Could your party survive Friday the 13th?

It’s Friday the 13th and your party is at Camp Crystal Lake. Can they survive the night?
>Easy mode: Human Jason from Parts 2-4 and the Remake
>Hard mode: Revenant Jason from parts 6-9 and Freddy vs. Jason
>Harder mode: Uber Jason from Jason X
>Impossible mode: Savini Jason from the video game, who escaped hell and stole the Devil’s pitchfork from the demon’s hands in the process

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  1. 8 months ago

    Sure, they're all virgins.

  2. 8 months ago

    My party consists of a mad scientist who doesn’t understand sexo, a priest who understands sex and is Irish, a hexslinger who’s down an arm, and a New Yorker who’s personality traits are poverty and hating the Irish.

    This is Deadlands, and Jason is just another weirdo to hit with our Wild West magic.

  3. 8 months ago

    Rope Trick and wait it out until 14th

    • 8 months ago

      Rope Trick opens a pocket demiplane within the Ethereal, right?

  4. 8 months ago

    Ok I dunno much about him, only watched like the first two movies and the remake with one of the Supernatural brothers, going by that he probably would try to flee from us rather than us from him.
    But you tell me, our weakest link is me, the monk. I move faster than a speeding car (120kmph+), can jump 30 meters high and 120 meters long clean. I can carve my way into hard rock with my fists and collapse a cave over him. Can't be fatigued/exhausted. I solo'd a T-Rex. And also we escaped from a shoggoth and the sanity stuff was easy to pass by Will save. So how would I fare with those Jason that I don't know about? I honestly have no idea

    • 8 months ago

      You'd literally get bodied at the start of the movie.

    • 8 months ago

      You'd probably reck Parts 2-4 Jason
      Have almost no problem escaping till the next day Parts 6-9
      But Jason X and above is just self-masturbatory tier for the writers. I still think you'd be fast enough to nope Jason X but that depends on the setting, if you're enclosured in the space ship speed means nothing when he can open and close locks at will

      Sure, they're all virgins.

      Meaningless, later Jasons had no problem kiling virgins and even kissless virgins

      • 8 months ago

        I'm playing on easy mode.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm playing on easy mode.

        He doesn’t necessarily have the easiest time with Easy Mode. OP specified Easy is Parts 2-4 and Remake, and Remake Jason was big on setting up traps and shit. Guy could get bear trapped or land in a pitfall with spikes. He’s still probably fine, but it’s worth thinking about.

  5. 8 months ago

    Since OP is a homosexual and is too busy drinking semen to provide any details I asked a guy in our group who is into horror and apparently our level 5 8 people strong team would get bodied hard.
    Apparently at his best Jason can:
    >throw people through steel walls
    >kill multiple trained soldiers before they could react
    >regenerate like crazy
    >tank a fricking nuke
    >survived for 2 weeks on a planet with no atmosphere and with crazy temperature variation
    >can jump from body to body if need be
    >can resurrect himself
    >mastery with any weapon
    Whoever design this encounter did a shite job

    • 8 months ago

      And he still didn't get a girl and is a virgin, kek

      • 8 months ago

        sigma grind baby

    • 8 months ago

      Jason sounds less like an encounter and more like someone's character they took on one too many adventures.

      • 8 months ago

        >When the murderhobo PC actually makes it to max level.

      • 8 months ago

        My character started as a Jason rip-off and evolved from there, so... yeah.

      • 8 months ago

        I mean, that's essentially what happened. He started off as a fighter/rogue gestalt, and kept leveling up by killing. He got caught off guard and killed, after having already tanked several seemingly fatal attacks, but then was resurrected as a seemingly unkillable zombie, who can restore his body after it's destroyed with oddly specific conditions, because Jason Goes to Hell is a coke fueled fever dream. He's the closest thing to a fighter lich outside of Skeletor, who's really just a wizard who took a few fighter levels so he could wield the Power Sword and take some hits from He-Man.

        But to actually break down his power level...
        Parts 2-4: Human Fighter/Rogue Level 5
        Parts 6-9: Undead Fighter/Rogue 15
        Uber Jason: Cyborg Undead Fighter/Rogue mid 20s
        Avatar Comics Jason: Undead Fighter/Rogue high 20s, was capable of smacking a solider hard enough to shoot his head straight down through his body to erupt out of his pelvis, and throw a human head with enough force and accuracy to smash through a helicopter windshield and decapitate the pilot.
        Savini Jason: Demon Undead Fighter/Rogue ?? level, since there is really only a blurb in the game about him, and no actual actions for him. He's presumably stronger than other versions, though how much is unknown.

        • 8 months ago

          In 5e, would Gloomstalker Ranger do a decent job of handling a slasher villain?

  6. 8 months ago

    Yes because it's a game we're playing and my DM doesn't throw TPKs in willy nilly so at best it'd just be a hard fight.

  7. 8 months ago

    currently running a homebrew game where the pcs are
    >Girlboss working class turbovirgin butch lesbian
    >Drug addicted edgelord that fails every roll (also has had sex)
    it'd be pretty fitting, drug addict gets killed and the girl boss survives to the end but gets killed in the sequel or something

  8. 8 months ago

    They'd put up a good fight until they find out Jason has no issue using thrown and ranged weapons.

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