Coop is super unexplored in the genre outside of Bayo 2 and DMC3SSE

Coop is super unexplored in the genre outside of Bayo 2 and DMC3SSE

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  1. 8 months ago

    Capcom did everything they could to make sure this version didn’t sell

    • 8 months ago

      It still boggles my mind how DMC5 wasn't built from the ground up with coop in mind. No those shitty "kind off coop" missions don't fricking count. You have a fight or two at best.

      • 8 months ago

        It's Itsuno's autism of having pseudo coop experience instead of full coop, it carries over to dragon's dogma as well.

        • 8 months ago

          It's just a poorly implemented version of an idea he got from RE6. It's not his autism, it's him half assing.

          I've said this many times but the reason you see these posts is because before release everyone, and i mean, EVERYONE took Co-op Bloody Palace for granted. It was gonna happen, there was no reason for or way it was not happening.

          • 8 months ago

            >It's just a poorly implemented version of an idea he got from RE6.
            Your source on this?

            • 8 months ago

              >RE6 is the only other game with that mechanic.
              >It was made by Capcom
              >It was made before DMC5
              >Old RE and DMC devs have ties

              If you don't see it then you don't want to see it.

              • 8 months ago

                To my knowledge Itsuno never worked on anything RE though. The way I see it the cameo system is most likely derived from DmC (like so many other things) where you often had Vergil and Kat tagging along with Dante during his missions. It's just seems to be a feature that's there to reinforce the multiple character thing, not a serious attempt at co-op. A good amount of the missions are just areas of the same map played by the different characters.

              • 8 months ago

                Well the way you see it is bent to what you want to believe your seeing. It's a system and concept straight from RE6.

                >Multiple playable character plot line
                >Concurrent stories
                >Characters plots intercept with each other when they meet
                >If two players online match story progression and character at that specific moment they get matched together to each play their part

                Turning a blind eye to this literal 1:1 in favor of "oh in that game you some times had a npc walking around with you" is laughable.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm not turning a blind eye on it. I simply haven't played RE6 so I can only take your word for it. On the other hand I have played DMC5 and DmC extensively and I know for sure the latter game had a huge influence on the former and its director's, so I can only see it as an influence.

                I don't know why you're so heated about this issue in particular. If you want me to I can go look for the interview where Itsuno talks about how the cameo system isn't intended to mess with the games single player experience.

              • 8 months ago

                >You mad?

                Hey but at least you acknowledge you are in an argument with someone while having frick all first hand experience or knowledge of the subject. Not sure you did it on purpose.

                Well good news, now you know and don't ever have to make this mistake again.

              • 8 months ago

                What are you even talking about?

              • 8 months ago

                not that anon but it really is like RE6, maybe a bit more dynamic and less intrusive since there's no matchmaking initiated at the start of the co-op segments. it's a very cool idea then and it still is now but again as another post has pointed out, Itsuno seems to be allergic to a straight up proper co-op mode for whatever reason.

          • 8 months ago

            idk, two games in with "free" reign to do what he wants doesn't seem fit with half assing. he just really has a warped sense when it comes to coop experiences

            • 8 months ago

              >It's not that I don't want to play online multiplayer. It's just a pain in the ass.
              >It's a pain in the ass to have to play with other people. You can't do what you want to do.

              • 8 months ago

                >see I like the concept of playing with others, I just don't like actually playing with others

  2. 8 months ago

    There's a Co-op mod for DMC5. That's good enough, right?

    • 8 months ago

      There is?

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah. It looks fun.

      • 8 months ago

        IIRC the 2P can control the doppelganger in 3.

  3. 8 months ago

    Co-op is too much of a hassle for this kind of genre. You'd have to restrict what characters can do in order to level the playing field for the players and balance the game around having multiple players.

    • 8 months ago

      Why? Finding your way to infinite, stunlocking combos is a pillar of DMC. Suddenly you can do it with two players and its a problem?

      • 8 months ago

        >Finding your way to infinite, stunlocking combos is a pillar of DMC. Suddenly you can do it with two players and its a problem?
        Combo autism already takes a lot of timesink, requiring two players to execute any actual co-op combos isn't viable for 99.9999% of even good DMC players. You'd have to significantly rearrange how the game is played

      • 8 months ago

        Because you'd have to rebalance everything. Enemies would need to have things like stagger values changed to account for two players beating them up. Abilities like Buster or Real Impact, which is predicating on committing to a your attack, would have to be redesigned if you have another dude protecting your ass. An enemy like Bloodgoyle, which requires you to shoot them, wouldn't work when you can divide the work between multiple people and one dude can hit them while the other one shoots them; on the other hand if you did design the game around enemies that had to be fought by two or more people it would no longer be viable as a single player experience. You'd have to simplify and universalize what your characters can do a lot more as well.

        There's a billion things that are recontextualized if you're playing with more than one person. Look at how easy it is to frick with enemy AI while playing as V to have them aggro your demons, for example. Or just look at Souls co-op and how much it breaks the game for people. Getting carried in an action game or just fricking around teabagging with your friend is completely antithetical to what these games try to do.

        • 8 months ago

          Simply make co-op an unlockable bonus mode like Heaven or Hell

          • 8 months ago

            It's pure DMCuck cope.

        • 8 months ago

          Yet Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden both did it no problem. Ninja Gaiden twice.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, and the extra characters in those serieses are just simpler versions of Ryu or slightly altered versions of Bayonetta.

            I think it's antithetical to what souls games and some other action games try to do, but I also think it would be fun to workshop ridiculous combos with a friend and pass enemies back and forth with air juggles
            sue me

            I'm not denying that. It sure could be fun. But you would have to give up plenty of things to make it really work.

            • 8 months ago

              >give up plenty of things
              I think it would just be a different design philosophy. Maybe enemies break out of combos after a few hits so you are always bouncing them back and forth from teammates. Maybe there's a dedicated type of attack that acts as a "pass" basically.
              It definitely wouldn't be the same as existing character action stuff but I think it could work

            • 8 months ago

              Listen to them! Children of the Cope...What music they make!

              Why are you talking to me about games you never fricking played? Every Ninja Gaiden Character is unique and every one is on the same level as Ryu. Especially in online mode where Ryu can only bring one weapon. No, Ninja Gaiden does not have a turbo homosexual version of the guy from Chaos Legion but done horribly, they are good games.

              Why can't people like you just learn instead of doubling down on ignorance? Like who are you trying to impress? You're just a "random" number like everyone else.

              • 8 months ago

                >Every Ninja Gaiden Character is unique and every one is on the same level as Ryu.
                lol no. They all use the same mechanics. Wow Rachel has some extra grabs on her combos and she uses a gun instead of a bow and Momiji has a double jump.

                That's fricking nothing compared to the kind of mechanic differences there are between just Sin DT and the Devil Breakers. Characters like Nero and Dante are built with completely different complementary design philosophies in mind. Not that you'd know anything about that.

              • 8 months ago

                >Nope! I'll keep coping, thank you very much!

                Yep, DMC is a very unique game broham. "Special" even.

                Oh it literally has co-op in it but you don't understand, can't have a dedicated co-op mode. Just can't be done. Sorry. It's impossible. Can't make it. Special you see. Damn, it's a shame. Really unexplored mechanic in the DMC gen- i mean action genre. Damn, damn damn...

              • 8 months ago

                Doatroin always goes into these complete foaming at the mouth turbo schizo ramblings, gets banned, lays low shilling for Team Ninja (as low as a schizo can) for a week and then does it again. It's the most un-medicated mental disorder behavior i have witnessed online. he starts to get attention whoring withdrawal but being lunatic is the only interaction he can have with people. It would be sad if he had demonstrated any value whatsoever as a person, but when he's not raving he is shilling.

                I wonder if drugs are involved. I mean more drugs than the average monkey.

              • 8 months ago

                >DMC5 has co-op as a two time gimmick to reinforce having multiple characters through the campaign
                >"She" thinks this somehow means the game could just have co-op as is and be the same

                Debunk what you stupid homosexual? Do you think NG has real time weapon switching or something? Are you that fricking ignorant?

                >Even when "her" own favorite videogame is proof that you'd have to restrict characters for co-op
                >"She" somehow thinks this is an argument about one game have less or more mechanics than the other because tribalism is the only way "her" brain can conceptualize the world
                You can go shave your legs with the Razor's Edge now.

                Doatroin always goes into these complete foaming at the mouth turbo schizo ramblings, gets banned, lays low shilling for Team Ninja (as low as a schizo can) for a week and then does it again. It's the most un-medicated mental disorder behavior i have witnessed online. he starts to get attention whoring withdrawal but being lunatic is the only interaction he can have with people. It would be sad if he had demonstrated any value whatsoever as a person, but when he's not raving he is shilling.

                I wonder if drugs are involved. I mean more drugs than the average monkey.


              • 8 months ago

                >Every Ninja Gaiden Character is on the same level as Ryu.
                >In online mode Ryu can only bring one weapon.
                It's hilarious that you can't even go a single post without debunking yourself.

              • 8 months ago

                Debunk what you stupid homosexual? Do you think NG has real time weapon switching or something? Are you that fricking ignorant?

        • 8 months ago

          I think it's antithetical to what souls games and some other action games try to do, but I also think it would be fun to workshop ridiculous combos with a friend and pass enemies back and forth with air juggles
          sue me

        • 8 months ago

          Just take the normal values for that and double them for coop mode

        • 8 months ago

          I don't think this is necessarily true. DMC enemies in single player campaign might use a bit of rebalancing, but I'll leave that can of worms for another time.

          Considering the way the games work (specially everything that gets a special edition AKA vergil AKA 3,4,5 and hell even DmC) on a system of separated files for vergil, coop could be balanced just the same without having to mess up single player for its sake. "Vergil campaign" is already internally considered its own thing distinct from dante campaign, nero/dante campaign or nero/v/dante campaign, which allows the player to play the campaign with the characters the enemies were actually balanced for, or play with vergil, which is laughably unbalanced and trivializes every single enemy and boss.
          >inb4 dante is also broken and trivializes everything
          He has the potential to trivialize everything but he's still balanced and with limitations. He never gets as ridiculous as vergil does, in any iteration.

          So basically, let single player campaign be its own thing balanced as usual, then coop a completely separate game mode with its own balance (decreased stagger values or whatever). This also protects single player from being stuck with awful balance meant for coop decades down the line once coop infrastructure dies and the game is limited to offline single player forever.

        • 8 months ago

          I honestly think you're creating a problem that isn't there. While any enemy in these games besides the standard mob may be mechanically interesting, I think you need to concede design to some degree with two players as they are just as much there to spend time playing together in theory.

          If I want a mechanically engaging encounter I'm happy to go in myself and see what I can do. But the couple times I did get to play with actual players in DMC5 or even 3 we were more focused on the fun than the challenge.

          And this isn't to say a boss fight for example can't be exciting or perhaps even redefining to the experience with two players. Perhaps it would be better to focus on making the boss fights more interesting to make up for it since both players are now focused on this objective specifically.

          So for example the Marionettes don't do shit all he maybe having a few more per room. The more specific types might have it as easy just by dividing player time. But a boss like Berial may have new attacks and techniques for fighting two opponents where he is casting fireballs at one and running down the other?

          I honestly don't think the regular players would have much an issue with just that being presented to them honestly.

          • 8 months ago

            To follow this further. I think it keeps with the spirit of what DMC truly is. Every cutscene with two devil hunters shows the demons to be hilariously out matched, and one son of Sparda is usually in narrative enough to easily throw around greater threats like conventional bosses in these games so while they may need balancing just to keep the fight engaging with two players it won't even compare to the amount of retooling a character like Dante or Vergil would require fighting two players and still having to be a legitimate threat.

            They could just go buck wild for that instance and say "no this isn't wacky wahoo pizza time. Vergil is trying to kill you both." And you now have to deal with a faster, more aggressive Vergil teleporting between you two. It could get out of hand in a good and bad way.

          • 8 months ago

            >But the couple times I did get to play with actual players in DMC5 or even 3 we were more focused on the fun than the challenge.
            I mean from my own experience the times it did happen in DMC5 each player just did their own thing since that was more than enough; funnily enough it's also narratively consistent.

            It doesn't help that the game will automatically default to the lowest difficulty of either player so I'm killing things even faster since I always play on DMD. Which is another issue: Most people don't play past DH or maybe SoS, making a co-op difficulty even more of a novelty than it already is.

            It's not that I think it's impossible to implement, I'm just calling into question how worth it it would be to try doing it and on what level. It's not like these games have the biggest budgets and they're already all about packing as much as they can into what's already there.

            • 8 months ago

              It honestly seems perfectly warranted simply because they have implemented it twice already before.

  4. 8 months ago

    MK Shaolin Monks is better than any japslop you like

    • 8 months ago

      I've been wanting a good coop beat em up for fricking ever
      The Warriors is still fun

      This too

      And dmc5 has a decent coop mod

  5. 8 months ago

    I'm hoping for a FFXVI coop DLC.

    • 8 months ago



  6. 8 months ago

    It's pretty weird because they're so similar to the roaming beat-em-up genre which was predicated on co-op. Stranger of Paradise has it, right?

    • 8 months ago

      There's nothing weird. Action games have had couch co-op since at least Shaolin Monks and Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams. Action games have had dedicated online co-op since Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. Co-op is not some unexplored thing in the genre for people who play the genre instead of the Gankereddit games.

      >Shaolin Monks is a beat'em up! Then what about Fighting Force and...
      I feel like Shaolin Monks is technically a game where you beat things up but still in this genre, like God Hand

      >What about muh Doppelganger
      If you really want that hill you can have it.

    • 8 months ago

      Stranger of Paradise does have multiplayer yes, as do both Nioh games and Wo Long.

      Because you'd have to rebalance everything. Enemies would need to have things like stagger values changed to account for two players beating them up. Abilities like Buster or Real Impact, which is predicating on committing to a your attack, would have to be redesigned if you have another dude protecting your ass. An enemy like Bloodgoyle, which requires you to shoot them, wouldn't work when you can divide the work between multiple people and one dude can hit them while the other one shoots them; on the other hand if you did design the game around enemies that had to be fought by two or more people it would no longer be viable as a single player experience. You'd have to simplify and universalize what your characters can do a lot more as well.

      There's a billion things that are recontextualized if you're playing with more than one person. Look at how easy it is to frick with enemy AI while playing as V to have them aggro your demons, for example. Or just look at Souls co-op and how much it breaks the game for people. Getting carried in an action game or just fricking around teabagging with your friend is completely antithetical to what these games try to do.

      Or just, you know, add more enemies and hazards and make enemies more aggressive if need be. Your Bloodgoyle example doesn't even hold up considering they can only really be shot then smacked meaning someone would be waiting, but more than that it is an interesting idea that outright displays the benefits co-op could bring.

      • 8 months ago

        >Your Bloodgoyle example doesn't even hold up considering they can only really be shot then smacked
        Shooting them down doesn't take long. It's their mobility and how quickly they depetrify that makes them dangerous at all. If you have someone else shooting them for you that's completely gone.

        And that can be applied to tons of other things. DMC5 has a good few enemies that take their shields down while they're attacking at range or which have weak point on their backs, the challenge of which is completely removed with two people around. Even just having another guy can shoot in a game like this greatly affects what you can do since they'd be able to apply stagger to an enemy at long range irrespective of what you do, which some of the strongest abilities in the game are based around.

        • 8 months ago

          No, their numbers are what makes them dangerous. Their mobility means nothing when guns always hit their mark, and they do not depetrify quickly particularly if you're attacking them. It's the fact that when you're attacking one the others can divebomb you that gives them any threat, and if there are more of them out there that threat is maintained within the context of co-op. Literally the exact same way every other example you give is because you're only thinking of the "challenge" in a single dimension framed by solo. "dude it's so easy to do one thing if a guy covers me" means nothing as a detriment when 1. Someone has to actively be doing the covering as its own distinct strategy and 2. The enemies have people covering *them*. Obviously the game plays out differently, no that doesn't mean things need to be completely remade because the way having two active bodies changes things IS the point. And with more enemies that are if necessary more active then the threat is again maintained. Which is literally how the combat works to begin with, crowd control against packs of enemies, nevermind the fact Devil Trigger exists for enemies as well.

          • 8 months ago

            >Literally the exact same way every other example you give is because you're only thinking of the "challenge" in a single dimension framed by solo.
            Yes, genius, that's the entire point. Having co-op would add another dimension that's not accounted for.

            You're doing mental gymnastics around the fact that you would have to change the game in order to make it fitter for co-op, and your main solution is to put more enemies on screen which is the laziest solution for this.

            • 8 months ago

              >Having co-op would add another dimension that's not accounted for
              Literally the point of adding co-op is to have a different mode separate from singleplayer to allow whatever would transpire from that. All you're doing is proving how unimaginative and terrified you are at the thought of a separate mode.
              >put more enemies on screen which is the laziest solution for this
              Oh no whatever will Capcom do this random dumbass thinks something is LAZY, without sparing a single thought for how it actually turns out in gameplay. Because surprise surprise, perceived effort doesn't mean jack shit compared to the actual finished result. Nice of you to admit it would in fact be a solution though, and it is one fully in keeping with a method in which the game establishes challenge on a fundamental level, the stuff I said that you keep ignoring. PS, Legendary Dark Knight mode says hi.

              • 8 months ago

                >All you're doing is proving how unimaginative and terrified you are at the thought of a separate mode.
                Please, get your head out of your ass. We're talking entirely in hypotheticals here. Brainstorming isn't some proof of courage.

                >Because surprise surprise, perceived effort doesn't mean jack shit compared to the actual finished result.
                I don't know about you, but I don't want to spend time on a game that's padded in the easiest ways possible, just for the sake of it. Maybe I'm just too intelligent to see things the way you do.

                >Nice of you to admit it would in fact be a solution
                You're so funny.

              • 8 months ago

                Apparently it is when you're so desperate to prove it should never be a thing with such lackluster reasoning. So let me get this straight. You've spent this entire time arguing against why a separate co-op mode should not be implemented (using examples and rhetoric amounting to "you could do two things at once!") and taken direct offense at the idea of it being done in a low impact way as to leave the rest of the game fully intact. And now you want to say "actually I'd never even want to play the mode anyway", or you're still doubling down on ignoring how the actual game would function and already *does* function because you can still only think of it in the most restricted terms.

              • 8 months ago

                It shouldn't be a thing because Ninja Gaiden did it and everything Ninja Gaiden does is bad.

                That's my real reason.

  7. 8 months ago

    Maybe if you played two fricking video games in the genre it is.

    What a classic stereotype lol

  8. 8 months ago

    >lonely hispanic thread

  9. 8 months ago

    >translavoid thread

  10. 8 months ago

    Is astral chain not co-op?

  11. 8 months ago

    That's literally what Granblue Relink is gonna be:

  12. 8 months ago

    >VatBlack person is still not range banned after this complete schizo thread


    >he is at it again in less than an hour later

    Nice fricking clown show of a website you run here. What is even the fricking point of posting anything here anymore? A slav schizo with some VPNs owns it and you. No discussion is worth the time to type it, any post can be from the permanent online schizo.
    Never in my years did i think i would live to see this place become this much of a sad joke. Corporate interests, sure whatever, but personal interests of some deranged literal who lunatic? Clowns. Actual clowns.

    • 8 months ago

      >DoABlack person swings and misses again

      So this schizo not only memorized any personal details i talked about, but he started keeping files of my replies to him in his stolen computer and duplicates of any image i post. I would not surprise me if he had a literal shrine dedicated to me in his mud hovel. Some framed picture of Momiji with bottomed out cemetery candles to which he makes precious vatnik offerings each day; used up syringes, turpentine cans, dildos and stuff.

      I never owned an actual serf familiar before. I feel like fricking Shang Tsung

  13. 8 months ago

    Action game threads are so terrible nowadays

    • 8 months ago

      Doacuck have been shitting up action threads for god knows how many years.

    • 8 months ago

      Go complain to the mods. Oh wait, the mod actually enables the schizo apparently. Enjoy this new website that has the rights to the name Ganker.

      • 8 months ago

        >gets obsessed with literal who on anonymous image board
        >obsession lasts for years
        >obsession reaches the point he unironically starts cataloging his posts
        >obsession gets so deep he is now cataloging some other literal who on some other website with billions of users and cataloging his posts

      • 8 months ago

        >the mod actually enables the schizo
        What do you mean?

        • 8 months ago

          Anon look at this

          >VatBlack person is still not range banned after this complete schizo thread
          >he is at it again in less than an hour later

          Nice fricking clown show of a website you run here. What is even the fricking point of posting anything here anymore? A slav schizo with some VPNs owns it and you. No discussion is worth the time to type it, any post can be from the permanent online schizo.
          Never in my years did i think i would live to see this place become this much of a sad joke. Corporate interests, sure whatever, but personal interests of some deranged literal who lunatic? Clowns. Actual clowns.

          That's 10 and a half fricking hours of using this place as a personal Discord server. All reports from everyone were ignored. 0 posts deleted. Thread was not even pruned. Ignore even all the unbelievable schizo level of digging up some random from youtube into the mix and the usual mouth foam about any DOA image, ignore spamming threads with copy pasted posts and images pretending to be someone else (and making the threads about that an nothing else) ignore the actual thread he made and what it was about and how just that is grounds to have it instantly pruned. That's 10 and a half fricking hours of talking in monkey language. Make some fun vidya thread talking in DBZ Spanish meme speak and see how fast it gets instantly pruned. Can it even be denied at this point? Because it looks to me like all pretenses have been dropped. And even though this is by far the height of derangement i have witnessed from this subhuman, this is not even remotely close to the first time. He does this every fricking day, all over the board. He's been doing it for fricking years. The most blatant samegay in this website's history. And not the classic samegay, but spamming VPNs. And not harmless samegay but actually 100% disruptive and trolling samegayging.

          How can this possibly happen under anyone's nose? You spend one month here and you can spot it from a mile away. You spend one week in just action related threads and you can spot it from a mile away.

          At first i was just guessing not bothered to do anything about it but after the last few times he's gone on these completely deranged sprees and especially that last thread what the frick am i to think? 10 and a half fricking hours anon.

          • 8 months ago

            Have you tried to talk with the mods in the IRC channel? Maybe they could do something about it.

            • 8 months ago

              No and I'm not going to. This is not my responsibility and it's not my house he is shitting on. This is not about me even if i am the catalyst for the mong rage that makes him out himself instantly. Like i said, he does his work all over the board 24/7, since I've gotten so good at spotting him i just have to call his name and he is always there. I also have a strong suspicious that it includes paid Capcom shilling (from a shill discord server) as he is always same gayging currently marketable Capcom products, regardless of genre. I'm talking a hundred and up posts if the thread lives that long.

              I just don't understand how it's allowed to happen, everything being as it should be with no funny business involved. I don't know the tools available to the mods and i do wonder sometimes if they are simply powerless against VPNs. which would make the entire purpose and worth of this website null and void. To me it looks null and void now just by him being here like he owns the place.

            • 8 months ago

              Modsjannies huddle up in their little discord camp now. IRC has been for awhile.

  14. 8 months ago

    Why do people like games like this, they are so fricking boring, cutscenes are lame, the music is getting worse, as is the enemies
    >beating up on a training dummy over and over is fun!
    >sword canceling is skills!
    no, shits stupid. Makes killing braindead enemies even easier. Making a game like this coop would be even more mind numbing

    • 8 months ago

      ok soulsbab

      • 8 months ago

        >no actual argument
        >brings up a random as frick game
        but why tho

        • 8 months ago

          what do you suggest is better then

          • 8 months ago

            ninja gaiden is something that acomes close that shitty games like dmc or bayo should imitate

            • 8 months ago

              Ninja Gaiden literally only has one good game (the second one). The first one is at best DMC4 tier and the other two aren't even worth bringing up.

              • 8 months ago

                How does the action genre get any better than NGB? God you're dumb.

              • 8 months ago

                I don't know, but being able to execute basic maneuvers like Flying Swallow consistently would be a good place to start.

              • 8 months ago

                It's pretty easy to do flying swallow

              • 8 months ago

                Not for the game, it's not.

              • 8 months ago

                works for me

  15. 8 months ago

    is there a way to train against bosses in any of the dmcs
    I have no problem dealing with regular enemies now for the most part but just eat shit whenever I fight a boss

    • 8 months ago

      DMC5 lets you replay any BP floor in isolation, including boss ones.

      • 8 months ago

        well I guess I have to do BP now thanks

  16. 8 months ago

    Action games are single player genres, multiplayer is just a waste of development time.

    • 8 months ago

      Both Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta prove you wrong. It's some of the most fun you can have in those games and at least for NG i know for a fact it is also the most challenge, by far the most challenge.

      This is an old catch all fallacy. Some of the best multiplayer experiences in vidya have been extra modes for single player games.

      • 8 months ago

        >Both Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta prove you wrong.

        >games with multiple issues and garbage multiplayer prove me wrong
        No, that's not true.

        • 8 months ago

          Cope and Seethe, poser

  17. 8 months ago

    why is Ganker so fat when it comes to dmc
    >durr i only play dmc3 and dmc1 just like i only eat cake before during and after every meal of which I have several a day

    • 8 months ago

      Because only DMC1 and 3 are good.

      • 8 months ago

        dmc4 is the best one though.
        >inb4 muh campaign

        • 8 months ago

          >DRI 4 with a worthless cripple
          Nice joke.

  18. 8 months ago

    because all of these games have a control scheme based on how your character is facing relative to the camera which immediately turns into a clusterfrick when the camera has to account for two players meaning its either all static camera angles with all the jank involved despite the entire genre moving away from those or p1 controls the camera and p2 gets to eat shit which is really fricking disorenting as anyone who bothered to mess with doppleganger co-op can tell you
    there's a reason why dmc3 switch made this a feature only in bloody palace, which are big empty rooms where its the least likely to run into jank, and it still kind of feels horrible

    what we actually need is a game that builds on onimusha 4 and the tales games people actually liked where you have ai party members that you can swap to in real time in order to do sick juggles with yourself, or maybe a sword of etheria-like that isn't a clunky piece of shit

    • 8 months ago

      Jesus fricking Christ. Just open your mouth and say whatever the frick you think makes sense in your head huh? Frick it, see if it sticks, right? What an unbelievably ignorant post.

    • 8 months ago

      Camera orientation isn't an issue. You literally just have to have the camera focus only on the player it controls as it does now. It's not unlike dynasty warriors.

      • 8 months ago

        He unironically does not understand how online games works. He is still thinking about two people staring at one screen in one TV. Fricking hilarious.

    • 8 months ago

      What do you get out of pretending we're not in the year 2023 with a games industry that has fully embraced online play?

    • 8 months ago

      Based Anon making co-op Black folk assblasted simply by never even having played a single online game in his entire life.

      Never change, king.

  19. 8 months ago

    >Schizo STILL here

    and just like that the last two hours of the thread are now worthless.

    • 8 months ago

      How has he been so consistently assblasted for a whole day?

      • 8 months ago

        Day? Anon it's been so many years since he got permanent assblasted i honest to God do not remember. He went off the REEEEEEAL deep end when he got his name because the thing he was trying to do for years just naturally happened to him over night. That honestly broke him and i am not even making a buck joke here lol.

        As to why he is being so brazen about it today obviously it's because he figured he can get away with it. I mean self awareness wasn't the thing stopping him before.

  20. 8 months ago

    >Could have been having fun and making memes
    >Instead has to convince himself that "pfff would never work anyway and i never even wanted it!"

    • 8 months ago

      Hey, I've seen this webm before!

      Isn't that a coincidence?

      • 8 months ago

        What? Because I've posted it many times before? Why and what do you think i made the webm for moron? My private collection?

        The frick is this reply?

    • 8 months ago

      As much as I think the Tag mode becoming an actual tag mode is criminally underrated, it is a shame the MC never had actual online. To be honest what I'm really curious about is 3's PvP as that looks and sounds like it would have been insanity to experience.

      Co-op sounds like a nightmare
      >Partner keeps spamming high damage moves and tanking the style meter
      >Co-op partner Stingers the guy you're styling on away before you can finish your combo
      >Some gay on chat trying to order you around to set him up
      >Some gay getting mad because you can't perfectly frame read and react for the most optimal combo

      You forget that if someone does any of that you could toss hats on everything and start dancing. At which point the third player sees you and joins in.

      • 8 months ago

        >no online mode
        Yes, extremely disappointing especially since it fricking killed the old online too because now vast majority of zoomers get the PS4 version instead of the PS3 version. Servers are still up but randoms joining your game became very rare. Prior to the MC release you could actually find several new players in a day. What are you gonna do? It's the Collection / Reamaster specialty. Still not as criminal as ME3 multiplayer being thrown in the garbage, that was mountains of actual unique content.

        >To be honest what I'm really curious about is 3's PvP as that looks and sounds like it would have been insanity to experience
        Well i have some disappointing news. It was not good. It wasn't good for two reasons:

        1- Shitters are gonna Graveyard Spin spam their way through PVE, think how they feel about it in PVP
        2- The game had big host advantage issues. If the host was playing from the Congo or some shit or if he was a lag switching homosexual then he would be teleporting everywhere (actually teleporting with a smoke vanish effect, that was how the game handed lag visually, which is neat)

        360T spammers you could deal with. It ruined the fun but they could be dealt with. Host advantage was an issue.

        However if you had good lobby with good connection and human beings instead of homosexuals the game was fun and pretty crazy. All sorts of interesting mechanics like going invisible for a stealth kill, different skills to make different builds (unique ones like running faster or air SOBs) and of course the coolest one, doing a Harikiri on yourself to deny the enemy the kill after you lose a limb or going Snackbar on them and going to 72 Kunoichi virgin heaven (getting the kills instead). The last one was so satisfying to do. Really cool game mode with unfortunate netcode issues that could have been easily resolved in the connection.

        • 8 months ago

          resolved in the collection*

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah, I figured that that would be more or less the case, being an online mode from that era. Videos certainly show it more or less at the better end though which makes it look like it'd be a blast to at least mess around in a bit despite the issues that'd crop up (Wo Long invasions are similar in that sense though the NG3 looks more fun), and it'd be nice to see them go for another shot. Having an actual smoke effect for when someone gets teleported by lag is genuinely frickin genius though.

          • 8 months ago

            I forgot the game also had some interesting mechanic of challenges it gave you to complete during the match and some of them altered the match rules entirely mid way. For example Team Death Match might become a Free For All to see who is he ultimate ninja. One of your clan member might be singled out for assassination by the other team and vice versa and you have to protect them. The game might become a sudden death. The coolest one of all was when you were given the option to betray your clan by killing an assigned member and then that would let you join the other clan. You could turn whole games around like this, be on the losing team then betray them to get on the winning one, or being on the winning team then betray them to make the other team win. And it had to be an assassination kill, you had to sneak on them kill them. It created this atmosphere of unease because anyone could be a traitor at any time but you needed to support your clan to win the match. You would turn a corner and see some team mate guy just standing there looking at you seemingly waiting for you to pass by and you'd be like "wait a minute what's this guy up to...". You could also be given the contract at the start of the match and then wait the whole match to turn the tables on them because after you betray your clan they would be assigned to hunt you down specifically.

            Like i said, the mode had some amazingly creative ideas. it really was packed with soul for an extra mode.

            • 8 months ago

              Oh yeah the challenge system I did see and it looked like a good way to reward different approaches and even saw how it would turn
              TDM into a FFA (I thought it was the game's way of adjusting to leavers and unbalanced teams on the fly which is smart) but I never knew about the clan betrayal thing, that sounds like it'd be a lot of fun. Leave it to an extra mode to do some really distinct cool shit.

  21. 8 months ago

    Co-op sounds like a nightmare
    >Partner keeps spamming high damage moves and tanking the style meter
    >Co-op partner Stingers the guy you're styling on away before you can finish your combo
    >Some gay on chat trying to order you around to set him up
    >Some gay getting mad because you can't perfectly frame read and react for the most optimal combo

    • 8 months ago

      Everything is bad if you present the worst of anything. Conversely DMC5 gave such amazing spontaneous moments where a player sends an enemy across the map and into you where you catch it and it eats your combo too.

      • 8 months ago

        in my experience the co-op happened so rarely that whenever it did I just choked

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