>could have been the single greatest FPS ever made. >instead it's a cheater infested streamer game

>could have been the single greatest FPS ever made
>instead it's a cheater infested streamer game

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  1. 5 months ago

    Are you surprised, it's russian devs

    • 5 months ago
      L Lawliet

      cod devs literally make the same gave over and over again and people buy it, counter strike same game filled with gambling as well with shitty anti cheat code so they can make more profit, big corp devs are just scammers

    • 5 months ago

      The russian devs isnt the problem.
      Its majority of cheating russian userbase is the problem.

    • 5 months ago

      that explain everything. Ziggers have the reverse midas touch

      I'm sticking with STALKER

  2. 5 months ago

    but every FPS is cheater infested?

    • 5 months ago

      Cheating is nonexistent in Valorant because Riot aren't pussies like Valve and actually have the balls to use invasive anti-cheat software despite homosexuals whining about it

      • 5 months ago

        You clearly haven't played Valoshit. It's filled with cheaters despite their shitty anti-cheat. If they were so confident in it they would allow replays to be viewable but it's hidden as to not completely expose how inept their anti-cheat is.

        • 5 months ago

          valorant is not filled with cheaters just because some people are better than you does not mean they are cheating

  3. 5 months ago

    Is it just me or did cheating ramp up to the extreme 1-2 days ago? 50-100 K/D accounts running around killing you instantly, I guess the free cheating programs finally got updated

    • 5 months ago

      it ramped up like 1.5 years ago and hasnt stopped

  4. 5 months ago

    you can say this for most fps games released in the past 7 years

  5. 5 months ago

    >multiplayer game
    The only title it was competing for was greatest FOMO

  6. 5 months ago

    Literal scam game designed to milk cash out of chink and vatnik cheaters

  7. 5 months ago

    How's the singleplayer mod? Worth pirating the game for?

    • 5 months ago

      Might as well just play STALKER

      • 5 months ago

        nta but been playing stalker since a few months after SoC first came out, at this point i have all the maps and spawns memorized i no longer enjoy it outside of playing meme tier russian mods for shits and giggles

    • 5 months ago

      the tension created by having other players in a raid is pretty much the entire game. you strip that from it and you're playing a loot simulator with incredibly stupid bots that either aimbot your face from 150 meters away or think you're invisible when you're in a bush 5 feet from them. there's no middle ground

    • 5 months ago

      Raider AI as human AI is just as scary as a normal player, until you figure it out.
      But it beats waiting ages to load into a game you prepped for just to die either at spawn or running around 25 minutes to get sniped by a camper.

  8. 5 months ago

    I can't get into the game for a few specific reasons. The exits not being clearly marked, no map, and the ridiculous amount of bullet types/medical healing types/etc. The game just seems like it's trying to hard to get in your way of playing it. You know what I mean? For its players I guess they enjoy that you have to have all these different type interactions like bullets VS armor and needing different healing items to fully heal and all that shit, but to me, it's just boring.

    Oh I got shot and healed but it didn't heal my broken bone for some reason? Guess I'll die. I have healing but it doesn't stop bleeding? Ok. I have armor that stops 9 bullet types but not one specific type that will just rip it apart as if I wasn't wearing anything? Ok. I'm exaggerating a bit sure but I'm sure you know what I mean.

    • 5 months ago

      quite literally filtered

    • 5 months ago

      You're a 'normal' player which means you don't matter to the devs at all. Stop playing this piece of shit and do literally anything else with your time.

    • 5 months ago

      The new map they added quite literally has bus stops and map boards dotted around with "You are here" markers on them and various landmarks and extracts marked. They also have sign posts and arrows pointing you to extracts.
      It's limited to players under level 15, and intended as a bit of a tutorial zone with easier scavs and more basic loot.

      • 5 months ago

        Then you get to lvl 16, dropped into fricking Woods and don't even have a compass. Most new players would automatically uninstall kek.

    • 5 months ago

      Get into guns and the game will be much more natural. They are making an effort to simulate things well.

      • 5 months ago

        New players barely get a chance to use their guns since they will die shortly into a raid without firing a shot.
        Personally, I wish that higher tier and NATO guns were more rare, making the player having to rely on scavved weapons that are missing things like stocks and sights that you have to scrounge and fight to hold on to.

    • 5 months ago

      > The exits not being clearly marked, no map
      you can buy a map in the store and once you get a compass is quite easier to navigate the maps.

      • 5 months ago

        do you lose the map and the compass if you die?

        • 5 months ago

          Nah, you keep it inside your ass and nobody can reach in there.
          (There's a special slot in your inventory, like melee weapons.)

    • 5 months ago

      There are multiple resources that tell you map locations and bullet interactions, get a 2nd monitor poorgay

  9. 5 months ago

    Why do they refuse to do fricking anything about cheating?

    • 5 months ago

      Because its expensive as frick, and people still play even with rampant cheating. So why would they put in more money into something that will not attract them a bigger playerbase?

      • 5 months ago

        >see someone with a high KD ratio
        >ban them
        simple as

        • 5 months ago

          >now cheaters intentionally die just to lower KD

    • 5 months ago

      It's part of the game design

      Literal scam game designed to milk cash out of chink and vatnik cheaters

    • 5 months ago
      L Lawliet

      because even if they fix it, it wont make them more profit than is doing now, they are known to be very lazy and update games with like 30 same mags with just different colors and every few years add a map, to them is more important to pay streamers as thats making them way more money than actually adding anything to the game.

    • 5 months ago

      Same reason as to why all the games released these days are unoptimized and barely run on any machine despite looking like a mid 2010s game. Skill cost money, much easier to outsource to moronic pajeets.

      • 5 months ago
        L Lawliet

        hahah true this is going to be gta 6, cant wait again until cheaters ban whole server lol and rockstars just dosnt give a shit

    • 5 months ago

      Unironically, what the frick do you mean by this? I am actually baffled by people constantly saying this shit about the this game in particular. They are using the same industry standard anti-cheats that every FPS game uses. They have a ton of cheaters still, like just about every FPS. What exactly do you think they can do that they aren't doing? What do you think other devs are doing that they aren't?

      • 5 months ago

        >Unironically, what the frick do you
        this game has substantially more cheaters compared to other FPS games since there is an actual incentive to cheat (skip grinding for materials and wepons).

        • 5 months ago

          That's not true in the slightest, people cheat for the ego boost and to feel powerful. Where did you even get that idea that this game has more cheaters? You also still didn't answer my question: What do you think they could be doing that they currently are not doing? Every time someone goes they "They NEED to do something!" I ask "OK like what?" and people like you never have an answer. This is like the third time I've had this conversation with someone on this site where they insist there is something that BSG could be doing but they also can't explain what that something is at all.

          • 5 months ago
            L Lawliet

            1. Ban people or at least automatically flag their account if they are selling 50 ledx
            2. If containers are looted fast repeat the scenario above
            3. Add inspector mode after each match
            4. Remove the wall hack issue that is persistent from start that even a 12 year old can exploit and streamers like to promote

          • 5 months ago

            They can start by literally creating an excel file, making a couple formulas comparing KD, amount of kills, account lifetime and average time survived and banning accounts that make no fricking sense.

          • 5 months ago

            >Where did you even get that idea that this game has more cheaters?

            i know that compared to other games, people will cheat way fricking more in grinding/games with a heavy focus on gear/resources especially there's a significant time investment and gameplay reasons to do so.

            because i cheat myself in MMOs/grindan games since you circumvent most of the grind, and to the endgame faster (where the fun begins). i dont even explicitly cheat to kill players unless they have gear/are required for my sidequests. its easy to catch other people cheating when they lock onto me with the same wallhacks im employing, and i can tell you from experience you can expect a cheater in 1 to 5 games on US east on maps in general and if youre playing labs expect at least 1 cheater in the lobby.

            its either
            >find x or kill y for sidequests
            >game is extremely fricking punishing as is and some gear drops are basically 'just guess where it is based on RNG drop'
            or cheat to circumvent all this to get the good stuff and jump into the endgame's combat

            people will always cheat for the ego and to feel more powerful. but the game's so fricking steep with its learning curve and need to grind that you might as WELL fricking cheat to save time.

            • 5 months ago

              have a nice day

            • 5 months ago

              if you just want the endgame combat they released a gamemode called EFT Arena just go there and stop ruining the game for other people

              • 5 months ago

                Arena doesnt play anything like the base game. if they had brain matter they would reduce the base game's grind and steep curve which they exponentially increased since launch. with quests getting shittier and more obtuse with every patch. the ideal version of tarkov would have been something like .9 hunt showdown as opposed to what it is now.

            • 5 months ago

              >1 in 5 games there is a cheater
              No my friend, you are a cheater, 5 in 5 games, 100% cheater ratio, that's quite the good amount

          • 5 months ago

            Ban waves more often, every two weeks if not each week. Hackers will just buy new accounts (which brings them money) anyway since they spoof their hardware. Eventually some of them will cave in and give up when the money investment is too large to maintain. The ones making money out of cheating by RMA selling or making the cheats themselves are here to stay forever, and that's fine. We just want a dramatic reduction to the blatant ones.

          • 5 months ago

            i cheat in tarkov solely because its fun. still have my original account from 2018.

      • 5 months ago

        Region lock China, Russia and South America.
        Allow white people to play together and cheating drops by like 95%.

        • 5 months ago
          L Lawliet

          kek based, chinese and russian are insufferable and refuse to speak English and 50% cheat or rage

    • 5 months ago

      They do, its in their business model. They sell cheats, ban accounts, but let those banned players just buy new accounts.

    • 5 months ago

      How many additional people are going to play the game if they ban cheaters?

      On the flip side, how many people are going to stop playing the game if they ban cheaters?

  10. 5 months ago

    The funny thing is the main head of Tarkov actually still dreams for it to be some great single player game with a more interesting multiplayer segment that doesn't have wipes and shit but their current gameplay model is just too popular and makes them too much money. I wouldn't be surprised if he secretly resents it because it dominates the development of the game and he always has to consider what le streamers will think.

    • 5 months ago

      He makes more money than he could ever spend because of cheaters buying the game six times a year, I doubt he gives a frick.

      • 5 months ago

        If he didn't give a frick he probably wouldn't keep updating the game and wouldn't make promises for mechanics that would completely change how the game plays and at least on paper be completely moronic for the current state of the game.

        Like iirc he says he wants ALL vendors to be in the actual maps so you have to receive quests and buy all your shit in-game and walk back to your fricking base.

        • 5 months ago

          that sounds so fricking cool

          • 5 months ago
            L Lawliet

            dont fall like that brainlet to nikita lies, he promises a lot but delivers pretty much nothing, to him is important that streamers believe his lies so he gets new people to buy the game, that is all he cares about so he can brag on Instagram how rich he is, he dosnt even play his own game

          • 5 months ago

            It sounds cool. It wouldn't be in practice for so many reasons. They tried it with lightkeeper and have yet to solve the issue of people camping it. And that's just one way it isn't fun.

  11. 5 months ago

    the whole subgenre it popularized isn't even the vision of the dev. it's supposed to be like an open survival, persistent FPS where you have to travel around all the zones and back to your base, but ruski doesn't have the technology so he just made it like self-contained deathmatch maps for now.

    game fricking anyways

    • 5 months ago
      L Lawliet

      Russians are one of the best programmers if not the best, tell me one open fps open world game that isn't shit

      • 5 months ago

        >Russians are one of the best programmers if not the best,
        Eastern Europeans only produce clunky, buggy crap that is only salvaged by modders.
        It's like half a continent full of Bethesda devs.

        • 5 months ago

          whats a good western game that isnt only salvaged by modders homosexual?

  12. 5 months ago

    >multiplayer game focused entirely on endless farming
    >greatest FPS ever made
    Leave, zoomer.

  13. 5 months ago

    Why do so many people cheat on fps games anyway? I guess it makes sense if there's some ranked system so you would cheat your way to the top and sell your account, but what's the point of cheating on an extracting game like Tarkov?

    • 5 months ago

      There's a reason they're playing multiplayer games instead of singleplayer. If they cheat they win more consistently, and if they win (get kills and loot), it usually means that someone else is also losing.

    • 5 months ago

      Mental illness, the same reason people do mass murders. They have/had a shitty life that broke at some point and decided to get ahead by any means necessary. It's about superiority, unachieavable by normal means (skill, intelligence, social skills, empathy) so they have to cheat. It's the same mental state as people who torture animals.

    • 5 months ago

      >makes sense if there's a pointless number hidden from players that increases when you win
      >but not in Tarkov where you can sell your loot for real life money
      Literal brainrot from rank chasing

    • 5 months ago

      fps games are just the easiest to cheat in. you generally have extremely high DPS relative to HP pools that's gated by your ability to keep your aim on target which is hard to do by hand. primitive cheats make it trivial to do so thus leading to cheaters being able to instakill everything they have LoS on. that coupled with the importance of intel such as everyone's position being of utmost importance in most fps games (and that info is already on your computer, you just need to access it) leads to situations where having very simple to make cheats gives cheater an edge that's nearly insurmountable by legit players. other genres aren't nearly as easily breakable.

  14. 5 months ago

    Setup has to be the gayest task in the whole game.

  15. 5 months ago

    Have they implemented a proper Singleplayer/co-op mode yet? its litearlly free money and shot in the arm for the game yet last i heard the russian tard was reeing from the idea someone doesnt want to get head eyes from chang

    • 5 months ago

      Singleplayer Tarkov is just Stalker GAMMA

      • 5 months ago

        No it isn't. Tarkov has a lot of autistic detail that even the most autistic stalker mods lack

      • 5 months ago

        What is it with how reverse both communities behave?
        Tarkov modders want the game to be less of a pain in the ass, so they remove or reduce a bunch of the shit that is bad.
        STALKER modders just want all the bad shit Tarkov has without thinking for a second if its fun or not.
        Sure, I do like limb-based damage stuff. But it's not so fun when I get shot once by a bandit and now have to wait several hours just to be able to play the game 'normally' again.

        • 5 months ago

          >But it's not so fun when I get shot once by a bandit and now have to wait several hours just to be able to play the game 'normally' again.

          >Not paying a low low price of 1000 roubles at any faction healer to heal everything to full hp
          >Not having meds/not understanding the braindead easy med system

          GAMMA-esque modpacks have plenty of annoying shit (weapon/gear repairing, being progression locked by toolkits that have a 5% of spawning in very specific stashes, and making artifacts basically useless) but by b***hing about the limb/medical system you just outed yourself as a smooth-brained moron. Unless, again, you don't bring meds (at that point you're just a moron) or don't understand how the system works (Yellow heals temporary, White heals yellow permanently. That's it.) then limbs getting fricked only really affect you mid battle, which is kinda the point.

    • 5 months ago

      Singleplayer Tarkov also sucks
      Sure you remove the rampant cheating from other players, instead you opt for the cheating of the AI.
      Some cheeki fricker kept hitting potshots at me from 200 meters with his half-broken PPSH shotgun.
      Other times, the named bosses are just as bad. Rushala or whatever his name is, head-eyes'd me from like 100 meters with his shitty 9mm pistol.

      • 5 months ago

        >killed by Reshala
        Bro if THAT boss is giving you trouble then you might just suck ass. He is one of the easiest.

  16. 5 months ago

    9 years in beta and it still has massive problems. Pretty fricking embarrassing

  17. 5 months ago

    All unity games should die

  18. 5 months ago

    Just play Hunt, its cheaper, doesnt have the P2W nonsense, actually pioneered the genre and has the best audio of any FPS game.

    • 5 months ago

      >Doesn't have P2W nonsense

      • 5 months ago

        Nobody bothers to tag those DLC apparently, I'm pretty sure way more than 1 has a female skin

      • 5 months ago

        All that is literally cosmetics. Tarkov sells you just plain power and kickstart.

        • 5 months ago

          >Camo and weapons are cosmetic

          • 5 months ago

            Its still just skins for weapons you nignog

    • 5 months ago

      Hunt was an absolute blast to play and was the ONLY battle royal-esque game i enjoyed but the shitty anti-cheat false-positive'd my best friend and support told him to go frick himself so I'll never play it ever again.

      Thanks easy anti-cheat!

      • 5 months ago

        >still friends with a cheater

        • 5 months ago

          I've know him since elementary school. That dude wouldn't cheat even if he could get away with it scott free and his life depended on it.
          And even if he did, I wouldn't care because again, he's my best friend. At the most I'd be disappointed in him because he made it so we couldn't play a cool game together.

        • 5 months ago

          >He would delete a friend just to virtue signal against cheating in le serious gaming

  19. 5 months ago

    >Literally the best wipe in the entire existence of tarkov
    >Ganker is still complaining
    They've literally made the game extremely newbie friendly right now
    Cheaters haven't disappeared completely but things are WAY better now
    New stuff is fricking awesome
    New map and changes for the old ones are fantastic
    Atmosphere and environment storytelling on Ground Zero is just 10/10
    Also comparing tarkov to anything is just stupid
    Neither Hunt nor Starlker are in any way similar to tarkov

    • 5 months ago

      Any amount of cheating is unacceptable, tbh.

      • 5 months ago

        tbh yourself in the head homosexual

        • 5 months ago

          Cheating in a game like Tarkov is just so much worse than any other game.
          It's why they need to do so much more than they are with protection against it.

          • 5 months ago

            Obiously, I've never said that I disagree with that

      • 5 months ago

        Cheating in a game like Tarkov is just so much worse than any other game.
        It's why they need to do so much more than they are with protection against it.

        Modern players are such pussies
        Fricking call of duty didn't have anticheat until 2019 and nobody gave a frick

        • 5 months ago

          EFT its different. The cheaters sell the stuff they get from raids to RMT, making bank. When you die you also lose all the stuff you brought in, so every death pushes you backwards alot, especially since the loading times are fricking ridicilous - you can spend a good 10min to get into a game. Its frustrating.

          • 5 months ago

            >When you die you also lose all the stuff you brought in, so every death pushes you backwards alot
            You either haven't played enough or just a moron, no offence
            Fear over loot goes away pretty quickly because it's not that valuable
            Let's be honest, you're not running around with fricking thermal scopes
            Nobody needs your m16 or ak and even if it doesn't come back, you just buy a new one

            >Cheater in MW2
            >Leave server, lost maybe 4 minutes of a match

            >Cheater in EFT
            >Lose hundreds of thousands of rubles worth of gear
            >Hours of gameplay made moot
            >Quest progress lost and requires redoing
            >Have to regear and spend time getting into a new raid.

            Yeah, I wonder why one is more of a big deal.

            Gear just comes back from insurance when you're killed by a cheater most of the time
            For god sake, it sounds like you haven't even played the game but just heard something about it

            • 5 months ago

              talking about the death in general, not your or my experience, still, its not fun to lose a full kit to a BIBI49444_XX on the first second

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not denying this
                It's just something you have to accept just like random head eyes from bots

            • 5 months ago

              yeah bro getting killed by a cheater is not a a big deal just wait for 2 days to get your kit from insurance and loot is not valuable bro just find those rare quest items again

        • 5 months ago

          >Cheater in MW2
          >Leave server, lost maybe 4 minutes of a match

          >Cheater in EFT
          >Lose hundreds of thousands of rubles worth of gear
          >Hours of gameplay made moot
          >Quest progress lost and requires redoing
          >Have to regear and spend time getting into a new raid.

          Yeah, I wonder why one is more of a big deal.

        • 5 months ago

          are you victim blaming?

    • 5 months ago

      >Cheaters haven't disappeared completely but things are WAY better now
      No, no it is in fact not.

      • 5 months ago

        How would you know? I'm sure that youtuber that yelled about cheaters killed himself or something because everyone was reacting to his videos and making money off of it

  20. 5 months ago

    I got the impression they are playing to having some sort of single-player campaign on release, they are pretty secretive about it.

    • 5 months ago

      Yes and no. It's more of just an ending to the game. They have been doing more "singleplayer" lately though with the whole Lighthouse npc that you have to do some stuff to get to and is an actual NPC you talk to instead of just a menu like all the other traders. The last map, the terminal is supposed to be more singleplayer oriented according to Nikita so he is keeping information about it to a minimum.

  21. 5 months ago

    baiting this hard by being moronic i see

  22. 5 months ago

    >someone saw an arena shooter
    >thought there was too much gameplay so they invented battle royales where you have to scrounge for weapons, ammo, armor
    >someone still thought there was too much gameplay so they invented the extraction shooter
    >now ammo, weapons, armor are very rare spawns and you have to go around collecting 10 glue and 5 leather strips to craft armor so you can actually have fun on the NEXT run

    yeah no

    • 5 months ago

      >collecting shit, resource management, etc. isnt gameplay (cuze i said so)

      running around like an impulsive moron is that away homes ->>>>>

      • 5 months ago

        >away homes
        moron detected

  23. 5 months ago

    >could have been the single greatest FPS ever made
    How? There's nothing fun about its shitty loot extraction concept.

  24. 5 months ago

    >try to buy game
    >tarkov devs blocked every email provider except gmail
    >turns out this has been a thing for over 3 years
    >all because the tarkov devs are too stupid to not get their emails blocked by the most basic spam filters so instead of getting their email server sorted they just block those providers

    • 5 months ago

      devs blocked every email provider except gmail

  25. 5 months ago

    I watched some streams of this, but all I see is people shooting at scavs, never players.

    Like, whats even the ratio, 9 out of 10 encounters are bots ?
    The frick ?

    • 5 months ago

      here's some random fricker off youtube's stats
      28% players, 66% normal shitty scavs & 6% stronger scavs

      so about 3/4

  26. 5 months ago

    It's simple. Simplify ammo, theres no need to have fifty billion types, make it small caliber, large caliber and a mangum variant for both; Simplify healing shit, there's no need to have one billion first aid kits, put in a light and heavy kit and bandages for bleeding, and put anime girls in it.

    • 5 months ago

      Dogshit opinion. Except for the anime girls part.

      • 5 months ago

        theres no need to have ifak, afak, grizzly and surgical kits.
        There's also no need to have PP ammo but dont mix it up with the rifle PP ammo which is worse than M80 ammo but better than PBS ammo

  27. 5 months ago

    >0 gun accuracy
    >slow as shit
    >le realism
    >greatest FPS ever made
    It's like playing racing game without cars.

  28. 5 months ago

    The dev used to post on Unity forums cica 2010, he wanted to create the world's most realistic milsim and I would give him coding advice.

  29. 5 months ago

    Lets hope Road to Vostok does better.

  30. 5 months ago



  31. 5 months ago

    also it's interesting that BSG have found a way to game the twitch system with this drops meta, clearly works very well

  32. 5 months ago

    >PC game
    >shocked there are cheaters
    Literally 50% at a minimum and that's being charitable are cheaters on PC.

  33. 5 months ago

    it's both the single greatest FPS ever made and a cheater infested streamer game

    every popular multiplayer game has people cheating
    >b-but it should have been single player
    it would've been terrible then

  34. 5 months ago

    Russian devs make these stupid grindfest simulator games that everyone constantly complains about, claims to hate the balance, the jank, the bugs, the graphics, the sound, the matchmaking system but then you all end up playing them anyway because the alternative is a literal lootbox, ADHD adderall kid, SBMM and FOMO battle pass infested casino simulators like Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 2042. Or you could play asian gacha shit.

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