and checked out your loadout(exept for weather mods and PvE ambush) and shit looks and works good, but for some reason Exposed Armor mod deletes player and NPC sounds when moving around(stepping sounds and breathing) while combat voicelines, screams and everything else stays just fine. I wonder what the frick could cause this, did you ever run into the same issue?

        You bros need to try out the River boats mod, it makes the water areas fun as frick and adds a new dungeon that's HARD. I mean like, it's literally ALL BOSSES and you have to run through and bait bosses and bad gusy to fight each other to get through areas. It's really really fun.

        I've offered my server up for some /vm/ shenanigans in an earlier thread, but I just don't think there's enough OCE players here to really fill out the slots
        These are good? I've been playing Starmade recently and am having a lot of fun with it, but it's unfinished and has pretty much 0 chance of ever being done. I'm pretty sure the devs shut down

        I'm from NA so id prolly get shit ping and time out, but it could be worth a shot.

  16. 11 months ago

    id host a server for us if the game didnt turn into a laggy shitfest after a base gets built. game isnt fun when players and NPCs are teleporting all over the place.

  17. 11 months ago

    >x50 EXP
    what the hell
    when did this happen

    • 11 months ago


      Reminder that in 3 days challenges are getting a boost as part of the apology for the nemedian foundation shitshow. Boosting the daily reset to 20 means you can pretty much guarantee that you can use all your challenges on the 1,500 xp challenges. I don't know if "boosted by x5" means +5 boosts a day (for 10 total) or if they're actually boosting the mult from 10x to 50x, for a ridiculous 7,500 xp per legendary challenge. Either way, the BP is going to be a cinch.

      • 11 months ago

        Oh shit okay
        well either way I didn't expect to be finishing my buttpass from like 20 today

  18. 11 months ago

    Why the combat on this game is so bad? And why the servers can't handle a bunch of people playing on it? Whenever there's a certain number of players online everything starts lagging it's insane. Hats off to funcom for making new content after so many years but why they didn't fix the undeniable major flaw the game has?

    • 11 months ago

      It's an early access open world survival game. You shouldn't expect too much from it and you're playing it wrong.
      >playing online
      For what purpose? So you have to put meta walls around anything you build? So you can wait for respawns and thralls longer? So you can experience the top notch combat against other people?
      >combat is bad
      You're not meant to fight things, just give your thrall a mace and some armor and wait. And if you think combat is bad now you should have seen what it was like before age of war.

      • 11 months ago

        I have almost 1k hours it's just stupid to me to ignore the major flaw in the game, it could be much more

        • 11 months ago

          Why would they do that when people continue to pay money for the game in its current state?

          • 11 months ago

            It probably is the best open world survival base builder on the market.

          • 11 months ago

            they could have rust numbers

    • 11 months ago

      they finally fixed disappearing bodies, so hats off to them

  19. 11 months ago

    what mods do I need to rape and torture my slaves?

    • 11 months ago

      Devious desires is all we have and it can be hit or miss in singleplayer, it was made mostly for erpers. It's just an animation viewer though, similar to the sims 4 there's no actual "gameplay" involved, you select an animation and watch it play. I suppose you could pretend that you're raping and torturing them but it's pretty bare-bones save for the selection of animations. There was originally another sex mod but they rebranded to another name and just fell off, then there was another that had "derketo" in the title I believe that had more gameplay involved or planned but like most other mods it too fell off. It's a real shame that the game is so handicapped by being online focused, we may have had more interesting mod options otherwise.

  20. 11 months ago

    I'm thinking of giving this game another go, currently downloading it again.
    I've only played it a few hours a long time ago, so I wonder if any of the DLCs are necessary/required in its current state? Since I'm just going to play solo, what mods do people use to improve the single player experience?

    • 11 months ago

      >I wonder if any of the DLCs are necessary/required in its current state?
      No, they're all just cosmetic. If you like building, you might like some of the tilesets introduced by the DLC (like pic related, from the Agros DLC), but it's just aesthetics. DLC tilesets are identical in cost and quality as the base game's T3 tilesets (with the exception of the Siptah expansion, which adds a T1 and T3 tileset).

      >what mods do people use to improve the single player experience?
      My personal take is in

      In my experience, most mods are fine between version changes regardless. The ones that aren't are usually the more intrusive ones, like the sex mod which touches on all things related to the models and emote system, or something that gives a bunch of behaviors to followers, etc.

      >What mods do you guys reccomend for a single player playthrough?
      For just a playthrough (from start to escaping the Exiled Lands), you don't need anything. I mostly just grab mods related to QoL and aesthetics, most of which I wouldn't recommend for someone's first playthrough (things like old, outdated armor mods are still using the old armor system, which still works fine but goes against the intended experience for a new player).

      Pic related is my current run for AoW Ch1. Top left is mods and order, top right is my server settings, bottom is the in-game instructions to configure the mods upon starting a new game.


  21. 11 months ago

    >think the sorcery system is cumbersome but still cool
    >corrupting stats is a neat idea but boring in execution; funcom didn't bother to to finish the idea
    >most of the useful sorcery is tied to workbenches rather than players, which would be fine if there were worthwhile spells besides harvest/bat demon
    >unlikely funcom will add new spells in the foreseeable future like hypnotizing thralls or shape-shifting
    >AoW stamina changes make fighting with corruption a two-button game
    Like most stuff in exiles the sorcery has a solid foundation without any followup. Closest I can get to a pulp style sorcerer in any game. The health changes make chucking fire orbs a little more fun now, so there's that. Any bets on what funcom will tackle after the purge update?

    • 11 months ago

      maybe a Gods and religion revamp, it might introduce more sorcery. Maybe God specific sorcery, who knows.

  22. 11 months ago

    decent price by Funcom standards, no?

    • 11 months ago

      It's about on par with the other bazaar building sets. 250 cheaper, but no straight stairs, no slopes, no wedges, no pillars, etc. It it's a larger than normal mini-set, almost a full set, for the price of almost a full set.

    • 11 months ago

      wake me up when they finally make a Stygian set

    • 11 months ago

      I'm having a lot of fun combining the new set, works good with nemedian and stable peices which is nice.

      • 11 months ago

        >works good with nemedian
        Anon. ANON.

        • 11 months ago

          I'm still working on it but I can only use like 4200-4900 pieces. Trying to keep pvp in mind for the server I'm playing on.

          • 11 months ago

            It's a reminder that the nemedian foundation bug still isn't fixed yet in AoW Ch1. Anything build on a nemedian foundation can suddenly decay at any time.

            • 11 months ago

              what do you mean they fixed it

              • 11 months ago

                I've seen posts on the Funcom forums about it still happening even just a week or two ago, and no patch or hotfix notes have mentioned fixing it yet. For example,
                was after Hotfix 1, and yesterday's Hotfix 2 didn't mention any further adjustment, fixes, or anything on the problem.

              • 11 months ago

                I should be fine I guess, nothing's disappeared yet and if it does then at worst I'll lose some decoration items. That said I don't actually use any nemedian foundations save for parts of the wall I'm making.

      • 11 months ago

        How are the wall pieces? Do they work like foundations and let you place anywhere, or do they need to be placed on foundations?

        • 11 months ago

          They pretty much are 4 wall high foundations

          • 11 months ago

            Thanks lad. I was going to pester you with more questions about the set, but this video

            surprisingly answered every last one of them. I'm not sure if/when I'll get the set, but I do like it.

  23. 11 months ago

    >finally spent 2 minutes figuring out how to use wedge foundations after ignoring them for so long
    My commie blocks have evolved into commie shacks.

  24. 11 months ago

    did i frick up by playing isle of siptah as my first experience with the game? incredibly small map missing a ton of shit, lots of unnatural enemy spawns that feels like they tried to shovel as many biomes as they could into every square meter and the storm shit is just super obnoxious

    also 200 essence things to force a purge seems absurdly costly, how do you even farm that many?

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, you fricked up. Siptah is for veteran players who are bored of EL and just want something new. It streamlines difficulty and makes repeatable end-game content a bigger focus, while not having the built in fast travel or ultimate goal of removing your bracelet.

      I recommend switching to EL and enjoying a fresh leveling experience. You don't even have to delete your Siptah save if you're playing SP. You can have one unique save each for EL and IoS.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm 300 hours in and still not tired of the base game, still haven't bought siptah

  25. 11 months ago

    Today I found out
    >among the legendaries, there is an agility 2H sword, 2H mace, and spear
    >Neebs just started a second season of Coan

    • 11 months ago

      i found out they made a couple of bows str and a spear agi.
      They read our thread.
      Glad they fixed the disappear bodies too.

  26. 11 months ago

    found a nice comfy pvp conflict server. everyone is so nice. love this game, regret only getting into it last month.

    • 11 months ago

      >pvp conflict server
      what's that
      >everyone is so nice
      why are pvpers being nice

      • 11 months ago

        >what's that
        Have you tried booting the game this thread is about? It's the first screen you see when clicking multiplayer.

        • 11 months ago

          i just play pve private servers with friends because the only thing i hear about pvp is speedhacking brazilians blowing up your shit while you're offline
          are there different types of pvp? is pvp conflict just pvp? what makes pvpers more friendly than others if you're all trying to kill eachother
          do you just gather around and duel for stuff

          • 11 months ago

            This is the screen you see when you click online the first time (and every time after if you don't toggle "Don't show this again"). You have to pass it to even get to your private server.

            Anyways, conflict has been in this game since at least release. It's a PVP server, but the difference is that PVP is enabled only for a few hours each day, and you cannot ever destroy other player's bases. It let's you still fight other players without worrying that some day your entire base and progress will be nuked overnight.

            >what makes pvpers more friendly than others
            You'd have to wait for his reply to know exactly what he means, but it's not hard to understand what a cool community is like even in pvp. A few years back when I used to play PVE-C, someone built a massive coliseum near the Sinkhole, and we used to fight to the death in it while the people waiting for their turn cheered from the stands. It was a lot of fun. We also used to help each other during the off-hours. I once built a tower high enough to escape the skybox (for the achievement) and we used to battle on the top.

            Back then, you used to be able to jack shit from other people's benches in PVE-C, so trying to sneak into bases to steal stuff and wait for a chance to get out the door unseen led to a whole lot of shennanigans. But that's not possible anymore; all containers are locked now, even benches.

  27. 11 months ago

    >keep downloading armor/cosmetic mods
    >just end up with the same big titty brown bimbo in a string bikini
    coom brain 2 strong

  28. 11 months ago

    New twitch drop event going on, July 22 to Aug 5. No announcement for it at all on steam or the launcher.

    • 11 months ago

      Which streams do I have to watch? And what are the rewards, because if all I get is a great sword from a set I don't use, then I don't really want to bother

      • 11 months ago

        so far all I see is just that tooth pick of a sword

        • 11 months ago

          >tooth pick
          I don't hate it. The VFX for the crystal is nice too.

          Looking at the list, so far we have Blood Crystal
          >1H and 2H sword
          >1H and 2H axe
          >1H and 2H mace
          >2H spear
          and are still missing
          >1H spear
          >throwing axe
          >short sword
          Looks like blood crystal might still be on the menu for future BP/twitch drops.

      • 11 months ago

        Any stream tagged "DropsEnabled."

        >go to twitch
        >search Conan Exiles and click the popup
        >tag search DropsEnabled and click the popup
        >click on any stream
        >set video quality to 160p, mute, minimize tab and forget about it
        >an hour later, click the blue profile button in the top right and collect reward under Drops & Rewards
        The process is braindead easy, but I previously skipped out on like a dozen prior drops because I couldn't be assed to make a twitch account.

        • 11 months ago

          >>set video quality to 160p, mute, minimize tab and forget about it
          I heard a while back that they stopped you from getting drops if you do this, but maybe I will bother if it works

          • 11 months ago

            This is my 4th time doing it this way, and I've never had an issue. Currently at 51% progress for this drop. For exactness, I don't minimize it myself. I just have the tab in its own window on my other monitor, behind my media player so I don't see it (always at minimum quality and muted audio).

            I don't think it should matter if it is actually minimized or not though. I'll test it now. As of writing, I'm at 56% and just minimized it. I'll check back again in a half hour or so.

            • 11 months ago

              Looks like it works fine, mine went up 10% while muted in another tab

            • 11 months ago

              Looks like it works fine, mine went up 10% while muted in another tab

              Can confirm that actually minimizing the window halts progress. Came back to 56%. Muted, LQ, covering the window with other windows, etc. are all fine though, so long as it's not minimized.

          • 9 months ago

            How much system memory do you have?
            If you run out of RAM and Chrome/Firefox/whatever suspends your stream page to the background it might interfere.
            If that's not a problem, it's not something twitch prohibits on their end.

            Any stream tagged "DropsEnabled."

            >go to twitch
            >search Conan Exiles and click the popup
            >tag search DropsEnabled and click the popup
            >click on any stream
            >set video quality to 160p, mute, minimize tab and forget about it
            >an hour later, click the blue profile button in the top right and collect reward under Drops & Rewards
            The process is braindead easy, but I previously skipped out on like a dozen prior drops because I couldn't be assed to make a twitch account.

            Even better get the browser plugin that auto claims your drops for you.
            Truly set and forget.

            • 9 months ago

              >How much system memory do you have?
              Plenty enough. It's just something I read on Gankereddit. Anon figured it out here anyway

              Can confirm that actually minimizing the window halts progress. Came back to 56%. Muted, LQ, covering the window with other windows, etc. are all fine though, so long as it's not minimized.

              you can't minimize the window

              • 9 months ago

                Anon, that shouldn't matter.
                Minimizing might make your browser suspend the page or something but I minimize my shit all the time and it doesn't interfere with drops.

                I deal with twitch drops all the time for a different game (WoT) and I just tune in to quickybaby when he's doing his autistic 16hr daily streams, mute (in twitch), set to 160p, and forget about it with the Twitch Drops plugin on Chrome.
                It's truly set and forget and sometimes I'll forget about it and wake up to see my views have been pimped out to 12 other streamers via the "raid" feature and I'll even accumulate partial drops for unrelated games I don't care about along the way.

                If you're using any special "memory saving" or "green" or "power saving" features (which might be on by default) that would pause a video in the background that is probably your problem. Not minimizing, not muting. Twitch knows when you twitch mute vs browser tab mute but that just affects the ad money for the streamer not your drops at all.

              • 9 months ago

                >that shouldn't matter.
                It shouldn't, but I literally tested it. At 16:16 local time I minimized the tab

                This is my 4th time doing it this way, and I've never had an issue. Currently at 51% progress for this drop. For exactness, I don't minimize it myself. I just have the tab in its own window on my other monitor, behind my media player so I don't see it (always at minimum quality and muted audio).

                I don't think it should matter if it is actually minimized or not though. I'll test it now. As of writing, I'm at 56% and just minimized it. I'll check back again in a half hour or so.

                with 56% progress, and 30 minutes later at 16:46 I reopened the tab

                Can confirm that actually minimizing the window halts progress. Came back to 56%. Muted, LQ, covering the window with other windows, etc. are all fine though, so long as it's not minimized.

                and saw progress was still at 56%, and it went up 2% during the time I typed up the post. It was performed in chrome on a desktop, so I don't believe any of your "special energy savers" have any relevance on it.

                One thing I did find out later is that if you switch tabs then minimize the window, progress continues fine. The conclusion I drew from that is that twitch is able to recognize when it is the active tab and minimized, but not when it's a background tab and minimized. If you're able to continue progress when it's your only tab for that window and minimized, it may be your plugin that's doing something behind the scenes.

              • 9 months ago

                >it may be your plugin that's doing something behind the scenes
                It's this, he's an idiot for installing a plugin specifically to alter how something works and then acting like his experience is the norm

    • 10 months ago

      I think It looks good, but I prefer mine for aesthetic/defeating armor. Most people seem to rock heavy armor here.

  29. 11 months ago

    Hate that my wall-fort wont load entirely on approach

  30. 10 months ago

    Isn't this that game that's like 90% erp?

    • 10 months ago

      It's only like 40% erp if we're talking about the quantity of publically listed servers

      • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago


  31. 10 months ago

    I'm guessing that the hp will fix itself next time the golem takes damage?

    • 10 months ago
  32. 10 months ago

    >just bought the goypass
    I'm sorry, bros.

    • 10 months ago

      Eh. It's not too bad. Just don't spend the coin it unlocks and you can use that to play the next one... and the one after that... etc... etc...

      I say this because I used to play the War Thunder Battlepass... weeks of pretty serious grinding in a game that likes to kick you in the nuts for fun. They nerfed their rewards too. In comparison the Conan one is pretty cool... the shop is too expensive though.

  33. 10 months ago

    >sexy Purge update?
    Elaborate, been looking for a reason to come back.

    • 10 months ago

      Age of War has three big changes split across its three chapters.
      >Chapter 1: combat/stamina changes and the introduction of the clan hoard, where you store treasure and wealth
      >Chapter 2: complete Purge revamp, which will then be based on the wealth of your clan hoard and try to steal your stuff. Things mentioned about the revamp include the enemies establishing a FOB outside yours and sending out waves to attack you
      >Chapter 3: "In the third chapter, you'll be able to turn the tables on the [Purge] people attacking you and go back to their base, assault them, and steal from them." We don't know anything about this yet.
      We're still in chapter 1. The mechanical them of this age is treasure-hunting. The gold coins and bars you collect now have a value. There are new treasures in NPC camps you can grab and (very slowly) waddle them back to your hoard to accumulate wealth. Right now, wealth is still useless. An example hoard is this guy's

      Eh. It's not too bad. Just don't spend the coin it unlocks and you can use that to play the next one... and the one after that... etc... etc...

      I say this because I used to play the War Thunder Battlepass... weeks of pretty serious grinding in a game that likes to kick you in the nuts for fun. They nerfed their rewards too. In comparison the Conan one is pretty cool... the shop is too expensive though.

      , where he turned lots of coins into coin piles and has two large treasures (jade dragons) placed in his hoard.

      Chapter is about giving function to wealth. You'll be able to "spend it" somehow, and you'll also use it to summon the new Purge. The more wealth you have, the stronger your Purge. If your wealth becomes too much, the Purge will start to trigger automatically too, but until then it becomes a trigger-on-demand, so no longer any worries about suddenly losing everything if you don't want it. Future additions include Relic Hunters who will spawn to ambush you when you try to waddle a large treasure back to your base, as well as letting thralls carry the large treasures.

      We know nothing about Ch3 yet, but there's a few guesses involving the new Stygian Empire city being built in the game. Maybe it'll be destructible like player bases and let you siege it. Maybe it'll be a server-wide event that various clans seige (and attack each other in the process). It could just be attacking the Purge FOB. We don't know.

      • 10 months ago

        >Chapter is about
        Chapter 2**

        Also, pic is the "lore" depiction of the new Stygian city being built. In game, it's just a couple of material boxes and equipment around a dug pit. I imagine Ch2 will expand on its construction progress, and then Ch3 will be the complete fortress just in time for "PVE Sieges."

  34. 10 months ago

    >devious desires mod
    what's the button to put other players down after you pick them up to carry around, i keep getting stuck with someone trapped in my arms
    also how do you unlock/spawn in futa dongs

  35. 10 months ago

    game seems dead after getting a few t3 thralls 🙁

  36. 10 months ago

    >no server for us to frick around on

    • 10 months ago

      Gankerners are generally butthole homosexuals with a stick up their ass

      • 10 months ago

        better that than to play with normies who cry at the sight of swear words and egotistical power tripping gm/admins that have a laundry list of rules

  37. 10 months ago

    Now that the dust has settled, how are the new combat changes?

    • 10 months ago

      I've liked them since the beta, with the exception of the sudden pet nerf. I'm a bit curious about how other people feel now that they've tried it.

  38. 10 months ago

    I would pay for a /vm/ server if I thought it would break 3 concurrent players

    • 10 months ago

      count me in

      • 10 months ago

        add mods so it's actually fun and you'd probably have a decent group of people farting around after a little advertising its existence
        >greater camera distance because vanilla sucks dick
        >more mounts and shit to collect
        >better thralls
        >fashionist or similar to avoid end/midgame clownsuits
        >>>>>more building kits
        also wrath of god any dumb motherfricker spamming foundations instead of pillars
        also sex

        I'd be down, just don't add 50gb of mods please. I don't mind some qol stuff.

        I'd be willing to play, I've been having a Conan itch for a little bit.

        pve or pvp?

        >samegay trying to make me waste my money

        • 10 months ago

          My condolences for your recent schizophrenia diagnosis, anon. I hope you can overcome this tragic affliction.

        • 10 months ago

          I will donate to you 50% of the server costs per month
          (I'm trans btw idk if that makes a difference)

          • 10 months ago


          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, it does.

    • 10 months ago

      add mods so it's actually fun and you'd probably have a decent group of people farting around after a little advertising its existence
      >greater camera distance because vanilla sucks dick
      >more mounts and shit to collect
      >better thralls
      >fashionist or similar to avoid end/midgame clownsuits
      >>>>>more building kits
      also wrath of god any dumb motherfricker spamming foundations instead of pillars
      also sex

    • 10 months ago

      I'd be down, just don't add 50gb of mods please. I don't mind some qol stuff.

    • 10 months ago

      I'd be willing to play, I've been having a Conan itch for a little bit.

    • 10 months ago

      pve or pvp?

    • 10 months ago

      add erp mods and I'll play, mostly just tot custom

      • 10 months ago

        frick off coomer

    • 10 months ago

      Have some sort of economy, there has to be a trader mod somewhere on the workshop right? Not too much into pvp but if I can farm and trade people stuff that would be great.

    • 10 months ago

      This month-old thread has 53 unique IDs. With how phoneposters cycle IPs, the majority of those are the same people/person. This isn't the place to launch a server and expect solid traffic. Even if it was, we all have different ideas on what mods and server settings to use, and being too far off the mark one way will alienate even more of the few people we have. You're correct in thinking it's a waste right now.

      • 10 months ago

        I'd just throw us all onto an official or decent unofficial and see what happens.

    • 6 months ago

      I'd be down, but I'm on a poorstation 4

  39. 10 months ago

    Not going to play until we get a /vm/ server tbqh. My starvation is on you now!

  40. 10 months ago

    if i do make the server it will be lightly modded with absolutely no coomer shit

    • 10 months ago

      Don't start a server now. This chapter is weak af and no one came back for it. Start it when chapter 2 launches with the purge changes.

      • 10 months ago

        >not making a seasonal server that resets between chapters

        • 10 months ago

          what a bozo

  41. 10 months ago

    Well, Conan, it was fun while it lasted. Now it's time to play Swen's game until the purge update or something.

    • 10 months ago

      >no chat box in multiplayer
      maybe in a year when they milk it with a definitive edition to add all the industry-standard shit they "forgot" to put in the game

  42. 10 months ago

    There was a /vm/ server a while ago, it petered out because nobody played. Look at how slow this thread is, even when conan was booming and topical the threads barely survived on Ganker or /vg/. Save your money anon, pick a server to join and do it that way.

    • 10 months ago

      That do be the way of the wa

    • 10 months ago

      I'd just throw us all onto an official or decent unofficial and see what happens.

      >I'd just throw us all onto an official or decent unofficial and see what happens.
      >Save your money anon, pick a server to join and do it that way.
      Agreed. Next time someone starts on a new server announce it here and let's see how many we can get. Officials would probably be best.

      • 10 months ago

        >Officials would probably be best for getting wiped out by chinese hackers from their unraidable undermesh base.
        Fixed that for you.

        • 10 months ago

          the meta has shifted toward speedhacking brazilians with natural 300+ ping lagswitches

  43. 10 months ago

    how long until the next chapter?

  44. 10 months ago

    this game is laughably bad
    >dumped into an empty world, told to survive
    >pvp players with years of grinding behind them ganking you and stealing your thralls
    >no clue or direction on how to warm up in the cold areas
    >finally unlock a new armour, 3 new recipes unlock that tell you to go all over the world for dozens of reagents in order to create the armour
    >the armour is subpar and you still get 50% of your hp taken off you from enemies
    yet i still play

    • 10 months ago

      >3 new recipes unlock that tell you to go all over the world for dozens of reagents in order to create the armour

    • 10 months ago

      >total time played: 15 minutes

    • 10 months ago

      they need to bring back clothes mattering for climate.
      No idea why they replaced that for le spicy food.

      But i want to criticise
      >no direction
      >mat hunt
      thats part of the fun to me, finding stuff out myself and going map spanning hunts for materials

  45. 10 months ago

    The only reason I don't play Conan is because there isn't 1 server worth playing on. Officials are a shitshow and all the populated private servers are either coomers or ridiculously high rates. I've tried single player but it's just not deep enough without pvp.

    • 10 months ago

      I played online exclusively for my first 600 hours or so, but now I can't stand it. Mods, server settings, and the ability to build anywhere as I wish are too good for a game like this.

      • 10 months ago

        How do you keep it interesting though? Like I could see it being fun for a first playthrough, but after 600 hours? The AI is moronic and provides no challenge unless you crank up their damage, but that doesn't feel good to play against. Purges provide some spice, but they're so hit or miss as they are now. Maybe the coming changes and raiding NPC bases will make it more interesting. This is Funcom though, so my expectations are low.

        • 10 months ago

          >How do you keep it interesting though?
          I take breaks, and I start over again. I'm on a break right now, in fact. The combat in this game isn't winning any awards, but it is serviceable. I like Conan for the things that aren't its combat. I love the aesthetics and feeling of the game. I like building cool fortresses and bases. I like that I can take an enemy NPC and actually make them my ally, and it'll be the same person I deliberately grabbed, and I can dress and gear them with the stuff I set out to craft or found. I don't mind having 20 Auth and sitting back while my follower(s) fight while I work on whatever I set out to do. The feeling of the combat isn't something I'm deliberately seeking out or my reason for playing. It just needs to be serviceable as I play the game. For me, the game is best lvl 1 to 59. After I hit 60, have my best armor, weapons, and thralls, I run out of goals to pursue. I can finish off knowledge with shards, collect all the legendaries, craft each of the armors, but then all that's left is just building something cool. I usually start a run with a base goal in mind, so that'll also be finished or finishing up. Then I just pop my bracelet and take a break.

          My last few runs (AoS Ch3, AoW Ch1) were heavily goal focused. Trying different areas, different styles of gameplay, exploring the new systems like the golems and finding bloodstone spawns, working on my own mods, etc. When I come back for the purge update, I'm planning on focusing heavily on cooking. I pretty much always just sustain myself on infinite grubs. I want to try actually cooking and brewing, playing with bonuses and better heal rates, and ultimately handle the extreme temperatures sub-60 that way instead of just defaulting to lvl 60 epic armors like I usually do.

          • 10 months ago

            >I like Conan for the things that aren't its combat.

          • 10 months ago

            I actually really like the combat. it's very methodical in pvp compared to the twitch fest cancer I got in ark.

            they need to bring back clothes mattering for climate.
            No idea why they replaced that for le spicy food.

            But i want to criticise
            >no direction
            >mat hunt
            thats part of the fun to me, finding stuff out myself and going map spanning hunts for materials

            Survival games have always had a hard time adding actual survival mechanics. If they got a new map I would like to see some extreme environmental hazards.

            • 10 months ago

              tfw modded Skyrim is a better survival experience than any survival game

            • 10 months ago

              it's not hard, they need to just make two modes. Casual and normal.
              Normal has all the hard survival mechanics.

              • 10 months ago

                I mean you could just do that yourself. Almost every setting is adjustable.

              • 10 months ago

                no you can't.

              • 10 months ago

                Ok tell me what you want to change that can't be done with the sliders.

              • 10 months ago

                Not him, but three changes I personally want are
                >dividing armor back into hot armors and cold armors (no insulating), with only a small few insulating both
                >ability to tie temperature to weather, and control over weather/temperature in general
                >control over the food/drink grace period given by hitting 100
                The last really trivializes the eating/drinking completely. Once you hit 100, it takes 10 minutes until it drops to 99 again. Then you can eat a single grub and be back to 100 with another 10 minute grace period. I wish the grace period was tied into how much overflow a single food gave. IE, eating a grub at 98 gives 0 grace period, but drinking a water skin for +20 at 98 would give say a 9 minute grace (overflow/2). A 45 food feast at 80 would give a 12m30s grace period, or if already at 100 would refresh the grace period to 22m30s, etc.

                And that's just tweaks to the survival mechanics already in the game. I'd like to see more mechanics and more depth to the ones we have. For example, fresh water vs toxic water. Needing to boil the dirty river water to safely drink it without sickness, and not being able to drink salt water. I feel like this was already designed early on, given the item for Purified Water, but the idea was purged for the sake of simplicity. I'd also like enemies that wander beyond their spawn, similar to how valheim does it, so you can feel pressure even when building your base.

                Survival doesn't have to be frustratingly tedious, but I want it to still be a thought past early game, with good solutions to it existing only in the post-60 part of the game. A max level player shouldn't be bogged down by early game problems, but I still want those problems until then. The game handles progress well elsewhere, but survival progress is nonexistent so far. For temps, all armors give only +1 (a couple +2) until 60, where +3, +4, +5, etc are plentiful. No curve, no specialist gear, no trade-offs, no world recipes. Just "No" then "Yes."

              • 10 months ago

                Fair. The Severe Weather mod addresses your second request at least.

              • 10 months ago

                I would like something similiar to arks underground map that had actual major survival issues. That game was terrible but that map really understood stuff.

  46. 10 months ago

    They should make noob river into hell river with crocs that swim

  47. 10 months ago

    also add a snow storm like the sand storm but it comes out of the frost temple.

    • 10 months ago

      There's a mod that does that. SnowstormEX

      • 10 months ago

        Thats cool, i have to try that.

  48. 10 months ago

    i cant believe the armour stats are whats best for me. i feel so blessed.

  49. 10 months ago

    okay, how the FRICK do I get to the frost temple to craft my pride of Aesir set. FFS!

    • 10 months ago

      You walk? Getting there is really straight-forward, so you probably mean handling the cold. You get an armor that has at least 2 cold protection and eat some a'spicy meatballs - which you can get just by killing the guards up front. But since you have to be lvl 60 to even craft that armor, you have even more choices. There's tons of 3+ cold protection armors available and legendaries that give huge cold protection like shields.

      • 10 months ago

        >eat some spiced food and completely disregard the weather
        >hop on your horse
        >go to da norf and bash some hooligans
        >reach the forge and craft your set
        >realize you forgot to bring the materials

        get in dere de lads
        luv the lot
        off to the norf now

    • 10 months ago

      >eat some spiced food and completely disregard the weather
      >hop on your horse
      >go to da norf and bash some hooligans
      >reach the forge and craft your set
      >realize you forgot to bring the materials

  50. 10 months ago

    >Disable Artificial Player Light - v1.0.0

  51. 10 months ago

    Been a bit since I played. Did the snu-snu stone enter the shop yet?

  52. 10 months ago

    are we really expected to (in some cases) travel near enough the entire map while walking in order to steal treasure? there's so much of the stuff (including the nice Derketo cat statues) in the jungle but I'm way way up in the snowy mountains!

    • 10 months ago

      You can walk them through transportory stones and I'm pretty sure map rooms

      • 10 months ago

        bless you. i know what im doing tomorrow then!

    • 10 months ago

      i carried the Derketo cat all the way from booty bay to Tower of the Bat

  53. 10 months ago

    >game update
    >beta update
    >no patch notes at all
    What am I missing?

    • 10 months ago

      I am just assuming it's a small patch to fix these issues

      • 10 months ago

        But the beta?

  54. 10 months ago

    Chapter 2 livestream announced. I have no idea what these timezones are, but that is 0800 PDT.

    • 10 months ago

      so when is the new chapter?

      • 10 months ago

        We'll know 2023-08-24-0800, bro. But you can guess it'll be close to 90 days after Ch1 released, so somewhere around Sept 22.

        • 10 months ago

          Cool because i haven't been playing and i need to complete the pass :[

  55. 10 months ago

    I haven't played since right before the update, were the stamina changes as intrusive as people though they would be?

    • 10 months ago

      they ruined the game but in reverse of what people expected.
      Stamina refreshes with no pause so you can roll forever.
      You can even do something like infinite Sword of Crom roll attacks.
      And stamina is easy to stack as a stat.
      They should have just kept it as it was.

      • 10 months ago

        I only played single player so that just sounds like they made the game easy as frick.

        • 10 months ago

          yeah pretty much, i can shoot the rotbranch easily with my bow

        • 10 months ago

          Not commenting on any recent changes, but conan has always been a piss easy game. They've been making changes over the years to TRY to make it more difficult, but I think people really overestimated the difficulty because it's a gritty barbarian survival game. Back in the day, the original regeneration vitality perk was enough to outheal all temperature effects in the cold and the volcano, nothing hit hard enough to deal real damage and you could just facetank every boss with a stack of haunch and herbal tea because it always healed more than you took in damage and it was easy to carry as many stacks as you wanted. People forget how casual this game was.

          It's still easy, but it didn't BECOME easy. I can see what they're going for, they increased NPC damage a ton so they're way more likely to kill you, but it's kind of like putting a fresh coat of paint on a boat that has already capsized, there's so many systems preventing it from being difficult there's just no way to make it work. The average pussy that plays this game won't leave their base without best in slot gear, heals, a thrall (or more, all perfectly and autistically leveled) even if it's just to clear the dregs, then there's complaints of no difficulty. Frankly, they'd need to start over if they wanted to make a challenging game.

    • 10 months ago

      I like them. It's nicer when crossing the map, and the combat feels better (combined with the lower enemy hp, higher enemy damage). I hear pvp got the short stick of it though, particularly with dodge spam. That can be easily remedied by any of a number of small changes, such as requiring you to have a minimum amount of stamina before you can roll again (instead of just 1). Like the other guy said, getting the agility "free swing after roll" perk with Sword of Crom is broken, but like with every other time that sword had a use somewhere, it's destined to be nerfed yet again in the next patch or so. They really should just remove it from the game. Can't use it with thralls, it's worthless if used normally by a player, and it's new niche of exploiting free swings has broken combat. There's no reason to keep it at all.

  56. 10 months ago

    New twitch drop starts today.

    • 10 months ago

      Throne comparison. From left to right, it's Gelid, Skelos, and Stone. Gelid is just a stone reskin. It's a bit bigger, and it has a marbled texture to it. Same sitting animation as the stone throne.

  57. 10 months ago

    h-here i go

  58. 10 months ago


  59. 9 months ago

    what do I think about the upcoming update then /ceg/?

    • 9 months ago

      >stream was 5 hours ago
      >no posts about AoW Ch2
      Huh. Not what I was expecting. I'm gonna go watch the stream now. Let's see if Conan Is Saved™.

      Just watching it now

      • 9 months ago

        I'm glad it's not JUST the new Purge mechanic that have been added, AoW Ch.1 was a bit of a dud in terms of content. The merc banners look like a fun little addition, and the new trade mechanics are a pretty good mechanical bonus. Hopefully modders will use it too
        The pyramids are built out of multi-block high pieces like the Aesir walls, are those from a past Bazaar Stygian building set or is that going to be coming in the future? They answered this later, it is a new Pyramid set
        I like the new armours, looks like they're going to continue making sets from Age of Conan to bring into the game
        All in all, it looks like a good update. Definitely something to look forward to
        Captcha: waiting

        • 9 months ago

          Forgot image

        • 9 months ago

          Time to try to find 150gbs of space on my drives again.

  60. 9 months ago

    >stream was 5 hours ago
    >no posts about AoW Ch2
    Huh. Not what I was expecting. I'm gonna go watch the stream now. Let's see if Conan Is Saved™.

    • 9 months ago

      My verdict
      >[X] Saved
      >[_] Not Saved


      >Very little prep needed, can just login and Purge or keep calling Purges over and over
      >100% opt in, can never be purged automatically
      >summoned via button in ledger screen
      >will always go for treasure, not building pieces to destroy
      >purge levels 1-10, based on coffer value
      >hidden values also increase difficulty like active players, total clan followers,
      >no siege equipment yet, that is ch3
      >enemies can't spawn inside, you get a feedback message telling you it failed to spawn instead
      >makes a base camp they run from, try to path through doors, if they get to chest they take treasure (big treasure->waddle, coins->coin bag waddle) and try to bring it back to their base camp
      >if no path/doors to coffer, purge fails/pulls out. Can also fail if path/coffer is destroyed by demolishers
      >demolishers only try to smash stuff, not steal
      >server no longer limited to one purge at a time
      >can purge anywhere, even noob river
      >purge spawns no longer regional, mostly stygian army (more stygian the higher the difficulty)
      >all human purges, animals can show with like beast-master characters
      >final wave has 2 skull-boss commander, drops keys to open camp chests and slave cages
      >new trader in slave cages for siege stuff, such as mercenary banners
      >purge can always damage buildings
      >convergence trap functionality defunct, deciding if just cosmetic or will give it a function
      >no time restriction, target is you can defeat it in 15-20 min

      • 9 months ago

        >The things you find are more appropriate to what you're defeating, ie darfar gear at a darfar camp but cimm gear in a Mounds chest
        >closer to siptah design, can find interactable weapons propped up and loot them
        >enemies have chance to drop worn equipment
        >dungeon loot also scaled, also new optional bosses, traps, etc. to make dungeons feel more replayable
        >Library recipes no longer random, it's a fixed order.

        >can rotate attacks up to 90 degrees mid-swing, prior to hitbox, works with target lock, works with thralls/enemies

        >Stygia pyramid building set
        >new mount type pushed to next chapter
        >new giant snake pets, snake eggs to get pet
        >Thralls can be assigned defend locations they'll come back to, will face direction assigned, are snapped to that spot
        >"almost ready" for new system that let's you place archers like immobile turrets, not in ch2
        >reduced steel-thewed 25%->33%
        >reduced last stand 6s to 3s
        >arrows have a damage curve that deals less damage at far range
        >throwing orbs detonate immediately
        >increased throwing damage to javs
        >god bubbles are gone
        >avatars-> 10x longer, 0.1x damage
        >trebuchets build twice as fast
        >ch3 pve-raid, can knock down doors
        >Ch2 release: 2023-09-21

        • 9 months ago

          Weren't god bubbles really important?

          • 9 months ago

            No idea. As I hear it, they only worked against avatars, not trebs, arrows, explosives, etc. So it was just a way of removing the main pvp mechanic the game advertises. To make up for it, it looks like they tweaked avatars to do -90% damage but last 10 times longer. That means they can still do the same total base damage if left unchecked but defenders have 10 times more leeway to fight back and destroy them. Seems like the goal is to encourage the use of gods again.

            I don't play pvp anymore, so I don't know how positive/moronic the change is in today's meta.

            • 9 months ago

              You had to do lots of maintenance on your god bubble and if you got caught with your pants down it was over. They were gay and stopped people building big bases.

              • 9 months ago

                >You had to do lots of maintenance on your god bubble and if you got caught with your pants down it was over.
                Which sounds like a bad system, so I don't blame them for trying to change it up. As for the change, if anything it has probably made avatars too weak now. Prior to this, an avatar had a 60s life, and defending players were expected to try killing it off early in that time. If it takes a defending clan 45 seconds to kill an avatar, then previously that meant the god was able to do 75% of its full destruction. Now, if they kill it in 45 seconds it can only do 7.5% of its full destruction. Defending clans have way more leeway to stop an attacking god, and it takes 10 god attacks now to do the same destruction that a single god attack could do before.

                This change only really affects being offline raided, since the full 10 minute now is roughly equal to a full 1 minute attack before. But in regards to being offline'd, god bubble and avatar were meaningless. Trebs or explosives could gut and loot any base in less than an hour, so if you're offline it would all be gone regardless.

                The only significant change I'd expect from this is people going for 10 minute joyrides down noob river crushing all the shit shacks.

              • 9 months ago

                >Lots of maintenance
                Really more like 30 minutes of bone/stone farming every other day, which is less maintenance than your average rust base if we're being fair.

                >You had to do lots of maintenance on your god bubble and if you got caught with your pants down it was over.
                Which sounds like a bad system, so I don't blame them for trying to change it up. As for the change, if anything it has probably made avatars too weak now. Prior to this, an avatar had a 60s life, and defending players were expected to try killing it off early in that time. If it takes a defending clan 45 seconds to kill an avatar, then previously that meant the god was able to do 75% of its full destruction. Now, if they kill it in 45 seconds it can only do 7.5% of its full destruction. Defending clans have way more leeway to stop an attacking god, and it takes 10 god attacks now to do the same destruction that a single god attack could do before.

                This change only really affects being offline raided, since the full 10 minute now is roughly equal to a full 1 minute attack before. But in regards to being offline'd, god bubble and avatar were meaningless. Trebs or explosives could gut and loot any base in less than an hour, so if you're offline it would all be gone regardless.

                The only significant change I'd expect from this is people going for 10 minute joyrides down noob river crushing all the shit shacks.

                >45 seconds to kill
                If you're including prep time sure, but if they're on the ball you can kill a god very easily before it finishes it's summoning animation. I think it only takes 3 bombs to kill a god, and each explosive arrow takes a second or two off the timer - since god health is tied to the timer hopefully the 10 minutes gives them enough beef to survive longer but I think successfully godding someone is gonna be tricky. Might be fun to see them turn into siege weapons though with clans defending their summoners and defenders having to pull some people off to fight the god.

                But knowing this game's community, 90% of raids are just bombs since they're free as frick and you can farm 1000 an hour on 4x, so nobody is gonna bother with raids that take prep.

      • 9 months ago

        >opt-in purge
        Holy shit I can finally just build however I like without triggering it?

        • 9 months ago

          Yes, if you decide you do want a Purge to come you just build a treasure room, then activate the coffer and select 'Declare Wealth' to trigger it. You can do this as often as you like, as long as you have the wealth to do so

          • 9 months ago

            This is lame. Just having treasure in your treasure room should have a chance to trigger a purge and there should be some kind of benefit to having treasure. Turning it into a minigame is gay af.

            • 9 months ago

              There's that new vendor you're expected to blow your treasure at once you beat the purge, both for repairing anything lost and for getting stuff that helps you fight harder purges. I agree though there should be more incentive to having it. Right now, it really hinges on just how the rewards change as you face higher threat levels. Are the rewards for beating a high threat purge so desirable that a player wants to hoard enough to face them? Or are several low threat purges just as rewarding without any of the risk? I need to find this out in the beta.

            • 9 months ago

              well the benefit is more treasure, the bigger the purge and the better reward

            • 9 months ago

              I am sure they are trying to figure it out. There is one more chapter of this too, yeah?

              • 9 months ago

                Ch.3 is us laying siege to the enemy

              • 9 months ago

                I hope this means you can spend treasure to buy siege shit. Hopefully stuff that adds to sieging to other players instead of the slightly janky way of making your own separate base to work out of.
                >buy a siege camp and lay it outside a players base to send npcs to loot for you
                >other players can buy defenses
                would be fun and epic and stuff. better than avatars.

              • 9 months ago

                You can use treasure to buy mercenaries that will help you when your base is sieged as well as some other stuff from the new Sellsword NPC you can free from the siege camp. They also said that Ch.3 would add more use to that same NPC, but that they weren't ready to reveal that just yet. I assume that means you'll be able to buy offensive tools to help you siege bases as well
                You're right though, it would be really cool if we could make our own 'Purge' to attack other players as well as the PvE aspect

              • 9 months ago

                A very long time ago they actually envisioned bases to be widely sprawled complexes rather than claustrophic squares. They've actually been leaning back toward that for a while like when they added bigger crafting stations.

        • 9 months ago

          Yep. Now the purge only comes when you summon it, and you control the difficulty by how much wealth you have in your coffer at the time you summon it. Not only that, it only spawns outside your coffer and only goes for your coffer. That means even if you do want to dick around with the new purge, you can build a fort away from your real base, put the coffer in that, and summon the purge to that fort. That way you never risk your real base.

      • 9 months ago

        >The things you find are more appropriate to what you're defeating, ie darfar gear at a darfar camp but cimm gear in a Mounds chest
        >closer to siptah design, can find interactable weapons propped up and loot them
        >enemies have chance to drop worn equipment
        >dungeon loot also scaled, also new optional bosses, traps, etc. to make dungeons feel more replayable
        >Library recipes no longer random, it's a fixed order.

        >can rotate attacks up to 90 degrees mid-swing, prior to hitbox, works with target lock, works with thralls/enemies

        >Stygia pyramid building set
        >new mount type pushed to next chapter
        >new giant snake pets, snake eggs to get pet
        >Thralls can be assigned defend locations they'll come back to, will face direction assigned, are snapped to that spot
        >"almost ready" for new system that let's you place archers like immobile turrets, not in ch2
        >reduced steel-thewed 25%->33%
        >reduced last stand 6s to 3s
        >arrows have a damage curve that deals less damage at far range
        >throwing orbs detonate immediately
        >increased throwing damage to javs
        >god bubbles are gone
        >avatars-> 10x longer, 0.1x damage
        >trebuchets build twice as fast
        >ch3 pve-raid, can knock down doors
        >Ch2 release: 2023-09-21

        sounds really good

  61. 9 months ago

    Age of Pyramids

    No country for legendary chests

  62. 9 months ago

    Example of the new chest loot in the beta. Left column is Skulker's End (Darfari), right column is Sepermeru. Looks like the bulk of the items are decorations, with the occasional useful item like weapons, armor, materials, food, etc. I did also find bag items in chests too. For example, the "Survival Kit" reward from the "Survival Shelter" journey was found in a darfari chest, while "Heavy Coin Purse" was found in a Seper chest. As before, chest equipment and tools are at full durability.

    What surprises me is that despite these chest rewards being way better than before, I ended up most excited for NPC drops. They are way more varied in what they can drop. This includes materials and their current equipment (as before, still at low durability), but it also means items like food or even aloe potions. I still find plenty of npc's that drop nothing at all, but when they do drop stuff it can be good enough to feel some sense of anticipation whenever you go looting corpses.

    Overall, a really positive change to me. I think the only counter-argument or complaint anyone can make is something-something trivializes farming. It's probably a valid complaint, but not one I care about. Going raiding and sustaining yourself solely off your looted goods is now a valid playstyle and feels good. And when you do come home, you can end up taking a really wild variety of things back, especially the decorations you probably never cared to craft or risk wasting knowledge points on in early game. It feels like "loot."

    • 9 months ago

      And an example of a looted body. She not only dropped two of her armor pieces, but there was aloe potions and good chunk of chiton. This gives me hope that a player way down in noob river can reasonably access Heavy Leather without feeling inconvenienced by their distance from the savanna. Likewise, my recent "first base in jungle" playthrough found it absurd there was 0 access to Aloe or Horn at all, but now I might be able to loot what I want from the pirates, were I to try again. That's my early impressions on the new loot so far.

  63. 9 months ago

    is the Pyramid set bazaar or pass?

    • 9 months ago

      It's a full tileset, so 99% likely to be Bazaar.

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          Maybe for you, whale.

          • 9 months ago

            stfu Black person

  64. 9 months ago

    this looks fun as frick

  65. 9 months ago

    i hope they have a chapter in the future that focuses on dungeons.
    I love dungeon delving in this game

    • 9 months ago

      Anyone in the beta that can tell me whether they updated the construction area in the old Dogs of the Desert ruin on the savannah around Mek-kamoses' Spire?

      This anon mentioned new optional bosses in dungeons added with the new update

      >The things you find are more appropriate to what you're defeating, ie darfar gear at a darfar camp but cimm gear in a Mounds chest
      >closer to siptah design, can find interactable weapons propped up and loot them
      >enemies have chance to drop worn equipment
      >dungeon loot also scaled, also new optional bosses, traps, etc. to make dungeons feel more replayable
      >Library recipes no longer random, it's a fixed order.

      >can rotate attacks up to 90 degrees mid-swing, prior to hitbox, works with target lock, works with thralls/enemies

      >Stygia pyramid building set
      >new mount type pushed to next chapter
      >new giant snake pets, snake eggs to get pet
      >Thralls can be assigned defend locations they'll come back to, will face direction assigned, are snapped to that spot
      >"almost ready" for new system that let's you place archers like immobile turrets, not in ch2
      >reduced steel-thewed 25%->33%
      >reduced last stand 6s to 3s
      >arrows have a damage curve that deals less damage at far range
      >throwing orbs detonate immediately
      >increased throwing damage to javs
      >god bubbles are gone
      >avatars-> 10x longer, 0.1x damage
      >trebuchets build twice as fast
      >ch3 pve-raid, can knock down doors
      >Ch2 release: 2023-09-21

      A very long time ago they actually envisioned bases to be widely sprawled complexes rather than claustrophic squares. They've actually been leaning back toward that for a while like when they added bigger crafting stations.

      A very long time ago they also envisioned player-built cities with thralls having actual schedules and breathing life into the outside world by having animals roam, forage, and hunt, but both features were either cancelled or put on indefinite hold

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah love the dungeon changes but i hope they come back to them with a dungeon age.
        Massive raid style dungeons with tons of prep needed and more challenging content

  66. 9 months ago

    Well, Conan, Ch2 Beta was fun while it lasted. Now it's time to play Todd's game until the PVE siege update or something.

  67. 9 months ago


  68. 9 months ago

    Are there any mods that change the body slider range that npcs spawn with? I have iqol and it has a setting for npcs but unless I'm misunderstanding what it does it doesn't seem to work.

    • 9 months ago

      >Are there any mods that change the body slider range that npcs spawn with?
      It would be a pain in the dick making one. In the editor, every NPC has a given sheet that specifies the maximum and minimum range for what it can spawn with. For enemies with fixed morphs, it just means the max and mean are the same number. To adjust this for every NPC in the game means going through thousands of those sheets and and changing the two values one at a time. Straightforward and easy, but tedious to the extreme.
      That mod has two separate areas for something like this. Neither does what you want it to do. The first way is adding a flat value to every NPC for the hidden sliders the mod adds, ie you can set every NPC's Belly Width to 1.50 or whatever. No randomness to it, and it only works for those hidden sliders. The other thing refers to the slider limits. These limits only apply to character creation. So for example if you manually edit a thrall's appearance, adjusting the slider limit for say Height max from 1.05 to 1.20 lets you scale that thrall's height to as high as 1.20, the same as a Cannibal Brute. But it won't make wild NPCs spawn at that height. It just refers to the char editor's limits in-game.

      • 9 months ago

        Bummer, had no idea. Thanks for the in depth explanation though. I hate to rope you into the role of tech support but I'm having difficulty getting the first option you mention to work. As a test I'll crank one slider to max, such as the head, and explore around but everyone still has normal sized heads, this is in single player, any idea what I could be doing wrong or misunderstanding? If I could get this to function it could work as a compromise for what I want to do.

        • 9 months ago

          >I'm having difficulty getting the first option you mention to work.
          It's not you. It doesn't seem to be working at all. I'll be honest, I've never bothered using that option before. But testing it right now in the current patch, the sliders aren't even changing the preview model, let alone the NPCs in the world. Looks like it's busted, obsolete, or I'm also missing something about it.

          ...Going to the mod page real quick, it says pic related. So there we go.

          • 9 months ago

            Unfortunate, doesn't look like it will likely ever be fixed. That said, it did work in the preview panel for me but that's about it. I wanted to do two things with this, the first was to make every one have funny proportions for a laugh and the other was to make the women thicker. The sliders I modify through iqol don't stick between sessions so I can't even have one thicker thrall, shame.

            • 9 months ago

              >The sliders I modify through iqol don't stick between sessions
              I've heard other people say this before, and I've noticed it once or twice. I don't know the conditions or why, but it does work "eventually." Since IQOL let's you save appearances, make sure you save the final result for your desired thrall. Then each time you rejoin and it's reverted, just load that appearance back on her. Also, try removing and re-adding the chest armor before loading the appearance and again after loading. There's a current bug in AoW Ch1 (and still present in the Ch2 beta) where all NPCs have their sliders appearing as if reverted to 1.00, regardless of their actual morph values. This is especially obvious for female NPCs since all the booba in the game is the same size. As far as I know, the only way to "kick" the game into putting NPCs back at their real morph values is equipping or unequipping their armor - which is to say it's only possible for your own thralls. I don't know how extensive this bug is, but it seems like something related to thrall appearances reverting. IQOL actually mods the morph values, not putting an mod-created appearance over the morphs like Tot!Custom does.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah I saved the preset but every other startup she would be reset, usually more often than not and this was over a long period of time. I never tried the armor trick though, good to know. So far I've not ran into the other bug you mention as I just tamed a bearer that had the smallest, saddest pair of breasts I've ever seen. On the subject of chapter 2, have you played it much? I'm interested to see how the new purge works out, I'm kind of saddened that it's been made the way it is as the initial pitch for the purge is why I bought the game so early on but at least it will hopefully be more fleshed out now. I'm just now getting back into the game (lightly, until the next chapter later this month) and I'm trying to pick a place to make a home that won't have issues with pathfinding when the new chapter comes out. I've always had a terrible habit of setting up shop near waterfalls and in ravines, usually places with very little room so I worry that they won't function properly if they can't set up their initial "siege" camp nearby. If you have played it and have experienced the new purge much, how well does it do in odd places compared to the old system?

              • 9 months ago

                >So far I've not ran into the other bug you mention
                It happens in a vanilla game, but one of my mods (and yours) is "fixing" it for us. If I disable my mods, I get pic related. A T4 darfari dancer is set to have the minimum breast size of 0.40 in the game files. That's her real morph value. When I spawn one, however, she appears with breasts at the 1.00 default breast size. Then when I change her armor at all, her morph corrects itself back to the real value at 0.40. Left side of pic is a fresh spawn. Right is after removing and re-adding her loincloth back. When my mods are all enabled, for whatever reason she spawns at the correct 0.40 size. It could be an old armor mod fixing it, or IQOL's physics, who knows.

                >have you played it much?
                Not really. I did some basic bug testing for reporting continued issues I saw from Ch1, then I focused mostly on the NPC loot changes. I really, really like the loot revamp coming Ch2. Raiding NPC camps is a lot of fun, but with the damage increase from Ch1, you have to be extremely careful when raiding a camp in the lower levels (I was one-shot by a T1 dogs fighter with an Ancient Spear, who then repeatedly 1-shot me every time I tried to get my gear while their archers crippled me). It has a nice "very high risk, very high reward" flow to raiding enemy camps. Plus, if you know where any "safe to get to" chests are in the game, it's worth your while to go out and loot them all whenever you have a chance. Prior to AoW Ch2, I only ever opened chests to take metal bars from them. Now they're like little pinatas. I meant to test if the loot is too lucrative at high levels when raiding camps is easy but haven't gotten that far.

                >new purge
                I haven't tried it yet, so I only know what the dev stream showed. Fortunately, since they just need a path to the coffer you can actually make your own path now with ramps and bridges, and there's the feedback telling you if it can't spawn instead of spawning directly inside your base.

              • 9 months ago

                I see, it must be iqol then as my modlist is very barebones with nothing else touching bodies or sliders, I guess I'll keep it in that case.

  69. 9 months ago

    where did my thralls go?

    • 9 months ago

      They fricked up the thrall decay timer, they're doing a rollback

  70. 9 months ago

    We gonna jump on an official when the next chapter drops?

  71. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Not that great of a take, Kiah. She complains that it's worse because she's not getting as much steel and leather, without noticing or pointing out that she's getting actual stacks of star metal and hardened steel now from high level camps. Also, NPCs now drop their weapons/armor (way more leather and metal returns after dismantling), along with fat stacks of all types of leathers, but she only points that out as an afterthought instead of showing what a quick trip through mounds actually looks like without god mode/invis when you loot all the bodies on the way. There's two halves to this loot change at NPC camps. Besides that, there's also the diverse foods and healing items which are new and keep you topped off for long excursions and saves you that early game alchemical base. The overall loot change feels way more interesting, is immersive to what you're raiding, has more things you want, and is still as lucrative (often more lucrative) as it was before.

      The most valid complaint is that a lvl 10 can no longer swooce through seper without fighting anything and end with enough heavy leather to craft a full set of heavy armor. I'm going to miss that. But the tool/weapon game you can get is much better. For one, everything has FULL DURABILITY. In old seper, all items were always almost-broken, so essentially unusable. Even then, I can't recall finding a better weapon than steel daggers, and the almost-broken tools were iron with a rare chance of hardened steel pick. New seper has an assortment of steel, perfected steel, and hardened steel tools/weapons -- and according to her a chance of a lvl 60 Library weapon like Gravedigger. I just went into live and beta to screencap the durability difference from a "fresh" old seper tool and a new one, but I was surprised to find an acheronian pick in a chest. Apparently that happens too. New is different, but I wouldn't call it a downgrade for a new char using seper to skip progression compared to before.

    • 9 months ago

      What is this person doing to their fricking microphone?
      That voice is ridiculous. Are they deaf and editing it to hell or something to try and sound normal or what? There's no way that's natural.

      • 9 months ago

        >this person
        She's a woman. She does have a weird way of talking but most people that cover conan exiles to any extent on youtube have, imo, unbearable voices. I miss "just horse", he was about the only conan exiles youtuber I could stand just on the merit of not speaking and keeping his videos succinct.

        • 9 months ago

          is she actually a woman

          • 9 months ago

            Don't see any pronouns or troony flags anywhere and she really likes cranking up the titty sliders, seems legit to me but who knows these days.

        • 9 months ago

          I don't care if they're a woman or a man or a troony or whatever.
          The voice just doesn't sound human. It's like she snorted 17 gallons of helium, died in the process, got reincarnated as a helium-kin zombie or some shit then used multiple layers of post-processing on that result and we wound up with whatever this is supposed to sound like.

          • 9 months ago

            Worse, she's british.

            • 9 months ago

              Britain is a cesspool of mutts even when they had a single genepool. Just listen to this

              Saying you like one accent is like saying you like one chinaman.

              There's no way they sound like this in real life.

          • 9 months ago

            honestly seems like its a troony, has that weird troony voice where they try to emulate a womans voice

            Worse, she's british.

            Anabriella is British and shes a delight to listen to

            • 9 months ago

              Britain is a cesspool of mutts even when they had a single genepool. Just listen to this

              Saying you like one accent is like saying you like one chinaman.

              • 9 months ago

                yeah i don't give a frick about your Britainphobia, you stupid wog

              • 9 months ago

                >complaining that a certain high, airy british accent makes a woman sound like a troony
                >blames the reason as racist instead of understanding it
                Whatever, gay.

              • 9 months ago

                Kiah has the troony voice, also her accent is not high class or whatever you are implyng.
                She has the squeaky voice that trannies try to sound girly with.

                Anabriella sounds posh, like a posh lesbo

              • 9 months ago

                >high class or whatever you are implyng
                High pitch, anon. Like an annoying squeaky voice.

        • 8 months ago

          old craig is the GOAT conan youtuber
          followed closely by ceronesthes

  72. 9 months ago


  73. 9 months ago

    so is there a boost to dailies exp on now?

  74. 9 months ago

    my favourite conan tuber is Anabriella she sounds so sexy, being an unobtainable lesbo makes it even hotter

  75. 9 months ago

    When is the next chapter?

    • 9 months ago

      10 days from now, on the 21st.

  76. 9 months ago

    Is this worth playing for PvE content? I have all the expansions just haven't touched it. Kinda just waiting for Dune Awakening.

    • 9 months ago

      Yes, if you like sandbox stuff. There's a main quest to solve, a good progression to go through, lots to do with the Journeys, lots of places to explore and learn more about the world, and the basic gameplay of building your own fortress anywhere in the map and filling it out with the slaves you captured is something I enjoy a lot. And once you've had your fill, you can finish the main quest, which beats the game and ends your character, and feel satisfied that you beat it like any singleplayer game.

    • 9 months ago

      I have never done the PvP content

    • 9 months ago

      Pvp content is made more fun with the danger and thrill of other players.

      • 9 months ago

        Or more accurately the thrill of having brazillians speedhack to you as you're out farming, having russians fall from their sky bases onto your head and having the chinese mesh through the floor of your base when you're not looking.

        • 9 months ago

          It was a more savage age. An age of undreamed of.

  77. 9 months ago

    >Most notable is the new mercenary banner, a consumable item which lets you summon various mercenaries to temporarily fight for you wherever you place it.
    I like where they are going with this. I hope that means a pvp siege rework is on the cards.

  78. 9 months ago

    Lovely lesbo

    • 9 months ago

      she is lesbian?

  79. 9 months ago


  80. 9 months ago

    i managed to complete my battlepass last night. I didn't even know you could run out of multipliers.
    The next pass looks amazing, i couldn't miss out

  81. 9 months ago

    all of this server talk
    dare I open up my euro server to the Ganker Exiles from the Europe? or is this a bad idea. last time I made "friends" on Ganker a decade a go they all turned out to be hyper homosexuals
    I feel quite alone on my server tbh

    • 9 months ago

      We tried this before and I still think flooding an official is a better idea.

  82. 9 months ago

    >client downloaded
    >battle pass complete
    It's loading the game up in single player and doing the 1k experience challenges time.

  83. 9 months ago

    Welp. Its time.

  84. 9 months ago

    they removed the frickin mek kamoses merchants
    its not right de lads

    • 9 months ago

      Apart from the previously announced stuff, some interesting bits in the patch notes include
      >Crafting recipe for Iron and Steel Reinforcements now takes 10 seconds, instead of 20/60.
      >Tools no longer damage resources that they cannot harvest.
      >Thralls and NPCs will now face their original placed direction after returning to their post.
      >Players can now spend attribute points more quickly.
      and one that's dear to me
      >Acquire Silver Journey Step in the Potion Maker journey now triggers on getting silver ore even if the source is not harvesting.

      Says otherwise in the patch notes.
      >Vendors at Mek-Kamoses have been instructed that players do not need a secret pass phrase to purchase the last item in their inventory. They will now properly show all items they offer for sale at all times.

      • 9 months ago

        >Says otherwise in the patch notes.
        all of the merchants bar the ones who give you the boxes at the top of the spire have been replaced with fighters 🙁

        • 9 months ago

          That seems to be bug, considering there is a patch note about fixing the item rotation and no patch note about removing them. At the same time, checking the forums there was a community manager reply about this
          >Hey there, thanks for the report. We’ve seen some questions about this, and my understanding is this is an intended change for story purposes - Master Carver Huang and two Khitan Exiled Traders may still be found side-by-side near Mek-kamoses’ head. We apologize that this was not clearly communicated in the patch notes.
          This is the first time I've seen an official reply use uncertain language like "my understanding [as someone who isn't a developer] is". We'll see if it gets fixed as a bug - or if the patch notes will get updated to say they're gone for good.

          Regardless of which route they go, Ancient Obolus was released as the "currency for age/chapter stuff," so even if it's gone for now, something should come along soon that gives and requires it again. Unless they want coffer wealth to fully replace it forever, but the caches still give Obolus so it's all very confusing.

  85. 9 months ago

    wtf isn't this a little OP to be a fotm battlepass item

    • 9 months ago

      Not really but I'm still really against it. Hopefully it's just flavor text.
      Also that pyramid set looks poop but the overpriced throne set looks nice. The pass is pretty good too.

    • 9 months ago

      Not really but I'm still really against it. Hopefully it's just flavor text.
      Also that pyramid set looks poop but the overpriced throne set looks nice. The pass is pretty good too.

      The BP claws also say "increased durability" in its flavor text, but I'm willing to bet they're the same stats as iron/star metal.

    • 9 months ago

      is this just a bindings not actually a whip? I was using the spectral bindings anyway.

  86. 9 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      why don't we have multipliers, do we need to bank them

      • 8 months ago

        Start of the season you have none until you first log in, then it starts generating them. So log in asap then leave for a week if you're just here to grind.

      • 8 months ago

        Every day you get 5. The first 5 go directly onto your available challenges.

  87. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      But maybe I will actually play the game instead of watch streamers?

  88. 9 months ago

    >haven't played in a while
    >first t4 archer i come across almost bodies me
    >saw a blacksmith with a spear
    >some thralls carry different tier weapons
    Neat. Not sure how I feel about it though playing singleplayer, maybe things will get better when I get heavy armor.

  89. 9 months ago

    >started fresh with the patch
    >noticed enemies aren't dropping any loot
    >have to go through all my mods to find out what's broken

  90. 9 months ago

    >place my best thrall to guard the door to my treasure room
    >he just stands there letting himself get attacked and lets the purge walk past

    I manage to complete the purge but it seems strange as hell. My first attempt there was a direct route to the treasure through my base, the purge gave up because they "couldn't get to the treasure" (no shit my defence was good)
    Second attempt i just created a wall of golem death and a trap hallway directly infront of where the camp would spawn.
    My thralls and golems did the most work massacring the camp because they were so close but demolishers just run on by and its as if thralls do nothing to them.

    • 8 months ago

      >the purge gave up because they "couldn't get to the treasure" (no shit my defence was good)
      >the game just creates a fail state if you successfully defend what you're tasked with defending
      Then what's the fricking point

      • 8 months ago

        its janky as frick, the demolishers just run into your base and start destroying it from the inside, apparently your minions cant do anything about it.
        I think it might have failed because all my dancers basically body blocked them from proceeding through a door and the ai gave up

  91. 8 months ago

    actually i realise now what happened. The demolishers destroyed the staircase into my treasure room, which broke the path causing them to retreat.
    Thats dumb.
    Wth are they programmed to wreck everything mindlessly once they get to the treasure room

  92. 8 months ago

    I could be playing conan right now. Getting one hit by max level players in max level gear.

    • 8 months ago

      gonna wait for a week then grind my multipliers

      Kinda disappointed there weren't more stygian weapons. Chakram is cool though

    • 8 months ago

      ive given up on private and official servers. too many chicks and russian dirty tricks. i just play by myself

  93. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      I think I prefer the siptah map. It's nicer looking.

  94. 8 months ago

    Is there some sort of ARK-like character transfer feature so my character is persistent between the different maps?

  95. 8 months ago

    >have to decide between my footstep sounds or upskirts of bush

  96. 8 months ago

    Uninstalled conan exiles last night
    Installing conan exiles this morning

  97. 8 months ago

    new best girl

  98. 8 months ago

    Does this game feel like the full experience without any DLC and is the battlepass in this game the full fomo never see these items again kind?

    • 8 months ago

      >is the battlepass in this game the full fomo never see these items again kind?
      >Does this game feel like the full experience without any DLC
      Yes. Everything you can spend money on is only cosmetic (with the exception of the expansion, Isle of Siptah, which adds a new map). That goes for the DLC packs, the battlepass, and the in-game shop. They only offer skins for weapons/armor/pets, decorations, and building tilesets. The only reason to consider the DLC is if you want to see something different, like building a roman villa.

      That said, building is something a lot of people like doing, and more options let you get more creative. It's not impossible to go ham with the vanilla tilesets, but there are only 5 base game tilesets, all of which are themed to the main map. The expansion adds 2 more, themed to the other map (but are usable anywhere). In comparison, each of the DLC packs were themed to a specific culture in Hyboria. For example, the Khitan (ancient china) DLC pack adds a tileset for khitan buildings, gives khitan armors for light, medium, and heavy, khitan weapon skins for each weapon type, khitan-themed placeables, and so on. It has nothing to do with the base map and can even look out of place, but it gives you an option for another look when building. If you don't care about building or playing dress up, then you aren't missing out on anything by skipping them.

      • 8 months ago

        Ok cool I'll give it a go.

    • 8 months ago

      I still don't own any of the DLC 400 hours in
      battlepass is currently fomo hell unfortunately, but at least they do the one time payment and it refunds itself if you complete it to ensure you always come back for the next one to get your money's worth

      • 8 months ago

        >I still don't own any of the DLC 400 hours in
        You haven't even creamed 'em?

        • 8 months ago

          I'm too much a sperg about getting in trouble with steam. I know its a 0.01% chance but i'm not a gambling man.

  99. 8 months ago

    kinda sad they didnt throw in the pyramid set with the pass

    • 8 months ago

      It's a truly terrible set in my opinion. So i agree, it really should be.

      • 8 months ago

        Not him, but the pyramid set is the second thing I was going to buy from the bazaar (first was Stormglass Expanded). I've been delaying though in case there's something fundamentally wrong with it, like there was with Turan Expanded. Sell me out of getting it.

        • 8 months ago

          As far as I can tell it looks almost identical to building sandstone corner pieces. But buy it, who cares. It's at least not moronic priced like everything else.

  100. 8 months ago

    >can't get into Thralls' E menu because holding E does nothing
    What have I fricked up? Is there some mod conflict that I've missed?

    • 8 months ago

      I think it's Devious Desires. There's an option, turned on by default, that disables thrall menu, iirc. Go into its menu and settings, disable that option, and see if it's fixed.

      • 8 months ago

        I didn't see it in there, and I did check the other tabs. I'll check again later with fresh eyes though in case I was just missing it or if there's another settings menu besides the one accessed by clicking on the cog in the Shift+H menu. I also uninstalled Pickup+ 'cause I'd seen posts on Steam forums and reddit claiming an issue with thrall menus. For now though, I give up. I'll put helmets on my thralls with shitty hairstyles.

        • 8 months ago

          I guess I was thinking of "Declutter Emote Radial Menu." That's the one that removes a menu. Honestly, since the patch just came out you should give it a couple of weeks for modders to catch any bugs.

          To find the culprit, you don't have to uninstall mods though. If I were you, I'd backup my modlist, then start by disabling all the slowest loaders (the armor, tileset, and body mods). That way if the problem persists, it's much quicker to reboot and you've already filtered out over half your mods. From there, just keep disabling half of the remaining mods until the problem goes away, and that'll narrow it down to just a handful of mods to test one by one. It should only take about 10 minutes to figure out the offender, and once you have, restore your backup, disable the offender, and get to playing.

          • 8 months ago

            >To find the culprit, you don't have to uninstall mods though
            Oh, yeah, I meant disable. My bad. I didn't unsubscribe from it or anything.
            > then start by disabling all the slowest loaders (the armor, tileset, and body mods).
            Yeah that's key since I'm not even running the game from my SSD, which is fulll. You don't wanna know how long my load times are.

  101. 8 months ago

    what type of server should I should look for with pvp but no building damage? i am tired of being hacked by russians and chinese on pvp servers

    • 8 months ago

      pve conflict I think. But you really want a private server with decent rates so you don't hate life.

      • 8 months ago

        where to find building inspiration

        Thanks anon
        found one named stygian dawn
        rates are only 2x, so its a little brutal, but its a new server with plenty of space to build si cant complain

        • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            said frick it
            i am now building a castle

            • 8 months ago

              The mighty square fort is the most defensible base you can make.

  102. 8 months ago

    >finally got around to bug hunting
    >disabled every mod
    >command menu still doesn't work
    >tried rebinding it again, and that still did nothing
    Well, it's a good thing Better Thralls uses its own menu, so I can still make them follow and stop following at least. Thanks for the help anyway, anon. Maybe in a day or twenty, I'll realize I've done something tremendously moronic and forgotten about it, or maybe it'll somehow get sorted on its own eventually. Either way, I'm beyond caring at this point.

  103. 8 months ago

    >complete the pass
    >buy the stygian pyramid set
    this is such a good idea, free pass chapter and a free build set

    • 8 months ago

      >free build set
      But then you won't have the funds for the next pass. The pass can be called free, because it refunds itself, but buying the set uses up that $10 you put in and will have to put in $10 more.

      • 8 months ago

        I already got three seasons out of it, buying the pass again is better value than the set.

    • 8 months ago

      I really don't see the appeal of that set. I hate the bazaar prices, everything is double what it should cost.

  104. 8 months ago

    the pass,dlc and bazaar is garbage if you have access to mods. I have most of the DLCs, some bazaar and pass content and I use almost entirely mod content when playing.

    • 8 months ago

      One of the appeals of Conan to me is i don't have to mod it because it already has a lot of features i want in it.

  105. 8 months ago

    >head out on an adventure to try finding the new snake eggs
    >takes a few hours, but finally figure it out
    >hatch the egg
    >rear the snake
    >level it up
    >lvl 20: 117 hp
    >authority 20
    >dies in one hit by the croc boss

  106. 8 months ago

    I have every single piece of DLC, bought every battle pass level, and own every bazaar item so far. What have I become?

    • 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      A pig. Oink oink.

  107. 8 months ago

    So what's the trick to handling thrall camps now? Same as before with axe right click spam? Used to be a two handed sword handled groups well but now I don't have enough stamina to get a full combo off and roll away and god help you if there are any spear wielders in the group. Overall I like the faster combat but this game has never felt like it had proper progression, at least when playing alone. It feels like a majority of the content that's there requires you to be at or near cap and a lot of the gear that's in-between is mostly moot. With that said I may be handicapping myself as I've not used any combat thralls yet, are they more mandatory playing as a solo now as you level? I never liked thralls much as they either did all the work or required too much babysitting and from what I hear they're considerably more fragile now without the best gear and perks so I really don't see the appeal of getting one captured, trained, and geared only to have it fall off because it bit off more than it could chew.

    • 8 months ago

      It's just a matter of controlling how much you pull. Archery is obviously king for that, but you can also just watch your aggro distances. For weapon, I tend to stick with claws or katana, since you can lock down an opponent with light attacks, but it's not that important. You should consider a follower. Once you have in a thrall in heavy armor, he can take a lot of punishment and helps divide aggro in case you pulled more than you wanted. If you don't want to deal with them dying, you could take an archer which will automatically retreat while shooting, which still helps on damage.

    • 8 months ago

      i just turned my thrall dmg back to 1.0 and let my Berserker kill everything.
      Good thralls are named bearers and the berserkers.
      They are kinda essential for some encounters like the last boss of the Wine Cellar.
      Things to watch out for are mini bosses in some dungeons, like Wine Cellar, Warmakers (arena champion) and the last boss in the Dagon dungeon.
      These will all effortlessly kill thralls (and you)
      For me I don't use any authority. All you need is good armour and a weapon on the thrall.
      Bearers are great for utility because they have a huge inventory.

  108. 8 months ago

    Am i imagining it or did the dungeons really change in this game.
    The early dungeons had this adventure game feel. While the latest ones are kinda mmo feeling.

    • 8 months ago

      I just view everything as a skinner box of hotspots now. I want a new map.

      • 8 months ago

        would kill for a procedurally generated map option like in Valheim. A new solo/coop oriented map would be nice too.

  109. 8 months ago

    >wak4863 started the waifu AI generated art thumbnail, and now the lesbian has copied it

    • 8 months ago

      >enshrouded demo next week
      Oh cool, I remember seeing some dev logs for this game a few months ago and thinking the building/destruction looked like it could be a lot of fun

    • 8 months ago

      Pretty sure firespark started the trend and then the rest slowly adopted it. Seems like nearly every conan video now has an AI woman on it with big yellow text. I can't tell if it's more or less cancer than the usual thumbnail slop though.

    • 7 months ago

      what's with the manlet/womanlet character models?

  110. 8 months ago

    >Wight horses no longer sport ghastly endowments
    wait, were there a set of ghost wiener n balls on the horses?

    • 8 months ago

      Usually depends on your server nudity settings.
      If you're at full bare, all the horses have equipment to make Lady Catherine blush. If you're on none, then they're all mares etc.

    • 8 months ago

      Usually depends on your server nudity settings.
      If you're at full bare, all the horses have equipment to make Lady Catherine blush. If you're on none, then they're all mares etc.

      no they dont you fricking lying homosexuals get the frick out of the thread

      • 8 months ago

        You know, there are easier ways to feed your horsewiener thirst than this round-about denial rage thing you've got going on.

        • 8 months ago

          You are mentally ill

      • 8 months ago

        It was literally in the patch notes my dude

        • 8 months ago

          He's trolling for attention. No need to keep going.

        • 8 months ago

          He's trolling for attention. No need to keep going.

          Kinda dumb why do morons do this?

  111. 8 months ago

    I just finished BP5. It's hard to rate, but I don't hate it. Seems to be focused on decorations. There's lots of really good ones in it. Only 1 weapon, our first BP short sword, but it has the ugly triangle design I don't like. 3 armor sets. It's always nice to get another "civilian clothes" armor, which is a big plus in my book, and the relic hunter clothes pair surprisingly well with the mummy wraps. Intricate Spite is ugly. I'm guessing it's another Age of Conan armor. The only good part of it is the batman bracers, but I might be able to find a look with the helm as well. The chest and legs belong in the trash.

    The new claws don't have an iron version, and their stats are slightly worse than BP2's claws for some reason. The "indefinite" whip is indeed just a reskinned chain bindings, and you don't hold them by the handle so it looks silly. Excellent pet skins. The red scorpion comes in small and giant, and the giant snake also comes in medium and giant depending on regular/greater. Giant snake's stats don't match the cobra's, so it may get nerfed in the future. Both warpaints look good, with the second being especially good for a cultist look.

    Actually, going through the list like this, I guess I'd rate this BP as above average. There's no stand-out pieces to it, but there's a large amount of good pieces. In the future I'll probably just remember this as the decorations set, but even the non-decorations are pretty neat.

    • 8 months ago

      It was a good pass. Lots of things that are good, less filler.

  112. 8 months ago

    So... should I try play on a server now that I have done the pass?

    • 8 months ago

      I can't stand online, so for me after the pass I just started a new singleplayer game. I'm having a blast. I went straight to Sepermeru for my first base. It's practically cheating. Acheronian/hardened steel tools with advanced tool mods at level 5, perfected steel weapons, the best truncheon, great thralls (but good luck surviving if you get caught by a guard while KOing). The new loot system is amazing. I'm liking the current XP rate too. I used to lower it in the server settings, but now it feels just right at default. I just hit lvl 20.

  113. 8 months ago

    >can find SAND REAPER EGGS in chests now
    nu-Loot is so cool.

    • 8 months ago

      It was a stated goal to make chests not worthless so I would say it's a good move.

  114. 8 months ago

    ok bros so how's the game now? Is this new update poggers? What are your thoughts on the new purge? Thinking in make a new server for me and a friend

    • 8 months ago

      If you've waited, you may as well wait a tiny bit more for the Chapter 3 update, because it sounds like really cool content to do with friends. I don't know when you last played, but the last series of updates have been generally fantastic.
      >AoS Ch1: added sorcery (which is a few QOL improvements), added zombie type followers, attribute rework and follower rework were both incredible for player power, pets became useful finally
      >AoS Ch3: added golem type followers (which can harvest resources for you), and a new dungeon. Fixed the old climbing bug that would knock you back at the crest

      >AoW Ch1: stamina rework (swings take 2x or 3x more stamina, but stam regens super fast), hit stun rework (hits always stagger opponents, except a small couple of hyper armor swings like maces), enemies rebalanced (half HP but double or triple damage). The last one is really great, making poison/bleed useful again, makes fights feel dangerous and group fights terrifying. PVP players hate the stamina rework because you can roll almost endlessly. An accidental consequence of this patch is that pets do half damage, so regular versions are useless again and only some of the greater are still useful. Finally, legendary weapons were buffed to always be superior to even the best bladesmith T4 crafted weapons.

      >AoW Ch2: Loot drop rework and loot chest rework are both amazing. I could write a 2000 char post on this alone. Just know it has a bunch of thematic junk related to its camp (still good for dismantling), as well as useful stuff like stacks of cooked meals, healing items, weapons, armors, tools, stacks of gold/silver, etc. There's also a chance of "rare" drops in chests, which can be things like Library weapons, rare pet eggs, tool mods, etc.. Dismantling was buffed, so you still get stacks of metal from dismantled weapons/tools too. Raiding camps for loot is a thing now, instead of just for hunting for thralls. I'm yet to touch the purge yet.

      >AoW Ch3: PVE Sieges.

      • 8 months ago

        >PVE Sieges.
        And maybe with some plans to have it affect pvp. It's going to be amazing.

  115. 8 months ago


  116. 8 months ago

    I want to play on a pve maybe pve-c server but dont want to download 50 gigs of mods

    • 8 months ago

      Then try official?

      • 8 months ago

        >dealing with tourists and russians without a stable community

        • 8 months ago

          Well, it's not like I blame you. The official land claim rules have gotten so ridiculous I only play singleplayer.

        • 8 months ago

          >Stable community
          Even the private servers are pretty bad for things like this. If you can find one that has players that stick around longer than a few weeks, it's usually a clique of complete homosexuals. It's the minecraft effect of everyone kind of just wants to play a singleplayer game with a chat feature but most people don't talk or interact enough so after everyone scratches "the itch" they're gone and the people that stay are mentally ill.

          • 7 months ago

            A lot of people bail to a new server after they get wiped.

  117. 8 months ago

    Reminder of the ongoing twitch drops, as well as the future scheduled ones. I'm not particularly crazy about any of them, but it's effortless + free. I meant to post this when there was still time for the first one. Sorry lads.

  118. 7 months ago

    Vanilla, Aquilonian, Wonderbody or Buttermilk?

    • 7 months ago

      They all fricking suck in their own unique ways, I can't find any that I just like but also has skimpy versions of armors.

    • 7 months ago

      IQOL unlocked sliders + default body. Most of the outfit mods work and you can adjust and make presets to your liking. Frankly I have a hard time telling a noticeable difference between all the modded bodies other than some slight curve adjustments but my biggest beef is that most of them remove muscle definition.

      For playing in single player, which would you guys say is the best obelisk to create a base close to? I've returned for the update and made a shack near a waterfall for the relaxing waterfall sounds but being out in the middle of nowhere sucks and I'm trying to play as "legit" as possible (e.g. no admin teleporting). Was thinking about setting up near sepermeru just for the thralls nearby and brimstone but I'm getting desert fatigue. Would love to setup in the swamp/jungle but both obelisks there have too many downsides, one being in the middle of a bunch of annoying spiders and the other being on a cliff with few basic resources.

      • 7 months ago

        It's less important to pick an obelisk, now that you can get actual teleportation via sorcery.

        • 7 months ago

          Since chapter 2 I can't find nearly as many pages to upgrade my tome to the highest level, then certain steps such as the one requiring witchfire powder is just an absolute slog. Finally, even when I do get portals unlocked the amount of temporary uncurable corruption they give per travel is troublesome, I'd imagine even more so now that everything kills you faster.

      • 7 months ago

        Wonderbody adds *much* nicer boobs.
        Buttermilk is Wonderbody's upper half with a nicer butt.
        Honestly if we could just get something like Bodyslide support from the Bethesda modder scene, we could shape every outfit mod to fit every body mod.

      • 7 months ago

        >which would you guys say is the best obelisk
        Without exception, Sinkhole is the best. Seper's and Mounds are decent #2s. None of them are pretty though. My favorite base was a tree house near the Passage obelisk. All my obs had maps, so it was a breeze traveling the map from there, and there's the obe less than half a map tile from the big tree. Not great for a starter base though, just pretty as a late game base.

        As the other anon said, with telestones it doesn't matter anymore. You only get the corruption on your way home since you can map-room out, and just having dancers home will fix you while you're dropping off your loot. For getting your sorcery up, it's easier to rely on the placeable pages found on the sacrificial stones than as drops from sorcerers. If you capture a sorcerer, it's even easier if you just get some sacrificial blood and turn it into pages at the thauma bench - that way, every npc you see is basically dropping a page. Witchfire powder is easy, just hold your glowing essence when you find it, or when you grab the dregs ob or go back to it to setup your map network, just make a short run into dregs for the dredger recipe at the entrance and grab the glowing goop in the pools right there. One sickle swipe and you're set, let alone multiple swipes.

        For me, telestones are eventually mandatory because you can place them right between 3 gold rocknose spawns for ez gold, right at the spider cave for ichor and silk, directly outside seper for thrall hunting, and so on. It saves a ton of travel time for important little things. So long as you aren't facing a big boss (or even if you are, so long as you have 20 AUTH), the little bit of corruption is nothing, and the inventory space for a stack of cleansing brew is even less than nothing if it does matter.

      • 7 months ago

        you should combine IQOL with buttermilk

  119. 7 months ago

    Coming back after nearly two years and realizing I missed a ton of shit, can I get some of the old battlepass content through admin mode on a solo server? Computer’s fricked so won’t be able to catch up until two more weeks by then season might be over.
    Also how does the sorcery system compares to magic mods?

    • 7 months ago

      You can't admin in any battlepass or shop items you don't already own. I've heard there are cracked versions you can download that has everything unlocked but I don't know anything about that. I've never used magic mods but I did play that one big mod, I forget the name, that had some magic included but if I recall it was just retextured bows. Sorcery is mostly support but it's kind of underwhelming, the effort it takes just to unlock everything combined with the reagent requirements on top of the corruption gain makes it unappealing, at least to me. The light that follows you is useful, the mass resource harvest can be useful in some places and...that's about all I ever used. I never play online though so it may be different for pvp but I doubt it as casting roots you in place and from what I've seen pvp is mostly just spastic fish-lens spear poking roll fests.

  120. 7 months ago

    Yeah, sorcery feels thematically appropriate but mechanically it's just too much of a bother. The high-end spells need to be much stronger before I would consider living with the expenses and drawbacks.

  121. 7 months ago

    >ark released the exact same game just on ue5
    >for 44 euro
    I wonder what this means.

  122. 7 months ago

    New twitch drop starts today.

    • 7 months ago

      Cheers lad

  123. 7 months ago

    With how purges work now is it better to do them at the level cap? Since thralls are so weak defensively now it's hard for me to gauge if I'm ready or not, I don't really feel like risking everything for something that may be a one sided fight without silent legion armor and legendary weapons. Is there a general rule of thumb for purge difficulty by level or is it all minute between individual levels?

    • 7 months ago

      You should watch a lvl 1 purge and decide if that's something you think you can handle

      (Timestamped to start of purge, it's the first result on youtube but watch any lvl 1 purge video you want). Pay attention to what spawns, their hp, and the rate that spawns. For the most part, it looks like a slow stream of 100 hp naked conscripts with the rare 375 hp demolisher, which escalates to 200 hp T1 exiles. The guy in the video is high level with good weapons so it's beyond trivial for him, but try to figure out if you think you can chew through these guys' hp in the time it takes between new conscripts showing up so that you don't get overwhelmed. The commander comes out at 9:30, so that's surviving 7 minutes of this before you have to kill the Hand of War despite the spawns. Think you can handle that?

      Also, if you're worried about "risking everything," just use some stone and wood to build a separate purge base with a coffer in the middle of nowhere just to test it out. The worst that can happen is you'll lose whatever bit of treasure you needed to summon a lvl 1 purge.

  124. 7 months ago

    Is this game worth picking up if the only real crafting/survival game I've liked has been valheim? I wasn't a fan of Ark because it was way to grindy and the menu systems were clunky garbage. How much of the game leans on menuing and grinding vs adventure/exploration?

    • 7 months ago

      You'll find this game is a huge step up from Valheim unless you really like the concept of procgen near-infinite worlds. Conan is a static map but significantly more beautiful and still large as hell.

      Menus can suck at times, and the grind is honestly not any worse than Valheim's and you can tweak recipe cost multipliers or resource drop amounts within the game itself without mods. However, improving your tools gives you significantly more resources per swing so if you mess with resource drops too much you'll find yourself clogging your inventory every swing once you get to hardened steel/star metal. Can also skip a lot of material grind by going into higher danger areas and looting/killing for their shit.

    • 7 months ago

      The core basics of Conan will be indistinguishable from Valheim. They both build with a tiny bit of hand-crafting but primary the build hammer. Your goal is unlocking benches and recipes for the benches. Different resources are primarily found in specific regions, which determines your item quality (in Conan, it's Stone->Iron->Steel (need brimstone)->Hardened Steel (need black ice)->[epic]->[legendary], where different epic resources have different bonuses in respect to each other (obsidian vs star metal vs khari steel vs seperent-man iron vs dragonbone etc.), while legendaries can only be looted.

      Conan has "a grind" in that you do level up and unlock recipes from leveling up, so even if you're comfortable killing elephants and making alchemical base at lvl 1, you still won't be able to make epic armors until you hit lvl 60 and unlock the epic armors feat. But the process of leveling up isn't that bad, especially for a new player who's still learning and exploring. You can boost the xp rates in the server settings if you want, but it's fine as default. For example, each POI you discover gives xp, which increases for each POI you've already discovered. You'll hit lvl 60 long before you discover the map even if you never fight a thing. Even so, the game has fantastic customization with server settings to tailor to your wants.

      A major difference from Valheim is that 1), everything respawns (unless you block the spawn by buidling), so all resources and enemies are infinite. And 2), enemies have fixed spawn points. One thing I miss from Valheim is the wandering enemies, where you can be threatened even while building a base. 3) no enemy can attack your base except Purge enemies, which you deliberately summon by choice (or other players in pvp).

      Conan is my #1 survival game, with Valheim as my #2. I think Conan has a lot more substance and things to do than Valheim, although V has a lot of charm and advantages too. I recommend both.

    • 7 months ago

      Going to be the devils advocate here but I don't think you'll like conan exiles. Valheim is probably the best example of a survival game that works incredibly well solo. Conan exiles is too burdened by being first and foremost a multiplayer game and it shows with all of the limitations they've had to place on it. It has a lot of annoying things due to the fact that it has to be hosted locally on a server, namely: Nothing out of your view range is "active" meaning if you have golems set to harvest you HAVE to be nearby for them to work, enemies will respawn instantly regardless of server settings if you go far away, the purge itself was going to be much deeper but they gutted it and turned it into a server cleanup mechanic initially only to then tweak it to be some kind of horde mode defense minigame. Pve becomes very dull once you've explored once as all of the spawns are static and never change, it's fun for I would say one playthrough unless you like building which I would say is it's strongest and most notable feature just from sheer variety of structures you can build. You have to constantly fight your inventory as well, especially so without mods as there are so many resources you have to manage and so many different crafting stations that, at the later tiers, take up large amounts of space. I would say that combat and encounters are probably the most "single player" friendly that they've ever been but that's not saying much because when you play solo only a small amount of weapons are viable due to the stagger mechanic. I've lost track of how many times over the year that the devs, when talking about implementing certain content or features, would always mention something about the impact it would have on server performance and the online side which just burdens down the single player experience. Things like being knocked off your horse, potion delay, and bandages to name a few are all examples of mechanics that were created because of pvp.

      • 7 months ago

        (Continued) As far as the grind goes it's worse than valheim, in my opinion, because in valheim collecting resources feels more rewarding and it's easy to just build what you want faster. In conan exiles you collect all resources the same way, by holding Mouse 1 until whatever resource you're harvesting vanishes. Let's say you want to build a t3 building piece which is the highest, strongest level. You need hardened brick, shaped wood, and steel reinforcements and you need A LOT of each. To get hardened brick you need to first put regular stone into a furnace to make bricks, then you need stone consolidant which you get by getting a bunch of resin and plant fiber and placing them in a cauldron, then you put the consolidant and brick in the furnace to make the hardened brick, keep in mind that if you have anything less than the highest level furnace this takes forever unless you make a ton of furnaces which is just more inventory wrangling and that's not even mentioning the ratio of stone > brick. Shaped wood isn't bad but steel reinforcements are another b***h and a half to make short notice, less than it used to be but still.

        • 7 months ago

          I think you're forgetting how Valheim resource processing worked
          >slowly burn food to make charcoal (or slowly burn wood to make charcoal in a special bench)
          >smelt copper ore in small batches (10 ore at a time, 20 fuel at a time), needing constant maintenance to refuel and add more ore to keep it going
          >then smelt tin ore the same way
          >then clang them into bronze bars at a bench
          >then clang bronze bars into bronze nails
          >then you can make a building piece
          In some ways, Valheim's crafting was much more tedious than Conan's. It could take more busy work, and it was very slow even with all the prerequisite resources ready. You basically needed it cooking 24/7 while you do other stuff, but even then the small batches made it hard to stockpile that way. You can't even really speed it up with duplicate smelters running simultaneously because they had dungeon resource requirements, so it was far more work to get multiple early on. At least in Conan you can stuff your smelter full and have it work for hours for you while you're out, and getting multiple smelters is super easier (just stone).

          For me, my only issue with Conan's items is clutter. There are so many items, and there are so many benches to divide them between. It takes forever putting a big haul into proper places. I had similar issues with Valheim, with my inventory constantly auto-picking up greyling eyes and resin etc. from the things constantly attacking my base (and no way to throw them out), but Conan has one or two orders of magnitude more items. The lotuses (flower, powder, seeds) for potions, all the dye plants, the brewing plants, branches-wood-bark-shaped wood-dry wood-insulated wood-wood handles, eight types of hide, three leathers, common-but-niche-use items like chiton, all the types of meat, silver/gold dust/ coins/bar/ore, it just goes on. Eventually it becomes easier to ignore what you could harvest and only target farm the things you need when you need them in Conan.

          • 7 months ago

            The cores required for the smelters were so numerous that they become a non issue fairly quickly, especially when you get to the swamp where surtlings are numerous. Nails, as far as I recall, were only used for particular items like item stands, boats and the like, not for basic building pieces. I guess what I like about valheim is that it all doesn't feel exactly the same whereas in conan it's always "place item into large crafting station and wait", it's less troublesome in valheim because there are less crafted materials that you need for everything, most of the things you need are from drops. This extends to resource gathering as well, collecting stone and wood are completely two different processes, one of which requiring a wagon if you have a lot of ore which I enjoyed making supply chain roads, the dynamic spawning of the game always ensuring that every trip won't always be safe in the same places.

        • 7 months ago

          I think you're forgetting how Valheim resource processing worked
          >slowly burn food to make charcoal (or slowly burn wood to make charcoal in a special bench)
          >smelt copper ore in small batches (10 ore at a time, 20 fuel at a time), needing constant maintenance to refuel and add more ore to keep it going
          >then smelt tin ore the same way
          >then clang them into bronze bars at a bench
          >then clang bronze bars into bronze nails
          >then you can make a building piece
          In some ways, Valheim's crafting was much more tedious than Conan's. It could take more busy work, and it was very slow even with all the prerequisite resources ready. You basically needed it cooking 24/7 while you do other stuff, but even then the small batches made it hard to stockpile that way. You can't even really speed it up with duplicate smelters running simultaneously because they had dungeon resource requirements, so it was far more work to get multiple early on. At least in Conan you can stuff your smelter full and have it work for hours for you while you're out, and getting multiple smelters is super easier (just stone).

          For me, my only issue with Conan's items is clutter. There are so many items, and there are so many benches to divide them between. It takes forever putting a big haul into proper places. I had similar issues with Valheim, with my inventory constantly auto-picking up greyling eyes and resin etc. from the things constantly attacking my base (and no way to throw them out), but Conan has one or two orders of magnitude more items. The lotuses (flower, powder, seeds) for potions, all the dye plants, the brewing plants, branches-wood-bark-shaped wood-dry wood-insulated wood-wood handles, eight types of hide, three leathers, common-but-niche-use items like chiton, all the types of meat, silver/gold dust/ coins/bar/ore, it just goes on. Eventually it becomes easier to ignore what you could harvest and only target farm the things you need when you need them in Conan.

          I circumvented the tedious parts of valheim with automated smelting mods that pulled from containers. The things I enjoyed most were exploring the world and collecting resources, as well as experiencing new biomes. I much rather a game based on exploration and character progression than I would one based on tedious build mechanics. That's why I liked Valheim so much. It was a survival game that was more immersive and didn't hinge on you building a massive base and complex structures to beat it. I basically had one base my whole playthrough and expanding it was rather organic. IF conan is more like ark and there's heavy resource grind (the taming system, etc.) I probably wouldn't enjoy it

          • 7 months ago

            Conan is undeniably more like ark, because it was originally designed as a clone of it. Things have changed from that since launch, like building with the construction hammer and a menu screen instead of handcrafting a hundred various blocks and shuffling them around your inventory to place them. There are a lot of benches, but the time I spend on them and the room they take up don't feel all that different to Valheim (albeit, Valheim's upgrades with new placed objects, whereas Conan's don't need to upgrade but if you do upgrade them, it's to benches that work faster with resource discounts).

            I'll just go on a limb and say there's a high chance you won't like default Conan. With the right server settings, similar to modded Valheim, you may like it but it's not guaranteed. Conan's world is varied with a lot to explore and a main quest to finish, but each biome isn't some completely unique area mechanically and in resources/enemies like Valheim is. You also aren't forced to go through them to progress. Only a few are essential, like needing black ice from the frozen wastes. Or while obsidian will only be found in the volcano, dragonbone is a side-grade in quality you can pursue instead from the undead area.

            >the taming system
            There's no resource grind associated with followers. I'll walk you threw a few examples. To tame a horse, you have to capture a baby foal, take it to a stable you built (standard building materials), put the foal in the stable, and feed it 1 (one) of any horse food to start taming. 15 minutes later it's done. Take out your new adult horse, throw a saddle on, and ride it. Leveling up pets can be boosted with special foods but isn't necessary.

            Taming combat pets is similar: capture a baby (or hatch an egg to baby), put in animal pen, feed 1 food (certain foods have RNG chance of alpha pet), 15 minutes later it's done. For thralls, KO npc with truncheon, drag home with rope, put in wheel with (a stack of) human food, done in 15m to 1h.

            • 7 months ago

              It sounds like it's at least worth a look, thanks for the info.

            • 7 months ago

              It sounds like it's at least worth a look, thanks for the info.

              To add, some server settings you can tweak for a more tailored experience include
              >Harvest rate (how much you get when harvesting)
              >Crafting Cost Multiplier (how much you need to craft)
              >Crafting Time Multiplier (don't have to wait around)
              They're pretty straight forward. One of your first real benches is the Furnace (a smelter). It takes 500 stone to build by default. A starting Stone Pickaxe gets 6 stone per swing. If you double your harvest rates, you get 12 per swing, or 10x rate for 60 per swing. If you reduce crafting cost multiplier to 0.5x, it only takes 250 stone to build the Furnace (less clutter in your inventory vs boosting harvest rates), or 0.1x for only 50 stone for a Furnace.

              The 15 minute taming time for pets, or 15m to 1h for thrall breaking (depending on quality), are recent changes (it used to be 2h to 24h in the past, like Ark). Even so, if that's too long there are settings for
              >Thrall Crafting Time Multiplier
              >Animal Pen Crafting Time Multiplier
              to speed it up if you want (lower = faster).

              Lastly, on harvest, unlike Valheim, Conan actually has a decent progression for rates. A stone pick gives 6 per swing, but iron pick gives 8, steel 10, hardened steel 12, achernonian pick 14. Tool mods can boost this by +1, +2, or +3. When leveling up, one of the attributes has a perk to double the rate. A maxed out lvl 60 player with a black blood pick, harvest oil, and the EXP15 perk gets 50 per swing at default rates, almost 10x more than the starting stone pick. Picks also have a tiny AOE, so you can hit multiple nodes in the same swing for even more. There's a lot of things in this game like this which makes it get easier over time, even with default settings.

              But there's nothing wrong with customizing it how you want either, especially early on as a new player when you're just learning. Both types of teleporting networks take a lot of resources that new players won't understand how to harvest efficiently with default rates.

  125. 7 months ago
  126. 7 months ago

    Are you guys going to get Dune: Awakening?

    • 7 months ago

      I'll probably wait a year and see if its as fricking garbage as conan was on launch

    • 7 months ago

      Probably not. The basic gameplay loop of Conan is enjoyable enough, but the standout parts are unique to it: ability to turn any enemy, human or beast, into a follower that helps you fight. Plus I like Hyperboria and the power fantasy of Conan barbarism. Dune might keep the survival/crafting/building, and it may ramp up the PVP experience, and even if it does those things flawlessly I don't find it very interesting. And it's Funcom. They won't do anything flawlessly.

    • 7 months ago

      It's not even announced and we have no idea what it will be like.

    • 7 months ago

      We don't know enough of it yet to really make a call beyond watching it with great interest. In order of things that they could add to make me extra interested and give it a try, from least to greatest:

      >If it's conan with tech and guns/shields
      >Spice as a magic system all its own, more perks and outright powers. In the books full on telekinesis and more was possible by some users so lets go full bore.
      >NPC thralls / hirelings / mercenaries what have you getting more fleshed out and roles. Does that Fremen scout I got suck in combat as a level 1 thrall with no real growth potential? That's alright, if I place him in my base just standing around he generates a bottle of water or ration of spice each day to give to me.
      >Mix up the map between set known rocky areas and instanced/generated desert ones that change from storms or Shai-Hulud
      >Make the respawn system based on clones and spice and memory flashing back like in the books, hell make it possible to have your own previous self or stolen clones come after you to try and make them the 'real' you.
      >Even more so to the above, if my base can be its own instance that for pve/pvp purposes 'shifts' around to encounter others without being locked into a specific place on the main pve map.
      >Make House Ordos a real thing, do it you cowards.

      And so on. There's a lot of really great potential in the idea of a Conan Exiles style game for Dune, but they have to get the execution fricking perfect. And with Conan, when they frick up, the existing fanbase isn't rabid. Dune? Dune fans both old and new could turn rabid.

      • 7 months ago

        >>Mix up the map between set known rocky areas and instanced/generated desert ones that change from storms or Shai-Hulud
        Since you mentioned it, that's the feeling I got from this on their website. It remains to be seen if that's what they actually meant, though
        The Sounds of Arrakis dev log from the other day was quite cool too, but I didn't see anything about Spiceborn Shouts

        • 7 months ago

          That's a sandstorm with meteor showers.

  127. 7 months ago

    Chapter 3 soon lads.

    I don't feel like calculating when Ch2 ends, but the beta usually starts a few days after the stream and the next chapter a few weeks to a month after the beta starts.

  128. 7 months ago

    Chapter 3 livestream just started.

    • 7 months ago

      -Public Beta available right now
      -Patch notes already available
      -Ch3 launches: Dec 14th

      Siege (PVE Raid)
      -want PVE players to enjoy blowing up bases
      -made out of base-game building set (visually), but has its own special hp values
      -in this chapter, only the one base. Want to do one for Siptah later on, want more bases in future chapters.
      -player can use hand battering ram that demolishers use
      -difficulty balanced for max lvls (lvl 50+) and 2-player coop
      -respawn: once no one is present, have an undisclosed system for dealing with griefers trying to prevent resapwns, nearby bases won't affect it
      -inside the base are various weapon caches like explosive jars to help you keep going deeper
      -designed as an overworld dungeon, has miniboss(es) and ends with a boss
      -boss' throne room has treasure, piles of coins
      -gold will be used more and more as an actually currency, starting a bit in this update with the Tavern, and more in the future

      -future updates focused more on making the world feel alive, especially thralls
      -new tavern style room, in similar vein as the treasure room
      -new barkeeper thrall (only in the purge as of this update), teaches you how to build a tavern
      -NPCs will spawn and visit your tavern, can hire them
      -if you've rescued Isscar, can have the barkeep summon him to your tavern via her contacts
      -can disable the spawning by removing barkeep from bar's thrall slot
      -emotes tied to the thrall placement slots, like drinking from mug if seated in bar stool. Is the system they want to keep expanding on for making thralls feel alive.
      -tavern themed clothes
      -clan emblem tavern sign (text editable)

      • 7 months ago

        (frick, I meant to greentext the bullet points)

        -more placements for thralls, including benches, including burning oil on walls (pours out automatically), new "archer post" placeable to make archers static
        -lock-on camera is further back for more visibility of PC, camera auto-adjusts on incline to make landing hits eaiser
        -new base-game mount type: camel (currently the same as horses, considering giving extra storage to distinguish them later)
        -want to change crafter thralls in the future to always be in the world, not inventory items. Will be placed at stations through the placement system.
        -Overpromising: The previously mentioned "Clan Alliances" wasn't working out, but they still want a system to allow grouping up even on pvp servers
        -Overpromising: Fatalities are working internally, but they want more time polsihing them
        -Overpromising: way of saving followers from death (mentioned in AoS Ch2 stream), Downed-but-not-out system. A 0 hp follower can be "rescued" and helped back up to save them from dying. Still on the roadmap, but not ready.
        -changing to 4 chapters per age, alternating QOL/fixes and new major content systems each chapter

      • 7 months ago

        (frick, I meant to greentext the bullet points)

        -more placements for thralls, including benches, including burning oil on walls (pours out automatically), new "archer post" placeable to make archers static
        -lock-on camera is further back for more visibility of PC, camera auto-adjusts on incline to make landing hits eaiser
        -new base-game mount type: camel (currently the same as horses, considering giving extra storage to distinguish them later)
        -want to change crafter thralls in the future to always be in the world, not inventory items. Will be placed at stations through the placement system.
        -Overpromising: The previously mentioned "Clan Alliances" wasn't working out, but they still want a system to allow grouping up even on pvp servers
        -Overpromising: Fatalities are working internally, but they want more time polsihing them
        -Overpromising: way of saving followers from death (mentioned in AoS Ch2 stream), Downed-but-not-out system. A 0 hp follower can be "rescued" and helped back up to save them from dying. Still on the roadmap, but not ready.
        -changing to 4 chapters per age, alternating QOL/fixes and new major content systems each chapter

        And from the patch notes
        >more Special Patrons (like Isscar) can be summoned to the tavern in the future
        >can use gold to hire on (some of) the random NPCs that visit your tavern as permanent thralls
        >new Archer Post for thrall placement drops as an item in purges, and the schematic drops only in high difficulty purges
        >furnaces only cost 250 stone now
        >fluid press gives 2 oil per use now, and ichor takes have the resources to craft
        >(almost) all equipment can be dismantled now, including legendaries and champion weapons
        >blood crystal weapon crafting costs adjusted to be 50% of base material (iron/star metal) and 50% blood crystal
        >tweaked npc attack combos "to be more sensible"
        >new movesets for some of the legendary spears (iirc, probably the return to the old sweeping light attacks instead of just thrusts, something they mentioned last chapter's livestream)
        >Cannibal Brute nerfed to half damage
        >potion of midnight: can only be crafted at new station new werehyena
        >"Removed the “Respawn with all loot” function from Kurak’s dungeon." (FRICK)
        >Asura no longer drops legendary loot
        >can no longer harvest severed limbs from humanoids
        >specialty storage containers are more generous, ie "Skinning Storage" accepts all hides and fur now, "Foraging" all types of seeds, vines, coral.

      • 7 months ago

        I hate to say that this battle pass system has really revitalized conan. I can actually imagine a new map or something happening now.

        • 7 months ago

          >battle pass
          The battlepass doesn't make them money. Since it refunds itself, it's technically free. It's only purpose is player retention. The actual funding comes solely through the bazaar. Despite the prices being so fricking absurd I wouldn't touch it with a 20' pole, tons of people still lap it up. It's just like how Blizzard announced that a single horse skin sold as MTX for WoW made them more money than the entire sales of Starcraft 2: WoL game. Sheeple just lap it up, no matter the cost.

          But I guess I should still thank them, because those paypiggies are the reason we're getting these updates and new content at all. As soon as the money dries up is the same day they finally pull the plug.

          • 7 months ago

            Big if true

            • 7 months ago

              Thank you for your wallet.

              • 7 months ago

                Ur whalecum

            • 7 months ago

              What drives a man to do this? Although the book cases are nice.

              • 7 months ago

                it's not a lot of money

              • 7 months ago

                I would say by now the grand total of the bazaar is at 500 dollars. That's a lot for cosmetics in one game.

              • 7 months ago

                $5 is a lot of money for digital shit that does not exist

          • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              That's revenue, not total costs. That sparkle pony was at a high cost and my opinion is it took somebody five hours to make, tops.

  129. 7 months ago

    >-emotes tied to the thrall placement slots, like drinking from mug if seated in bar stool. Is the system they want to keep expanding on for making thralls feel alive.
    >-more placements for thralls, including benches, including burning oil on walls (pours out automatically), new "archer post" placeable to make archers static
    >-want to change crafter thralls in the future to always be in the world, not inventory items. Will be placed at stations through the placement system.

  130. 7 months ago

    Anyone try the beta yet? I'm wondering what I'm in for.

  131. 7 months ago

    Pax Dei looking impressive graphics and building wise

  132. 7 months ago

    i hope Conan Exiles might get an unreal 5 update or sequel

    • 7 months ago

      Well I guess that's one way to get me to stop playing

  133. 7 months ago

    Are the obolus merchants at Mek's Spire back in Ch.3?

  134. 7 months ago

    Redpill me. I haven't touched the game in years. Am I missing out for not having any DLC?

    • 7 months ago

      If you're a buildgay, yes
      If you just enjoy playing the game, no

      t. 400 hours and still not a single dlc purchased

  135. 6 months ago

    Don't forget to nab the Superior Pike twitch drop that's live at the moment, if you want it

  136. 6 months ago

    I play Rust often, is this game harder or easier it looks easier and more engaging from a couple of videos I watched but not sure.. Also how DLC oriented is it? are DLCs important or is the game completely playable without DLCs and the DLCs just add building styles and random things like that (like in Rust)??Also how alive is its player base? I saw picrel once and this game been on my watchlist ever since.. looks cool. I'm a poorgay, so I only buy GOOD MP/Online games

    • 6 months ago

      >is the game completely playable without DLCs and the DLCs just add building styles and random things like that
      >I only buy GOOD MP/Online games
      Conan is fantastic with friends and very good in SP. However, official online servers are bogged down with bullshit so I don't recommend it for MP unless you A) spend dumb time finding one public non-official server that suits you, B) rent your own server for money, C) play co-op singleplayer, which let's your friends join your game but has the drawback of them being tethered to the host, or D) host your own server, which requires someone having a spare PC but is free.

      The official online servers have a real cheating problem with chinese, russians, and brazillians. The dev's solution is rampant banhammers over an increasingly widening list of "rules" that have gone well past the point of banning people for playing the completely completely normally. Said bans only apply to official online servers, but getting a permanent ban for playing the game normally is beyond moronic and elicits nothing but scorn from me. Fortunately there is a variety of other options to play, both MP and SP.

    • 6 months ago

      There's a second map that you have to purchase to play, but it doesn't get as much love through updates as the original map anyway so it's really not a requirement. All the other DLC are just reskinned architecture, so also very much not a requirement

    • 6 months ago

      Conan is, surprisingly, a soulslike at the core.

      • 6 months ago

        it was soulslike, but they have made it too easy

        • 6 months ago

          Conan was always pretty easy, pre-AoW the fights just took an hour to complete if you weren't using a thrall + best in slot gear.

          • 6 months ago

            i'm thinking back to when i first played it during the Alpha. I recall it being a lot harder and "your dead" like. Enemies that are ridiculously easy now like rocknoses hit like a truck, there was no targeting either.

            I came back at the end of AoS and it was harder than now but not as hard as i remember the alpha.

      • 6 months ago

        There's a second map that you have to purchase to play, but it doesn't get as much love through updates as the original map anyway so it's really not a requirement. All the other DLC are just reskinned architecture, so also very much not a requirement

        >is the game completely playable without DLCs and the DLCs just add building styles and random things like that
        >I only buy GOOD MP/Online games
        Conan is fantastic with friends and very good in SP. However, official online servers are bogged down with bullshit so I don't recommend it for MP unless you A) spend dumb time finding one public non-official server that suits you, B) rent your own server for money, C) play co-op singleplayer, which let's your friends join your game but has the drawback of them being tethered to the host, or D) host your own server, which requires someone having a spare PC but is free.

        The official online servers have a real cheating problem with chinese, russians, and brazillians. The dev's solution is rampant banhammers over an increasingly widening list of "rules" that have gone well past the point of banning people for playing the completely completely normally. Said bans only apply to official online servers, but getting a permanent ban for playing the game normally is beyond moronic and elicits nothing but scorn from me. Fortunately there is a variety of other options to play, both MP and SP.

        Thank you!.. I watched a couple 1hour videos on the game and it seems really fun.. then I watched a video about the bad things in Conan so I want to ask if any of them are fixed.. things like 1hit mounted combat, guild sizes etc. the video is this one.. im more concerned about the pvp and MP servers aspect.. not the random gameplay things like farming problems or whatever. the video is old so some of the things are fixed I assume?

        • 6 months ago

          I'm not going to watch a 2h video to hold your hand through the current state of the game, but if you have any specific questions I'll answer them.
          >things like 1hit mounted combat
          I'm assuming that refers to the old lance, which would basically 1-shot anyone at full speed by hitting multiple times at once. That was fixed. You can't kill anything in one hit from a horse, and mounted combat is so cumbersome and frustrating that needing multiple hits to kill things means you won't bother with mounted combat at all. If you're using a horse to travel, you are going to jump off before every fight.
          >guild sizes
          That's identical to whatever it was before. I don't know what your complaint is about it so I can't tell you what that's like, but one thing the devs are planning on introducing in a future patch is some way to party up with players from other guilds, so that you can tackle a world boss or dungeon together. Max Clan Size is also a sever setting. I forget what the max is on official servers, but if you have a target size in mind then just try to find a server that limits it to that size.

          • 6 months ago

            >I forget what the max is on official servers
            That would be 10

            I didn't flesh out the main complaint about clans sizes, i forgot.. I meant to ask that is the max clan size of still a problem since the max size of servers is low (40).. so once a big clan is dominant it's basically ogre.. But I guess it's still that way. thanks for the other info though regarding nerfing lances n shit.

            • 6 months ago

              I know you didn't ask, but one thing to mention is that ever since starting the Age-Chapter system, the game gets sweeping changes regularly now. For example, attributes were completely reworked in AoSCh1, stamina reworked in AoWCh1, pets keep getting nerfed into useless then buffed into kings then nerfed again, and so on. The upcoming patch is about to nerf spears, the undisputed best pvp weapon in the game since Day 1, by making the first swing of the heavy attack just slightly a little slower, so that it isn't always striking first before any other weapon.

              Pretty much every single change that ever happens sends the PVP community into a shitflinging frenzy, no matter how big or small. Since that's your target for play, you should be aware of this. The meta will change. Things you like now may become worse later. The game still gets very active development. On top of that, this "very active development" only happens in each chapter update (once every 3 months). If something truly important breaks and makes things miserable, something that Funcom themselves publicly acknowledges and says they'll fix, you'll still be stuck waiting 3 months for it to be fixed. It's one of the downpoints of the dev cycle. They continuously add new content and changes for free (like the new destructible fortress in the upcoming spear patch), but man, fixing shit takes forever if something goes wrong.

        • 6 months ago

          I'm not going to watch a 2h video to hold your hand through the current state of the game, but if you have any specific questions I'll answer them.
          >things like 1hit mounted combat
          I'm assuming that refers to the old lance, which would basically 1-shot anyone at full speed by hitting multiple times at once. That was fixed. You can't kill anything in one hit from a horse, and mounted combat is so cumbersome and frustrating that needing multiple hits to kill things means you won't bother with mounted combat at all. If you're using a horse to travel, you are going to jump off before every fight.
          >guild sizes
          That's identical to whatever it was before. I don't know what your complaint is about it so I can't tell you what that's like, but one thing the devs are planning on introducing in a future patch is some way to party up with players from other guilds, so that you can tackle a world boss or dungeon together. Max Clan Size is also a sever setting. I forget what the max is on official servers, but if you have a target size in mind then just try to find a server that limits it to that size.

          >I forget what the max is on official servers
          That would be 10

  137. 6 months ago

    >wants to play and autistically grind shit with other people online
    >the PvE servers are RP homosexuals
    >the PvP servers are infested with hackers

  138. 6 months ago

    Anyone able to give the rundown on coomer mods?

    • 6 months ago

      All of them are half-finished and abandoned with varying degrees of compatability with eachother, find one you like the shape of the most and try to cope with what you get.

      • 6 months ago

        That's tragic. Thanks anon.

    • 6 months ago

      Devious desires is all we have for sex currently but like the mod it replaced they mainly focus on online erp so thrall support is iffy. There's also primal instincts which at least attempts to integrate sexual content into gameplay by allowing it to heal you and remove corruption, there's supposed to be buffs and stuff in the future but I doubt it'll be anything more than that.

      • 6 months ago

        Yea, devious desires are all on "ocdonutsteel" freakshow now

        • 6 months ago

          Damn, how many mods is this b***h on? What body is that anyway? The shape of the breasts doesn't look familiar though I'm sure that's due to sliders which I have yet to really mess with.

          • 6 months ago

            That's the 'show off' emote that pushes the chest out + Grimproduction's bra and wonderbody base. Looks bad because there isn't any sag and this person is obviously playing on a potato so it looks super jarring. It can be fun playing on fantasy servers to make semen demons but that fox thing isn't it.

            • 6 months ago

              Yo did you made that character creation?

    • 6 months ago

      All of them are half-finished and abandoned with varying degrees of compatability with eachother, find one you like the shape of the most and try to cope with what you get.

      That's tragic. Thanks anon.

      Devious desires is all we have for sex currently but like the mod it replaced they mainly focus on online erp so thrall support is iffy. There's also primal instincts which at least attempts to integrate sexual content into gameplay by allowing it to heal you and remove corruption, there's supposed to be buffs and stuff in the future but I doubt it'll be anything more than that.


  139. 6 months ago

    so we are getting a fourth chapter in every age.

  140. 6 months ago

    why did no one say anything about this


    Funcom posted about it, maybe they are officially going to add it

    • 6 months ago

      does it come with Vangelis sound track when you set sail?

    • 6 months ago

      about time. But there is no way this can be used on the exiled lands as it is.

  141. 6 months ago
    • 6 months ago


  142. 6 months ago

    >mummy wrap outfit
    what a let down, it shrinks the breasts, stupid fricking karen prudes

  143. 6 months ago

    Conan Exiles 2 Unreal Engine 5

  144. 6 months ago

    how can my favourite game have such a dead thread

    • 6 months ago

      not enough erpers

      • 6 months ago

        maybe its for the best

  145. 6 months ago

    I want them to add random npc warbands that roam the map

    • 6 months ago

      That was originally the idea behind purges and the main reason I bought the game but I doubt that will ever happen. They built the game from the ground up to run on a server so they have to develop the game around those limitations. I wish we could get a single player conan exiles with proper mechanics that wouldn't be held back by server hardware but there's just too much money in making a live service game where a majority of the content comes in the form of cosmetics.

  146. 6 months ago

    Apparently combat was stealthily changed in AoW chapter 3?? Just watched a video on it... also how is the cheaters problem going rn? was it alleviated or improved at least? if not completely solved?

    • 6 months ago

      don't get the complaint, changing direction by just looking seems very unrealistic and made the game feel cheap.
      Though the fact enemy npcs are hardly bothered by it possibly needs to be tweaked

    • 6 months ago

      Not stealthily. They added the ability to turn mid-swing to help accuracy, both player and NPC. This is a massive boost to NPCs, both thrall and enemy, because they use computer accuracy for where to target. If you watched wak's video, that's why enemies seem more precise. The other half, not being able to snap rotate subsequent attacks after the first to where the camera is facing, seems like an unintentional consequence of the smooth rotate change. It probably wasn't intentional due to specifying "Enemy NPCs," but despite that, the chance of it being changed just for the players is a toss up, leaning towards the low side.

  147. 6 months ago

    Well... can't say that this one was on my Release-Bugs bingo card... I was just expecting my bases to collapse again.

    • 6 months ago

      Even this ban message seems like a placeholder ban until support sorts it out.

    • 6 months ago

      Is this going to be an actual thing? Ban someone from even playing single player until they spend money in your store? How much gayer could things get?

    • 6 months ago

      It's practically surreal how absurd this is. On the official forums, there's already almost 1,000 posts about this in a single day.

      • 6 months ago

        they are gonna get sued. They need to return the crom coins and give a sorry gift.

    • 6 months ago

      at least they are honest

    • 6 months ago

      wonder how many people will actually pay the Crom tax

    • 6 months ago

      It's practically surreal how absurd this is. On the official forums, there's already almost 1,000 posts about this in a single day.

      >I consoomed it all, how could I be affected by this bug? I better sue...

      >want to log in just so I can start saving up dailies for the battlepass
      >don't want to risk getting banned for that
      It's over.

      • 6 months ago

        From what I can tell, any Crom Coin spent on Exiles has accidentally been 'refunded' (not in reality, this is just what the game thinks). The more you have spent, the bigger the debt the game thinks you owe.

        But, yeah. Still broken as of now.

        • 6 months ago

          Can't be just that, because people who (claimed to have) never bought CC at any point before ended up with a debt too.

      • 6 months ago

        From what I can tell, any Crom Coin spent on Exiles has accidentally been 'refunded' (not in reality, this is just what the game thinks). The more you have spent, the bigger the debt the game thinks you owe.

        But, yeah. Still broken as of now.

        Funcom claims a backend fix prevents new instances of the coin bug happening. However, I have no idea if it only happened upon your first login after the patch -- or if it happened automatically to all the funcom accounts already made, and only new ones are unaffected. Either way, waiting at this point shouldn't matter; it either happened to you already or won't happen to you.

        That said, I'm still not going to bother playing myself until tomorrow. Just in case.

      • 6 months ago

        Funcom claims a backend fix prevents new instances of the coin bug happening. However, I have no idea if it only happened upon your first login after the patch -- or if it happened automatically to all the funcom accounts already made, and only new ones are unaffected. Either way, waiting at this point shouldn't matter; it either happened to you already or won't happen to you.

        That said, I'm still not going to bother playing myself until tomorrow. Just in case.

        As i understand:
        1) It does not matter if you login or not.
        2) If you're banned you need to be manually unbanned via ticket, fix will not automatically unlock your account.

        • 6 months ago

          This won't be pleasant to log back into. They better give me my 1200 coins back.

  148. 6 months ago

    >new chapter is already out
    Time sure flies. Hell I can even still see my previous posts in this thread b***hing about bugs from the last patch months ago.

  149. 6 months ago

    >new battlepass
    ahhh it sucks. Oh well better luck next time in chapter 4

    • 6 months ago

      It's free. Which is how they get you. I wish the game was maybe 30gbs smaller.

      • 6 months ago

        This. I wish the game was smaller, i would've bought it by now... for now I just watch videos on it and gameplays... what's the download size btw?

        • 6 months ago

          104gbs space required.

          • 6 months ago

            104gbs of download? oof. I thought that was the maximum required size after installation

    • 6 months ago

      Looking at it from the perspective of wanting to build a tavern, it's decent. But there's little use outside that.
      >alternative tavern bar
      >ale casket with clan banner
      >vanir tavern sign
      >variety of mugs and food placeables
      >vanir fur rugs and fireplace
      >vanir hanging candelabra
      >benches to sit
      >tavern emotes (I hope they work on thralls)
      It's similar to how the last one or two were about treasure rooms. I really wish there was more general vanir stuff though, especially building pieces.

      • 6 months ago

        reminds me of what happens in similar games where the pass items all become interior decorating stuff because its popular with women

  150. 6 months ago

    >Crom i've never prayed to you before i have no tongue for it
    >give me money
    >Crom! is that you?
    >shut up and give me money
    >i have no money just unquenchable thirst for revenge
    >you are on your own kiddo
    >to hell with you

  151. 6 months ago

    is the deer ridable or is that just a pet

  152. 6 months ago

    Did they update their policy? I don't remember ever seeing this before

  153. 6 months ago

    >I consoomed it all, how could I be affected by this bug? I better sue...

  154. 6 months ago

    How the hell are you supposed to do the Castle solo. The enemies keep respawning.
    Lost my best thrall to this bs.
    Took down the first gate with a catapult but discovered you can climb over the gate.

  155. 6 months ago

    why do they even have a crom coin debt. It should be impossible to incur a debt.
    You either buy the coins or you dont or you refund them. Loans? lmao

    • 6 months ago

      It's a redundancy system for charge-backs.
      >Buy 1200 coins for $10
      >purchase build set for 1200cc
      >charge back credit card for $10
      If someone does this (which is incredible common in today's age), you'll get back your $10, but then this redundancy system kicks in, also reducing your CC by -1200, which if that puts you in debt you'll get this message saying you can no longer play the game until you buy the coins again. Normally you should never see the message unless you specifically did something to incur it. Normally.

  156. 6 months ago

    no camel mounts

    • 6 months ago

      >camels don't work
      >purge demolishers are broken, so you can't do purges to get the tavern lady (no taverns)
      >new siege fortress broke halfway through the beta, spawning non-stop npc's making it impossible (no siege)
      >this is assuming you didn't get hit with a permanent ban due to their own bug
      I slowly transitioned from bewildered to just enjoying the humor in all this. Every selling point of the patch is broken in some major way.

  157. 6 months ago

    Still banned. Attempts to contact Funcom through the link from the client and emails have, so far, not been replied to. What are we betting that I'll still be locked out when they all go on holiday?

    • 6 months ago

      Try right now. I was checking the forums and they just right now deployed an attempt at reversing it for every single account at once.

      • 6 months ago

        Yeah, I'm sorted now. I'll have a look at the game when I get home from work.

        Battlepass is... a little underwhelming, but the CE Pass is so easy to complete you might as well.

  158. 6 months ago

    they need to remove the spicy food bullshit and make clothes matter.
    If anything alcohol should help with the cold and ice drinks with heat.

    • 6 months ago

      >If anything alcohol should help with the cold and ice drinks with heat.
      They do.

      • 6 months ago

        yeah but i mean remove spicy food, make clothes the biggest buff and these logical drinks giving a small boost.

        • 6 months ago

          I dunno, eating spicy food in the hot desert making you overheat and die was pretty funny the first time. I don't hate it. Ditto for drinking firewater.

  159. 6 months ago

    I carry around the dragonhelm because that negates all temperatures

  160. 6 months ago

    new bug dropped. People are being given tens of thousands of crom coins.
    Don't spend them!

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